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Intrapulmonary insulin has onset and duration comparable to SC rapidacting insulins


Factors altering clearance

Renal function Renal failure lowers insulin clearance; may prolong and intensify action of

exogenous and endogenous insulin


Insulin antibodies

IgG antibodies bind insulin as it is absorbed and release it slowly, thereby

delaying or prolonging its effect


Thyroid function Hyperthyroidism increases clearance, but also increases insulin action,

making control difficult; patients stabilize as they become euthyroid

Factors altering SC absorption Factors that raise SC blood flow ↑ absorption rates of regular insulin;

effect on intermediate- and long-acting insulins is minimal

Site of injection Rate of absorption is fastest from the abdomen, intermediate from the arm,

and slowest from the thigh.

88 Less variation is observed in type 2 diabetes

patients; less variation is observed with current rapid-acting and longacting insulins

Site Half-life absorption (minutes)

Abdomen 87 ± 12

Arm 141 ± 23

Hip 153 ± 28

Thigh 164 ± 15

Exercise of injected area Strenuous exercise of an injected area within 1 hour of injection can

increase absorption rate; rate of absorption of regular insulin is increased,

but little effect on intermediate-acting insulin

Ambient temperature Heat (e.g., hot weather, hot bath, sauna) increases absorption rate; cold

has opposite effect

Local massage Massaging injected area for 30 minutes substantially increases absorption

rate of regular insulin as well as longer-acting insulins

Smoking Controversial; vasoconstriction may decrease absorption rate


Jet injectors

Insulin absorption is more rapid, probably secondary to increases in surface

area for absorption

Lipohypertrophy Insulin absorption is delayed from lipohypertrophic sites

Insulin preparation More soluble forms of insulin are absorbed more rapidly and have shorter

durations of action (see Table 53-7 and text); human insulin may have

shorter action than animal insulin

Insulin mixtures The short-acting properties of rapid-acting insulins may be blunted if mixed

with NPH insulin (see Case 53-2, Question 15)

Insulin concentration More dilute solutions (e.g., U-40, U-10) are absorbed more rapidly than

more concentrated forms (U-100, U-500)

Insulin dose Lower doses are absorbed more rapidly and have a shorter duration of

action than larger doses

IgG, immunoglobulin G; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; NPH, neutral protamine Hagedorn; SC, subcutaneous.

Insulin Aspart

Insulin aspart (NovoLog) is a rapid-acting insulin analog that differs from human

insulin by substitution of aspartic acid at B28. Insulin aspart is approved for use in

pediatric patients, age 2 and older.


It is pregnancy category B. Insulin aspart

controls postprandial glucose excursions similar to insulin lispro. Insulin aspart is

available in both vials and prefilled pen (FlexPen and FlexTouch) formulations.

Insulin Glulisine

Insulin glulisine (Apidra) is a rapid-acting insulin analog that differs from human

insulin by substitution of lysine for asparagine at position B3 and glutamic acid for

lysine at position B23. Insulin glulisine has been studied in pediatric patients with

Type 1 diabetes age 4 and older.


It is pregnancy category C. Insulin glulisine

lowers postprandial glucose excursions similar to insulin lispro and insulin aspart.

Insulin glulisine is available in both vials and prefilled pen (Solostar) formulations.

Inhaled Insulin

Insulin human powder for inhalation (Afrezza) is a rapid-acting insulin indicated for

postprandial coverage in patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.


It is produced

using recombinant DNA technology and is supplied via inhaler that is breathactivated by the patient. The insulin in the Afrezza inhaler is regular human insulin,

and metabolism and elimination are similar to that of regular insulin following

pulmonary absorption. The pharmacodynamic profile of inhaled Afrezza is similar to

that of rapid-acting insulin. It is pregnancy category C and has not been studied for

use in patients less than 18 years old. Insulin human powder for inhalation is

available as prefilled inhalers containing 4, 8, or 12 units of rapid-acting insulin to

be used at the beginning of a meal. It is contraindicated for use in patients with

chronic lung disease such as asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease as well as

current smokers.


