Several standardized toxicity grading scales are available to assess toxicity
associated with chemotherapy. However, the National Cancer Institute Common
Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events is the most commonly used.
systemic therapy will be further discussed in Chapter 94, Adverse Effects of
Chemotherapy and Targeted Agents.
Because toxicities associated with systemic therapy are potentially severe, it is
important to evaluate the risks and benefits. The benefits of a treatment regimen
assessment tools have been developed.
In addition, other clinical benefits (e.g.,
reduced pain, decreased use of analgesics, weight gain, improved performance
status) have been recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration as acceptable
criteria for measuring quality of life. These criteria are also considered when
evaluating new agents for approval.
G.K. should continue to receive the same therapy as long as her tumor is
cycles is not associated with further benefit because toxicity becomes an overriding
Tumor markers are substances found in tumor tissue or released from tumor into the
blood or other body fluids (e.g., urine).
34 However, not all cancers have relevant
tumor markers. The ideal tumor marker should be produced and released primarily
by cancer cells (or by other tissues in response to tumor) at levels proportional to the
tumor mass. Surgical removal of the tumor, radiation therapy, or therapeutic response
to systemic therapy should result in a reduction in the level of the marker. In addition,
the ideal tumor marker should be measurable at very low levels, allowing for
detection of tumor at lower volumes than conventional diagnostic imaging permits.
Tumor markers may therefore be used to monitor patients in remission and to detect
recurrent disease. Unfortunately, few tumor markers fulfill these criteria sufficiently
to be clinically useful as the sole screening or diagnostic test. Most tumor markers
lack specificity for tumor and may be elevated due to other causes. Table 93-15 lists
some of the common tumor markers used in practice.
Other Targeted and Miscellaneous Agents
Administration Notable Toxicities
HDAC inhibitors Inhibits HDAC resulting in
PO Also: diarrhea; electrolyte
pruritis, dermatitis; infection
PO Also: diarrhea, anorexia, weight
Proteasome inhibitor Inhibits proteasomes,
Nausea, diarrhea, constipation;
IV Also: edema, dyspnea; cardiac
mTOR inhibitors Inhibits mTOR kinase,
hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia,
Immunomodulating Agents Immunomodulatory and
Fatigue; teratogenic potential;
cells; enhances T-celland NK-cell-mediated
PO Also: rash; peripheral edema;
constipation, nausea, diarrhea;
PO Also: bradycardia; dizziness;
BRAF inhibitor Blocks cellular
Dermatologic toxicity; nausea,
PO Also: electrolyte abnormalities,
PO Also: fatigue; arthralgias;
Reversibly inhibits CDK PO Myelosuppression, infection,
diarrhea; stomatitis, alopecia;
PO Fatigue; alopecia; anorexia,
nausea, diarrhea, constipation;
to IL-2 receptorexpressing cells leading to
VEGF inhibitor Ziv-Aflibercept
IV Fatigue, diarrhea, stomatitis;
myelosuppression; hypertension,
proteinuria; bleeding, impaired
IV, intravenous; PO, oral; SC, subcutaneous; HDAC, histone deacetylase; mTOR, mammalian target of
cyclin-dependent kinase; IL-2, interleukin 2; PARP, poly ADP-ribose polymerase.
Class Agent Mechanism of Action
Administration Notable Toxicities
Androgens Synthetic derivative of
Antiandrogens Hot flashes; breast
Abiraterone (Zytiga) Inhibits formation of
Flutamide (Eulexin) Inhibits androgen uptake
Antiestrogens Competitive binding of
Aromatase inhibitors Inhibits aromatase
GnRH analogs (LHRH agonists) Downregulates GnRH
Goserelin (Zoladex) SC Also: headache, emotional
GnRH antagonists Binds to GHRH receptors
Progestins Promotes differentiation
Regional or Local Routes of Chemotherapy Administration
Route of Administration Cancer Managed With Alternative Route
Intrathecal or intraventricular Leukemia, lymphoma
Intrapleural Malignant pleural effusions
Intra-arterial Melanoma, sarcoma
Hepatic artery Liver metastases
Chemoembolization (intra-arterial or intravenous) Colon, rectal, carcinoid, liver metastases
Response Criteria for Evaluating Effects of Chemotherapy of Target Lesion
reduction in short axis to <10 mm
disease, taking as reference the smallest sum diameters while on study
Addition of cancer treatment to institutional services will affect three areas of the
pharmacy department: budget, policies and procedures for safe drug handling and
disposal, and the staff education program. The pharmacy department will need to
increase its budget to accommodate additional personnel and purchase new
equipment, supplies, supportive care medicines, and chemotherapy agents. To
estimate the projected budget increase, pharmacy leadership should meet with the
oncologists to discuss anticipated volume of chemotherapy orders including systemic
therapy and supportive care medicines (e.g., antiemetic therapy, analgesics, growth
factors) likely to be prescribed. All new systemic therapy agents and supportive care
medicines should be added to the institutional formulary. In addition, projected use of
investigational agents, clinical pharmacy services needed, and any plans to develop
an ambulatory infusion program should be determined. Institutional policies and
procedures to ensure safe handling of chemotherapy agents must be created. These
should be conveyed to all personnel affected through a staff education program
because safe handling of chemotherapy agents is critical in decreasing the risk of
medication errors and injuries.
