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Timoptic XE

Timoptic XE, a timolol ophthalmic gel-forming solution, is administered once daily.

The ophthalmic vehicle, gellan gum (Gelrite), is a solution that forms a clear gel in

the presence of monovalent or divalent cations.

25 This ion-activated gelation

prolongs precorneal residence time and increases ocular bioavailability, allowing

timolol to be administered once daily.

25 Timoptic XE is comparable to timoptic

solution in lowering IOP.


Levobunolol (Betagan)

Levobunolol, a nonselective β-adrenergic antagonist, is approved for either oncedaily or BID administration. Levobunolol 0.5% and 1% are comparable to timolol in

lowering IOP. The incidence of adverse reactions, including decreases in heart rate,

is also comparable to that for timolol.


Metipranolol (OptiPranolol)

Another nonselective β-adrenergic blocking agent, metipranolol 0.1% to 0.6%, is

comparable to timolol 0.25% to 0.5% in reducing IOP.

8,9 Like timolol, metipranolol

produces corneal anesthesia, which occurs within 1 minute of instillation and returns

to baseline after 10 minutes.

20 Metipranolol is associated with a greater incidence of

stinging or burning on administration and has been associated with granulomatous

anterior uveitis.

28,29 As a result of these side effects, the use of metipranolol is


Carteolol (Ocupress)

Carteolol, a nonselective β-adrenergic blocking agent with partial β-adrenergic

agonist activity, theoretically should minimize the bronchospastic, bradycardic, and

hypotensive effects associated with other ocular β-adrenergic blockers.

30 However,

no clinical differences were seen when the cardiovascular and pulmonary function

effects of carteolol were compared with those of timolol. Carteolol 1% and timolol

0.25% administered BID are equally effective in reducing IOP.


Betaxolol (Betoptic)

In contrast to other β-adrenergic blocking ophthalmic agents, betaxolol is a selective


-adrenergic blocker. This cardioselective property may result in less adverse

effects on pulmonary function than nonselective β-adrenergic blockers in patients

with reactive airway disorders. Betaxolol is slightly less effective than timolol in

IOP reduction, and more patients tend to need adjunctive therapy with



Prostaglandin Analogs

Latanoprost (Xalatan), travoprost (Travatan Z), bimatoprost (Lumigan), and

tafluprost (Zioptan) are all PGAs. Latanoprost and travoprost, and tafluprost are

analogs of prostaglandin F2α

, and they lower IOP by serving as selective

prostaglandin F2α

-receptor agonists. Bimatoprost is a synthetic prostamide analog.

Tafluprost is a preservative-free formulation supplied in single-use containers.


The prostaglandin analogs increase uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humor and,

thereby, decrease IOP.

35 These agents often are prescribed as first-line agents for the

treatment of POAG because they are at least as effective as the β-blockers, can be

administered once a day, and are associated with minimal systemic adverse effects.


Latanoprost (Xalatan) is approved for the initial treatment of POAG or ocular


36 When administered once daily in the evening, latanoprost is at least

as effective as timolol in decreasing IOP. When the effectiveness of latanoprost

0.005% once daily was compared with timolol 0.5% BID, the IOP-lowering effects

of latanoprost were superior to those of timolol.


In addition, the nocturnal control

of IOP with latanoprost was superior to that with timolol. Latanoprost 0.005%

should be dosed once daily in the evening because the IOP-lowering effects of

latanoprost might actually be inferior when administered more frequently.

Systemic side effects are minimal with latanoprost, but local reactions (e.g., iris

pigmentation; eyelid skin darkening; eyelash lengthening, thickening, pigmentation,

and misdirected growth; conjunctival hyperemia; ocular irritation; superficial

punctate keratitis) are relatively common. Latanoprost can gradually increase the

amount of brown pigment in the iris by increasing the melanin content in the stromal

melanocytes of the iris. This pigment change occurs in 7% to 22% of patients and is

most noticeable in those with green-brown, blue/gray-brown, or yellow-brown


36 The onset of increased iris pigmentation usually is noticeable within the first

year of treatment and can be permanent. The nature and severity of adverse events are

not affected by the increased pigmentation of the iris.

