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There was a significant difference in percent change in improved sleep onset latency

(CBT 52%, combination therapies 52%, zolpidem 14%, placebo 17%). No

significant differences were found among the groups in total sleep time. The authors

concluded that CBT, alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy, was more

effective than pharmacotherapy alone or placebo for the treatment of sleep onset

insomnia. Avoidance of medications with their associated costs, adverse effects, and

drug interactions is the primary advantage of CBT. Disadvantages of CBT include

possible longer time to effective treatment, higher initial cost, and relative paucity of

trained providers in many areas.


CASE 84-4, QUESTION 4: What are the concerns about the use of lorazepam or another benzodiazepine in


Specific concerns need to be addressed about the risks most associated with

benzodiazepines in the elderly regarding dependence, risk of falls, cognitive dulling,

and memory loss. Concern about dependence and the nontherapeutic use of

benzodiazepines has been an important factor in limiting the long-term treatment of

insomnia with hypnotic drugs.


In insomnia patients specifically, the risks of

dependence and recreational use of benzodiazepines are relatively low. Dose

escalation appears to occur only when treatment is ineffective, or when the patient

has a history of substance abuse or anxiety. Although still controversial, the risk of

dependence and abuse associated with the newer nonbenzodiazepine drugs may be

lower than that associated with benzodiazepine hypnotic drugs. An even greater

concern with benzodiazepine use in the elderly is the risk of falls and subsequent hip

fractures. Using 42 months of Medicaid healthcare claims data in New Jersey for

more than 125,000 individuals older than 65 years, the association of hip fractures

and benzodiazepine use was evaluated.

90 Compared with not being exposed to a

benzodiazepine, exposure to any benzodiazepine was associated with a 54% higher

rate of hip fracture, and after adjusting for potential confounding variables,

benzodiazepine use was associated with a 24% higher rate of hip fracture. Use of

short half-life benzodiazepines was found to be no safer than use of long half-life

benzodiazepines, and the risk of hip fracture was highest during the first 2 weeks

p. 1775

p. 1776

after starting a benzodiazepine. These findings support the usual recommendation

that the elderly should be given lower doses than their younger adult counterparts, but

they challenge the suggestion that only long half-life drugs should be avoided in the

elderly owing to clearance concerns. Elderly patients should also be monitored

closely to prevent cognitive decline caused by benzodiazepines and avoid use when



CASE 84-4, QUESTION 5: What are the concerns about the use of diphenhydramine in S.D.?

Sedating antihistamines are not recommended for treating insomnia in the elderly,

as there is no evidence of sustained benefit and they pose significant risk of

anticholinergic effects, notably cognitive impairment, dry mouth, urinary retention,

and constipation.

36,88,92 Duration of sedative effect efficacy from antihistamines is

also problematic with tolerance to sedative effects developing quickly (3–7



S.D.’s primary sleep complaint is related to his nocturia. He is self-treating his

urinary symptoms with saw palmetto, which he did not mention at his ED visit

(perhaps because no one asked whether he used any OTC or herbal medications). His

primary treatment, therefore, must be directed at assessing and more successfully

treating his nocturia. S.D. also likely experienced lorazepam withdrawal symptoms.

The many potential risks associated with benzodiazepines in the elderly led to a

valid decision to discontinue lorazepam. The choice of diphenhydramine was poor,

however, not only because of limited short-term efficacy but also because of its

potential to worsen both urinary symptoms and memory impairment. Clinicians must

ask patients about OTC and herbal medications they may be using to self-treat their

symptoms. The best treatment of sleep complaints in elderly persons is to identify any

underlying treatable cause, review and identify any sleep hygiene issues, and avoid

using benzodiazepines or sedating antihistamines, whose risks often outweigh any



Typical sleep need in children varies from 12 to 14 hours in children 1 to 3 years of

age to between 8.5 and 9.5 hours in adolescents.

95 All major sleep disorders can

occur in youth, and therefore evaluation for insomnia, RLS, PLMS, sleep apnea, and

narcolepsy are needed whenever symptoms warrant. Trouble initiating and

maintaining sleep are more common in children with ADHD (25%–50%) and autism

spectrum disorders (44%–83%). Of infants and toddlers, 10% to 30% have bedtime

sleep resistance that can be managed behaviorally with parental education.

