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Basal-bolus insulin regimens combined with carbohydrate counting are attractive

regimens for middle and high school students. Because children often have erratic

eating habits, rapid-acting insulins are advantageous over regular insulin because

they can be injected directly before or immediately after a meal, accounting for the

portion of the meal a child actually consumed. J.C. should be started on

approximately a TDD of 15 units (i.e., 0.5 units/kg/day), such as 3 units of rapidacting insulin before meals and 7 units of insulin glargine at bedtime.


In some

patients, insulin glargine may not last a full 24 hours; in this case, the dose of insulin

glargine should be divided and given twice daily, and then each adjusted based on

the BG patterns.

116 Although U-300 glargine or insulin degludec would last 24 hours,

they are not FDA-approved in children at this time.

When J.C. and her caregivers become skilled with carbohydrate counting, insulin

kinetics, dosing insulin based on her carbohydrate intake, and diabetes management,

the use of an insulin pump may be considered. The insulin pump therapy in the

pediatric population is increasing rapidly as it provides increased flexibility with

meal timing and has been shown to improve glycemic control and quality of life.


Young children (not just adolescents) are now recommended for consideration of

insulin pump therapy.

123 Family and adult support both at home and school is critical

for successful pump use until the child is able to manage his/her diabetes



CASE 53-4, QUESTION 4: Where should J.C. administer her insulin? Are the recommended sites of

injection different for children? Does the age of the child play a factor?

For infants with abundant SC tissue, injection sites are usually plentiful. For some

toddlers who have lost their “baby fat,” locating an appropriate site for injection can

be difficult. Injecting insulin into the abdomen of children with minimal SC

abdominal fat or in very young children may not be advisable. Rotation of injection

sites among arms, thighs, and the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock or hip area, as

well as the abdominal area in older children, may be beneficial. To achieve

consistent absorption, insulin injections can be patterned, for example, using the arms

for the morning injection and the thighs for the evening injection. Children and teens

should be cautioned to not consistently inject their insulin into a single area, which

may be more convenient for them.

125 Fatty deposits and scar tissue can develop

secondary to insulin action at the local tissue level. Insulin absorption from these

hypertrophied areas is generally poor and unpredictable, resulting in variability in

glycemic control. Insulin pen devices are very helpful for use in children because

they are easy to use, have the option for an even smaller needle size, and are less

intimidating (see Case 53-2, Question 7).


CASE 53-4, QUESTION 5: How often should J.C. monitor her BG?

The eventual goal for children with diabetes is self-management, with insulin

dosing decisions based on interpretation of BG results. Self-management skills and

basal-bolus insulin regimens rely on frequent SMBG. For children with Type 1

diabetes, four or more BG tests per day are generally necessary. Many home BG

meters allow for alternative site testing (arm or thigh), which decreases the

discomfort of fingersticks. Enthusiasm for frequent BG testing tends to wane with

duration of diabetes. However, families who are instructed on managing diabetes on

the basis of test results are better motivated to persevere with SMBG. CGM may also

be considered at some point for improved assessment of her metabolic control,

particularly to detect nocturnal hypoglycemia. J.C. should test her BG before each

meal and at bedtime, at a minimum. Additional tests should be performed whenever

J.C. experiences hypoglycemia, ketonuria, or when she becomes acutely ill.


CASE 53-4, QUESTION 6: During the next 2 months, J.C.’s insulin requirements decreased to a TDD of 10

units (~0.3 unit/kg). Has her diabetes gone into remission?

Approximately 20% to 30% of individuals with Type 1 diabetes go into a

remission phase (honeymoon period) within days to weeks of their diagnosis.


During this phase, which can last for weeks to months, insulin requirements can fall

well below the usual initial dose of 0.5 to 1.0 units/kg/day, and C-peptide can be

detected, indicating a return of pancreatic function. A child may require minimal-tono basal insulin replacement, and mealtime replacement requirements may need to be

reduced. As illustrated by J.C., this presents clinically as markedly decreased insulin

requirements to maintain normoglycemia. J.C. should continue to perform SMBG and

closely monitor for rising BG concentrations, as β-cell destruction continues during

the honeymoon phase and she will eventually return to higher-insulin requirements.


CASE 53-4, QUESTION 7: J.C.’s parents contacted the clinic to report that J.C. is having nightmares and is

awakening in the middle of the night complaining of a headache and stomach pain. However, these symptoms

resolve by noon the following day. Her current insulin regimen is insulin aspart 2 units before meals and 3 units

of insulin glargine twice daily (at breakfast and bedtime). Could J.C. be experiencing nocturnal hypoglycemia?

How do the symptoms of hypoglycemia differ in a child compared with an adult? How can the risk of

hypoglycemia be minimized for J.C.?

J.C.’s parents are appropriately worried. Hypoglycemia is a serious and often lifethreatening complication of diabetes management in children, and the risk of

hypoglycemia increases with attempts to maintain meticulous control of BG



It was previously thought that pediatric patients may be at risk of

cognitive impairment following severe episodes of hypoglycemia; however, current

literature does not support this finding. Common causes of hypoglycemia include

changes in carbohydrate intake, late or skipped meals or snacks, exercise or unusual

activity, and administration of excessive insulin. Because very young children may

not be able to identify or express symptoms of hypoglycemia, caretakers must

observe the child closely and identify symptoms or behaviors associated with a

falling BG. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may include crankiness, sudden crying,

restless sleep, or nightmares as seen in J.C.

