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Therefore, many health departments in the United States have adopted IGRAs as

screening tests for contact investigations.

106 The majority of people with a negative

IGRA after exposure to a person with active TB disease do not have TB infection;

however, the immune reaction to TB can take several weeks to develop so the IGRA

should be repeated 8 to 12 weeks after the last exposure to rule out infection.




Tuberculin skin testing is preferred for screening children younger than 5 years old.


Treatment of latent TB infection is effective in preventing active TB disease in

patients with a positive tuberculin skin test or IGRA result and in those at risk for

reactivation of active TB; therefore, it is strongly recommended.



23 Treatment

decreases the population of tubercle bacilli and reduces future morbidity from TB in

the groups at high risk for developing active disease. Because J.G. is infected with

M. tuberculosis but does not currently have active TB disease, she should be treated

for latent TB infection.

There are four approved regimens for the treatment of latent TB.





monotherapy prevents active TB in 90% of patients who complete a 9-month regimen

compared to 60% to 80% of patients who complete a 6-month regimen.

107 Therefore,

isoniazid 300 mg daily or 900 mg twice weekly for 9 months is preferred. The twiceweekly regimen should be administered by DOT to ensure patient adherence.

19 A 6-

month regimen is an acceptable alternative in patients who cannot complete 9 months

of therapy.

22 The benefits of treating latent TB infection outweigh the risks of

isoniazid-induced hepatitis because all persons infected with TB are at risk for

developing active disease throughout their lifetime. All patients receiving isoniazid

should receive pyridoxine 25 mg/day to minimize the risk of peripheral neuropathy.

Unfortunately, patient adherence to these isoniazid regimens is very poor. In a

population of patients beginning isoniazid treatment for latent TB, only 64% of

patients completed at least 6 months of therapy.

108 Younger age, Hispanic ethnicity,

and non-US country of birth were associated with greater likelihood of completing


108 Lower completion rates were associated with homelessness, excess

alcohol intake, and experiencing an adverse event.


In another study, 52.7% of

patients receiving treatment for latent TB infection failed to complete the prescribed

course of therapy.

109 More than 93% of these patients were receiving isoniazid. Risk

factors for failing to complete therapy included receipt of a 9-month isoniazid

regimen, residence in a congregate setting (nursing home, shelter, jail), injection drug

use, and employment at a healthcare facility.


In addition, this study reported that

employees at healthcare facilities were more likely to decline treatment for latent TB



Because of concerns for isoniazid toxicity and abysmal adherence rates, shorter

rifampin-based regimens may be utilized. Daily isoniazid plus rifampin for 3 months

and daily rifampin monotherapy for 4 months are acceptable alternatives to isoniazid






107 For the patients randomly assigned to receive daily rifampin for 4

months, 91% took 80% of the doses, and 86% took more than 90% of the doses at 20


110 For the patients randomly assigned to receive daily isoniazid for 9 months,

76% took 80% of the doses, and only 62% took more than 90% of the doses at 43


110 Discontinuation of therapy due to an adverse events was more common in

the isoniazid group (14%) versus the rifampin group (3%).

110 Another study reported

significantly fewer grade 3 to 4 adverse events and hepatitis and significantly higher

treatment completion rates with 4 months of rifampin compared with 9 months of


111 Rifampin for 4 months is an effective, safe, and cost-effective strategy to

consider when treating latent TB infection in selected populations of patients.


An attractive alternative for the treatment of latent TB infection is the combination

of isoniazid and rifapentine administered once weekly for 12 weeks.




In one study,

patients received either isoniazid 15 to 25 mg/kg (maximal dose 900 mg) plus

rifapentine 900 mg (with adjustments for patients weighing less than 50 kg) once

weekly for 12 weeks by DOT or isoniazid 5 mg/kg (maximal dose 300 mg) once

daily for 9 months.

115 Completion of therapy was significantly higher in the

isoniazid/rifapentine group (82% vs. 69%; p < 0.001). Overall, TB developed in 7

of 3986 patients receiving isoniazid/rifapentine and 15 of 3,745 patients receiving

isoniazid (hazard ratio 0.38 for the combination; 95% CI 0.15–0.99; p = 0.05).


Hepatotoxicity was higher in the isoniazid group (2.7% vs. 0.4%; p < 0.001),

whereas hypersensitivity reactions were higher in the combination group (3.8% vs.

0.5%; p < 0.001). Permanent drug discontinuation for any reason was higher in the

isoniazid group (31.0% vs. 17.9%; p < 0.001), but permanent drug discontinuation

due to an adverse event was higher in the combination group (4.9% vs. 3.7%; p =


115 The combination is recommended as an equal alternative to daily isoniazid

for 9 months in patient 12 years or older with a greater risk of developing active TB


116 These patients include those with recent exposure to a person with active

TB, conversion of the tuberculin skin test or IGRA from negative to positive, or

radiographic evidence of healed pulmonary TB. Isoniazid/rifapentine may also be

considered in patients unlikely to complete 9 months of isoniazid or in a setting

where the combination offers practical advantages (e.g., correctional facilities,

homeless shelters). The combination is not recommended in women who are pregnant

or who expect to become pregnant during treatment.

J.G. should be placed on isoniazid 300 mg/day or 900 mg twice weekly for at least

6 months and preferably up to 9 months, rifampin 600 mg for 4 months, or isoniazid

900 mg plus rifapentine 900 mg weekly for 12 weeks.





116 She should be educated

and questioned frequently about the clinical symptoms of hepatitis, such as GI

complaints. Pretreatment serum aminotransferases and bilirubin should be assessed

to rule out preexisting liver disease. The American Thoracic Society and the CDC do

not recommend routine monitoring of LFTs unless symptoms suggest hepatotoxicity.





CASE 68-2, QUESTION 2: J.G. is started on daily isoniazid. After 2 months of therapy, she presents to the

clinic complaining of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Liver function tests were ordered, and her aspartate

aminotransferase (AST) was 150 IU/L. Discuss the presentation, prognosis, and mechanism of isoniazidinduced hepatitis. What are the risk factors for developing hepatitis? Should isoniazid be discontinued to prevent

further liver damage?

Approximately 10% to 20% of patients treated with isoniazid alone for latent TB

infection will develop elevated serum aminotransferases, which are generally

transient and asymptomatic.



117 Most patients with mild, subclinical hepatic damage

do not progress to overt hepatitis and recover completely even while continuing

isoniazid. In contrast, continuation of isoniazid in patients with symptoms of hepatitis

increases the risk of mortality compared with immediate discontinuation.

33 The risk

of death from TB, however, is estimated to be 11 times higher than the risk of death

from isoniazid hepatotoxicity.


Isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity generally occurs within weeks to months of

initiating therapy; 60% of cases occur in the first 3 months and 80% occur in the first

6 months.

117 Constitutional

p. 1435

p. 1436

symptoms may be seen early and may last from days to months. Nausea, vomiting,

and abdominal pain are seen in 50% to 75% of patients with severe hepatotoxicity.


Jaundice, dark urine, and clay-colored stools may also be seen. Recovery may take

weeks after discontinuing isoniazid therapy. The development of isoniazid

hepatotoxicity has been linked to several factors, including acetylator phenotype, age,

daily alcohol consumption, and concurrent rifampin use. Additionally, women may

be at higher risk of death, especially during the postpartum period.


The mechanisms responsible for isoniazid hepatotoxicity remain unclear.

Previously, it was thought that rapid acetylators had a greater risk for isoniazid

hepatotoxicity than slow acetylators. Rapid acetylators of isoniazid form

monoacetylhydrazine, a compound that can cause liver damage, more rapidly than

slow acetylators.

119 Rapid acetylators, however, would eliminate

monoacetylhydrazine at a faster rate, and this should equalize the risk of toxicity

between slow and fast acetylators.

120 One study demonstrated a different incidence of

hepatitis between Asian men and women. Because both groups were fast acetylators,

this study suggests that hepatitis is associated with factors other than acetylator


121 Some evidence supports the theory that isoniazid-induced hepatitis is a

hypersensitivity reaction; however, many patients tolerate isoniazid on rechallenge,

discounting this theory.




Age and concurrent daily alcohol ingestion are the most consistent risk factors for

isoniazid hepatitis.

66 Progressive liver damage is rare in persons younger than 20

years of age. It occurs in approximately 0.3% of persons between the ages of 20 and

34 years, 1.2% of those between the ages of 35 and 49 years, and 2.3% of persons

older than 50 years of age.

66 One prospective cohort study, however, demonstrated a

low incidence of isoniazid hepatitis. Of 11,141 patients receiving isoniazid alone for

the treatment of latent TB infection, only 11 (0.1% of those starting and 0.15% of

those completing therapy) developed clinical hepatitis.

124 Previous studies suggested

a higher incidence of clinical hepatitis in patients receiving isoniazid alone, and a

meta-analysis of six studies estimated the rate to be 0.6%.

33 However, severe

hepatotoxicity may occur with isoniazid treatment of latent TB infection. The CDC

reported 17 severe hepatic adverse events with isoniazid in 15 adults and 2 children

(ages 11 and 14 years).

125 Five patients, including one child, underwent liver

transplantation, and five adults died (including one liver transplant patient).

High-risk patients should be followed with routine monitoring of LFTs. These

patients include those who consume alcohol daily, persons older than 35 years of

age, those taking other hepatotoxic drugs, those with preexisting liver disease,

intravenous drug users, black and Hispanic women, and all postpartum women. In

these high-risk patients, isoniazid should be discontinued if the AST level exceeds 3

to 5 times the upper limit of the normal value.

66 Because J.G. is experiencing nausea,

vomiting, and abdominal pain and her AST is greater than 3 times the upper range of

the normal value, isoniazid should be discontinued temporarily until the AST returns

to normal. At that time, isoniazid should be resumed, and her LFTs rechecked. If the

AST increases again, the drug should be discontinued, and J.G. should be followed

frequently for development of active TB.

CASE 68-3

QUESTION 1: C.M., an 80-kg, 35-year-old woman, is being treated for active TB disease with isoniazid 1,200

mg and rifampin 600 mg twice weekly. Is 1,200 mg of isoniazid twice weekly an appropriate dose for a 80-kg

patient? What isoniazid side effects, other than hepatotoxicity, should be anticipated?

The usual twice-weekly isoniazid dose is 15 mg/kg, with a maximal dose of 900

mg. Even though she weighs 80 kg, C.M. should be receiving no more than 900 mg

rather than 1,200 mg of isoniazid. Although high doses or increased serum

concentrations have not been linked with hepatitis, elevated serum isoniazid

concentrations have been associated with increased central nervous system (CNS)

events, ranging from somnolence to psychosis and seizure. GI complaints are also

more commonly observed at doses greater than 20 mg/kg.


Although uncommon at the recommended daily and intermittent doses, isoniazid can

cause a peripheral neuropathy by interfering with pyridoxine (vitamin B6





48 As many as 20% of patients may experience this problem with

isoniazid doses greater than 6 mg/kg/day. Numbness or tingling in the feet or hands is

the most common neuropathic symptom. In patients with medical conditions in which

neuropathy is common, including diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, HIV infection,

malnutrition, and renal failure, supplemental pyridoxine 25 mg/day should be given

with isoniazid.



48 Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding and persons with

seizure disorders should also receive supplemental pyridoxine with isoniazid.



Allergic reactions consisting of arthralgias, skin rash, swelling of the tongue, and

fever have also been reported. Isoniazid has been associated with arthritic symptoms

and systemic lupus erythematosus; approximately 20% of patients receiving isoniazid

develop antinuclear antibodies.

33 Other less common reactions reported with

isoniazid are dry mouth, epigastric distress, CNS stimulation and depression,

psychoses, hemolytic anemia, pyridoxine-responsive anemia, and agranulocytosis.



Isoniazid is a relatively potent inhibitor of several cytochrome P450 isoenzymes

(CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2E1), but has minimal effects on CYP3A.



inhibits the hepatic metabolism of phenytoin and carbamazepine, resulting in

increased plasma concentrations of these drugs. Patients receiving either of these two

drugs with isoniazid should be observed for signs of phenytoin or carbamazepine

toxicity, such as nystagmus, ataxia, headache, nausea, or drowsiness. Plasma

phenytoin and carbamazepine concentrations should be monitored periodically so

that the doses can be adjusted if necessary. Carbamazepine also may induce isoniazid

hepatitis by inducing its metabolism to toxic metabolites.


In addition, isoniazid

inhibits the metabolism of diazepam and triazolam. It is important to note that

rifampin has the exact opposite effect on hepatic metabolism. Rifampin is a stronger

inducer than isoniazid is an inhibitor as documented by the fact that isoniazid–

rifampin combination therapy induces the metabolism of diazepam, phenytoin, and

other agents metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system.




CASE 68-3, QUESTION 2: One month after beginning her twice-weekly DOT regimen, C.M. exhibited

symptoms of myalgias, malaise, and anorexia. Laboratory data were normal except for a slightly decreased

platelet count. Could C.M.’s symptoms be related to her drug therapy? What adverse reactions other than

hepatotoxicity should be anticipated in a patient receiving rifampin?

