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Other adverse effects can include slowed psychomotor responses and short-term

memory loss. Slowed psychomotor responses have been shown in certain groups of

acutely intoxicated subjects and chronic users. Even medical marijuana users have

shown a steep increase in automobile accidents. Short-term memory loss is a

frequently documented acute, reversible effect of marijuana intoxication as well.

The paranoid ideation and panic reaction of P.H. could certainly be caused by the

high dose and his inexperience with marijuana.

Long-Term Effects

CASE 90-9, QUESTION 3: P.H. continues to smoke marijuana daily. What are possible long-term effects of

marijuana use?

Chronic use of cannabis has been alleged to produce an “amotivational syndrome”

characterized by apathy, lack of long-term goal achievement, inability to manage

stress, and generalized laziness.

75,80,81 Cognitive impairment can occur after heavy

marijuana use, but appears to be reversible with abstinence.

82 However, the

adolescent brain has shown a drop in IQ related to marijuana use that does not

reverse even after 1 year of abstinence.

83 The impairment is more pronounced the

longer the drug is used.

67 Other concurrent drug use may also contribute to cognitive

impairment associated with marijuana use. As noted above, there is a dosedependent risk of chronic use resulting in an increased risk of developing a psychotic

illness later in life.

79,84 Chronic users will have worse periodontal health.

85 The

pulmonary complications of chronic heavy marijuana use are potentially significant.

Chronic cough, sputum, wheezing, bronchitis, and cellular changes typical of chronic

tobacco smokers are reported in chronic cannabis smokers.

75,86 THC has been shown

to be a potent bronchodilator. Both oral and smoked THCs were shown to produce

significant bronchodilation when given to healthy subjects. The bronchodilatory

response in asthmatics given THC has been shown to be less vigorous.

87 Tolerance to

these effects can develop after some weeks, and chronic marijuana smoking results in

increased airway resistance and decreased pulmonary function.

75 Many of the same

carcinogens in nicotine cigarettes are also found in marijuana smoke and risk of some

cancers is increased compared to nonusers.

75,81 Aspergillus-contaminated marijuana

has been reported to cause pulmonary fungal infections in immunocompromised

patients, who may be using the drug for its medicinal value.


Tolerance to the psychoactive effects of marijuana does develop. Chronic users

may not experience the full range of effects as new users unless they abstain for

several days or weeks to regain initial sensitivity to the cannabis, and chronic users

can tolerate large doses that generally are toxic to novices. Tolerance develops

rapidly to both physiologic and psychological effects of cannabis. Dependence

characterized by a physical withdrawal syndrome occurs after chronic high-dose use

of cannabis. The withdrawal syndrome can involve anxiety, depression, irritability,

restlessness, anorexia, insomnia and vivid or disturbing dreams, sweating, tremor,

nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

57,75,83 Dysphoria and malaise similar to that

experienced with influenza can also occur. The cumulative dose of cannabis and

duration of use necessary to produce dependence is unknown. The withdrawal

syndrome is generally mild and self-limiting, and pharmacologic treatments usually

are not required.

Marijuana has been labeled as a “gateway drug,” meaning that it will lead to the

use of “harder” drugs, such as cocaine or heroin. Marijuana is the most widely used

illicit drug, but use of drugs such as alcohol and tobacco often predates marijuana

use. No studies have conclusively demonstrated a causal link between marijuana use

and subsequent other drug use.


There are clear acute and chronic risks involved with marijuana use. As more

states legalize it for recreational and “medical” purposes, researchers will be able to

define and predict the fullness of these problems.


