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In end-stage renal failure, screening for uremia should

be considered because this can trigger symptoms.

CASE 59-4, QUESTION 2: What is the difference between RLS and PLMS?

In addition to the presence of RLS, the symptoms reported by the spouse of J.J. are

likely related to PLMS. These are also known as nocturnal myoclonus and are best

described as involuntary clonic-type movements of the lower extremities while

sleeping that usually involve bilateral ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion, and hip

flexion. Approximately 80% of patients with RLS will also have PLMS, but PLMS

can occur by itself and is also associated with significant sleep dysfunction. The

diagnosis of PLMS usually requires a polysomnogram; the universally accepted

criteria for diagnosis are that there should be at least four periodic leg movements

(PLMs) in a 90-second period, with contractions typically lasting 0.5 to 5 seconds

and recurring every 5 to 90 seconds.

154 A PLM index (PLMI) is calculated by

dividing the total number of PLMs by sleep time in hours; an index of more than 5 but

less than 25 is considered mild, a PMLI of more than 25 and less than 50 is

moderate, and a PLMI of more than 50 is severe. The diagnosis of PLM disorder can

be made when patients present with insomnia, tiredness, and daytime sleepiness in

the presence of a high PLMI.

155 There is considerable overlap in the treatments of

PLMS and RLS. Because J.J. clearly has RLS, there is no need to perform a

polysomnogram. The diagnosis of PLMS in her case is incidental and would not alter

the clinical management. An exception to this would be whether her medical history

revealed the possibility of sleep apnea, because there is a high association between

PLMS and upper airway resistance.



CASE 59-4, QUESTION 3: The decision is made to initiate drug therapy in J.J. for the management of her

symptoms. What pharmacologic therapy should be selected? What nonpharmacologic therapies should be


It is important to rule out possible reversible causes before treating RLS. Iron

supplements can potentially cure RLS symptoms in patients found to be iron





If J.J. is iron deficient, she should be prescribed 50 to 65 mg of

elemental iron 1 to 3 times daily on an empty stomach with 200 mg of vitamin C to

enhance absorption. After ruling out possible reversible causes of RLS, it is

important to establish the frequency of her symptoms and to select appropriate


Several classes of medications are effective for treating RLS.






Dopaminergic therapies are most consistently effective in relieving RLS symptoms,

improving sleep, and reducing leg movements. High-quality evidence has found that

levodopa/carbidopa improves RLS symptoms.





158 Dopamine agonists are the

preferred dopaminergic class to treat RLS because they are longer acting than

levodopa, which allows for more sustained efficacy and control of symptoms

throughout the entire night.





158 J.J. should be started on either ropinirole (0.25

mg initially, up to 0.5–4 mg/day) or pramipexole (0.125 mg initially, up to 0.5

mg/day), because both are FDA-approved for treating RLS. Although rotigotine is

approved and supported by guidelines, the transdermal formulation may limit use in

the early titration phases of RLS management.

50 Several randomized, controlled

clinical trials have documented efficacy of these agents in both objective and

subjective ratings of improvement by patients and clinicians with either short- or

long-term use.





158 Ropinirole and pramipexole do not appear to differ with

regard to efficacy or adverse effects. When used for RLS, ropinirole and

pramipexole should be administered 2 hours before bedtime. Adverse effects are

similar to those seen with the use of these agents in PD, and patients should be

counseled accordingly.

Other medications may also provide benefit in RLS. Guidelines recommend the

use of pregabalin and gabapentin enacarbil.





158 As a result of their mechanisms

of action, these agents may be helpful if JJ had RLS involving neuropathic pain or if

she could not tolerate dopaminergic therapy. Though studied, there are inconclusive

data to support the use of benzodiazepines, opiates, anticonvulsants, and






158 Opiates may be helpful in patients who experience significant pain

related to RLS, but these agents have not proven to conclusively treat RLS






158 Risks associated with the use of opiates, including respiratory

depression and addiction, should be reviewed with the patient prior to initiation.

Benzodiazepines and opiates should be avoided in concomitant sleep apnea due to

their ability to suppress respiratory drive.

