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In the United States, 49 cases of XDR-TB were identified between 1993

and 2006, and mortality was strongly associated with concomitant HIV infection.


Since 2009, 15 cases of XDR-TB have been reported in the United States, and 11

cases were among foreign-born individuals.


Risk factors for XDR-TB include previous treatment for TB, HIV infection,

homelessness, and alcohol use.


In a retrospective analysis of patients with

documented MDR-TB, emergence of XDR-TB was associated with baseline chronic

disease and nonadherence to MDR-TB therapy.

15 Treatment success is significantly

lower for XDR-TB, and XDR-TB is associated with increased all-cause and TBrelated mortality.

16 However, treatment outcomes are significantly improved when

later-generation fluoroquinolones are added to the treatment regimen for XDR-TB,

even if fluoroquinolone resistance was demonstrated on susceptibility testing.


The evolution of TB resistance continued in 2009 with the identification of strains

that were reported to be TDR, which was defined as resistance to all first-line and

second-line agents.

7 Fifteen (10.3%) of 146 MDR-TB strains tested were found to be

TDR-TB in Iran, and cultures remained positive in these cases after 18 months of

treatment with second-line agents.

7 All of these TDR-TB cases were HIV negative.

This report illustrates the critical need to develop new and effective agents for the

treatment of TB caused by MDR, XDR, and TDR strains.


TB is caused by M. tuberculosis, an aerobic, non-spore-forming bacillus that resists

decolorization by acid alcohol after staining with basic fuchsin. For this reason, the

organism is often referred to as an acid-fast bacillus (AFB).

M. tuberculosis is different from other bacteria in that it replicates slowly—once

every 24 hours instead of every 20 to 40 minutes as with some other bacteria. The

organism thrives in environments in which the oxygen tension is relatively high, such

as the apices of the lung, the renal parenchyma, and the growing ends of bones.


M. tuberculosis is transmitted through the air by aerosolized droplet nuclei that are

produced when a person with pulmonary or laryngeal TB coughs, sneezes, speaks, or

sings. Droplet nuclei may also be produced by other methods, such as aerosol

treatments, sputum induction, bronchoscopy, endotracheal intubation, suctioning,

autopsy, and through manipulation of lesions or processing of secretions in the

hospital or laboratory.

18 These droplet nuclei, which contain one to three M.

tuberculosis organisms, are small enough (1–5 μm) to remain airborne for long

periods and reach the alveoli within the lungs when inhaled. Tubercle bacilli are not

transmitted on inanimate objects, and organisms deposited on skin or intact mucosa

do not invade tissues.

Several factors influence the likelihood of transmission of M. tuberculosis,

including the number of organisms expelled into the air by the index patient, the

concentration of organisms in the air determined by the volume of the space and its

ventilation, the length of time an exposed person breathes the contaminated air,

location of the exposure (small room vs. outdoors), and the immune status of the

exposed individual.

19 Family household contacts, especially children, and persons

working or living in an enclosed environment (e.g., hospitals, nursing homes,

prisons) with an infected person are at a significantly increased risk for becoming

infected. If the index case is smear positive, 50% of household contacts will have a

conversion of the tuberculin skin test from negative to positive; however, if the index

case is smear negative, only 5% will become infected.


Individuals with impaired

cell-mediated immunity, such as HIV-infected persons or transplant patients, are

more likely to become infected with M. tuberculosis after exposure than persons with

normal immune function.

19 Travelers to TB-endemic areas with international medical

exchange programs are also at risk of TB infection, regardless of involvement in

direct patient care activities or duration of stay.


Several techniques are effective in limiting airborne transmission of M.

tuberculosis by reducing the number of droplet nuclei in a given airspace. Adequate

room ventilation with fresh air is very important, especially in the healthcare setting,

in which six or more room air exchanges per hour are desirable.



21 New

construction or renovation of existing facilities should be designed so that airborne

infection isolation rooms achieve 12 or more room air exchanges per hour.


Ultraviolet irradiation of air in the upper part of the room can also reduce the number

of viable airborne tubercle bacilli. All healthcare workers and visitors who enter the

room of a patient with TB should wear at least N95 disposable respirators, and the

mask should be molded to fit tightly around the nose and mouth.

21 Patients with

presumed or confirmed infectious TB should wear a protective mask when being

transferred to another area of the institution or after hospital discharge until they are


21 However, the most important means of reducing transmission of M.

tuberculosis is by treating the infected patient with effective antituberculosis therapy.

p. 1423

p. 1424



Latent Infection

A clear distinction should be made between latent infection and active disease

(tuberculosis). Latent infection occurs when the tubercle bacilli are inhaled into the

body. After inhalation, the droplet nuclei containing M. tuberculosis settle into the

bronchioles and alveoli of the lungs. Development of infection in the lung is

dependent on the inoculum of organisms inhaled, the virulence of the organism, and

the innate immune response of the host.


In the nonimmune (susceptible) host, the

bacilli initially multiply unopposed by normal host defense mechanisms. The

organisms are then phagocytized by alveolar macrophages and resident dendritic

cells, but they may remain viable, multiplying within the cells for extended periods.


After 14 to 21 days of replication, the tubercle bacilli spread via the lymphatic

system to the hilar lymph nodes and through the bloodstream to many other organs of

the body.