The introduction of anesthetics (nitrous oxide, chloroform, and ether) to medicine in

the early 1800s also promoted the widespread and popular recreational use of these

inhalants for mind-altering recreational purposes. Today, abused inhalants include a

wide variety of chemicals that are found readily in homes or workplaces, or

purchased at retail establishments. Inhalants are commonly subdivided into three

main categories: the volatile solvents (mostly hydrocarbons); volatile nitrites (amyl,

butyl, isobutyl, cyclohexyl); and nitrous oxide (laughing gas). The fumes or vapors of

these liquids, or paste in the case of glue, are directly inhaled out of their containers

(“sniffing”); poured onto a rag that is held to the nose (“huffing”); poured into a

plastic bag (“bagging”); or merely cupped in the hands and inhaled. Aerosols and

gaseous substances such as nitrous oxide are also used to inflate a balloon and then

inhaled out of the balloon by the user. These products can also be ingested orally or

sprayed directly into the mouth. Volatile solvents include gasoline, toluene, kerosene,

alcohols, airplane glue, lacquer thinner, acetone (nail polish remover), benzene (nail

polish remover, model cement), naphtha (lighter fluid), plastic cement, liquid paper

(i.e., White Out, usually containing 1,1,1-trichloroethane, also trichloroethylene and

perchloroethylene), and many others. The volatile nitrites, once widely available, are

prohibited by the Consumer Product Safety Commission but can still be found, sold

in small bottles, labeled as “video head cleaner” or “room odorizer.” Amyl nitrite is

used medically as a vasodilator for treatment of angina and requires a prescription.

The volatile nitrites are commonly referred to as “poppers,” because of the sound

made when an ampule of amyl nitrite is broken open. The most commonly used

inhalants are glue, shoe polish, toluene, and gasoline.

89 The use of multiple products

is common. Silver and gold paints are popular because they contain more toluene

than paints of other colors.


Inhalant use is most common among younger individuals (consistently highest

annual prevalence among 8th graders) and tends to decline as youth grow older. The

decline likely reflects that other drugs become available and are substituted. Abuse

of inhalants is believed to be popular among children and adolescents because of

their low cost, easy availability, rapid onset, and low threat of legal intervention.

Additionally, they are easily concealed.

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The 2009 Monitoring the Future (MTF) study found that 12.5% of 8th, 10th, and

12th graders have abused inhalants.

91 The MTF and other national surveys of

adolescents have found that after marijuana, inhalants are the second most widely

used class of illicit drugs for 8th graders. Most inhalant users, however, have used

alcohol or cigarettes previously.

92 These surveys, most of which are administered in

schools, likely underestimate the true prevalence, as a small but high-risk group

(incarcerated, homeless, and transient adolescents) are not included in the surveys.

Effects of Inhalants

Inhalant abuse includes a broad range of chemicals, and they likely have different

pharmacologic effects. In fact, the mechanisms of action of the volatile inhalants are

poorly understood. Nearly all have CNS depressant effects. Evidence from animal

studies suggests the effects and mechanism of action of volatile solvents are similar

to those of alcohol and sedative-hypnotics.


Gases and vapors are rapidly absorbed when inhaled and, because of their high

lipophilicity, tend to distribute preferentially to lipid-rich organs such as the brain

and liver.

93 Expired air is the major route of elimination, and most are metabolized to

some extent. Inhalation of these products produces a temporary stimulation and

reduced inhibitions before the depressive CNS effects occur. Acute intoxication is

associated with euphoria, giddiness, dizziness, slurred speech, unsteady gait, and


90 As the CNS becomes more deeply affected, illusions, hallucinations,

and delusions develop. The user experiences a euphoric, dreamy high that culminates

in a short period of sleep. The intoxicated state lasts a few minutes, but users may

continue to inhale repeatedly for several hours. Nitrous oxide is an antagonist of the

NMDA subtype of the glutamate receptor.


Its pharmacologic effects are poorly

understood. It produces euphoria and symptoms of intoxication similar to those

described for the volatile solvents.

The major effect of the volatile nitrites is the relaxation of all smooth muscles in

the body, including the blood vessels. This usually allows a greater volume of blood

to flow to the brain. The onset of effects takes 7 or 8 seconds and the effects last

about 30 seconds. A certain “rush” occurs, which may be followed by a severe

headache, dizziness, and giddiness. The volatile nitrites are frequently used in the

context of sexual activity, because of the effect of increased tumescence and

relaxation of smooth muscle.


Acute and Chronic Toxicities Associated with Inhalants

The wide variety of chemicals inhaled causes a tremendous range of toxicities.