A flu-like syndrome has been reported in 1% of patients receiving intermittent

rifampin administration. This syndrome is rarely seen with usual doses of 600 mg

twice weekly, but the incidence increases

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p. 1437

with twice-weekly doses greater than 900 mg. The incidence also increases if the

dosing interval is increased to 1 week or longer.



129 Unless the symptoms are

severe, discontinuation of the drug is unnecessary. Because C.M. is receiving

rifampin 900 mg twice weekly, her dose should be reduced to 600 mg and

administered daily until the symptoms subside. Temporary administration of a

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug has been used to alleviate the flu-like symptoms.

Twice-weekly therapy may then be resumed as long as the dose of rifampin dose

does not exceed 600 mg.


Rifampin (rifapentine) is associated with a less than 1% rate of hepatotoxicity.

Therefore, the risk of drug-induced hepatotoxicity is greater with isoniazid than with

rifampin. On occasion, rifampin can cause hepatocellular injury and potentiate

hepatotoxicity of other antituberculosis drugs.

117 Although elevations of liver

enzymes may be seen, rifampin is more likely to produce cholestasis, as manifested

by increases in alkaline phosphatase and hyperbilirubinemia without hepatocellular


117 Elevations of all liver function tests may be seen transiently during the first

month of rifampin therapy, but they are usually benign.



Thrombocytopenia is more frequently associated with intermittent or interrupted

rifampin administration, likely caused by production of immunoglobulin G and

immunoglobulin M antibodies to rifampin. These antibodies likely fix complement

onto platelets, resulting in platelet destruction. Hypothetically, intermittent or

interrupted rifampin therapy results in increased antibody production. Once

thrombocytopenia occurs with rifampin, its subsequent use is contraindicated

because the problem will likely recur.





In addition to the side effects associated with high-dose, intermittent therapy, 3% to

4% of patients taking normal doses of rifampin may experience adverse reactions.


The most common of these are nausea, vomiting, fever, and rash. Other reactions to

rifampin include the hepatorenal syndrome hemolysis, leukopenia, anemia, and

arthralgias as part of a suspected drug-induced lupus syndrome.



132 Development of

these latter reactions requires discontinuation of the drug.


Acute renal failure has been reported rarely with rifampin.

33 This hypersensitivity

reaction may occur with both intermittent and daily administration and may last as

long as 12 months.

128 Rifampin should be discontinued, and other drugs (e.g.,

pyrazinamide and ethambutol) should be given. Doses of ethambutol and

pyrazinamide should be adjusted for renal dysfunction, if necessary. Both rifampin

and isoniazid may, however, be given in normal dosages to patients with preexisting

renal failure.





Another important characteristic of rifampin relates to its chemical makeup. It is an

orange-red crystalline powder that is distributed widely in body fluids. As a result, it

can discolor saliva, tears, urine, sweat, and cerebrospinal fluid.

33 Patients using

rifampin should be warned of this effect and cautioned not to use soft contact lenses

because of possible discoloration. This effect may also be used to monitor adherence

to rifampin therapy.


Rifampin is a very potent inducer of cytochrome P450 CYP3A4 and also induces

other cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, including CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2B6,

CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A5.





136 Rifampin induces phase 2

drug-metabolizing enzymes (e.g., UDP-glucuronyltransferases, sulfotransferases) and

expression of transporter proteins (e.g., P-glycoprotein, multiple drug resistance

protein 2, organic anion-transporting polypeptide).

135 Complete induction of these

isoenzymes and transport proteins occurs approximately 1 week after starting

rifampin and returns to baseline approximately 2 weeks after discontinuing the


135 Rifamycins differ in their ability to induce cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, in

which rifampin is the most potent, rifapentine is intermediate, and rifabutin is the

least potent enzyme inducer.

33 Rifampin increases the metabolism of protease

inhibitors, certain non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs),

macrolide antibiotics, azole antifungal agents, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives,

warfarin, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, theophylline, phenytoin, quinidine, diazepam,

propranolol, metoprolol, sulfonylureas, verapamil, nifedipine, diltiazem, enalapril,

and simvastatin.



127 Although the patient is receiving rifampin, it may be necessary

to monitor serum concentrations of the aforementioned drugs, when appropriate, or

increase their dosages. Also, women who are taking rifampin and oral contraceptives

should use an alternative method of birth control. When treating any patient with

rifampin, the healthcare professional should carefully evaluate all concomitant

medications for the possibility of drug–drug interactions.



CASE 68-3, QUESTION 3: Will the combination of isoniazid and rifampin increase the risk of hepatotoxicity

in C.M. to a greater extent than either drug alone?

Some initial evidence suggested that the concomitant use of isoniazid and rifampin

was associated with a greater incidence of hepatotoxicity. The mechanism was

thought to be attributable to rifampin induction of the metabolism of isoniazid to

either monoacetylhydrazine or to other hepatotoxic products of hydrolysis. Steele et


123 performed a meta-analysis reviewing the incidence of hepatitis using regimens

that contained isoniazid without rifampin, rifampin without isoniazid, and regimens

containing both drugs. They found the incidence of clinical hepatitis was greater in

regimens containing both isoniazid and rifampin (2.7%) versus regimens of isoniazid

alone (1.6%), but this effect was additive, not synergistic, and therefore expected.


The use of the two drugs together, therefore, is not contraindicated, but caution

should be used in high-risk groups such as the elderly, alcoholics, those receiving

concomitant hepatotoxic agents, and those with preexisting liver disease.




CASE 68-4

QUESTION 1: S.E., a 65-year-old woman, was placed on isoniazid 300 mg/day, rifampin 600 mg/day,

pyrazinamide 1,500 mg/day, and ethambutol 1,200 mg/day for initial treatment of active pulmonary TB. Two

months after the initiation of therapy, she began to complain of blurred vision. A routine eye examination and

visual field tests yielded a diagnosis of optic neuritis. No evidence was seen of glaucoma, cataracts, or retinal

damage. Laboratory tests were within normal limits except for an elevated serum uric acid (9.7 mg/dL) and a

slightly elevated serum creatinine (1.6 mg/dL). No symptoms of joint pain were associated with the elevated

serum uric acid, and there was no history of gout. Her estimated creatinine clearance based on her weight of 65

kg was 36 mL/minute. Could the visual problem and increased uric acid levels be related to her medications?

p. 1437

p. 1438

S.E.’s decrease in visual acuity is compatible with ethambutol-induced optic

neuritis. This condition is characterized by central scotomas, loss of red-green color

vision, or less commonly, a peripheral vision defect. The intensity of these ocular

effects is related to the duration of continued therapy after decreased visual acuity is

first noted. Optic neuritis is related to both dose and duration, and it rarely occurs at

doses of 15 mg/kg.

