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ASD is defined by the DSM-V as the presence of persistent impairment in

reciprocal social communication and social interaction, and restricted, repetitive

patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, present from early childhood, and

impairing everyday functioning (Table 88-1).

1 The diagnosis is made clinically,

though standardized behavioral diagnostic instruments, including caregiver

interviews, questionnaires, and clinician observation measures (e.g., Autism

Diagnostic Interview and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule), are available to

potentially assist in diagnosis.

Table 88-1

DSM-V Criteria for ASD1

Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested

by all of the following, currently or by history (examples below):

Deficits in social–emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormalsocial approach and failure

of normal back-and-forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to

initiate or respond to social interactions.

Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, ranging, for example, from

poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication; to abnormalities in eye contact and body

language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and

nonverbal communication.

Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties

adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making

friends; to absence of interest in peers.

Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, as manifested by at least two of the

following, currently or by history (examples below):

Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech (e.g., simple motor stereotypies,

lining up toys or flipping objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases).







Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns or verbal nonverbal

behavior (e.g., extreme distress at small changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid thinking patterns,

greeting rituals, need to take same route or eat food every day).

Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or

preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interest).

Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interests in sensory aspects of the environment (e.g.,

apparent indifference to pain/temperature, adverse response to specific sounds or textures, excessive

smelling or touching of objects, visual fascination with lights or movement).

Severity is based on social communication impairments and restricted, repetitive patterns of

behavior [Level 1 (requiring support), Level 2 (requiring substantialsupport), Level 3 (requiring very


Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period (but may not become fully manifest until

social demands exceed limited capacities, or may be masked by learned strategies in later life).

Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of

current functioning.

These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder)

or global developmental delay. Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occur;

to make comorbid diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, social communication

should be below that expected for general developmental level.

p. 1853

p. 1854

After a child is identified to have a developmental disorder, further diagnostic

workup is warranted to identify an etiologic cause, because some causes may be

treatable (e.g., metabolic disorder), some may inform of other potential comorbid

medical problems (e.g., cardiac conditions in Down syndrome and fragile X

syndrome), and some may help inform parents of risks for future children. This

further etiologic workup should include a thorough medical history (including

prenatal and birth history), a family history going back three or more generations, and

a physical and neurologic examination focused on findings consistent with

recognizable syndromes.


If children with ID or GDD still do not have a known etiologic cause after this

workup, they should be referred for chromosomal microarray and possibly screening

for inborn errors of metabolism given the treatable nature of some metabolic


4 The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics proposes that

in the event of a diagnosis of ASD without a known cause despite the above workup,

all children should undergo chromosomal microarray, those children with clinical

indicators should undergo metabolic or mitochondrial testing, fragile X testing should

be performed for all boys, MECP2 (Rett syndrome) testing should be performed in

all girls, PTEN testing in children with macrocephaly, and neuroimaging only if

specific clinical indicators (e.g., seizures, regression, history of stupor/coma,



CASE 88-1

QUESTION 1: L.B. is a 3-year-old boy who is brought to his pediatrician for a well-child visit. During the

behavioral health screening, his mother notes that L.B. speaks very few words, does not express many different

emotions on his face, does not seem to share enjoyment in activities, and remains fairly unmotivated to interact

with other children in daycare. He has more recently been making repetitive loud “woop”-ing sounds that are

nonprompted and occur multiple times per day. He also becomes quite aggressive during any transitions. During

the visit, the pediatrician completes the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS-2). The result is

a score of 32, suggesting a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The pediatrician refers L.B. and his

mother to a developmental pediatrician, who specializes in ASD, for further evaluation. After a thorough

evaluation, and review of the differential diagnosis, L.B. is given a diagnosis of ASD and is referred for applied

behavior analysis (ABA) services.

What signs and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder does L.B. demonstrate?

