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Cancer Society’s website: For review of tobacco dependence and methods for cessation see

Chapter 88, Tobacco Use and Dependence.


Chemoprevention is the use of a drug or substance to reverse, inhibit, or prevent the

development of cancer. Use of chemoprevention is helpful in selected groups of highrisk patients with breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers.

13 For discussion of

chemoprevention for these cancers, see Chapter 97, Breast Cancer, Chapter 99,

Colorectal Cancer, and Chapter 100, Prostate Cancer.


CASE 93-2

QUESTION 1: M.M., a 44-year-old woman, asks you about vaccines to prevent cervical cancer. Should

M.M. consider vaccination for her daughter or her son? Would this substitute for Pap smear screening for her


The human papilloma virus is primarily transmitted through sexual contact;

serotypes 16 and 18 (HPV-16, -18) cause approximately 70% of cervical cancers.


There are three different HPV vaccines available, each requiring three intramuscular

injections over the course of 6 months. The HPV bivalent vaccine (Cervarix)

includes HPV types 16 and 18 whereas the HPV quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil)

includes HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18. Both vaccines demonstrated efficacy in

reducing the incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), a premalignant

lesion that can lead to cervical cancer.

15–17 Because the progression of HPV infection

to invasive cervical cancer requires several years to possibly decades, CIN is

utilized as a surrogate efficacy endpoint in HPV vaccine clinical trials. It is

anticipated that the use of HPV vaccines will ultimately lead to a reduction in the

incidence of cervical cancer.

The HPV 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9) includes the same HPV types as the

bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines (6, 11, 16, 18) but with five additional HPV types

(31, 33, 45, 52, 58), increasing prevention to approximately 90% of cervical


18 The HPV quadrivalent and 9-valent vaccines are also approved for the

prevention of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) and vaginal intraepithelial

neoplasia (VAIN) in females as well as prevention of HPV-related genital warts and

anal cancer in males. However, there are no data to support the use of these vaccines

to prevent other cancers associated with HPV, such as penile cancer or head and

neck cancers.

Routine Pap smear and HPV screening should continue for vaccinated women

because the vaccines do not prevent all oncogenic types of HPV. The duration of

vaccine-induced anti-HPV immunity is also unknown.

M.M. should consider HPV vaccination for her daughter. All three vaccines are

indicated in females of 9 to 26 years of age, but the vaccines are most effective if

initiated before sexual activity. Whether or not M.M.’s daughter is vaccinated, she

should still receive routine Pap smear screening according to current guidelines.


The HPV quadrivalent and 9-valent vaccines are approved in males of 9 to 26 years

of age; therefore, M.M. should also consider vaccination for her son. The Centers for

Disease Control recommends HPV vaccination for all females and males at the age

of 11 to 12 years.



Diet has been linked to the development of colon, prostate, and breast cancers. The

American Cancer Society advocates a healthy diet that consists of vegetables, fruit,

whole grains, and fiber and is low in fat and red meat.

21 For more information, visit

the following page on the American Cancer Society’s website:

Migrant studies suggest that diet, environmental, or social factors play a role in the

development of prostate cancer and that the incidence of colon cancer in a population

increases as individuals migrate from a low-incidence region to a high-incidence



In women, the risk of breast cancer is increased with obesity and physical

inactivity, but an association with a high-fat diet is less clear.

24 Moderate alcohol

consumption has also been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

25 For

more information, visit the following page on the American Cancer Society’s



Most risk factors associated with skin cancer are uncontrollable, with the exception

of sun exposure and other forms of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The interaction

between UV radiation and skin cancers is complex, because nonmelanomas (e.g.,

basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas) are associated with cumulative UV

radiation exposure and certain cutaneous melanomas are associated with excessive,

intermittent UV radiation exposure.

26 The risk of melanoma is further increased in

people who have a history of five or more severe sunburns in their lifetime,

particularly during adolescence, or history of tanning bed use.

26,27 Depletion of the

ozone layer in the stratosphere may also contribute to the increased incidence of



Prevention of skin cancer is based on limiting sun and UV radiation exposure. The

American Cancer Society guidelines recommend avoiding or limiting sun exposure

from 10 AM to 4 PM when the UV rays are the strongest, and avoiding tanning bed or

sun lamp use. Protective clothing (hat, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirt, pants) and

sunscreens are also advised to minimize exposure.

