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The ADA’s recommendation for alcohol is consistent with general recommendations

of no more than two alcoholic drinks/day for men or one drink/day for women. A

drink is equivalent to 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled

spirits (each contains about 15 g of carbohydrate). Nevertheless, its caloric

contribution must be considered (1 alcoholic beverage = 2 fat exchanges), and it

should always be taken with food to minimize its hypoglycemic effect. In people with

diabetes, light-to-moderate alcohol intake (one to two drinks/day) is associated with

a decreased risk of CVD. A note of caution: Evening consumption of alcohol may

increase the risk of nocturnal and fasting hypoglycemia, particularly in people with

Type 1 diabetes.



Physical activity is a key factor in the treatment of diabetes, particularly in Type 2

diabetes, because obesity and inactivity contribute to the development of glucose

intolerance in genetically predisposed individuals. Regular exercise reduces

cholesterol levels, raises HDL-C, lowers BP, augments weight-reduction diets,

reduces the dose requirements or need for insulin or antihyperglycemic agents,

enhances insulin sensitivity, and improves psychological well-being by reducing

stress. Exercise increases glucose utilization, which is provided initially from the

breakdown of muscle glycogen and, subsequently, from hepatic glycogenolysis and

gluconeogenesis. These effects are mediated through norepinephrine, epinephrine,

growth hormone, cortisol, and glucagon, along with the suppression of insulin

secretion. In patients using insulin, hyperglycemia, normoglycemia, or hypoglycemia

can occur secondary to exercise depending on the degree of control, recent

administration of rapid-acting insulin, and food intake. Exercise in patients taking

insulin must be tempered by increased food intake, potential delay in insulin

administration, decreased doses of insulin, or a combination of these actions to

minimize hypoglycemia.


In patients with Type 2 diabetes, plasma glucose concentrations usually decrease

in response to exercise, but symptomatic hypoglycemia is uncommon. The vascular

benefits of exercise are particularly helpful in patients with diabetes given their

predisposition to CVD. In general, exercise that produces moderate exertion

(increase in heart rate of 20%–40% from resting baseline) is recommended with a

starting goal of 150 minutes/week. The eventual goal is for patients to be able to

achieve 50% to 70% of their age-adjusted maximal heart rate.


Resistance exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Therefore, in

the absence of any contraindications, people with Type 2 diabetes are encouraged to

perform resistance training 3 times/week. Patients with conditions that may preclude

certain types of physical activity (e.g., coronary artery disease, uncontrolled

hypertension, severe autonomic neuropathy, severe peripheral neuropathy or history

of foot lesions, and advanced retinopathy in which retinal detachment may occur)

should be carefully evaluated before starting an exercise regimen.





Pharmacologic Treatment

Insulin, along with diet, is crucial to the survival of individuals with Type 1 diabetes

and plays a major role in the therapy of people with Type 2 diabetes when their

symptoms cannot be controlled with diet or noninsulin antidiabetic agents. Insulin

also is used for people with Type 2 diabetes during periods of intercurrent illness or

stress (e.g., surgery, pregnancy). The use of antidiabetic agents is primarily reserved

for the treatment of patients with Type 2 diabetes whose symptoms cannot be

controlled with diet and exercise alone. The clinical use of these agents and the

complications associated with their use are discussed later in this chapter.

Overall Goals of Therapy

The overall goal of diabetes management is to prevent acute and chronic

complications. Periodic assessments of A1C coupled with regular measurement of

fasting, preprandial, and postprandial glucose levels should be used to assess

therapy. The following overall goals of therapy are agreed on by most


Landmark randomized, prospective trials of various interventional therapies in

patients with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have clearly demonstrated that

reductions in hyperglycemia significantly decrease microvascular complications.

In both the UKPDS and the DCCT follow-up studies, significant reductions in

macrovascular complications were also observed. Target BG goals may need to

be adjusted for patients with frequent, severe hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia

unawareness (see Case 53-8, Questions 1–3, and Case 53-9), or with CVD. In

addition, established renal insufficiency, proliferative retinopathy, severe

neuropathy, and other advanced complications are not likely to be improved by

tight glucose control. See Table 53-5 for the ADA glycemic goals.

