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Although the effectiveness of pharmacologic treatments for ADHD has been

widely replicated, many children and adolescents with ADHD will receive

suboptimal treatment for a variety of reasons, including parental reluctance to

consider psychotropic medications, the perceived stigma of mental illness, and welldescribed deficiencies in the delivery of health care to persons with psychiatric



It is important to note that ADHD poses a huge economic burden to

Western society. A meta-analysis by Doshi et al. reports overall national incremental

costs of $143 to $266 billion in the United States.

8 The economic impact related to

adults with the disorder from productivity and income loss is greatest, although there

are also significant costs associated with youth with the disorder from educational

and health expenses. Further, the study documents significant “spillover costs” for

family members of individuals with ADHD.


Stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamine have been the mainstay of

ADHD treatment in children for more than 30 years, and recent studies have

demonstrated acute and long-term benefits in adolescents as well as adults.


Unfortunately, stimulants have not been consistently shown to decrease delinquency

rates. They have also been implicated with rare but serious side effects, and they

carry an elevated risk of diversion and abuse.

11–13 Pharmacologic alternatives to

stimulants have been identified in recent years and have proven to be useful, albeit

often as second-line agents among individuals who have significant side effects and

those with medical or psychiatric comorbidities.

11 The benefits of cognitive

behavioral psychotherapy have also been emphasized in recent years, and most

experts now contend that the combination of pharmacotherapy with family-based

cognitive behavioral interventions will generate the best long-term prognosis for

individuals with this disorder.


Recent landmark studies have helped clarify important aspects of diagnosis and

treatment with regard to ADHD. The Multimodal Treatment of Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder Study (MTA) is considered a groundbreaking study of

ADHD treatments and outcomes. The main findings were released in 1999, but

additional findings have been subsequently released. MTA was a multisite study that

differed from earlier studies of ADHD in that the duration of the study was

significantly longer (up to 14 months) and that the study compared the use of both

medication and cognitive behavior therapy, both alone and in combination with

routine community-based treatment. The central findings of MTA included the

following: (1) Medication alone and in combination with CBT was more effective

than intensive behavioral treatment alone or routine community-based care, (2) youth

receiving combined treatment required lower doses of medication, and (3) youth with

associated mental health issues, in addition to ADHD, had better outcomes with

combined treatment than with medication alone.


The question of medication treatment for preschool children presenting with

ADHD symptoms is a controversial issue. The “Preschool ADHD Treatment Study”

(PATS) is considered a landmark study in this arena. The majority of the findings

were released in 2006. The central findings include (1) preschool children tend to

respond better and with fewer adverse effects with lower doses of medication and

(2) preschool children are more sensitive to the adverse effects of psychostimulants

and require closer monitoring. In particular, younger children tend to have more

emotional adverse effects such as irritability and a tendency toward crying.



ADHD is a chronic neurobehavioral disorder, with an overall estimated prevalence

of 6% to 12% in school-aged children worldwide.

18 The Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention analyzed data from the 2006 National Survey of Children’s Health

and reported that the incidence of ADHD diagnoses has risen annually by an average

of 3% between 1997 and 2006.


In 2006, 7.4% of US children aged 4 to 17 years

were diagnosed with ADHD. The DSM-5 reports that “ADHD occurs in most

cultures in about 5% of children and about 2.5% of adults.” The diagnosis is more

common in males with a ratio of 2:1 in children and 1.6:1 in adults.


It is

hypothesized, however, that this gender predominance may be exaggerated because

the more overt hyperactive subtype is more common in boys and the less overt

inattentive subtype is more common in girls. As ADHD transitions into adulthood, the

prevalence falls to 4.4% (standard error 0.6), with a higher risk found in previously

married men who are unemployed and non-Hispanic white.



Various abnormal genetic and neurochemical abnormalities are associated with

ADHD. Estimates of heritability of ADHD range in the area of 0.7, indicating that

ADHD is one of the most heritable conditions in psychiatry.

20 Family studies have

demonstrated that the relative risk of ADHD is 6 to 8 times higher among first-degree

relatives of persons with ADHD compared with the general ADHD population.


Several candidate genes associated with ADHD have been identified, such as the

dopamine receptor, dopamine-transporter receptor, and serotonin transporter


22,23 Despite a small causal effect, no single gene is responsible for the

symptoms seen with ADHD, but rather these symptoms are likely the result of

interactions among several genes, which influence multiple neurotransmitters,

including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.


p. 1864

p. 1865

Multiple neuroimaging studies have documented consistent abnormalities in brain

structure and development with youth and adults with ADHD. Subjects with ADHD

have been shown to have reductions in global brain volume.

24 Specifically, the

reduction in volume is most prominent in the prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia,

cerebellum, and parieto-temporal regions.

24 Functional magnetic resonance imaging

studies have also shown hypoperfusion with memory tests in the anterior cingulate

areas in ADHD patients.

25 This area of the brain is responsible for behavioral and

functional abilities that may manifest in patients with ADHD as difficulties in

organization, mood, motivation, self-regulation, and ability to retain specific

information while performing a particular task, which are abilities referred to as

executive functioning. These findings are research population–based findings. These

studies are not yet useful in clinical practice for accurate diagnosis.


ADHD is a heterogeneous behavioral disorder with a variety of theorized etiologies.

Clearly, the research suggests a strong genetic component. However, to this point, no

specific genetic risk factor has been identified.

20 As a result, other environmental and

congenital etiologies have been considered and studied. Examples of studied

etiologies for ADHD include maternal smoking, dietary factors, prematurity/low

birth weight, and family environment/parenting behavior. Of these proposed factors,

low birth rate is the factor with the most confirming research evidence.

20,26 The

potential impact of parenting behavior, in particular, is a complex question as youth

with ADHD often present more significant challenges to parents. Further, as ADHD

is highly heritable, many parents of youth with ADHD may have ADHD themselves.


The diagnosis of ADHD is a clinical diagnosis that may be supported by various

types of screening tools and neuropsychologic assessment. The diagnosis of ADHD

in a child is based upon the DSM-5 criteria (Table 89-1). The evaluation should

include clinical interviews with the patient and/or parent, physical examination

(including neurologic status), obtaining history regarding functional pattern in school

or daycare setting, evaluation for comorbid psychiatric disorders, and review of the

patient’s medical, social and family histories.

2 Other sources of valuable information

include performance reports (e.g., report cards or job reviews) and ADHD rating

scales scored in two different settings.

4 There are a number of validated rating scales

available both proprietarily and in the public domain. Some of the rating scales have

different versions for parents and teachers. Rating scales are helpful both for

diagnosis and for monitoring treatment outcome.

The recent publication of DSM-5 included a number of revisions to the diagnostic

criteria for ADHD. To meet criteria for ADHD, the child must have six or more



















symptoms present in two different settings (e.g., home, school, etc.) for a minimum of

6 months. Furthermore, there must be evidence that these symptoms were present

before the age of 12 years. Based on these criteria, three types of ADHD are

identified: predominantly inattentive, predominately hyperactive/impulsive, and

combined. The diagnostic criteria require that the symptoms interfere with or impact

functioning in daily life so that care providers will look for symptoms that have a

negative impact on the child’s education, relationships, or social life (see Table 89-

1). On occasion, however, parents or teachers may “pressure” clinicians into writing

psychostimulant prescriptions for a “let’s see if it helps” trial. If the medication is

helpful, they may assume incorrectly that the diagnosis of ADHD is validated.