Inconsistent bedtime, falling asleep away from bed, fears, and psychiatric and

medical conditions can all contribute to poor sleep in children.


At least 5% to 10% of high school students have delayed sleep phase syndrome, a

physiologic condition in which they do not fall asleep until between 1 and 3 AM and

they awaken between 9 AM and noon. School schedules dictate earlier awakening,

resulting in chronic sleep deprivation. Poll data indicate that 28% of high school

students fall asleep in school at least once a week, and 14% are late or miss school

because of oversleeping.


Behavioral interventions to promote good sleep habits (e.g., consistent bedtime

and wake-time, before-bedtime ritual) should be initiated during childhood and

continued throughout adolescence to promote a lifetime of healthy sleep. No

hypnotics are FDA-approved for insomnia in children and adolescents, and

significant data are lacking to guide clinicians on medications to improve sleep in

youth. Diphenhydramine, clonidine and melatonin are commonly used in children and

some adolescents; however, the use of Z-hypnotics is also increasing, although this

class has not been well studied in this population.



CASE 84-5

QUESTION 1: J.J. is a 32-year-old woman who is 16-week pregnant. She is moving into a new home and has

been experiencing difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. She asks whether she can take zolpidem for

insomnia like she did before she got pregnant. She also asks whether melatonin or other nonprescription

medications are safer.

Pregnant women have insomnia symptoms more often than their nonpregnant

counterparts, and many ingest hypnotic or sedating medications. Despite frequent

usage of hypnotics, healthcare providers are often reluctant to prescribe medications

to pregnant woman for fear of teratogenicity. Doxylamine is FDA pregnancy category

A, though this indication derived from the treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum and

not insomnia.

97 Diphenhydramine is in FDA pregnancy category B and is generally

considered the safest sleeping medication in pregnancy.

94 Nevertheless, a pregnant

woman should only use it on an as-needed basis. Sedating antihistamines are not

compatible with breast-feeding as they have the potential to dry up milk supply due to

anticholinergic effects.

99 Melatonin, ramelteon, and suvorexant should not be used

because of unknown risks to the fetus.


Regarding the most commonly prescribed hypnotic, zolpidem, The American

Academy of Pediatrics considers zolpidem compatible with breast-feeding, but the

risk versus benefit should be considered on an individual basis.

98,99 Other Zhypnotics do not have sufficient data in pregnancy and lactation to make


Benzodiazepine hypnotics are pregnancy category D or X. They should be avoided

in pregnancy due to the risk of respiratory depression, neonatal flaccidity, and

feeding difficulties if given in the second and third trimester and the controversial

risk of cleft palate if benzodiazepines are given in the first trimester.


Benzodiazepines are not recommended in breast-feeding as the risks outweigh

benefits in most cases.



Clinical Presentation

CASE 84-6

QUESTION 1: E.S., a 52-year-old man, presents to an ambulatory-care clinic complaining of chronic fatigue,

low energy, excessive snoring, and overall less restful sleep. When you ask what prompted E.S. to come to the

clinic, he answers: “My wife and I have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for the last 6 months. She says my

loud snoring and gasping to breathe keeps her awake. I’m tired all day and find myself nodding off a lot.” His

symptoms have worsened during the past year since early retirement. He has gained weight (6 feet, 220

pounds, body mass index 29.8 kg/m


) and has developed hypertension. E.S.’s current BP reading is 145/92 mm

Hg. Medications include lisinopril 10 mg and aspirin 81 mg both taken in the morning.

What are the possible causes of E.S.’s sleep disorder and why is it important for E.S. to have his problem

evaluated in a sleep laboratory?

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p. 1777

E.S. reports diminished sleep quality, excessive snoring, gasping for air, and

weight gain. Although a number of causes could be responsible for E.S.’s symptoms,

one of the most serious is sleep apnea. OSA is a neurologic disorder characterized

by mini-episodes of breathing cessation lasting about 10 seconds. These miniepisodes generally occur multiple times in an hour. If there is a reduction in airflow

but no cessation of breathing, it is termed hypopnea. The brain responds to episodes

of apnea and hypopnea with mini-arousals, waking the individual to stimulate


101,102 These frequent mini-arousals prevent the individual from obtaining

quality sleep by not allowing sufficient time in deep, slow-wave sleep, or REM.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common type, may be induced when extra

body weight (note E.S.’s weight gain) places pressure on the throat and uvula,

narrowing the space into which air must travel; this results in the difficulty or

cessation of breathing and excessive snoring. An estimated 3% to 7% of men and 2%

to 5% of women meet the criteria for OSA.