Fortunately, certain organs and tissues in the body, such as the bone marrow, liver,

and spleen, are resistant to subsequent multiplication of these bacilli. Organs with

high blood flow and Pao2

, such as the apices of the lungs, kidneys, bones, and brain,

are favorable for organism growth and may lead to extrapulmonary disease.

Organisms replicate for 2 to 12 weeks until they reach a concentration of 10


to 10



plateauing coincident with the development of a T-cell-mediated immune response in

the host.

24 CD4

+ T cells produce interferon-γ, which is an essential cytokine for

activation of macrophages and mycobacterial killing, as well as other cytokines.

24 At

this point, the patient has developed cell-mediated immunity, which can be detected

by a reaction to the tuberculin skin test or interferon-γ release assay (IGRA), and

bacterial replication is halted.


In persons with intact cell-mediated immunity, activated T cells and macrophages

may result in formation of a granuloma, a hallmark of TB, that is thought to represent

a physical and immunologic barrier to control the infection and limit dissemination of

the bacilli to the surrounding environment.

24 Cells found within the granuloma include


+ and CD8

+ T cells, B cells, neutrophils, macrophages, multinucleated giant

cells, and fibroblasts.

24 The organisms tend to localize in the center of the granuloma,

which is frequently necrotic, and the tubercle bacilli may remain viable indefinitely

within the granuloma. In addition, maintenance of the integrity of the granuloma

allows for control of bacterial replication and depends on the immune status of the


24 Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a key cytokine that is critical for the

integrity of the granuloma.

25 Most patients with latent TB infection are asymptomatic

with no radiographic evidence of the infection.


In some patients, there may be a

healed, calcified lesion on chest radiograph, but bacteriologic studies are negative. A

positive tuberculin skin test or IGRA is the only indication that the person has been

infected with M. tuberculosis. Individuals with latent TB infection are not infectious

and thus cannot transmit the organism to other individuals.


Active Disease

In the majority of patients, active TB disease results from reactivation of a

previously controlled latent infection, termed reactivation TB. It has been estimated

that approximately 10% of individuals who acquire TB infection and do not receive

therapy for the latent infection will develop active TB disease, and the risk of

developing active disease is greatest during the first 2 years after infection.






In a

population-based tuberculin skin test survey conducted in Florida between 1997 and

2001, the rate of reactivation with latent TB infection but without HIV coinfection

was 0.040 to 0.058 cases per 100 person-years.

26 However, a recent study reported

that 1 in 4 cases of active TB in the United States may be caused by recent


27 The study included patients with culture-positive TB, and the M.

tuberculosis isolates were fully characterized by genotype. Clusters were defined as

cases with M. tuberculosis that were an exact match by genotype within specific

geospatial zones. Cases that were both genotypically and spatially clustered were

considered recent TB transmission, and cases that were not genotypically and

spatially clustered were considered reactivation TB. Of the 36,860 cases where

genotyping was performed, 8,499 cases (23.1%) met the criteria for recent TB


27 Groups at greatest risk for recent transmission were HIV-infected

individuals, members of a minority group or ethnic race, men, individuals born in the

United States, children 4 years of age or younger, substance abusers, and the


27 These patients may have limited access to health care, resulting in

delayed diagnosis and extended periods of infectivity.

Reactivation of TB in persons with latent TB infection is primarily a function of

the immune status of the host. The ability of the host to respond to M. tuberculosis

infection is reduced by certain diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, silicosis, chronic

renal failure, and diseases or drugs associated with immunosuppression (e.g., HIV

infection, anti-TNF-α agents, organ and hematologic transplantation, corticosteroids,

and other immunosuppressive agents). The likelihood of progression from latent

infection to active TB disease is greater in persons with these conditions.

22–24 HIVinfected persons, especially those with low CD4

+ T-cell counts, develop active TB

disease rapidly after becoming infected; up to 50% of these individuals may develop

active disease in the first 2 years after infection.


In addition, a person with

untreated latent TB infection who acquires HIV infection will progress to active TB

disease at an approximate rate of 5% to 10% per year.



30 The relative risk for

progression from latent infection to active disease is 1.6 to 25 times higher in

patients treated with anti-TNF-α agents, depending on the clinical setting and the

agents used.

31 Physical or emotional stress, gastrectomy, intestinal bypass surgery,

alcohol abuse, hematologic disease, reticuloendothelial disease, and intravenous

drug use are risk factors for development of active disease. The elderly, adolescents,

and children younger than 5 years of age are also at increased risk of developing

active disease.




Overview of Drug Therapy

Drug treatment is the cornerstone for management of patients with TB. In a patient

with active TB, the overall treatment goals are to cure the individual patient and to

minimize transmission of M. tuberculosis. The primary goals of chemotherapy are

rapid bacterial killing, prevent emergence of drug resistance, and eliminate persistent

tubercle bacilli to prevent relapse.

33 To accomplish these goals, treatment must be

tailored to each patient’s clinical and social circumstances to ensure adherence to

and completion of treatment (patient-centered care). Effective TB treatment requires

a substantial period of drug therapy, and optimization of the initial treatment phase

prevents emergence of resistance and ensures success of TB therapy. Current

guidelines recommend four drugs for the initial 8-week treatment phase: isoniazid,

rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol.

33 The drug regimen and duration of the

continuation phase depends on patient response, susceptibility of the isolate, host

factors, extent of the disease (pulmonary vs. extrapulmonary), and drug tolerability.