27 However, the protective effects

of sunscreens alone against melanoma, particularly for intentional sun exposure, are

controversial and should not be used to prolong time in the sun.


Screening and Early Detection of Cancer

Standardized screening tests help identify disease in asymptomatic individuals

(screening) or diagnose disease in symptomatic individuals (early detection). The

cancer screening tests recommended by the American Cancer Society meet four basic

requirements: (a) There must be good evidence that the test is effective in reducing

morbidity or mortality; (b) benefits of the test should outweigh its risks; (c) costs of

the test should be in balance with its presumed benefits; and (d) the test should be

practical and feasible within the existing healthcare setting. For more information,

visit the following page on the American Cancer Society’s website:

Screening guidelines are updated frequently, and newest guidelines should be

consulted when counseling patients. Professional organizations including the

American Cancer Society ( and National Comprehensive

Cancer Network (NCCN) ( regularly publish

recommendations for screening of breast, cervical, colon, lung, and prostate



Diagnosis and Staging of Cancer

The histologic diagnosis of a tumor is the most important determinant of treatment

selection. This is because its histologic classification influences its natural history,

pattern of progression, and responsiveness to treatment. A biopsy followed by a

microscopic and biochemical evaluation by a pathologist can provide the most

accurate histologic diagnosis. Thereafter, staging can begin.

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CASE 93-3

QUESTION 1: J.S. is diagnosed with breast cancer after a biopsy of a large breast mass. Chemotherapy,

radiation, and surgery are commonly used to treat patients diagnosed with breast cancer. What information is

needed to select a treatment plan for J.S.?

The stage of the cancer, as well as the histologic diagnosis, influences both the

treatment selection and prognosis. Staging is the process that determines the extent or

spread of the disease.

Determining the stage of the cancer typically requires tests that can physically or

radiographically measure the size of the primary tumor and assess for evidence of

tumor spread (e.g., radiographs, computed tomography [CT] scans, magnetic

resonance imaging [MRI] scans, or positron emission tomography [PET] scans) and

pathologically examine regional lymph nodes.

30 Clinicians also evaluate symptoms

(e.g., pain) or signs (e.g., swelling, abnormal laboratory findings) that may indicate

tumor involvement at a distant site. Common sites of tumor metastases are shown in

Table 93-2.

Staging schemas have been developed for all major types of cancers. For solid

tumors, the most widely used and accepted staging classification is the TNM system,

which incorporates the size of the primary tumor (T), the extent of regional lymph

node spread (N), and the presence or absence of metastatic spread to distant organs

(M). Within each TNM category, the extent of cancer involvement is related to

prognosis. Most solid tumor staging systems also incorporate the TNM classification

into broader groups, called stages, to facilitate treatment decisions and comparison

among patient populations. Classification of stages differs among solid tumors types.

Please refer to malignancy-specific chapters for TNM staging of breast, lung,

prostate, and colorectal cancers.

Whereas the TNM system enables staging of solid tumors, it does not enable

staging for hematologic malignancies, including leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple

myeloma. Because hematologic malignancies occur in the blood cells and lymphatic

tissues that are widely distributed throughout the body, the TNM staging system

cannot sufficiently describe these diseases. To define the extent of disease, guide

treatment, and provide prognostic information, specific staging systems have been

developed for various hematologic malignancies. Staging systems for hematologic

malignancies are discussed in further detail in Chapter 96, Adult Hematologic


Table 93-2

Common Sites of Metastases for Selected Tumors

Cancer Type Common Sites of Metastases

Breast Bone (osteolytic lesions), lung, liver, brain. ER-positive tumors preferentially spread

to bone; ER-negative tumors may metastasize to visceral organs

Lung Liver, brain, adrenals, pancreas, contralateral lung, and bone

Prostate Bone (osteoblastic lesions)

Colon The portal circulation pattern favors dissemination to the liver and peritoneal cavity,

but metastasis also occurs in the lungs

Ovarian Localspread in the peritoneal cavity

Myeloma Bone (osteolytic lesions), sometimes spreading to other organs

ER, estrogen receptor.

Staging systems for some tumors also include other characteristics to further

determine the stage and prognosis of the disease, such as clinical signs and

symptoms, biochemical characteristics of the tumor, or other laboratory tests. For

example, the staging system used for Hodgkin lymphoma includes constitutional

symptoms (i.e., fever, night sweats, and weight loss). These symptoms confer a

poorer prognosis and could indicate the need for more intensive therapy.

