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Suppression Therapy

CASE 77-3, QUESTION 6: P.Z. completes 21 days of foscarnet induction therapy. How can his CMV

retinitis be suppressed in the future?

The currently available antiviral agents used to treat CMV disease are not

curative. After induction therapy, chronic maintenance therapy is indicated for the

remainder of P.Z.’s life, unless immune reconstitution occurs as a result of HAART.

Effective suppressive regimens include parenteral or oral ganciclovir, parenteral

foscarnet, combined parenteral ganciclovir and foscarnet, and parenteral cidofovir.

The ganciclovir implant was also effective but is no longer manufactured (Table 77-

4). Oral valganciclovir is approved for both acute induction and maintenance

therapy, but the published clinical data are limited. In uncontrolled case series,

repeated intravitreal injections of ganciclovir, foscarnet, and cidofovir have been

shown to be effective for prophylaxis of CMV retinitis. However, because this

therapy is effective only

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locally and does not protect the contralateral eye or other organ systems, it is

usually combined with oral valganciclovir.

Guidelines suggest that discontinuation of prophylaxis may be considered in

patients with CMV retinitis who are taking HAART with a sustained (>6 months)

increase in the CD4 count to greater than 100 to 150 and have remained disease-free

for more than 30 weeks. The decision to discontinue suppression should be based on

the magnitude and duration of the CD4 increase and viral load suppression, the

anatomic location of the retinal lesions, and the degree of vision loss.

12 All patients

who have had anti-CMV maintenance therapy discontinued should continue to

undergo regular ophthalmologic monitoring for early detection of CMV relapse as

well as for immune reconstitution uveitis.

Relapse or Refractory Cytomegalovirus Retinitis

CASE 77-3, QUESTION 7: After 5 months of maintenance therapy with foscarnet, a routine funduscopic

examination reveals retinal CMV disease progression. How should P.Z.’s retinitis be managed at this time?

Most patients with CMV not receiving HAART while undergoing maintenance

treatment eventually relapse.

12 For the first relapse, repeat induction therapy

followed by maintenance therapy with the same drug is beneficial in most patients.

Because P.Z. has tolerated foscarnet therapy thus far, he should receive another

course of induction therapy. After reinduction, P.Z. should receive a higher

maintenance dosage (120 mg/kg/day).


It is important to distinguish between relapse and refractory disease. Relapse, as

in the case of P.Z., is defined as the recurrence of clinically apparent viral activity

and is usually caused by a decline in immune function, insufficient delivery of drug

into the eye, or resistant CMV strains. Relapse can effectively be managed by repeat

induction therapy of the same drug. If the relapse is caused by a resistant virus, the

patient may benefit from a change in therapy. Ganciclovir-resistant CMV strains

occur by two mechanisms. DNA polymerase mutation at the UL54 gene is observed

in approximately 20% of ganciclovir-resistant strains. This mutation usually confers

resistance to cidofovir and, to a lesser extent, foscarnet.

12 Most ganciclovir-resistant

CMV strains have UL97 mutations. UL97 mutations are incapable of

monophosphorylating ganciclovir. Cidofovir and foscarnet are appropriate

alternatives to treat strains with UL97 mutations. Patients who receive extensive

ganciclovir treatment (>6–9 months) may present with highly ganciclovir-resistant

strains containing UL54 and UL97 mutations.

83 Cidofovir may be considered in most

patients who relapse while receiving ganciclovir or foscarnet. Although ganciclovirresistant and foscarnet-resistant strains of CMV have been reported, their precise

role in the clinical failure of these regimens is not known. Because of the different

mechanisms of action of ganciclovir and foscarnet, strains resistant to one drug may

retain sensitivity to the other.

84 Resistant or relapsing CMV retinitis may be treated

by the administration of local ocular therapy via intravitreal injection of ganciclovir

or foscarnet (see Local Treatment section).

Refractory CMV retinitis is defined by disease progression because of ineffective

therapy. This phenomenon is observed in two clinical situations: when the disease

persists with minimal or no response during induction therapy and when long-term

control is inadequate with maintenance therapy. Refractory CMV disease has been

defined in clinical trials as two relapses occurring within 10 weeks despite repeat

induction and maintenance therapy. Treatment options for refractory CMV retinitis

include reinduction with ganciclovir at higher dosages (7.5 mg/kg/dose every 12

hours, followed by maintenance doses of 10 mg/kg/day) or reinduction using

combination therapy (IV ganciclovir plus foscarnet).

