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38 Although patients present

with different types of MS, once progression begins, all forms of progressive MS

follow a similar time course for subsequent progression.


A new classification system has been proposed which denotes disease activity and


39 Patients with new, active MRI lesions or with clinical relapses within

a specified time frame are classified as active, whereas those without new lesions or

relapses are classified as inactive. In a similar way, patients are categorized as

progressing if they have steadily increasing objectively documented neurologic

dysfunction without recovery or non-progressing. For example, a patient with

relapsing-remitting MS who has had a clinical relapse in the last year, but who had

full recovery, would be classified as relapsing-remitting MS-active and not


39 Because MS begins during young-to-middle adulthood, there is a large

economic burden associated with the disease. One study in

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which newly diagnosed patients were matched to healthy control subjects found

that patients with MS were 3.5 times as likely to be hospitalized, twice as likely to

have at least one emergency department visit, and 2.4 times as likely to have at least

one visit for physical, occupational, or speech therapy during the course of a year.


These additional services were associated with higher mean annual all-cause

healthcare costs ($32,051 vs. $4,732 for MS patients and control subjects,


41 These estimates do not consider the loss of employment or loss of

caregiver employment. When these factors are taken into consideration, the cost of

MS is more than $77,938/year.


Ten years after diagnosis, 50% to 80% of patients with MS are unemployed.

Surprisingly, only 15% of unemployment is related to physical restrictions.

34 Of the

factors most often cited as leading to unemployment, only decreased walking ability

relates to physical disability. The other common factors are increased age, decreased

verbal fluency, and loss of memory.





Many aspects of the pathophysiology of MS remain unclear, although research in this

area is progressing rapidly. Foremost in unresolved issues is the identity of the actual

initiating factor for the autoimmune and inflammatory processes that characterize MS.

Through the years, several dozen triggers have been proposed. Current thinking is

that a genetically susceptible individual has an environmental factor which triggers

the immune system to cause MS.


There are two pathologic processes that occur during MS. The first is

inflammatory. During this process, the body mounts an autoimmune attack on the

myelin covering of nerve fibers of the white matter in the CNS. These areas of

demyelination are visualized as plaques or lesions and are seen on brain tissue

directly (e.g., on autopsy) or on MRI with contrast agents (Fig. 57-1).


It is this

inflammation that causes the relapses that are seen clinically, and it is the resolution

of these relapses that is seen as remission.

Figure 57-1 Myelin destruction in multiple sclerosis.

The second process is neurodegenerative, during which the axons of nerves in

brain white matter are damaged, some irrevocably. This neurodegeneration causes a

progressive disability when transmission through the nerve cell is slowed or fails

completely. It is cumulative with time and may be irreversible. It is not known

whether the inflammatory or neurodegenerative process occurs first in MS or

whether they are simultaneous.



The inflammatory cascade in MS is complex. Various types of T cells play a role

early in the process.

4 The unknown antigen couples with MHC molecules.




These antigen–MHC pairs encounter antigen-presenting cells (APC) such as

dendrites, macrophages, and microglia.



20 T cells recognize this antigen–MHC–APC

complex, become activated, and initiate the immunologic cascade.


Under normal circumstances, regulatory T cells (Treg

) monitor for and control

autoimmune T-cell formation in the periphery. It has been hypothesized that Treg cells

malfunction in people with MS.


The activated T cells then retreat to the lymphatic tissues in the body, such as the

spleen and lymph nodes, to expand.

4 At the appropriate time, the T cells exit the

lymphatic tissues and rejoin the circulation. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a small,

circulating lipid molecule, is important in this process. For the T cells to exit the

lymphatic tissues, the S1P receptor 1 must be expressed on their surface.

46 The T

cells follow an S1P concentration gradient to exit the lymphatic tissues and join the


The activated T cells must cross the blood–brain barrier to attack myelin in the

CNS. An adhesion molecule, α4β1

-integrin (VLA4), is found on the surface of T


25 When the T cells approach the blood–brain barrier, they slow and bind to the


-integrin and p-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1. This bonding allows the T cells to

transmigrate through the endothelial cells of the blood vessel.


Now in the perivascular space, the T cells must be reactivated by new APC.


Through the action of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, the activated T cells invade

the parenchyma of the brain.

46 Once ensconced in the brain, the T cells begin to

secrete various proinflammatory cytokines that further stimulate the inflammatory

cascade, including stimulation of microglia.