Tumor staging is done at the time of initial diagnosis and periodically during

treatment to assess the patient’s response to therapy. Staging should also be repeated

(a) when evidence shows that the cancer has progressed during treatment or recurred

after therapy to establish the most appropriate next-line therapy, and (b) to enable

measurement of response to that therapy.

J.S. needs to undergo the appropriate imaging scans, laboratory studies, and

clinical evaluation so that her breast cancer can be staged. These tests may include

blood tests (e.g., complete blood cell and platelet count, liver function tests),

mammograms or breast ultrasounds, determination of tumor ER/PR and HER2 status,

breast MRI, bone scan, abdominal scans, and chest imaging. Once staging is

completed, treatment recommendations and options can then be determined.

Treatment options for breast cancer based on stage are further discussed in Chapter

97, Breast Cancer.


The initial signs and symptoms of malignant disease are variable and predominantly

depend on histologic diagnosis, location (including metastases), and size of the

tumor. Pain secondary to compression, obstruction, and destruction of adjacent

tissues and organs is the most common presenting symptom. Other common initial

symptoms reported by patients with cancer include anorexia, weight loss, and fatigue.

Certain symptoms, however, may be obscured by a concomitant illness, such as

chronic lung disease in patients with lung cancer. Some tumors cause signs and

symptoms early in the course of the disease, whereas others may not cause symptoms

until late in the course of the disease and after significant tumor growth. In either of

these circumstances, early diagnosis may be difficult. Individuals at a higher-thanaverage risk for certain malignancies should be screened regularly to help detect

early disease. Tumor involvement of the liver, kidneys, or lungs can complicate

therapy by causing significant organ dysfunction and metabolic disturbances. In

addition, compression or obstruction could produce a “mass effect” by impairing

normal organ or tissue function and causing pain or other uncomfortable physical

effects. Life-threatening complications that require immediate intervention include

obstruction of the superior vena cava, spinal cord compression, and brain metastases.

CASE 93-4

QUESTION 1: P.N., a 59 year-old woman, presents with shortness of breath, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss,

and abdominal pain and distension that have worsened significantly during the previous 3 weeks. A CT scan of

her abdomen shows a large mass surrounding the head of her pancreas with biopsy results that confirm

pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The staging workup confirms the presence of distant metastases. Her husband

states that she was previously an active person, but that she most recently has been unable to dress herself or

participate in normal daily activities. He states that she spends most of the day in bed. Will her activity level

influence the type of treatment that she can receive?

Cancer can have a profound effect on a patient’s quality of life and his/her ability

to tolerate appropriate therapy. Patients with malnutrition secondary to anorexia,

mechanical obstruction, or pain may not tolerate some therapies because of

significant physical

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debility. Performance status is a measure of functional capacity and reflects a

patient’s ability to ambulate, care for himself/herself, and carry out normal activities.

For several cancers, poor pretreatment performance status is associated with

decreased ability to tolerate treatment, decreased tumor response to treatment, and

worsened clinical outcome. In these cases, especially if the cancer is not known to

respond well to treatment, a less aggressive treatment regimen may be recommended.

For this reason, performance status is important to assess at the time of staging

evaluation and periodically during treatment. Different scales (i.e., Karnofsky score,

Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group [ECOG]) can be used to determine

performance status. The Karnofsky and ECOG performance scales are depicted in

Table 93-3.

31 Because P.N. has a poor performance status (ECOG grade 3) and may

not tolerate chemotherapy well, her oncologist may recommend a less toxic treatment

plan. Because other conditions, such as depression, could contribute to her

symptoms, P.N. should undergo comprehensive evaluation.


CASE 93-5

QUESTION 1: T.J., a 40-year-old man with no significant medical history, presents to his physician with

complaints of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and weight loss. On physical examination, he is

noted to be slightly jaundiced. A CT scan of his abdomen reveals a mass present in the peripancreatic area that

is suggestive of malignancy. Once diagnosed and staged, T.J. asks the surgeon how will this malignancy be

treated? And what is the goal of therapy?

The choice of specific therapy and its goals depends not only on the histology and

stage of the cancer but also on the patient’s predicted tolerance of the side effects of

the various treatment options. The goal of therapy should always be to cure the

patient when possible. The likelihood of cure is greater when the tumor burden is

low (i.e., lower stage). When using therapy with curative intent is not possible,

therapy becomes palliative in nature, with disease control and symptom management

the priority. Goals of therapy should be balanced so that quantity and quality of life

are both adequately considered.