The shortest duration of therapy is 6 months, but longer durations may be required

with drug-resistant strains.

33 Because patients must be treated for months, directly

observed therapy (DOT) is the preferred core management strategy to ensure



p. 1424

p. 1425

In patients with latent TB infection, monotherapy with isoniazid for 6 to 9 months

remains the preferred regimen although other attractive options are available.

Clinical Presentation of Active Disease

CASE 68-1

QUESTION 1: H.G. is a 35-year-old Hispanic man who presents with a 4-week history of a productive

cough. The cough was initially nonproductive but became productive of yellow sputum after 2 weeks. The

patient has been self-medicating with over-the-counter antitussives without relief, and he experienced

hemoptysis this morning. He complains of subjective fevers, chills, night sweats, dyspnea on exertion, fatigue,

and an unintentional 15-lb weight loss during the last 2 months. He immigrated to the United States from

Mexico when he was 12 years old, but he has not traveled outside the United States for more than a decade.

He currently works as a laborer on new home construction projects, and several of his coworkers, who moved

to the United States from Mexico within the past year, have similar respiratory symptoms. He is currently

married with three children. The patient has a 20-pack-year smoking history and drinks alcohol on weekends

but denies illicit drug use.

On physical examination, H.G. is a thin-appearing man in mild respiratory distress. His heart rate is 94

beats/minute, his respiratory rate is 24 breaths/minute, and his temperature is 38.9°C. Bronchial breath sounds

are noted in the right upper lobe on chest auscultation, and chest radiography shows extensive patchy infiltrates

in the right upper lobe. Significant laboratory data include the following:

White blood cell count, 13,200/μL (72% polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 3% bands, 12% lymphocytes, 13%


Red blood cell count, 3.7 × 10



Hemoglobin, 11.2 g/dL

Hematocrit, 34%

Platelets, 269 × 10



Serum electrolytes, renal function, and hepatic function are within normal limits.

He is 69 inches tall, and his weight is 68 kg. The remainder of his physical examination is unremarkable.

What signs and symptoms consistent with active TB disease are present in H.G.?

H.G.’s history of cough (which gradually became productive), fever, night sweats,

fatigue, and weight loss are classic symptoms of active TB.

18 Cough may be

nonproductive early in the course of the illness, but with subsequent inflammation

and tissue necrosis, sputum is usually produced and is key to the diagnostic studies.

Sputum may contain blood (hemoptysis) in patients with advanced cavitary disease,

which is particularly worrisome because cavitary lesions harbor high concentrations

of organisms and the pulmonary location facilitates airborne transmission. Dyspnea

is unusual unless there is extensive disease.

18 Other symptoms of TB may include

pleuritic chest pain and general malaise.

In pulmonary TB, the chest radiograph usually reveals patchy or nodular infiltrates

in the apical or posterior segments of the upper lobes, but changes may be observed

in any segment.

The patchy infiltrates on H.G.’s chest radiograph are consistent with pulmonary

TB. Cavitary lesions may be seen; however, these were absent in this patient.

Moderate elevation of the white blood cell count with increased monocytes and

eosinophils and anemia are the most common hematologic manifestations of TB.


H.G. had an elevated white blood cell count with increased monocytes, and he was

also anemic.

Many patients with active pulmonary TB have no acute symptoms, and a lack of

symptoms may hinder diagnosis. In one study, approximately 50% of active TB cases

without classic symptoms were misdiagnosed.

36 More than one-third of the patients

with active TB had no sweats, chills, or malaise, and fewer than 50% were febrile.

Cough was evident in 80% of these patients, and only 25% had hemoptysis. Although

dullness over the apices of the lungs and posttussive rales are expected in TB, less

than one-third of these patients had any abnormal pulmonary signs. Similar findings

were reported in another study.

37 Absence of specific clinical symptoms underscores

the importance of skin testing, sputum smears for AFB, and chest radiographs in

suspected TB. Lastly, cases of active TB are often found after routine chest

radiographs for other illnesses.

Because many of the symptoms of TB also occur in persons with preexisting

pulmonary disease or pneumonia, they may be overlooked and not attributed to TB.

CASE 68-1, QUESTION 2: What risk factors for TB are present in H.G.?

The close contact with his coworkers, who have similar respiratory symptoms,

and their geographic origin from Mexico are risk factors for TB in H.G. In addition,

studies have implicated cigarette smoking as a risk factor for TB.


In a cohort

study conducted in Taiwan, smoking was associated with a twofold increase in the

risk of active TB. Furthermore, a significant dose–response relationship was

identified for number of cigarettes smoked per day, number of years of smoking, and

number of pack-years smoked.

40 Smoking impairs mucociliary clearance, decreases

phagocytic pulmonary alveolar macrophage function, decreases intracellular

production of tumor necrosis factor-α, and causes iron overload in macrophages.


These defects in host defense mechanisms increase the risk of active disease after

exposure to M. tuberculosis.

Diagnosis of Active Tuberculosis

CASE 68-1, QUESTION 3: A tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test (5 test units [TU]) is

ordered and placed on the volar aspect of his left arm. Sputum is collected and sent for AFB stain, culture, and

susceptibility testing. His smear is positive for AFB, and the result of the tuberculin skin test, read at 48 hours,

was a palpable induration of 14 mm. What is tuberculin PPD skin testing? How should the result be interpreted

in H.G.?