The apnea/hypopnea index (AHI), measured using polysomnography (i.e., EEG,

electrooculogram, electromyogram), represents the number of episodes per hour. The

AHI score accompanied by symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness is used to

diagnose OSA as follows: >5 to 14 (mild), 15 to 29 (moderate), and >30 (severe).


Risk factor for OSA includes age 65 years and older, obesity (BMI >30), male

gender, craniofacial anatomy that alters mechanical and neural properties of the

upper airway, genetic predisposition, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption before

sleep, and comorbid conditions such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, polycystic

ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, and pregnancy.

103 Hypertension and weight gain

may be contributing to E.S.’s sleep difficulty. Untreated OSA is associated with an

increased risk of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and cerebrovascular


104–106 Although sleep apnea occurs in approximately 5% of women and 15%

of men in the general population, it occurs in up to 40% of patients with


104 Treatment of OSA can improve BP control and lead to more restful

sleep. Of note, OSA also occurs in nonobese individuals and in all ages, including


103,105 Sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring, is a significant risk factor

for hypertension even in young individuals of normal weight.


Overnight evaluation by polysomnography in a sleep laboratory would confirm or

rule out sleep apnea and allow distinction between OSA and the less-common central

sleep apnea.

102,105 Central sleep apnea results when breathing repeatedly starts and

stops during sleep because the brain does not send proper signals to the muscles that

control breathing (i.e., the diaphragm does not move in attempts to take in air).


Treatment of central sleep apnea requires continuous positive airway pressure

(CPAP) as opposed to being alleviated through weight loss or anatomic

manipulations. Central sleep apnea can occur along with OSA.

Drug Treatment Considerations

CASE 84-6, QUESTION 2: Results from the sleep laboratory study clearly document E.S.’s sleep problem

as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). He experiences an average of 65 apneic episodes per hour. E.S.’s weight

gain and inactivity probably contribute to the problem. Both are serious, potentially life-threatening conditions.

Why should E.S.’s sleeping difficulties not be treated with a hypnotic medication?

Hypnotics, alcohol, or any CNS depressant can be lethal for patients with sleep

apnea and should not be prescribed for E.S. CNS depressants interfere with the miniarousals required to stimulate breathing once it has stopped. In this case, the sleep

laboratory study may have saved E.S. from a potential life-threatening breathing

disorder that could have been exacerbated by a hypnotic with CNS depressant


OSA can be treated by tracheostomy, nasal surgery, tonsillectomy,

uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, and either nasally or orally administered continuous

positive airway pressure CPAP.

98 Weight loss and CPAP therapy are the most

effective treatments and must be maintained for continued therapeutic efficacy.


In CPAP, the patient wears a lightweight mask to bed each night, and a constant flow

of air is provided mechanically to prevent breathing cessation and to allow for more

restful sleep. Although CPAP is effective for both OSA and central sleep apnea, the

results are short-lived, and apneic episodes typically reappear when CPAP therapy

is stopped. Preliminary studies in individuals with nocturnal bradycardia and sleep

apnea show that insertion of a permanent cardiac pacemaker significantly improved

bradycardia and sleep apnea.

106 At this time, the best treatment for E.S.’s

hypertension and sleep apnea is weight loss and CPAP.

CASE 84-6, QUESTION 3: If weight loss, surgery, and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) are all

ineffective or impractical, what drug treatments are potentially effective for E.S.’s sleep apnea?

Modafinil and armodafinil agents approved for narcolepsy are also FDAapproved to treat EDS caused by OSA or shift work sleep disorder. For E.S., these

agents are best used as an adjunct to nightly CPAP usage and morning administration

of modafinil 200 to 400 mg or armodafinil 150 to 200 mg.