Cancer is predominately treated with three modalities: surgery, radiation, and

systemic therapy (including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, biologic response

modifiers, etc.). Systemic therapy is the primary treatment modality for hematologic

malignancies. In most solid tumor malignancies, early-stage and localized disease is

treated with either surgery or radiation therapy. Sometimes, combinations of

modalities may be used to maximize the potential for cure or disease control (e.g.,

radiation given in combination with chemotherapy). For advanced disease (presence

of metastases or recurrence after initial therapy), solid tumor malignancies are

usually treated with systemic therapy as the primary treatment modality. T.J.’s

treatment will be dependent on tumor histology, stage, and expected prognosis. If T.J.

has potentially curable disease, he should be treated with curative intent therapy,

whereas if T.J. has advanced disease that denotes a poor prognosis, he should be

treated with palliative therapy.


Surgery is an important treatment option for patients diagnosed with certain solid

tumors. With the recent advances in surgical techniques (e.g., minimally invasive

procedures) and improved understanding of patterns of tumor growth and spread,

successful resections are possible for an increasing number of patients. Surgery may

be used as preventive therapy (e.g., removal of colonic polyps or cervical dysplasia)

or diagnostic treatment, or staging of some cancers.

Table 93-3

Performance Status Scales


Eastern Cooperative Group (ECOG) Karnofsky

Grade Description Grade Description

0 Fully active, able to carry on all predisease

performance without restriction

100 Normal, no complaints; no evidence of


90 Able to carry on normal activity; minor signs

or symptoms of disease

1 Restricted in physically strenuous activity but

ambulatory and able to carry out work of a

light or sedentary nature

80 Normal activity with effort, some signs of

symptoms of disease

70 Cares for self but unable to carry on normal

activity or do active work

2 Ambulatory and capable of allself-care but

unable to carry out any work activities. Up

and about more than 50% of waking hours

60 Requires occasional assistance but is able to

care for most of personal needs

50 Requires considerable assistance and frequent

medical care

3 Capable of only limited self-care, confined to

bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours

40 Disabled; requires special care and assistance

30 Severely disabled; hospitalization is indicated

although death not imminent

4 Completely disabled. Cannot carry on any

self-care. Totally confined to bed or chair.

20 Very ill; hospitalization and active supportive

care necessary

10 Moribund

5 Dead 0 Dead

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Surgery can be used to manage both localized and advanced tumors. When surgery

provides curative therapy for a localized tumor, the surgeon removes the tumor plus a

margin of normal tissue surrounding the tumor. For extensive, localized tumors that

cannot be completely removed, selected patients may undergo cytoreductive surgery

to resect the tumor partially in an attempt to improve the likelihood that subsequent

chemotherapy or radiation therapy may successfully kill the tumor.

Patients with metastatic disease may have palliative surgery to relieve pain or

improve functional abnormalities caused by the advanced tumor (e.g., gastrointestinal

obstruction). Palliative surgery may improve quality of life without prolonging



Radiation may be administered as either curative or palliative therapy for solid

tumors. Radiation is administered in varying doses depending on the type of tissue

(e.g., bone, lung, breast, liver, brain) being treated and the intent of therapy

(palliative or curative). A limit exists to the total amount of radiation that can be

delivered to the area being treated dependent on the type of tissue. Damaging effects

of radiation on the normal tissues that surround the tumor can be dramatic, and may

be exacerbated if given concomitantly with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy that

follows completion of radiation therapy can produce “radiation recall” of local

toxicity that manifests as skin redness, swelling, and peeling at the radiation site.

Not all cancers are sensitive to radiation, so this modality has limited application

in these cases. For radiation-sensitive tumors (Table 93-4), potential advantages

exist over surgery. For instance, radiation therapy may encompass a wider area

around the tumor and treat tumors in regions of the body where surgery cannot safely

be performed. Radiation therapy also can be used when surgery could result in

considerable disability or disfigurement. Patients may receive radiation therapy to

multiple sites simultaneously.