Toxicity depends on the chemical, and on the magnitude and duration of exposure.

Complications can result from the effects of the solvents or other toxic ingredients,

such as lead in gasoline. The lipophilicity of the volatiles enhances their toxicity.

Injuries to the brain, liver, kidney, bone marrow, and particularly the lungs can occur,

and they may result from the effect of heavy exposure or hypersensitivity. Inhalant

abusers may develop irritation of the eyes, nose, and mouth, including rhinitis,

conjunctivitis, and rash.

93 Methemoglobinemia has been associated with volatile

nitrite use.

Deaths from inhalant use are well documented and may occur from overdose or

trauma (falls, drowning, hanging). Death from overdose is often caused by

respiratory problems or suffocation after CNS depression.

93 Deaths caused by

asphyxiation, convulsions, coma, and aspiration of gastric contents have occurred.


Acute cardiotoxicity resulting in cardiac arrest may cause sudden death. Referred to

as “sudden sniffing death,” it is likely caused by sensitization of the myocardium to

catecholamines, exacerbated by physical exercise, resulting in fatal ventricular


Many of the inhalants produce neurotoxicity, which can range from mild

impairment to severe dementia. Neurologic deficits include cognitive impairment,

ataxia, optic neuropathy, deafness, and disorders of equilibrium. Loss of white

matter, brain atrophy, and damage to specific neural pathways can result from

chronic exposure to some inhalants. Some damage to the nervous system and other

organs may be at least partially reversible when inhalant use is discontinued.


Inhalant Abuse and Dependence

Compulsive use has been documented with inhalants, although inhalant abuse and

dependence is a neglected area of research. Animal studies have shown some of the

abused inhalants to have reinforcing properties.


It is unclear whether a true

withdrawal syndrome occurs with chronic use of inhalants. Inhalant use is typically

episodic in nature, and thus users may not be exposed to levels with sufficient

frequency necessary to develop physical dependence or tolerance.


Alcohol Content and Definitions

Beverages containing alcohol (ethanol) have a wide range of ethanol content.

Alcoholic proof is a measure of how much ethanol is in an alcoholic beverage, and is

twice the percentage of alcohol by volume (ABV), the unit that is commonly used as

percent. This system dates to the 18th century, and perhaps earlier, when spirits were

graded along with gunpowder. A solution of water and alcohol “proved” itself when

it could be poured on a pinch of gunpowder and the wet powder could still be

ignited. If the gunpowder did not ignite, the solution had too much water in it and the

proof was considered insufficient. A “proven” solution was defined as 100 degrees

proof (100).


In the United States, the proof is twice the percentage of alcohol

content measured by volume at a temperature of 60°F. Therefore “80 proof” is 40%

ABV, and pure alcohol (100%) is “200 proof.” One hundred percent ethanol does not

stay 100% because it is hygroscopic and absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Legally, in the United States, beers containing up to 0.5% ABV can be called

nonalcoholic. Light beers range from 2% to about 4% ABV; beers range from 4% to

6% ABV; ales, stouts, and specialty brews can be as high as 10% ABV. Wines are

produced at about 14% to 16% (28–32 proof), because that is the point in the

fermentation process at which the alcohol concentration denatures the yeast. Stronger

liquors are distilled after fermentation is complete to separate the alcoholic liquid

from the remains of the source of sugar (e.g., grain, fruit). Distilled liquor cannot be

stronger than 95% (190 proof). A standard drink in the United States is considered to

be 0.5 ounces or contain 15 g (0.5 fl oz of absolute alcohol) of alcohol. This is equal

to 12 ounces (355 mL) of 5% beer, 5 ounces (148 mL) of 12% wine, or 1.5 ounces

(44 mL) of 40% spirits.



Slightly more than half (52.7%) of Americans age 12 or older reported being current

drinkers (at least one drink in the past 30 days) of alcohol in the 2014 National

Survey on Drug Use and Health survey.