137–139 The incidence is estimated to be 6% for doses of 25 mg/kg

and increases to 15% for doses in excess of 35 mg/kg. Recovery, which may take

months, is usually, but not always, complete when the drug is discontinued.

Optic neuritis manifested in S.E. is probably caused by the use of an increased

ethambutol dose (18.5 mg/kg) in a patient with impaired renal function. Because

ethambutol adds no additional benefit to isoniazid and rifampin after the first 2

months for susceptible organisms, it can be discontinued. Ethambutol is excreted by

the kidney (50%–80%), and her ethambutol dosing interval should have been

increased based on the decline in creatinine clearance.

133 Her visual acuity should be

monitored closely through periodic eye examinations, and she should be instructed to

contact her physician immediately if she experiences any further visual changes.

S.E.’s elevated serum uric acid also may be attributed to her ethambutol as well as

a decline in her renal function, but it is more likely caused by pyrazinamide, which

decreases the tubular secretion of urate.

102 Asymptomatic hyperuricemia secondary to

drugs usually does not require treatment.


The Elderly


CASE 68-5

QUESTION 1: G.H., a 75-year-old, 80-kg man who resides in a nursing home, becomes disoriented, refuses

to eat, and has a productive cough. Physical examination reveals a thin man with slight difficulty breathing.

Laboratory findings are essentially normal with the exception of a slightly elevated blood urea nitrogen of 25

mg/dL and serum creatinine of 1.3 mg/dL. Chest radiography reveals infiltrates in the right lower lobe. He has a

history of congestive heart failure, which is well controlled. Blood, urine, and sputum samples are sent for

culture and susceptibility testing. The initial Gram stain is negative. Because the nursing home has recently had

two cases of active TB, a PPD skin test and sputum smear for AFB are ordered. The PPD skin test induration

is 16 mm, and the sputum smear is positive for AFB. G.H.’s admission skin test several months ago was

negative. Discuss the presentation of TB in the elderly, and the appropriate treatment of active disease in G.H.

Is the incidence of drug side effects higher in the elderly? Should other patients in close contact with G.H.

receive isoniazid therapy?

In 2014, the overall case rate of TB in adults 64 years or older was higher than all

other age-groups (4.8/100,000 population).

10 Similar to other age-groups, the case

rate for persons 64 years or older has declined every year since 1993 when the case

rate was 17.7/100,000 population.


In 2014, 2.2% of TB cases were reported in

residents of long-term care facilities,

10 and the case rate for nursing home residents is

1.8 times higher than that for elderly persons living in the community.

140 Active TB

disease in the elderly has been attributed to decreased immune function followed by

reactivation of an earlier infection, but active disease is a common, endemic

infection in nursing home patients with no previous immunity (negative skin test) to

M. tuberculosis.



141 The incidence of positive tuberculin skin tests increases after

patients have been in the nursing home longer than 1 month. Therefore, all patients

entering a nursing home should be tested with 5 TU of PPD. If the initial test is

negative and a source case is present in the nursing home (as illustrated by this case),

this test should be repeated in 1 month. The rate of tuberculin skin test conversion

(from negative to positive tests) in this population is approximately 5%. If these

recent converters are not treated with isoniazid, approximately 17% will develop

progressive pulmonary TB.



Diagnosis of active TB in elderly patients is difficult because classic symptoms of

cough, fever, night sweats, and weight loss are often absent, and elderly patients may

describe their symptoms poorly. The chest radiograph and PPD skin test may be the

only signs of TB infection.



142 Frequently, the chest radiograph is atypical,

resembling pneumonia or worsening heart failure. Chest radiographs in the elderly

are less likely to reveal upper lobe infiltration; however, more commonly they will

show extensive infiltration of both lungs.


If the patient’s clinical disease is caused

by reactivation, the chest radiograph often shows apical infiltrates or nodules. If the

disease is progressing from an initial infection, as in the case of G.H., lower lobe

infiltrates may be present.

140 TB in this population may present clinically with

changes in activities of daily living, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, anorexia,

or unexplained low-grade fever. Nonspecific signs and symptoms that range in

severity from subacute to chronic and that persist for weeks to months must alert

clinicians to the possibility that unrecognized TB is present.

144 Sputum examination

for M. tuberculosis, and AFB smear and culture should be performed in all patients,

including the elderly.


The principles of TB treatment are the same for the elderly as for any other agegroup.



140 Because G.H. has clinical symptoms of a respiratory infection, positive

sputum smears for AFB, and a positive tuberculin skin test, he should be treated with

a four-drug regimen for active TB disease. Most TB cases in elderly patients are

caused by drug-susceptible strains of M. tuberculosis; however, notable exceptions

would be older patients who are from a country or region where the prevalence of

drug-resistant strains is high, persons who have been inadequately treated in the past,

or persons who acquired the infection from a recent contact known to be infected

with drug-resistant M. tuberculosis.

144 G.H.’s drug regimen should include isoniazid

300 mg, rifampin 600 mg, pyrazinamide 2,000 mg, and ethambutol 1,600 mg daily for

8 weeks followed by isoniazid and rifampin daily or 2 to 3 times a week for 16

weeks (DOT). Another option might be isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and

ethambutol daily for 2 weeks, followed by twice weekly for 6 weeks, then isoniazid

and rifampin twice weekly for 16 weeks.

144 Some clinicians prefer treating the

elderly with 9-month regimens of isoniazid and rifampin. G.H. should also receive

pyridoxine 10 to 50 mg with each dose.



Although isoniazid hepatitis is more common in elderly patients, both isoniazid and

rifampin are generally well tolerated within this age-group, with major hematologic

or hepatic side effects occurring in 3% to 4% of patients.

145 Therefore, serum

aminotransferases should be assessed at baseline, and G.H. should be observed

monthly for clinical signs of hepatitis. As discussed earlier, routine monitoring of

LFTs remains controversial because transient, asymptomatic elevations do occur

among the elderly.


Although uncommon at 600 mg, rifampin given twice weekly may cause a greater

incidence of flu-like symptoms. Because potential drug interactions with isoniazid

and rifampin are possible, any medication added to the patient’s regimen should be


p. 1438

p. 1439

evaluated. Considering that G.H. has age-related decreased renal function, signs of

ethambutol-induced visual dysfunction should be monitoring carefully.


Treatment of elderly patients with positive tuberculin skin tests but no active TB

disease with isoniazid 300 mg daily for 6 to 9 months is essential if a source case is

present in the nursing home. Stead et al.


reported only one case of active disease in

patients receiving therapy for latent TB infection compared with 69 cases in

untreated patients. In patients with recently converted skin tests, one patient in the

group receiving isoniazid therapy had active disease compared with 45 who

received no treatment.

142 Daily rifampin for 4 months or weekly isoniazid plus

rifapentine for 12 weeks are also acceptable regimens in the elderly.




