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The CLSI-recommended standardized broth dilution method for determining in

vitro antifungal susceptibilities for certain spore-producing molds, namely

Aspergillus species, Fusarium species, Rhizopus species, Pseudallescheria boydii,

and Sporothrix schenckii, is the M38-A2 method.

15 An E-Test to evaluate mold

susceptibilities is also commercially available (AB Biodisk) and correlates well

with the CLSI M38-A method for AmB and itraconzole.

22 Colorimetric

microdilution, flow cytometry, and agar-based testing methods are under

development. Despite these recent advances, the determination of in vitro

susceptibilities or resistance in clinical practice is of limited utility and not readily

available for yeasts or molds in most institutions.

Susceptibility testing for clinical isolates is not routinely recommended because

susceptibility is usually predictable. However, published data on the susceptibility of

the identified species of yeasts or molds should guide the clinician’s therapeutic

choice. Clinical isolates from patients failing high-dose therapy (i.e., refractory oral

pharyngeal candidiasis) or unusual pathogenic yeasts in patients with AIDS can be

sent for testing.

20 Testing should be performed in a laboratory where the staff is

trained in mycoses. Despite these limitations, certain patterns are common. First,

AmB has broad in vitro activity and clinical efficacy against the yeasts and

filamentous molds. The echinocandins have cidal activity in vitro versus Candida

species and static activity for Aspergillus species; they are not active in vitro against

Cryptococcus species and many endemic mycoses.

23 The azole antifungals are

generally reliable against the yeasts and most dimorphic fungi. Additionally,

itraconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole have excellent in vitro activity against

Aspergillus species, with associated clinical efficacy. Unlike other azoles,

posaconazole and isavuconazole have some activity in vitro and reported clinical

evidence of efficacy against zygomycetes, for which previously only AmB

formulations were therapeutic options.


Routine susceptibility testing of fluconazole, voriconazole, and an echinocandin

against C. glabrata is increasing recommended, especially for isolates from blood

normally sterile fluids, tissue, or abscess owing to recent reports of increasing

echinocandin and multidrug resistance.

26–28 Additionally, any patient with invasive

disease and clinical failure of initial therapy should be considered for susceptibility

following consultation with an experience microbiologist.

New Frontiers for Antifungal Therapy

Various investigative efforts have been directed toward enhancing efficacy, reducing

the toxicity, and improving the oral bioavailability of older antifungal drugs. Aerosol

delivery of AmB products, itraconazole, voriconazole, and caspofungin in

immunocompromised patients has been investigated for the prevention of invasive

pulmonary aspergillosis. Reduction in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis was

demonstrated in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of aerosolized liposomal


29 Additional well-designed clinical trials are still needed to establish the role

of aerosolized delivery of antifungal agents. Optimal antifungal dose and nebulized

system required for effective prophylaxis have yet to be established compared with

traditional GI regimens (Table 78-4).


p. 1625

p. 1626

Table 78-4

Antimycotic Prophylaxis Regimens and Approximate Costs

Agent Dose/Day Formulation


Regimen Cost ($)/day


Selective GI Decontamination

Amphotericin B 400 mg Oral


Swish and swallow



Nystatin 4–12 million units Oral


Swish and swallow




Clotrimazole 30–80 mg Troche TID–QID 125–450

Ketoconazole 200–400 mg Oral Daily 0.75–1.50

Itraconazole 200–400 mg Oral Daily 18–36.25

Fluconazole 50–400 mg Oral Daily 4.50–35.25

Posaconazole 600–800 mg suspension

300 mg daily tablet

300 mg IV

Oral Daily 175


aAverage wholesale price, on average.

GI, gastrointestinal; QID, four times daily; TID, three times daily.

Source: [No authors listed]. Red Book. Montvale, NJ: PDR Network, LLC; 2011.

Identification of new antifungal compounds has been challenging. One significant

barrier is that both mammalian cells and fungal cells are eukaryotes and share many

similar biochemical processes, unlike bacterial cells, which are prokaryotes.

Traditionally, the drug discovery process depended on the ability to detect

compounds (either natural products or synthetic compounds) that selectively inhibit

or destroy fungal cells. This process is accomplished by either or both of two

approaches: (a) the evaluation of existing compounds (natural or synthetic) for

potentially useful antifungal activity and (b) the design and synthesis of new

compounds that selectively block fungal targets. Recent advances in genomic

sequencing of C. albicans, C. glabrata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Rhizopus oryzae

(delmar), and C. neoformans have facilitated the search for new targets. Other less

conventional drug discovery approaches include targeting known traditional

virulence factors (e.g., adhesions and secreted enzymes). This approach is based on

the principle that killing of the microbe need not occur for an anti-infective agent to

be efficacious. Promising lead compounds include nikkomycins, sordarins, lytic

peptides, hydroxypyridones, and cathelicidins.



