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The most common complication of any diarrheal illness is loss of fluids
and electrolytes, which in extreme cases can lead to hypovolemia,
shock, and death. Depending on the degree of dehydration, fluid and
electrolyte losses are replaced intravenously or orally.
Classification of infectious diarrheas as either an inflammatory or
noninflammatory diarrheal illness provides a basis for preparing a
focused list of suspected pathogens, thus guiding the overall diagnostic
Vibrio cholerae 01 and 0139 are toxigenic strains of Vibrio species,
which cause epidemic cholera; severe dehydration requiring vigorous
fluid replacement may be necessary. Non-cholera Vibrio species do not
possess the virulence factors required to cause epidemic cholera.
Antimicrobial treatment differs between toxigenic and non-toxigenic
Salmonella species are classified as non-typhoidal and typhoidal
salmonellae. Non-typhoidalsalmonellae may cause the clinical
syndromes of gastroenteritis, bacteremia, and localized infection,
whereas typhoidalsalmonellae may cause typhoid fever and chronic
carriage. The role of antimicrobials in the management of salmonellosis
is based on the clinicalsyndrome, its severity, and underlying health
Severe dysentery caused by Shigella species is most commonly caused
by Shigella dysenteriae, whereas a milder illness is typically caused by
Shigella sonnei. Antimicrobials alleviate the symptoms of shigellosis, and
decrease the period of time that shigellae can be spread by person-toperson contact.
Fluoroquinolone-resistance in Campylobacter species is a common
finding in both developed and underdeveloped areas of the world; when
indicated, macrolide antimicrobials are recommended.
Travelers to destinations where acquisition of Travelers’ diarrhea (TD)
is a concern should bring a travel kit including medications (e.g.,
loperamide and antimicrobials) and instructions for self-treatment at the
onset of illness. The selected antimicrobial depends on the area of
travel. Long-term postinfectious complications of TD may occur in
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a specific toxin-producing strain of E. coli
bacteria that can lead to the severe sequelae of hemolytic uremic
Clostridium difficile infection causes a wide range of severity of illness.
Severe C. difficile infection can be life-threatening and often
necessitates multiple therapeutic interventions.
Worldwide, diarrhea accounts for more than 2.5 million deaths annually,
affecting infants and children living in poverty.
2 Prolonged episodes of diarrhea lead
to malnutrition and in children contribute to impaired growth and developmental
In the United States, about 48 million foodborne diarrheal illnesses occur
each year, resulting in 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths.
Infectious diarrhea is caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with
pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or fungi) or their toxins
In the United States, noroviruses account for about 50% of diarrheal
outbreaks, while common bacterial pathogens include Campylobacter, non-typhoidal
Salmonella, Shigella, and Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli.
Predisposing Factors, Symptoms, and Therapy of Gastrointestinal Infections
Campylobacter Contaminated eggs,
Stool culture See Table 69-3 –
Cryptosporidiosis Immunosuppression,
text for doses and duration of therapy.
bNot all cases require antibiotic therapy. See text for details.
If susceptible. See text for details.
ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; TMP–SMX, trimethoprim–
This chapter focuses on the diagnosis and management of the common microbial
causes of acute infectious diarrhea.
Diarrhea is often defined as three or more episodes of loose stools or any loose stool
with blood during a 24-hour period, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting,
3 The duration of illness is considered acute if symptoms are
present for less than 2 weeks duration, persistent if symptoms last for 14 to 29 days,
and chronic if symptoms last ≥30 days.
3 Classifying diarrheal syndromes as either a
noninflammatory (watery diarrhea) or an inflammatory (bloody diarrhea) illness
provides a basis for predicting the most likely microbial cause for the intestinal
The pathogenesis of infectious diarrhea involves an interplay among bacterial
virulence factors, host factors, and predisposing factors to infection. Diarrhea is
more likely to occur in the setting in which an imbalance among these factors favors
Enteropathogens possess virulence factors that contribute to the organism’s
2 Enterotoxins targeting the small bowel cause net movement of fluid
leading to fever and bloody diarrhea. Invasive properties of Shigella species and
invasive strains of E. coli allow these bacteria to invade and destroy epithelial cells,
causing bloody or mucoid stools. Some enteropathogens induce a vigorous host
response through the release of proinflammatory cytokines from intestinal epithelial
cells, leading to diarrhea. Finally, adhesions allow enteropathogens to attach to and
colonize the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa, facilitating toxin delivery, invasion,
dissemination, or host cell lysis.
The human GI tract possesses numerous defense mechanisms to protect against
enteric infection. Normal bacterial flora compete for space and nutrients with
potentially pathogenic organisms, or produce substances, e.g., short-chain fatty acids,
that are inhibitory to enteropathogens.
gastrointestinal mucus and mucosal tissue integrity provide physical barriers against
infection. Intestinal immunity includes defensins that are bactericidal to some
enteropathogens, local production of antibodies, and toll-like receptors that
recognize enteropathogens and activate the immune response.
moves bacteria and their toxins along and out of the GI tract. Finally, specific host
genetic factors are protective against enteric infection.
Inadequate sanitation facilities increase the risk that local inhabitants and travelers
will be exposed to contaminated food and water. Outbreaks of foodborne or
waterborne illnesses in both industrialized and developing countries facilitate the
spread of infectious organisms. Industrialized countries that rely on imported food
items risk the possibility of importation of contaminated food products.
Immunocompromised hosts, such as organ transplant recipients and patients receiving
immunosuppressive therapies, are more susceptible to intestinal infection.
Institutional settings such as day-care centers, hospitals, and extended-care facilities
are high-risk settings for dissemination of disease. Finally, poor personal hygiene is
a risk for infectious diarrhea.
Pharmacologic Agents that May Promote Gastrointestinal Infection
-receptor antagonists, proton-pump
Increase of gastric pH; passage of viable pathogens to
Antibiotics Alteration of intestinal flora
Cancer chemotherapy Unclear but may include the antimicrobial activity of
chemotherapeutic agents, or chemotherapy-induced
intestinal damage and necrosis favoring an anaerobic
environment for the growth of C. difficile.
antineoplastic chemotherapy: a review. Clin Infect Dis. 1993;17:109.
The use of pharmacologic agents, e.g., drugs that increase gastric pH (Table 69-2),
increases the risk for infection with acid-susceptible pathogens such as Salmonella
5 The use of proton-pump inhibitors predisposes patients
to Clostridium difficile diarrhea.
The most common complication of any diarrheal illness is loss of fluids and
electrolytes, which in extreme cases can lead to hypovolemia, shock, and death.
Depending on the degree of dehydration, fluid and electrolyte losses are replaced
intravenously (IV) or orally. Once replacement of fluid and electrolyte losses is
completed, additional laboratory tests and drug therapies can be considered.
Inflammatory diarrheal illnesses are characterized by the presence of bloody or
mucoid stools. Therefore, stool specimens with red blood cells (RBCs) or occult
blood, or those that contain large numbers of white blood cells, suggest infection
attributable to invasive pathogens.
Identification of bacterial toxins in stool specimens is a useful diagnostic tool. For
example, because only the toxigenic strains of C. difficile are pathogenic, the
presence or absence of bacterial toxins in stool specimens is more important than a
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