The tuberculin skin test (Mantoux method) has been used as a diagnostic tool for

infection with M. tuberculosis for decades, but a positive skin test is not necessary

for the diagnosis of active TB disease. The test is frequently referred to as the PPD

(purified protein derivative) test, which contains a protein prepared from a culture of

the tubercle bacilli. Skin testing is performed by injecting 0.1 mL of solution

containing 5 TU of PPD intracutaneously into the volar or dorsal surface of the




45 The injection is made using a one-quarter to one-half-inch, 27-gauge

needle and a tuberculin syringe. The solution should be injected just beneath the

surface of the skin, avoiding subcutaneous tissue.



46 A discrete, pale elevation of the

skin (a wheal) 6 to 10 mm in diameter is produced when the injection is performed

correctly. If the first injection was administered improperly, another test dose can be

given at once, selecting a site several centimeters away from the original injection



If the patient has been infected with M. tuberculosis, sensitized T cells are

recruited to the skin site where they release cytokines.


p. 1425

p. 1426

These cytokines induce an induration (raised area) through local vasodilatation,

edema, fibrin deposition, and recruitment of other inflammatory cells to the area.


Typically, the reaction to the tuberculin protein begins 5 to 6 hours after injection

with maximal induration observed at 48 to 72 hours. Therefore, the test should be

read between 48 and 72 hours after injection because tests read after 72 hours

underestimate the actual size of the induration.



23 For standardization, the diameter

of the induration should be measured transversely to the long axis of the forearm and

recorded in millimeters.

18 The diameter of the induration should be measured and not

the erythematous zone surrounding the induration.

An induration of at least 5 mm in diameter read 48 to 72 hours after injection is a

positive reaction in an individual with a recent history of close contact with a person

with active TB, a person with fibrotic changes on chest radiograph consistent with

previous TB, organ transplant patients and other immunosuppressed patients

(receiving the equivalent of ≥15 mg/day of prednisone for >1 month), or HIVinfected persons.








An induration of at least 10 mm in diameter is a positive reaction with clinical

conditions associated with increased risk for TB, such as diabetes mellitus, silicosis,

chronic renal failure, malnutrition, leukemia, lymphoma, gastrectomy, jejunoileal

bypass, and weight loss of greater than 10% of ideal body weight.






In addition,

an induration of at least 10 mm is considered to be positive in recent immigrants (<5

years) from countries with a high prevalence of TB, injection drug users, residents

and employees of high-risk congregate settings (e.g., prisons, nursing homes,

homeless shelters), healthcare workers, mycobacteriology laboratory personnel, and

children younger than 4 years of age or infants, children, and adolescents exposed to

adults in high-risk catgories.





49 The skin test is also considered positive for

persons with an increase in induration diameter of at least 10 mm within a 2-year




49 For individuals with no risk factors for TB, an induration of at least 15

mm is required for a positive reaction.




It is very likely that H.G. has been in close contact with persons with active TB,

that is, his coworkers, even though they have not yet been diagnosed with active TB.

When all factors are considered, the PPD of 14 mm should be considered to be

positive in H.G.

CASE 68-1, QUESTION 4: Because H.G.’s PPD skin test is positive, does this confirm his diagnosis of

active TB? What other laboratory tests may be performed to aid in the diagnosis of TB in H.G.?

H.G.’s positive reaction to 5 TU of PPD alone does not imply active TB disease.

It only confirms that he has previously been infected with M. tuberculosis. To

confirm the diagnosis of active TB disease in H.G., M. tuberculosis must be detected

and isolated from sputum, gastric aspirate, spinal fluid, urine, or tissue biopsy,

depending on the site of infection.

18 As was performed in H.G., detection of AFB in

stained sputum smears examined microscopically should be the first test to confirm

the presence of mycobacteria in a clinical specimen. It is the easiest and fastest

procedure that can be performed and allows preliminary confirmation of the

diagnosis. Sputum samples for AFB stain and culture are best obtained early in the

morning on at least three separate days.

34 The cough reflex is usually suppressed at

night, and the first early morning expectoration represents secretions accumulated in

the chest overnight. The number of organisms in the morning sample is greater, and

the diagnostic yield is higher. Smears may be prepared directly from clinical

specimens or from concentrated preparations by placing the specimen on a glass

slide under a microscope with a Ziehl–Neelsen or fluorochrome stain (not a Gram


18 Sensitivity of sputum smear microscopy is low because 5,000 to 10,000

bacilli/mL of specimen must be present for AFB detection in stained smears.




Therefore, a negative AFB smear does not rule out active TB disease, and patients

with active TB and negative AFB smears may facilitate transmission of M.

tuberculosis. Additional limitations of the AFB smear are its inability to differentiate

among mycobacterial species and between viable and nonviable organisms. In many

areas of the United States, Mycobacterium avium complex organisms are commonly

isolated from the sputum of patients in whom a diagnosis of TB is highly probable,

such as the elderly and patients with HIV infection.

51 This finding has resulted in a

marked decrease in the specificity and positive predictive value of the sputum smear,

in some cases to as low as 50%.


The gold standard for laboratory confirmation of TB is culture.