27 Refractory CMV retinitis can

be treated with local ocular therapy via intravitreal injection of ganciclovir or



Local Treatment

CASE 77-3, QUESTION 8: What is the role of intravitreal injections in CMV retinitis?


Intravitreal administration of ganciclovir or foscarnet through a small-gauge needle is

a method of selectively delivering the drug to the site of infection. Ganciclovir and

foscarnet doses of 0.2 to 2 mg and 1.2 to 2 mg, respectively, are administered 2 or 3

times per week for active disease, followed by weekly maintenance injections.


Potential complications of intravitreal injections include bacterial endophthalmitis,

vitreous hemorrhage, and retinal detachment. Intravitreal therapy is relatively

uncommon because intraocular implants are available. Importantly, in contrast to

systemic therapy, local instillation of a drug is associated with a higher risk of CMV

disease developing in the contralateral eye as well as extraocular sites (Table 77-3).

Intraocular Ganciclovir Implants

CASE 77-3, QUESTION 9: Is P.Z. a candidate for ganciclovir intraocular implants?

The ganciclovir implant (no longer manufactured) was a surgically implanted

reservoir of ganciclovir very effective in less severe vision loss, but ocular

complications including cataract, vitreous hemorrhage, and retinal detachment were



P.Z. should be reinduced with foscarnet therapy and maintained on a higher

foscarnet dose. Neither alternating regimens nor intravitreal administration of

antiviral agents is appropriate at present.


CASE 77-3, QUESTION 10: What is the role of valganciclovir for initial CMV prevention?

Valganciclovir has replaced oral ganciclovir, which is no longer marketed. This

agent yields an area under the curve approximately equivalent to that associated with

the IV administration of ganciclovir. The maintenance dosage is two 450-mg tablets

of valganciclovir once daily.

Data from clinical trials conducted with oral ganciclovir have been extrapolated to

valganciclovir, and all references in the OI treatment guidelines to oral ganciclovir

have been substituted with valganciclovir. The role of oral ganciclovir for primary

prophylaxis of CMV retinitis has been evaluated in two studies.



87 Oral ganciclovir

decreased the 1-year incidence of disease by approximately 50% in one study

87 but

was ineffective in another.

86 These two studies had important differences in study

design that likely explains the disparate results. One cost-effectiveness study

estimated that oral ganciclovir prophylaxis would cost more than $1.7 million per

year of anticipated life expectancy.

88 Valganciclovir has not demonstrated a survival

advantage in patients with CD4 count less than 50 using it for CMV primary


12 These issues, in addition to adverse effects such as neutropenia and

anemia, the lack of proven survival benefit in HIV-infected patients, and the risk for

inducing CMV resistance, are concerns that should be addressed when deciding

whether to institute prophylaxis in

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individual patients. Prophylaxis with valganciclovir is not recommended as the

standard of care (Table 77-2).



Clinical Presentation and Prognosis

CASE 77-4

QUESTION 1: A.S., aged 28, is infected with HIV. She weighs 48 kg. Her boyfriend was an IV drug user

who died of AIDS 2 years ago. She presents with a fever (103°F) and a 2-week history of “splitting

headaches.” Laboratory test results include the following:

Hemoglobin, 11.2 g/dL

WBC count, 4,100 cells/μL

Platelets, 73,000/L

SCr, 0.9 mg/dL

Glucose, 94 mg/dL

CD4 count, 47 cells/μL

A.S. is highly nonadherent and has not been to the clinic in more than a year, at which time she was

prescribed tenofovir, emtricitabine, atazanavir, and ritonavir. Physical examination reveals no nuchal rigidity.

With the exception of moderate lethargy, her neurologic examination is unremarkable. Her chest radiograph and

three sets of blood cultures for bacteria and fungi are negative. A computed tomography scan is nondiagnostic.

Lumbar puncture reveals the following CSF findings:

Glucose, 45 mg/dL

Protein, 90 mg/dL

WBC count, 10 cells/μL

Cryptococcal antigen titer, 1:2,048 IU

Intracranial pressure (ICP), 24 cm H2O (normal, 8–22 cm H2O)

How is A.S.’s clinical presentation typical of a patient with AIDS and cryptococcal meningitis? What is her

likely prognosis?

In the pre-HAART era, cryptococcosis developed in approximately 6% to 10% of

AIDS patients in the United States, with meningitis being the most common clinical



In the era of HAART and azole prophylaxis, a significant decline in

the incidence of cryptococcosis has been observed.

89 Based on a 2010 cohort study,

cryptococcosis is the second most common CNS infection associated with AIDS.