Additionally, DSM-5 eliminated the exclusion criteria for Autism Spectrum

Disorder. However, the DSM-5 mandates that the symptoms of ADHD “do not occur

exclusively during the course” of another psychiatric disorder.


Table 89-1

Diagnostic Criteria for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Inattention Factor

(Six or more of the following nine behaviors need to be present for ≥6 months in two or more settings, such as

home, school, or physician’s office.)

Careless mistakes or inattention to detail

Reduced attention span

Poor listener

Cannot follow instructions and does not complete tasks

Difficulty organizing tasks and activities

Avoids and/or dislikes chores or homework

Loses things needed for tasks and activities

Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

Forgetful in daily activities

Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Factor

(Six or more of the following nine behaviors need to be present for ≥6 months in two or more settings, such as

home, school, or physician’s office.)


Fidgets with hands/feet or squirms in chair

Cannot remain seated in the classroom

Uncontrollable/inappropriate restlessness

Difficulty in engaging in play or leisure activities quietly

Often on the go and appearing driven by a motor

Excessive talking


Blurts out answer prior to completion of question

Difficulty waiting turn

Interrupts or intrudes on others

Reprinted with permission from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders. 4th ed. Text Revision (DSM-5). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association Press; 2015.

Establishing a diagnosis of ADHD in an adult who has never been treated for the

disorder during childhood is difficult. In adults, ADHD is a clinical diagnosis that

relies on their recollection of ADHD symptoms as a child to which DSM-5 criteria

validated for children are applied. Unlike teachers who are ordinarily familiar with

the symptoms associated with ADHD in children, spouses, coworkers, and

employers are often unfamiliar with ADHD as a disorder that can also affect adults.

They may attribute the individual’s difficulties to being lazy or to underachievement.


Between the ages of 10 and 25 years, the signs and symptoms of ADHD decrease in

frequency and severity by about 50% every 5 years but will generally persist into



In the differential diagnosis of ADHD, it is critically important to

distinguish ADHD from various behavioral, developmental, or medical conditions.

Psychiatric comorbidity is more common with ADHD as up to 87% of children will

be diagnosed with at least one additional psychiatric disorder and 67% have at least

two or more disorders.


p. 1865

p. 1866

Other psychiatric conditions that frequently coexist or imitate symptoms of ADHD

include conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, Tourette syndrome,

depression, anxiety disorders, and obsessive–compulsive disorder. Of these

conditions, anxiety disorders and mood disorders are most commonly misdiagnosed

as ADHD. The comorbidity of ADHD and learning disabilities is both complex and

often leads to significant academic challenges. Studies suggest that 25% to 35% of

youth with ADHD will also have language-based or other learning disabilities.


Clinical wisdom suggests that ADHD often presents early in the child’s academic

career (e.g., kindergarten or first grade), whereas learning disabilities may present

later in the elementary years, when children are “reading to learn” rather than

“learning to read.” Medication is a central treatment component for ADHD, whereas

learning support and specialized teaching strategies are the interventions of choice

for youth with learning disabilities. Medications are not helpful for the treatment of

learning disabilities.

It has been known for decades that family histories from first-degree relatives of

probands with ADHD reveal increased rates of ADHD (25% concordance rate),

polysubstance dependence, antisocial personality disorder, depression, and anxiety


28 Children with ADHD are at an increased risk of having antisocial

behavior, depression, and substance abuse problems as adults. ADHD symptoms

persist into adulthood in the majority of these comorbid patients.

11 Adults with

ADHD are usually self-sufficient, but they have poorer academic performance,

poorer job performance, and lower socioeconomic status than do their siblings. They

also have more frequent divorces, job changes, and car accidents. Most adults with

ADHD report a high level of subjective distress (79%) and interpersonal problems



Medical conditions often complicate the diagnosis of ADHD and should be

excluded before initiating treatment. These medical conditions include head injuries,

seizure disorders, metabolic disorders, cerebral infection, toxic exposures (e.g.,

chronic lead exposure), sleep problems, substance abuse, and hyperthyroidism.

CASE 89-1

QUESTION 1: M.T. is a 12-year-old girl who recently started middle school. M.T.’s mother calls the

pediatrician looking for advice. M.T. was adopted at 2 months of age from Guatemala and little is known about

prenatal care or her life before the adoption. M.T. is having a good deal of difficulty with the transition to middle

school. She seems overwhelmed with the amount of work and has become withdrawn and angry. The guidance

counselor has called the parents because M.T. has missed most of her homework assignments. M.T.’s mother

feels at a loss because M.T. now has many more teachers and they don’t seem to know her or to support her in

the same way as the teachers in the elementary school. M.T. has begun counseling with a social worker in the

community but does not want to go. Her mother is interested to know if medication may be of help. How do

you think about the differential diagnosis?

Depression is the most prominent diagnosis that comes to mind. However, it is

important to remember that comorbidity is quite common in youth with psychiatric

disorders. It is important to consider if there are underlying, less obvious disorders

or circumstances that may be contributing.

CASE 89-1, QUESTION 2: What are the next steps in the evaluation?

The pediatrician refers M.T. to a child/adolescent psychiatrist for evaluation. The

professionals help the parents request an educational assessment through the school.

The latter includes both an academic and psychologic assessments. The assessments

suggest underlying poor self-esteem. However, there is also evidence of slow

processing speed and other evidence of ADHD and executive functioning deficits.

The Vanderbilt rating scales confirm the diagnosis of ADHD.

There are a number of validated instruments to assist with the diagnosis and

clinical management of ADHD. Often, these instruments have a parent and teacher

version. Commonly used instruments include the Conners Global Index, the SNAP

IV, DuPaul Rating Scale for ADHD, and the Vanderbilt Rating Scale. Some rating

scales are proprietary and others such as the Vanderbilt is in the public domain.


CASE 89-1, QUESTION 3: What are the first-line interventions?

The psychiatrist provides psychoeducation to M.T. and her parents about ADHD.

They discuss that ADHD may be missed more commonly in girls, and that youth with

ADHD often develop concurrent depression, anxiety, conduct disorders, and

substance-use disorders because their experience in school and activities often leads

to feelings of inadequacy. Additionally, an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is

developed for M.T. to provide more supports in the school setting. Special

accommodations such as added time for exams, a seat in the front of the class, and the

availability of fidget toys are specified in the IEP.

M.T. continues in counseling with the social worker, in which they focus on

cognitive and behavioral strategies to manage both her ADHD symptoms and her

depression and poor self-esteem. All agree that it is prudent to hold off on any

medication for depression to see if the other interventions are effective in alleviating

the symptoms of depression.

The ADHD symptoms are tracked with Vanderbilt rating scales completed by

parents and teachers. Medication treatments for ADHD are discussed. With informed

consent, a trial of a psychostimulant is begun.


Optimal strategies to manage ADHD symptoms that are moderate to severe in nature

should focus on the combined use of behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions.

It is important to recognize that ADHD is a chronic disorder with symptoms that

frequently continue into adolescence and adulthood. Before developing a treatment

plan, defined and realistic treatment goals should be established collaboratively with

the child, parent, and school.

Several ADHD consensus statements, practice parameters, and guidelines have

been developed, based on both evidence-based literature evaluation and expert

opinions, to assist clinicians in evaluating, diagnosing, and managing patients with

ADHD in a consistent manner.