108,109 Protriptyline has

dated evidence from the 1980’s suggesting benefit by improving patients AHI, but it

is not FDA-approved and has only been used in small numbers of patients with sleep




Narcolepsy is an incurable neurologic disorder characterized by irrepressible sleep

attacks typically occurring 3 to 5 times a day. These sleep attacks can intrude at any

time during the individual’s waking state. Narcolepsy may be present with or without

cataplexy, although cataplexy is present in 60% to 90% of patients.

110 Cataplexy is

the loss of muscle tone in the face or limb muscles and often is induced by emotions

or laughter. Cataplexy can be subtle, with the patient limp and not moving, or

dramatic, in which the patient collapses to the floor.

111 Hypnagogic hallucinations

and sleep paralysis are other secondary symptoms not present in all persons with

narcolepsy. Hypnagogic hallucinations are perceptual disturbances (i.e., auditory,

visual, tactile) that occur while experiencing a sleep attack. The patient may see

imaginary objects, hear sounds, or feel sensations. Sleep paralysis is a terrifying

experience that can occur when falling asleep or when awakening and can last

several minutes. Patients are unable to move their limbs, to speak, or even to breathe

deeply. Narcoleptics learn, however, that sleep paralysis episodes are benign and

brief (lasting <10 minutes). Between 10% and 20% of patients experience the tetrad

of symptoms that include EDS, cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations, and sleep

paralysis. Except for daytime sleepiness, these symptoms are thought to be

expressions or partial expressions of REM sleep.


Symptoms of narcolepsy often begin at puberty, but patients usually are not

diagnosed until years later, in their late teens or early 20s. Early symptoms consist of

excessive daytime sedation and poor sleep quality. The sleep cycle becomes

progressively more erratic with frequent bursts of REM and decreased regularity of

deep or slow-wave sleep. Polysomnography in a sleep laboratory is ideal to confirm

narcolepsy. Sleep architecture is notably different. Instead of the 90-minute delay

before REM, individuals with

p. 1777

p. 1778

narcolepsy progress directly into REM sleep.

101,110 A cerebrospinal fluid

hypocretin 1 level of less than 110 pg/mL is also diagnostic for narcolepsy.

Postmortem brain studies of patients with narcolepsy show 85% to 95% decrease in

hypocretin-containing neurons.


An autoimmune response of unknown origin is thought to damage

hypocretin/orexin-secreting cells in the hypothalamus. Without functional

hypocretin/orexin cells, the sleep–wake cycle is disrupted. Hypocretin/orexin is also

involved in control of body weight, water balance, and temperature.


Comparing Treatments

Optimal treatment of narcolepsy involves treating both sleep attacks and cataplexy.

Schedule II controlled substances, methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine, were the

first drugs used to treat narcolepsy, with 65% to 85% of patients deriving significant

improvements in wakefulness. Mixed amphetamine salts are also FDA-approved for


101 The mechanism of action of methylphenidate and amphetamines is

related to increasing neurotransmission of dopamine and norepinephrine. Modafinil,

a Schedule C-IV controlled substance, is an effective treatment with less abuse

potential. Its exact mode of action is not fully understood, but it is thought to increase

wakefulness through noradrenergic, adrenergic, histaminergic, GABA-modulating,

glutamatergic, and hypocretin/orexin-stimulating mechanisms.

101,110 Armodafinil is the

dextroenantiomer of modafinil. Its therapeutic effect, side effect profile, half-life, and

abuse potential are similar to those for modafinil.


In summary, these stimulating

drugs decrease the number of sleep attacks, improve task performance, and increase

the time to fall asleep, but they cannot eliminate sleep attacks altogether. Research is

underway exploring the possible use of immunosuppression at the time of narcolepsy

onset. One hypothesis suggests that immunosuppression therapy during a period of

pathologic immune response could prevent or reduce damage to the hypocretin

system that otherwise would lead to the development of narcolepsy.


Cataplexy does not respond to psychostimulants or modafinil but may be lessened

with low doses of antidepressants. TCAs (imipramine and clomipramine) were the

first antidepressants used, but protriptyline, desipramine, and SSRIs (fluoxetine,

sertraline, and paroxetine) are also used.

101 SSRIs and protriptyline offer the

advantage of less daytime sedation, compared with tertiary TCAs. The effectiveness

of antidepressants for the treatment of cataplexy is thought to be related to REMsuppressant effects. A Cochrane Database Review concluded that insufficient

evidence exists to recommend antidepressants as effective treatments for cataplexy,

given that most studies are small and uncontrolled.