Multiple methods are used to administer radiation to tumors. External-beam

radiotherapy and brachytherapy are two types that are commonly used. Newer

radiation therapy techniques, including intraoperative radiation, hyperfractionated

radiation, stereotactic radiosurgery, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, chargedparticle (proton) radiation therapy, and computerized three-dimensional conformal

treatment planning, may reduce associated toxicities, enhance tumor responsiveness,

and improve the clinical usefulness of radiation.


Table 93-4

Cancers Frequently Treated with Radiation Therapy

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (central nervous system radiation)

Brain and central nervous system


Head and neck cancers, squamous cell






Testicular, seminoma

Systemic Therapy

Not all cancers can be treated by surgery or radiation therapy. Patients may present

with widespread metastatic disease at diagnosis or recur following primary treatment

with surgery or radiation. Patients may also have residual tumor following initial

surgery or radiation, requiring additional treatment. In these circumstances, systemic

treatments including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, endocrine therapy, and biologic

response modifiers generally offer the only hope of controlling disease.


The National Cancer Institute defines chemotherapy as drugs that treat cancer cells.


For the purposes of this chapter, chemotherapy will be defined as cytotoxic therapy

that is directed toward rapidly dividing cells. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells by

damaging DNA, interfering with DNA synthesis, or inhibiting cell division.

Chemotherapy agents are classified by their effect on the cell cycle or mechanism of

action. Agents that affect a specific phase of the cell cycle are referred to as phasespecific agents or schedule-dependent agents. In contrast, agents that affect any phase

of the cell cycle are referred to as phase-nonspecific agents or dose-dependent agents

(Fig. 93-1). The specific mechanisms of action for several chemotherapy agents are

described in Table 93-5.


Factors that Influence Response to Chemotherapy

Cell Kill

Studies using rodent animal models during the 1960s demonstrated that the number of

tumor cells killed by chemotherapy is proportional to the dose when the growth

fraction is 100% (i.e., all cells are dividing) and the tumor cells are sensitive to the


36,37 For example, if a dose of chemotherapy reduces the tumor burden from 10


to 10

8 cells, the same dose administered when only 10

7 cells are present should

reduce the tumor burden to 10

5 cells. This theory has become known as the cell-kill

or log-kill hypothesis (Fig. 93-2).

In the clinical setting, tumor cells do not always decrease predictably with each

successive course of chemotherapy. This is because the growth fraction of human

tumors is not 100% and the cell population is heterogeneous, with some cells that are

resistant to chemotherapy.

Dose Intensity

Dose intensity is defined as the chemotherapy dose per unit time during which

treatment is given (e.g., mg/m2

/week). Drug resistance might be overcome by

increasing the dose of chemotherapy. Evidence suggests that reducing a dose can

cause treatment failure in patients with chemotherapy-sensitive tumors who are

having their first chemotherapy treatment.

38 A direct relationship between dose

intensity and response rate also has been reported in several human tumors including

breast cancer, lymphomas, ovarian cancer, and small-cell lung cancer.

39,40 However,

dose-intensive therapy has not consistently improved the overall cure rate of most

solid tumors.

The dose intensity for most chemotherapy regimens is limited by the major doserelated toxicity, bone marrow suppression. To minimize this toxicity and administer

higher doses, patients may receive hematopoietic growth factors, autologous stem

cell transplantation, or altered schedules of drug delivery.


Schedule Dependency

Chemotherapy is administered in cycles (e.g., every 2, 3, or 4 weeks) with recovery

periods between cycles. A typical course of chemotherapy usually consists of several

cycles. The interval of time between cycles depends on the type of cancer and the

drugs being used.

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Table 93-5

Chemotherapy Agents


Agent (Trade


Mechanism of


Route of

Administration Notable Toxicities

Alkylating Agents

Nitrogen mustards (and related


Cross-links DNA

strands leading to

cell death

Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting; fatigue



Nitrogen mustard


IV Also: hepatic dysfunction;

fever; headache



PO Also: rash; hepatic dysfunction;

pulmonary fibrosis; myoclonus,




IV, PO Also: immunosuppression;

hemorrhagic cystitis; alopecia;