The initial portal of entry is the lungs, where the organism is normally contained by

an intact immune system. Cryptococcal disease typically develops in patients with

profound defects in cell-mediated immunity (i.e., CD4 counts, <50). Unlike bacterial

meningitis, cryptococcal CNS infection has a much more insidious onset; the most

common symptoms are fever and headache. Less frequent signs and symptoms

include nausea and vomiting, meningismus, photophobia, and altered mental status.

Focal neurologic deficits and seizures are observed in less than 10% of patients.

CSF glucose is decreased, whereas CSF proteins are usually elevated. CSF

cryptococcal antigen titer and CSF culture are frequently positive. These findings,

along with the clinical presentation, form the basis for the diagnosis. The overall

outcome is poor, with a mean survival of 5 months in patients not receiving HAART.

Relapse within 6 months occurs in 50% of patients who do not receive suppressive

therapy. Altered mental status at baseline, CSF WBC count of less than 20 cells/μL,

high CSF cryptococcal antigen titer (>1:1,000), and an elevated initial CSF opening

pressure of greater than 20 cm H2O have all been associated with a poor prognosis.


A.S.’s CD4 count is 92. She has a temperature of 103°F and has experienced

“splitting headaches” for about a week. Her clinical presentation is typical of an

AIDS patient with cryptococcal meningitis. The CSF WBC count of 10 cells/μL, high

cryptococcal antigen titer, and ICP greater than 20 cm H2O suggest a poor



If left untreated, cryptococcal meningitis is fatal.



CASE 77-4, QUESTION 2: How should A.S.’s acute cryptococcal meningitis be managed?

The current treatment recommended for cryptococcal meningitis is amphotericin B,

0.7 mg/kg/day IV, plus flucytosine (100 mg/kg/day) given PO in four divided doses

as induction therapy for 14 days. Once the patient is stable (e.g., afebrile, with the

resolution of symptoms), then consolidation therapy with oral fluconazole 400

mg/day for 8 weeks or until CSF cultures are sterile can be initiated. After

consolidation therapy, daily suppressive therapy with fluconazole 200 mg should be

continued indefinitely unless immune reconstitution occurs with HAART.

90 Lipidbased formulations of amphotericin B (specifically liposomal amphotericin, dosed as

4–6 mg/kg/day) are also effective.




Although the aforementioned regimen is highly effective, the ability to rapidly

reduce A.S.’s ICP will also significantly improve her clinical course. Removal of 10

to 20 mL of spinal fluid by repeat lumbar puncture is recommended for patients with

an ICP greater than 20 cm H2O (A.S.’s ICP is 24 cm H2O). An additional

intervention to consider reducing A.S.’s elevated ICP is the insertion of an

intraventricular shunt.


CASE 77-4, QUESTION 3: What is the evidence for adding flucytosine to amphotericin B in the acute

treatment of A.S.? What are the disadvantages of this combination?

Amphotericin B binds to sterols in the fungal cell membrane, resulting in leakage

of cytoplasmic contents. Flucytosine is an antimetabolite type of antifungal drug that

is activated by deamination within the fungal cells to 5-fluorouracil. It inhibits fungal

protein synthesis by replacing uracil with 5-flurouracil in fungal RNA, and it also

inhibits thymidylate synthase via 5-fluorodeoxy-uridine monophosphate, interfering

with fungal DNA synthesis. Flucytosine, a purine analog, is approximately 10%

converted to 5-fluorouracil, an antimetabolite, which is the mechanism for its

potential bone marrow toxicity.

A classic prospective study conducted in HIV-negative patients favored the use of

the combination.

93 The protocol randomly assigned patients to receive either

amphotericin B monotherapy (0.4 mg/kg/day IV for 6 weeks followed by 0.8

mg/kg/day IV every other day for 4 weeks) or amphotericin B plus flucytosine (150

mg/kg/day PO divided every 6 hours) for 6 weeks. Fewer failures or relapses, more

rapid CSF sterilization, and less nephrotoxicity occurred in the combination group,

although overall mortality was not different. However, approximately one-fourth of

the patients in the combination arm developed leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or


If flucytosine is chosen as adjunctive therapy, renal function and CBCs should be

monitored closely for these adverse effects. A.S. is at an increased risk of

granulocytopenia because of her HIV infection and her concomitant myelotoxic AZT


The comparative trial forming the basis for the current recommendations for the

treatment of acute cryptococcal meningitis in HIV-positive patients evaluated a

higher dose of IV amphotericin B (0.7 mg/kg/day) with or without flucytosine given

at a lower dose (25 mg/kg/dose PO every 6 hours) for 2 weeks.