Based on the DSM-5 criteria for ASD, L.B. is showing persistent deficits in social

communication and social interaction in multiple settings, as demonstrated by his

deficits in nonverbal communication (poor facial expressions), lack of relationship

building with children, and poor social–emotional reciprocity (lack of shared

enjoyment). L.B. also demonstrates restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior with his

stereotyped “woop”-ing noises and his inflexible insistence on sameness, with

aggression associated with transitions.


Therapy and Psychosocial Interventions

Individuals with ID or ASD can benefit from many different services to help with

issues of communication, social skills, sensory integration, behavior modification,

gross and fine motor, executive functioning, and adaptive functioning. Most of these

services are provided to children through the public education system, at no cost to

the families, as ensured by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The IDEA provides all states with grants to provide early intervention services for

children with developmental delays under the age of 3. Services vary between states,

though each child and family are evaluated and given an Individualized Family

Service Plan (IFSP), which spells out the services to be provided, which may

include, but are not limited to, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and

language therapy, and behavioral therapy. For children reaching the age of 3 years,

and still eligible for specialized education, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is

drafted, which outlines the services to be provided in the school setting, starting in

preschool. IEP services could include all of the same types of services as above, as

well academic support, social skills groups, social pragmatics counseling,

vocational training, and emotional counseling. IEPs are required to be reevaluated

every 3 years, with updated testing and evaluation. Families must consent to both

IFSPs and IEPs, and if they disagree with the supports proposed, there is a process

by which they can appeal to have changes made.

Despite the services assured by the IDEA, children and families with

developmental disabilities also often receive psychosocial services in their

communities. In fact, in the 2011 Survey of Pathways to Diagnosis and Services,

almost two-thirds of children with ASD and/or ID were receiving a communitybased service.

28 The odds of using any school- or community-based service were

almost 8 times more likely for children with ASD, and over 9 times more likely for

children with ID, compared to children without those respective diagnoses.


To address the core symptoms of ASD, which include social communication

deficits and repetitive, restricted behaviors and interest, the most prevalent treatment

modality has been applied behavior analysis (ABA). ABA is a behavioral therapy

rooted in the concepts of operant conditioning, in which an antecedent leads to a

behavior, which results in a consequence. In ABA, preferred behavior, such as an

appropriate social response, is reinforced with an incentive. Classic ABA employs

the use of discrete trial training (DTT), in which specific skills are broken down into

discrete components and systematically taught in highly structured settings, often

using incentives like food and stickers. Critics of this form of ABA worry that

children with ASD are unlikely to apply the learned skills outside of the trial setting.

As a result, multiple different therapy approaches have been created, such as Pivotal

Response Therapy and the Early Start Denver Model, both derivations of ABA, and

the Developmental, Individual-differences, Relationship-based (DIR) Floortime

approach, which all operate in more naturalistic settings, focus more on building

child initiation and motivation, and employ natural incentives like positive affect and

affection. The research evidence to support such interventions for children and young

adults with ASD varies widely, as is explored in Wong et al.’s

29 comprehensive

recent review. Operant conditioning though, and the principles of manipulating

antecedents, behavior, and reinforcements, remains the mainstay for the treatment of

aggressive behaviors in individuals with developmental disabilities.


Individuals with ID often require the same types of interventions as individuals

with ASD, though perhaps with a stronger emphasis on adaptive functioning training,

and building skills of independent living. Likewise, for individuals with ID, the

evidence base for psychological interventions is varied. One recent review and

meta-analysis of psychological therapies for individuals with ID showed that in the

literature, individual therapy seems to be superior to group interventions, and

moderate to large effect

p. 1854

p. 1855

sizes exist for therapy for depression and anger, though there is no evidence that

therapy has an effect on interpersonal functioning.


Pharmacologic Interventions

The evidence supporting psychopharmacologic interventions in individuals with

ID/ASD is relatively limited. There are only a few large double-blind, randomized,

placebo-controlled trials (RCTs), many of which were funded by, or affiliated with,

the manufacturers of the particular study medications. Most of the existing RCTs are

for individuals with ASD and are of children and adolescents, likely, in part, because

of the complications involved in consenting adults with ID/ASD to participate in

research. Additionally, the targets for medication intervention with the strongest

research evidence are behaviors, which relay little about any possible underlying

emotional etiology for the individual.