Ifosfamide (Ifex) IV Also: hemorrhagic cystitis

(coadministered with mesna);

encephalopathy; alopecia



IV, PO Also:stomatitis




related to nitrogen




Also: anaphylaxis, rash, blurred

vision; dizziness; alopecia

Nitrosoureas Interferes with

normal cellular

function via crosslinking of DNA and

RNA strands

Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting; pulmonary toxicity;

hepatic and renal dysfunction



IV, brain implant



PO Also: ocular changes

Platinum analogs Reacts with

nucleophilic sites on

DNA forming


Myelosuppression, nausea,

vomiting; peripheral neuropathy;

delayed hypersensitivity

reactions; secondary




IV Also: electrolyte abnormalities

Cisplatin (Platinol) IV, IP Also: renal dysfunction;

ototoxicity; electrolyte

abnormalities; vesicant



IV Also:sensitivity to cold, jaw

spasm, dysphagia; diarrhea;

pulmonary fibrosis

Triazenes Alkylates DNA

leading to doublestrand breaks and

cell death

Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting, anorexia; fatigue;

headache; alopecia



Prodrug (activated

by CYP)

IV Also: flu-like syndrome



Prodrug of




IV, PO Also: constipation


Busulfan Cross-links DNA IV, PO Myelosuppression; pulmonary



strands, interfering

with normal


fibrosis; hyperpigmentation;

hepatic dysfunction; seizures

and veno-occlusive disease

(high dose)



Inhibits DNA and

RNA synthesis


transmethylation of


PO Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting; neurologic toxicity;

hepatic dysfunction; secondary


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DNA demethylation agents Incorporates into


and inhibits


Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting, diarrhea; bruising,

petechiae; fatigue, fever



IV or SC Also: injection-site reaction



IV Also: electrolyte abnormalities;

edema; psychiatric changes



IV Also:somnolence, dizziness,

seizure, peripheral neuropathy;


Folic acid antagonists Inhibits



interferes with

DNA synthesis,

repair, and cellular


Myelosuppression; stomatitis;

nausea; fatigue; hepatic




IV, PO Also: renal dysfunction;

photosensitivity; pulmonary

toxicity; neurotoxicity



Also: inhibits

additional enzymes

involved in folate


IV Also: rash




enters cells

expressing reduced

folate carrier-1

IV Also: fever; edema; diarrhea;

cough, rash

Purine analogs Inhibits DNA

synthesis and repair

by incorporating

into DNA

Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting, anorexia; fatigue






IV Also: fever; fatigue; headache;

rash; injection-site reaction



Also: inhibits



IV Also: headache; rash, pruritus;

anxiety; fever; tachycardia,

hypotension; diarrhea; hepatic

and renal dysfunction



Also: inhibition of

DNA polymerase

and ribonucleotide


IV Also: fever, chills; edema;

cough; rash



Also: S phase

specific; converted

to a ribonucleotide

PO Also: rash; drug fever; hepatic




Also: complete




PO Also: hepatotoxicity, venoocclusive disease; stomatitis;

hyperuricemia; fluid retention



(Hydrea, Droxia)

Holds cells in the


phase of cell


PO Myelosuppression; dermatologic

toxicity; nausea, vomiting,


Pyrimidine analogs Incorporates into

RNA and DNA;

interferes with

RNA function

Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting, stomatitis, diarrhea



Also: prodrug

metabolized to

fluorouracil; inhibits



PO Also: hand-foot syndrome;



(Cytosar-U, AraC)

Also: inhibits DNA




Also: cytarabine syndrome

(fever, myalgia, bone pain, rash,

conjunctivitis); hepatic




Also: inhibits



IV Also: alopecia; hand-foot


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Also: inhibits DNA

polymerase and



IV Also: flu-like syndrome; rash,


Antimitotic Agents

Epothilones Binds directly to βtubulin; promotes

stabilization of


Alopecia; myelosuppression;

peripheral neuropathy;

arthralgia, myalgia; stomatitis,

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea




Taxanes (and related agents) Binds to β-tubulin;


stabilization and


disassembly of


Myelosuppression; alopecia;

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

peripheral neuropathy; myalgia,

arthralgia; fatigue






IV Also: hand-foot syndrome;

edema; hypersensitivity reaction

Paclitaxel (Taxol) IV, IP Also: hypersensitivity reaction





Vinca alkaloids Binds to tubulin

interfering with


assembly and

mitotic spindle


Myelosuppression; constipation;

bone pain; neurotoxicity,

neuropathies; vesicant







IV Also: autonomic neuropathies

(high dose); fever; nausea;

constipation; SIADH



IV Also: fatigue; liver dysfunction

Halichondrin B analog Disrupts



Myelosuppression; alopecia;

nausea, constipation; peripheral

neuropathy; fatigue










PO Gynecomastia; hepatic

dysfunction; edema; nausea,


Antitumor Antibiotics

Anthracyclines Stabilizes the

cleavable complex


topoisomerase II

and DNA, causing

single- and doublestrand DNA breaks

Myelosuppression; mucositis;

alopecia; nausea, vomiting;

cumulative cardiac toxicity;

secondary malignancy



IV Also: vesicant




IV Also: diarrhea; fatigue, rigors,

neuropathy; dyspnea

Doxorubicin IV Also: acute cardiac toxicity;





liposomal (Doxil)

