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Although the clinical effects of vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies can differ in

various organ systems, they are similar in their effects on the hematopoietic system.

Typically, macrocytic anemia develops slowly and can be identified by large, oval,

well-hemoglobinized RBCs; anisocytosis; and nuclear remnants. The reticulocyte

count is low and the bilirubin level is elevated. If biopsied, the bone marrow is

markedly hypercellular. Nuclear immaturity is present, but the megaloblasts have

normal maturation of the cytoplasm. Iron stores in the marrow are increased as a

result of the intramedullary hemolysis. Symptoms include fatigue; exaggeration of

preexisting cardiovascular or pulmonary problems; a sore, pale, smooth tongue;

diarrhea or constipation; and anorexia.


Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia


Deficiency and poor utilization of vitamin B12 are two mechanisms for the

development of megaloblastic anemia.

22 Vitamin B12

(cobalamin) is naturally

synthesized by microorganisms, but humans are incapable of doing so and must

obtain vitamin B12

in their diet. Animal protein and fortified foods provide the

majority of dietary vitamin B12


23 The typical Western diet contains 3.5 to 5 mcg/day

of vitamin B12

, an amount sufficient to replace the up to 1 mcg lost daily through

urine, sweat, and other body secretions.

In the stomach, vitamin B12

is released from protein complexes and bound to

intrinsic factor, which protects it from degradation by GI microorganisms. Intrinsic

factor is essential for the absorption of vitamin B12

. Specific mucosal receptors in the

distal small ileum allow for attachment of the intrinsic factor–vitamin B12 complex.

Vitamin B12

is then transferred to the ileal cell and finally to portal vein blood.

After vitamin B12

is absorbed, it is bound to specific β-globulin transport proteins,

transcobalamins I, II, and III. Transcobalamin II is responsible for transporting

absorbed vitamin B12

through cell membranes and delivering it to the liver and other

organs. In the liver, vitamin B12

is converted to coenzyme B12

, which is essential for

hematopoiesis, maintenance of myelin throughout the entire nervous system and

production of epithelial cells.

Total body stores of vitamin B12

range from 2,000 to 3,000 mcg, approximately

50% of which is stored in the liver. Because body stores are extensive, 5 to 10 years

are required before symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency develop.



Vitamin B12 deficiency can result from decreased supply (reduced intake, absorption,

transport, or utilization) or increased requirement (greater metabolic consumption,

destruction, and excretion). Other causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include

inadequate proteolytic degradation of vitamin B12

from protein, or congenital

intrinsic factor deficiency. In addition, the gastric mucosa may be unable to produce

intrinsic factor under conditions such as partial gastrectomy, autoimmune destruction

(e.g., Addisonian or juvenile pernicious anemia), or destruction of the gastric mucosa

from caustic agents.

Pernicious anemia can result in vitamin B12 deficiency.


It can be caused by

chronic atrophic gastritis accompanied by reduced intrinsic factor and hydrochloric

acid secretion or acquired as a result of gastrectomy, pancreatic disease, or

malnutrition. Pernicious anemia occurs commonly in patients with thyrotoxicosis,

autoimmune thyroiditis, vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, or gastric cancer. Intrinsic

factor and parietal cell autoantibodies may be observed in the serum of patients with

pernicious anemia.

The onset of the pernicious anemia is insidious. Patients generally do not feel well

for months and often complain of at least two of the following symptoms: weakness,

sore tongue, and symmetric numbness or tingling in the extremities. The neurologic

symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are associated with a defect in myelin synthesis

and often are described as peripheral neuropathy or nonspecific complaints (e.g.,

tinnitus, neuritis, vertigo, headaches).


In general, the serum vitamin B12

level reliably reflects vitamin B12

tissue stores.

Falsely low vitamin B12 concentrations may be observed in patients with folic acid

deficiency, transcobalamin I deficiency, multiple myeloma, or pregnancy.

21 Falsely

normal levels may be observed in patients with myeloproliferative, liver, or renal

disease. Measuring serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine levels may also

differentiate between folate and vitamin B12 deficiency. Once vitamin B12

therapy has

been instituted, serum levels of these chemicals decrease if true vitamin B12

deficiency is present.