Regular insulin 100 units/mL(Humulin R and Novolin R) has an onset of action of 30

to 60 minutes, a peak effect at 2 to 4 hours, and a duration of action of 5 to 7 hours.

The broad range in peak effect and duration reflects the many variables that affect

insulin action (Table 53-7). The 30- to 60-minute onset of action requires proper

timing of premeal regular insulin, which is difficult for most patients. Use of regular

insulin in patients with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is much less common with

the advent of the newer rapid-acting insulins.

Regular insulin U-500 (500 units/mL) is a concentrated insulin that is indicated for

SC only. Being 5 times more potent than the 100 units/mL formulation, it is useful in

patients who are severely insulin resistant requiring daily insulin doses of greater

than 200 units/day because a large insulin dose may be given in a much smaller

volume. Its onset of action is approximately 30 minutes and peaks similar to regular

insulin U-100. Regular insulin U-500 however has a longer duration of action (up to

24 hours) compared to the U-100 formulation and is therefore recommended to be

administered between 2 and 3 times daily.

74 There are no U-500 insulin syringes

available; therefore, to avoid confusion, it is recommended to dose U-500 insulin in

volume and administer using a tuberculin syringe vs. a typical U-100 insulin syringe.

Additionally, the manufacturer of U-500 regular insulin has incorporated multiple

differences in packaging between regular insulin U-100 and U-500 to potentially

decrease the risk of dispensing errors. Specifically, the regular insulin U-500 vial

contains 20 mL compared to the U-100 vial which contains only 10 mL. The U-500

insulin vial is

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also marked with a band of diagonal brown stripes to distinguish it from the U-100

vial which contains no stripes.

75 The U-500 insulin pen (Humulin R U-500 KwikPen)

approved by the FDA in 2016 should eliminate many of these issues.


Neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) or isophane is an intermediate-acting insulin

commercially available as Humulin N or Novolin N. Its onset of action is

approximately 2 hours (range, 1–3 hours), peak effects occur at approximately 6 to

14 hours, and the duration of action of NPH is approximately 16 to 24 hours. Again,

it must be emphasized that this pattern of response is at best a generalization. Patients

may have a variable pattern of response to NPH insulin with time, and those on

higher doses are likely to have a later peak and a longer duration of action. Up to

80% of these day-to-day fluctuations in BG responses can be accounted for by

variation in the absorption of this intermediate-acting insulin.

66 Novolin N is

available only in vials, whereas Humulin N is available both in vials and in prefilled

pen (KwikPen) formulations.


Insulin Glargine

Insulin glargine U-100 (Lantus) is a long-acting insulin that serves to provide a basal

level of insulin. It is pregnancy category C.


It is approved for once-a-day SC

administration for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients (age ≥6 year) with

Type 1 diabetes or adult patients with Type 2 diabetes. It can be administered any

time during the day, but it is important to take it at the same time each day. It is

usually administered at bedtime or, less commonly, in the morning. Insulin glargine is

available in both a 10-mL vial and a prefilled pen (Solostar).

Insulin glargine is an insulin analog in which asparagine in position A21 is

substituted with glycine and two arginines are added to the C-terminus of the B chain.

This change in the amino acid sequence causes a shift in the isoelectric point from pH

5.4 to 6.7, making it more soluble at an acidic pH.

77 Once injected, insulin glargine

(which is a clear solution with a pH of 4.0) precipitates at physiologic pH, forming a

depot that releases insulin slowly for up to 24 hours. This results in delayed

absorption and a less pronounced peak compared with NPH insulin.

78 Zinc is added

to further prolong the duration of insulin glargine. In clinical trials of patients with

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, once-daily injections of insulin glargine were as

effective as NPH in lowering A1C values, with less nocturnal hypoglycemia.


Insulin glargine is associated with more injection site pain compared with NPH

(6.1% vs. 0.3% in one study and 2.7% vs. 0.7% in another), which is likely related

to its acidity.