Several chemotherapy-related medication errors resulting in death or permanent
disability have been highly publicized. These devastating events have brought
significant attention to the entire drug use process in oncology and have identified
several factors that appear to contribute to the risk. Use of abbreviations, verbal
orders, multiple-day regimens, incorrect references and protocols, and illegible
medication orders has contributed to medication errors. Increasing use of
computerized prescriber order entry and standardized preprinted orders have helped
eliminate many errors. Several groups have responded to the problem by issuing
policy recommendations to minimize such errors.
Clinically Useful Tumor Markers
Cancers Commonly Associated With Increased
α-Fetoprotein (AFP) Liver, testicular, ovarian
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) Colon, lung
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Trophoblastic, testicular
-Microglobulin Multiple myeloma
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) Prostate
CASE 93-11, QUESTION 2: What are the potential risks of handling cytotoxic drugs? What resources are
Many of these agents are carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic in animal models
and in humans at therapeutic doses.
66 Danger to healthcare personnel handling such
agents results from inherent toxicities of the agents and the extent (i.e., amount and
length of time) to which the workers are exposed during drug handling.
studies have attempted to assess the effect of occupational exposure to hazardous
drugs on healthcare workers. These studies measured urine mutagenicity,
chromosomal damage, blood concentrations, and the level of contamination that
occurs in the work areas used for drug preparation and administration.
studies indicate urine mutagenicity and chromosomal damage in workers may be a
direct result of cytotoxic exposure. Other reports have correlated reproductive risks
(e.g., infertility or increased risk of miscarriage) and birth defects in pregnant
workers handling cytotoxic drugs.
67,69 Findings from these reports together with the
toxicities observed in patients receiving therapeutic doses led the American Society
of Health-System Pharmacists to conclude that healthcare workers exposed to
hazardous drugs may be absorbing or inhaling these drugs and may be at risk for
In response to concerns regarding occupational exposure to hazardous drugs,
several groups have published guidelines for the safe handling of these agents in the
workplace (i.e., storage, preparation, administration, and disposal).
guidelines will be helpful to the pharmacy department when developing policies and
CASE 93-11, QUESTION 3: What specific policies and procedures are necessary? What other departments
should be consulted during the development and implementation of the handling guidelines?
Policies must be developed that address the entire scope of potential occupational
exposures within the workplace. These policies should include (a) a worker’s “right
to know” regarding potential hazards; (b) education and training for workers
involved with hazardous drug handling; (c) quality assurance to monitor adherence to
safe handling procedures; and (d) guidelines for workers who are attempting to
conceive a child, become pregnant, or are nursing.
Specific procedures that outline appropriate handling of hazardous agents during
all aspects of institutional storage, use, and disposal should be developed. These
procedures should address appropriate (a) storage in the receiving and storeroom
areas, (b) preparation and administration of parenteral formulations, (c) manipulation
and dispensing of oral and topical formulations, (d) cleanup of spills, (e)
management of acute exposures, and (f) disposal of hazardous agents and supplies
used to prepare and dispense chemotherapy. If the oncology program includes
ambulatory infusion or home-care components, procedures should also be developed
for appropriate handling and disposal of these products in the home. Handling of oral
chemotherapy and biotherapy must also be specifically addressed. Policies should
include processes for cleaning of tools and nondisposable items used to dispense
oral cytotoxic agents to minimize contamination with other drugs.
Other departments may be affected by these guidelines including medical staff,
nursing, environmental services staff (in the cleanup of spills and equipment),
maintenance (upkeep of equipment), and the receiving area (where cytotoxic drugs
may be received from suppliers). The institutional safety office and legal staff also
should be consulted to help devise the policies and procedures.
Necessary Equipment and Supplies
CASE 93-11, QUESTION 4: What equipment and supplies are necessary for handling hazardous drugs?
Proper equipment and supplies can minimize occupational exposure in the
healthcare workplace by protecting both the worker and the environment. All
handling guidelines recommend that manipulations (e.g., reconstitution, admixing) of
hazardous drugs be done in a class II biologic safety cabinet (BSC) to provide
maximal protection for the worker and the work environment. Workers also should
wear gloves (one or two pairs), protective boot covers, hair cover, mask, and a
disposable gown of lint-free, low-permeability fabric with long sleeves, knit cuffs,
and back closure. In addition, only syringes and intravenous sets with threaded Luer
lock connections should be used. Final products (e.g., syringes, intravenous bags or
bottles) should be placed in sealable containers such as zipper-closure plastic bags
to prevent accidental spillage and clearly labeled as a hazardous drug. The United
States Pharmacopeia dictates guidelines for compounding sterile products including
appropriate facilities for preparation.
Disposal of hazardous waste requires specific receptacles, which should be
placed in all areas where workers handle these drugs. Disposal of these agents
should follow institutional, state, and local regulations. Materials for the cleanup of
spills (e.g., absorbent material, plastic bags or containers, protective garments) also
must be available in all areas where hazardous drugs are stored, prepared, or
A full list of references for this chapter can be found at Below are the key references and websites for this
chapter, with the corresponding reference number in this chapter found in parentheses
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