The cause of vitamin B12 deficiency may be determined by the use of antibody

testing (antiparietal cells and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies).

25,26 Patients with

pernicious anemia are not able to absorb vitamin B12 because intrinsic factor is not

available for binding. Some patients produce intrinsic factor but are still unable to

absorb dietary vitamin B12

. Malabsorption, which occurs more commonly in the

elderly, can be caused by intestinal bacteria that usurp vitamin B12

, achlorhydria,

chronic acid suppression therapy, pancreatic insufficiency, alcohol abuse, inadequate

disassociation of vitamin B12

from proteins, or lack of intrinsic factor receptors

secondary to ileal loops, bypass, or surgical resection.



Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Findings

CASE 92-2

QUESTION 1: C.L. is a 63-year-old Scandinavian man that is seen by a private physician. C.L. has a 1-year

history of weakness and emotional instability. He also complains of a painful tongue, alternating constipation and

diarrhea, and a tingling sensation in both feet. Pertinent findings on physical examination include pallor, red

tongue, vibratory sensory loss in the lower extremities, disorientation, muscle weakness, and ataxia.

Significant laboratory findings include the following:

Hgb, 8.7 g/dL

Hct, 27%

MCV, 115 fL

MCH, 38 pg/cell

MCHC, 340 g/L

Reticulocytes, 0.4%

Poikilocytosis and anisocytosis on the blood smear

White blood cell (WBC) count, 4,000/μL

Platelets, 100,000/μL

Serum iron, 90 mcg/dL

TIBC, 350 g/dL

Ferritin, 140 ng/mL

RBC folate, 300 ng/mL

Serum vitamin B12

, 90 pg/mL

Intrinsic factor antibody positive

What signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings in C.L. are typical of pernicious anemia?

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C.L.’s signs and symptoms are classic for pernicious anemia. This disease occurs

equally in both sexes (primarily in individuals of northern European descent), with

an average onset of 60 years.

28 Pernicious anemia develops from a lack of gastric

intrinsic factor production which causes vitamin B12 malabsorption and, ultimately,

vitamin B12 deficiency. C.L.’s signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include

painful red tongue, loss of lower extremity vibratory sense, vertigo, and emotional

instability. The elevated MCV suggests megaloblastic anemia.

Folate and iron are two other factors that can affect the MCV and should be

evaluated during the workup of a patient for anemia. In this case, C.L.’s folate and

iron levels are normal, but his serum vitamin B12

level is low. The presence of

poikilocytosis and anisocytosis observed in the blood smear represents ineffective

erythropoiesis. Other cell lineages also may be affected in the bone marrow.

Erythroid hypercellularity, along with a decrease in the myeloid cells (leukocytes

and platelets), increases the erythroid to myeloid ratio in C.L. The patient’s low Hgb,

elevated MCV, low serum vitamin B12

levels, and presence of intrinsic factor

antibodies are compatible with the diagnosis of pernicious anemia, which is often

associated with atrophic body gastritis. The Schilling test, which confirms intestinal

malabsorption of vitamin B12

, is no longer available in the United States.



CASE 92-2, QUESTION 2: How should C.L.’s pernicious anemia be treated? How soon can a response be


C.L. should receive parenteral vitamin B12

in a dose sufficient to provide the daily

requirement of approximately 2 mcg and the amount needed to replenish tissue stores

(about 2,000–5,000 mcg; average, 4,000 mcg). To replete vitamin B12 stores,

cyanocobalamin can be given IM in accordance with various regimens as shown in

Table 92-9.


Intramuscular or deep subcutaneous administration provides SR of

vitamin B12 with better utilization compared with rapid IV infusion. An oral tablet or

intranasal cyanocobalamin solution is also available for maintenance therapy, after

the patient has normalized blood counts.

Treatment with vitamin B12 should completely reverse the hematologic

complications of pernicious anemia.

22,23 The reticulocyte count increases within the

first week of treatment and the megaloblastic anemia resolves within 6 to 8 weeks.

Neurologic symptoms may worsen at first and then resolve over weeks to months.