In addition to pharmacologic therapy, nonpharmacologic therapies and behavioral

techniques should also be recommended for J.J. Most important among these include

discontinuing all RLS aggravators and practicing good sleep hygiene. Physical and

mental activity (e.g., reading, playing card games, or working on the computer) if

patients are unable to sleep can reduce symptoms.

152 Counter stimuli such as massage

or hot baths may also be helpful.


CASE 59-4, QUESTION 4: After carefully considering the costs of therapy, J.J. and her physician choose

levodopa to treat her RLS instead of a dopamine agonist. She initially responds well to the therapy. One year

later, J.J. returns for follow-up. Her dose of carbidopa/levodopa has progressively increased to three 25 mg/100

mg tablets at bedtime. She describes continued worsening of her symptoms that do not seem to be relieved with

increasing doses of carbidopa/levodopa. Her symptoms are now starting earlier in the evening, occur almost

every night, and are now painful. How should her therapy be further adjusted?

J.J. is likely experiencing augmentation, a common problem with long-term use of

dopaminergic drugs, particularly levodopa.

159 Augmentation is described as a

progressive worsening of RLS symptoms after an initial improvement and is

manifested by gradually intensified symptoms that occur earlier in the evening and

spread to other parts of the body.


It is the most common side effect occurring with

long-term use (>3 months) of dopaminergic agents, and usually occurs 6 to 18 months

after therapy is initiated.

152 Doses of dopaminergic agents are often increased in

response; however, with each incremental dose increase, symptoms progress more

rapidly until they may occur continuously throughout the day.

152 Although

augmentation has been clinically recognized for many years, it has not been

systematically studied. The exact etiology is uncertain, but it likely relates to the

finding that RLS, unlike PD, is actually a hyperdopaminergic condition with an

apparent postsynaptic desensitization that overcompensates during the circadian low

point of dopaminergic activity in the evening and night. Adding dopamine in the

evening initially corrects the symptoms, but ultimately leads to increasing

postsynaptic desensitization.

The highest risk for augmentation is with levodopa. An estimated 50% to 85% of

patients on levodopa will develop augmentation, compared with only 20% to 30%

with dopamine agonists.

161 The primary treatment strategy for the management of

augmentation is to withdraw the dopaminergic agent and substitute this with

p. 1269

p. 1270

nondopaminergic agents. Given her presentation, J.J. should have her

carbidopa/levodopa discontinued. She should be counseled that her symptoms will

likely rebound severely for 48 to 72 hours, but approximately 4 to 7 days later her

symptoms should gradually return to baseline or pretreatment state.


With the discontinuation of carbidopa/levodopa in J.J., an alternative therapy

should be selected. The selection of an alternative agent in cases in which the initial

therapy failed or augmentation occurs must be approached on an individual basis.

Although a number of agents are available to choose from, clinical experience

generally guides the decision because lack of comparative trials precludes

development of any formal recommendations. Because J.J. describes increasing pain

with her RLS, it would be appropriate to initiate a trial of gabapentin encarbil or

pregabalin. If ineffective or not tolerated, J.J. could be prescribed an opiate to

manage her pain. Hydrocodone, oxycodone, methadone, codeine, and tramadol have

all been evaluated in RLS.

152 Risks associated with opiate use, including respiratory

depression and addiction, should be discussed in detail with J.J. prior to initiation.

Augmentation does not prevent a future reintroduction of dopaminergic therapy; in the

case of J.J., a dopamine agonist could be added after an extended dopaminergic free

period if her symptoms are not completely controlled with nondopaminergic agents

or if her symptoms were not painful.


Clinical Presentation

CASE 59-5

QUESTION 1: K.H. is a 52-year-old white female office manager who was referred to a neurologist for

evaluation of bilateral tremor. She is otherwise healthy and reports not taking any regularly prescribed

medications. She describes her tremor as being present mainly when she performs voluntary movements. The

tremor is not noticeable during rest. She also notices that the tremor seems to disappear in the evening after

drinking a couple of glasses of wine. The tremor interferes with several of her ADLs, including writing, eating,

drinking from a cup, and inserting her keys into the ignition. She reports mild interference with her job function

and some social embarrassment. No bradykinesia or rigidity is elicited on physical examination. A handwriting

sample reveals large characters that are difficult to decipher. Family history reveals that her maternal

grandmother and mother both had similar symptoms. What signs and symptoms are consistent with essential

tremor in K.H.?