38 The American

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American College of

Endocrinology established glycemic goals as well (Table 53-5).

39 The ADA

guidelines will be discussed throughout this chapter.

Try to keep patients free of symptoms associated with hyperglycemia (polyuria,

polydipsia, weight loss, fatigue, recurrent infection, ketoacidosis) or hypoglycemia

(hunger, anxiety, palpitations, sweatiness).

Maintain normal growth and development in children. Intensive therapy is not

recommended across any age group with a goal A1C of <7.5%. Goals can be

individualized, targeting <7% if can be done so safely with minimum

hypoglycemia (see Case 53-4, Questions 2 and 3).

Eliminate or minimize all other cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, hypertension,

tobacco use, hyperlipidemia; see Table 53-5 for glycemic and blood pressure



Try to integrate the patient into the healthcare team through intensive education. The

patient’s knowledge and understanding of this disease can favorably influence its

outcomes (see Table 53-14 later in this chapter).

p. 1081

p. 1082

Methods of Monitoring Glycemic Control

In addition to monitoring signs and symptoms associated with hyperglycemia,

hypoglycemia, and the long-term complications of diabetes, an ongoing assessment of

metabolic control is an integral component of diabetes management. Ideally, SMBG

results combined with laboratory measures of acute and chronic glycemia can be

used to evaluate and adjust therapy.

38,56 SMBG and A1C levels continue to be the two

primary methods used to access glycemic control. Continuous glucose monitoring

(CGM) of interstitial fluid is also available for people with diabetes. CGM is

discussed somewhat briefly here because this method is currently recommended for

consideration, along with SMBG, for patients with Type 1 diabetes only, especially

those with hypoglycemic unawareness.



Ketone testing is recommended for patients with gestational and Type 1 diabetes.

Urine ketones (acetoacetic acid) should be evaluated when glucose concentrations

consistently exceed 300 mg/dL or during acute illness.


In addition, a glucose

monitor that is able to measure blood β-ketones (e.g., the Precision Xtra has a

specific test strip to measure β-hydroxybutyric acid) can be used. Persistently high

glucose concentrations of this magnitude signal insulin deficiency that can, in turn,

lead to lipolysis and ketoacidosis. A positive test may indicate impending or

established ketoacidosis and demands a more extensive diagnostic workup. Testing

also is recommended during pregnancy and if the patient has symptoms of

ketoacidosis. Although there are generally no ketones in the urine, they may be

present in people who are on extremely low-caloric diets and in the first morning

sample of women who are pregnant. Also, see discussions of sick day management

and ketoacidosis in other sections of this chapter (Cases 53-7 and 53-13).


FPG concentrations are commonly used to assess glycemic control in the fasting state

because this is when glucose concentrations are most reproducible. FPG

concentrations generally reflect glucose derived from hepatic glucose production

because this is the primary source of glucose in the postabsorptive state. The FPG is

the most frequent test performed by patients when self-monitoring. Postprandial

glucose concentrations (1–2 hours after the start of the meal) also are used to assess

glycemic control when fasting glucose concentrations are within normal limits or

when there is a need to assess the effects of food or drugs (e.g., rapid-acting insulins,

glinides) on meal-related glycemia. In individuals without diabetes, glucose

concentrations generally return to less than 140 mg/dL within 2 hours after a meal.

One- to 2-hour postprandial concentrations primarily reflect the efficiency of insulinmediated glucose uptake by peripheral tissue.

Because glucose concentrations are affected by various factors (e.g., meals,

medications, stress), single-time point measurements cannot be used to assess a

patient’s overall control. Most laboratories measure plasma glucose concentrations

rather than whole blood because these values are not subject to changes in the

hematocrit. The majority of glucose monitors report plasma-referenced glucose

concentrations. Whole BG concentrations are approximately 10% to 15% lower than

plasma glucose concentrations because glucose is not distributed into red blood



SMBG has made euglycemia, both preprandially and postprandially, an achievable

goal. Patients and their healthcare providers can use SMBG to assess directly the

effects of drug dose changes, meals, exercise, and illness on BG concentrations. With

improved technology, decreasing costs, and increased coverage by health plans,

SMBG is the day-to-day monitoring test of choice for all patients with diabetes.