90 The study

evaluated 381 patients with an acute first episode of cryptococcal

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meningitis. The second part of this trial randomly reassigned stable or improved

patients to either a fluconazole or an itraconazole treatment arm for an additional 8

weeks as consolidation therapy. Sixty percent and 51% of patients receiving

amphotericin B plus flucytosine, and amphotericin B alone, respectively, had sterile

CSF cultures at 2 weeks of therapy. No significant differences were noted between

groups in the percentage of patients who were culture-negative at 2 weeks.

Importantly, the addition of flucytosine to amphotericin B was not associated with a

significant increase in drug toxicities at 2 weeks. Fluconazole and itraconazole were

similar in efficacy. However, multivariate analysis revealed two factors that were

independently associated with a higher rate of CSF sterilization: the addition of

flucytosine and the randomization to fluconazole. A more recent trial randomized 299

patients to amphotericin B (1 mg/kg/day) for 4 weeks, amphotericin B (1 mg/kg/day)

plus flucytosine (100 mg/kg/day divided) for 2 weeks, or amphotericin B (1

mg/kg/day) plus fluconazole (400 mg bid) for 2 weeks. Patients receiving

amphotericin B and flucytosine had lower mortality rates and significantly increased

rates of yeast clearance from CSF. Rates of adverse events were similar between

groups with the exception of more frequent neutropenia in patients receiving a

combination therapy. The addition of fluconazole provided no survival benefit.



CASE 77-4, QUESTION 4: Could A.S. be treated with fluconazole instead of amphotericin B for acute

cryptococcal meningitis?

Fluconazole, one of the triazole antifungal agents, inhibits a fungal cytochrome P450 enzyme necessary for the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol. Without

ergosterol, the fungal cell membrane becomes defective and loses its selective

permeability properties. Unlike itraconazole, fluconazole is well absorbed PO even

in the presence of an elevated gastric pH. Fluconazole has excellent CNS penetration

and a good safety profile, but it is likely a secondary choice in the initial treatment of

cryptococcal meningitis. In a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial, the National

Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group and the AIDS

Clinical Trial Group compared amphotericin B with 200 mg/day of oral fluconazole

(after a 400-mg loading dose) for 10 weeks in 194 patients.

95 The dose of

amphotericin B (mean dose, 0.4–0.5 mg/kg/day) and the possible addition of

flucytosine were left to the discretion of the individual investigators. Although the

overall mortality was similar (14% for amphotericin B vs. 18% for fluconazole),

more fluconazole-treated patients died during the first 2 weeks of treatment (15% vs.

8%; p = 0.25). Furthermore, the median time to the first negative CSF culture in the

successfully treated patients was shorter in the amphotericin B group compared with

fluconazole (16 vs. 30 days). In a small, prospective, randomized trial of 20 male

patients with AIDS, oral fluconazole (400 mg/day) for 10 weeks was compared with

IV amphotericin B (0.7 mg/kg/day for 1 week, followed by the same dose 3 times

weekly for 9 weeks) combined with flucytosine (150 mg/kg/day).

96 There were four

deaths in the fluconazole group and none in the amphotericin B group (p = 0.27).

Eight of the 14 patients in the fluconazole group failed to respond to treatment,

whereas none in the amphotericin B group failed to respond. The mean duration of

positive CSF cultures was 41 days in the fluconazole group and 16 days in the

amphotericin B group (p = 0.02). These results, taken together, have led most

clinicians to choose amphotericin, with or without flucytosine, as initial treatment for

severe cryptococcal meningitis. Although increased doses of fluconazole have been

proposed, it is unknown whether these will result in improved outcomes. High doses

of fluconazole are being investigated further for patients in the developing world

where the use of IV amphotericin may not always be feasible. Considering the

severity of her meningitis, A.S. should be treated acutely with amphotericin and not



CASE 77-4, QUESTION 5: How long should treatment continue for A.S.’s cryptococcal meningitis?

Once A.S. completes 2 weeks of acute induction therapy with amphotericin B and

flucytosine, she should be switched, if stable, to oral fluconazole 400 mg/day for

consolidation therapy. Consolidation should be continued for an additional 8 to 10

weeks, followed by lifelong suppressive therapy with fluconazole 200 mg/day



Maintenance Therapy section).


CASE 77-4, QUESTION 6: Should A.S. receive maintenance therapy after successful treatment?

After induction and consolidation treatment of cryptococcal meningitis, A.S. and

all AIDS patients should receive maintenance therapy indefinitely, unless immune

reconstitution occurs as a result of HAART.





90 A higher relapse rate and a shorter

life expectancy have been observed in patients who did not receive chronic

secondary prophylaxis.