The microglia produce proteolytic enzymes, lipolytic enzymes, reactive oxygen

species, reactive nitrogen species, excitotoxins, and more proinflammatory cytokines.

Activated microglia can also serve as APCs for activation of additional T cells.


Nitric oxide, a reactive nitrogen species, is increased during inflammation and can

inhibit mitochondrial respiration, inhibit the sodium–potassium adenosine

triphosphatase pump, and cause the intracellular release of calcium. The excess

calcium leads to degenerative processes within the cell.




Although the role of T cells is central to MS pathology, the role of B and NK cells

is much less clear. B cells may be involved in antigen presentation and the

production of the immunoglobulin found in the CSF of patients with MS.

19 NK cells

have been postulated to have both helpful and deleterious effects.


At some point, the resolution of inflammation begins. During the inflammatory

cascade, myelin is broken down, and this myelin debris inhibits remyelination. The

microglia use phagocytosis to clear myelin structures, axons, apoptotic cells, and

myelin debris from the area of inflammation.

47 After this process, the microglia begin

to produce immunomodulatory cytokines.

47 Helper T type 2 cells become more

prominent and begin secreting immunomodulatory cytokines as well.


Remyelination then begins; however, some evidence suggests that the ability of the

body to remyelinate decreases with age.


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Microglia produce more cytokines and some growth factors that cause

oligodendrocyte progenitor cells to migrate to the area. Remyelination occurs when

oligodendrocyte progenitor cells differentiate into new oligodendrocytes.

47 S1P

receptors 1 and 5 present on oligodendrocytes appear to help with differentiation.


Remyelination may not be complete and, in some cases, does not occur at all. The

myelin also may be thinner and shorter than the original myelin.



Axonal injury can occur throughout the course of the disease and may even occur

before any clinical symptoms.




Inside chronic MS lesions, there are 60% to 70%

fewer axons compared with other white matter in the same patient.


In addition to

producing myelin, oligodendrocytes support axons through production of insulin-like

growth factor type I and neuregulin; thus, axons can die without the support of the

oligodendrocytes. However, axonal loss has been demonstrated at sites separate

from MS lesions, particularly the thalamus.





50 Although oligodendrocytes provide

trophic support for the axons, they also inhibit new growth to prevent random neurite

sprouting. Three myelin-associated inhibitor factors, myelin-associated glycoprotein,

Nogo-A, and oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein, lie in the sheath of myelin closest

to the axon, where they prevent this sprouting.


Microtubules are also important for neurite growth. The assembly of microtubules

is controlled by collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2).

3 When CRMP-2 is

phosphorylated, neurite growth is inhibited.

3 Ras homolog gene family, member A

(RhoA)–guanosine triphosphate (GTP), has action on both the myelin-associated

inhibitory factors and CRMP-2. The myelin-associated inhibitory factors signal

RhoA–GTP to neurite retraction rather than growth.


It also activates Rho kinase,

which phosphorylates CRMP-2.


Myelin normally allows saltatory, fast conduction (i.e., conduction via leaps) at

the nodes of Ranvier; thus, loss of myelin slows or prevents transmission of nerve



In the demyelinated state, sodium channels under the myelin sheath may become

functional to allow improved nerve conduction.

32 The activation of sodium channels

results in sodium entry into the cell. The excess sodium activates the sodium–calcium

exchanger to export sodium and import calcium, fueling the degenerative processes

within the neuron.



32 Additionally, increased numbers of glutamate-regulated αamino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors are seen in

demyelinated axons. Activation of these receptors results in increased levels of

intracellular sodium and calcium, further contributing to neurodegeneration.



Because the demyelination associated with MS can occur in any part of the CNS,

many different symptoms are associated with the disease. At first presentation, the

most common clinical symptoms are sensory disturbances, particularly of the

extremities, partial or complete visual loss, motor dysfunction of the limbs, diplopia,

and gait dysfunction.

20 Two demyelinating syndromes are so distinct and they have

been recognized, named, and deserve particular mention: optic neuritis and

transverse myelitis. Optic neuritis is the acute demyelination of the optic nerve.

Symptoms may include ocular pain, blurred vision, or changes in color perception.