Behavioral Therapy

During the years, numerous psychosocial or educational programs have been studied

for their potential benefit in controlling ADHD symptoms and maximizing function.


Behavioral interventions have been among the most popular nonpharmacologic

approaches, with programs emphasizing the creation of a structured environment

containing minimal distractions both at home and in school. Contingency training is

another common component of behavioral therapy for ADHD, with children

receiving tokens for specific tasks or achievements, as well as punishments (e.g.,

revoking privileges) for maladaptive behaviors. Although most treatment guidelines

continue to advocate trying some type of structured behavioral modification, the

empiric evidence that such programs improve functioning or prognosis is certainly

not as strong as it is for pharmacotherapy.


p. 1866

p. 1867

The previously mentioned Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD

was a landmark study in reviewing the relative impact of medication and

nonpharmacologic treatment.

14 The MTA Cooperative Group study, as it is commonly

known, was designed to compare long-term medication and behavioral treatments

with respect to efficacy and acceptability. A group of 579 children between 7 and 10

years of age with the combined type of ADHD were recruited and randomly assigned

to four different treatment groups: medication management, behavioral treatment,

medication plus behavioral treatment, or typical community treatment. Behavioral

interventions were delivered in a group-based recreational setting and included an 8-

week, 5-days/week, 9-hours/day, intensive program administered by a counselor or

aide. Once school started, the subjects in this arm of the study received 60 school

days of a part-time, behaviorally trained, paraprofessional aide who worked directly

with the child. In addition, the child’s teacher received 10 to 16 sessions of biweekly

consultation that focused on classroom behavior management strategies. Daily

behavior report cards were sent home to parents. At the same time, families were

involved in 27 group therapy meetings plus 8 individual family meetings. Of the

children receiving medication, 75% received methylphenidate, 10% received

dextroamphetamine, and 15% received pemoline, imipramine, clonidine, guanfacine,

or bupropion. After the 14-month study, it was concluded that drug treatment was

more effective than behavioral treatment according to parents’ and teachers’ ratings

of inattention, and teachers’ ratings of hyperactivity/impulsivity. Combined treatment

(drug treatment plus behavioral modification) was preferred by parents, but the

therapeutic advantage versus medication did not achieve statistical significance.

Combined treatment was significantly more effective than behavioral treatment and

community care for reducing ADHD symptoms, according to both parent and teacher

reports, but a subgroup analysis of children with comorbid conditions (e.g., conduct,

oppositional defiant, anxiety, or affective disorders) found behavior management to

be as effective as monotherapy. A 3-year follow-up study revealed that all four

interventions were equally effective in improving academic performance and social

functioning with time, but given the costly and labor-intensive nature of the

behavioral modification, in particular pharmacotherapy, it continues to be regarded

as the first-line treatment for children with at least moderate ADHD symptoms.


There have been a variety of school-based, clinic-based, and home-based

interventions to address ADHD symptoms, mainly with positive results.

Additionally, specialized summer treatment programs have been established to

provide more intensive intervention when school is not in session.




Stimulants are considered the most effective option to treat ADHD, with more than

60 years of clinical experience accrued. Currently there are two basic types of

stimulants marketed in the United States, methylphenidate based and amphetamine

based, and they have all been reported to improve academic performance and

behavior in children with ADHD (Table 89-2).


p. 1867

p. 1868

Table 89-2

Overview of Common Drugs to Treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Duration of







Methylphenidate C-II Aptenso XR



Metadate CD

Metadate ER

Methylin ER

Quillichew ER

Quillivant XR

Ritalin IR

Ritalin SR

Ritalin LA















20–60 mg a


18–72 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


10–30 mg

per 9 hour


20–60 mg a


18–72 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


20–60 mg a


10–30 mg

per 9 hour


Adult doses

may need to

be higher

and can be

titrated up

based on


Dexmethylphenidate C-II Focalin

Focalin XR



5–20 mg a


5–20 mg a


20 mg a day

20 mg a day

Amphetamine C-II Adzenys XR








6.3–18.8 mg

a day

20 mg a day

2.5–40 mg a




max. dose



max dose


Adult doses

likely to be

similar to


doses and

titrated as



max. dose




Adderall XR



10–40 mg a


10–30 mg a


10–40 mg a


10–20 mg

Doses may


increased as


Dextroamphetamine C-II Dexedrine

Dexedrine XR







5–40 mg a


5–40 mg a


5–40 mg a


5–40 mg a


5–40 mg a


5–40 mg a


5–40 mg a


5–40 mg a




Vyvanse Long 30–70 mg a day 30–70 mg a day

Methamphetamine Desoxyn Long 5–25 mg a day No approved




not to use this



Noradrenergic Reuptake Inhibitor

Atomoxetine Strattera Long 40–100 mg a day 40–100 mg a


α-2 Receptor Agonist











0.1–0.3 mg a day

0.1–0.4 mg a day

1–4 mg a day

1–4 mg a day

0.1–0.3 mg a


0.1–0.4 mg a


1–4 mg a day

1–4 mg a day

Use in adults

not wellstudied.

Higher doses

have been used

for control of

BP. Monitoring

for hypotension

is recommended

BP, blood pressure; IR, immediate release; SR, sustained release; ER and XR, extended release; ODT, orally

disintegrating tablet; CD, controlled delivery.

A review of short-term clinical trials that evaluated the safety and efficacy of

stimulants in nearly 6,000 children and adults with ADHD showed a 75% to 80%

improvement in patients treated with stimulants compared with 5% to 30% treated

with placebo.

36 Although stimulant drugs are grouped as a class based on their

pharmacologic effect of increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the

synapse, the mechanisms by which stimulant drugs exert this effect varies slightly.

These subtle differences in the mechanism of action support the possibility that

patients who respond partially to one stimulant may respond completely to another. In

fact, approximately 20% to 25% of those who respond poorly to one medication will

respond positively to another and up to 90% of children will respond if both are


37 Stimulants also are rapid acting and have predictable effects, with response

typically within 2 hours.


Methylphenidate and dexmethylphenidate block the reuptake of dopamine from the

synaptic cleft into the presynaptic neuron via the dopamine transporter protein.

Methylphenidate is metabolized into ritalinic acid via carboxylesterase CES1A1, a

non CYP450 enzymatic pathway.


The most common side effects of methylphenidate include appetite suppression,

insomnia, headache, nausea and vomiting, and abdominal pain.


A long-acting methylphenidate transdermal formulation is available. As with any

transdermal system, drug delivery can vary greatly because of heat and site-related

skin porosity differences. AUC and Cmax can increase 300% if the patch is applied

to an inflamed area and 250% if the patch area is exposed to heat such as going

outside and exercising in the sun.

2,41–43 The patch is applied to the hip area for 9

hours, and methylphenidate is steadily released and absorbed into the circulation for

about 11.5 hours. When compared to the oral long-acting Oros release system,

methylphenidate’s side effects were similar between the two products but

numerically higher in the transdermal arm compared to the oral arm. One side effect

exclusive to the patch is skin irritation which can occur from 3% to 40%.


Amphetamines, including mixed amphetamine salts, dextroamphetamine, and

lisdexamfetamine, enhance the release of both dopamine and norepinephrine from

storage vesicles in the presynaptic neuron and block their storage in addition to

blocking their reuptake from the synaptic cleft. They also have a weak MAOI



Dextroamphetamine is metabolized via CYP2D6. A strong inhibitor of 2D6 could

increase levels twofold. The long-acting prodrug lisdexamfetamine requires

enzymatic hydrolysis in the blood to cleave off the L-lysine portion of the molecule.