Tinea Pedis: Treatment

CASE 78-1

QUESTION 1: C.W., a 28-year-old male construction worker, is evaluated for a chronic case of “athlete’s

foot.” He wears boots all day at work and notes intense itching of both feet throughout the day. He has been

using tolnaftate powder for 1 week with no real therapeutic benefit. On examination, the web spaces between

all the toes are white, macerated, and cracked. A few vesicles are also present over the dorsum of the foot at

the base of the toes. Scrapings of the lesions examined as a potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation reveal

branching, filamentous hyphae compatible with a dermatophyte infection. The diagnosis of athlete’s foot is

made. What therapeutic options are available for C.W.?

Selection of antifungal therapy should be based on the extent and type of infection.

Superficial or cutaneous infections should initially be approached topically. Any

follicular, nail, or widespread (>20% of body surface area) infection should be

treated systemically under medical supervision owing to poor penetration of topical

applications. Topical antifungals have been reviewed as a class by the FDA advisory

review panel on over-the-counter (OTC) antimicrobial drug products and on an

individual basis as newer products have been released. To receive a class I

recommendation, each agent (or combination) must have been tested in well-designed

clinical trials that show that the drug is microbiologically and clinically effective

against dermatophytosis or candidiasis with insignificant toxicity (irritation). Class I

agents are listed in Table 78-3. Class II agents (camphor, candicidin, coal tar,

menthol, phenolates, resorcinol, tannic acid, thymol, and tolindate) are considered to

have higher risk–benefit ratios associated with their pharmacotherapy. Class III

agents (benzoic acid, borates, caprylic acid, oxyquinolines, iodines, propionic acid,

salicylates, triacetin, and gentian violet) lack adequate scientific data to determine

efficacy. Topical therapy with any class I agent applied twice daily to the affected

area for 2 to 6 weeks should be adequate. Therapy should be titrated to response.

C.W. could continue tolnaftate powder for 2 to 6 weeks or switch to an antifungal

cream or lotion (e.g., miconazole and terbinafine), and these products should be

applied to the web spaces between all the affected toes twice daily. C.W. should

also be careful to use nonocclusive footwear (e.g., cotton rather than synthetic fiber

socks and leather rather than vinyl boots). Application of an absorbent or antifungal

powder to his footwear would also be helpful (see Chapter 39, Dermatotherapy and

Drug-Induced Skin Disorders).

p. 1626

p. 1627

Tinea Unguium (Onychomycosis): Treatment

CASE 78-1, QUESTION 2: If C.W. also suffered from an infection of the toenail (onychomycosis), what

additional therapy could be offered to him?

Onychomycosis is typically caused by a dermatophyte, a hyphal fungi, or Candida.

Nail scrapings and culture should be performed to help plan initial therapy. Once

culture results are known, therapy can be initiated with either terbinafine 250 mg/day

or itraconazole 200 mg/day for 6 (fingernail) to 12 (toenail) weeks. In some cases,

however, successful therapy of tinea unguium can require 3 to 6 months for

fingernails and 6 to 12 months for toenails. Therapy should be considered successful

when several millimeters of healthy nail have emerged from the nailfold to the

margin of infected nail or when a 25% reduction in the size of the infected site has

been achieved.

For dermatophyte nail or paronychial infections, griseofulvin therapy could be

used if an azole or allylamine is contraindicated. Griseofulvin (microsized or

ultramicrosized) administered orally at 10 mg/kg/day and titrated to response should

be effective.

25 Owing to the large doses given for prolonged periods, C.W. should be

monitored closely at each prescription refill for signs and symptoms of adverse

reactions. The most common adverse events associated with terbinafine or

itraconazole are headache, rash, and GI distress. Griseofulvin is more toxic, often

causing hypersensitivity (urticaria, angioedema, and type II hypersensitivity

reactions), photosensitivity dermatitis, GI distress, and neurologic complications

(headache, paresthesias, and altered sensorium).


Antimycotic pulse therapy is a novel approach to the treatment of onychomycosis.

An FDA-approved alternative to daily therapy can now include a course of

itraconazole 200 mg twice daily for 1 week in two consecutive months for fingernail

infections. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trials revealed that this regimen was

associated with a 77% clinical response and 73% mycologic response.

