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CASE 92-6

QUESTION 1: B.C. is a 4-month-old girl who has recently been diagnosed with sickle cell anemia (both

parents positive for sickle cell trait). Her older sibling is positive for sickle cell trait but is asymptomatic.

How does B.C.’s diagnosis affect her risk of infections?

B.C. is at an increased risk for infections because sickle cell anemia causes

defects in splenic function, complement activation, granulocyte function, and B-cell

immunity, as well as micronutrient deficiencies.


Impaired splenic function

increases B.C.’s risk for infection from polysaccharide-encapsulated bacteria such as

Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, and

Salmonella typhimurium. These infections occur most frequently in early childhood,

although B.C. will have a lifelong increased risk of infection. Pneumonia caused by

S. pneumoniae, mycoplasma, or viruses can worsen hypoxia, causing progression to

vaso-occlusion and acute chest syndrome (discussed in more depth below).

Pulmonary complications from pneumonia or vascular occlusion can also lead to

right-sided heart failure. Other infectious conditions such as osteomyelitis from

Staphylococcus aureus or S. typhimurium or urinary tract infections caused by

Escherichia coli are common complications in patients with sickle cell anemia.


CASE 92-6, QUESTION 2: What preventive measures should be taken to prevent infections in B.C.?

Patients with sickle cell anemia should use general preventive measures, such as

frequent hand-washing, avoiding sick contacts,

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and thoroughly cooking foods that may carry Salmonella (e.g., chicken or eggs).


Children should be closely monitored for symptoms and antibiotic therapy should be

instituted at the earliest sign of infection. Prophylactic administration of penicillin

has significantly reduced morbidity and mortality from pneumonia in children

younger than 3 years of age

50 and is recommended to be continued through age 5.


Patients such as B.C. should receive 62.5 mg twice daily during the first year of life,

increased to 125 mg twice daily for ages 1 through 3, then 250 mg twice daily until

the age of 5. The US guidelines recommend discontinuing penicillin prophylaxis at

age 5 unless the child has undergone splenectomy or has had an invasive

pneumococcal infection.


Vaccines that are recommended for patients with homozygous sickle cell include

all standard pediatric and adult vaccines. B.C. also should receive the pneumococcal

23-valent polysaccharide vaccine at 2 and 5 years of age with a booster every 10

years throughout her life.

47 Because patients with sickle cell typically respond

poorly, only 50% of patients will be protected by vaccination. Therefore, there is a

continued need for penicillin prophylaxis in young children.


CASE 92-6, QUESTION 3: B.C. is now 3 years old and presents with pallor and significantly decreased

activity. Her mother notes that some of B.C.’s daycare classmates have been experiencing a mild viral illness

and rash. Her pediatrician obtains a CBC with the following results:

Hgb, 6.2 g/dL

Hct, 18.1%

Platelets, 97,000/μL

Reticulocyte count, 0.5%

WBC count, 6,000/μL

What is a potential cause of B.C.’s symptoms and how should they be managed?

Human parvovirus (HPV) B19 is a common cause of transient RBC aplasia, with

up to 67% of infections resulting in a hematologic change typical of aplasia.


It is a

common, highly contagious childhood infection with more than 70% of adults testing


49 Nearly 70% of all homozygous sickle cell patients are HPV B19

seropositive by 20 years of age.


In normal individuals, the infection is

asymptomatic or presents as mild flu-like symptoms with or without a generalized

maculopapular rash. The virus also infects RBC progenitor cells in the bone marrow,

causing a temporary 7- to 10-day cessation of erythropoiesis in 65% to 80% of

infected individuals. In normal individuals, RBC lifespan is 120 days and this does

not typically produce symptoms. Patients with sickle cell anemia have an RBC

lifespan of 5 to 15 days, so the temporary break in erythropoiesis leads to a severe

anemia. Thrombocytopenia has been noted in approximately one-fourth of those

infected with less than 20% of patients experiencing neutropenia. Although most

children recover within 2 weeks, the majority will require blood transfusions to

manage anemia.

Vaso-occlusive Complications

CASE 92-7

QUESTION 1: J.T. is an 18-year-old man with sickle cell anemia who presented to the emergency

department with rapid onset of abdominal pain and shortness of breath.

During early childhood, he experienced several episodes of acute pain, swelling of the hands and feet, and

jaundice. Three years before this admission, J.T. required a left hip replacement due to osteonecrosis caused by

sickle cell anemia. Recently, frequent blood transfusions have reduced the frequency of sickling crises.

