CASE 56-4, QUESTION 3: How should clinicians manage pain in critically ill patients like J.A.?
Opioids, including fentanyl, hydromorphone, morphine, methadone, and
remifentanyl, are the primary analgesics used in the critical care setting. Of these,
fentanyl, hydromorphone, and morphine are used most commonly, whereas
methadone is mainly used for long-term pain or pain that is refractory to other
opioids. Because it is very short acting, very potent, and metabolized in the plasma,
remifentanyl is most appropriate for pain that lasts only a short period of time in
patients who are mechanically ventilated and in those with severe renal or hepatic
dysfunction. Meperidine should not be used because it may cause seizures and other
44 For treatment of acute pain, opioids should be given intravenously
since enteral administration may be unreliable in critically ill patients because of
incomplete absorption in patients with altered gastrointestinal motility and
intramuscular absorption can be erratic.
In some cases, it may be impossible to
completely alleviate pain because of dose-limiting side effects such as respiratory
depression or altered mental status. In these cases, clinicians should attempt to make
patients as comfortable as possible without inducing significant adverse effects.
The selection of a specific opioid relates to the pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics of the medications and depends on patient-specific
characteristics as well as the nature of the pain the patient is experiencing. Table 56-
2 lists key considerations for choosing between available opioids. When given as a
single intravenous bolus injection, fentanyl has a faster onset and shorter duration of
action compared to hydromorphone and morphine. This makes an intravenous
injection of fentanyl most appropriate for pain that is short-lived such as procedural
pain that might be associated with placement of a chest tube or intravenous catheter.
In fact, procedural pain is best treated preemptively through administration of a bolus
37 The longer duration of action of hydromorphone and
morphine makes these agents better when intravenous treatment of longer lasting pain
is indicated. Alternatively, fentanyl, hydromorphone, and morphine may all be
administered as continuous intravenous infusions in patients needing ongoing
analgesia or those with severe pain.
All opioids can cause constipation, confusion, hallucinations, altered mental
status, and respiratory depression when given in high doses. Clinicians should
regularly monitor the bowel movements of patients receiving opioid analgesia and a
bowel regimen containing both a stimulant laxative and a stool softener should be
administered, if indicated. Opioids may all cause a decrease in blood pressure if the
patient’s blood pressure is increased because of pain and in patients who are
hypovolemic. Importantly, morphine is the only opioid that causes histamine release,
which can lead to flushing, bronchospasm, and hypotension. These complications
underlie the recommendation to avoid morphine in patients who are
hemodynamically unstable, at risk for hypotension, or those with bronchospasm.
Morphine has an active metabolite that is cleared by the kidneys, while fentanyl and
hydromorphone are metabolized in the liver to inactive metabolites. Thus,
hydromorphone and fentanyl are preferred over morphine in patients with renal
failure. Another unique side effect relates to QTc prolongation resulting from
methadone. Because QTc prolongation can potentially cause cardiac arrest,
electrocardiograms should be regularly monitored in patients receiving methadone,
especially in patients concurrently receiving other QTc-prolonging agents. Serum
concentrations of magnesium and potassium should be monitored, and these
electrolytes should be repleted, as needed, to minimize arrhythmias. Because fentanyl
is the most lipophilic of the three most commonly used opioid analgesics, prolonged
administration via intravenous infusion may lead formation of a depot in adipose
tissue. After cessation of the fentanyl infusion, drug may distribute from the fat into
the bloodstream and prolong the effects of drug.
Selected Characteristics of Opioids Used in Critically Ill Patients
Morphine 5–10 minutes 2–4 hours Yes (cleared
Hydromorphone 5–15 minutes 2–4 hours No 1.5
Fentanyl 1–2 minutes 30–60 minutes No Accumulates in
In addition to opioids, clinicians may consider adjunctive analgesics in selected
patients. For example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and acetaminophen may
be considered to minimize overall opioid requirements and potentially reduce
opioid-related complications. For patients experiencing neuropathic pain, enterally
administered gabapentin and carbamazepine can be helpful. Finally, for patients with
rib fractures or those who have undergone thoracic or abdominal surgery, thoracic
epidural analgesia results in better pain control as compared to opioid
Because J.A. is likely to experience ongoing pain as a result of his trauma,
multiple fractures, and surgery, he should be initiated on opioid analgesia. If he
remains hypotensive, at risk for hemodynamic compromise, or is in renal failure,
morphine should be avoided. Some centers would routinely use fentanyl or
hydromorphone in most patients to minimize hemodynamic complications. It would
be most appropriate to administer fentanyl as a continuous infusion, while
hydromorphone could be given continuously or as repeated intravenous boluses.
Because of his rib fractures, J.A. could also be considered for thoracic epidural
QUESTION 1: During his stay in the surgical ICU, J.A. begins to exhibit signs of agitation including
Agitation is very common in critically ill patients and can lead to adverse
consequences arising from sympathomimetic effects.
complicated if agitation leads to patient removal of devices, such as endotracheal
tubes or intravenous lines, necessary for their care. Patients may exhibit symptoms of
agitation for a variety of reasons including pain, delirium, hypoxemia, hypoglycemia,
hypotension, or withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. Given the ubiquity of pain
in critically ill patients and the difficulty in assessing patients who cannot
communicate, clinicians should always consider pain as a potential cause of agitation
and administer analgesics when they suspect pain. In fact, current guidelines
recommend analgesia-first sedation strategies that emphasize aggressive use of
analgesics before administration of sedative agents.