97 Fluconazole (200 mg once daily) has emerged as the

suppressive treatment of choice. In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 61

AIDS patients, four recurrent cases of meningitis developed in the placebo group and

none in the fluconazole group.

98 A multicenter, comparative trial randomized patients

to receive either weekly amphotericin B 1 mg/kg/day IV or 200 mg/day of

fluconazole PO.

99 Of 189 patients enrolled, 18% of the patients in the amphotericin B

group relapsed, compared with 2% in the fluconazole group. Serious toxicities were

more frequent in the amphotericin B group.

90 The newer triazole antifungals,

posaconazole and voriconazole, have limited experience as primary or maintenance

therapy for patients with cryptococcosis and are associated with many drug

interactions with antiretroviral therapy.


According to the OI guidelines,

12 adult and adolescent patients are at a low risk for

recurrence of cryptococcosis when they have completed a course of initial therapy,

remain asymptomatic, and have a sustained increase (e.g., >6 months) in their CD4

counts to at least 200 after HAART. Thus, discontinuing chronic maintenance therapy

among such patients is reasonable. Recurrences may occur, and some specialists

recommend a repeat lumbar puncture to determine whether the CSF is culturenegative before stopping therapy. Maintenance therapy should be reinitiated if the

CD4 count decreases to less than 200.

Primary Prophylaxis

CASE 77-4, QUESTION 7: What is the role of primary prophylaxis in cryptococcal meningitis?

Primary prophylaxis against cryptococcal disease in HIV-infected patients has

been studied in a few clinical trials.




In an open-label study, fluconazole (100

mg/day) was administered to all patients (329 HIV-infected patients) with CD4

counts less than 68. These results were compared with 337 historical controls from

the pre-HAART era.

100 Sixteen cases of cryptococcal meningitis occurred in the

historical controls (4.8%) compared with only one case in the fluconazole group

(0.3%). In a prospective, randomized AIDS Clinical Trial Group study, fluconazole

200 mg/day was compared with clotrimazole troches (10 mg 5 times a day) for

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the prevention of fungal infections in 428 patients with advanced HIV disease.

After a median follow-up of 35 months, 32 cases of invasive fungal infection were

confirmed. Of these, the majority (17 of 32) were cryptococcosis: 2 cases in the

fluconazole group and 15 cases in the clotrimazole group. The greatest benefit

derived from fluconazole was observed in patients with CD4 counts of less than


101 However, no effect on survival was noted. A randomized, double-blind,

placebo-controlled trial of fluconazole 200 mg 3 times weekly versus placebo in

Ugandan adults with CD4 counts less than 200 found fluconazole prophylaxis to be

effective prophylaxis against cryptococcal disease, with 18 patients in the placebo

group developing cryptococcal disease versus one patient in the fluconazole group.

There was no difference in all-cause mortality between the groups.


Fluconazole resistance has been reported in HIV-infected patients receiving a

long-term therapy.


In addition to the potential for resistance, other concerns include

the lack of survival benefits associated with prophylaxis, the possibility of drug

interactions, and cost. In light of these concerns, the guidelines currently do not

recommend primary prophylaxis for this disease (Table 77-1).



CASE 77-4, QUESTION 8: What other acute therapies have been investigated for cryptococcal meningitis?

High-dose fluconazole alone (800–2,000 mg/day for up to 6 months) has been

compared with high-dose fluconazole and flucytosine (100–150 mg/kg/day for 4

weeks) in multiple clinical trials.

103–105 These studies have shown that the

combination of fluconazole and flucytosine is superior to fluconazole alone in terms

of both survival and CSF culture clearance. The combination of fluconazole and

flucytosine is useful because of their excellent oral bioavailability, costeffectiveness, and safety, which are particularly important in developing countries.

Additionally, higher doses of fluconazole in these settings (1,800–2,000 mg/day) may

be the best option for patients owing to the limitations of obtaining and administering



Clinical Presentation

CASE 77-5

QUESTION 1: C.J., a 45-year-old male prison inmate with AIDS, presents with fever, cough, and occasional

night sweats. A tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test is negative. Two acid-fast bacilli (AFB)

sputum smears are also negative. Chest radiograph reveals hilar adenopathy with a questionable right middle

lobe localized infiltrate. No cavitary lesions are seen. Why is infection with M. tuberculosis a strong possibility in

C.J.? His antiretroviral medications include abacavir, lamivudine, and dolutegravir. Three months ago, his CD4

count was 120 cells/μL, and his viral load was 5,200 copies/mL.