This leaves just dexamphetamine available for activity.

46,47 Lisdexamfetamine is

rapidly absorbed, but the step of hydrolysis results in a delayed release of

dextroamphetamine in the circulation allowing for once a day dosing.

Since approximately two-thirds of children and adolescents with ADHD respond

equally to methylphenidate or amphetamine products, the preferred agent should be

based on duration of action, formulation preferences, and cost.

33 As shown in Table

89-2, stimulant preparations are classified based on duration (i.e., immediate [2–5

hours], intermediate [6–8 hours], and long-acting [10–12 hours]) and available

delivery systems. Long-acting formulations are preferable to intermediate and short

acting, because it provides uninterrupted benefit allowing the child to avoid going to

the school nurse for doses or lack of effect between doses.

48 Many long-acting

options are biphasic, which provides an immediate-release (IR) dose then a second

long-acting dose a few hours later. For example, Ritalin LA, Metadate CD, Focalin

XR, and Adderall XR all contain both immediate and enteric-coated, delayed-release

beads that mimic the blood concentrations seen with immediate-release stimulant

preparations given twice daily. Although a prescription methamphetamine product

does have FDA approval for treatment of ADHD, no expert guidelines recommend it

because of high-abuse liability and neurotoxicity.

Adverse Effects

Both types of stimulants are similar in their side effect profiles. Adverse drug

reactions such as insomnia and appetite loss are mild, and tolerance often develops

within a few days. These reactions can be easily managed by adjustment in dose and

timing if necessary (Table 89-3). In a double-blind, crossover study comparing side

effects of methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine, surveyed parents reported

worsening appetite (vs. baseline) with methylphenidate; severe insomnia and

appetite suppression were reported with dextroamphetamine.

49 Side effects that were

significantly more severe with methylphenidate (vs. dextroamphetamine) included

insomnia, appetite suppression, irritability, proneness to crying, anxiety, dysphoria,

and nightmares.

49 Only 3.2% of patients treated with either drug discontinued the

medication because of side effects. Another head-to-head trial showed similar types

and rates of adverse effects for IR methylphenidate and IR dextro/levo



p. 1868

p. 1869

Table 89-3

Managing Adverse Effects of Stimulants Used in Children with Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder

Adverse Effect Management

Decreased appetite, nausea, or

growth impairment

Schedule evening meals after medication has worn off

Take drug after meals

Encourage foods with high caloric density or nutritionalsupplements

Encourage evening/bedtime snack

Switch from long-acting to short-acting preparation

Consider a drug holiday when appropriate

Sleep disturbance Administer doses earlier in the day

If using a sustained-release product, consider changing to a shortacting preparation

Discontinue afternoon/evening dose

Behavioral rebound If using short-acting preparation, consider changing to a long-acting


Overlap stimulant dosing

Irritability Assess time of symptoms:

Related to peak: reduce dose or try long-acting preparation

Related to withdrawal: change to long-acting preparation

Evaluate for comorbid diagnosis

Dysphoria, moodiness, agitation,

dazed, or withdrawn behavior

Decrease dose or change to long-acting preparation

Consider comorbid diagnosis

Dizziness Monitor blood pressure

Encourage fluid intake

Lower dose or change to long-acting preparation to reduce peak


Development or increase in tic


Stop stimulant

Consider trial of clonidine or guanfacine

Consider referral to physician

There is an association between stimulant use and growth retardation. The relative

impact of this seems minimal and can be reduced or eliminated with drug


51–53 There seems to be no loss of efficacy if the child does have a drug

holiday and stops the medication over weekends holidays or summer months.

54 The

risk of drug holidays is a worsening of symptoms and this may have impact on social


There was concern that the stimulants may have a cardiotoxicity risk. Population

studies suggest, however, that the overall risk of sudden death associated with

stimulant use has been shown to be the same, if not lower, than that of the general


55 Slight increases in BP and HR are seen with methylphenidate and

amphetamines, although ECG changes are very rare.

56–58 Clinicians should follow

current recommendations suggested by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the

American Heart Association, which advocate screening for a personal or family

history of cardiovascular disease in all children with ADHD. Continual monitoring

for these risks along with routine blood pressure and heart rate assessments should

be performed.

59 Pretreatment ECGs are not required but recommended by the AHA

as general practice for all children. Stimulants should not be used in those with

known structural cardiac abnormalities.



For patients with ADHD only, it is recommended to initiate treatment with either a

methylphenidate or an amphetamine.

2,32–34 For patients who fail both types of

stimulants or when stimulants are not preferred, a trial of a non-stimulant is

warranted (Table 89-2). Non-stimulants are less effective than stimulants and usually

require at least 4 weeks until a full response is evident. A meta-analysis of 29

double-blind, placebo-controlled trials evaluated the efficacy of stimulant and nonstimulant agents using 17 outcome measures in 4,465 children and adolescents with



It found that the effect size of amphetamine and methylphenidate was

significantly greater than that for atomoxetine, bupropion, and modafinil (p = 0.02).


If atomoxetine fails or is not indicated, the α2

-adrenergic agonists clonidine and

guanfacine should be considered.



Atomoxetine inhibits the presynaptic norepinephrine transporter and is classified as

norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI). Clinical trials have shown that atomoxetine

is superior to placebo in reducing the symptoms of ADHD in children, adolescents,

and adults.

62,63 However, trials comparing atomoxetine with stimulants have found

atomoxetine to be less effective.


Atomoxetine is likely to have some immediate benefit after initiation but unlike the

stimulants a longer trial of 6 to 8 weeks is recommended as efficacy continues to

grow. Atomoxetine requires a 10- to 14-day titration to achieve a therapeutic dose of

1 to 1.5 mg/kg/day to avoid nausea (12%), vomiting (15%), and asthenia (11%).

68 As

with stimulants, atomoxetine can also raise blood pressure and heart rate, with

reports of high systolic and diastolic blood pressures occurring in 8.6% and 5.2% of

pediatric subjects, respectively. Increases in heart rate of more than 110 beats/minute

and more than 25 beats/minute above baseline were observed in 3.6% of patients.


Atomoxetine is metabolized via CYP 450 2D6, with the major metabolite being 4-

hydroxyatomoxetine which is also a potent inhibitor of NE reuptake but at low

concentration levels. It has a half-life of 4 to 5 hours but can be extended by about 3

hours with a high fat meal.


p. 1869

p. 1870

There have been postmarketing cases of reversible hepatic injury in association

with atomoxetine, but this is quite rare.

70 Baseline liver enzyme testing should be

performed, and evidence of jaundice or liver injury should warrant immediate

discontinuation. Atomoxetine also contains the warning regarding increased risk of

suicidal thoughts that are part of all antidepressant class labeling. However, a metaanalysis of 14 trials found that no subject committed suicide. Suicidal ideation in the

atomoxetine group was 5/1,357 (0.37%) and placebo group was 0/851 (0%).

71 So,

despite the low risk, monitoring frequently for the first 3 months of treatment is

required by the FDA.



Clonidine and guanfacine are α2

-agonists that have been used for years off-label to

control hyperactive/impulsive or aggressive symptoms and insomnia.