IV Also: fatigue; stomatitis; rash,

hand-foot syndrome



IV Also: mucositis, alopecia;


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IV Also: diarrhea; alopecia;




Intravesical Urinary urgency; urinary

frequency, dysuria, hematuria




Binds to DNA,

producing singleand double- strand

DNA breaks

IV Erythema, hyperpigmentation;

pulmonary toxicity; fever, chills



Intercalates DNA,

inhibiting DNA

synthesis and


RNA synthesis

IV Myelosuppression; nausea,

vomiting; hepatic dysfunction;

vesicant; radiation recall


Cephalotaxine Inhibits ribosome

function, impairing

protein synthesis

Myelosuppression; diarrhea,

nausea; infusion-related

reaction, injection-site reaction;

hyperuricemia; infection, fever,





Differentiation Agents Promotes myeloid

differentiation and


Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

dermatologic toxicity; headache,

fatigue, edema; bone pain

Arsenic trioxide


Also: causes


changes and DNA


IV Also: RA-APL syndrome,

myelosuppression, leukocytosis;

cardiac effects; psychiatric

changes; electrolyte




PO Also: RA-APL syndrome,

leukocytosis; cardiac effects;

psychiatric; lipid abnormalities



PO Also: lipid abnormalities;



DNA Topoisomerase Inhibitors Inhibits


leading to DNA

Myelosuppression, fatigue;


strand breaks




topoisomerase II

IV, PO Also: nausea, vomiting;

hypersensitivity reaction;

secondary malignancy




topoisomerase I

IV Also: diarrhea, cholinergic

syndrome; hepatic dysfunction




topoisomerase I

IV, PO Also: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea






asparagine, leading

to inhibition of

protein synthesis

IV Hypersensitivity reaction;

nausea, vomiting; decreased

clotting factors; renal


CYP, cytochrome; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; IP, intraperitoneal; IT, intrathecal; IV, intravenous; PO, oral; RAAPL, retinoic acid–acute promyelocytic leukemia; RNA, ribonucleic acid; SC, subcutaneous; SIADH, syndrome

of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone.

The optimal schedule is also influenced by the pharmacokinetics of the agent. For

example, phase-specific agents exert their cytotoxic effects only when the cell is in a

particular phase of the cell cycle. If a phase-specific agent with a short half-life is

administered by intravenous bolus, a significant number of tumor cells will not be in

the vulnerable phase of the cell cycle during exposure to the agent. Comparatively,

the same agent administered by frequent intravenous bolus or continuous infusion

could expose more cells to the agent during the vulnerable phase.


Drug Resistance

CASE 93-6

QUESTION 1: B.C. is a 39-year-old male with aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). At the time of

diagnosis, B.C. had enlarged cervical lymph nodes, dyspnea, and a large mediastinal mass noted on chest x-ray

examination. Chemotherapy was initiated with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and

prednisone (RCHOP). After the first cycle of chemotherapy, B.C.’s lymphadenopathy was greatly reduced.

Chest x-ray examination repeated after the second cycle of therapy showed marked improvement. When he

returned for his fifth cycle of chemotherapy, recurrent lymphadenopathy was noted and the chest radiograph

confirmed enlargement of the mediastinal mass. Why is B.C.’s cancer growing despite continued chemotherapy

and how should his treatment be altered?

p. 1956

p. 1957

Figure 93-2 Log-kill hypothesis. The growth rate of a tumor is initially very rapid and eventually slows as it

approaches 10

11 cells. Two trillion (2 × 10


) cells or 2 kg of tumor is lethal to humans. An effective chemotherapy

treatment (Chemo Rx) given at point A will decrease the tumor number to point B. Regrowth of the tumor will

occur during the recovery period until further chemotherapy is given at point C.

Most likely, B.C.’s cancer is now growing because the tumor has become resistant

to the chemotherapy. Therefore, it would be wise to discontinue the current regimen.