Multidrug-Resistant Organisms


CASE 68-6

QUESTION 1: M.S., an ill-appearing 29-year-old Asian man, is admitted to the hospital with signs and

symptoms of pneumonia. He is coughing, and his chest radiograph indicates bilateral infiltrates. He is placed in

respiratory isolation pending the results of sputum testing for M. tuberculosis. He states that he was diagnosed

with TB approximately 3 months ago, and treatment was initiated with isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and

ethambutol. However, he stopped taking his medication after 1 month. An HIV test was performed 3 months

ago, which was negative. What is the likelihood of acquired drug resistance in M. tuberculosis?

In the United States, isoniazid resistance was 18.9% and resistance to both

isoniazid and rifampin was 7.1% in patients with previous TB in 2014.

10 Resistance

i n M. tuberculosis is either primary or acquired. Primary drug resistance occurs

when a patient harbors a resistant strain before any drugs have been administered.

Acquired drug resistance occurs when resistant subpopulations are selected as a

result of treatment errors, such as addition of a single drug to a failing regimen,

inadequate primary regimen, failure to recognize resistance, and, most importantly,

nonadherence to the prescribed regimen. Sporadic ingestion, inadequate dosages, or

malabsorption of medications can cause susceptible M. tuberculosis strains to

become resistant to multiple drugs within a few months.



147 These resistant

organisms can then be transmitted to persons who have never received treatment and

lead to primary resistance in those patients.

M.S. is a foreign-born person of Asian ethnicity and may have primary resistance

from his country of origin, making a detailed exposure history essential for the

treatment of his infection. M.S. is also an example of the problem of treatment failure

caused by nonadherence and the potential development of drug-resistant organisms.

Homelessness and lack of awareness of the severity of TB have been shown to be

significantly associated with interruptions in TB therapy.

148 Therefore, educational

efforts to improve a patient’s understanding of TB disease are critical for

appropriate treatment of the disease.

Many factors can affect the outcome of therapy for MDR-TB, including HIV status,

treatment adherence, the number of drugs to which the tubercle bacilli remain

susceptible, and the time since the first diagnosis of TB.


In one study, all 11

patients who were HIV positive died during observation.


In another study, 77% of

patients with MDR-TB had sputum cultures convert to negative in a median time of

60 days (range, 4–462 days), but 23% of patients never converted to negative


151 Of the patients who converted, 60% converted after 4 months of


151 Predictors of a longer time for sputum culture conversion were high initial

sputum colony counts, bilateral cavitation on chest radiograph, previous treatment of

MDR-TB, and the number of drugs the initial isolate was resistant to at the beginning

of therapy.


CASE 68-6, QUESTION 2: Can M.S. be cured by drug therapy, and if so, how should he be treated?

Because his recent HIV test was negative, M.S. has a higher probability of

treatment success. In HIV-negative patients, 32 (97%) of 33 patients with MDR-TB

were cured, and these patients received an average of five second-line drugs.

150 Only

one relapse occurred 5 years after treatment.

150 Therefore, M.S.’s current regimen

should be re-evaluated, drug susceptibility testing should be determined, and the

patient should be referred to a specialist or consultation at a specialized treatment


33 Molecular drug resistance testing should be performed to evaluate

resistance to rifampin, which is a reliable surrogate for MDR-TB. Standard

susceptibility testing methods should be performed for the other agents, although

results may not be available for several weeks. If the rapid molecular test detects the

presence of mutations to rifampin, the patient should then begin therapy for MDR-TB.

However, there is no standard treatment regimen for MDR-TB. When revising a

treatment regimen, at least three previously unused drugs to which the organism is

susceptible should be used, and one of these agents should be injectable.

33 A new

regimen should contain at least four drugs, possibly more, depending on disease

severity and resistance pattern. Treatment should be given by DOT, and the

recommended duration is 18 to 24 months.



149 However, only 40% of patients with

MDR-TB complete a full 18 to 24 months of therapy.


The efficacy of a standardized treatment regimen for a shorter duration of therapy

was evaluated in patients with documented MDR-TB.

153 The study population

consisted of 427 patients with a mean age of 34 years, 81.5% had bilateral disease

on chest radiograph, and patients had exhibited TB for approximately 30 months on

average. The mean body mass index was 16.1 kg/m2

, indicating severe emaciation.

The intensive phase consisted of three or more months of therapy with six to seven

agents, and doses were based on body weight.

153 Daily ofloxacin and gatifloxacin

doses were 400, 600, and 800 mg for body weights less than 33 kg, 33 to 50 kg, and

greater than 50 kg, respectively.

153 The most effective treatment regimen required a

minimum of 9 months of therapy with gatifloxacin, clofazimine, ethambutol, and

pyrazinamide throughout the treatment period with the addition of high-dose

isoniazid, prothionamide, and kanamycin for a minimum of 4 months during the

intensive phase. Among 206 patients receiving this regimen, the relapse-free cure

rate was 87.9%. The most common adverse events with this regimen were vomiting

(21.4%), diminished hearing acuity (6.3%), dysglycemia (3.9%), and ataxia


153 These results suggest that it may be possible to adequately treat patients

with MDR-TB with shorter courses of therapy. However, prothionamide and

kanamycin are unavailable in the United States.

Fluoroquinolones are active against mycobacteria, including M. tuberculosis, and

they penetrate rapidly into macrophages and exhibit intracellular mycobactericidal


149 Fluoroquinolones inhibit DNA gyrase in M. tuberculosis, but the other

molecular target of these agents, topoisomerase IV, is absent.

149 Ciprofloxacin,

ofloxacin, and levofloxacin have been used long term for the treatment of

mycobacterial infections and were well tolerated with few serious adverse




155 Limited data suggest that moxifloxacin is an acceptable option in the

treatment of MDR-TB.

156 Selection of fluoroquinolone resistance has been observed

in vivo, and complete cross-resistance within the class is the accepted rule.

149 Other

second-line medications used for MDR-TB include p-aminosalicylic acid,

cycloserine, ethionamide, and capreomycin. These agents are associated with

numerous side effects and should not be prescribed without the guidance of an expert

in the treatment of MDR-TB.

p. 1439

p. 1440

Bedaquiline was FDA-approved in late 2012 as part of combination therapy with

at least three or four other drugs in adults with pulmonary MDR-TB when other

alternatives are not available. Bedaquiline is a novel drug that inhibits mycobacterial

adenosine 5′-triphosphate synthase, thereby inhibiting energy production in M.


157 The drug is available in 100 mg tablets, and the recommended dosage

is 400 mg daily for 2 weeks followed by 200 mg thrice weekly for 22 weeks.