It should be recognized,

however, that large-scale studies on such a rare disorder are difficult to conduct.


Antidepressants are not considered effective in decreasing sleep attacks.


Sodium oxybate (Xyrem), a salt form of the CNS depressant γ-hydroxybutyrate, is

FDA-approved for treatment of cataplexy and EDS in narcolepsy. Its therapeutic

effects are related to decreased REM, improved sleep consolidation, and increased

stage 3 and 4 slow-wave sleep.

101,112 Sodium oxybate must be administered twice

during the night while the patient is in bed to consolidate 6 to 8 hours of sleep. In two

randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, sodium oxybate 9 g/night (i.e.,

450 mg at bedtime, then 450 mg 2–4 hours later), but not 3 or 6 g/night, significantly

reduced the median frequency of cataplexy attacks by 69% in patients with

narcolepsy, whereas 4.5 to 9 g for 8 weeks significantly reduced the median

frequency of cataplexy attacks by 57% to 85% in a dose-related manner. Both trials

showed 6% to 30% reduction in EDS as measured on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale

and 20% to 43% reduction in daytime sleep attacks.

107 Because of a significant abuse

potential, sodium oxybate is a Schedule III controlled substance. It is only available

through restricted distribution, the Xyrem Success Program, which uses only one

central pharmacy in the United States for dispensing.


Mixed Amphetamine Salts and Fluoxetine

CASE 84-7

QUESTION 1: G.B., a 23-year-old man with narcolepsy, has been taking mixed amphetamine salts extendedrelease 60 mg in the morning for sleep attacks associated with narcolepsy, and fluoxetine 20 mg daily will be

started to treat cataplexy. What are the potential risks of using both mixed amphetamine salts and fluoxetine to

treat G.B.?

Anorexia, gastrointestinal complaints (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,

diarrhea), anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and headaches are common side effects of

stimulant drugs.

101 Though rare, psychotic reactions can occur in narcoleptic patients

taking stimulants at any dose; however, psychosis generally resolves when the

stimulant is discontinued. Stimulants, even at high dosages (e.g., 80 mg

methylphenidate), usually do not bring a patient to a normal level of alertness, and

sometimes nocturnal sleep is disrupted. To prevent stimulant-induced insomnia,

doses should be taken before 3 PM. Tolerance to the therapeutic effects of stimulants

may, however, develop in some patients with narcolepsy.

101,110,113 Drug holidays may

allow the patient to recapture therapeutic benefit; however, many patients opt for an

increased stimulant dose instead. Exceeding maximal recommended doses of

stimulant significantly increases the risk of psychosis, substance abuse, psychiatric

hospitalization, tachyarrhythmia, and anorexia according to a case–control study in

116 patients with narcolepsy taking stimulants.

101,113 Seizures have also been


Fluoxetine may improve cataplexy, but it can worsen nocturnal insomnia and

contribute to restlessness, headache, nausea, and sexual side effects including



In addition, fluoxetine is a potent CYP2D6 inhibitor resulting in

higher levels of amphetamine.

114 G.B. should be monitored closely during the

initiation of fluoxetine therapy, and the amphetamine dose should be lowered by 30%

to 60% to minimize side effects and prevent toxicity. The optimal therapeutic dose of

fluoxetine to manage cataplexy has not been established, but low doses may be

effective and minimize the risk of side effects.

Modafinil and Sodium Oxybate

CASE 84-7, QUESTION 2: G.B. experiences intolerable nervousness, irritability, and nocturnal insomnia on

mixed amphetamine salts and fluoxetine. There is no improvement in cataplexy with the addition of fluoxetine.

He asks about switching to modafinil and sodium oxybate. Does the combination of modafinil and sodium

oxybate offer any advantage for G.B.?

Modafinil’s efficacy relative to other CNS stimulants has not been adequately

assessed in controlled clinical trials; however, it has less potential for insomnia and

adverse CNS reactions at recommended dosages between 200 and 400 mg/day

administered in the morning.