72 They are

believed to directly stimulate the postsynaptic norepinephrine receptors in the

prefrontal cortex and locus coeruleus. Guanfacine is most specific for the α-2a

receptor, while clonidine is less specific and agonizes α-2a, b, and c. The FDA has

approved extended-release formulations for clonidine and guanfacine both as

monotherapy and as adjuncts to stimulants. Clonidine and guanfacine are also

approved as adjuncts to stimulants for ADHD. Although they are a monotherapy

option, they are not considered as first line as they are less effective than stimulants.

They are particularly useful for behavioral comorbidities, such as aggression and



Guanfacine is primarily metabolized via CYP 3A4, and potent inhibitors can

increase blood levels by 200%. Guanfacine extended release provides

approximately 60% of the serum levels of the immediate-release version. Clonidine

is partially metabolized via CYP 2D6, although inhibitors of this pathway have only

minor changes in serum levels.

76 The extended-release version has an AUC

approximately 89% of the immediate release.

The side effect profile of α-2 agonists is quite different than the stimulants and

atomoxetine. Sedation and related side effects can occur in nearly 40% for both.

Reductions in BP and HR can occur and need to be monitored. Bradycardia (HR <

60 bpm) can occur in up to 20% of children with clonidine and is a side effect of

guanfacine also but to a lesser degree. This is likely because of guanfacine’s

specificity to α 2a. Rebound hypertension can occur if either of these medications are

stopped abruptly.


Despite positive studies with immediate-release formulations, the short duration of

action makes them less desirable than the QD dosing of guanfacine ER and the BID

dosing clonidine extended-release formulation.


CASE 89-1, QUESTION 4: It is agreed upon by the parents and the pediatrician that M.T., the 12-year-old

female, will begin using a medication for her ADHD symptoms. What would be the first-line option for M.T.?

Either stimulant groups are considered first line and in this case methylphenidate

10 mg qam is tried. After steadily increasing the dose to 30 mg qam the parents feel

that there is minimal change in attention, but that there are significant side effects of

nausea and loss of appetite.

CASE 89-1, QUESTION 5: What would be the next trial of medication for M.T.?

Expert guidelines state that if medication is decided upon then the greatest efficacy

is from the stimulants. Neither stimulant is considered superior to the other and initial

choice should be based on the comfort level of the clinician and patient/parent

acceptance. If the initial choice of stimulant is ineffective, it is recommended to trial

the other stimulant class. By doing this 90% of children will display efficacy.

Therefore, the next trial for M.T. should be the initiation of dextroamphetamine 5 mg

qam and titrate as tolerated to a maximum of 40 mg a day.

CASE 89-1, QUESTION 6: M.T. is showing some improvement on 10 mg qam of immediate-release

dextroamphetamine, but it is clearly wearing off about 4 hours after dosing. Dosing of 10 mg BID was tried

during a school vacation and found to be somewhat effective; thus, the pediatrician decided to switch to longacting dextroamphetamine spansules 20 mg qam. This clearly has shown to last throughout M.T.’s school day,

but efficacy is not maximized and some residual symptoms of poor attention and hyperactivity exists. What is

the next step of pharmacotherapy for M.T.?

Increasing the dose to 30 mg qam is possible. Although a switch from a stimulant

to atomoxetine could be tried, data have shown that atomoxetine is less effective than

stimulants. Experts recommend that combination therapy of a stimulant and an α-2

agonist is appropriate, and studies have shown an increase in efficacy from

monotherapy to combination therapy.



Tourette’s syndrome is neuropsychiatric condition which has tics as a hallmark

symptom. Children with ADHD have a higher risk of comorbid tic disorder than the

general population; however, stimulants are relatively safe in this population. As an

example, the Tourette’s Syndrome Study Group contrasted the effect of

methylphenidate, clonidine, and the combination of the two to placebo in the

treatment of 136 children (7–14 years old) diagnosed with ADHD and Tourette


77 The group concluded that prior recommendations to avoid

methylphenidate in these children because of concerns of worsening tics were

unsupported. As such, expert recommendations are that a child with ADHD should

start on methylphenidate, and if tics emerge or worsen then a switch to atomoxetine

or clonidine is warranted. A meta-analysis of studies with subjects who have ADHD

and Tourette’s syndrome concluded that methylphenidate shows the greatest

improvement in ADHD symptoms without worsening tics in most kids. α-2 Agonists

offer less efficacy in ADHD symptoms but greater control over tics compared to

methylphenidate. Atomoxetine offers benefit on both groups of symptoms and is an


32,74,75 Amphetamines should be avoided because although they do treat ADHD

symptoms, they have a higher chance of worsening tics compared to



A review regarding treatment of tic disorders without comorbid ADHD states that

the α-2 agonists guanfacine and clonidine are recommended as first-line options.

Guanfacine may be preferred because of less sedation than clonidine.



Anxiety disorders are more frequently comorbid in the ADHD child (approximately

ninefold) and adult (approximately fourfold) compared to the frequency seen in the

general population. Despite the fact that the anxiety disorder may be a separate

illness, anxiety symptoms in the child can be directly related to poor performance

because of ADHD symptoms. Treatment with a stimulant that subsequently improves

performance will reduce the anxiety. However, some children after a trial with a

stimulant will not have an anxiety reduction or it may even worsen. At this point a

trial with atomoxetine is recommended over treating the anxiety with an SSRI and

continuing the stimulant.


p. 1870

p. 1871


Despite the fact that stimulants are medications with an abuse risk, multiple studies

have shown a protective effect against developing a substance-use disorder with

children who derive a benefit to their ADHD symptoms from the medication. A metaanalysis of epidemiologic literature led to the conclusion that stimulant-treated

patients with a diagnosis of ADHD were less likely to be diagnosed with substanceuse disorder than those not treated with stimulants.

80 Using a stimulant for ADHD in a

current substance abuser has contradictory results. Stimulants do treat the ADHD

symptoms but not as robustly as those without a concurrent substance-use disorder.

They do not seem to reduce the substance use but clearly do not worsen it.

81 Expert

opinion suggests that those with current substance-use disorders should be tried on

non-stimulant options first, but stimulants are not fully contraindicated and can be

used with close monitoring. There is growing data to support that there is a high rate

of diversion of stimulants in the college population. One report correlated an

increased incidence of diversion with increased difficulty of the academic



If misuse and diversion are of concern, methylphenidate comes as a transdermal

patch formulation, and dextroamphetamine is available as a hard to abuse prodrug



Despite the potential for being less effective than a stimulant, atomoxetine has

preferred benefits in specific patient subtypes. Because it is not a stimulant, its risk

of abuse and diversion are low and is preferred in patients with an addictions

disorder history or living in a household where someone other than the patient (e.g.,

parent or sibling) has an addiction disorder and may take the patients medications.


Stimulants may cause psychosis. This is because of the enhancement of DA centrally.

If the child is acknowledging hallucinations or exhibiting bizarre behavior then

cessation of the stimulant is required. A rechallenge can occur but at a lower dose. If

a child stabilized on the medication starts to exhibit psychotic symptoms then one

should assess for drug interactions. The methylphenidate transdermal patch

formulation can have greater unexpected fluctuations in blood levels because of a

greater range of absorption compared to the oral formulations.

42,43 The absorption of

the transdermal patch is influenced by placement site and temperature of the skin.

Treating this side effect with an antipsychotic is not recommended.


Other Non-FDA Pharmacotherapy


Bupropion has been shown to be effective compared to placebo, but it is less

effective than stimulants in treatment of ADHD.