Bioavailability of bedaquiline is increased twofold when administered with food,

and each dose should be administered by DOT.

157 Bedaquiline is metabolized by

CYP3A4, and it is recommended to avoid concomitant administration of bedaquiline

with moderate (e.g., efavirenz) and strong (e.g., rifamycins) CYP3A4 inducers.

Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors may increase systemic exposure and adverse events of

bedaquiline, and use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors for more than 14 consecutive days

should be avoided while the patient is receiving bedaquiline.

157 Bedaquiline can

cause QT prolongation, and additive prolongation may occur with other drugs known

to prolong the QT interval.

Bedaquiline received accelerated FDA approval based on the surrogate marker of

time to sputum culture conversion in phase 2 studies. In the first study, 47 patients

with MDR-TB received bedaquiline or placebo added to a preferred background

regimen of kanamycin, ofloxacin, ethionamide, pyrazinamide, and cycloserine or

terizidone for 8 weeks.

158 After 8 weeks, the background regimen was continued for a

total of 96 weeks. Time to sputum culture conversion was significantly reduced in the

bedaquiline group, and sputum cultures were negative in 48% of patients in the

bedaquiline group compared to 9% in the placebo group at 8 weeks.

158 After 24

weeks, 81% of patients in the bedaquiline group had negative sputum cultures

compared to 65.2% in the placebo group.

159 However, after 104 weeks, treatment

success was achieved in 52.4% and 47.8% of patients in the bedaquiline and placebo

groups, respectively.


In the second study, 160 patients with pulmonary MDR-TB received either

placebo or bedaquiline 400 mg daily for 2 weeks followed by 200 mg thrice weekly

for 22 weeks with the same background regimen described previously.

160 After 24

weeks, patients continued the background regimen for a total of 18 to 24 months. The

median time to sputum culture conversion was 83 days in the bedaquiline group

compared to 125 days in the placebo group (p < 0.001).

160 Compared to placebo,

significantly more patients in the bedaquiline group had negative cultures at 24 weeks

(79% vs. 62%, p = 0.008) and at 120 weeks (62% vs. 44%, p = 0.04).

160 However,

mortality was significantly higher in patients receiving bedaquiline (13% vs. 2%, p =



Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection


CASE 68-7

QUESTION 1: F.R. is a 32-year-old man who presents to the emergency department complaining of mild

pleuritic chest pain and a productive cough. He also has experienced weight loss, fatigue, and night sweats for

the past 3 weeks. On questioning, F.R. states that he is bisexual and frequently engages in unprotected sex.

Chest radiography reveals bilateral interstitial infiltrates. Sputum samples are ordered, and the workup includes

AFB smear and culture. A PPD skin test is placed, and an HIV test is ordered. The results of the AFB smear

and HIV test are positive, and the induration from the PPD is 6 mm. A CD4


count is ordered, which is 150

cells/μL. What are the clinical manifestations of active TB in patients infected with HIV? How effective is skin

testing in the diagnosis of TB infection in patients infected with HIV? What diagnostic tests should be

performed in F.R.?

HIV infection is an important risk factor for active TB disease because HIV infects

and destroys CD4

+ cells, leading to impaired cell-mediated immunity. The

immunodeficiency allows for rapid development of active TB disease in a person

who is infected with M. tuberculosis. TB is a common opportunistic infection in

persons infected with HIV, but unlike other opportunistic infections in this

population, CD4

+ cell count is not a reliable predictor for risk for TB disease.


Active TB disease can occur at any CD4

+ cell count, but the risk increases as a

patient’s immunodeficiency progresses.


Common symptoms of active disease (productive cough, fever, sweats, weight

loss, fatigue) may be present in HIV-infected individuals, but the clinical

manifestations of TB depend on the severity of the immunodeficiency at the time of

presentation. TB in an HIV-infected person will clinically resemble TB in an HIVuninfected person if the immunodeficiency is less severe (CD4

+ count >350




161 The disease will primarily be limited to the lungs in these patients,

and upper lobe involvement with or without cavitation will be seen on chest

radiography. However, the findings on chest radiography are markedly different in

patients with advanced HIV disease. Lower lobe, middle lobe, interstitial, and

miliary infiltrates are common, whereas cavitation is seen infrequently.




In these

patients, TB may be difficult to distinguish from other HIV-related pulmonary

opportunistic infections (Pneumocystis jiroveci, M. avium complex), and TB should

be ruled out in any HIV-infected patient with pulmonary symptoms. Patients with

advanced HIV disease may also have normal chest radiographs but still have positive

sputum smears for AFB and positive cultures for M. tuberculosis.

161 Therefore, a

normal chest radiograph does not exclude the possibility of active TB disease.

Extrapulmonary TB is more common in HIV-infected persons with CD4

+ counts less

than 200 cells/μL.



161 Because of F.R.’s clinical presentation and positive HIV test,

a high index of suspicion and diagnostic workup for active TB are appropriate.

A PPD skin test should be placed on HIV-infected patients with suspected TB

infection, but sensitivity and specificity of skin testing are poor in patients with HIV

infection. Only about 30% to 50% of patients with AIDS and TB will respond to a

PPD skin test with an induration greater than 10 mm. Therefore, an induration of 5

mm or more is considered to be a positive reaction in this population.



161 F.R.’s

reaction of 6 mm to the tuberculin skin test should be considered positive.

Theoretically, the sensitivity and specificity of IGRAs are also limited in patients

with HIV infection because the tests depend on adequately functioning CD4

+ cells. In

a study of 294 HIV-infected subjects, indeterminate results were more likely to occur

in subjects with a CD4

+ count less than 100 cells/μL compared with those with a


+ count of 100 cells/μL or more.

162 Additional studies found only 64% sensitivity

for detection of active TB disease, and false-negative results occurred in

approximately 25% of HIV-infected patients with documented pulmonary TB.




These studies suggest that IGRAs should not be used alone to exclude active TB in

this population.

The diagnostic workup for HIV-infected persons is similar to that for HIVuninfected persons. Chest radiography and sputum samples for AFB smear and

culture of three sputum specimens should be obtained.



165 NAA tests can be used to

assist in evaluation of HIV-infected persons with positive AFB smears, and a

positive NAA result in a patient who is AFB smear positive likely represents active




161 Drug susceptibility testing for all first-line agents should be performed on

the initial isolate for all patients, and testing should be repeated if sputum cultures

remain positive after 4 months of treatment or become positive after at least 1 month

of negative cultures.