4 This translates to an estimated 137 million

people, which is similar to the 2005 estimate of 126 million people (51.8%). In

2014, heavy drinking (five or more drinks on the same occasion on each of 5 or more

days in the past 30 days) was reported by 6.2% of the population age 12 or older.


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Approximately 10% of Americans will be affected by alcohol use disorder

sometime during their lives.

97,98 Treatment of alcohol dependence consists mainly of

psychological, social, and pharmacotherapy interventions aimed at reducing alcoholrelated problems.

99 Treatment usually consists of two phases: detoxification and


The rationale for pharmacotherapy is based on several considerations. Advances

in neurobiology have identified neurotransmitter systems that initiate and sustain

alcohol drinking; pharmacologic modification of these neurotransmitters or their

receptors may alter dependence.

100 Promising genetic research confirms that

alcoholics are a heterogeneous population and that several gene variations can

predispose some to increased alcohol use whereas other gene variations can confer


100 Animal models have identified pharmacologic agents that reduce

alcohol consumption in animals, suggesting similar agents could reduce alcohol

consumption in humans.

Risks and Benefits of Alcohol Consumption

The role of alcohol in the development of medical problems such as cardiovascular

disease, hepatic cirrhosis, and fetal abnormalities is well documented. Alcohol use

and abuse contribute to thousands of injuries, auto collisions, and violence.


Alcohol can dramatically affect worker productivity and absenteeism, family

interactions, and school performance.

102 Some studies suggest, however, that

individuals who abstain from using alcohol may also be at greater risk for a variety

of conditions, particularly coronary heart disease (CHD), than people who consume

small to moderate amounts of alcohol.


A number of studies have documented an association between moderate alcohol

consumption and lower risk for CHD and myocardial infarction (MI).

104,105 Binge

drinking after an MI, however, increases the risk of mortality.

106 US guidelines define

moderate drinking as one drink or less daily for women or people age 65 and older,

and two drinks or less per day for men.

107 An association between moderate drinking

and lower risk of CHD does not mean that alcohol is the cause of the lower risk. A

review of population studies indicates that the higher mortality risk among abstainers

may be attributable to socioeconomic and employment status, mental health, and

overall health, rather than abstinence from alcohol use.

108 Benefits of moderate

drinking on CHD mortality are offset at higher drinking levels by increased risk of

death because of other types of heart disease, cancer, cirrhosis, and trauma. The risk

of a disease outcome from low to moderate drinking is less than the risk from either

no drinking at all or heavier drinking. This produces a U-shaped curve when

examining the association of alcohol consumption with rates of deaths from all



The exact mechanism by which alcohol use may be protective against morbidity in

those with CHD is not clear. Some evidence indicates that different types of

alcoholic beverages, such as red wines, which are high in tannins, may lower blood

lipids and fats by increasing antioxidants.

106 Specifically, the mechanisms by which

alcohol may reduce the risk of CHD include increasing levels of high-density

lipoprotein cholesterol, decreasing levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,

prevention of clot formation, reduction in platelet aggregation, and lowering of

plasma apolipoprotein(a) concentration, resulting in the attenuation of the formation

of atheroma and decreasing the rate of blood coagulation.


It is also possible,

however, that how a person drinks alcoholic beverages matters as well. For

example, wines are ingested more slowly as they are typically consumed in moderate

amounts with food. Binge drinking of any type of beverage, however, increases the

risk of mortality from CHD in particular.


Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacology

When consumed in amounts typical of normal social drinking, the absorption of

ethanol from the stomach, small intestine, and colon is complete; however, the rate is

variable. Peak blood ethanol concentrations after oral doses in fasting subjects

generally are reached in 30 to 75 minutes, but several factors can influence the rate

and extent of absorption.

111 The most rapidly absorbed formulations are carbonated

beverages containing 10% to 30% ethanol. In contrast, high concentrations of alcohol

can produce vasoconstriction in the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa, which results in

slowed or even incomplete absorption of ethanol. Absorption of ethanol from the

small intestine appears to be more rapid than any other part of the GI tract and does

not depend on the presence or absence of food. Factors that control the rate of gastric

emptying significantly control the rate of absorption by controlling the rate at which

ethanol is delivered to the small intestine.