Physical examination reveals J.T. as a thin black man in acute distress and with scleral icterus. He has a

pulse of 118 beats/minute, a respiratory rate of 17 breaths/minute, and a temperature of 98.8°F. His lungs are

clear. Splenomegaly is noted, and a chest radiograph reveals only cardiomegaly.

A CBC is obtained. Notable results include the following:

Hgb, 5.9 g/dL

Hct, 27%

WBC count, 5,000/μL

Platelets, 335,000/μL

Reticulocyte count, 1%

Bilirubin, 5.8 mg/dL

Serum creatinine, 3.1 mg/dL

Blood urea nitrogen, 54 mg/dL

The peripheral blood smear shows target cells with an occasional sickled cell. What signs and symptoms are

consistent with sickle cell anemia? What is J.T.’s current complication?

Vaso-occlusive crisis, or “sickle cell crisis,” is caused by severe pain and organ

damage. These may be precipitated by many factors including hypoxia, dehydration,

infection, and pregnancy.

55 Based on the presence of splenomegaly and anemia with

target and sickled cells, J.T. currently is presenting with an acute splenic

sequestration crisis. Acute splenic sequestration is caused by the trapping of RBCs

within the spleen. This causes splenomegaly and progressive anemia. The low

reticulocyte count is consistent with acute sequestration because a reticulocyte

response would be expected if the anemia had developed in recent days. J.T.’s

inadequate reticulocyte response may reflect rapid progression of the anemia, HPV

B19 infection, or a blunted EPO response secondary to compromised renal


CASE 92-7, QUESTION 2: How should J.T. be treated?

J.T.’s signs and symptoms are sufficiently serious to justify transfusion therapy.


In addition, J.T. should be adequately hydrated, considering his elevated serum

creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. Because patients with sickle cell anemia often

lose the ability to concentrate urine, they may become dehydrated, which further

contributes to cell sickling. The pain associated with a crisis typically lasts at least 2

to 6 days and should be managed with analgesics including parenteral opioids for

severe pain. Pain control should be aggressively instituted for J.T.’s comfort and

should be continued for a few days after hospital discharge (also see Chapter 55,

Pain Management). It is important not to withhold opioids because of a fear of



Splenectomy may be indicated in instances of severe splenomegaly, repeated

infarction, or pain in adults and it is indicated when crises occur in children. Those

patients with sickle cell anemia who are bedridden should be placed on chronic

heparin therapy to prevent vascular occlusions and deep vein thrombosis.

CASE 92-7, QUESTION 3: J.T. presents to the emergency department 3 months later with complaints of

fever, cough, and severe throbbing pain in his chest and abdomen beginning 2 days prior. This is his third

admission within the last year. Notable laboratory results include the following:

Hgb, 6.6 g/dL

Hct, 18.9%

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Platelets, 218,000/μL

WBC, 19,700/μL

Bilirubin, 4.7 mg/dL

Serum creatinine, 1.1 mg/dL

His chest radiograph shows diffuse interstitial infiltrates in both lung fields. His vital signs are as follows:

blood pressure, 98/53 mm Hg; heart rate, 102 beats/minute; respiratory rate, 23 breaths/minute; temperature,

101.4°F; and oxygen saturation, 93%. What complication of sickle cell disease is J.T. experiencing and how

should he be treated for this condition?

J.T. is experiencing acute chest syndrome, a leading cause of morbidity and

mortality in patients with sickle cell disease. The diagnosis of acute chest syndrome

is determined by new pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiograph with one or more of

the following: fever, cough, worsening anemia, and pleuritic or nonpleuritic chest

pain. Patients may also experience shortness of breath, rales, hypoxia, and wheezing

(more commonly in children).

51 Causes of acute chest syndrome include pulmonary

fat embolism, pulmonary infarction, and infection.

3 Commonly implicated organisms

i nc l ude Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, S. pneumoniae,

Haemophilus influenzae, and various viruses.

The primary goal of treatment is to prevent progression to acute respiratory

failure; therefore, treatment should involve pain management, hydration, oxygen

supplementation, incentive spirometry, antibiotics, and, potentially, transfusion.


Optimal pain control and incentive spirometry are important to prevent

hypoventilation and atelectasis, as well as to increase patient comfort. Oxygen should

be administered nasally to patients who are moderately hypoxemic (O2 saturation,

92%–95%; Pao2

, 70–80 mm Hg), as J.T. is. Patients who are febrile or severely ill

should receive IV broad-spectrum antibiotics as it is difficult to exclude bacterial

causes of acute chest syndrome. Empiric antibiotic therapy should take into account

the commonly implicated organisms described above.