Transverse myelitis is impairment of motor control or sensory function, or control

over bladder, bowel, and sexual functions that are consistent with a lesion at a

specific point in the spinal cord, but without a structural cause such as a herniated



Table 57-2

Common Symptoms in Chronic Multiple Sclerosis

Symptom Prevalence (%)

Sexual dysfunction

57 85

Walking problems or impaired ambulation

58 64


59 30–90

Bladder dysfunction

60 75


61 74

Cognitive dysfunction

62 70


59 60

Bowel dysfunction

60 50


63 50

Dysphagia or dysarthria

64 40

Pseudobulbar affect

65 10

As concern has developed about neurodegenerative changes that occur early in the

course of MS, there has been more interest in very early treatment after the

emergence of symptoms to delay or decrease the development of MS. The term

clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) describes a first demyelinating neurologic event

involving the optic nerve, cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem, or spinal cord.

51 Up to

85% of people with MS may first present with CIS.

52 Of those who present with CIS,

63% will develop MS during the ensuing 20 years.


Patients younger than 40 years old are more likely to convert from CIS to

clinically definite MS than those ≥40 years.

53 Patients with optic neuritis as the

presenting diagnosis are less likely than those with other symptoms to develop

clinically definite MS. The presence of oligoclonal bands in the CSF, low serum

concentrations of vitamin D, and multiple lesions on MRI are associated with a

particularly high risk of development of MS.




Occasionally, MS-type lesions will be visible on an MRI scan performed for other

reasons. If the patient has no other symptoms, this condition is known as radiologicisolated syndrome.

55 About 30% of these patients have a clinical episode within 5

years of the detection of their MRI abnormality.

56 Younger patients, males, and those

with lesions on the spinal cord were more likely to develop a CIS.

56 No treatment is

suggested for patients with these findings at this time.


With time and with neurodegeneration, many other symptoms can develop in

people with MS. The most common symptoms are listed in Table 57-2.



When patients first present for medical care with symptoms of MS, diseases as

diverse as infections, cancers, vascular disease, or other inflammatory demyelinating

diseases are commonly part of the differential diagnosis. Thus, the addition of MRI

and other laboratory findings can help with the diagnosis. At other times, the

diagnosis is not apparent until the occurrence of a second attack.


Various diagnostic criteria have been proposed in an effort to standardize

diagnoses of MS and to promote earlier treatment. The initial criteria stated that the

patient must have experienced at least two demyelination-related episodes separated

by time

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and space (i.e., at least two episodes involving distinct regions of the CNS).


Guidelines proposed in 2001 and revised in 2005 and 2010 allow for the use of MRI

and CSF findings to fulfill these criteria after an initial clinical attack.

68–70 Primaryprogressive MS is diagnosed when there is continuous progression of neurologic

symptoms during a 1-year period with characteristic MRI and CSF findings.



Although the mechanisms of action of MS pharmacotherapies are diverse, they all

can be generally categorized as immunomodulating agents. To date, all therapies for

MS have targeted the inflammatory response rather than the accompanying

neurodegeneration features of the disease.

Treatment of Acute Relapses

Corticosteroids are used in the treatment of MS to control inflammation during acute

relapses. Although most patients respond to treatment with corticosteroids, some do

not. These agents have several actions that contribute to their acute anti-inflammatory

effects. Corticosteroids increase the activity of Treg cells, reduce the activity of T and

B cells, reduce adhesion molecule production, and reduce proinflammatory



Treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Most of the therapeutic research conducted in MS has focused on the relapsingremitting form of the disease. This is the most common form of MS at presentation,

and it has an important inflammatory aspect. The agents that are currently US Food

and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for MS include alemtuzumab, beta

interferons, dimethyl fumarate, fingolimod, glatiramer acetate, mitoxantrone,

natalizumab, and teriflunomide.


Alemtuzumab is a monoclonal antibody aimed at CD52. It reduces the population of

circulating B and T cells. The peripheral circulating lymphocytes are undetectable

within minutes of infusion.

74 These cells repopulate, but fairly slowly; B cells have a

median recovery time of 8 months, CD8

+ T cells 20 months, and CD4

+ T cells 35

months. However, some patients took as long as 12 years to reach baseline levels.


Alemtuzumab reduced relapses and MRI lesions compared to interferon β-1a

subcutaneously, but had similar rates of disability progression; 77% of patients

taking alemtuzumab were completely relapse-free at 2 years.

76 One long-term study

saw benefits sustained from alemtuzumab over 5 years.



Beta interferons are thought to work by suppressing T-cell activity, downregulating

antigen presentation by MHC class II molecules, decreasing adhesion molecules and

matrix metalloproteinase 9, and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines while

decreasing proinflammatory cytokines.







78 There are two types of interferon β

(interferon β-1a and interferon β-1b) and a total of four preparations available to

treat MS (Table 57-3).