36 Overall

responses and toxicity to therapy were more desirable with pulse regimens than with

traditional regimens. Comparative studies demonstrate promising results for

itraconazole pulse therapy for toenail infections

37 and fluconazole pulse therapy

administered as a 150- to 450-mg dose once weekly for up to 12 months for mild


38,39 Relapse rates after pulse (intermittent) terbinafine for 4 months have

been frequent, and longer courses of therapy are under study to enhance long-term


40 Longer courses of therapy are being evaluated.

Removal of the nail as the sole therapy is not recommended because of the high

relapse rate without concomitant systemic therapy. Likewise, IV antifungals are not


CASE 78-1, QUESTION 3: Describe the role of corticosteroids, antibacterials, or other additives to the

antimycotic regimen in C.W.

Many patients with superficial, cutaneous, or nail fungal infections will have local

inflammation and secondary bacterial infections. Inflammation is primarily a type IV

hypersensitivity reaction. Topical corticosteroids in conjunction with antifungals can

relieve itching and erythema secondary to inflammation. Bacterial (Proteus or

Pseudomonas species) superinfection can also occur in these inflamed or macerated

areas requiring concomitant topical antibacterial therapy. Pharmaceutical

manufacturers of OTC preparations often combine a drying agent or astringent (e.g.,

alcohol, starch, talc, and camphor) to their preparations to increase desquamation of

the stratum corneum. Hyperhidrosis also can be relieved by these pharmaceutical

additions. Such combination treatments should not be used routinely, however,

because they increase the risk of toxicity and do not increase efficacy. If required for

symptomatic relief, they should be used only for the initial days of treatment.

The affected web spaces between C.W.’s toes are macerated and cracked, and

vesicles are present at the base of his toes. A topical corticosteroid cream will

probably facilitate the healing process and make him more comfortable during the

first few days of antifungal therapy. The selection of topical corticosteroid

formulations is presented in Chapter 39, Dermatotherapy and Drug-Induced Skin





CASE 78-2

QUESTION 1: O.M., a 62-year-old man, has had a painless, slowly enlarging ulcer on his left hand for the

past 4 months. He is an avid gardener but can identify no antecedent local trauma. The primary lesion began as

a red papule that slowly enlarged and then ulcerated. At the same time that the ulcer developed, O.M. also

noted painless, red nodules that spread proximally up his arm. He denies any chills, fever, weight loss, or cough.

The ulcer has slowly enlarged despite the daily application of a povidone iodine ointment and 2 weeks of

cephalexin treatment. On physical examination, O.M. is afebrile. A 1.5 cm

2 ulcer is present on the dorsum of

the left hand. Extending proximally from the ulcer are a palpable cord and multiple nontender, erythematous

nodules distributed linearly up the forearm, elbow, arm, and axilla. A culture of this ulcer obtained 4 weeks ago

is now growing S. schenckii. What is the recommended therapy for O.M.?

S. schenckii is the dimorphic fungi found in the soil and on many plants. Infection

is usually secondary to inoculation into the skin from a thorn or sharp plant matter. S.

schenckii infection most commonly causes lymphocutaneous disease (Fig. 78-1) as

illustrated by this case. Rarely, extracutaneous disease may occur and usually

involves the lungs, bones, or joints.


In the 1930s and 1940s, local heat was applied to very mild plaque or

lymphocutaneous disease. Germination rates of this dimorphic fungus can actually be

decreased by increased temperature, and heat therapy 1 hour/day for 3 months is

effective in 90% of patients with plaques (very mild disease).

41 Heat treatment could

be particularly useful in pregnant patients when pharmacotherapy may be



Itraconazole is more active in vitro against S. schenckii than other imidazoles or

saturated solution of potassium iodide. Saturated solution of potassium iodide is

seldom used for therapy secondary to treatment-limiting toxicity. Cure rates for

sporotrichosis cutaneous and lymphocutaneous disease are greater than 90% with

itraconazole 100 to 200 mg/day for 3 to 6 months. For extracutaneous disease, higher

dosages of itraconazole (200 mg twice a day [BID]) for 1 to 2 years achieve

response rates of 81%, but relapse frequently occurs (27%) after therapy is



Itraconazole is well tolerated in these patients. Patients with

extracutaneous disease who are unable to tolerate the higher itraconazole dosages or

whose disease continues to progress should be treated with AmB or a lipid-based

amphotericin product. A total dose of 2.0 to 2.5 g is most often recommended if

conventional AmB is used. Although voriconazole, posaconazole, and ravuconazole

demonstrate in vitro activity against S. schenckii (albeit less than itraconazole), their

role in the treatment of sporotrichosis has not been defined.

