CASE 52-21, QUESTION 2: Was previous treatment of H.R.’s hyperthyroidism appropriate? How should
his current ocular symptoms be managed?
The optimal treatment of hyperthyroidism and its effect on the course of
ophthalmopathy remain controversial.
237,238,242 Thioamides might improve eye
symptoms through an immunosuppressive mechanism of action and control of the
hyperthyroidism or exert a neutral effect.
237 Many clinicians believe that RAI ablation
or surgical removal is preferable because it removes the antigen source and prevents
progression of the ophthalmopathy.
180,237 However, several studies have confirmed
development or worsening of eye symptoms immediately after RAI therapy.
Concomitant use of 0.4 to 0.5 mg/kg of prednisone begun 1 to 3 days post-RAI
continued for one month and tapered over 2 months may be used in patients with mild
active eye disease to prevent progression of eye symptoms.
showed lower dose, shorter duration prednisone therapy (0.2 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks)
to conventional doses as effective as conventionally used doses.
there was no difference in clinical activity score, exophthalmos, or lid retraction.
Patients with active moderate-to-severe or sight threatening ophthalmopathy at the
time of treatment should be treated with surgery or thioamides instead of RAI.
Regardless of the treatment used, control of the hyperthyroidism often improves most
eye findings, except for proptosis.
In H.R., prednisone 40 to 60 mg/day should have been started after his RAI
treatment and continued for 2 to 3 months
until the eye symptoms improved. Because the pathophysiology of the
ophthalmopathy is unclear, treatment is limited to symptomatic and empiric measures
once the patient is euthyroid.
237,238 H.R. should also be encouraged to stop smoking to
prevent progression of the ophthalmopathy.
212 His pioglitazone should be
discontinued, in case this is contributing to his ophthalmopathy.
Because periorbital edema and chemosis are worse in the morning after being in
the horizontal position, elevating the head of the bed, diuretics, and restricting salt
intake may be helpful. Protective glasses can relieve photophobia and external
irritation. Topical corticosteroid drops are effective in decreasing local irritation,
but they should be used cautiously because they increase the risk of infection. Ocular
irritants such as smoke and dust should be avoided. Bothersome symptoms (e.g., dry
eye, redness, tearing) caused by eyelid retraction can be relieved by artificial tears
Incomplete lid closure predisposes to corneal scarring and
ulceration, so lubricant eyedrops should be applied several times daily and at night
to keep the bulbs moist. Taping the eyelids shut at night prevents drying and scarring.
Lateral surgical closure of the lids (tarsorrhaphy) may be required to improve lid
With severe and progressive ophthalmopathy, an aggressive approach is
necessary. Systemic corticosteroids can produce either dramatic or marginal results
in the emergency treatment of progressive exophthalmos associated with decreasing
visual acuity. Prednisone at dosages of 35 to 80 mg/day is often effective, although
dosages as high as 100 to 140 mg/day may be necessary.
237,238 Pain, irritation, tearing,
and other subjective complaints often respond within 24 hours of administration.
Therapy for about 3 months is necessary to improve eye muscle and optic nerve
function disturbances. Initial large doses should be tapered rapidly once the desired
response is obtained to minimize adverse effects. Subconjunctival and retrobulbar
injections of steroids are not as effective.
Orbital x-ray therapy also relieves congestive and inflammatory symptoms.
combination of orbital irradiation and systemic steroids may be required to achieve
maximal benefits. Plasmapheresis and immunosuppressive agents, such as
cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, cyclosporine, and methotrexate, combined with
steroids have also been used with limited success. Future investigations are focusing
on anti-TNF and anti-interleukin receptor antibodies agents that may neutralize some
of the inflammatory reactions in the eye.
When the previous measures and thyroid ablation fail to arrest the progression of
visual loss and exophthalmos, then surgical orbital decompression should be
QUESTION 1: H.L., a 48-year-old woman, is admitted to the hospital with a 3-week history of fatigue,
taking any current medications. Her laboratory data obtained on admission included an FT4
(normal, 0.8–1.4) and an undetectable TSH level. Assess H.L.’s subjective and objective data.