Latanoprost has additive effects when administered with β-blockers (e.g., timolol),

carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (e.g., dorzolamide), and α2

-adrenergic agonists (e.g.,

brimonidine, apraclonidine). When added to existing therapy, latanoprost decreases

IOP an additional 2.9 to 6.1 mm Hg. As a result, latanoprost is a good adjunctive

ophthalmic agent for patients who are unable to adequately lower their IOP with

single-agent therapy. Although the complementary IOP-lowering effects of

latanoprost are comparable to those of brimonidine (at least a 15% reduction in IOP)

in patients inadequately controlled on β-adrenergic blocking agents, brimonidine (an


-adrenergic agonist) in a comparative study was associated with fewer adverse

effects on the quality of life. For example, watery or teary eyes and cold hands and

feet were reported more frequently in latanoprost-treated patients.

36 The

effectiveness of latanoprost when used once a day alone or as an adjunct to other

IOP-lowering drugs and its relative tolerability make it one of the most common if

not the most common treatment option for POAG and ocular hypertension.



Travoprost (Travatan Z) is US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for

the reduction of elevated IOP and ocular hypertension in patients who are intolerant

or who fail to respond to other agents. Travoprost is used as a first-line agent in

clinical practice because it is more effective than timolol and at least as effective as

latanoprost. The mean IOP reduction with travoprost in African-American patients

was 1.8 mm Hg greater than in non–African-American patients. Travoprost, as

adjunctive therapy to timolol in patients not responding adequately to timolol alone,

reduced IOP an additional 6 to 7 mm Hg. The side effect profile of travoprost is

similar to that for latanoprost, including increased iris pigmentation and eyelash


43–45 Local irritation may be less with travoprost because it is free of the

preservative benzalkonium chloride (BAK). Rather, travoprost is preserved in the

bottle with SofZia, which is a unique ionic buffer containing borate, sorbitol,

prophylene glycol, and zinc.


Like travoprost, bimatoprost (Lumigan) once daily or BID achieved lower target

IOPs than did timolol BID. Bimatoprost BID, however, was less effective than

bimatoprost once a day. Iris pigmentation changed in 1.1% of bimatoprost-treated

patients. In a 6-month randomized multicenter study, bimatoprost once a day lowered

IOP more effectively than latanoprost once a day. Side effects were similar between

treatment groups; however, conjunctiva hyperemia was more common (p < 0.001) in

bimatoprost-treated patients. Overall, the side effect profile of bimatoprost appears

to be similar to that for latanoprost and travoprost.

46–48 The local side effects seen

with other PGAs also appear to be relatively common with bimatoprost. As a result,

the FDA approved the cosmetic use of bimatoprost solution under the trade name

Latisse. Latisse solution is applied with an applicator to the base of the

p. 1151

p. 1152

upper eyelashes for the treatment of hypotrichosis (inadequate eyelashes). Eyelash

lengthening, thickening, and darkening or pigmentation is seen after 8 to 16 weeks of




Tafluprost (Zioptan) is a preservative-free product, US FDA-approved for the

reduction of elevated IOP and ocular hypertension. Tafluprost daily in the evening is

as effective as latanoprost daily in the evening and timolol 0.5% BID and has

demonstrated additive efficacy when administered with timolol. Switch studies

evaluating tafluprost in patients receiving BAK containing agents demonstrated some

improvement in adverse effects. As a result, tafluprost is an important option for

patients with a documented hypersensitivity to BAK or other PGAs. The adverse

effect profile is similar to other PGAs.



-Adrenergic Agonists

Apraclonidine (Iopidine) and brimonidine (Alphagan) are selective α2


agonists similar to clonidine. Apraclonidine is less lipophilic than clonidine and

brimonidine, does not cross the blood–brain barrier as readily, and theoretically has

fewer systemic side effects (e.g., hypotension, decreased pulse, dry mouth).

Brimonidine is more highly selective for α2

-adrenergic receptors than clonidine or

apraclonidine and, theoretically, should be associated with fewer ocular side effects.


-Adrenergic agonists appear to lower IOP by decreasing the production of aqueous

humor and by increasing uveoscleral outflow.


Brimonidine is an alternative first-line agent in the treatment of POAG. It may also

be used as adjunctive therapy in patients not responding to other agents.