53 Some patients

may have a negative AFB smear, but a sufficient number of organisms may be present

to produce a positive culture. Only 10 to 100 organisms are needed for a positive


18 As a result of the limitations of the AFB smear, a positive culture for M.

tuberculosis is necessary to definitively diagnose TB in H.G. and all patients, even if

the AFB smear is positive. In addition, culture allows for genotyping and

susceptibility testing of the isolate.

51 Because M. tuberculosis grows slowly (i.e.,

once every 24 hours), it may take several weeks for the cultures to become positive.


Broth-based culture systems such as BACTEC, MGIT, MB/BacT, Septi-Check, and

ESP, when combined with DNA probes, can result in positive cultures in 2 weeks or

less for sputum smear-positive specimens and in 3 weeks or less for smear-negative



Nucleic acid amplification (NAA) tests are available to enhance and expedite

direct identification of M. tuberculosis in clinical specimens independent of

mycobacterial culture.



55 These tests amplify the specific target sequences of

nucleic acids in M. tuberculosis that can be detected by a nucleic acid probe within

24 to 48 hours. Two NAA tests are approved by the Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) for use in the United States. The enhanced amplified M. tuberculosis direct

test is approved for detection of M. tuberculosis in AFB smear-positive and smearnegative respiratory specimens. The sensitivity of this test is greater than 95% for

patients with AFB-positive smears and 75% to 90% for patients with AFB-negative

smears. The Amplicor M. tuberculosis test is approved for detection of M.

tuberculosis in AFB smear-positive respiratory specimens. Sensitivity of the

Amplicor test is greater than 95% for patients with AFB-positive smears and 60% to

70% for patients with AFB-negative smears. Specificity of the NAA tests is greater

than 95% for both AFB smear-positive and smear-negative pulmonary specimens.

Compared with AFB smears, additional benefits of NAA testing include the ability

to rapidly confirm the presence of M. tuberculosis in a majority of patients with

AFB-negative smears and the positive predictive value of greater than 95% for AFBpositive specimens in settings where nontuberculous mycobacteria are common.


NAA tests are cost-effective because they prioritize contact investigations, improve

decision making regarding respiratory isolation, and decrease unnecessary TB




57 Current guidelines recommend NAA testing on at least one respiratory

specimen from a patient with signs and symptoms of pulmonary TB for whom a

diagnosis has not been established and for whom the test result would alter case

management and infection control activities.


If the NAA result and the AFB smear

result are positive, the patient is presumed to have TB, and drug treatment should be

initiated while awaiting culture results.


If the NAA result is positive and the AFB

smear result is negative, clinical judgment should be exercised regarding initiating

drug therapy, and additional diagnostic testing may be needed. If the NAA result is

negative and the AFB smear result is positive, a test

p. 1426

p. 1427

for inhibitors should be performed and an additional specimen should be tested

with NAA. Sputum specimens (3%–7%) might contain inhibitors that prevent or

reduce amplification and cause false-negative NAA results.


If the NAA result and

the AFB smear result are negative, clinical judgment is recommended in the decision

to begin drug therapy because NAA tests lack the sensitivity in AFB smear-negative

specimens needed to exclude the diagnosis of TB.


CASE 68-1, QUESTION 5: Would a negative tuberculin skin test have eliminated the possibility of infection

with M. tuberculosis in H.G.?

A negative response to 5 TU of PPD in H.G. would not exclude active infection

with M. tuberculosis. The PPD skin test has a reported false-negative rate of 25%

during the initial evaluation of persons with active tuberculosis.

18 This high falsenegative rate is attributable to poor nutrition and general health, overwhelming acute

illness, or immunosuppression. False-negative results usually occur in persons who

have only recently been infected or are anergic. Anergy, the decreased ability to

respond to antigens, may be caused by severe debility, advanced age, immaturity in

newborns, high fever, sarcoidosis, corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs,

hematologic disease, HIV infections, overwhelming TB, recent viral infection, livevirus vaccinations, and malnutrition.


If anergy is suspected, control skin tests

(Candida, mumps, or Trichophyton) may be placed in the contralateral arm. If the

control test results are positive and the PPD test result is negative, infection with M.

tuberculosis is less likely. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

changed its recommendations regarding anergy skin testing in HIV-infected patients

with a negative PPD. They cite problems with standardization and reproducibility, a

low risk for TB associated with a diagnosis of anergy, and the lack of apparent

benefit of therapy for latent TB infection in anergic HIV-infected patients. Therefore,

the use of anergy testing in conjunction with PPD is no longer routinely recommended

in this population or other patients who are immunocompromised.






CASE 68-1, QUESTION 6: On further questioning, H.G. informs the medical team that he received the BCG

vaccine when he was a child in Mexico. What is the BCG vaccine? What effect does the BCG vaccine have

on the results of the tuberculin skin test? What other test may be performed in H.G. for detection of M.

tuberculosis infection?

BCG, or bacille Calmette–Guérin, is a live vaccine derived from an attenuated

strain of Mycobacterium bovis, and it is used in many foreign countries with a high

prevalence of TB to prevent the disease in persons who are tuberculin negative.

Many different BCG vaccines are available worldwide, and they differ with respect

to immunogenicity, efficacy, and reactogenicity. Additional factors, such as genetic

variability in the vaccinated subjects, the nature of the mycobacteria endemic in

different parts of the world, and the use of different doses and immunization

schedules, may contribute to the varied degrees of protection provided by the

vaccine. The protective effect derived from BCG vaccines in case–control studies

ranges from 0% to 80%.