Insulin glargine is also available in a concentrated form which is available as 300

units/mL (Toujeo). It is approved for once-daily SC injection in adults with Type 1

or Type 2 diabetes. Toujeo has not been studied for use in the pediatric population.

Insulin glargine 300 units/mL is only available in a prefilled pen (Solostar device)

which does not require dose calculations or conversions when switching from insulin

glargine 100 units/mL.


Insulin Detemir

Insulin detemir (Levemir) is another basal insulin available in the United States and

is approved for once- or twice-daily SC administration for the treatment of adult and

pediatric patients (age ≥2 years) with Type 1 diabetes or adult patients with Type 2

diabetes. It is pregnancy category B.

82 Unlike other insulin analogs, in which the

amino acid sequence is modified, for insulin detemir, a fatty acid moiety is added to

the last amino acid on the end of the B chain. Insulin detemir is a neutral, soluble

insulin preparation in which the B30 threonine has been removed and the B29 lysine

residue has been covalently bound to a 14-carbon fatty acid. The result is an insulin

that is more slowly absorbed in the SC tissue because the fatty acid moiety binds to

albumin, creating a long-acting insulin.


Insulin detemir’s kinetics and dynamics are


84 When used in Type 1 diabetes, two injections daily are usually

required to provide adequate basal coverage due to a smaller insulin dose

requirement in this patient population. Insulin detemir demonstrates less intrasubject

variability than NPH or insulin glargine.

85 The clinical significance and impact of

this observation are unclear. Insulin detemir is available in both vial and pen

(FlexTouch) formulations.

Insulin Degludec

Insulin degludec (Tresiba) is a long-acting basal human insulin analog approved in

the United States in 2015 for once-daily SC administration for the treatment of adults

with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. It is pregnancy category C and is not indicated for

use in the pediatric population. Insulin degludec differs from human insulin in that the

amino acid threonine in position B30 has been omitted and a side chain consisting of

glutamic acid and a C16 fatty acid has been attached.


Insulin degludec has a much

longer duration of action (>42 hours) compared to other available basal insulins and

is available as a prefilled pen (FlexTouch device) in concentrations of both 100 and

200 units/mL. The FDA has also approved a combination insulin degludec/insulin

aspart 70/30 combination (Ryzodeg 70/30) which is intended to be used once to

twice daily prior to a main meal.


Products that contain premixed NPH and regular insulin in a fixed ratio of 70:30 are

available from Lilly as Humulin 70/30 and from Novo Nordisk as Novolin 70/30.

Additional premixed formulations are available in which both insulin lispro and

insulin aspart have been cocrystallized with protamine to create an intermediateacting insulin similar to NPH. Humalog Mix 75/25 and Humalog Mix 50/50 (Lilly)

are products with lispro protamine and insulin lispro in a fixed ratio of 75:25 and

50:50, respectively. NovoLog Mix 70/30 (Novo Nordisk) is aspart protamine and

insulin aspart in a fixed ratio of 70:30. These premixed insulins are useful for

patients who have difficulty measuring and mixing insulins and are dosed twice

daily. These insulins are compatible when mixed together and retain their individual

pharmacodynamic profiles. Each of these mixed insulin combinations is available as

both vials and insulin pens with the exception of Novolin 70/30 which is available in

insulin vials only (see Table 53-19 later in this chapter and Case 53-2, Question 15).



Clinical Presentation of Type 1 Diabetes

CASE 53-2

QUESTION 1: A.H., a slender, 18-year-old woman who was recently discharged from the hospital for severe

dehydration and mild ketoacidosis, is referred to the Diabetes Clinic from the University Student Health Service

(no records available). A fasting and a random plasma glucose ordered subsequently were 190 and 250 mg/dL.

Approximately 4 weeks before she was hospitalized, A.H. had moved across the country to attend college—her

first time away from home. In retrospect, she remembers that she had symptoms of polydipsia, nocturia (6

times a night), fatigue, and a 12-lb weight loss during this period, which she attributed to the

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anxiety associated with her move away from home and adjustment to her new environment. Her medical

history is remarkable for recurrent upper respiratory infections and three cases of vaginal moniliasis in the past

6 months. Her family history is negative for diabetes, and she takes no medications.