161 Susceptibility testing of second-line agents should be limited

to specimens from patients who have received prior therapy, are contacts of perso

with drug-resistant TB disease, have demonstrated resistance to rifampin or other

first-line agents, have positive cultures after

p. 1440

p. 1441

3 months of therapy, or are from regions with a high prevalence of MDR-TB or


166 Molecular drug resistance tests may also be used to yield faster results.

Patients with symptoms of extrapulmonary TB should undergo needle aspiration or

tissue biopsy of skin lesions, lymph nodes, or pericardial or pleural fluid, and blood

cultures for AFB should be obtained.


CASE 68-7, QUESTION 2: What is the preferred treatment regimen for TB in F.R.?

Given his symptoms and positive AFB smear, F.R. should be started on multipledrug therapy for treatment of active TB disease. DOT is recommended for all

patients with HIV-related TB.





161 F.R.’s treatment plan should be based on

completion of the total number of doses ingested rather than the duration of therapy.

Principles and recommendations for treatment of TB in HIV-infected adults are

similar to those for HIV-uninfected adults, with a notable exception (Table 68-2).

The initial 8-week treatment phase in F.R. should include isoniazid, rifampin or

rifabutin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol administered daily by DOT (7 days/week for

56 doses or 5 days/week for 40 doses).



65 However, twice- or thrice-weekly dosing

regimens during the intensive phase have been associated with increased risk of

treatment failure or relapse with acquired rifamycin resistance; therefore, intermittent

dosing regimens are no longer recommended during the intensive phase.

161 F.R.

should also receive supplemental pyridoxine. After the initial phase, if no drug

resistance is evident on susceptibility or molecular testing, F.R. can be treated with

isoniazid and rifampin (or rifabutin) daily or 2 to 3 times a week by DOT for a

minimum of 26 weeks.

65 Although not applicable to F.R. because his CD4

+ cell count

is 150 cells/μL, it should be noted that twice-weekly continuation therapy with

isoniazid and rifampin or isoniazid and rifabutin is not recommended for HIVinfected patients with a CD4

+ count less than 100 cells/μL because of an increased

frequency of acquired rifamycin resistance.







168 Twice-weekly administration in

the continuation phase may be considered in F.R. because his CD4

+ count is greater

than 100 cells/μL, but the data supporting this recommendation are limited (Table





In addition, the once-weekly continuation regimen of isoniazid and

rifapentine is contraindicated in HIV-infected patients because of a high rate of

relapse with organisms that have acquired resistance to the rifamycins.




A randomized clinical study evaluated the efficacy of 6 months and 9 months of

fully intermittent therapy in HIV-infected patients with TB.

169 All patients received 2

months of isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, and then patients were

randomly assigned to receive either 4 months (n = 167) or 7 months (n = 160) of

isoniazid and rifampin. Throughout the study duration, doses were administered

thrice weekly. The median viral load was 155,000 copies/mL, and the median CD4


cell count was 160 cells/μL. Favorable clinical response was similar between the

two groups; however, bacteriologic recurrence occurred significantly less frequently

in the 9-month group compared with the 6-month group (7% vs. 15%; p < 0.05).


These data may provide support for 9 months of therapy if a fully intermittent regimen

is prescribed for TB therapy in HIV-infected patients.

CASE 68-7, QUESTION 3: How should TB therapy be monitored in F.R.?

If F.R. had cavitary disease on chest radiography or if cultures are positive after 2

months of therapy, treatment with isoniazid and rifampin or rifabutin should be

continued to complete a total of 9 months of therapy. If F.R. was suspected of having

extrapulmonary disease caused by drug-susceptible strains, the recommended

treatment is isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for 2 months followed

by isoniazid and rifampin for 4 to 7 months. However, longer durations of therapy

are recommended for extrapulmonary TB involving the CNS (meningitis or

tuberculoma) or bone and joints. For these infections, many experts recommend 9 to

12 months of therapy.




Baseline and monthly evaluations of hepatic function, renal function, complete

blood count, and CD4

+ cell count are recommended in all HIV-infected patients with

active TB disease.


In the absence of symptoms, elevations of AST <3 times the

upper limit of normal should not cause a change in therapy.


If the AST is >3 times

the upper limit of normal in a patient with symptoms, >5 times the upper limit of

normal regardless of symptoms, or if a significant increase in alkaline phosphatase

and/or bilirubin occurs, hepatotoxic drugs should be stopped and the patient


161 For pulmonary TB, at least one sputum specimen should be obtained

monthly for AFB smear and culture until two consecutive specimens are culture





If the AFB smear is positive at the initiation of treatment, AFB smears

may be obtained every 2 weeks to provide an early assessment of bacteriologic

response to therapy.



65 Results of sputum samples obtained after the initial 8-week

treatment phase are important because determination of the duration of the

continuation phase will be based on these results. Susceptibility testing should be

performed on all isolates, and susceptibility testing should be repeated on a newly

obtained sputum sample if cultures are positive for M. tuberculosis after 3 months of


65 Patients with positive cultures at or after 4 months of therapy should be

considered treatment failures.

At every visit, patients should be questioned about adherence to therapy and

possible adverse events to the treatment regimen. If a patient is experiencing adverse

events, the first-line drugs should not be discontinued permanently without strong

evidence that a specific agent is the cause of the adverse event.



161 Drug

concentration monitoring may be useful to help guide therapy in patients who respond

slowly to the prescribed treatment regimen.


CASE 68-7, QUESTION 4: When should antiretroviral therapy (ART) be initiated in F.R.?

Optimal management of active TB disease in patients infected with HIV requires

treatment of both infections. Sequential treatment of TB followed by treatment of HIV

is not recommended.


In patients with HIV infection, CD4

+ cells multiply in

response to M. tuberculosis, and then HIV replication accelerates within the

lymphocytes and macrophages, which leads to progression of HIV disease.

Therefore, initiation of ART can prevent progression of HIV disease and reduce

morbidity and mortality associated with TB and other opportunistic infections.




However, this approach may be associated with cumulative drug toxicities,

significant drug interactions, a higher pill burden, and the potential for development

of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).




Three studies addressed the optimal timing to initiate ART during the treatment of

active TB disease.


In ART-naïve patients, ART should be initiated within 2

weeks of starting TB therapy in patients with a CD4

+ count less than 50 cells/μL.

Early initiation of ART significantly reduces mortality in these patients, but the risk

of IRIS is increased. In patients with CD4

+ counts of 50 cells/μL or greater who

present with severe TB disease (low Karnofsky score, low body mass index, low

hemoglobin, low albumin, organ system dysfunction, or extensive disease), ART

should be initiated within 2 to 4 weeks of starting TB therapy. In patients with CD4


counts of 50 cells/μL or greater who do not have severe TB disease, ART should be

initiated within 8 to 12 weeks of initiating TB therapy.