The presentation is consistent with thyroid storm, a life-threatening medical
emergency that might have been precipitated by the stress associated with the death
of her husband. The clinical manifestations of thyroid storm192
of high fever, tachycardia, and tachypnea, and involvement of the following organ
systems: cardiovascular (tachycardia, pulmonary edema, hypertension, shock), CNS
(tremor, emotional liability, confusion, psychosis, apathy, stupor, coma), and GI
(diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, liver enlargement, jaundice,
nonspecific elevations of bilirubin and prothrombin time). Hyperglycemia is also a
common clinical finding in thyroid storm.
Thyroid storm develops in about 2% to 8% of hyperthyroid patients. The
pathogenesis of thyroid storm is not well understood, but the condition can be
described as an “exaggerated” or decompensated form of thyrotoxicosis. The term
decompensated implies failure of body systems to adequately resist the effects of
thyrotoxicosis. It is not attributed solely to the release of massive quantities of
hormones, which can occur after surgery or RAI therapy. Catecholamines also play
an important role; the increased quantities of thyroid hormone in conjunction with
increased sympathetic and adrenal output contribute to many of the manifestations of
thyroid storm. Although thyroid hormones exert an independent effect, many of the
symptoms of hyperthyroidism are ameliorated by catecholamine-blocking agents such
as β-blockers and calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem, verapamil).
CASE 52-22, QUESTION 2: What treatment plan (including route of administration) should be initiated
Intensive, continuous, and immediate treatment can significantly reduce the
mortality of thyroid storm. Mortality rates in thyroid storm are high, ranging between
192 Treatment of thyroid storm should be directed against four major
areas discussed in the following sections.
Decrease in Synthesis and Release of Hormones
High dosages of thioamides, preferably PTU 800 to 1,200 mg/day or methimazole 60
to 100 mg/day, should be given orally in four divided doses. If H.L. cannot take oral
doses, a rectal formulation of PTU (better bioavailability with enema than
suppository) or methimazole, which is as effective as the oral route, can be
177–179 No commercial parenteral preparation is available for either
drug, limiting their use by the IV route. PTU is the thioamide of choice because it acts
more rapidly than methimazole by blocking the peripheral conversion of T4
dominant source of the hormone.
Iodides, which rapidly block further release of intraglandular stores of T4
be given at least 1 hour after thioamide administration. Given in this way, the
substrate for hormone synthesis is not increased, and the therapeutic effect of
thioamide is not blocked. The addition of iodides (e.g., Lugol’s solution 15 to 30
drops/day orally in divided doses) to the thioamides often ameliorates symptoms
Cholestyramine 4 g orally (PO) QID may assist in lowering hormone levels
rapidly but should be administered apart from other agents to prevent inhibiting their
244 Other effective modalities include plasmapheresis, charcoal
hemoperfusion, and plasma exchange.
Reversal of the Peripheral Effects of Hormones and Catecholamines
β-Adrenergic blocking drugs are the preferred agents to decrease the tachycardia,
agitation, tremulousness, and other symptoms
inhibits the peripheral conversion of T4
If rapid effects are necessary,
propranolol 1 mg by slow IV push can be given every 5 minutes to lower the heart
rate to approximately 90 beats/minute. A 5- to 10-mg/hour IV infusion can maintain
the desired heart rate. IV esmolol 50 to 100 mcg/kg/minute can also be given. If
perfusion is maintained, oral β-blockers (e.g., propranolol, 40 mg every 6 hours;
atenolol, 50–100 mg BID; metoprolol, 50–100 mg daily; nadolol, 40–80 mg daily),
titrated to response, can also be given.