112,113 For example, food in the stomach

slows the absorption of ethanol, probably by slowing gastric emptying. The level of

intoxication achieved is not solely related to the plasma concentration. For any

particular plasma concentration, greater cognitive impairment is seen during times

when the plasma level is rising compared with when ethanol is primarily being

eliminated. The degree of intoxication also appears to be directly related to the rate

at which pharmacologically active plasma concentrations are attained. Alcohol

negatively affects cognitive performance and has a differential effect on the

descending versus ascending limb of the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) curve.

The latter finding may have important ramifications relating to the detrimental

consequences of alcohol intoxication.


The blood alcohol level (BAL) or BAC is calculated using the weight of ethanol in

milligrams and the volume of blood in deciliters. This yields a BAC expressed as a

proportion (i.e., 100 mg/dL or 1.0 g/L) or as a percentage (i.e., 0.10% alcohol).

Ethanol concentrations are usually converted to equivalent BACs for standardization

purposes when measured in other body fluids.

The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) pathway is the major enzyme system

responsible for alcohol metabolism in humans. The main alcohol metabolism occurs

with ADH isoenzymes, in the stomach (ADH6 and ADH7) and in the liver (ADH1,

ADH2, and ADH3). The pathway involves conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde by

these ADH isoenzymes, resulting in the reduction of nicotinamide adenine

dinucleotide (NAD) to NADH. In the second step, acetaldehyde is converted to

acetate via the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which also reduces NAD to NADH.

These are the rate-limiting steps in ethanol metabolism, and this route becomes

saturated when large amounts of ethanol deplete NAD.

115 Acetate ultimately is

converted to carbon dioxide and water. An additional pathway that is more involved

in alcohol-dependent individuals than those who are not involves the catalase

pathway of peroxisomes and the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS), in

the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The main functional component of the MEOS is

the cytochrome-P450 (CYP) 2E1.

Of a dose of ethanol, 90% to 98% is oxidized in the liver, with the remaining drug

excreted unchanged in the alveolar air and urine. Ethanol metabolism formerly was

described by zero-order kinetics; however, Michaelis–Menten and other nonlinear,

concentration-dependent models are more accurate.


In some situations, a portion

of the absorbed dose of ethanol does not appear to enter the systemic circulation,

suggesting first-pass metabolism. The relative contribution of hepatic versus gastric

ADH to this response continues to be debated, however.

118,119 Using a twocompartment, Michaelis–Menten pharmacokinetic model as well as experimental

data, it appears that gastric metabolism contributes negligibly to first-pass


120–122 They believe that gastric metabolism accounts for sex and ethnic


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in first-pass metabolism. Estimates of total gastric ADH suggest that the enzyme

can metabolize 0.9 to 1.8 g/hour of ethanol, depending on the concentration of ethanol


123 The extent of first-pass extraction tends to decrease as the dose of

alcohol increases. This is likely because of saturation of ADH, regardless of the

source. When plasma ethanol levels are greater than 0.2 g/mL, the ADH system

becomes saturated. As hepatic ADH becomes saturated, there is increased unchanged

excretion of alcohol. This results in a more intense odor of alcohol on the breath as

the plasma ethanol concentration increases. The metabolism of alcohol also then

tends to become nonlinear because of stimulation of CYP2E1, which produces

metabolic tolerance to ethanol in chronic users.

Lower first-pass metabolism has been found in alcohol-dependent individuals,

women, the elderly, and Japanese subjects.

120,122 Gastric ADH may also play a role in

the effect of food in reducing ethanol bioavailability. Food, by delaying gastric

emptying, allows for more extensive gastric metabolism.


The accepted average rate of ethanol oxidation is 0.15 g/mL/hour for men and 0.18

g/mL/hour for women.

124 Although this rate still is widely used for both legal and

medical purposes, other data suggest wide variability in ethanol metabolism. For

example, wide differences in ADH activity have been demonstrated and attributed to

heredity and other causes.