Apraclonidine 1% is indicated to control or prevent postsurgical elevations in IOP

after argon laser trabeculoplasty or iridotomy. The 0.5% apraclonidine solution is

indicated for short-term adjunctive therapy in patients on maximally tolerated

medical therapy. Long-term IOP control should be monitored closely in patients

taking α2

-adrenergic agonists because tachyphylaxis can occur. Common ocular side

effects include burning, stinging, blurring, conjunctival follicles, and an allergic-like

reaction consisting of hyperemia, pruritus, edema of the lid and conjunctiva, and

foreign body sensation. Although ocular side effects are less common with

brimonidine than with apraclonidine, systemic side effects (e.g., dry nose and mouth,

mild hypotension, decreased pulse, and lethargy) are more common with

brimonidine. α2

-Adrenergic agonists should be used with caution in patients with

cardiovascular disease, orthostatic hypotension, depression, and renal or hepatic


55,56 Brimonidine (Alphagan P) is available with Purite as a preservative,

which facilitates drug delivery into the eye, allowing use of a lower drug



The IOP-reduction effects (peak and trough) of brimonidine 0.2% BID are 14% to

28%. Although the approved dosing schedule of brimonidine is 3 times a day (TID),

brimonidine 0.2% BID lowers IOP comparably to timolol 0.5% BID, and both are

slightly better than betaxolol 0.25% BID.

57,58 The IOP-lowering effect of brimonidine

also may be comparable to that of latanoprost; however, conflicting efficacy and

tolerability results in clinical studies may be related to differences in study design.


The combination of brimonidine and timolol is as equally tolerable and effective as

the combination of dorzolamide and timolol.

60 The FDA-approved Combigan

ophthalmic solution combines an α2

-adrenergic agonist (brimonidine tartrate 0.2%)

with a β-adrenergic blocker (timolol maleate 0.5%).

Topical Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Carbonic anhydrase occurs in high concentrations in the ciliary processes and retina

of the eye. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) lower IOP by decreasing

bicarbonate production and, therefore, the flow of bicarbonate, sodium, and water

into the posterior chamber of the eye, resulting in a 40% to 60% decrease in aqueous

humor secretion.

Although CAIs have been used orally for many years in the treatment of elevated

IOPs, they have been replaced by the topical ophthalmic CAIs, dorzolamide

(Trusopt) and brinzolamide (Azopt), which are safer and better tolerated. Topical

CAIs are excellent alternatives to β-blockers in the initial management of elevated

IOPs, and are effective as adjunctive agents. Brinzolamide 1% TID reduces IOP

comparably to that achieved with dorzolamide 2% TID and to betaxolol 0.5% BID,

but slightly less than timolol 0.5% BID. The IOP-reduction effects (peak and trough)

of dorzolamide 2% TID are 16% to 25%. Brinzolamide and dorzolamide are

approved for TID dosing; however, BID dosing may be adequate. Dorzolamide

provides additional IOP-lowering effects when added to existing β-blocker


61,62 An ophthalmic solution of dorzolamide hydrochloride and timolol

maleate is marketed as Cosopt, and a combination of brinzolamide and brimonidine

is marketed as Simbrinza.


The combined use of topical dorzolamide and oral acetazolamide does not result

in additive effects and might increase the risk of toxicity. Therefore, the concomitant

use of topical and oral CAIs is not advised.


The topical CAIs are well tolerated with few systemic side effects. The most

common adverse effects reported with dorzolamide are ocular burning, stinging,

discomfort and allergic reactions, bitter taste, and superficial punctate keratitis.

Brinzolamide causes less burning and stinging of the eyes than dorzolamide, because

its pH more closely resembles that of human tears. Dorzolamide and brinzolamide

are sulfonamides and may cause the same types of adverse reactions attributable to

sulfonamides. These drugs should not be used in patients with renal or hepatic




Pilocarpine (Isopto Carpine) historically was an initial treatment of choice, but with

the introduction and widespread use of newer agents, pilocarpine has fallen out of

favor. Therapy usually is begun using lower concentrations (1%), one drop 4 times a

day (QID). Pilocarpine is a direct-acting cholinergic (parasympathomimetic) that

causes contraction of ciliary muscle fibers attached to the trabecular meshwork and

scleral spur. This opens the trabecular meshwork to enhance aqueous humor outflow.

There also may be a direct effect on the trabecular meshwork. Pilocarpine causes

miosis by contraction of the iris sphincter muscle, but the miosis is not related to the

decrease in IOP.