Some symptoms may never resolve completely. Because the rapid production of

RBCs can increase potassium demand, serum potassium should be monitored and

potassium supplementation provided as necessary. Peripheral blood counts should be

obtained every 3 to 6 months to evaluate the adequacy of therapy. If maintenance

therapy is discontinued, pernicious anemia will recur within years, making patient

adherence vital to long-term success.

Oral Vitamin B


CASE 92-2, QUESTION 3: What factors affect the oral absorption of vitamin B12

? When might oral vitamin


therapy an effective alternative to parenteral therapy for C.L.?

The amount of vitamin B12

that can be absorbed orally from a single dose or meal

ranges from 1 to 5 mcg; approximately 5 mcg of vitamin B12

is absorbed daily from

the average American diet.

23 The percentage of vitamin B12 absorbed decreases with

increasing doses: 50% of a 1 mcg dose and 5% of a 20 mcg dose. Overall, oral

vitamin B12

therapy is considered safe and effective,

30 although because of lack of

long-term efficacy data, oral supplementation is not routinely used in the acute

treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency.

27 Oral therapy for pernicious anemia using high

dosages of oral cyanocobalamin may be indicated in certain patients, especially

those who refuse or cannot receive parenteral therapy.


Issues of nonadherence or

lack of response with oral therapy places the patient at substantial risk for significant

neurologic damage. Patients receiving oral vitamin B12

therapy should be monitored

more frequently to ensure adherence to therapy.

Anemias After Gastrectomy

CASE 92-3

QUESTION 1: F.M. has just undergone a total gastrectomy for recurrent nonhealing ulcers. What form(s) of

anemia would be expected to develop in a patient after gastrectomy? Should F.M. receive prophylactic vitamin



Partial or total gastrectomy often results in anemia, particularly pernicious anemia,

because the loss of intrinsic factor impairs oral vitamin B12 absorption. The

hematologic and neurologic abnormalities associated with vitamin B12 deficiency do

not develop until existing vitamin B12 stores are depleted (about 2–3 years).

Nevertheless, prophylactic vitamin B12 should be administered in this patient after

total gastrectomy.

32 Because the vitamin B12 stores are not currently depleted,

maintenance therapy, as discussed in Case 92-2, Question 2, should be adequate for


Table 92-9

Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12

) Supplementation Regimens for Macrocytic





Initial Supplementation Chronic Supplementation (lifelong)

Dose Frequency Route Dose Frequency Route

Adults 100 mcg Daily for 7 days,

then on alternate

days for 14 days,

then q 3–4 days for

2–3 weeks

IM or


100–200 mcg Monthly IM or SQ



100–1,000 mcg Daily or every other

day for 1–2 weeks

IM or


100–1,000 mcg every 1–3


IM or SQ

500 mcg Weekly Intranasal



Daily for 1–2 weeks Oral 1,000 mcg

a Daily Oral


In patients with normal gastrointestinal absorption, doses of 1–25 mcg daily are considered sufficient as a dietary


IM, intramuscular; SC, subcutaneous.

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Anemias After Gastric Bypass

CASE 92-4

QUESTION 1: P.G. is a 48-year-old female scheduled to have laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

(RYGB) surgery for morbid obesity with a body mass index (BMI) >40.

What forms of anemia would be expected to develop in P.G.?

When a RYGB procedure is performed, the stomach is decreased in size, and the

small intestine is manipulated creating a gastrojejunostomy and jejunojejunostomy.


This results in bypassing the duodenum and proximal jejunum where iron is

absorbed, resulting in iron deficiency anemia. The gastric pouch is no longer an

acidic environment which impairs iron bioavailability and functioning of iron

transport mechanisms. Patients are also recommended to avoid red meat which is a

common dietary source of iron. An acidic environment is also needed for the

bioavailability of vitamin B12

leading to decreased absorption. The diagnosis of

vitamin B12 deficiency following bariatric surgery is rare due to the large amount

stored in the body. Folate deficiency may occur from reduced dietary folate intake.

The majority of folate is absorbed from the upper third of the small intestine, but may

occur at any location. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common cause for anemia in

bariatric surgery patients; however, other micronutrient deficiencies may also


CASE 92-4, QUESTION 2: What prophylactic strategies might P.G. employ to prevent anemia?

Following bariatric surgery, patients will need to take lifelong multivitamin and

micronutrient supplementation.