125,126 Chronic heavy drinkers frequently oxidize ethanol at

twice the normal rates, with their metabolic rates returning to baseline after a period

of abstinence.

127 The rate of oxidation in chronic heavy drinkers may also increase

with elevated blood ethanol levels.


In contrast, patients with end-stage liver

disease may progress to the point at which they have almost no metabolic capacity.

Chronic alcohol use is associated with characteristic changes in the liver.

Hyperlipidemia and fat deposition in the liver occur because of shunting of the

excess hydrogen into fatty acid synthesis and direct oxidation of ethanol for energy

instead of body fat stores being used for energy. Fatty liver is the first step in a

sequence of events that ultimately leads to alcoholic cirrhosis. Accumulated

acetaldehyde, which interferes with mitochondrial function by shortening and

thickening microtubules, has been implicated as playing a role in the hepatotoxic

process. The damaged microtubules then inhibit the secretory functions of the

hepatocytes, which results in an increase in size and weight of the liver.

128 Nutritional

deficits and impaired hepatic protein metabolism may contribute as mechanisms of

hepatotoxicity in chronic ethanol consumers.


Acetaldehyde is believed to play a role in most actions of alcohol.

131 Elevated

acetaldehyde concentrations during ethanol intoxication cause the commonly seen

sensitivity reactions, including vasodilatation and facial flushing, increased skin

temperature, increased heart and respiration rates, and lowered blood pressure.

Acetaldehyde also contributes to the sensations of dry mouth and throat associated

with bronchoconstriction and allergic-type reactions, as well as nausea and

headache. These adverse effects mediated by acetaldehyde have the potential to

protect drinkers against the excessive ingestion of alcohol, but acetaldehyde also has

the potential to produce euphoric effects that may reinforce alcohol consumption.

Acetaldehyde also contributes to the increased incidence of GI and upper airway

cancers that are seen with increased incidence in heavy consumers of alcohol and

which may also play a role in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis.


Ethanol ingestion can depress the CNS through all the different stages of

anesthesia. Tolerance to this effect occurs after chronic use such that a blood ethanol

level of 0.150 g/mL will not produce apparent behavioral or neurologic dysfunction

in persons who drink a pint or more of 80-proof liquor (or its equivalent) daily for

several years.

Neurobiological Basis of Alcohol Dependence

Proteins that are particularly sensitive to alcohol include ion channels,

neurotransmitter receptors, and enzymes involved in signal transduction.

133 Notable

neurotransmitters, hormones, and neuropeptides include adenosine, cannabinoid

receptors, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), dopamine (DA), γ-aminobutyric

acid (GABA), ghrelin, glutamate, neurokinin-1 (NK1), neuropeptide Y (NPY),

norepinephrine, opioid peptides, and serotonin (5-HT). The key inhibitory

neurotransmitter in the CNS is GABA, which is associated with a chloride-ion

channel that is affected by low concentrations of alcohol. Normally, when GABA

binds to the GABAA receptor, the chloride channel opens, allowing negatively

charged chloride ions to enter the cell and inhibiting neuronal cell activity. In the

presence of alcohol, GABA release accentuates the anxiolytic effect of both


134 Receptor compensation for continual inhibition by alcohol is to reduce

GABAA receptor subunits.

135 Other sedative medications, such as benzodiazepines,

also bind to the chloride channel at slightly different sites and facilitate GABA

inhibition. The existence of a common receptor mechanism for the actions of alcohol

and sedative-hypnotics accounts for the cross-tolerance between these substances.

Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS. Low doses of

alcohol strongly inhibit NMDA receptors and inhibit neuronal activity.

136 After

continual exposure to high doses of alcohol, NMDA receptors upregulate in an

attempt to balance alcohol’s inhibitory action. Thus, the combined effect of alcohol

on GABAA and glutamate is to inhibit excitation and facilitate sedation.