43 Neither ketoconazole

nor fluconazole is effective in the treatment of sporotrichosis.

p. 1627

p. 1628

Figure 78-1 Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis.


Terbinafine has a good in vitro activity against S. schenckii and has been used

clinically with some success.

44 An unpublished clinical trial comparing 250 or 500

mg BID for 3 months for lymphocutaneous disease appeared clinically equivalent to

itraconazole. Adverse reactions include GI distress (dysgeusia, dyspepsia, and

diarrhea), skin rash, and weight gain.

Therefore, in the case of lymphocutaneous disease, itraconazole 100 mg/day for a

minimum of 3 months is the treatment of choice. If significant improvement is not

observed in the first 6 weeks, the itraconazole dosage should be increased to 200

mg/day and continued for 6 months or until both the ulcer and lymphangitis have

resolved. Most patients will respond to this dosage, but an occasional patient may

require dosages of 300 or 400 mg/day.

Itraconazole Dosing

CASE 78-2, QUESTION 2: What instructions should O.M. receive for taking his antifungal agent?

The peak serum concentrations of itraconazole capsules are ninefold higher when

the drug is taken with food (0.18 mcg/mL with food vs. 0.02 mcg/mL in fasting


45 The influence of food on absorption appears to be dependent on food

type. High-carbohydrate meals decrease the absorption of itraconazole, and highlipid-content meals increase itraconazole absorption.

46 Patients who have difficulty

eating (e.g., patients with AIDS and those with cancer receiving antineoplastic

therapy) or with hypochlorhydria may not absorb a sufficient amount from the capsule

to achieve therapeutic plasma concentrations after a typical oral dose.

47 Although

itraconazole manifests nonlinear serum pharmacokinetics (i.e., administering the total

dose in two divided doses is associated with higher peak serum concentrations than a

single larger dose), there is no clinical benefit in splitting the dose. Therefore, O.M.

could be instructed to take his itraconazole capsule with his highest-fat-content meal

of the day or itraconazole solution could be substituted to improve absorption.

Itraconazole oral solution is a cyclodextrin formulation that has 55%

bioavailability in a fed patient; this increases in a fasting patient (Table 78-5).

Furthermore, bioavailability of this formulation is not affected by level of gastric

acidity. Average serum concentration in a cohort of patients with advanced HIV

infection was 2.7 mcg/mL after a 28-day twice-daily dosing regimen.

48 O.M. should

take his itraconazole solution on an empty stomach BID if this formulation is


CASE 78-2, QUESTION 3: How would instructions for taking itraconazole capsules be modified if O.M.

were achlorhydric as a result of medications or AIDS gastropathy? Should azole serum concentrations be

monitored for an assessment of efficacy?

Itraconazole capsules, as with ketoconazole, require an acidic environment for

dissolution and absorption. Thus, patients who are achlorhydric, as a result of

medications, surgery, or underlying disease (e.g., AIDS gastropathy), may not absorb

itraconazole capsules adequately.

47,49 The use of ketoconazole in achlorhydric

patients has historically required concomitant administration of 4 mL, 0.2 N

hydrochloric acid aqueous solution. Etching of tooth enamel by the acid can occur;

thus, other alternatives have been explored. The administration of ketoconazole and

itraconazole with a low pH liquid (e.g., 8–16 fluid ounces of a carbonated cola

beverage or orange juice) improves absorption in 65.2% of healthy patients who are

achlorhydric or taking H2


49 Refer to Azole–Drug Interactions section for

more detailed information on problematic therapeutic combinations.

Voriconazole does not require an acidic environment for adequate oral absorption,

but voriconazole should be administered 1 hour before or after meals because highfat meals may reduce voriconazole serum concentrations.


In contrast, posaconazole

plasma concentrations are fourfold higher after administration with food or a high-fat

nutritional supplement. A newer formulation of posaconazole, which releases the

drug in the pH-dependent manner in the duodenum, is not dependent on low gastric

pH for dissolution and does not require administration with food to achieve

therapeutic levels.