34 Patients should take a high potency multivitamin

with 100% of the recommended daily value for at least 75% of the nutrients. It should

have a minimum of 18 mg iron, 400 mcg folic acid, selenium, and zinc.

35 Patients

should be instructed to take an additional 1 to 2 tablets per day of an iron salt, ferrous

sulfate, or ferrous fumarate to prevent iron deficiency anemia. In addition to a high

potency multivitamin, patients should take 350 to 500 mcg/day of oral

cyanocobalamin or receive 1,000 mcg injections monthly.

Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia


Folate is abundant in virtually all food sources, especially fresh green vegetables,

fruits, yeast, and animal protein. As a result of food fortification, the average

American diet provides 50 to 2,000 mcg of folate per day; however, excessive or

prolonged cooking (>15 minutes) in large quantities of water may reduce the folate

contained in food.

36 Human requirements for folate vary with age and depend on the

rate of metabolism and cell turnover but are generally 3 mcg/kg/day.

36 The minimal

daily adult requirement of folate is 50 mcg but, because absorption from food is

incomplete, a daily intake of 200 mcg is recommended. Folate requirements are

increased in conditions in which the metabolic rate and rate of cellular division are

increased (e.g., pregnancy, infancy, infection, malignancies, hemolytic anemia). The

following are estimates of daily folate requirements based on age and growth

demands: children, 80 to 400 mcg; infants, 65 mcg; pregnant or lactating women, 600



Dietary folic acid is in the polyglutamate form and must be enzymatically

deconjugated in the GI tract to the monoglutamate form before it is absorbed. Once

absorbed, the inactive dihydrofolate must be converted to active tetrahydrofolate

(folinic acid) by dihydrofolate reductase.

In contrast to the large stores of vitamin B12

, the body’s folate stores are relatively

small (about 5–10 mg). Therefore, deficiency and subsequent megaloblastic anemia

can occur within 3 to 4 months of decreased folate intake.


Folate deficiency is most commonly associated with alcoholism, rapid cell turnover,

and dietary deficiency. In alcoholics, the daily intake of the folate contained in food

may be restricted or absent. In addition, enterohepatic recirculation of folate can

become impaired by the toxic effect of alcohol on hepatocytes. Folate deficiency may

also develop during the third trimester of pregnancy as a result of a marginal diet and

rapid fetal metabolism. Folate coenzymes are required for most metabolic pathways

(Fig. 92-2). Therefore, folate deficiency will develop in any condition of rapid

cellular turnover (e.g., hemolytic anemias, hemoglobinopathies, sideroblastic

anemia, leukemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma) or a diet lacking in folate (e.g.,

food faddism or a weight-loss diet). Folate deficiency also can occur with chronic

hemodialysis, diseases that impair absorption from the small intestine (e.g., sprue,

regional enteritis), extensive jejunal resections, and drugs that alter folate

metabolism (e.g., trimethoprim, pyrimethamine, methotrexate, sulfasalazine, oral

contraceptives, anticonvulsants).

38,39 Few patients have inborn errors of folate



The evaluation of megaloblastic anemia must be thorough because indiscriminate

use of nondirected therapy can be dangerous. Large doses of folate can partially

reverse hematologic abnormalities caused by vitamin B12 deficiency; however, folate

cannot correct neurologic damage caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore,

folate deficiency must be differentiated from vitamin B12 deficiency before folate

therapy is initiated. Otherwise, progression of the neurologic sequelae of vitamin B12

deficiency can occur.

CASE 92-5

QUESTION 1: D.H. is a malnourished-appearing woman in her second trimester of pregnancy who presents

to the local health clinic for her regular checkup. She is a multiparous, 26-year-old woman with a 7-year history

of excessive alcohol intake and has been using cocaine frequently for 3 years. She lives with her boyfriend and

her 19-month-old daughter. During both pregnancies, D.H. lost 8 to 10 pounds during the first trimester

secondary to nausea, vomiting, and anorexia. Her only complaints are dyspnea on exertion, palpitations, and


Pertinent laboratory values include the following:

Hct, 25.5%

MCV, 112 fL

MCH, 34 pg/cell

RBC, 1.1 × 10



Iron, 179 mcg/dL

Folate, 40 ng/mL

Serum vitamin B12

, 350 pg/mL (normal, 200–1,000)

Reticulocytes, 1%

Platelets, 70,000/μL

WBC count, 2,000/μL with hypersegmented polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN)

LDH, 425 units/L

Bilirubin, 1.2 mg/dL

D.H. is not taking any prescription medications. What factors make D.H. at risk for folate deficiency?