Alcohol also affects several other ion channels and receptors. The 5-HT3


subtype is particularly sensitive to the action of low doses of alcohol, and may result

in activation of 5-HT and DA. Alcohol also modifies the activity of β-adrenergic and

adenosine neurotransmitter receptors linked to adenylate cyclase through membranebound G-proteins. Low doses of alcohol can facilitate the activity of norepinephrine,

5-HT, DA, endocannabinoid signaling system, and other neurotransmitter receptors

linked to G-proteins.


On a neurobiological behavioral level, the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway

from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens is activated by most

dependence-producing drugs, including alcohol, cocaine, opiates, and nicotine.


Putatively, activation of this pathway mediates drug reward and is responsible for the

dependence-producing properties of all drugs of abuse.

142 Repeated alcohol use

sensitizes the system, so that behavioral stimuli associated with alcohol also begin to

release dopamine and to facilitate additional alcohol use.

143 Dopamine released by

drugs of abuse are 2- to 10-fold that of natural rewards.

144 This sensitization may

account for the craving and preoccupation with drugs of abuse.

Cessation of chronic alcohol use results in a withdrawal state of nervous system

excitation that is dysphoric and negatively reinforcing. It has been suggested that

abstinence contributes to alcohol craving and the preoccupation with alcohol use, in

that dependent individuals will continue alcohol use to avoid this state.

145 As noted,

chronic alcohol use causes GABAA downregulation and NMDA upregulation,

leading to CNS hyperactivity. The locus coeruleus, a nucleus of norepinephrinecontaining cells in the pons, becomes hyperactive during withdrawal, and is

proposed as mediating some of the negative effects of withdrawal. Chronic alcohol

and drug use alters gene expression and increases levels of adenylyl cyclase,

upregulates cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinases, and

activates cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) and several

phosphoproteins in this brain region mediating tolerance and dependence.


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In the medulla, ethanol can depress respirations by inhibiting the passive neuronal

flux of sodium via a mechanism similar to that of general anesthetic agents.

147 The

enzyme Na



-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) is inhibited, cAMP

concentrations are reduced, and GABA synthesis is impaired. Ethanol is a CNS

depressant, and even the uninhibited behavior associated with its use is caused by

preferential suppression of inhibitory neurons. More global neuronal inhibition is

seen at high ethanol concentrations.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication is essentially supportive. In highly intoxicated

patients, however, the prolonged slowing of the respiratory rate can lead to

arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and death, often accompanied by aspiration of vomitus.

Respiratory depression is responsible for the respiratory acidosis acid–base

abnormality. Even when blood ethanol levels are below those associated with

medullary paralysis, a blunted respiratory response to hypercapnia and hypoxia is


148,149 This makes the assessment of respiratory status a primary concern in

severely intoxicated patients.

Highly intoxicated patients with depressed respiration require immediate

supportive care that may include endotracheal intubation for respiratory support. This

should be sufficient to restore acid–base balance to within normal limits. When

metabolic acidosis is a significant component of the acid–base disturbance, it may be

necessary to administer sodium bicarbonate. This should be done only in conjunction

with appropriate respiratory support to prevent the development of hypercapnia.

Serum Ethanol Concentration

Chronic use of alcohol can produce significant tolerance; therefore, the BAL cannot

be used as a sole determinant of physiologic status. By contrast, for the alcohol

naïve, a BAC in the 0.30 mg% range can be fatal, although chronic drinkers can be

awake and alert at even higher levels. The blood ethanol concentration generally

correlates with the clinical presentation of the patient (Table 90-4), but tolerance

varies among individuals. Impairment in motor function may become observable at

levels of 0.05 mg%. Moderate motor impairment usually is seen at 0.08 mg%, which

is the legal definition of intoxication in all states when driving. Respiratory

depression may occur with ethanol concentrations 0.45 mg%.

150 The accepted median

lethal dose (LD50

) for ethanol in humans is a blood concentration of 0.50 mg%,

although fatalities have been reported with ethanol concentrations ranging from 0.295

to 0.699 mg%.


Factors that may be associated with fatalities at lower ethanol concentrations

include lack of tolerance to alcohol, ingestion of other drugs, heart disease, and

pulmonary aspiration. For example, patients who died of combined ethanol and

barbiturate ingestions had a mean ethanol concentration of only 0.359 mg%, a

mechanism that is applicable to other more commonly used drugs that also depress

respiration such as anxiolytics and opioids.