67 Randomized, controlled trials have

established the effectiveness of bupropion as an alternative to the psychostimulants in

the treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults.

84–86 The two most

common adverse effects encountered with bupropion in ADHD studies were

dermatologic reactions and seizures. Dermatologic reactions occurred twice as often

with bupropion compared with placebo. Severe bupropion-induced urticaria

required discontinuation in 5.5% (4 of 72) of the patients in one study.


In adults, the

risk of seizures increases by about fourfold if extended-release doses of greater than

450 mg/day or greater than 400 mg/day sustained-release doses of bupropion doses

are exceeded.

88 Although there are no case reports of seizures in children receiving

therapeutic doses of bupropion, it is recommended to limit doses to less than 6

mg/kg/day in the treatment of ADHD and to avoid using bupropion in patients with a

history of seizure disorders.


Modafinil has been found to be effective in the treatment of prepubescent, adolescent,

and adult patients with ADHD.

89,90 The 2006 Pediatric FDA advisory committee

reviewed the efficacy and safety of modafinil for ADHD and determined the drug

was effective but rejected its approval for ADHD based on concerns about safety.

Twelve of 933 patients developed a skin rash, with one case thought to be Stevens–

Johnson syndrome.




As recently as 2007 guidelines reported, TCAs could be an option for ADHD.

However, their poor tolerability and dangerous effect on cardiac conduction has

resulted in more recently published guidelines in 2011 and 2014 to not recommend



The SNRI venlafaxine has shown efficacy in both adolescents and adults with

ADHD. This is a legitimate choice for comorbid anxious or depressed older patients,

but because of antidepressants having a risk of increasing suicidal thinking in

children, other options should be tried first. Adults often have this comorbidity and

venlafaxine in that population is more likely to be used.


Alternative Therapy

There have been a number of studies that have tried to discern if certain diets may

result in ADHD. One of the most famous regimens is the Feingold Diet. Recent

reviews on the topic have found the evidence to be of low quality and of small

benefit. Most studies have not been blinded and when efficacy is noted it is of lower

rates than the FDA-approved pharmacotherapies. Additionally, there is a practical

limitation to the implementation of these diets as it eliminates many of the foods that

are regular parts of American meals. At this time it does seem reasonable to assume

that some children’s ADHD-like behavior may be related to intolerance to certain

dyes, artificial sweeteners, and flavors. One should not discourage a parent to

promote healthier food selection for their child, but the effectiveness of lowering

their symptoms is marginal. Additionally, if a child has a delay in administration of

pharmacotherapy because of trials of different types of diets then this could result in

persistency of symptoms longer than is necessary.


Many companies have created dietary supplements that have been touted as

effective remedies for treating and preventing ADHD, but convincing results derived

from rigorous trials are currently lacking and are likely to benefit a very few children

with food allergies or intolerances.

92–94 For instance, the use of very high doses of

vitamins or minerals has been promoted as a possible intervention, but all

randomized, controlled trials conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of megavitamin

therapy have been negative to date.

95 Omega-3 fatty acids have been considered as

possible treatments for ADHD, based largely on population studies demonstrating an

association between high dietary intake and a reduced risk of various

neuropsychiatric disorders. Omega-3 supplementation, specifically EPA content, may

have a small benefit as monotherapy. Studies of omega-3 as an adjunct to stimulants

have shown little added benefit.

96,97 Similarly, there have been reports of zinc, iron,

magnesium, Hypericum (St. John’s wort), and gingko all relieving ADHD symptoms,

but the evidence to support these interventions is very limited at the present time.


There have been other somatic treatments aimed at relieving ADHD symptoms that

may prove to be beneficial in the years ahead.

98 Several small randomized studies

have reported benefits with neurofeedback, in which children are trained to modify

certain brain activities demonstrated on electroencephalographic tracings (e.g.,

increased slow wave or α activity). Preliminary evidence also supports the

exploration of meditation as an effective

p. 1871

p. 1872

intervention for ADHD, particularly mindfulness-based methods that have proven

to be particularly helpful for depression and chronic pain conditions.

99 Clinic-based

interventions have included cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training

programs and computer-based cognitive training programs. Early studies of some of

these intervention strategies have been promising and there is need for further

research to establish efficacy.

35 Regarding acupuncture a recent systematic review

failed to find any studies of sufficient rigor to include in their analysis.




























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p. 1812

Depression is a common and often chronic disorder that may manifest at

any time in one’s life. Diagnostic criteria for major depression include a

minimum of five symptoms persisting for at least 2 weeks. One of these

symptoms must be either depressed mood or anhedonia. Suicidal

ideation should be assessed in all patients.

Case 86-1 (Question 1),

Table 86-4

A variety of treatment modalities are available for the management of

depression. These include prescription medications, psychotherapy, and

somatic treatments. Prescription medications and/or psychotherapy are

indicated for depressive symptoms that are moderate to severe in

nature, whereas somatic treatments are for severe refractory cases.

Case 86-1 (Question 2),

Case 86-2 (Questions 1, 2),

Case 86-3 (Question 2)

All of the prescription medications that are currently available are

equally effective and possess the same delayed onset of therapeutic

effects. Selection of an antidepressant is based on many factors,

including previous response to medication, age, reproduction status, and

both medical and psychiatric comorbidities.

Case 86-1 (Questions 2, 4),

Case 86-2 (Question 2)

Case 86-4 (Question 1),

Table 86-6

SSRIs are regarded as the initial treatment of choice for most depressed

patients. They are inexpensive and effective for comorbid anxiety

conditions, and possess a lower side effect burden than other

antidepressants overall. Side effects are generally mild and transient.

Case 86-1 (Question 2),

Case 86-2 (Question 1)

Educating the patient regarding side effects, how to monitor for efficacy,

and the duration of treatment is important action for successful


Case 86-1 (Question 3),

Case 86-3 (Question 3),

Table 86-10

The goal of antidepressant treatment is remission of symptoms. Once

remission is achieved, the general recommendation is to continue the

effective antidepressant regimen for a minimum of 6 months.

Case 86-1 (Question 3),

Table 86-10

Because only half of depressed patients will achieve remission with the

first antidepressant selected, clinicians should have a comprehensive

understanding of the role many antidepressants may have in optimizing

outcomes. Clinicians should be familiar with switching antidepressants in

patients with an incomplete response, and the merits of augmentation


Case 86-2 (Questions 1–3)

Untreated depression in children under 18 has a significant risk of Case 86-3 (Questions 1, 2)

suicide. Treatment consists of talking therapy and specific

antidepressants, which is different than the broad options available to


Depression and chronic pain are commonly comorbid, and

pharmacologic treatment that addresses both is recommended. This

makes the SNRI class of antidepressants preferred.

Case 86-4 (Question 1)

p. 1813

p. 1814


In general, depressive disorders are enormous health concerns that are often

misdiagnosed or undertreated. The physical and social dysfunction associated with

depression is profound and is believed to outweigh many other chronic medical

conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.

1 The Medical Outcomes

Study determined that the degree of impairment in depressed individuals is

comparable to that seen in patients with chronic heart disease.

2 The financial

ramifications of depression are tremendous and place an overwhelming burden on

our society. In 2000, the estimated cost of depression in the United States was $83.1

billion annually, with most of these costs ($51.5 billion) attributed to lost

productivity and absenteeism in the workplace.



Since World War II, the lifetime incidence of depression has been rising steadily in

studied populations. The annual incidence of all mood disorders is approximately

10% in the adult population, and 1 in 15 adults (6.7%) will suffer from an episode of

major depression during any 12-month period.