Physical examination is within normal limits. She weighs 50 kg and is 5 feet 4 inches tall. Laboratory results

are as follows: FPG, 280 mg/dL; A1C, 14%; and trace urine ketones as measured by Keto-Diastix. On the

basis of her history and laboratory findings, the presumptive diagnosis is Type 1 diabetes. Which findings are

consistent with this diagnosis in A.H.?

A.H. meets several of the diagnostic criteria for diabetes. She has classic

symptoms of Type 1 diabetes (polyuria, polydipsia, glucosuria, fatigue, recurrent

infections), a random plasma glucose greater than 200 mg/dL, and a FPG greater than

126 mg/dL on at least two occasions as well as an A1C greater than 6.5%7


53-1 and 53-3). Features of A.H.’s history that are consistent with Type 1 diabetes,

in particular, include the relatively acute onset of symptoms in association with a

major life event (moving away from home), recent weight loss, ketones in the urine,

negative family history, and a relatively young age at onset.


Treatment Goals

CASE 53-2, QUESTION 2: A.H. will be started on insulin therapy on this visit. What are the goals of

therapy? Will normoglycemia prevent the development or progression of long-term complications?

The goal of diabetes management is the prevention of acute and chronic

complications. The results of the DCCT and DCCT-EDIC studies convincingly

demonstrated that lowering BG concentrations through intensive insulin therapy in

persons with Type 1 diabetes slows or prevents the development of microvascular


29,30 The ADA recommends an A1C goal of less than 7% for most

patients, and an individual goal as close to normal as possible (<6.5%) if it can be

achieved without significant hypoglycemia. For children and adolescents, the ADA

recommends an A1C goal of less than 7.5%, and an individualized goal of less than

7% if achievable without significant hypoglycemia.


It is important to understand that physiologic or basal-bolus insulin therapy

involves a complete program of diabetes management that includes a balanced meal

plan, physical activity, frequent SMBG, and insulin adjustments based on these

factors (Table 53-4).

In summary, A.H. is a patient newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes who has not

yet developed any signs or symptoms of long-term complications. Therefore, she is

an ideal candidate for basal-bolus insulin therapy, and if she is willing and

motivated, normoglycemia with rare hypoglycemic episodes is a reasonable longterm goal. This goal should be achieved gradually over the course of several months

with insulin therapy, diet, education, and strong clinical support. A desirable goal is

an A1C value as close to the normal range as possible with minimal episodes of


Basal-Bolus (Physiological) Insulin Therapy

CASE 53-2, QUESTION 3: What methods of insulin administration are available to achieve optimal glucose


A physiologic insulin regimen is designed to mimic normal insulin secretion as

closely as possible. Problems with insulin delivery include factors that affect the SC

absorption of insulin (Table 53-8).

87,88 Before the development of the rapid-acting

insulin analogs and basal insulins, previous insulins lacked pharmacodynamic

profiles that allowed one to closely simulate normal pancreatic release of the

hormone. In the nondiabetic individual, the pancreas secretes boluses of insulin in

response to food. Between meals and throughout the night, the pancreas secretes

small amounts of insulin that are sufficient to suppress lipolysis and hepatic glucose

output (basal insulin). Clinicians now have more tools to mimic this basal-bolus

model. Two methods have been used to achieve this pattern of insulin release: (a)

insulin pump therapy (previously referred to as continuous subcutaneous infusion of

insulin) and (b) basal-bolus insulin regimens consisting of once- or twice-daily

doses of basal insulin coupled with premeal/snackdoses of rapid-acting insulin (see

Case 53-2, Questions 3–5).


The use of an insulin pump is currently the most precise way to mimic normal insulin

secretion. This consists of a battery-operated pump and a computer that can program

the pump to deliver predetermined amounts of insulin (i.e., regular, lispro, aspart, or

glulisine) from a reservoir to a SC inserted catheter or needle.