Isavuconazole is unique among triazole antifungals because it

is administered IV or orally as a prodrug (isavuconazonium sulfate), which is rapidly

cleaved by plasma esterases to the active antifungal, isavuconazole. Absorption of

the prodrug is relatively complete (>90% bioavailability) and does not require low

gastric pH or coadministration with food. IV isavuconazonium is water-soluble and,

unlike voriconazole or posaconazole parenteral formulations, is not solubilized in


Because serum ketoconazole, itraconazole, and voriconazole concentrations less

than 0.25 to 1.0 mcg/mL have been associated with an increased risk of treatment

failure and increased mortality in neutropenic patients, therapeutic drug monitoring is

justified in patients in whom therapy is failing or suspected risk factors for low

blood levels (i.e., poor gut function, drug interactions, and pediatric patients) or, in

the case of voriconazole, suspected CNS toxicity, which is more frequent in patients

with trough levels exceeding 5.5 mcg/mL.

54 Similarly, posaconazole serum

concentrations less than 0.7 mcg/mL have been associated with an increased risk of

breakthrough infection during prophylaxis, and trough or random levels approaching

1.5 mcg/mLhave been associated with improved probability of treatment response in

documented invasive aspergillosis.

54 Serum antimycotic concentrations may be more

easily monitored in the future because assays, potentially performed at the point of

care (patient bedside or clinic), become available, and correlations between

concentration and efficacy or toxicity are more clearly established.


p. 1628

p. 1629

Table 78-5

Pharmacokinetic Properties of Systemically Active Non-polyene Antifungals

Imidazoles Triazoles Echinocandins Other

Characteristic MCZ KCZ










(Cap) VCZ




a 5FC





<10 75

b 99.8






>90 >90

d <10 <10 <10 75–






1.9 3.29 0.63 1.4 0.851/2.76 7.50 2.3–



7.5 12 7.1 70–





(hours) 1.0 2.6 4.0 1.0–


3/4 3 <2 1 1 1 <2 1.5




ND 12.9


1.9(0.7) 42 8.619/51.62 121.4 9–11



104.5 97.63–


59.9 ND 4.74–



Protein binding




99 99.8 11 99 95 58 80 96.5 99.5 2–4 >99

CSF or serum



<10 <10 <10 60 ND ND ∼50 ND ND ND 60 <10


β t1/2

(hours) 2.1 8.1

d 17

d 23–


31 130 6 25.6 10 13 2.5–



Active drug in

urine (%)

1 2 <10 60–


13 <1 <2 <1 2 1 0 80

aGiven parameters are estimated from the administration of currently recommended doses. Miconazole (MCZ) 7.4–14.2

mg/kg/day (500–1,000 mg) parenterally; ketoconazole (KTZ) 2.8 mg/kg/day orally (200 mg); itraconazole (ITZ) 1.4–2.8

mg/kg/day orally (100–200 mg); fluconazole (FCZ) 0.7–1.4 mg/kg/day orally; voriconazole (VCZ) and posaconazole

(PCZ) 400 mg twice daily orally; or 300 mg twice daily Day 1, then 300 mg daily; isavuconazole (ICZ) 200 mg (372 mg

isavuconazonium sulfate) 3 times daily for 48 hours, then 300 mg daily anidulafungin (AFG) 200 mg parenterally;

caspofungin (CFG) 70 (50) mg parenterally on Day 1 (2–14); micafungin (MFG) 70 mg parenterally; flucytosine (5FC)

150 mg/day parenterally; and terbinafine (TBF) 250 mg/day orally.

bWith meals (fasting), absorption altered by gastric acidity.

cDose-dependent and/or infusion-dependent.

dAbsorption decreased when administered with high-fat meal; Cmax

and AUC reduced by 34% and 24%, respectively.

AUC, area under the concentration–time curve; Cmax, maximum concentration; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ND, no data;


time of maximum concentration; t1/2

, half-life.

p. 1629

p. 1630


Candida Infection

CASE 78-3

QUESTION 1: L.K., a 21-year-old, 5-foot 8-inch, 170-pound, otherwise healthy man, was admitted to the

hospital 16 days ago after a gunshot wound to the abdomen. He has undergone three exploratory laparotomies

with repair and resection of damaged small intestine. He was placed on TPN to allow his bowel to rest and

received stress doses of methylprednisolone Day 6 in hospital. Three days ago, he exhibited a fever of 39.1°C

and chills; his blood pressure of 100/70 mm Hg had dropped more than 30 mm Hg (systolic). Vancomycin and

meropenem were promptly begun after obtaining blood cultures. Despite 3 days of antibiotics, he remains

febrile. His physical examination reveals a Hickman catheter in the right subclavian vein that is functioning

normally; no inflammatory changes are evident at the exit site. A single erythematous nodule about 0.5 cm wide

is noted near the left wrist. The funduscopic examination of both eyes is normal. A chest radiograph is also

normal. The white blood cell (WBC) count is currently 10,950 cells/μL, and renal function is normal. What

subjective and objective data in this case suggest a possible Candida infection?