Supportive Treatment of Vital Functions
This may include sedation, oxygen, IV glucose, vitamins, treatment of infections with
antibiotics, digitalization to maintain the cardiac status, rehydration, and treatment of
hyperpyrexia with cooling blankets, sponge baths, and the judicious use of
antipyretics. Because hypoadrenalism is often suspected, hydrocortisone 100 to 200
mg should empirically be given IV every 6 hours. Because pharmacologic doses of
steroids acutely depress serum T3
levels, a beneficial effect in storm, their routine
Elimination of Precipitating Causes of Storm
Precipitating causes of thyroid storm include infection (most common), trauma,
inadequate preparation before thyroidectomy, surgical operations, stress, diabetic
ketoacidosis, pregnancy, emboli, discontinuation or withdrawal of antithyroid
medications, drug therapy, and RAI therapy.
face and a large goiter. What is a reasonable assessment of these subjective and objective data?
Thyroid function tests (i.e., TSH, FT4
) and a thyroid ultrasound should be obtained
to evaluate the possibility of lithium- and possibly sertraline-induced hypothyroidism
If the TSH is elevated, T4 should be initiated and lithium continued
appears higher than in the general population.
The exact mechanism of lithium’s antithyroid effect on the gland is unclear,
although it is highly concentrated by the gland. Similar to the iodides, chronic lithium
therapy inhibits the release of thyroid hormone from the gland. The fall in serum T4
and T3 hormone levels leads to a compensatory and transient increase in serum TSH
levels until a new steady state is achieved.
Elevated TSH levels are reported in approximately 19% of patients on chronic
13 Typically, the serum thyroid hormone levels decrease and the TSH
levels increase during the first few months of treatment, returning to pretreatment
levels after 1 year. In one study, TSH levels increased within 10 days after starting
therapy. Normalization of the TSH level is less likely to occur in patients with
preexisting positive thyroid antibodies before lithium therapy. Induction of thyroid
antibodies and increases in baseline antibody titers also occur after chronic lithium
therapy. Because abnormal thyroid function tests can be transient, a longer period of
observation is justified before starting thyroid therapy in patients with subclinical
Overt hypothyroidism appears in a small percentage of the population after 5
months to 2 years of therapy; one 15-year study found an incidence of 1.5% but an 8.4
relative risk in females with antibody positivity compared to negative subjects.
Lithium-induced goiter with or without hypothyroidism is common after weeks to
months of therapy. Although incidences of less than 6% have been reported, higher
rates of 40% to 60% are observed if the goiter is diagnosed using more specific
imaging techniques (e.g. ultrasound).
4,5,13 A direct goitrogenic effect of lithium on
inducing cell proliferation might explain the occurrence of euthyroid goiter. The
goiters respond to discontinuation of lithium or to suppression with thyroid hormone
despite continuation of lithium therapy. Surgical removal of the goiter is required if
there are local obstructive symptoms. In D.A.’s case, sertraline could be exerting an
additive or synergistic antithyroid effect with lithium because antithyroid effects have
also been associated with this drug.
Most patients with lithium-induced thyroid abnormalities are women older than 50
years, have a prior history of compromised thyroid function (e.g., Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis), positive thyroid antibodies before lithium therapy, or a strong family
4,5,13 Therefore, baseline thyroid function tests (i.e., FT4
TSH), antibodies, and thyroid ultrasound should be obtained before starting lithium
therapy, and levels should be checked annually thereafter or more frequently if
clinically indicated. Patients should also be questioned about a positive history or
family history for thyroid disease and the concurrent use of other, potentially
goitrogenic medications (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants, iodides, iodinated
media. What might be responsible for C.Y.’s hyperthyroid symptoms?
The iodine load from the MRI or the amiodarone could be responsible for C.Y.’s
Iodide-induced hyperthyroidism, or Jod-Basedow
toxicosis have been reported following iodide ingestion or
injection of roentgenographic contrast media.
Although it is presumed that both iodide deficiency and a multinodular goiter, as in
C.Y., are required to invoke the Jod-Basedow phenomenon, iodide-induced disease
has been reported in patients residing in iodide-sufficient areas, as well as in
euthyroid patients with normal glands and no apparent risk
factors (e.g., family history).