60 Two meta-analyses calculated estimates of the protective

efficacy of BCG vaccination for preventing TB. Results from the first meta-analysis

indicated a 75% to 86% protective effect against meningeal and miliary TB in



In the second meta-analysis, the overall protective effect of BCG vaccines

was approximately 50%.

62 Vaccine efficacy was higher in studies in which persons

were vaccinated during childhood in contrast with those vaccinated at older ages.


Unfortunately, neither study could confirm vaccine efficacy for preventing pulmonary


Prior vaccination with BCG usually results in a false-positive tuberculin skin test

in patients who are not infected with M. tuberculosis, but skin test reactivity does not

correlate with protection against TB.



60 There is no reliable method of

distinguishing tuberculin reactions caused by BCG vaccination from those caused by

natural mycobacterial infections.



60 Therefore, it is prudent to consider “positive”

reactions to 5 TU of PPD in BCG-vaccinated persons as indicating infection with M.

tuberculosis, especially among persons from countries with a high prevalence of


18 Even though H.G. received the BCG vaccine when he was a child, the results

of the PPD skin test should still be considered positive, especially in light of his


In general, BCG vaccination is not recommended for routine prophylaxis in the

United States because the risk of exposure to TB is relatively low. BCG vaccination

should be considered only for very select persons who meet specific criteria and in

consultation with a TB expert. BCG vaccination should only be considered for

infants or children who are PPD negative and are continually exposed to a highly

infectious, untreated patient with active TB or a child who is continually exposed to

a person with infectious pulmonary TB caused by M. tuberculosis strains resistant to

isoniazid and rifampin.

60 BCG vaccination of healthcare workers should be

considered on an individualized basis in settings in which a high prevalence of

patients is infected with MDR-TB, transmission of MDR-TB strains to healthcare

workers and subsequent infection are likely, and comprehensive infection control

precautions have been unsuccessful.

60 BCG vaccination is contraindicated in

pregnancy and in persons who are immunocompromised (e.g., HIV infection) or

persons who are likely to become immunocompromised (e.g., organ


60 Adverse reactions to the BCG vaccine vary according to the type,

dose, and age of the vaccine. Osteitis, prolonged ulceration at the vaccination site,

lupoid reactions, regional suppurative lymphadenitis, disseminated BCG infection,

and death have been reported.


An interferon-γ release assay (IGRA) is preferred over the tuberculin skin test for

persons who have received the BCG vaccine.

63 Two IGRAs are currently approved

by the FDA as an aid for diagnosing both latent and active M. tuberculosis infection:

the QuantiFERON-TB Gold test and the T-SPOT.TB test. These IGRAs assess

response to synthetic peptides that represent specific proteins, early secretory

antigenic target-6 (ESAT-6) and culture filtrate protein-10 (CFP-10), that are present

in all M. tuberculosis strains.


In sensitized patients, ESAT-6 and CFP-10 are

recognized by T cells and stimulate release of interferon-γ. The QuantiFERON-TB

Gold test measures the interferon-γ concentrations released using an enzyme-linked

immunosorbent assay. The T-SPOT.TB test uses an enzyme-linked immunospot assay

(ELISpot) to detect increases in the number of cells that secrete interferon-γ.

However, ESAT-6 and CFP-10 are not present in BCG vaccine strains and most

nontuberculous mycobacteria; therefore, IGRAs have improved specificity in BCGvaccinated persons compared with the tuberculin skin test.

63 Results are available

within 24 hours compared to 2 to 3 days for tuberculin skin testing.

CASE 68-1, QUESTION 7: Should H.G. be tested for HIV infection?

The CDC recommends HIV screening for all patients with TB as well as those

persons suspected of having TB disease and contacts of patients with TB.


Therefore, H.G. should be tested for HIV. HIV infection is the most important risk

factor for progression of latent TB infection to active disease, and progression is

more rapid in HIV-infected persons. Unlike other AIDS-related opportunistic

infections, CD4 count is not a reliable predictor of increased risk of TB disease in

HIV-infected persons.

65 TB may

p. 1427

p. 1428

be the first manifestation of HIV infection because patients can have a relatively

high CD4 count when TB disease develops.



Initial Therapy

CASE 68-1, QUESTION 8: H.G.’s HIV test is negative. How should treatment be initiated in H.G., pending

the results of sputum culture and susceptibility testing? Can he transmit M. tuberculosis to others during


There are four basic regimens recommended for the treatment of adult patients

with active TB caused by organisms that are known or presumed to be drug

susceptible (Table 68-2).

33 Because H.G. has not been treated previously for TB, he

should be started on isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. However, he

has been in close contact with persons with symptoms resembling TB who are from

an area (Mexico) with a high prevalence of drug-resistant TB. Therefore, H.G. must

be closely monitored for resolution of symptoms, results of repeated sputum smears,

and culture and susceptibility results, regardless of the initial treatment regimen.

Previous guidelines recommended the addition of ethambutol only if the local

prevalence of isoniazid-resistant M. tuberculosis is at least 4%.




In the United

States, 9.3% of M. tuberculosis isolates recovered from patients with no previous

history of TB were resistant to isoniazid in 2014.

10 The prevalence of isoniazid

resistance was higher in foreign-born persons (10.2%) compared with US-born

persons (7.5%).