As with most patients who are folate deficient, D.H. has more than one risk factor.

Cocaine and alcohol, together with multiparity complicated by anorexia, nausea, and

vomiting, could lead to poor nutrition. Alcohol has toxic effects on the intestinal

mucosa and interferes with folate utilization by the bone marrow. D.H. should be

asked specifically about her dietary habits and recent weight history. She may have a

folate-poor diet for financial reasons or because she is overcooking her food.

Alternatively, cocaine may be causing anorexia. The nutritional intake of people who

abuse alcohol and drugs is often poor. The diagnosis of folate deficiency is

plausible, considering folate deficiency can develop in a matter of weeks to months.

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Figure 92-2 Intracellular metabolic pathways. Vitamin B12

and folic acid are both necessary for nucleic acid

precursors used for DNA synthesis. DHF, dihydrofolate; MP, monophosphate; TCII, transcobalamin II; THF,



CASE 92-5, QUESTION 2: Which laboratory values support the diagnosis of folate deficiency? How should

D.H. be treated and monitored?

D.H.’s laboratory values reflect macrocytic anemia (Hct, 25.5%; MCV, 112 fL)

with pancytopenia (reduced number of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets). Serum vitamin

B12 concentrations reflect normal vitamin B12 stores, but folate stores are inadequate

as exemplified by the low RBC folate concentration, pancytopenia, and macrocytic


Serum folate concentrations generally reflect folate balance during the past 3

weeks although one balanced meal can raise serum levels and falsely elevate body

stores. Tissue folate stores are more accurately reflected by the RBC polyglutamated

folate content, which is approximately 10 to 30 times the corresponding serum folate


41 Hemolysis or vitamin B12 deficiency causes leakage of

monoglutamated folates from cells, thereby falsely elevating serum folate levels.


D.H. should be counseled regarding her nutritional and social habits. Because the

estimated total body folate store is only about 5 to 10 mg, 1 mg of folic acid given

daily for 2 to 3 weeks should be more than adequate to replace her storage pool of

folate. Higher dosages (up to 5 mg) may be needed, however, if absorption is

compromised by alcohol or other factors.

38 Once stores are replenished, D.H. should

continue folate supplements throughout her pregnancy and lactation period. She

should be reassessed after the course of therapy to determine response to therapy and

whether the cause of the folate deficiency has been corrected. Supplementation with

folic acid 1 mg/day may be required as long as risk factors are present. D.H.’s fetus

is unlikely to develop folate deficiency because maternal folate is preferentially

delivered to the fetus; however, sustained folate deficiency during pregnancy can

cause birth defects in the newborns (see Chapter 49, Obstetric Drug Therapy).

D.H.’s response to therapy can be monitored by several different parameters.

Although bone marrow aspirates are not obtained routinely, the RBC morphology

should begin to revert back to normal within 24 to 48 hours after therapy is initiated,

and hypersegmented neutrophils should disappear in the periphery in about 1 week.

Serum chemistry and hemogram studies should begin to normalize within 10 days.

The reticulocyte count should increase by day 2 to 3 and peak by day 10. Bilirubin

and LDH values should normalize in 1 to 3 weeks. Finally, the anemia should be

corrected in 1 to 2 months. Once anemia is corrected, 100 mcg

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p. 1938

daily of folate as a nutritional supplement should be adequate for maintenance

treatment (independent of the patient’s pregnancy/lactation status).



Sickle cell anemia is an inherited, autosomal recessive Hgb disorder characterized

by a DNA substitution at the β-globin gene.

43 Hgb is a quaternary structure composed

of two α-globin chains and two β-globin chains (α2β2) in adults. During fetal

development, the γ-globin is the primary β-globin expressed, forming fetal Hgb (HbF

or α2γ2). Normally, the period from birth to approximately 3 to 6 months of age is

marked by the replacement of γ-globin with β-globin, giving rise to the adult form of

Hgb (HbA, α2β2).