Amiodarone can cause hypo- or hyperthyroidism in susceptible patients because of
3,12,16,17,28,57,173 Twelve milligrams (37%) of free iodine is
released per 400-mg dose of amiodarone. Patients with multinodular goiters, who
lose the ability to turn off iodide organification from increased iodide loads (Wolff–
Chaikoff effect), are most likely to develop iodide-induced thyrotoxicosis.
Conversely, patients with positive antibodies or with underlying Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis, who cannot escape from the Wolff–Chaikoff block, are most likely to
Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism may occur at any time during therapy and
does not appear to be related to the cumulative dose. A low-normal or low FT4 and a
persistently elevated TSH (see Case 52-4) are consistent with amiodarone-induced
hypothyroidism, which occurs in 6% to 10% of long-term users. The hypothyroidism
therapy, even if the amiodarone is continued.
Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism typically resolves after stopping the drug, but
resolution may be delayed because of its long half-life.
In contrast, amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, which occurs in 1% to 5% of
long-term users, occurs early and suddenly during therapy, so that routine monitoring
of thyroid function tests is not useful. Elevated hormone levels, an undetectable TSH
level, and clinical symptoms consistent with hyperthyroidism are the best indicators
of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. Worsening of tachyarrhythmias may be the
first clinical clue to amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis.
Amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism can be classified as either type I or type
3,12,55,57 Type I occurs in patients with underlying risk factors for thyroid disease
(e.g., multinodular goiter) and is related to the iodine load. The formation of large
amounts of preformed hormone from the massive iodine load produces a protracted
release of thyroid hormone into the systemic circulation. This occurs most often in
patients with normal thyroid glands. Unique laboratory findings include a low RAIU
and elevated interleukin-6 levels.
The management of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis is complicated because it
is not always possible to identify the type of hyperthyroidism and a mixture of the
two types can occur. Stopping amiodarone alone does not immediately improve the
hyperthyroidism because of the drug’s long half-life (22–55 days) and its
sequestration in fat. RAI ablation is never effective because the high iodine load from
amiodarone will suppress RAI uptake. The combination of methimazole and
potassium perchlorate is the treatment of choice for type I
3,12,17,28,57,173 The addition of corticosteroids to block T4
conversion is less effective because of the already potent inhibitory effects of
to T3 conversion. However, in patients with type II
hyperthyroidism, agents that block T4
to T3 conversion (e.g., β-blockers,
corticosteroids, and iodinated contrast media if available), rather than the
aforementioned agents, are the most appropriate choices.
thyroidectomy can rapidly control the thyrotoxicosis, permitting continued therapy
with amiodarone if necessary. Despite underlying cardiac disease in these patients,
uneventful surgery and a low complication rate have been observed if patients are
treated before surgery with a short course of an oral cholecystographic agent.
Changing amiodarone to dronedarone which is devoid of iodine and lacks the
undesirable thyroid effects should be strongly considered in C.Y.
Large doses of iodides should be avoided in patients with nontoxic multinodular
goiters, who are predisposed to thyrotoxicosis (see Case 52-4 and Case 52-15,
Thyrotropin-α and Thyroid Suppression Therapy for
247 The actual degree of thyroid suppression required is
complex and depends upon the severity and extent of the thyroid cancer and the
likelihood of a disease-free prognosis. The benefits of prolonged thyrotropin
suppression to prevent cancer recurrence need to be balanced against the risks and
adverse effects (e.g. osteoporosis, cardiac toxicity) of lifelong T4 suppression.
Lifelong TSH suppression to a level of <0.1 microunits/mL is preferred for patients
with high-to-intermediate risk of recurrent cancer or metastastes.
TSH of 0.3 to 2 microunits/mL can be considered for disease-free patients. It is
important to annually assess recurrence of the malignancy by determining whether
any residual cancerous or normal thyroid tissue remains. This is done either by
therapy and allowing endogenous TSH concentrations to
rise or by administering recombinant human TSH (thyrotropin-α). If any functioning
follicular cells remain, the rise in TSH will cause a rise in thyroglobulin and/or
positive RAIU, indicating a need for further RAI therapy. Thyrotropin-α (Thryogen)
may be preferred because it allows screening without the troublesome hypothyroid
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