Carbachol (Isopto Carbachol) is reserved as a third-line agent in patients who are

unresponsive or intolerant to initial medications. In addition to having direct

cholinergic effects, carbachol is more resistant to cholinesterase than pilocarpine.

Added benefits include increased release of acetylcholine from parasympathetic

nerve terminals and a weak anticholinesterase effect. Carbachol is administered TID.

Anticholinesterase Agents

If control of IOP is not achieved with optimal use of other topical monotherapy and

combination therapy agents, then anticholinesterase agents may be prescribed as a

last topical therapy option. Anticholinesterase agents inhibit the enzyme

cholinesterase, thereby increasing the amount of acetylcholine and its naturally

occurring cholinergic effects.

Echothiophate Iodide

Echothiophate iodide (phospholine iodide), an irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor,

primarily inactivates pseudocholinesterase and secondarily inhibits true

cholinesterase. Echothiophate iodide

p. 1152

p. 1153

may be used if maximal doses of other agents and combination therapy are

ineffective. Echothiophate iodide has a long duration of action that affords good

control of IOP; however, miosis and myopia are significant side effects.

Concentrations higher than 0.06% are associated with a significant increase in

subjective complaints (e.g., brow ache).



In general, drugs with different pharmacologic actions have at least partially additive

effects in lowering IOP in the treatment of glaucoma. Drugs with similar

pharmacologic actions (i.e., from the same pharmacologic class) should not be

combined because dose-related adverse effects are more likely and the incremental

increase in benefits is likely to be more modest.

Timolol and other β-adrenergic blocking drugs have additive IOP-lowering effects

when used in combination with miotic agents, prostaglandin analogs, α2

-agonists, and

CAIs. For example, the IOP-lowering effect is greater when timolol is used in

combination with pilocarpine, dorzolamide, brimonidine, and travoprost. Likewise,

for example, latanoprost has additive effects when administered with timolol,

dorzolamide, and α2

-adrenergic agonists.



68–73 The trend toward the development

of fixed-combination products offers many advantages in the treatment of POAG.

These advantages include improved adherence because of a reduction in the number

of dosages and bottles, eliminating the need to instill two separate drugs 5 to 10

minutes apart to prevent a washout effect from the second medication, improving

safety and tolerability by limiting the exposure to the BAK preservative, and a cost

savings for the patient by potentially eliminating a copay for one of the medications.

There are two β-adrenergic blocker combination products currently on the market,

timolol/dorzolamide (Cosopt) and brimonidine/timolol (Combigan). The IOPlowering effects of timolol/dorzolamide (Cosopt) are comparable to or greater than

those of latanoprost monotherapy.

65 Brinzolamide and brimonidine are combined and

available as Simbrinza.


Predisposing Factors

CASE 54-1

QUESTION 1: M.H., a 52-year-old African-American woman with brown eyes, presented for routine

ophthalmic examination. Visual acuity without correction was 20/40 right eye and 20/80 left eye. Tonometry

measured an IOP of 36 mm Hg in both eyes. Ophthalmoscopy revealed physiologic cupping of the optic discs in

both eyes, and visual field examination revealed a nerve fiber bundle defect consistent with glaucoma. Pupils

were normal in both eyes, and gonioscopy indicated that anterior chamber angles were open in both eyes. There

were no signs of cataract formation. M.H. related a positive family history for glaucoma and presently is being

treated for hypertension, chronic heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma. Her

medications include the following:

Amitriptyline, 75 mg at bedtime

Chlorpheniramine, 4 mg every 6 hours as needed (PRN)

Lisinopril, 10 mg once daily

Furosemide, 40 mg BID

Nitroglycerin, 0.3 mg sublingual PRN

Fluticasone/salmeterol 250/50 mcg dry powder inhaler, one inhalation twice daily

Albuterol 90 mcg metered-dose inhaler, 1 to 2 puffs QID PRN

Tiotropium bromide inhaler, 18 mcg inhaled once daily

Findings on examination indicate that M.H. has POAG. What other factors may predispose M.H. to an

increased IOP?

POAG is thought to be determined genetically, and M.H. has a positive family

history. The disease is more prevalent and aggressive in African-Americans.



addition, she is taking several medications that have been associated with increases

in IOP.


Most reports dealing with drug-induced increases in IOP center around precipitation

of angle-closure glaucoma by ophthalmic mydriatic or cycloplegic agents

(anticholinergics). In patients with open-angle glaucoma, topical anticholinergics can

significantly increase resistance to aqueous humor outflow and elevate IOP while the

anterior chamber remains grossly open.