37 Other general strategies to treat
anxiety and agitation in critically ill patients include keeping patients as comfortable
as possible, reorienting patients if they misperceive their surroundings or situations,
promoting a normal sleep–wake cycle by helping patients to stay awake during the
day and minimizing barriers to sleep overnight. Whenever possible, clinicians should
attempt to identify and treat the underlying cause of agitation before initiating a
sedative agent. For instance, if an agitated patient is found to be hypoglycemic, the
hypoglycemia should be corrected, and the patient should be reevaluated before
starting a sedative. By identifying and addressing the cause of agitation, clinicians
can avoid complications associated with sedative medications, such as over-sedation
Clinicians should assess critically ill patients who are agitated using a validated
37 The two most rigorously evaluated tools are the
Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) and the Sedation-Agitation Scale
(SAS). Both tools effectively discriminate different levels of sedation, have high
inter-rater reliability, and have been show to correlate reasonably well with
objective measures of brain function.
46–48 Scores on the RASS range from –5 to +4
while the SAS varies from 1 to 7. The lowest numbers of the scales indicate a patient
is unarousable, while the highest numbers on the RASS and SAS correspond to
combativeness and dangerous agitation, respectively. By quantifying patients’ level
of sedation using one of these tools, multidisciplinary caregivers can determine the
desired level of consciousness and appropriately administer medications to target
this level of consciousness while avoiding excessive sedation. Generally, sedatives
should be titrated to achieve light levels of sedation, which correspond to RASS
scores of –1 to 0 and SAS scores of 3 to 4.
37 Maintaining patients at light levels of
sedation instead of deeper levels of sedation, in which they are more difficult to
arouse and are less interactive, has been shown to reduce duration of mechanical
ventilation and ICU length of stay.
49,50 Sometimes, patients’ clinical conditions may
necessitate deeper levels of sedation. Some clinical situations in which deeper
sedation may be appropriate include active severe alcohol withdrawal, refractory
status epilepticus, intracranial hypertension, ventilator
dysynchrony, severe lung injury, or paralysis with neuromuscular receptor
J.A. may be agitated because of pain from his traumatic injuries as well as
metabolic disturbances or other causes. His level of consciousness should be
evaluated using the RASS or SAS. Since he is intubated, J.A. should be assessed for
pain using a validated nonverbal pain assessment tool, and his pain should be treated
if indicated. His vital signs should be evaluated to identify hypotension or hypoxia,
and his blood glucose concentration should be measured. Abnormalities in these
values should be corrected as needed. Clinicians should review J.A.’s past medical
history, social history, and home medication list to identify any potential that he might
be experiencing withdrawal from alcohol, illicit substances, or prescribed
medications that he was taking before hospital admission such as benzodiazepines or
opioids. If he is unaware of his surroundings or current condition, J.A. should be
reoriented. His sleep pattern should be addressed. Finally, the patient’s current
medication list should be reviewed for medications, such as steroids and
anticholinergic drugs, that might cause behavioral changes and these medications
should be discontinued if identified. Only after thoroughly assessing the patient for
potentially reversible causes of agitation, should the health care team consider
initiating a sedative medication with the goal of achieving a light level of sedation in
CASE 56-5, QUESTION 2: If J.A. requires sedation, which medication would be preferred?
Several agents, including propofol, dexmedetomidine, and benzodiazepines, can
be used to treat agitation in critically ill patients. No particular sedative is best for
all patients. Although benzodiazepines have been widely used over time, recent
guidelines suggest that propofol and dexmedetomidine are preferred in most patients
because they may result in decreased ICU length of stay and duration of mechanical
ventilation as compared to benzodiazepines.
37,51–53 Decisions about the optimal
sedative agent for individual patients depend on the reason for sedation and sedation
goals, expected duration of sedation, pharmacology of the medication in the specific
patient, and cost-effectiveness.
37 A summary of key clinical considerations relative to
commonly used sedatives is provided in Table 56-3.
Propofol is a highly lipophilic sedative that binds to multiple receptors and exerts
sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, antiemetic, and anticonvulsant properties.
its high lipophilicity and formulation in a 10% lipid emulsion, propofol readily
crosses the blood–brain barrier and demonstrates a rapid onset of effect and quick
offset after short-term use. However, patient awakening after prolonged use can be
variable because of its deposition in adipose tissues.
titrated in order to achieve the desired level of sedation. It is suited for regular
awakenings that are required for neurologic examinations in patients with brain
injuries, and it facilitates daily awakening as part of sedative and ventilator weaning
53,55 Adverse effects of propofol include respiratory depression,
hypotension resulting from vasodilation, bradycardia, hypertriglyceridemia,
pancreatitis, myoclonus, and green or white discoloration of the urine.
the dose-dependent suppression of respiratory drive, continuous infusions of
propofol should only be administered to patients who are mechanically ventilated.
Patients should be regularly monitored for hypertriglyceridemia when receiving
propofol over the course of several days and the drug should be stopped or weaned if
significant hypertriglyceridemia develops. Patients with allergies to eggs, soybeans,
and sulfites may experience allergic reactions because of components of the lipid
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