Beginning in the mid-20th century, the term essential tremor (ET) has been

consistently used to describe a kinetic tremor for which no definite cause has been

established. ET is a common neurologic disorder with an estimated incidence of 616

cases/100,000 person-years, and a prevalence of about 0.9% to 4.6%.



163 Despite

its prevalence, it is underrecognized and undertreated, likely because it has been

traditionally viewed as a monosymptomatic disorder of little consequence. More

recently, it is recognized to be complex and progressive, resulting in significant

disability in ADLs and job performance, and social embarrassment.

162 Both the

incidence and prevalence of ET increase with age. In addition, ethnicity and family

history of ET are consistently identified risk factors; it is approximately 5 times more

common in whites than in blacks, and approximately 50% of patients report a

positive family history. The latter finding suggests that genetic predisposition may

play a role in ET; however, differences in intrafamilial onset and severity suggest

environmental factors may also influence underlying susceptibility to the disease.

Several environmental toxins have been proposed as causes of ET, including βcarboline alkaloids (e.g., harmane and harmine) and lead, both of which have been

found in elevated concentrations in patients with ET compared with normal control





Because parkinsonian tremor and ET are the most common forms of tremor

observed in practice, it is important to distinguish between the two because the

treatments differ substantially. Tremor should first be identified as either an action

(kinetic, postural, and isometric) or resting tremor. The defining feature of ET is a

bilateral, largely symmetrical, 5- to 10-Hz kinetic and postural tremor of the arms.

The tremor can also affect the head or voice. The symptoms must be present for

greater than 5 years and must not be attributable to other causes such as tremorogenic


165 Although both kinetic and postural action tremors can be present in ET and

PD, the presence of resting tremor is much more common in PD. Lack of resting

tremor and absence of bradykinesia or rigidity in K.H. suggest the tremor is not

parkinsonian. She describes interference of her tremor occurring with voluntary

movement, such as in her ADLs and drinking from a cup. Other signs and symptoms

that support a diagnosis of ET include her age, family history, large and tremulous

handwriting (as opposed to micrographia in PD), and improvement in tremor with

alcohol consumption. Table 59-7 summarizes the similarities and differences of ET

and parkinsonian tremor.

Table 59-7

Differentiation of Essential Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease (PD)

Characteristic Essential Tremor Parkinson’s Disease

Kinetic tremor in arms, hands, or head ++ ++

Hemibody (arm and leg) tremor 0 ++

Kinetic tremor > resting tremor ++ +

Resting tremor > kinetic tremor 0 ++

Rigidity or bradykinesia 0 ++

Postural instability 0 ++

Usual age of onset (years) 15–25, 45–55 55–65

Symmetry Bilateral Unilateral > bilateral

Family history of tremor +++ +

Response to alcohol +++ 0

Response to anticholinergics 0 ++

Response to levodopa 0 +++

Response to primidone +++ 0

Response to propranolol +++ +

Handwriting analysis Large, tremulous script Micrographia

0, not observed; +, rarely observed; ++, sometimes observed; +++, often observed.

p. 1270

p. 1271

Several medications and substances are known to cause tremor, and all patients

should have thorough medication history to rule out these causes. Medications

commonly implicated include corticosteroids, metoclopramide, valproate,

sympathomimetics (e.g., albuterol, amphetamines, pseudoephedrine), SSRIs, tricyclic

antidepressants, theophylline, and thyroid preparations.




In addition, caffeine,

tobacco, and chronic alcohol use can cause tremor that resembles ET. K.H. does not

report taking any regularly prescribed medications; however, she should be

questioned regarding any over-the-counter medication use as well as her alcohol use

and caffeine and smoking habits.

The diagnosis of ET is based solely on clinical examination and neurologic

history. Neuroimaging is not useful, and there are no available biologic markers or

diagnostic tests that are specific to ET. The evaluation of the tremor that K.H. is

experiencing should include laboratory analysis to rule out possible medical

conditions associated with tremor. Such conditions may include the presence of

hyperthyroidism or Wilson disease (particularly in patients younger than 40 years of






CASE 59-5, QUESTION 2: What therapies are effective in treating ET? How should K.H. be treated?