Despite the limitations of the evidence, clinicians working with individuals with

ID/ASD know that medications can often serve a very important role as part of a

comprehensive treatment plan. Although much of the literature is of studies of

children with ASD, it should be noted that a large percentage of these studies

contained many individuals with comorbid ID (76%,

32 71%,

33 53%,

34 mean IQ,



). However, the literature confirms that individuals with ID/ASD are more

sensitive to adverse events from medications compared to their neurotypical peers,

and therefore, pharmacologic interventions should be performed with caution.

At the time of this writing, there are no medications approved by the U.S. Food

and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat any of the core diagnostic elements of

ID/ASD. The target symptom behaviors with the most research evidence include

hyperactivity, irritability, repetitive behaviors, and self-injurious behavior. As

anxiety disorders are the most common comorbid psychiatric conditions in

individuals with ID/ASD, anxiety/depression is another frequent target for

psychopharmacologic intervention, though with considerably less research support.

Sleep disturbances are also remarkably common in individuals with developmental

disabilities and often are a target for medication intervention.


Individuals with ID/ASD have high rates of comorbid ADHD, with literature in

children with ASD showing prevalence rates of about 30% for children derived from

community, nonclinical, populations (28%37 and 31%38

), and 41% to 78% for

children evaluated in the clinical setting.

39 The mainstay of treatment for symptoms of

ADHD in individuals with ID/ASD, like their neurotypical peers, includes

stimulants, α2 agonists, and atomoxetine.


Stimulants are a group of medications derived either from methylphenidate or

amphetamine that act by increasing the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the

neuronal synaptic cleft. This increase in dopamine and norepinephrine is the result of

blocking the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine (methylphenidate and

amphetamine) and increasing the release of dopamine and norepinephrine


Reichow et al.,


in their recent meta-analysis of pharmacologic treatments of

symptoms of ADHD in children with PDD, found four RCTs of stimulant

medications. All four RCTs studied methylphenidate and found it to be superior to

placebo for the treatment of global ADHD symptomatology and specifically

hyperactivity. In the largest of the four RCTs (n = 66),

41 effect sizes for hyperactivity

and impulsivity symptoms were greater than for inattention symptoms (0.77 vs. 0.60

for parent rating; 0.48 vs. 0.35 for teacher rating).


The effect size for the treatment of ADHD symptoms in children with PDD (0.67

for methylphenidate),

40 however, was lower than estimates in a meta-analysis of

stimulant treatment of typically developing children with ADHD (0.77 for

methylphenidate and 1.03 for amphetamine).


In the study conducted by the Research

Unit on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) group,

41 49% of children experienced

a therapeutic response, compared to 69% in the Multimodal Treatment Study of

Children with ADHD (MTA), which studied mostly neurotypical children (ID was an

exclusion criteria, and ASD was not mentioned as a comorbid diagnosis in any



Adverse events were more common in children with PDD treated with

methylphenidate versus placebo, with increased rates of decreased appetite,

insomnia, depressive symptoms, irritability, and social withdrawal.

40 Rates of

adverse events with methylphenidate were also larger in children with PDD

compared to typically developing children, as evidenced by 18% of RUPP study


41 discontinuing the medication due to adverse events (primarily

irritability), compared to 1.4% in the MTA study.


Mean dosage in the four RCTs ranged from 0.29 to 0.45 mg/kg/dose.

40 Secondary

analysis of the RUPP study data showed that methylphenidate doses of 0.25 and 0.5

mg/kg/dose were more consistently effective for treating ADHD symptoms than the

lower 0.125 mg/kg/dose.

35 The highest dose used in the RUPP study was 0.625

mg/kg/dose, compared to the MTA study, in which the highest dose used was 0.8



Daily methylphenidate doses may be titrated weekly, until an optimal dose is

obtained. Improvement in symptoms should be noted within the first week.