4 As part of any routine ophthalmic

examination, the pupils are dilated with a mydriatic or cycloplegic agent (unless

otherwise contraindicated). The IOP is always measured before this procedure, so

the use of these agents would not have influenced the IOP readings in M.H.

If systemic anticholinergic agents are administered in doses sufficient to cause

pupillary dilation, the risk of precipitating angle-closure increases. However, it is

unlikely that these agents will aggravate open-angle glaucoma unless the amount

reaching the eye is sufficient to cause cycloplegia.

4 Although literature documentation

of POAG exacerbation by these agents is scarce, medications with anticholinergic

side effects (e.g., antihistamines, benzodiazepines, disopyramide, phenothiazines,

tricyclic antidepressants, tiotropium) should be considered. M.H. is receiving

chlorpheniramine as needed, amitriptyline at bedtime, and tiotropium bromide once

daily, but her pupil examination is normal with no evidence of mydriasis or

cycloplegia. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that these medications contributed to her

increased IOP.


Adrenergic agents, such as central nervous system stimulants, vasoconstrictors,

appetite suppressants, and bronchodilators, may produce minimal pupillary dilation.

These have no proven adverse influences on IOP in patients with either normal eyes

or eyes with open-angle glaucoma. Consequently, the use of salmeterol and albuterol

in M.H. is also an unlikely source of the increased IOP.


Conclusive evidence for the production of angle-closure glaucoma by vasodilators is

lacking, although slight increases in IOP have been reported. Use of nitroglycerin as

needed in M.H. is not a cause for concern. There have been isolated reports of other

medications causing mydriasis in glaucoma patients. These include muscle relaxants

(carisoprodol), monoamine oxidase inhibitors, fenfluramine, ganglionic blocking

agents, salicylates, and oral contraceptives. Succinylcholine, ketamine, and caffeine

have been associated with increases in IOP. Corticosteroid-induced IOP elevation

will be addressed in Case 54-8, Question 2. If M.H. requires administration of any

other medications associated with increases in IOP, the risk of potential adverse

effects can be minimized by routine follow-up.

Initial Therapy

CASE 54-1, QUESTION 2: What is the best initial therapeutic treatment in M.H.?

Topical β-blockers or PGAs are the initial agents of choice in the treatment of

POAG (Fig. 54-2). Their efficacy is well documented in numerous studies, and side

effects are well characterized. Brimonidine (Alphagan) and topical CAIs are

alternative first-line agents. Table 54-1 lists the common topical agents used in the

treatment of POAG.

Timolol or other nonselective β-adrenergic blockers should not be initiated for

M.H. because of her history of asthma (the indications and use of β-blockers for

patients with heart failure are described in Chapter 14, Heart Failure). Betaxolol, a


-adrenergic blocker, is better tolerated than the nonselective β-adrenergic blocker,

timolol, in patients with reactive airway disease and should be considered when

topical β-blocker therapy is indicated in patients such as M.H.

12,31,32,74 Betaxolol

0.25% suspension BID would be reasonable for the initial treatment of M.H.’s

glaucoma. Nevertheless, adverse pulmonary and cardiac side effects can occur with

betaxolol: M.H. should be followed up closely for these adverse effects. Although

ocular burning and stinging have been associated more frequently with betaxolol and

metipranolol than with other topical β-blockers, the 0.25% suspension is better

tolerated than the 0.5% solution and is as effective.

31 Brimonidine, a topical CAI, and

a PGA (e.g., latanoprost) are acceptable alternatives to betaxolol as initial therapy.

Although brimonidine, topical CAIs, and latanoprost may not exacerbate her asthma

or CHF, they can cause localized side effects and brimonidine can cause systemic

hypotension and lethargy.

p. 1153

p. 1154

Figure 54-2 Medical management of glaucoma. IOP, intraocular pressure; NLO, nasolacrimal occlusion.

p. 1154

p. 1155

Table 54-1

Common Topical Agents Used in the Treatment of Open-Angle Glaucoma

Generic Mechanism Strength Usual Dosage Comments




[solution], Betoptic

S [suspension])

Sympatholytic 0.25%

(suspension) 0.5%


1 drop BID

1 drop BID

Shake suspension well before

use. Effective with few

associated ocular side effects.