Sickle cell anemia results from a DNA substitution of thymidine for adenine in the

glutamic acid codon, forming a B6 valine instead of glutamic acid.

45 βS represents

the inheritance of the sickle β-globin gene.

46 The Hgb produced from this substitution

has a more negative charge than normal HbA and in the deoxygenated state will

aggregate and polymerize, forming sickled RBCs.

44,45 Sickled RBCs are more rigid

and may become “lodged” when passing through the microvasculature, resulting in

vascular occlusions.

In addition, the sickled RBC surface contains rearranged aminophospholipids,

which augment the ability of the RBC to initiate coagulation, adhere to vascular

endothelium, and activate complement. Abnormal interactions with other cell types

cause hemolysis and vaso-occlusion, producing several complications such as

anemia, pain, increased infections, and multi-organ damage.

44 For these reasons,

much effort has been focused on neonatal diagnosis to reduce morbidity and mortality

in children younger than 3 years of age.


More than one inheritance pattern results in abnormal Hgb polymerization. Patients

with sickle cell anemia are homozygous, inheriting a sickle gene from each parent

(α2βS2), whereas patients with sickle cell trait are heterozygous and have inherited

the sickle cell gene from one parent and the HbA gene from the other parent

(α2βAβS). Other inheritance patterns include patients with a sickle cell gene and a

hemoglobin C (HbC) gene (in which glutamic acid is substituted for lysine B6

[α2βSβC]). Patients may also inherit the sickle cell gene and the β-thalassemic gene

(α2βSβSthal), in which case the clinical course is less severe than with patients

diagnosed with sickle cell anemia.

48 Hematologic abnormalities are more commonly

observed in patients with sickle cell anemia and less often in those with sickle cell

HbC disease or sickle cell β0



Laboratory Evaluation

In patients with sickle cell disease, the WBC and platelet counts often are elevated,

but the WBC differential is normal.

44 The reticulocyte count can range from 5% to

15%, and the MCV may be elevated. If MCV values are within the normal range, iron

deficiency or β0

-thalassemia must be considered. Sickled cells may be visually

observed in poorly oxygenated blood of a patient with sickle cell anemia. In contrast,

a patient with the sickle cell trait should have normal RBC morphology and WBC,

reticulocyte, and platelet counts. Sickled cells are rarely observed. In patients with

sickle cell β0

-thalassemia, hematologic abnormalities vary depending on the amount

of HbA present. This form may be difficult to distinguish from sickle cell anemia;

RBC microcytosis may be the only differentiating parameter.


Clinical Course and Management

Part of efforts to improve outcomes in this population include routine screening for

sickle cell anemia or sickle cell trait in newborns in the United States. Therefore,

most patients are diagnosed during their first year of life. Families carrying sickle

cell trait or disease are referred for genetic counseling. Patients with sickle cell

disease are referred to a hematologist and multidisciplinary team for medical


Patients carrying the sickle cell trait experience milder symptoms than those with

sickle cell anemia. The kidney is commonly affected by microinfarction, which

occurs in the renal medulla and impairs the kidney’s ability to concentrate urine.

During pregnancy, an increased frequency of urinary tract infections and hematuria is

seen. However, vaso-occlusive events are uncommon and are usually caused by

hypoxic conditions.

Treatment of sickle cell anemia is largely directed toward prophylaxis against

infections and supportive management of vaso-occlusive crises. The clinical course

among patients with sickle cell disease is variable and difficult to predict. Some

patients experience a multitude of health problems. Organs such as the kidneys,

retina, spleen, and bones are frequent sites of vaso-occlusive events because these

sites have a relatively low pH and oxygen tension. Cardiac, pulmonary, neurologic,

hepatobiliary, obstetric/gynecologic, ocular, dermatologic, or orthopedic

complications can also occur. The management of these complications is organ

specific and primarily aimed at supportive interventions.

Sickle cell HbC disease is usually associated with few clinical complications.

These patients may have normal physical examination findings with only

splenomegaly. Patients are at risk for bacterial infections and, because of elevated

Hgb levels, they may experience ocular, orthopedic, and pulmonary vaso-occlusive



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