89,90 These systems are

portable and designed to deliver various basal amounts of insulin over the course of

24 hours as well as meal-related boluses. Most patients using an insulin pump use a

rapid-acting insulin, rather than regular insulin. For meal coverage, the rapid-acting

insulin can be given 0 to 15 minutes before eating. The delivery of the bolus can be

adjusted depending on the type of food eaten (e.g., piece of cake versus slice of

pizza). Caveat: If SC delivery is interrupted, check for rise in glucose and urine

ketones after 2 or 3 hours. Because there is no SC pool, effects dissipate quickly.

The preferred meal-planning approach for patients using an insulin pump is

carbohydrate counting. The insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio, or how much carbohydrate

is covered by 1 unit of insulin, must be determined. One method is to use the “500

Rule.” The number 500 (or 450 for regular insulin) is divided by the total daily dose

(TDD) of insulin the patient is using to determine the insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio

(see Case 53-2, Question 11). Insulin pumps are capable of delivering many basal

insulin rates. The basal insulin infusion rate may be adjusted depending on the

situation. Many patients find it advantageous to decrease the basal rate during the

middle of the night when nocturnal hypoglycemia is most likely to occur. The basal

rate also may be increased before awakening to avoid hyperglycemia secondary to

the “dawn phenomenon” or adjusted when physically active—adjustments that are

not possible using SC basal insulin injections.

Features of the current pump models include the “bolus wizard,” which calculates

bolus doses based on preset carbohydrate-to-insulin ratios and correction factors,

carbohydrate counts for selected foods, and an “insulin-on-board” feature, which

helps avoid excessive dosing of insulin by indicating how much insulin from a

previously administered dose should still be acting. Most insurance plans provide

coverage for insulin pumps for patients with Type 1 diabetes and for some patients

with Type 2 diabetes. Factors to consider when choosing a pump include safety

features, durability, ability of the manufacturer to provide service, availability of

training, clinically desirable features, CGM compatibility, and cosmetic

attractiveness for the user.

90,91 The ADA website ( contains

helpful information about insulin pumps for patients under the Living with Diabetes



CASE 53-2, QUESTION 4: How can insulin be administered to A.H in order to model physiologic release of

insulin from the pancreas?

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Figure 53-4 Theoretic insulin effect provided by various insulin regimens. A: Two daily injections of rapid-acting

(insulin aspart, glulisine, or lispro), short-acting (regular), and intermediate-acting insulin (NPH). B: Morning

injection of rapid-acting or short-acting insulin and intermediate-acting insulin, a predinner injection of rapid-acting

or short-acting insulin, and a bedtime injection of intermediate-acting insulin. Suggested for patients with earlymorning hypoglycemia, and also those who have early-morning hyperglycemia (owing to rebound phenomenon

from hypoglycemia). C: Premeal injections of rapid-acting or short-acting insulin and long-acting (e.g., insulin

glargine or detemir) or intermediate-acting insulin (NPH) at bedtime. D: Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion,

showing an example with bolus given for a bedtime snack. BR, breakfast; Bed, bedtime; LU, lunch; DI, dinner.

Arrows indicate time of insulin injection (<15 minutes before meals for rapid-acting insulin and 30 minutes before

meals for short-acting insulin).

Endocrinologists have developed a variety of insulin regimens that are intended to

mimic the natural release of insulin from the pancreas.

92,93 Examples of these are

displayed and illustrated in Figure 53-4. A TDD of insulin is estimated empirically

(e.g., 0.3–0.5 units/kg/day for patients with Type 1 diabetes) or according to

guidelines listed in Table 53-9. The TDD of insulin then is split into several doses.

In general, the basal dose comprises approximately 40% to 50% of the TDD, and the

other bolus doses comprise the remaining 50%. If a patient eats three meals/day, the

bolus dose would then be divided by three to calculate the number of units of bolus

insulin required to cover each meal.