Transfusions are used to increase the oxygen affinity of blood and are indicated in

patients with hypoxemia or whose clinical status is deteriorating and with a

hemoglobin >1.0 g/dL less than baseline. J.T. should be monitored closely for

deteriorating respiratory function and should receive transfusions if his clinical status

does not improve.


CASE 92-7, QUESTION 4: What preventive therapies exist for J.T. that will reduce occurrences of vasoocclusive crises?

Hemoglobin F has a protective effect against Hgb polymerization. Investigators

have observed that patients with HbF levels greater than 20% experience a relatively

mild or benign course with fewer vaso-occlusive crises.

55 Hydroxyurea has been

found to increase HbF synthesis which may decrease RBC sickling and the

occurrence of disease-related complications.

56–58 Hydroxyurea is used

prophylactically in patients with recurrent moderate-to-severe vaso-occlusive crises

but not in acute treatment. The use of hydroxyurea in the sickle cell population should

be carefully weighed for risk versus benefit, because it is a cytotoxic agent

associated with bone marrow suppression. The US guidelines recommend

hydroxyurea for adult patients who have three or more sickle cell-associated

moderate-to-severe pain crises in a 12-month period.

51 Patients taking hydroxyurea

should have bone marrow studies performed before therapy and periodically during

therapy. Other adverse effects of hydroxyurea include GI effects (nausea, vomiting,

diarrhea), dermatologic effects (maculopapular rash, pruritus), and potential risk of

developing a secondary neoplasm (leukemia) with prolonged use. The treatment dose

of hydroxyurea for sickle cell anemia is 15 to 35 mg/kg/day. Goals of therapy include

improvement in pain and well-being, increase in HbF, increased Hgb (if severely

anemic), and maintenance of acceptable platelet and granulocyte counts. After

initiation of therapy, blood counts should be monitored closely and the dose adjusted

based on efficacy and tolerability. Several clinical trials evaluating hydroxyurea

show improvement in the clinical course of patients with sickle cell anemia.


Other areas of potential promise for the treatment of sickle cell anemia include bone

marrow transplantation and gene therapy.



CASE 92-7, QUESTION 5: Despite optimal treatment with hydroxyurea, J.T. continues to experience

exacerbations of his sickle cell disease requiring blood transfusions. J.T. estimates he has required six such

transfusions in the last 2 years and at least 25 units of blood in his lifetime. During a visit with his hematologist,

J.T.’s serum ferritin is noted to be 1,050 mcg/L. What potential adverse effect of treatment is the

hematologist’s concern? What other tests may be performed to detect this?

Patients requiring chronic transfusions of PRBCs are at an increased risk for iron

toxicity due to iron overload.

62 Normally, plasma iron binds with transferrin;

however, if transferrin becomes saturated, patients will have higher levels of toxic

nontransferrin-bound iron. As nontransferrin-bound iron increases, it deposits in

other organs, most frequently the liver. Therefore, nontransferrin-bound iron

produces free radicals, causing tissue damage and fibrosis.

Patients with sickle cell disease should be monitored for iron overload.


Obtaining a serum ferritin level is the most commonly used method of screening for

iron overload, although the accuracy of this test is affected by inflammatory

processes. Thus, serial serum ferritin values should be obtained when patients are

not experiencing an acute crisis (i.e., steady-state values). More specific tests such as

magnetic resonance imaging measure iron levels in organs such as the heart, liver,

pancreas, and spleen although may not be routinely used because of cost.

62 The gold

standard for assessing iron overload is liver iron concentration by biopsy, although

this is an invasive procedure that should be performed by specialists.

CASE 92-7, QUESTION 6: J.T. returns for continued assessment of iron overload. His repeat serum ferritin

levels are 1,357 mcg/L and 1,500 mcg/L (3 months apart). Liver iron concentration is 7.8 mg/g dry weight.

Does J.T. meet the criteria to receive iron chelation therapy? What options are available?

J.T. meets criteria for iron chelation therapy because of his steady-state serum

ferritin levels being consistently more than 1,000 mcg/L and his liver iron

concentration being greater than 7 mg/g dry weight.

51 Other considerations for a

patient to receive iron chelation therapy include transfusion of approximately 100

mL/kg of PRBCs, or 20 units for a 40-kg or more patient.

There are three iron chelators currently approved for use in patients with sickle

cell disease; their dosing and adverse effects are summarized in Table 92-10. These

agents work by binding free iron present in circulation and tissues. The iron is then

excreted in the urine and bile.

Deferoxamine (DFO) is the oldest agent and has the most clinical experience.