Biochemical resistance to chemotherapy is the major impediment to successful

treatment with most cancers.

38 Resistance can occur de novo in cancer cells or

develop during cell division as a result of mutation.


In 1979, a proposed

mathematical model known as the Goldie–Coldman hypothesis predicted that tumor

cells mutate at a rate related to the genetic instability of the tumor.

44 Thus, the

probability that a tumor mass will contain resistant clones is related to both the rate

of mutation and the size of the tumor. Many mechanisms have been identified by

which cancer cells resist the activity of cytotoxic agents.

Some cell lines that become resistant to a single chemotherapy agent may also be

resistant to structurally unrelated cytotoxic compounds. This phenomenon is called

pleiotropic drug resistance or multidrug resistance (MDR).

45 Cell lines that display

this type of resistance are generally resistant to natural product cytotoxic agents such

as the vinca alkaloids, antitumor antibiotics, epipodophyllotoxins, camptothecins,

and taxanes. The primary mechanism believed to be responsible for MDR is an

increase in efflux transporters such as P-glycoprotein in the cell membrane. These

proteins mediate efflux of the chemotherapy agent, causing decreased accumulation of

drug within the cell and decreased cytotoxicity.

45 Other transport proteins (e.g.,

breast cancer resistance protein) have been implicated in resistance to chemotherapy

as well.


Another type of MDR is resistance caused by changes or mutations of drug targets,

for example, the altered binding of topoisomerase II, an enzyme that promotes DNA

strand breaks in the presence of anthracyclines and epipodophyllotoxins.

47 Because

of the likelihood of MDR, B.C. should receive a chemotherapy regimen that does not

include agents transported from tumor cells by the MDR mechanism. An alternative

regimen such as gemcitabine or oxaliplatin, with or without rituximab, may be a

reasonable option because this regimen is active against NHLand these drugs are not

known substrates for various efflux transporters.

Tumor Site

The cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy agents are related to the time the tumor is

exposed to an effective concentration of the agent (i.e., concentration × time [C × T]).

The drug dose, infusion rate, route of administration, lipophilicity, and protein

binding can influence the concentration–time product. Other factors, such as tumor

size and location, can also critically affect an agent’s cytotoxicity. As tumors grow

larger, their degree of vascularity lessens, making it more difficult for agents to

penetrate the entire tumor mass. Tumors located in sites of the body with poor drug

penetration (e.g., the brain) may not receive a sufficient concentration to provide

effective kill.


Antitumor activity and adverse effects of chemotherapy agents are associated with

the presence of genetic polymorphisms that can affect the metabolism and disposition

of drug. See Chapter 97, Breast Cancer, and Chapter 99, Colorectal Cancer, for a

more detailed discussion of genetic polymorphisms associated with UGT1A1,

CY2D6, and HER2/neu receptor positivity.

Combination Chemotherapy

CASE 93-7

QUESTION 1: K.K. has newly diagnosed stage II, bulky Hodgkin lymphoma. She initially presented with

asymptomatic lymphadenopathy, night sweats, and a 15% weight loss in the previous 2 months. K.K. is to begin

chemotherapy today with doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine. All of these chemotherapy

agents have activity in Hodgkin lymphoma. Why is it recommended that K.K. receive all four drugs, rather than

just one drug?

Although single-agent chemotherapy can cause significant early regression of

Hodgkin lymphoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and adult NHL, some tumors show

only a partial, very short response to single-agent therapy. In Hodgkin lymphoma, the

use of combination chemotherapy results in long-term, disease-free survival for more

than 60% of patients. If K.K. were to receive single-agent therapy, her disease would

not be cured. Combination chemotherapy is recommended to provide her with the

best chance for long-term, disease-free survival.

Combination chemotherapy provides broader coverage against resistant cell lines

within the heterogeneous tumor mass. Several principles provide the basis for

selecting the agents to be included in a chemotherapy regimen:

Agents with demonstrable single-agent activity against the specific type of tumor

should be used in combination therapy.

Agents in the regimen should have different mechanisms of action.

Agents should not have overlapping toxicities so that the severity and duration of

acute and chronic toxicities are minimized.

Agents in the regimen should be used in their optimal dose and schedule.

Subsequent chapters will provide examples of commonly used systemic regimens

in the treatment of hematologic and solid tumor malignancies.

p. 1957

p. 1958

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