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Table 53-9

Empiric Insulin Doses

Estimating Total Daily Insulin Requirements

These are initial doses only; they must be adjusted using SMBG results. Patients may be particularly resistant to

insulin if their blood glucose concentrations are high (glucose toxicity); once glucose concentrations begin to drop,

insulin requirements often decrease precipitously. The weight used is actual body weight. Insulin dose

requirements can change dramatically with time depending on circumstances (e.g., a growth spurt, modest

weight gain or loss, changes in physical activity, stress or illness)

Type 1 diabetes

Initial dose 0.3–0.5 units/kg

Honeymoon phase 0.2–0.5 units/kg

With ketosis, during illness,

during growth

1.0–1.5 units/kg

Type 2 diabetes

With insulin resistance 0.7–1.5 units/kg

Estimating Basal Insulin Requirements

These are empiric doses only and should be adjusted using appropriate SMBG results (fasting or premeal). Basal

requirements vary throughout the day, often increasing during the early-morning hours. The basal requirement

also is influenced by the presence of endogenous insulin, the degree of insulin resistance, and body weight. Basal

requirements are approximately 50% of total daily insulin needs. Thus, basal insulin dose is approximately 50% of

TDD. A conservative approach is to reduce the calculated 50% basal dose by 20% to avoid hypoglycemia


Estimating Premeal Insulin Requirements

The premeal insulin requirements are approximately 50% of the TDD, usually divided equally into three doses

initially, taken with each meal (i.e., breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and then each premeal dose is individually

adjusted based on BG readings

The “500 rule” estimates the number of grams of carbohydrate that will be covered by 1 unit of rapid-acting

insulin. The rule is modified to the “450 rule” if using regular insulin

500/TDD of insulin = number of grams covered

Example: For a patient using 50 units/d, 500/50 = 10. Therefore, 10 g of carbohydrate would be covered by 1 unit

of insulin lispro, glulisine, or aspart. This equation works very well for type 1 diabetes patients in estimating their

premeal insulin requirements. Because patients with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance, the rule may

underestimate their insulin requirements

Determining the “Correction Factor”

Supplemental doses of rapid-acting insulin are administered to acutely lower glucose concentrations that exceed

the target glucose concentration. These doses must be individualized for each patient and again are based on the

degree of sensitivity to insulin action. For example, if the premeal blood glucose target is 120 mg/dL and the

patient’s value is 190 mg/dL, additional units of rapid-acting insulin could be added to the premeal dose. The

correction factor determines how far the blood glucose drops per unit of insulin given and is known as the “1,700

rule.” For regular insulin, the rule is modified to the “1,500 rule.” The equation is as follows:

1,700/TDD = point drop in blood glucose per unit of insulin

Example: If a patient uses 28 units/day of insulin, their correction factor (or insulin sensitivity) would be 1,700/28

= 60 mg/dL. Therefore, the patient can expect a 60-mg/dL drop for every unit of rapid-acting insulin

administered. Patients with a higher-sensitivity factor have lower-insulin requirements. Individuals with a lowersensitivity factor (higher-insulin requirements) typically achieve a smaller reduction in blood glucose per unit of


SMBG, self-monitored blood glucose; TDD, total daily dose.

Source: DeWitt DE, Hirsch IB. Outpatient insulin therapy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus: scientific review.

JAMA. 2003;289:2254; Walsh J, Roberts R. Pumping Insulin: Everything You Need For Success On A Smart

Insulin Pump. 4th ed. San Diego, CA: Torrey Pines Press; 2006; Walsh J et al. Using Insulin: Everything You

Need for Success With Insulin. San Diego, CA: Torrey Pine Press; 2003.

A regimen much less commonly used in patients with Type 1 diabetes involves

injecting a mixture of intermediate-acting and regular or rapid-acting insulin twice

daily, before breakfast and before dinner (Fig. 53-4A). The morning dose of regular

or rapid-acting insulin is intended to take care of the breakfast meal; the morning

dose of NPH takes care of the noon meal and provides basal insulin throughout the

day; the evening dose of regular or rapid-acting insulin takes care of the evening

meal; and the evening dose of NPH provides basal insulin levels during the night and

takes care of any evening snack that is ingested. Because NPH is an intermediateacting insulin and has a peak effect, it does not provide true basal insulin coverage.