However, SMBG remains expensive for patients without health insurance, is

invasive, and can be difficult for some patients to perform depending on their

technical ability. Furthermore, to achieve maximal benefit from SMBG, both the

clinician and patient must be motivated and willing to spend the time required to

interpret the data and modify therapy to improve glycemic control. The frequency and

timing of performing SMBG should be dictated by the individual’s needs and goals.

Selection and use of SMBG testing materials are discussed in Case 53-2, Questions 9

and 10. Patients in whom SMBG is particularly valuable include the following:

Patients with Type 1 diabetes: Frequent BG measurements help the patient to

correlate meals, exercise, and insulin dose with BG concentrations. This instant

feedback gives the patient an increased sense of control and motivation, leading

to improved glucose control.

Pregnant patients: Infant morbidity and mortality are associated with the mother’s

overall glucose control. Using SMBG, the mother with diabetes who achieves

normoglycemia before conception and throughout pregnancy improves her

chances of delivering a live, healthy infant.

Patients having difficulty recognizing hypoglycemia: With time, patients with

diabetes can develop a sluggish counter-regulatory response to hypoglycemia

whereby hypoglycemic symptoms are blunted or even absent. This is often

referred to as hypoglycemic unawareness. Routine SMBG to detect asymptomatic

hypoglycemia is essential in these individuals. In addition, acute anxiety attacks

or signs and symptoms associated with a rapidly falling BG concentration may

mimic a true hypoglycemic reaction. This can be evaluated easily by measuring a

fingerstick BG concentration.

Patients who are using physiologic (e.g., basal-bolus) insulin therapy: Individuals

who are on multiple daily doses of insulin or those using an insulin pump should

perform SMBG to evaluate the effectiveness of their insulin regimens and meal

plans and to check for hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic reactions (see Case 53-2,

Question 10). Knowledge of preprandial, postprandial, bedtime, and nocturnal

(e.g., 2 AM) BG concentrations is essential in determining basal and preprandial

insulin requirements.

Patients with Type 2 diabetes who are on therapy that can cause hypoglycemia:

Individuals taking glinides, a sulfonylurea, or insulin therapy should know how to

perform SMBG to detect hypoglycemia when experiencing symptoms consistent

with hypoglycemia.

Patients with Type 2 diabetes who are engaged in self-management of their

diabetes: Even individuals using noninsulin therapies can benefit from SMBG to

evaluate the impact of food, exercise, and antidiabetic medications on their BG.


Like SMBG, CGM provides real-time information on glucose concentrations.

However, the difference is that the CMG system automatically detects glucose

concentrations (subcutaneous interstitial fluid glucose concentrations) on a continual

basis. CGM systems use electrochemical sensors that are inserted into the skin.

Sensor probe length varies as does the duration that the sensor can remain in the skin

(3–7 days). The sensors transmit a signal to a receiver (wired or wireless), which

records and displays the data every 1 to 5 minutes. The sensors require

p. 1082

p. 1083

a warm-up or initialization period and have very specific calibration requirements.

Calibration is performed by using a BG monitor. Interstitial glucose levels lag behind

plasma or BG levels by 8 to 18 minutes, depending on the glucose rate of change.


Therefore, if a person’s glucose is low, or trending downward, SMBG is required.

CGM systems have alarms that can go off at certain high and low glucose thresholds.

The ability to detect hypoglycemia during the night with these alarms has been a very

attractive reason for using CGM. Another key feature is the ability to follow trends

and rates of change in BG levels. Any acute treatment changes still require SMBG.

Small, short-term studies have demonstrated modest improvements in A1C (0.3%–

0.6% reductions) in adults and children with Type 1 diabetes.

38 Just as for SMBG

with a glucose meter, use of CGM requires a person to actively assess and react to

their readings for this self-management tool to have an impact on A1C.