Although it is possible that L.K. might be infected with bacterial pathogens not

susceptible to vancomycin and meropenem, the possibility of a candidal infection

should be considered. Candida species are the most common nosocomial fungal

pathogens. Candida species were responsible for 72.2% of mycoses in hospitalized

cases, and C. albicans accounted for 55% of these cases in the Centers for Disease

Control, National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System. Attributable mortality

associated with disseminated candidiasis from all species is 38% and it is ~12% for

extremely low-birth-weight neonates.

56 These statistics may underestimate the true

occurrence because systemic candidiasis is difficult to diagnose. To reinforce this

point, the diagnosis of systemic candidal infection is made in 30% to 50% of

neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies at postmortem.

57 Therefore, the

morbidity for systemic candidiasis may be even higher because of the limited ability

to diagnose systemic disease.


The diagnosis and monitoring of therapeutic outcomes for systemic candidal infection

are difficult because the characteristics of systemic candidal infection are subtle.

Salient clinical features include constitutional symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, and

hypotension) and evidence of end-organ dissemination, such as nodular erythematous

skin lesions, endophthalmitis, liver abscess, and spleen abscess. In addition, 50% of

patients or fewer will have a single positive Candida blood culture. The Mycoses

Study Group utilizes a single positive culture from a sterile body site and

hypotension (systolic blood pressure [SBP] <100 mm Hg or a SBP decrease >30 mm

Hg) or abnormal temperature (<35.5°C or >38.6°C on one occasion or >37.8°C on

two separate occasions more than 4 hours apart), or inflammation at an infected site

as diagnostic criteria.


Risk factors for candidemia include central venous catheters, broad-spectrum

antibiotic use, extensive surgical procedures, Candida colonization, TPN,

pancreatitis, neutropenia or neutrophil dysfunction, and immunosuppression (e.g.,

premature infants, burn patients, patients with mannose-binding lectin deficiency, and

patients with AIDS).


L.K. has chills, a temperature of 39.1°C, and is hypotensive. He is probably

immunosuppressed as a result of multiple surgical procedures and receipt of

corticosteroids. His Hickman catheter is a possible portal of entry, and his broadspectrum antibiotic therapy with vancomycin and meropenem should be adequate for

most bacterial pathogens. Because L.K. still has manifestations of an infection

despite 3 days of antibiotics, additional diagnostic studies are warranted.


CASE 78-3, QUESTION 2: What diagnostic tests could be ordered for L.K. to evaluate a possible fungal


The diagnosis of fungal infection may be made with varying levels of certainty.

Sometimes, the diagnosis is absolutely certain, such as the isolation of a pathogenic

fungus from a clinical specimen in an immunocompromised patient. Such a finding is

referred to as a definitive or microbiologically confirmed diagnosis. At other times,

only a high probability of infection can be determined, that is, a presumptive

diagnosis. To illustrate this, a patient with a chest radiograph showing nodular

lesions and a high complement fixation (CF) antibody against H. capsulatum would

have a presumptive diagnosis of histoplasmosis. This finding may be as certain a

diagnosis as is possible without performing a more invasive procedure to obtain lung

tissue. In this event, a trial of drug therapy can be undertaken on the presumptive

diagnosis alone. A diverse spectrum of tests is available for clinicians to diagnose

and monitor therapeutic responses.

Direct Examination

Direct examination of the specimen is often useful in diagnosing fungal infection.

Traditionally, the specimen is treated with 10% KOH to digest the cells and debris,

resulting in clear visualization of the hyphae or yeast. Treatment of cerebrospinal

fluid (CSF) specimens with KOH is not necessary because this fluid is naturally

clear. India ink can be added to CSF to increase contrast and outline the organisms.

Calcofluor white, a fluorescent fabric brightener that binds to fungi and fluoresces

brilliantly when viewed under the ultraviolet microscope, can also be used to assist

in the recognition of fungal elements.

Histologic examination of biopsy specimens is an important tool for diagnosing

and monitoring fungal infection, but identifying the exact fungus may be difficult. This

is because only the tissue phase can be observed, and the fungal organisms in the

specimen may be few. Because recognizing a fungus in hematoxylin-stained or eosin-

stained sections may be difficult, a number of special stains have been developed.


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