BID dosage enhances

compliance. Considered βblocker of choice in patients

with preexisting HF or

pulmonary disease because of


-adrenergic specificity.

Patient response may be less

than that seen with timolol



Sympatholytic 1% 1 drop BID Effective with few associated

side effects. BID dosage

enhances compliance. Use

with caution in patients with

preexisting HF or pulmonary




Sympatholytic 0.25%, 0.5% 1 drop daily or


Effective with few associated

ocular side effects. Daily and

BID dosage enhances

compliance. Use with caution

in patients with preexisting

HF or pulmonary disease



Sympatholytic 0.3% 1 drop BID Effective with few associated

side effects. BID dosage

enhances compliance. Use

with caution in patients with

preexisting HF or pulmonary


Timolol (Timoptic)



Sympatholytic 0.25%, 0.5%

0.5% (Istalol)

0.25%, 0.5%




1 drop BID

1 drop daily in

morning (Istalol)

Effective with few associated

ocular side effects. Daily and

BID dosage enhances

compliance. Use with caution

in patients with preexisting

HF or pulmonary disease.

Proven long-term

effectiveness, with welldefined side effect profile

Timolol GelForming Solution

(Timoptic XE,

Timolol GFS)

Sympatholytic 0.25%, 0.5% 1 drop daily Once-daily timolol

formulation. The ophthalmic

vehicle, gellan gum (Gelrite),

prolongs precorneal residence

time and ↑ ocular

bioavailability, allowing oncedaily administration

α2-Selective Adrenergic Agonists



Sympathomimetic 0.5%, 1% 1 drop

preoperatively and

postoperatively or

1 drop BID to


May be used preoperatively

and postoperatively for the

prevention of ↑ IOP after

anterior-segment laser

procedures. Use of NLO

minimizes systemic side

effects and allows for BID

dosing. Does not penetrate

the blood–brain barrier,

therefore negligible systemic

hypotension. Local adverse

effects fairly common.

Tachyphylaxis may be




Sympathomimetic 0.15%, 0.2% 1 drop BID to


Effective long-term

monotherapy or adjunctive

therapy. Use of NLO

minimizes systemic side

effects and allows for BID

dosing. Penetrates the blood–

brain barrier, therefore may

cause mild systemic

hypotension and lethargy.

Local adverse effects less

common than with



(Alphagan P)

Sympathomimetic 0.1%, 0.15% 1 drop BID to


Contains Purite preservative.

Purite preservative and lower

concentrations may improve


p. 1155

p. 1156

Topical Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors



Decreased aqueous

humor production

1% 1 drop TID Shake suspension well

before use. Effective longterm monotherapy or

adjunctive therapy. Well

tolerated with few systemic

side effects. Less burning

and stinging compared with




Decreased aqueous

humor production

2% 1 drop TID Effective long-term

monotherapy or adjunctive

therapy. Well tolerated with

few systemic side effects

Prostaglandin Analogs



Prostaglandin F2α


0.005% 1 drop once a day

at bedtime

BID dosing may be less

effective than once a day at

bedtime dosing. May cause

increased pigmentation of

the iris and eyelid. Systemic

side effects are rare, but

may cause muscle, joint,

back pain, headaches,

migraines, and skin rash.

Effective monotherapy or

adjunctive therapy. Store

unopened bottles in

refrigerator. Opened bottles

may be stored at room

temperature up to 6 weeks


(Travatan Z)

Prostaglandin F2α


0.004% 1 drop once a day

at bedtime

BID dosing may be less

effective than once a day at

bedtime dosing. May cause

increased pigmentation of

the iris and eyelid. Systemic

side effects are rare, but

may include colds and upper

respiratory tract infections.

Effective monotherapy or

adjunctive therapy with

timolol. May be more

effective than timolol and

latanoprost and more

effective in AfricanAmericans. Does not

contain benzalkonium

chloride as a preservative.

Contains the preservative

SofZia that may be better




Prostamide 0.01%, 0.03% 1 drop once a day

at bedtime

BID dosing may be less

effective than QHS dosing.

May cause increased

pigmentation of the iris and

eyelid. Systemic side effects

are rare but include colds

and upper respiratory tract

infections and headache.

May be more effective than

timolol and latanoprost



Prostaglandin F2α





1 drop once a day

at bedtime

BID dosing may be less

effective than QHS dosing.