Overall, the research literature shows that methylphenidate can be used to improve

ADHD symptoms, especially hyperactivity, in children with PDD, though with lower

effect sizes, lower tolerated doses, and more risk of adverse effects than children

without developmental disabilities.

Although no RCTs have been conducted studying the effects of amphetaminederived stimulants for the treatment of ADHD in children with ASD, consensus

guidelines suggest that amphetamine salts can be an option for children demonstrating

insufficient benefit or dose-limiting adverse events from methylphenidate.


α2 Agonists

Although the exact mechanism in ADHD is unknown, α2 agonists are thought to work

by stimulating the α2 adrenoceptors on norepinephrine-containing neuron cell bodies

in the locus coeruleus which modulates the tonic and phasic firing to the prefrontal

cortex. This allows the person to have increased attention on the desired task.


α2 Agonists include clonidine, a nonselective α2 adrenergic receptor agonist, and

guanfacine, a selective α2A adrenergic receptor agonist. α2 Agonists were initially

marketed for the treatment of hypertension, though have been shown to also improve

symptoms of ADHD.

For clonidine, one small study (n = 8)

47 was identified by Reichow et al.



at clonidine versus placebo for the treatment of ADHD in children with PDD.

Although the original study found no statistically significant results, the effect size

calculated by Reichow et al.


for improvement in ADHD symptoms and irritability

was in the medium range (γ = 0.51 and 0.64, respectively) and smaller for

improvements in hyperactivity (γ = 0.30) and stereotypic behavior (0.24). The

authors of the original study


report increased rates of hypotension and drowsiness

in some children who took clonidine. Mean dosage ranged from 0.15 to 0.20 mg/day.

One small pilot RCT (n = 11) looking at guanfacine treatment in children with

developmental disabilities showed statistically

p. 1855

p. 1856

significant reductions in hyperactivity subscales and global rating of improvement,

with 5 of the 11 participants deemed to be responders.


In this study, adverse events

included drowsiness, irritability, and enuresis, as well as diarrhea, constipation, and

social withdrawal; additional adverse events from an open-label study of guanfacine

in children with PDD include sleep disturbance (insomnia or midsleep awakening).


Doses in both studies ranged from 1 to 3 mg/day.

Overall, a small collection of literature suggests that clonidine and guanfacine may

be beneficial for the treatment of ADHD symptoms in children with ASD/ID, with

similar adverse events as reported in neurotypical children, though more evidence is

needed to draw any more extensive conclusions about the use of these medications in

the ID/ASD population.


Atomoxetine is a medication for ADHD that acts by inhibiting the reuptake of

norepinephrine, therefore increasing the amount of norepinephrine in the synaptic

cleft. Dosing is generally once daily, with adjustments after a minimum of 3 days to a

target daily dose. Clinical benefit has been noted within the first 1 to 2 weeks.


Reichow et al.’s

40 meta-analysis found two RCTs comparing atomoxetine to

placebo in children with PDD, though only the larger of the two (n = 97)

51 showed

statistically significant benefits for the treatment of global ADHD symptoms and

hyperactivity (effect sizes calculated by Reichow et al.

40 of γ = 0.83 and γ 0.80,

respectively). In this study by Harfterkamp et al.,

51 changes in the subscales of

inattention and oppositional behavior did not reach statistical significance for

children on atomoxetine compared to placebo.

Children with PDD in the Harfterkamp et al.

51 study demonstrated increased rates

of nausea, decreased appetite, and early morning awakening compared to study

participants taking placebo. Mean dosage in the two studies was 1.2 mg/kg/day

51 and

44.2 mg/day.

52 This dosing is perhaps only slightly lower than other large studies of

atomoxetine in children with ADHD without developmental disorders (mean final

atomoxetine dose was 1.45 mg/kg/day, 53.0 mg/day


), though documentation from

the drug manufacturer’s studies, of presumably mostly neurotypical children with

ADHD, indicates no additional benefits for doses above 1.2 mg/kg/day.