4 Various studies from Europe and the

United States have estimated the 1 year and lifetime prevalence to be 4.1% and

6.7%, respectively.

5 Although the incidence of depression is remarkably similar

across various races and ethnic groups, the illness may be slightly more common in

lower socioeconomic classes and women having double the incidence than men.


The onset of depression occurs most commonly in the late 20s, but there is a wide

range, and the first episode may actually present at any age. Genetic factors appear to

play a major role in the cause of depression. The offspring of depressed individuals

are 2.7 times more likely to have depression if one parent is afflicted, and 3.0 times

more likely if both parents suffer from depression.

6 Concordance rates for

monozygotic (identical) twins range from 54% to 65%, whereas the corresponding

rates in dizygotic (fraternal) twins range from 14% to 24%.

7 Genetic factors may also









predispose individuals to an earlier onset of depression (younger than 30 years of


8 Additionally, there is clear evidence that depression may occur as a result of

stressful events (i.e., environmental factors) in one’s life. These factors include a

difficult childhood, physical or verbal abuse, pervasive low self-esteem, death of a

loved one, loss of a job, and the end of a serious relationship. Acute depressive

episodes are often attributed to a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

For instance, individuals carrying a genetic predisposition to mood disorders may

undergo a stressful experience that ultimately triggers the manifestation of depressive

symptomatology. Depression may also occur spontaneously among people who

appear to lack any obvious genetic or environmental predisposition.

Diagnosis and Classification

When assessing a person for depression, it is important to recognize the level of

impairment due to the symptoms. Just as with all biologic systems, the body can

function well within a particular range (e.g., serum potassium or BP). Mood is not

different; as long as the depressive symptoms are not prolonged or impairing, there

would be no reason to aggressively treat. Once the depression is severe enough to

impact functioning or induce harm, it requires treatment.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) may manifest as a single episode, but it is more

commonly a series of recurrent events. Thus, in most patients, depression is a chronic


5 The frequency of recurrent episodes is highly variable, with some people

experiencing discrete episodes separated by many years of relatively normal mood

(euthymia), and others experiencing residual symptoms between episodes that may

never completely remit. The risk of future episodes appears to increase

disproportionately with the chronicity of the illness. For instance, after the first

episode there is a 50% likelihood of a second episode. After the second, there is a

70% chance of a third, and with the third episode comes nearly a 90% incidence of a


Table 86-1

Classification of Depressive Disorders

Major depressive disorder

Persistent depressive disorder

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Substance/medication-induced depressive disorder

Depressive disorder due to another medical condition

Other specified depressive disorder

Unspecified depressive disorder

Adapted with permission from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th edition (DSM-5) describes different

types of depressed states. These include disruptive mood dysregulation disorder,

MDD, persistent depressive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder,

substance/medication-induced depressive disorder, depressive disorder due to

another medical condition, other specified depressive disorder, and unspecified

depressive disorder (Table 86-1).

9 The different types of depressive disorders may

then be subclassified using cross-sectional symptom features, or specifiers. For

example, the phrase “with anxious distress” which infers that there are anxiety

symptoms such as worry and feeling keyed up. The term “with mixed features” infers

that there are manic or hypomanic symptoms. The term “with melancholic features” is

used when patients possess primary neurovegetative symptoms, early morning

awakening, marked psychomotor agitation or retardation, and significant anorexia or

weight loss. Melancholia is often a more severe form of depression, and it often

lacks apparent environmental triggers.


It may also be less likely than other forms

of depression to remit spontaneously. The phrase “with atypical features” is used

when depressive symptoms include weight gain, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis, or

rejection sensitivity. When hallucinations or delusions occur in patients who are

primarily depressed, the phrase “with mood congruent or mood incongruent

psychotic features” is applicable to the mood disorder. Other diagnostic specifiers

used in DSM-5 include “with catatonia,” and “with peripartum onset,” and “with

seasonal pattern.”

Persistent depressive disorder is a type of depressive illness characterized by

fewer symptoms and less intensity than major depression, but the course is much

more chronic with symptoms being present most of the time for at least 2 years. In

practice, the detection of persistent depressive disorder may be difficult to make

because patients often do not seek treatment because they are still functional (e.g., go

to school, work, care for children) but they have significant morbidity. They will

have less satisfaction with work and will get fewer promotions and poor raises. The

treatment for persistent depressive disorder has traditionally focused on

psychotherapy, but evidence suggests that antidepressant medications may actually be

more effective.


Differential Diagnosis

Symptoms of depression may be induced or exacerbated by numerous medical

illnesses or medications (Tables 86-2 and 86-3).

1,5,10 Consequently, DSM-5 specifies

that whenever an medical event is temporally related to the onset of depressive

symptoms, the patient does not fit the criteria for major depression, even if all other

criteria are met.

9 The rationale for this stipulation is that if the medical illness is

successfully treated or the offending agent is discontinued, the depressive illness

would spontaneously resolve, eliminating the need for psychiatric intervention.

Although lists of medical illnesses or medications are helpful, the clinician should be

aware that the actual evidence demonstrating an association between depression and

specific organic causes is limited. If a medication or condition is suspected of

causing depression, the chronologic association should be investigated rigorously

before other action is taken. Additionally, a patient with a medical illness such as a

hormonal abnormality may have depressive symptoms from the condition but can

additionally have concomitant MDD. Treating the medical condition will likely

lessen the severity but the MDD will still have to be treated as well.


p. 1814

p. 1815

Table 86-2

Selected Medical Conditions That May Mimic Depression


Parkinson disease


Multiple sclerosis

Endocrine disorders

Metabolic conditions

Infectious diseases

Chronic pain

Source: Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with major depressive disorder. 3rd ed. Arlington, VA:

American Psychiatric Association. 2010.

Table 86-3

Selected Medications That May Induce Depression





Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists


Oral and implanted oral contraceptives

High-dose lipophilic β-blockers



Source: Patten SB, Barbui C. Drug-induced depression: a systematic review to inform clinical practice.

Psychother Psychosom. 2004;73(4):207–215.








Clinical Presentation

For a diagnosis of MDD to be made, symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks

and must not be precipitated or influenced by a medical illness or medication

(according to DSM-5 criteria). Individuals must possess at least five symptoms, one

of which is either depressed mood or anhedonia (diminished interest or pleasure in

activities). The other seven symptoms are as follows:

Change in appetite or significant weight loss or gain

insomnia or hypersomnia

Psychomotor agitation or retardation

Fatigue or loss of energy

Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt

Poor concentration (or difficulty making decisions)

Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal

The diagnostic criteria also state that the mood disturbance must cause marked

distress or result in clinically significant impairment of social or occupational

functioning. Additionally, the symptoms cannot be due to a medical or organic illness

(Table 86-4).


The monoamine hypothesis proposed that decreased synaptic concentrations of

norepinephrine (NE) and/or serotonin (5-HT) caused depression. The NE depletion

theory was originally based on the observation that reserpine, which depleted

catecholamine stores in the central nervous system (CNS), was capable of causing


12,13 This theory evolved into the permissive hypothesis, which

emphasized a greater role for serotonin in promoting or “permitting” a decline in NE

function. Specifically, this hypothesis suggests that low concentrations of serotonin or

NE in the CNS precipitated depressive symptoms. Studies have shown that a 5-HT

synthesis deficiency is correlated with depression. This has been shown in both

persons genetically unable to produce 5-HT and those who have depleted precursors

of 5-HT.