If IRIS develops, neither

therapy for TB nor HIV should be discontinued. Because F.R. is ART naïve and his


+ count is 150 cells/μL, ART should be initiated within 8 to 12 weeks of starting

treatment for active TB.

p. 1441

p. 1442

If F.R. was receiving ART when diagnosed with TB, treatment for TB should be

started immediately, and ART should be modified to maintain virologic suppression

while reducing the risk for drug–drug interactions.

161 ART should not be withheld

simply because the patient is being treated for TB, and a rifamycin should not be

excluded from the treatment regimen for fear of interactions with certain

antiretroviral agents.



174 Exclusion of a rifamycin will likely delay sputum

conversion, prolong the duration of therapy, and possibly result in a poor outcome.

CASE 68-7, QUESTION 5: Because F.R.’s CD4


count is 150 cells/μL, the decision is made to begin ART

after the initial 8-week intensive phase to decrease the potential for IRIS. What is IRIS? What drug interactions

are likely in an HIV-infected patient receiving treatment for TB and HIV?

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, or IRIS, occurs in approximately

30% of patients who begin therapy for both HIV and TB in close temporal




174 This syndrome is thought to reflect recovery of immune responses to

M. tuberculosis and usually occurs in the first 1 to 4 weeks after initiation of ART.


IRIS lasts for 2 to 3 months on average, but some patients may experience IRIS

symptoms for months. The immune response can be an exaggerated inflammatory

response during TB therapy in a patient known to have TB infection, or it may

unmask a previously undiagnosed TB infection. The risk of IRIS is greater when

ART is initiated within the first 2 months of TB therapy and when the CD4

+ count is

less than 100 cells/μL.



161 Symptoms include high fever, malaise, and local

reactions in organs, depending on the location of the mycobacterial infection (e.g.,

lungs, lymph nodes, CNS). IRIS is usually self-limiting, but supportive therapy may

be required if symptoms are severe. Moderate IRIS reactions should be treated with

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs without any changes to TB therapy or ART.


No specific treatment recommendations are available for severe IRIS; however,

prednisone or methylprednisolone at doses of 1 mg/kg body weight and tapered for 1

to 2 weeks has been beneficial.


Simultaneous treatment of TB and HIV can be complicated by drug interactions

with the rifamycins and ART.



161 Rifampin is a potent inducer of cytochrome P450

isoenzymes, but rifabutin is not a potent inducer.





65 Rifabutin is highly active

against M. tuberculosis, and data from clinical trials suggest equal efficacy with

rifampin- and rifabutin-based treatment regimens.



161 Because of fewer drug

interactions and documented efficacy, rifabutin is recommended in place of rifampin

for the treatment of active TB in HIV-infected patients receiving certain protease

inhibitors or NNRTIs.



161 However, some antiretroviral agents may either induce or

inhibit cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, depending on the specific drug, and may alter

rifabutin serum concentrations.




For the NNRTIs, rifampin was shown to decrease efavirenz exposures by 26%,

but two additional studies did not show a significant effect of rifampin on efavirenz


175–177 Therefore, the preferred treatment regimens are rifampin-based TB

therapy with an ART regimen consisting of efavirenz plus two nucleoside reverse

transcriptase inhibitors.

161 The efavirenz dose should be 600 mg daily.

161 Efavirenz

decreases rifabutin exposure by 38%, necessitating a dosage increase for rifabutin to

450 to 600 mg daily.

161 For patients unable to take efavirenz due to early pregnancy

or intolerance, nevirapine-based ART can be used, but rifampin significantly

decreases nevirapine exposures.


If used concomitantly, the nevirapine dose should

be 200 mg twice daily.

161 However, rifabutin-based TB therapy may be considered

with a nevirapine-based ART regimen because dosage adjustments are not needed

for either agent.

161 Concomitant administration of etravirine and rilpivirine with

rifampin should be avoided due to significant reduction in exposures of these



Rifampin should not be used in patients receiving protease inhibitor-based ART,

regardless of boosting with ritonavir, because rifampin causes a dramatic decrease in

exposures of the protease inhibitors.



161 Rifabutin has a negligible effect on

ritonavir-boosted lopinavir or atazanavir and only moderate increases in darunavir

and fosamprenavir concentrations.

161 For patients unable to tolerate efavirenz or

nevirapine or if the HIV strain is resistant to NNRTIs, a rifabutin-based TB regimen

is preferred with an ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor regimen.

161 However, all

protease inhibitors markedly increase rifabutin concentrations. If doses of rifabutin

are not adjusted, adverse drug events, such as uveitis, neutropenia, arthralgias, skin

discoloration, may occur.



167 Therefore, the rifabutin dose should be decreased to

150 mg daily when administered with protease inhibitors.


HIV nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors and the fusion

inhibitor enfuvirtide are not metabolized by CYP isoenzymes. As a result, these

agents can be administered with the rifamycins.

135 Rifampin decreases the

concentrations of the integrase inhibitors, raltegravir and elvitegravir. The raltegravir

dose should be increased to 800 mg twice daily, but no dosage adjustment is

recommended with rifabutin.

161 Co-administration with elvitegravir with rifampin

and rifabutin should be avoided.

161 Maraviroc, a CCR5 antagonist, is a substrate for

CYP3A and P-glycoprotein, and concomitant administration with rifampin

significantly decreases exposures.

135 The maraviroc dose should be increased to 600

mg twice daily, but no dosage adjustment is needed with rifabutin.




CASE 68-8

QUESTION 1: N.M. is the 32-year-old partner and roommate of F.R. Because of his close contact with F.R.,

he is evaluated for exposure to TB by an infectious diseases specialist. N.M.’s HIV test is positive, and a

tuberculin skin test produces an induration of 8 mm, which is positive. All other studies are negative for active

TB. Should N.M. receive treatment for latent TB infection? If so, what therapy should he receive?

The risk of N.M. developing active TB disease is significant; therefore, he should

receive treatment for latent TB infection. HIV-infected persons, regardless of age,

should be treated for latent TB infection.

65 Pape et al. conducted a randomized,

placebo-controlled trial of isoniazid therapy in HIV-infected patients.

178 Patients

receiving placebo were 6 times more likely to develop active TB than those

receiving isoniazid, and patients receiving isoniazid were also less likely to develop


178 The preferred treatment for latent TB infection in N.M. is isoniazid 300 mg

daily or twice weekly for 9 months.




Isoniazid does not increase the risk of

hepatitis when used with efavirenz- or nevirapine-based ART regimens.

161 N.M.

should also receive pyridoxine 25 mg daily to prevent peripheral neuropathy.

Rifampin and rifabutin for 4 months are alternatives to isoniazid, but the potential for

drug interactions should be considered. Weekly isoniazid plus rifapentine are not

recommended for HIV-infected patients due to the potential for significant drug

interactions with rifapentine and ART.


p. 1442

p. 1443

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