The glycosylated hemoglobin, or A1C, has become the gold standard for measuring

chronic glycemia and is the clinical marker for predicting long-term complications,

particularly microvascular complications. A1C is most commonly measured because

it comprises the majority of A1C and is the least affected by recent fluctuations in

BG. A1C measures the percentage of hemoglobin A that has been irreversibly

glycosylated at the N-terminal amino group of the β-chain; the plasma glucose level

and the life span of a red blood cell (RBC; ~120 days) determine its value. Thus,

A1C is an indicator of glycemic control during the preceding 2 to 3 months. In

patients without diabetes, A1C comprises approximately 4% to 6% of the total

hemoglobin. Values may be 3 times this level in patients with diabetes.


The following formula was developed to convert an A1C into an average glucose:

28.7 × A1C − 46.7 = eAG (estimated average glucose). A formula that approximates

(not exact) this very closely and is much easier to use in practice is (A1C − 2) × 30.

The ADA now recommends reporting an eAG (units, mg/dL, or mmol/L) along with

the A1C. An eAG calculator is available on their website to do this conversion

( The correlation between A1C and eAG is

shown in the following table.


A1C (%) Estimated Average Plasma Glucose (mg/dL)

6 126

7 154

8 183

9 212

10 240

11 269

12 298

Hemoglobinopathies, such as sickle cell trait or chemically modified derivatives

of hemoglobin as seen in uremia, in which hemoglobin becomes carbamylated, or

acetylated hemoglobin with high-dose aspirin, can affect A1C values (increase or

decrease depending on the assay), resulting in inaccurate indications of glycemic

control. Alterations in red blood cell survival or turnover, seen in hemolytic anemia

and acute blood loss, can falsely lower the A1C. Also a recent blood transfusion or

use of intravenous (IV) iron therapy or erythropoietin-stimulating agents in patients

with chronic kidney disease can falsely lower A1C values. A glycated serum protein

(fructosamine) should be considered for these patients. Antioxidants such as vitamins

C and E also may interfere with the glycosylation process.


A1C can be measured without any special patient preparation (e.g., fasting) and

generally is not subject to acute changes in insulin dosing, exercise, or diet. A1C

values can be used as an adjunct to assess overall glycemic control in patients with

diabetes or to diagnose diabetes and prediabetes.

62 Normalization can indicate

whether euglycemia has been achieved. However, A1C does not replace the day-today monitoring of BG concentrations, which is essential for evaluating acute changes

in BG concentrations. These values are needed to adjust the meal plan or medication

doses. Sometimes, an A1C is used to verify clinical impressions related to glucose

control and patient adherence. It should be measured quarterly in patients who do not

meet treatment goals, and at least semiannually in stable patients who are meeting

treatment goals.



Assays for glycated serum proteins reflect the extent of glycosylation of a variety of

serum proteins, including glycated serum albumin.

56 The fructosamine assay is one of

the most widely used methods to measure glycated proteins (normal, 2–2.8 mmol/L).

Because the half-life of albumin is approximately 14 to 20 days, fructosamine

provides an indication of glycemic control during a shorter time frame (1–2 weeks)

than does the A1C. The ADA does not consider measurement of fructosamine

equivalent to that of A1C, although it correlates well with this value. Fructosamine

levels may be useful as an adjunct to A1C in determining whether a patient is

improving or worsening in the short term (e.g., a patient on insulin therapy

undergoing multiple dosage adjustments; for women with Type 2 diabetes during

pregnancy or gestational diabetes) or in patients with conditions such as hemolytic

anemia in whom the A1C test is inaccurate.

Insulin is a hormone secreted from the pancreatic β-cell in response to glucose and

other stimulants (e.g., amino acids, free fatty acids, gastric hormones,

parasympathetic stimulation, β-adrenergic stimulation).

63,64 The hormone is made up

of two polypeptide chains (a 21-amino acid A chain and a 30-amino acid B chain),

which are connected by two disulfide bonds. Proinsulin, the precursor of insulin, is a

single-chain, 86-amino acid polypeptide that is processed in the Golgi apparatus of

β-cells and then packaged into granules.


In the storage granule, the connecting or Cpeptide is cleaved from proinsulin to produce equimolar amounts of insulin and Cpeptide. Insulin and C-peptide are cosecreted; thus, measurable C-peptide levels

indicate the presence of endogenously produced insulin and functioning β-cells.