14,15 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and serotonin and

norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressants, which functionally include

the tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), are believed to relieve depression by inhibiting

the reuptake of serotonin alone or serotonin and NE from the synapse up into the

neuron, effectively increasing neurotransmitter concentrations in the synaptic


16,17 Mirtazapine and MAOIs work via different mechanisms, but also increase

5-HT and NE (and DA for the MAOIs).


Table 86-4

Diagnostic Criteria for Depressive Episode

At least five of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a

change from previous functioning. One of the symptoms must be either depressed mood or loss of


Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day

Loss of interest in pleasurable activities most of the day, nearly every day

Significant change in weight or appetite (increase or decrease) when not dieting

Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day

Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day

Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness

Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day

Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day

Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation

Symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of


Symptoms are not caused by an underlying medical condition or substance (e.g., medications or recreational


For the diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD), this episode must not be part of schizophrenia,

schizoaffective, delusional, or bipolar disorder.

Adapted with permission from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.

p. 1815

p. 1816

Depression has been associated with changes in presynaptic and postsynaptic

receptor densities (or sensitivities) that have been described as being downregulated

or desensitized.

18 Changes include a decrease in postsynaptic α-adrenergic receptor

sensitivity, along with alterations in the sensitivities of the α-adrenergic,

dopaminergic (D2

), and serotonin receptor subtypes (5-HT1A and 5HT2A). For

example, SSRIs can increase the efficiency of serotonergic neurotransmission acutely

(through reuptake blockade), but their therapeutic effects are linked temporally with

increased release of serotonin through downregulation of presynaptic autoreceptors


19 This downstream impact explains why there is a delay in maximal

efficacy seen with all antidepressants.


As our understanding of neurobiology increases, it has been found that other

neurotransmitter systems can impact mood and this has resulted in research for non5-HT direct-effect medications to supplement or replace the monoamine effecting

antidepressants. Such mechanisms include blockade of substance P and antagonism of

corticotropin-releasing factor or corticosteroid receptors.


Neuroendocrine Findings

Along with dysregulated neurotransmitter systems, neuroendocrine abnormalities may

contribute to the development of depression. Depressed patients often have abnormal

thyroid function tests (including low triiodothyronine [T3

] and/or thyroxine [T4



24 They also may exhibit an abnormal response to challenge with thyroidreleasing hormone, consisting of a blunted or exaggerated thyroid-stimulating

hormone response.

25 Clinical hypothyroidism can also induce depressive symptoms,

and thyroid supplementation can reverse this pathology, suggesting an indirect

association between mood disorders and thyroid homeostasis.

26 The hypothalamic–

pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis may also influence the manifestation of depression,

with a relative hyperactivity of this system commonly reported in depressed


27,28 Pituitary and adrenal glands are often enlarged in depressed patients,

and concentrations of corticotropin-releasing factor are often elevated during

depressive episodes and decline with the administration of antidepressant

medications or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

22,29 Exogenous administration of

corticotropin-releasing factor has elicited classic symptoms of depression in

laboratory animals (including decreased appetite, anxiety, insomnia, and decreased



In humans, medications that block postsynaptic corticosteroid receptors

have also displayed antidepressant properties.


Interestingly, serotonin has been

recognized as a strong influence on the HPA axis (and vice versa). Activation of the

postsynaptic serotonin receptors (5-HT2

) along the hypothalamic paraventricular

nucleus can stimulate corticotropin-releasing hormone–secreting neurons. Loss of

hippocampal volume in major depression leads to increased levels of circulating

glucocorticoids, which leads to neuronal apoptosis.

32 Hypercortisolemia due to

chronic stimulation of the HPA axis has been implicated in potentially reducing gray

matter loss in humans. It should be noted that the relationship between hippocampal

volume and depression is not consistently observed and that various factors may

affect these findings.

33 Corticosteroids can also modulate serotonin synthesis,

metabolism, and reuptake.

22 However, the data in this area are inconsistent because

different medications will have differing effects on cortisol despite being effective as

well as depressive subtypes showing different effects on cortisol.



inflammatory cytokines are seen in prospective and postmortem studies of depressed

patients but, again, is not consistent.


Genetic Studies

Over the last few years, significant scientific advances have been made in genetics

and pharmacogenomics. Several genes have been implicated in predictive response

or adverse effects to antidepressants. Pharmacodynamic targets have focused on

serotonin transporters (5-HTTLPR), tryptophan hydroxylase enzymes 1 and 2 (TPH1

and TPH2), 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors, brain-derived neurotrophic factor

(BDNF), G-protein β-3 subunit (GNB3), and monoamine oxidase enzymes and p-

glycoprotein; pharmacokinetic targets have been focused on polymorphic variations

in CYP1A2, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 enzymes.

37–39 Variations in the

serotonin transporter SLC6A4 gene have been associated with remission and

response rate in a meta-analysis of 1,435 patients.

38 Researchers found that patients

with the ss genotype are less likely to reach remission during SSRI treatment and take

longer to achieve 50% symptom improvement compared to those with the ll

genotype. A recent review stated the genes SLC6A4, HTR2A, BDNF, GNB3,

FKBP5, ABCB1, and cytochrome P450 genes (CYP2D6 and CYP2C19) as being the

best correlated with depression.

40 A major challenge with pharmacogenomic studies

lies in the difficulty of defining unambiguous drug response phenotypes in complex

diseases, such as depression. Most likely there are multiple genes that are involved

in disease phenotype, drug response, and toxicity. Gene–environment interactions

undoubtedly also play a role in the determination of these phenotypes.

Imaging Studies

Imaging studies (including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,

positron emission tomography, and single-photon emission computed tomography)

suggest that patients with depression have regional brain dysfunction, most often

affecting the limbic structures and prefrontal cortex. Alterations in cerebral blood

flow and/or metabolism in the frontal–temporal cortex and caudate nucleus are

associated with common depressive symptoms such as dysphoria, anhedonia,

hopelessness, and flat affect.


Increased firing of the amygdala in the left hemisphere

has been linked in positron emission tomography studies with the future development

of depression.

42 Because subtypes of depression have been linked to different

regional dysfunctions, a network hypothesis began to emerge that may lead to

improvements in depression diagnosis and targeted treatments.

43 There is also

seemingly increased hippocampal loss that is consistent with severity and duration of



Patient Assessment Tools

Behavioral rating scales have been used for many years in drug efficacy studies and

are widely advocated for routine use in the clinical arena today. Rating scales are

helpful in assessing the severity of mental illness, quantifying changes in target

symptoms, and determining treatment efficacy, but they are not diagnostic. Rating

scales can vary in length, content, and format, and can be completed by providers,

patients, researchers, family members, or conservators. Numerous depression scales

have been developed, including the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD17 or HAM-D21

), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Beck

Depression Inventory (BDI), the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale

(MADRS), the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale, the

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Quick Inventory of Depressive

Symptoms (QIDS16 or QIDS30

) (Table 86-5).

45–51 Because 30% to 50% of cases are

not detected in primary care, enhancing education of the clinicians in this area has

shown some benefit. Generally, a two-step process of screening with a simple

questionnaire, such as the PHQ-9 or the HADS, and then a more thorough evaluation

if the screening results in a positive score are the recommended methods of detecting

depression severe enough to require treatment.


p. 1816

p. 1817

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