79–82 Placebo-controlled trials of each of the interferon β

agents have shown a reduced number of relapses and decreased disease progression

measured on the EDSS in patients treated with interferon versus those who were

given placebo.


Table 57-3

Interferon β Preparations Used in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis


Interferon Type Route of Administration Frequency of Injection

Interferon β-1a Intramuscular Weekly

Interferon β-1a Subcutaneous 3 times weekly

Interferon β-1b Subcutaneous Every other day

Peginterferon β-1a Subcutaneous Every 2 weeks

Data are available for patients who have been treated with interferon β-1b for up

to 16 years. A sustained reduction in relapse rate of 40% was seen in patients who

received the drug continuously, an improved response compared with those who

received placebo or interferon only for a short time. Patients who received

continuous interferon therapy also had slower rates of disease progression.



87 Eightyear follow-up data for interferon β-1a given intramuscularly did not show this

sustained reduction in relapse rate, but did show that those who began treatment

earlier had better long-term outcomes.



Dimethyl fumarate is rapidly cleaved in the intestine to form its active form,

monomethyl fumarate. The medicine causes a shift in cytokine production from

interferon γ and tumor necrosis factor α to interleukin-4 and -5.

88 Dimethyl fumarate

also activates the antioxidant effects of nuclear 1 factor (erythroid-related 2)-like 2

(Nrf2) transcriptional pathway which may assist with the neurodegeneration in

multiple sclerosis.

88 Dimethyl fumarate reduces the relapse rate by about half and

new lesion development on MRI scan compared to placebo.



Fingolimod is an S1P receptor modulator.


It binds to the S1P receptor 1 expressed

on T cells.

49 This binding causes the receptor to be internalized in the T cell, where it

is unresponsive to the normal signal to exit the lymphoid tissues and recirculate.




Without the T cells circulating, they are not activated and this disrupts the

inflammatory cycle. Fingolimod has been shown to decrease the relapse rate by about

half compared with placebo as well as to reduce disability progression.





Glatiramer acetate decreases type 1 helper T (TH1) cells while increasing type 2

helper T (TH2) cells. Additionally, it increases production of nerve growth




78 The short-term and long-term efficacy of glatiramer acetate is similar to

that of the interferons.



93 Regimens of 20 mg subcutaneously daily and 40 mg

subcutaneously 3 times weekly are effective compared to placebo.



Mitoxantrone works as a general immunomodulator. It decreases monocytes and

macrophages and inhibits T and B cells.

4 Compared with placebo, mitoxantrone

decreased the number of exacerbations and improved MRI in treated patients.





Natalizumab is a humanized monoclonal IgG4 antibody. It blocks T-cell entry into the

CNS by binding to α4β1

-integrin located on the lymphocyte to keep it from binding to

the vascular cell

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adhesion molecule-1 on the endothelial cell.






In clinical trials, natalizumab was

very effective, reducing the 1-year relapse rate by 68%, the risk of progression of

disability in 2 years by 42%, and new lesions on MRI by 83%.



Teriflunomide is the active metabolite of leflunomide. It is thought to act in MS by

blocking de novo pyrimidine synthesis, inhibiting B- and T-cell division, and

blocking the inflammatory pathway prominent in MS.


It may also inhibit the pairing

of T cells and APC to prevent T-cell activation. Teriflunomide reduces the

annualized relapse rate by about 20% to 30% and reduces the risk of new MRI

lesions by 60% to 80% compared to placebo in clinical trials.




Treatment of Progressive Forms of Multiple Sclerosis

Patients with both secondary-progressive and primary-progressive MS may

experience relapses. In these cases, all of the agents used for relapsing-remitting MS

may be useful to reduce the number of relapses.

103–106 Some evidence suggests that

therapies (specifically, interferon β-1a) are less effective for secondary- progressive

MS than for relapsing-remitting MS.



106 This finding is consistent with the known

mechanisms of action for the currently available agents, which are directed at the

inflammatory processes. Treatment of progressive forms of MS is an area in urgent

need of scientific investigation. Recently (March 2017), the FDA approved Ocrevus

(ocrelizumab), that is the first agent for primary-progressive MS.

Symptom Management

As disability increases, many patients with MS exhibit other associated symptoms

that require targeted treatment (Table 57-2).


Bladder, bowel, and sexual dysfunction are very common in patients with MS. Up to

75% of patients have bladder symptoms; constipation or bowel incontinence occur in

approximately 50% of patients; and sexual dysfunction occurs in 84% of men and

85% of women.

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