TB is the second leading cause of mortality caused by infection worldwide—

second only to HIV—with 9 million infections in 2013 and 1.5 million deaths.


Low- to middle-income countries account for 95% of deaths from M. tuberculosis.

Of the cases in 2013, 480,000 patients developed multidrug-resistant TB. In the

United States, 9,582 cases of TB occurred in 2013, which was a 3.6% decline in the

number of cases when compared with 2012.

107 The recognized link between HIV and

TB, along with an increase in clinical and public health resources, has subsequently

resulted in a decline in the incidence of TB in the United States.


C.J. presents with fever, cough, night sweats, and a right middle lobe infiltrate

with hilar adenopathy, consistent with TB. Furthermore, his HIV status in

combination with his incarceration increases the probability of M. tuberculosis

infection, including multidrug-resistant isolates. C.J. will be started with the standard

four-drug regimen: isoniazid, rifampin (or rifabutin), pyrazinamide, and ethambutol.


(See Chapter 68, Tuberculosis, for a more comprehensive approach to TB treatment,

and Table 77-5.)

CASE 77-5, QUESTION 2: Why are the negative tuberculin skin test, negative sputum smears for AFB, and

lack of cavitary lesions in C.J. still consistent with M. tuberculosis infection?

HIV-infected patients with CD4 counts less than 200 commonly present with

extrapulmonary TB, along with or in the absence of pulmonary disease. These

extrapulmonary sites include lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, liver, CSF, and


12 The chest radiograph in HIV-infected patients may reveal hilar or

mediastinal adenopathy or localized infiltrates in the middle or lower lung fields.

In HIV-infected patients, it is unusual to see typical apical infiltrates or

cavitations. Furthermore, concomitant PCP may confuse the interpretation of chest

radiographs. Finally, anergy (a state of immune unresponsiveness) is common in HIV

disease. Thus, definitive diagnosis of TB rests on positive cultures from sputum or

other tissue and body fluid specimens.

12 Unlike many other AIDS-related

opportunistic infections, CD4 count is not a reliable predictor of an increased risk

for TB diseases, and patients can have relatively high CD4 counts at the time of TB



CASE 77-6

QUESTION 1: K.D., a 26-year-old HIV-infected man, comes in for a routine clinic visit. It is discovered that

he is a household contact of a person known to have active, untreated, drug-susceptible TB. His CD4 count is

350 cells/μL. A tuberculin skin test (five tuberculin units of PPD) is administered, and he is instructed to return

to the clinic in 48 hours. His PPD has been negative in the past, and he has demonstrated delayed

hypersensitivity responsiveness. How should the results of K.D.’s skin tests be interpreted, and should he be

treated for latent TB considering his known exposure to TB?

Current guidelines recommend 9 months of isoniazid prophylaxis (300 mg/day PO)

plus pyridoxine (50 mg/day PO) for all HIV-infected persons who have at least a 5-

mm induration reaction to PPD and no evidence of active TB (negative chest

radiograph and no clinical symptoms), unless otherwise contraindicated and

regardless of Bacillus Calmette–Guerin vaccination status.

12 The administration of

Bacillus Calmette–Guerin vaccine to HIV-infected persons is contraindicated

because of the potential to cause disseminated disease.

12 A greater than 5-mm

reaction in HIV-infected persons is considered positive.

12 Few isoniazid prophylaxis

failures have been reported, although this finding has not been systematically studied.

Additional preferred regimens in instances of questionable compliance include

isoniazid 900 mg twice weekly plus pyridoxine 50 mg twice weekly for 9 months,

both administered under direct observed therapy. Persons who cannot take isoniazid

or who have been exposed to a known isoniazid-resistant strain should use either

rifampin or rifabutin alone for 4 months as alternatives, being mindful of potential

drug interactions with antiretroviral therapy.



108 All HIV-infected persons,

irrespective of age, PPD results, or prior course of chemoprophylaxis, should be

given chemoprophylaxis if they are in close contact with persons who have active

TB. Prophylaxis also should be given for anergic, HIV-infected persons who have

been in contact with patients known to have active TB.

108 Before the treatment of

latent TB is begun, active TB needs to be ruled out. K.D. should undergo chest

radiography and clinical evaluation to rule out active disease. The CDC no longer

recommends routine anergy testing in these patients.