In patients with a history of previous of TB, 18.9% of strains were

resistant to isoniazid in 2014, with 24.7% resistance in foreign-born persons versus

4.4% resistance in US-born persons.

10 Because of the relatively high likelihood of

TB caused by isoniazid-resistant organisms, four drugs are necessary in the initial 8-

week treatment phase.


The initial four-drug regimen may be administered daily throughout the 8-week

period (regimen 1), daily for the first 2 weeks and then twice weekly for 6 weeks

(regimen 2), or thrice weekly throughout (regimen 3).

33 Based on clinical experience,

administration of drugs for 5 days/week is considered to be equivalent to 7

days/week administration and either regimen 1 or 2 may be considered “daily.”

However, 5-day-a-week administration should always be given by DOT.

33 Drug

dosages for these recommended regimens are listed in Table 68-3. H.G. should be

started on isoniazid 300 mg daily, rifampin 600 mg daily, pyrazinamide 1,500 mg

daily, and ethambutol 1,200 mg daily. He should also receive pyridoxine 25 mg/day

to minimize the risk for development of isoniazid-induced peripheral neuropathy.

Table 68-2

Treatment Regimens for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Caused by Drug-Susceptible


Initial Phase Continuation Phase Rating (Evidence)


Regimen Drugs





Duration) Regimen Drugs


and Doses




# Total



Duration) HIV– HIV+







for 56

doses (8





for 40

doses (8



1a INH/RIF 7


for 126

doses (18

weeks) OR



for 90

doses (18






A (I) A (II)

1b INH/RIF Twice

weekly for

36 doses

(18 weeks)

92–76 (26


A (I) A (II)



e INH/RPT Once

weekly for

18 doses

(18 weeks)

74–58 (26


B (I) E (I)







for 14

doses (2


then twice

weekly for

12 doses

(6 weeks)




for 10

doses (2



then twice







weekly for

36 doses

(18 weeks)


weekly for

18 doses

(18 weeks)

62–58 (26


44–40 (26


A (II)

B (I)

B (II)


E (I)

weekly for

12 doses

(6 weeks)





3 times

weekly for

24 doses

(8 weeks)

3a INH/RIF 3 times

weekly for

54 doses

(18 weeks)

78 (26


B (I) B (II)






for 56

doses (8

weeks) Or



for 40

doses (8



4a INH/RIF 7


for 217

doses (31

weeks) Or



for 155

doses (31






C (I) C (II)

4b INH/RIF Twice

weekly for

62 doses

(31 weeks)




C (I) C (II)

aDefinitions of evidence ratings: A, preferred; B, acceptable alternative; C, offer when A and B cannot be given;

E, should never be given; I, randomized clinical trial; II, data from clinical trials that were not randomized or were

conducted in other populations; III, expert opinion.

bPatients with cavitation on initial chest radiograph and positive cultures at completion of 2 months of therapy

should receive a 7-month continuation phase (31 weeks; either 217 doses [daily] or 62 doses [twice weekly]).

cFive-day-a-week administration is always given by directly observed therapy (DOT). Rating for 5 days/week

regimens is A (III).

dNot recommended for HIV-infected patients with CD4+ cell counts <100 cells/μL.

eOptions 1c and 2b should be used only in HIV-negative patients who have negative sputum smears at the time of

completion of 2 months of therapy and who do not have cavitation on the initial chest radiograph.

EMB, ethambutol; INH, isoniazid; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin; RPT, rifapentine.

p. 1428

p. 1429

Table 68-3

Drugs Used in the Treatment of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children (continued)


Dosing (Maximum

Dose) Primary Side Effects

Dose Adjustment

in Renal

Impairment Comments

First-Line Agents

Isoniazid Adults: 5 mg/kg (300

mg) daily; 15 mg/kg (900

mg) once, twice, or



(asymptomatic), clinical

No Peripheral


preventable with

thrice weekly

Children: 10–15 mg/kg

(300 mg) daily; 20–30

mg/kg (900 mg) twice


hepatitis, peripheral

neuropathy, CNS effects,

lupus-like syndrome,

hypersensitivity reactions

pyridoxine 10–25

mg. Hepatitis more

common in older

patients and

alcoholics. Potent

inhibitor of



CYP2E1. ↑ serum

level of phenytoin

Rifampin Adults: 10 mg/kg (600

mg) once daily, twice

weekly, or thrice weekly

Children: 10–20 mg/kg

(600 mg) once daily or

twice weekly

Pruritus, rash,

hepatotoxicity, GI

(nausea, anorexia,

abdominal pain), flu-like


thrombocytopenia, renal


No Orange-red

discoloration of body

secretions (sweat,

saliva, tears, urine).

Potent inducer of




CYP2C19, and


Rifabutin Adults: 5 mg/kg (300

mg) once daily, twice

weekly, or thrice weekly

Children: unknown

Neutropenia, uveitis, GI



hepatotoxicity, rash

No Orange-red

discoloration of body

secretions (sweat,

saliva, tears, urine).