Insulin is crucial to the survival of individuals with Type 1 diabetes, whose β-cells

have been destroyed. It also plays a major role in the therapy of many individuals

with Type 2 diabetes in combination of antidiabetic agents. Insulin also is used in

patients with Type 2 diabetes during pregnancy or periods of illness or stress (e.g.,


Commercially available insulin products differ in their physical and chemical

properties as well as in the pharmacokinetics of their action. Prior issues with

immunogenicity have been eliminated through modern manufacturing processes and

the cessation of use of animal-derived insulin products. Consequently,

immunologically mediated sequelae, such as lipodystrophy, hypersensitivity, and

insulin resistance caused by “blocking” antibodies, are extremely rare.

p. 1083

p. 1084

Pharmacokinetics: Absorption, Distribution, and


The route of administration for insulin is primarily via SC injection. Regular insulin,

a solution, can be administered by any parenteral route: IV, intramuscularly (IM), or

subcutaneously (SC). Most other injectable insulins are only to be used SC with the

exception of insulin aspart and insulin lispro which may be used via IV route if they

are first diluted. Afrezza (insulin human) is the only insulin currently available as a

powder for inhalation. Other routes for insulin administration have been studied,

including dermal, nasal, buccal, and oral; however, these formulations are not

currently approved for use here in the United States.

After SC injection, insulin is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the

lymphatic system. The rate-limiting step of insulin activity after SC administration is

absorption of insulin from the injection site, which depends on the type of insulin

administered, as well as a multitude of other factors. Variations in SC absorption can

occur, primarily related to changes in blood flow around the injection site.

Endogenous insulin is secreted directly into the portal circulation and thus is

primarily cleared by the liver in nondiabetic individuals (60%), with the kidneys

removing only 35% to 40% of it.

63 Exogenous insulin is degraded at both renal and

extrarenal (liver and muscle) sites. Degradation also takes place at the cellular level

after internalization of the insulin–receptor complex. In contrast to endogenously

secreted insulin, up to 60% of exogenous insulin is cleared from the systemic

circulation by the kidneys, with the liver accounting for only 30% to 40% of its

clearance. Insulin is filtered by glomerular capillaries, but more than 99% is

reabsorbed by the proximal tubules. The insulin is then degraded in glomerular

capillary cells and postglomerular peritubular cells.

65 See Case 53-6 for changes in

insulin requirement in renal dysfunction.


Clinically, the most important differences among insulin products relate to their

onset, peak, and duration of action (not the actual insulin levels, which is

pharmacokinetics). Current insulin products can be categorized as rapid-acting,

short-acting, intermediate-acting, and long-acting insulin. Products available in the

United States are listed in Table 53-6, and the onset of action, peak effect, and

durations of action of each insulin category are listed in Table 53-7. However, these

data are derived primarily from studies in normal, healthy volunteers in the fasting

state or in well-controlled patients with diabetes stabilized in a metabolic ward. In

actuality, intersubject and intrasubject variations in response to insulin can be

substantial because an individual pattern of response to insulin can be affected by

numerous factors (e.g., the formation of insulin hexamers, the presence of insulinbinding antibodies, dose, exercise, site of injection, massage of the injection site,

ambient temperature, and interactions between insulins that have been mixed

together; see Table 53-8 later in this chapter and Case 53-2, Question 14).


Nevertheless, knowledge of when one might expect the various insulins to exert their

effects is absolutely essential to the rational adjustment of insulin dosages.

Table 53-6

Insulins Available in the United States

Type/Duration of Action Brand Name Manufacturer

Rapid Acting

Insulin lispro Humalog Lilly

Insulin aspart NovoLog Novo Nordisk

Insulin glulisine Apidra Sanofi Aventis

Short Acting

Regular Humulin R

a Lilly

Novolin R Novo Nordisk

Intermediate Acting

NPH (isophane insulin suspension) Humulin N Lilly

Novolin N Novo Nordisk

Long Acting

Insulin glargine Lantus Sanofi Aventis

Toujeo (U-300) Sanofi Aventis

Insulin detemir Levemir Novo Nordisk

Insulin degludec Tresiba (U-100 and U200)