Patients with ET who have mild disability that does not cause functional

impairment or social embarrassment can go without treatment. Because K.H. is

experiencing tremor that is interfering with her occupation and causing social

embarrassment, she should be considered for pharmacotherapy (Table 59-8). It is

important to note that although effective treatments exist, tremor is rarely eliminated

completely. Factors predicting lack of response have not been readily identified.

Propranolol, a nonselective β-adrenergic receptor blocker, or primidone, an

anticonvulsant, is recommended as first-line agent to treat ET.



170 Propranolol is

typically effective in doses of at least 120 mg/day, with about 50% of patients having

long-lasting benefit.



171 Long-acting propranolol is as effective as the regularrelease formulation. Other beta-1 (β1

)-selective blockers such as atenolol and

metoprolol have also been studied, but with mixed findings.





171 Propranolol has

demonstrated greater efficacy than these β1

-selective agents, suggesting that blockade

o f β2

receptors is of importance. β-adrenergic receptor blockers with intrinsic

sympathomimetic activity, such as pindolol, appear ineffective in ET.

168–170 Caution

should be exercised with propranolol in patients with asthma, congestive heart

failure, diabetes mellitus, and atrioventricular block.

Table 59-8

Pharmacotherapy for Essential Tremor

Drug Initial Dose

Usual Therapeutic

Dose Adverse Effects


Propranolol 10 mg every day to BID 120–320 mg divided every

day to BID

Bradycardia, fatigue,

hypotension, depression,

exercise intolerance

Atenolol 12.5–25 mg every day 50–150 mg every day Bradycardia, fatigue,

hypotension, exercise


Nadolol 40 mg every day 120–240 mg every day Bradycardia, fatigue,

hypotension, exercise



Primidone 12.5 mg every day at


50–750 mg divided every

day to TID

Sedation, fatigue, nausea,

vomiting, ataxia, dizziness,

confusion, vertigo

Gabapentin 300 mg every day in

single or divided doses

1,200–3,600 mg divided


Nausea, drowsiness,

dizziness, unsteadiness,

weight gain, peripheral

edema, potential for abuse

Topiramate 25 mg every day 200–400 mg divided BID Appetite suppression,

weight loss, paresthesias,

concentration difficulties

Pregabalin 75 mg BID 75–300 mg divided BID Weight gain, dizziness,

drowsiness, potential for



Alprazolam 0.125 mg every day 0.75–3 mg divided TID Sedation, fatigue, ataxia,

dizziness, potential for


Clonazepam 0.25 mg every day 0.5–6 mg divided every

day to BID

Sedation, fatigue, ataxia,

dizziness, impaired

cognition, potential for



Botulinum toxin A Varies by injection site: 50–100 units/arm for hand

tremor; 40–400 units/neck for head tremor; 0.6–15

units/vocal cords for voice tremor; repeat no sooner

than every 3 months (extend as long as possible)

Hand weakness (with

wrist injection);

dysphagia, hoarseness,

breathiness (with neck or

vocal cord injection)

BID, 2 times daily; TID, 3 times daily.

p. 1271

p. 1272

Several studies have compared propranolol and primidone in ET, and they are

considered to have similar efficacy.

169–171 Primidone is metabolized to a

phenobarbital-based metabolite; however, phenobarbital is inferior to primidone in

treating ET.

171 Acute adverse effects of primidone include nausea, vomiting, and

ataxia, which can occur in up to one-fourth of patients, often limiting its use.


Primidone should be initiated at 12.5 mg/day and administered at bedtime to reduce

the occurrence of acute side effects. It can be titrated gradually as tolerated up to 750

mg/day in divided doses, although side effects become more common at doses

greater than 500 mg/day.


Other agents that have demonstrated variable efficacy in ET include gabapentin,

pregabalin, topiramate, and benzodiazepines (specifically, alprazolam and


170 They are generally considered to be less-proven, second-line

therapies. Adverse effects and potential for abuse should be considered when an

agent is selected.

If oral pharmacotherapy options for ET are not beneficial, intramuscular injections

of botulinum toxin A or surgical treatments can be used in selected patients.


Targeted botulinum toxin A injections can reduce hand, head, and voice tremor;

however, they are associated with focal weakness of the adjacent areas.


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