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Table 77-6

Recommendations for Coadministering Rifampin and Rifabutin with Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, Protease Inhibitors, and Integrase



Use in Combination

With Rifabutin

Use in Combination

With Rifampin Comments

All ritonavir- and cobicistat-boosted

protease inhibitors

Dose as 150 mg every

day or 300 mg 3 × per

Do not coadminister

week. Therapeutic drug

monitoring is


Fosamprenavir Consider alternative


Do not coadminister

Atazanavir Rifabutin 150 mg daily

or 300 mg 3 × per


Do not coadminister

Nevirapine Use caution at usual

doses of rifabutin;

however, there are no

published clinical data

Do not coadminister

Efavirenz Rifabutin 450–600 mg

daily or 600 mg 3 × per

week unless

coadministered with a

protease inhibitor

Usual recommended

dose of efavirenz is 600

mg daily. Some experts

recommend increasing

the efavirenz dose to 800

mg daily if efavirenz is

used in combination with


Etravirine Rifabutin 300 mg daily

unless coadministered

with a boosted protease

inhibitor, then do not


Do not coadminister

Rilpivirine Increase rilpivirine dose

to 50 mg daily

Do not coadminister

Maraviroc Maraviroc 300 mg BID

unless coadministered

with a CYP3A4

inhibitor or inducer;

rifabutin 300 mg daily

Coadministration not

recommended; if used,

then dose maraviroc 600

mg BID unless

coadministered with a

CYP3A4 inhibitor, then

maraviroc 300 mg BID

Raltegravir No change in dosing Raltegravir 800 mg BID

and monitor closely for

virologic response

Dolutegravir No change in dosing Dolutegravir 50 mg BID

unless INSTI resistance

expected, then do not

use with rifampin

Elvitegravir/cobicistat/tenofovir/emtricitabine Do not coadminister Do not coadminister

BID, twice a day; CYP3A4, cytochrome P-450 3A4.

Source: Panel on Opportunistic Infections in HIV-infected Adults and Adolescents. Guidelines for prevention and

treatment of opportunistic infections in HIV-infected adults and adolescents: recommendations from CDC, the

National Institutes of Health, and the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.




CASE 77-7

QUESTION 1: F.C., a 36-year-old HIV-infected woman, diagnosed 6 months ago, was found to have active

TB (pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiographs, sputum AFB stain and culture positive, and culture

pansensitive). She is taking tenofovir, emtricitabine, atazanavir, ritonavir, and fluconazole, and her CD4 count is

300 cells/μL. What factors must be considered when selecting TB therapy for F.C.?

The use of protease inhibitors in the treatment of HIV-infected patients coinfected

with TB increases the potential for drug interactions with rifamycin derivatives

(rifampin and rifabutin). Because the rifamycins are potent inducers of the hepatic

cytochrome P-450 system (e.g., CYP3A4), they can induce metabolism of the

protease inhibitors, resulting in subtherapeutic levels. Conversely, the protease

inhibitors elevate rifamycin serum levels by inhibiting their metabolism and

increasing toxicities, such as rifabutin-associated uveitis (inflammation of the uveal

tract of the eye; see Chapter 68, Tuberculosis).

According to recent guidelines, rifampin should not be coadministered with any

standard protease inhibitors (boosted or not with ritonavir or cobicistat), etravirine,

nevirapine, rilpivirine, or elvitegravir.



108 Rifampin may be used with efavirenz at

the standard 600-mg once-daily dose with close monitoring for virologic response to

antiviral therapy. Some clinicians recommend an 800-mg dose of efavirenz for

patients weighing greater than 60 kg.



108 When using rifampin with raltegravir, the

recommended dose of raltegravir is 800 mg BID, and patients should be monitored

closely for virologic response. Coadministration of rifampin and maraviroc is not

recommended, but if necessary, maraviroc

p. 1617

p. 1618

should be dosed 600 mg BID (or, if coadministered with a strong CYP3A

inhibitor, maraviroc, 300 mg BID).

11 Dolutegravir should be dosed 50 mg twice

daily if combined with rifampin.

11 Rifabutin should be given at 50% of the usual dose

(i.e., reduced from 300 to 150 mg/day or 300 mg 3 times a week) with ritonavir- or

cobicistat-boosted protease inhibitors.

11 Rifabutin should be given with efavirenz at

dosages of 450 to 600 mg/day. Rifabutin can be used in full doses with nevirapine,

etravirine, and rilpivirine; however, the rilpivirine dose should be increased to 50

mg daily.


If etravirine is coadministered with a ritonavir-boosted protease

inhibitor, rifabutin should not be coadministered.


Tenofovir/emtricitabine/elvitegravir/cobicistat should not be coadministered with

rifabutin; however, no dose adjustment is needed when combined with dolutegravir

or raltegravir.