Novo Nordisk

Premixed Insulins

NPH/regular (70%/30%) Humulin 70/30 Lilly

Novolin 70/30 Novo Nordisk

Insulin aspart protamine suspension/insulin aspart (70%/30%) NovoLog Mix 70/30 Novo Nordisk

Insulin lispro protamine suspension/insulin lispro (75%/25%) Humalog Mix 75/25 Lilly

Insulin lispro protamine suspension/insulin lispro (50%/50%) Humalog Mix 50/50 Lilly

Insulin degludec/Insulin aspart (70%/30%) Ryzodeg 70/30 Novo Nordisk

Inhaled Insulin

Regular insulin Afrezza MannKind

Insulin is made through recombinant DNA technology. Only regular and NPH are human insulin. All other insulins

are human insulin analogs. All insulins available in the United States have a concentration of 100 units/mL (U-100),

except as noted.

aA U-500 concentration is available for use in rare circumstances in patients with severe insulin resistance

requiring very large insulin doses.

NPH, neutral protamine Hagedorn, or isophane insulin suspension.

p. 1084

p. 1085

Table 53-7

Insulin Pharmacodynamics



(hours) Peak (hours) Duration (hours) Appearance

Rapid-acting (insulin aspart, glulisine,

and lispro)

5–15 minutes 30–90 minutes <5 Clear

Regular 0.5–1 2–4 5–7 Clear

NPH 2–4 4–12 12–18 Cloudy

Insulin glargine U-100 1.5 No pronounced


20–24 Clear


Insulin glargine U-300 6 None 24 Clear


Insulin detemir 0.8–2 Relatively flat 5.7–23.2 Clear


Insulin degludec 1 None 42 Clear

Insulin inhalation regular ≤15 minutes 1 3–5

The onset, peak, and duration of insulin activity may vary considerably from times listed in this table. See text and

Table 53-8.

aShould not be mixed with other insulins. Some patients require twice-daily dosing.

Source: Levemir [package insert]. Bagsvμrd, Denmark: Novo Nordisk Inc; July 2009; DeWitt DE, Hirsch IB.

Outpatient insulin therapy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus:scientific review. JAMA. 2003;289:2254.


Insulin Lispro

Insulin lispro (Humalog) was the first available rapid-acting insulin analog. The

natural amino acid sequence of the insulin B chain at positions 28 (proline) and 29

(lysine) is inverted to form lispro. This change results in an insulin molecule that

more loosely self-associates into hexamers than does regular human insulin.

Consequently, the active monomeric form is more readily available, resulting in an

onset of activity (15 minutes), peak action (30–90 minutes), and duration (3–4 hours)

that more closely simulates physiologic insulin secretion relative to meals. Because

it can be injected shortly before eating (0–15 minutes), lispro, and all rapid-acting

insulins, provides patients greater flexibility in lifestyle. These insulins lower 2-hour

postprandial BG levels and can decrease the risk of late postprandial and nocturnal

hypoglycemia compared with regular insulin formulations.

68 Patients who use an

insulin pump most often use a rapid-acting insulin instead of regular insulin. One

randomized, two-way, crossover, open-label study compared lispro with regular

insulin administered for 3 months by continuous SC insulin infusion.

69 Lispro resulted

in A1C values that were significantly lower than those produced by regular insulin

(7.41% vs. 7.65%). There were no differences in adverse events. Because lispro has

a shorter duration of action than regular insulin, hyperglycemia and ketosis may occur

more rapidly in patients with Type 1 diabetes if insulin pump delivery is

inadvertently interrupted or if the basal insulin dose is missed. Insulin lispro is

approved for use in pediatrics (studies included children of age 3 and older), and it

is pregnancy category B. Insulin lispro is available in concentrations as both 100 and

200 units/mL. Both formulations are available as an insulin pen (Kwikpen); however,

insulin lispro 100 units/mL is available in both vial and insulin pen formulations. The

availability of the 200-units/mL formulation allows patients to inject a greater

amount of insulin in an overall smaller volume.


p. 1085

p. 1086

Table 53-8

Factors Altering Onset and Duration of Insulin Action

Factor Comments

Route of administration Onset of action more rapid and duration of action shorter for IV > IM >



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