May cause increased

pigmentation of the iris and

eyelid. Systemic side effects

are rare but include common

cold, cough, headache, and

urinary tract infections.

Store unopened foiled

pouches in refrigerator.

Single-use container may be

stored in the opened foil

pouch for 28 days at room




(Isopto Carpine)

Parasympathomimetic 1%, 2%, 4% 1–2 drops TID or


Long-term proven

effectiveness. Little rationale

for administration more

frequently than every 4

hours. Side effects of miosis

with decreased vision and

brow ache are common

sources of patient


Carbachol (Isopto


Parasympathomimetic 1.5%, 3% 1–2 drops TID or


Used in patients allergic to

or intolerant of other miotics.

May be used as frequently

as every 4 hours. Corneal

penetration is enhanced by

benzalkonium chloride in

commercial preparations.

Side effects are similar to

those of pilocarpine

p. 1156

p. 1157





Anticholinesterase 0.125% 1 drop BID Long duration, although

usually dosed BID,

which enhances

compliance. Available as

powder + diluent; after

reconstitution, stable 30

days at room

temperature, 6 months

refrigerated. Side

effects similar to those

of pilocarpine. Increased

cataract formation has

been associated with its


Combination Products






Sympathomimetic/sympatholytic 0.2%/0.5% 1 drop BID Combination products

may improve adherence.

Eliminates the 5- to 10-

minute wait between

instillation of drops


2%/timolol 0.5%

Decreased aqueous humor




1 drop BID Combination products

may improve adherence.

(Cosopt) preservative

free (Cosopt


Eliminates the 5- to 10-

minute wait between

instillation of drops Brinzolamide


0.2% (Simbrinza)

Decreased aqueous humor


1%/0.2% 1 drop TID Shake suspension well

before use. Combination

products may improve

adherence. Eliminates

the 5- to 10-minute wait

between instillation of


BID, twice daily; HF, heart failure; IOP, intraocular pressure; NLO, nasolacrimal occlusion; QHS, every day at

bedtime; GFS, gel-forming solution; QID, 4 times a day; TID, 3 times a day.

Patient Education

CASE 54-1, QUESTION 3: Betaxolol 0.25% suspension, one drop in both eyes BID, is ordered for M.H.

How should M.H. be instructed regarding the proper use of her betaxolol and expected therapeutic side


M.H. should be instructed to hold the inverted betaxolol bottle between her thumb

and middle finger and to rest that hand on her forehead to minimize the risk of

inadvertent eye injury caused by sudden unexpected movement of the hand. The index

finger is left free to depress the bottom of the container, releasing one drop for the

dose. With a little practice, this technique is easy to master. The lower eyelid should

be drawn downward with the index finger of the opposite hand or pinched between

the thumb and index finger to form a pouch. The patient should look up and

administer the drug into the pouch of the eye.

Patients must be encouraged to continue regular use of their medications for

effective treatment of glaucoma. Chronic glaucoma is a silent disease and often not

associated with symptoms; therefore, the continuation of therapy should be

encouraged continuously in patients, especially when side effects to drug therapy can

be encountered. Betaxolol is best administered every 12 hours because this schedule

of administration is consistent with its duration of action (see Table 54-1).

Systemic side effects (e.g., bradycardia, heart block, CHF, pulmonary distress,

central nervous system) are rare with betaxolol, but M.H. should be instructed to

report any of these effects to her primary-care provider.


CASE 54-1, QUESTION 4: How much would occlusion of the nasolacrimal ducts (punctal occlusion) by

M.H. influence systemic absorption or alter the therapeutic effects of betaxolol?

Nasolacrimal, or punctal, occlusion is a technique that can decrease the amount of

drug absorbed systemically.

75 Occlusion of the puncta (through the application of

slight pressure with the finger to the inner corner of the eye closest to the nose for 3

to 5 minutes during and after drug instillation) can minimize systemic absorption of

ophthalmic medications (e.g., betaxolol), decrease the incidence of side effects, and

improve medication effectiveness.

75–77 When a single drop of ophthalmic timolol

0.5% was instilled into the eyes of patients at various times before cataract surgery

and the nasolacrimal duct was occluded for 5 minutes, drug levels in the aqueous

humor were significantly greater in patients who had their nasolacrimal ducts

occluded than those who did not.


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