11 Sequential treatment of TB followed by HIV treatment is not


12 Three clinical trials have demonstrated a reduction in mortality and

HIV-related diseases when antiretrovirals are given during TB treatment.


Discontinuing the protease inhibitor for F.C. is not an option considering the rapid

viral replication and the risk of developing resistant isolates, especially considering

that she recently was started on protease inhibitor therapy and is clinically

responsive. A reduced dose of rifabutin (150 mg daily or 300 mg 3 times per week)

is recommended when coadministered with atazanavir + ritonavir. Considering that

F.C. is receiving atazanavir + ritonavir, she will be treated with a rifabutin-based

regimen. She will receive isoniazid, rifabutin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol daily

for 8 weeks followed by isoniazid and rifabutin daily or 3 times weekly for 6



Clinical Presentation

CASE 77-8

QUESTION 1: M.E., an HIV-infected 38-year-old woman with a history of IV drug use, presents with fevers,

drenching night sweats, a poor appetite, and a 20-pound weight loss (>15% of baseline) during the past 4

months. M.E. has refused all antiretroviral therapy for the past year because of drug intolerance. She has a past

medical history of recurrent herpes zoster, PCP, and cryptococcal meningitis. Her current medications include

one TMP-SMX double-strength tablet once daily and an occasional valacyclovir dose when she feels the herpes

zoster “is beginning to start”; she refuses MAC prophylaxis therapy. Physical examination reveals a cachectic

woman with mild hepatosplenomegaly. Pertinent laboratory test results include the following:

Hematocrit, 23%

WBC count, 3,500 cells/L, with 68% neutrophils, 2% bands, 22% lymphocytes, and 8% monocytes

Absolute CD4 count, 25 cells/μL

Viral load, 200,000 copies/mL

Aspartate transferase, 135 international units/L

Alanine aminotransferase, 95 international units/L

Alkaline phosphatase, 186 international units/L

Skin testing reveals anergy. The chest radiograph is unremarkable. Based on these findings, a presumptive

diagnosis of MAC infection is made. Why is M.E.’s clinical presentation consistent with MAC infection?

Disseminated MAC infection is common in end-stage AIDS patients. On autopsy,

MAC organisms are observed in the lungs and multiple other bodily tissues.

112 The

predominant organism in HIV-positive patients is M. avium (>95% of typeable


12 The risk of developing disseminated MAC infection is highest in patients

with a CD4 count less than 50.

12 Poor prognostic indicators include prior OI, high

plasma HIV RNA levels, previous colonization of the respiratory or GI tract with

MAC, and reduced in vitro lymphoproliferative immune responses to M. avium



M. avium is a ubiquitous organism found in food, water, soil, and house dust. The

most likely portal of entry is either the GI or respiratory tract. Common presenting

symptoms associated with MAC infection include fever, night sweats, anorexia,

malaise, profound weight loss (>10% body weight), anemia, lymphadenopathy, and


12 M.E.’s fevers, drenching night sweats, poor appetite, 20-pound weight

loss, and mild hepatosplenomegaly are consistent with MAC infection. In particular,

her CD4 count of 25 puts her at a risk for this OI.



CASE 77-8, QUESTION 2: Why is it appropriate to initiate M.E.’s drug therapy before blood culture results

have documented the presence of MAC?

Disseminated MAC is best diagnosed by peripheral blood cultures. However,

initial testing often includes AFB on a blood smear.

12 Conventional culture methods

using solid media may have a turnaround time of as long as 8 weeks; however,

radiometric broth systems signaling the release of carbon 15-labeled CO2


mycobacteria may detect bacterial growth in 7 to 10 days.


Identification of the

organism (M. tuberculosis vs. atypical mycobacteria) by conventional biochemical

methods may take weeks to months. Techniques using DNA probes make diagnosis

possible within several hours.

113 Quantitative blood cultures have been useful to

monitor the effects of drug therapy but may not be practical on a routine clinical

basis. Radiometric broth methods also may provide in vitro drug susceptibility in

another 7 to 10 days. Even with the availability of all of these laboratory tests,

results generally are not available for 2 to 3 weeks. In view of this lag time, empiric

therapy should be initiated as quickly as possible. Although MAC is typically

isolated from blood, the organism can also be demonstrated via acid-fast smears of

lymph node, liver, or bone marrow biopsies. Because these organs are rich in

monocytes (the target cells for MAC infection), the organism load may be high (up to


11 colony-forming units/mL).


CASE 77-8, QUESTION 3: Should M.E.’s therapy be based on in vitro drug susceptibility results?

Correlation between in vitro drug susceptibility results and clinical efficacy has

not been clearly established for MAC.




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