Also, when NPH is injected in the morning, the patient must eat lunch on time

because of this peak effect; otherwise, he/she will experience hypoglycemia. Also,

when NPH is taken with mealtime insulin before dinner, the patient is at risk for

nocturnal hypoglycemia from the peak effect of the evening dose of NPH. The

advantage of using a rapid-acting insulin (e.g., insulin lispro, insulin aspart, or

insulin glulisine) instead of regular insulin in this regimen is to facilitate the patient

being able to take insulin doses immediately before a meal. However, the peak effect

of the NPH component in this combined dose still presents the same problems. This

type of insulin regimen does not mimic physiologic insulin release.

Figure 53-4B depicts a variation of this method. It is the same except that the

evening dose of NPH is given as a third injection at bedtime. This shifts the time of

peak effect from approximately 2 to 3 AM to approximately 7 AM. By administering

NPH at bedtime, nocturnal hypoglycemia is reduced, and peak insulin activity occurs

when the patient is more likely to be awake and ingesting food. This method may be

useful for patients in whom nocturnal hypoglycemia and fasting hyperglycemia are

particularly troublesome; however, this regimen also does not mimic physiologic

insulin release.

The regimen that most closely mimics physiologic insulin release besides the use

of an insulin pump is the use of a once-daily basal insulin such as insulin glargine,

detemir, or degludec to provide basal insulin levels throughout the day, along with

doses of a rapid-acting insulin (preferred) or regular insulin before meals (Fig. 53-

4C depicts the long-acting insulin given at bedtime, but it can be given alternatively

in the morning). When smaller doses are used, twice-daily insulin detemir and

possibly U-100 insulin glargine will be required for 24-hour coverage.



U-100 and U-200 degludec and U-300 glargine will last 24 hours with once-daily

dosing. This method theoretically provides insulin similar to the insulin pump:

constant basal levels plus small boluses for meals and snacks. In doing so, it offers

some of the same advantages of the pump in that it permits some degree of flexibility

in the patient’s lifestyle. For example, if a patient with diabetes chooses to skip a

meal, he/she omits a premeal bolus; if the patient chooses to eat a larger meal than

usual, he/she increases the premeal bolus. Similar dose adjustments can be made to

accommodate snacks, exercise patterns, and acute illnesses. Alternatives to this

regimen are depicted in Table 53-4 where the long-acting insulin is replaced with

intermediate-acting insulin for basal coverage and or the rapid-acting insulin is

replaced with short-acting insulin for bolus coverage. These options however are not

preferred because they do not as closely mimic normal physiologic insulin release.

CASE 53-2, QUESTION 5: Should A.H. use an insulin pump or multiple daily insulin injections?

Indications for basal-bolus insulin therapy are listed in Table 53-10. Patients with

Type 1 diabetes should be placed on a basal-bolus insulin regimen. A.H. is an ideal

candidate to strive for an A1C goal of less than 6.5%. She is newly diagnosed, has

not yet developed the long-term complications of diabetes, and should derive the

benefits of normoglycemia. Assuming A.H. will be able to manage a basal-bolus

insulin regimen, individualized target BG levels that strive for the best level of

glucose control possible without placing her at undue risk for hypoglycemia should

be prescribed. She must be willing to test her BG concentrations 4 or more times

daily and inject herself 4 times daily or learn about the use and care of an insulin

pump. She also must be willing to keep detailed BG and food records and participate

in an extensive education program that enables her to adjust her insulin doses based

on BG concentrations, physical activity, and the carbohydrate content of her snacks

and meals.

Transition to an insulin pump is facilitated by patients being able to attain these

skills using multiple daily SC insulin injections before insulin pump initiation. The

ADA recommends that the use of insulin pumps be limited to highly motivated

individuals under the guidance of a healthcare team trained and knowledgeable in

their use. Pumps offer the patient the ability to use multiple basal rates during the 24-

hour period and assist with the calculation of bolus and correction insulin doses.

Most studies have shown that pump therapy provides equivalent and sometimes

better glycemic control than does intensive management with multiple injections.


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