152,153 Therefore, the clinician should

order a toxicologic urine screen to rule out possible concurrent drug ingestion.

Table 90-4

Relationship of Blood Alcohol Concentration to Clinical Status

Blood Ethanol Concentration Clinical Presentation


50 mg/dL (0.05 mg%) Motor function impairment observable

80 mg/dL (0.08 mg%) Moderate impairment; legal definition of intoxication in

allstates when driving

450 mg/dL (0.45 mg%) Respiratory depression

500 mg/dL (0.50 mg%) LD50

for ethanol

aTolerance to alcohol varies among individuals.


, median lethal dose.

Acute Management

In the alert intoxicated patient, general management is supportive and protective.

Volume depletion resulting in hypotension often occurs in ethanol-intoxicated

patients. Hypothermia also is a complication of severe intoxication and can

contribute to hypotension. Hypoglycemia most often occurs in conjunction with

reduced carbohydrate intake. This situation is common in malnourished alcoholics

but also might be particularly pronounced if a patient was dieting. If intravenous (IV)

fluids are given, thiamine administration should precede that of glucose to prevent

Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Administration of a short-acting benzodiazepine, such as

lorazepam, should be considered.

Gastric lavage may be useful if ingestion of other drugs is expected, or when the

large consumption of alcohol is very recent. Activated charcoal absorbs ethanol

poorly but should be administered when coingestion of other drugs is suspected.

Hemodialysis rapidly removes ethanol from the body.


In uncomplicated cases, it

has been suggested that dialysis be initiated immediately when the blood ethanol

concentration is greater than 0.6 mg%.

151 Ventilatory assistance and good supportive

care usually are most important because respiratory depression is the primary cause

of death in ethanol intoxication. With good supportive care, dialysis is generally

unnecessary. Dialysis may be considered if the patient cannot be stabilized or has

other complicating factors, such as coexisting disease states (e.g., renal dysfunction)

or ingestion of other drugs (Table 90-5).


CASE 90-10

QUESTION 1: J.M. is a chef at a nursing home where his wife is the administrator. He drinks at work and

was found unconscious and brought to the hospital. His wife states that J.M. regularly drinks half a gallon of

vodka daily and has suffered an alcohol withdrawal seizure in the past. J.M.’s wife states that she does not

believe that he ever abused street or prescription drugs. His blood alcohol concentration (BAC) on admission

was 0.52 mg%. J.M. has a history of hepatic insufficiency secondary to cirrhosis. The following laboratory

results are reported:

Sodium, 143 mEq/L Albumin, 4.7 g/dL

Potassium, 4.2 mEq/L Cholesterol, 423 mg/dL


, 25.2 mEq/L CK, 1,344 units/L

Chloride, 107 mEq/L Total bilirubin, 2.3 mg/dL

BUN, 18 mg/dL Direct bilirubin, 0.3 mg/dL

Creatinine, 0.8 mg/dL ALP, 74 units/L

Glucose, 101 mg/dL AST, 288 units/L

Calcium, 9.9 mg/dL ALT, 148 units/L

Magnesium, 0.9 mg/dL GGT, 992 units/L

Uric acid, 6.3 mg/dL

What signs and symptoms evident in a clinical diagnosis of alcohol withdrawal need to be monitored in J.M.?

p. 1893

p. 1894

Table 90-5

Acute Alcohol Intoxication: Symptoms and Treatment

Symptom Course Treatment

Respiratory acidosis Alcohol-induced respiratory depression;

blunted response to hypercapnia and


Endotracheal intubation for respiratory


Coma Alcohol-induced CNS depression; ingestion

of other drugs

Gastric lavage, naloxone (Narcan) 1 mg,

repeat every 2–3 minutes up to 10 doses,

depending on response and suspicion of

ingestion. Dialysis possible

Hypotension Hypovolemia IV fluid replacement

Hypoglycemia Most often occurs in malnourished patients.

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