Similar to the α2 agonists, it seems that atomoxetine shows benefits in the literature

for addressing ADHD symptoms in children with PDD, particularly for hyperactive

symptoms, with similar dosing and adverse events to children with ADHD without

developmental disorders.

Other Medications

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), which primarily act as serotonin–norepinephrine

reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), had been a part of older treatment algorithms for the

treatment of ADHD in typically developing children

54 and, as a result, have also been

studied in children with ASD. In Gordon et al.’s crossover RCT of clomipramine and

desipramine versus placebo


(5 weeks each intervention), both drugs were

significantly superior to placebo for reducing the hyperactivity domain of the

Children’s Psychiatric Rating Scale (CPRS) Autism Relevant Subscale, though no

different from each other. TCAs are known for adverse effects, primarily

antimuscarinic in nature, which includes dry mouth, blurred vision, decreased

gastrointestinal motility, and urinary retention. TCAs can also cause irregular heart

rhythms, tachycardia and hypotension, and should be used in caution in patients with

preexisting cardiac conditions and can be fatal with just small excesses in dose.

TCAs are also highly metabolized by the cytochrome P450 hepatic enzymes,

including 3A4 and 2D6. Therefore, inhibitors of these enzymes can lead to increased

concentrations and higher risk of side effects including cardiac abnormalities.

Although antipsychotic medications are not typically part of the treatment

algorithm for ADHD in children with typical development,

54,56 studies of risperidone

and aripiprazole for the treatment of children with ASD and irritability/aggression

symptoms did show statistically significant improvement in hyperactivity subscales



; Aripiprazole


). As a result, atypical antipsychotics are part of a

treatment algorithm developed by the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network

Psychopharmacology Committee Medication Choice Subcommittee for symptoms of

ADHD in individuals with ASD, if they have not shown adequate improvement from

stimulants, atomoxetine, and α2 agonists.


Other medications, which have not yet been included in standard practice, though

have shown some promising evidence for improvement in hyperactivity symptoms in

RCTs of children with ASD, include omega-3 fatty acids,



60 and

adjunctive pentoxifylline

61 and topiramate,

62 when each added to risperidone.

CASE 88-1, QUESTION 2: L.B., now 5 years of age, has been receiving ABA services for nearly 2 years

and has been progressing well. At home though, L.B. has become increasingly disobedient and hyperactive. In

school, his teachers note that he is inattentive, wandering around the classroom and staring out the windows. In

addition, during story time and craft time, he is disruptive and hyperactive, running around the room. In

response, L.B.’s pediatrician facilitates an increase in the number of hours of in-home ABA services, whose

providers also work with L.B.’s parents’ teaching behavioral management techniques. The pediatrician also

recommends certain classroom modifications to help with attention. This, however, does not reduce the

outbursts or inattentive and hyperactive behavior, both at home and school. The pediatrician believes that a trial

of pharmacotherapy may be helpful. The pediatrician consults you, the clinical pharmacist, to discuss an

appropriate treatment plan.

What pharmacotherapy and formulation would be most appropriate for L.B.’s target symptoms?

Clinical trials have shown that stimulants can be a very effective treatment option

for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The American

Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) and the American Academy

of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend the use of methylphenidate, over that of

amphetamines or nonstimulant medication, in preschool children where behavioral

modification therapy has not been adequate. The metabolism of methylphenidate in

preschool children is slower than that of older children, and therefore the starting

dose is lower, and the optimal dose is likely lower than in older children.

Based on this information, you recommend starting L.B. on methylphenidate IR

solution 1.25 mg twice daily, with an increase to 2.5 mg twice daily on day 3, with

subsequent dose increases every 3 days to reduce target symptoms, up to a maximum

of 7.5 mg 3 times daily. You recommend that the parents keep a journal of the

responses and possible experienced adverse effects during this period with a report

back to the pediatrician at the end of the week.