It also has less abuse potential compared with

stimulants and is a Schedule IV controlled substance. Headache was the only adverse

experience rated significantly higher than placebo in 283 patients taking the

recommended dose of either 200 or 400 mg/day of modafinil. Anorexia, nervousness,

restlessness, and pulse and BP increases are dose-related side effects to discuss

during counseling. The maximal tolerable single daily dose may

p. 1778

p. 1779

be 600 mg/day, because 800 mg/day produced increased BP and pulse in one

tolerability study.

116 Gradual dosage titration improves tolerability. Armodafinil, an

active stereoisomer of modafinil, is effective at usual doses between 150 and 250

mg/day. It has a similar adverse effect profile as modafinil.


Improved daytime wakefulness is an advantage of sodium oxybate compared with

antidepressants. A controlled trial involving 278 patients showed an increase in

slow-wave sleep (stages 3 and 4) and decreased nightly sleep disruption in patients

taking sodium oxybate with modafinil compared with modafinil alone.

117 Sodium

oxybate can be administered safely with stimulants and modafinil; however,

coadministration with other CNS depressants, including hypnotic medication, is

contraindicated because of the risk of respiratory depression.


CASE 84-7, QUESTION 3: What counseling should G.B. receive as he switches to modafinil and sodium


People taking modafinil should receive counseling regarding the potential for drug

interactions. Modafinil induces CYP3A4 metabolism primarily in the gut and inhibits

CYP2C19. Decreased levels of triazolam and ethinyl estradiol have been associated

with modafinil coadministration.

118 Enzyme inhibition may also occur. Modafinil’s

inhibition of CYP2C19 is the proposed mechanism behind modafinil-associated

clozapine toxicity.

119 Monitoring for drug interactions is crucial because modafinil

and armodafinil are increasingly used for other indications, including daytime

sleepiness associated with Parkinson disease, shift work, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea,

fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis, and ADHD.


Sodium oxybate should not be given to those with sleep-disordered breathing,

sleep apnea, or an alcohol or substance abuse disorder.

112 Adverse effects include

nausea, headache, dizziness, and enuresis. Safe coadministration of modafinil and

sodium oxybate has been described in clinical trials


; however, cases of severe

side effects including panic, psychosis, depression, and new-onset suicidal ideation

have been described.

123 The risk of serious side effects versus benefits in managing

cataplexy and nocturnal insomnia should be discussed with G.B. and his family.

Close monitoring, particularly during the first weeks and months of treatment and

when dosages are adjusted up or down, should be advised.

123 G.B. should be

instructed how to properly administer sodium oxybate, drinking half the dose on an

empty stomach immediately before bedtime and then setting his alarm for 4 hours

later to take the midnocturnal dose.

Naps and Other Behavioral Interventions

CASE 84-7, QUESTION 4: The benefits, possible risks, and importance of regular physician assessment

have been explained to G.B., and he agrees to report efficacy and adverse effects to his primary-care provider

regularly. G.B. is reminded to take the medicine at regular intervals along with daytime naps. Why are naps

helpful in the treatment of G.B., and what other behavioral interventions are useful in treating narcolepsy?

Strategically timed 15- to 20-minute naps taken at lunch and then again at 5:30 PM

can be refreshing for patients with narcolepsy and increase their time between sleep

attacks. Narcolepsy support groups are available and may help G.B. better cope with

such a life-changing chronic illness. It also is important for G.B. to avoid alcohol and

to regulate his bedtime and wake-up time in the attempt to normalize his sleep




The authors acknowledge Julie A Dopheide and Glen L. Stimmel for their

contributions to this chapter in earlier editions.


A full list of references for this chapter can be found at Below are the key references and websites for this

chapter, with the corresponding reference number in this chapter found in parentheses

after the reference.

Key References

Ahmed I, Thorpy M. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy. Clin Chest Med. 2010;31:371. (111)

Morgenthaler T et al. Practice parameter for the psychological and behavioral treatment of insomnia: an update.

An American Academy of Sleep Medicine report. Sleep. 2006;29:1415. (32)

Morin CM et al. Chronic Insomnia. Lancet. 2012;379:1129. (37)

Moszczynski A et al. Neurobiological aspects of sleep physiology. Neuro Clin. 2012;30:963. (16)

Okun ML et al. A review of sleep-promoting medications used in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015;214:428.


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