Weaker inducer of

hepatic microsomal

enzymes than


Rifapentine Adults: Active disease,

10 mg/kg (600 mg) once

weekly during

continuation phase;

latent infection, 15 mg/kg

(900 mg) once weekly

Children 2-11 years: 15

mg/kg (900 mg) once


Similar to rifampin Unknown Drug interactions

due to induction of

hepatic microsomal

enzymes (see


Pyrazinamide Adults: 40–55 kg: 1 g

daily, 2 g twice weekly,

1.5 g thrice weekly; 56–

75 kg: 1.5 g daily, 3 g

twice weekly, 2.5 g

thrice weekly; 76–90 kg:

2 g daily, 4 g twice

weekly, 3 g thrice


Children: 15–30 mg/kg

(2 g) daily; 50 mg/kg (2

g) twice weekly

Hepatotoxicity, nausea,

anorexia, polyarthralgias,

rash, hyperuricemia,


Yes Monitor



Ethambutol Adults: 40–55 kg: 800

mg daily, 2 g twice

weekly, 1.2 g thrice

weekly; 56–75 kg: 1.2 g

Optic neuritis, skin rash,

drug fever

Yes Routine vision tests

recommended; 50%

excreted unchanged

in urine.

daily, 2.8 g twice

weekly, 2 g thrice

weekly; 76–90 kg:1.6 g

daily, 4 g twice weekly,

2.4 g thrice weekly

Children: 15–20 mg/kg

(1 g) daily; 50 mg/kg

(2.5 g) twice weekly

p. 1429

p. 1430

Second-Line Agents

Cycloserine Adults: 10–15 mg/kg/day

(1 g), usually 500–750

mg/day in 2 divided


Children: 10–15

mg/kg/day (1 g)

CNS toxicity (psychosis,

seizures), headache,

tremor, fever, skin rashes

Yes May exacerbate

seizure disorders or

mental illness. Some

toxicity preventable

by pyridoxine (100–

200 mg/day).

Monitor serum

concentrations (peak

20–35 mcg/mL


Ethionamide Adults: 15–20 mg/kg/day

(1 g), usually 500–750

mg/day in one daily dose

or 2 divided doses

Children: 15–20

mg/kg/day (1 g)

GI effects (metallic taste,

nausea, vomiting,

anorexia, abdominal

pain), hepatotoxicity,

neurotoxicity, endocrine

effects (alopecia,

gynecomastia, impotence,

hypothyroidism), difficulty

in diabetes management

Yes Must be given with

meals and antacids.



and thyroidstimulating hormone


Streptomycin Adults: 15 mg/kg/day (1


≥60 years, 10 mg/kg/day

(750 mg)

Children: 20–40

mg/kg/day (1 g)

Vestibular or auditory

dysfunction of eighth

cranial nerve, renal

dysfunction, skin rashes,

neuromuscular blockade

Yes Audiometric and




60%–80% excreted

unchanged in urine.

Monitor renal


Amikacin Adults: 15 mg/kg/day (1


≥60 years, 10 mg/kg/day

(750 mg)

Children: 15–30

mg/kg/day (1 g)



Yes Less vestibular

toxicity than


Monitoring similar to


Capreomycin Adults: 15 mg/kg/day (1


≥60 years, 10 mg/kg/day

(750 mg)

Children: 15–30



Yes Monitoring similar to


mg/kg/day (1 g) as single

dose or twice-weekly



acid (PAS)

Adults: 8–12 g/day in 2–

3 doses

Children: 200–300

mg/kg/day in 2–4 divided


GI intolerance,


malabsorption syndrome,


Yes Liver enzymes and

thyroid function

should be monitored.

Levofloxacin Adults: 500 to 1,000


Nausea, diarrhea,

abdominal pain, anorexia,

headache, dizziness, QT

prolongation, tendon pain

or rupture

Yes Do not give with

divalent or trivalent

cations (aluminum,

magnesium, iron,


Moxifloxacin Adults: 400 mg/day Nausea, diarrhea,

abdominal pain, anorexia,

headache, dizziness, QT

prolongation, tendon pain,

or rupture

No See levofloxacin.

Bedaquiline Adults: 400 mg once

daily for 2 weeks, then

200 mg thrice weekly for

22 weeks

Nausea, arthralgias,

headache, increased


hemoptysis, chest pain,

anorexia, rash, QT


No Take with food.

CYP3A4 substrate,

avoid concomitant

administration with

inducers and

inhibitors. Increased

mortality compared

to placebo.

CNS, central nervous system; GI, gastrointestinal.

Fixed-dose combinations of drugs have been advocated to improve adherence to

the prescribed regimen, especially during the critical initial treatment phase. There

are two fixed-dose combination preparations available in the United States:

Rifamate, which contains isoniazid 150 mg and rifampin 300 mg/capsule, and

Rifater, which contains isoniazid 50 mg, rifampin 120 mg, and pyrazinamide 300

mg/tablet. These formulations are a means of minimizing inadvertent monotherapy,

especially when DOT is not possible, and they may decrease the risk of acquired

drug resistance while reducing the number of capsules or tablets that must be ingested

each day.

33 Safety and efficacy of a four-drug fixed-dose combination regimen was

compared with each drug administered separately in patients with pulmonary TB.


The combination tablet contained isoniazid 75 mg, rifampin 150 mg, pyrazinamide

400 mg, and ethambutol 275 mg, and two to five tablets were ingested per day based

on body weight. The number of patients who were culture negative at 18 and 24

months was similar between the treatment groups, in addition to the number of

treatment failures, relapses, and death. The four-drug fixed-dose combination was

noninferior to each drug administered

p. 1430

p. 1431



It should be noted that there was no difference in outcomes based on

HIV status, but less than 7% of the study subjects were HIV positive.


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