Irritability/aggression is the pharmacologic target behavior with the most robust RCT

evidence in children with ASD. Most of this evidence comes from four large RCTs

of either risperidone or aripiprazole.


In this context, risperidone and

aripiprazole are the only two medications with FDA approval for the

p. 1856

p. 1857

use in individuals with developmental disabilities. Specifically, each has an FDAapproved indication for the treatment of autistic disorder-associated irritability in

children and adolescents (risperidone—age 5–17 years; aripiprazole—age 6–17



Both McCracken et al.’s

32 and Shea et al.’s

33 studies of risperidone were 8 weeks in

duration, in a population of children and adolescents with either solely autistic


32 or mostly autistic disorder


(70% of study population had autistic

disorder; rest were diagnosed with either PDD NOS, Asperger disorder, or

childhood disintegrative disorder), and with mostly comorbid ID (64% of study



; 81% of study population


). Both showed risperidone to have

statistically significant improvements, compared to placebo, in the Irritability

subscale of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC-I) (ABC-I is a 15-item subscale

that includes items such as “injures self,” “physical violence to self,” “aggressive to

other children and adults,” “irritable,” “temper outbursts,” “depressed mood,”

“mood changes,” and “yells” or “screams” inappropriately; individual items are

rated on a scale ranging from 0—not at all a problem, to 3—severe),

58 as well as the

ABC subscales for hyperactivity and stereotypy. The subscales for social withdrawal

and inappropriate speech only showed statistically significant improvements for

risperidone compared to placebo in Shea et al.’s study.

33 The definition of

“response” was different in each study. In McCracken et al.,

32 positive response was

defined as at least a 25% decrease in the ABC-I score and a rating of much improved

or very much improved on the Clinical Global Impression rating scale (CGI),

improvement subscale (CGI-I). With this definition, 69% were responders in the

risperidone group and 12% in the placebo group. In Shea et al.,

33 a responder was

defined as having a 50% or greater decrease from baseline in at least two of the five

ABC subscales with none of the other subscales presenting a 10% or larger increase.

With this definition, 69% of subjects in the risperidone group were responders,

compared to 40% in the placebo group.

In McCracken et al.,

32 study participants in the risperidone group, compared to

placebo, experienced significantly higher rates of increased appetite, fatigue,

drowsiness, dizziness, and drooling, with trends of increased rates of tremor,

tachycardia, and constipation (P = 0.06). In a 16-week open-label extension of

McCracken et al.’s

32 study, the most common adverse events were excessive

appetite, enuresis, tired during day, dry mouth, excess saliva, rhinitis, coughing, and


63 Risperidone-treated participants in Shea et al.’s study

33 experienced

significantly greater increases in weight, pulse rate, and systolic blood pressure and

had a significantly higher rate of reported somnolence (73% risperidone vs. 8%

placebo). Extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) were endorsed by 28% of the

risperidone-treated participants in Shea et al.,

33 compared to 13% in the placebo

group. Mean weight gain in both 8-week studies for those taking risperidone was 2.7

kg. Mean final daily risperidone dose was 1.8

32 and 1.48 mg,

33 which is in contrast to

the mean final daily risperidone dose of 2.8 mg in a large RCT of the antipsychotic

treatment of early-onset schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder in children and

adolescents (ID was an exclusion criteria).


Although prolactin was not mentioned in either 8-week study of risperidone, a

long-term follow-up of the McCracken et al.

32 study confirmed that risperidone

treatment was associated with a 2- to 4-fold increase in serum prolactin levels.


McDougle et al.’s

66 study of risperidone in adults with ASD showed similarly

beneficial findings for the reduction in aggressive behavior, compared to placebo,

and common adverse events also included sedation and weight gain. The mean final

daily dose of risperidone was 2.9 mg, which is in contrast to the mean daily dose of

risperidone of 3.9 mg in a large RCT of adults with schizophrenia.


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