Deferoxamine and deferasirox have been studied in patients with sickle cell disease

who are as young as 2 years old; deferiprone is not approved for use in children.

Because of its short half-life, DFO must be administered daily via continuous IV or

subcutaneous infusion for 5 days. Deferasirox has a longer half-life, allowing for

once-daily oral administration and enhanced patient convenience and adherence. A

study of 195 patients with sickle cell disease observed similar reductions in iron

levels between patients receiving DFO and patients receiving deferasirox at

comparable doses.

63 Additionally, more patients in the deferasirox group reported

their treatment was convenient.

62 Deferiprone has predominantly been studied in

patients with transfusional iron overload with inadequate response to other iron

chelating therapies although it has been shown to be similar to deferasirox in patients

with sickle cell anemia.

64 Deferoxamine is associated with more dose-dependent

oculotoxicity and audiotoxicity, although both agents may cause this.

65,66 Deferasirox

has been associated with more nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, and cytopenias. Either

DFO or deferasirox is appropriate for J.T. at this time.

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Table 92-10

FDA-Approved Iron Chelation Therapies

Medication Dose Frequency Route


Adverse Effects Notes





titrate to effect

(Maximal dose

40 mg/kg for





SC for 8–12


Common: headache, upper

respiratory tract infection,

abdominal pain, nausea,

vomiting, pyrexia, pain,

arthralgia, cough,


constipation, chest pain,

injection site reactions,

muscle spasms, viral


Serious: audiotoxicity,


nephrotoxicity, ocular

toxicity, hypotension,

anaphylaxis, respiratory

distress syndrome, growth


Requires a

syringe pump or

balloon infuser;

Rotate sites to

prevent scarring

Deferasirox Exjade: 20

mg/kg, titrate

to effect

Jadenu: 14

mg/kg, titrate

to effect

Once daily Exjade: oral


Jadenu: oral


Common: headache,

abdominal pain, nausea,

pyrexia, vomiting, diarrhea,

back pain, upper respiratory

tract infection, arthralgia,

pain, cough,

nasopharyngitis, rash,

constipation, chest pain

Serious: nephrotoxicity,

cytopenias, hepatic failure,

GI hemorrhage,

anaphylaxis, ocular


Exjade should

be dissolved in

juice for


Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day 3 times Oral tablet Common: chromaturia, Urine may be

(divided into 3

doses of 25

mg/kg), titrate

to effect (max

dose 99


daily nausea, vomiting, abdominal

pain, ALT increased,

arthralgia, neutropenia



hepatotoxicity, zinc


discolored redbrown.


category D

FDA, Food and Drug Administration; GI, gastrointestinal; SC, subcutaneously.

J.T. should also receive appropriate monitoring consisting of serial serum ferritin

levels and annual audiology and ophthalmology assessments. Some centers obtain a

liver biopsy every 2 years during treatment to assess efficacy.

51 Patients receiving

deferasirox should have serum creatinine monitored weekly for the first month after

initiation or a dose alteration and monthly thereafter.

51 Monthly monitoring for

proteinuria and assessment of liver function tests should also be initiated for patients

receiving deferasirox.

Other Complications of Sickle Cell Disease


Neurologic complications are age dependent. Stroke most commonly occurs in the

first decade of life, whereas intracerebral hemorrhage is a complication associated

with adulthood. Primary prevention of stroke with RBC transfusions targeted to

maintain HbS level less than 30% reduces the incidence of stroke in high-risk

patients by 92%.


If a stroke occurs, approximately 50% of patients experience

recurrent strokes within 3 years unless they are treated by chronic RBC transfusion


45 A concern with RBC transfusion therapy is iron overload. Conflicting

evidence exists regarding the benefit of chronic hydroxyurea plus phlebotomy

(removal of blood to reduce iron burden) as an alternative option to prevent

secondary stroke.


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Renal and genital complications are common in sickle cell disease because the

environment (hypoxic, acidotic, and hypertonic) predisposes the renal medulla or

corpus cavernosum to infarction. As a result, patients might experience reduced

potassium excretion, hyperuricemia, hematuria, hyposthenuria, and renal failure.

Patients with renal disease generally have inappropriately low levels of EPO as

well. Men experiencing occlusion of the corpus cavernosum can experience acute or

chronic priapism. Conservative management includes IV fluid administration and

pain control. Refractory cases may require surgery.



Microinfarctions often produce ophthalmic, hepatic, orthopedic, and

obstetric/gynecologic complications as well. Patients with sickle cell anemia may

require screening to detect these complications.


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