Hypoglycemia is more frequent in children with lower A1C values, a prior history

of severe hypoglycemia, larger insulin doses, and younger children.

127 Nocturnal

hypoglycemia is reported in 14% to 47% of children with Type 1 diabetes and is

thought to be related to impaired counter-regulatory response to hypoglycemia during


128 Bedtime BG levels are poor predictors of nocturnal hypoglycemia. J.C.’s

parents should be instructed to test her BG at 2 AM closely for the next few nights,

and then continue to check at least twice weekly. In children, insulin glargine can

exhibit a small peak effect during the initial 3 to 5 hours after administration,

increasing the risk for nocturnal hypoglycemia.


If this is the case, the insulin

glargine dose should be moved to dinnertime or in the morning. If this does not

correct the nocturnal hypoglycemia, then the dose should be reduced. Use of insulin

glargine is associated with less nocturnal hypoglycemia (and asymptomatic nocturnal

hypoglycemia) compared with NPH insulin in children and adolescents.

120,121,129 A

bedtime snack may also be needed. Treatment of hypoglycemia is addressed in Case

53-8, Question 3.


CASE 53-5

QUESTION 1: G.M., a 32-year-old woman with Type 1 diabetes, has been well controlled on a basal-bolus







regimen (four injections daily) for the past 6 months. However, 2 days ago, she began to exhibit signs and

symptoms consistent with the flu. This has made her nauseated, and now she has begun to vomit; consequently,

her food intake has been minimal. Because R.D. is not eating at this time, should she discontinue her insulin?

Insulin requirements always increase in the presence of an infection or acute

illness, even if food intake is diminished. Patients with Type 1 diabetes, such as

G.M., commonly decrease or eliminate insulin doses under these circumstances, and

it is in just this setting that ketoacidosis may occur.

Therefore, G.M. should be instructed to maintain her usual dose of insulin and test

her BG and urine ketones every 3 to 4 hours. If BG concentrations are above the

usual range, extra doses of her rapid-acting insulin should be administered according

to a prescribed algorithm based on her body’s sensitivity to insulin (e.g., 1 unit for

each 50 mg/dL above her BG target). People with Type 1 diabetes should be

instructed to test for ketones if their BG concentration is 300 mg/dL or higher. G.M.

should call her physician if her BG concentration remains more than 240 mg/dL after

three corrective insulin doses; if she has moderate-to-large amounts of ketones in her

urine or blood (if using a meter that can measure these); if she has been vomiting or

having diarrhea for longer than 6 hours; or if she begins to experience signs and

symptoms related to ketoacidosis (polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration, ketonuria, and a

fruity breath [see Case 53-10]). G.M. also should attempt to maintain her fluid,

mineral, and carbohydrate intake with easily digested food and fluids (Table 53-



Table 53-20

Sick Day Management


Continue taking your basic dose of insulin even if you are not eating well or have nausea or vomiting

Test your blood glucose more frequently: every 3–4 hours

If indicated, give yourself extra doses (high-sugar correction) of lispro, aspart, glulisine, or regular insulin: for

example, 1–2 units for every 30–50 mg/dL over an agreed-on target glucose concentration (e.g., 150

mg/dL). Correction doses must be individualized based on the patient’s sensitivity to insulin (Table 53-9)

Begin testing your ketones (urine or blood) if you have type 1 diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes, begin

testing especially when glucose readings exceed 300 mg/dL

Try to drink plenty of fluids (½ cup/hour for adults) and maintain your caloric intake (50 g carbohydrate every

4 hours). Foods such as gelatin, noncarbonated soft drinks, crackers, soup, and soda may be used

Call a physician if your blood glucose concentration remains >300 mg/dL, or your urine ketones remain high

after two or three supplemental doses of insulin, or your blood glucose level remains >240 mg/dL for more

than 24 hours


CASE 53-6

QUESTION 1: M.B., a 32-year-old woman, has had Type 1 diabetes for 15 years. During the past 2 years, a

gradual deterioration of her renal function—as reflected by increased proteinuria, serum creatinine (SCr), and

blood urea nitrogen (BUN) values, and reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR)—has been observed. What are

the anticipated effects of decreased renal function on M.B.’s insulin requirements?

The effects of renal failure on insulin requirements are complex, and under various

circumstances, insulin requirements may increase or decrease. The kidney is the most

important site of extrahepatic insulin metabolism and excretion. In nondiabetic

individuals, the liver extracts approximately 60% of insulin secreted endogenously

before it reaches the peripheral circulation.

63 Because exogenous insulin is delivered

directly to the periphery, the kidneys play a more important role in its elimination.

Insulin is filtered by the glomerulus and reabsorbed in the proximal tubules, where it

is destroyed enzymatically. The kidney also clears insulin from the peritubular


65,131 At that site, insulin can enhance the reabsorption of sodium, which

may account for the edema occasionally observed after the initiation of insulin

therapy in some individuals.

Diminished renal function can be accompanied by decreased clearance of

endogenous and exogenous insulin, resulting in increased plasma concentrations of

insulin. Therefore, M.B.’s insulin requirements may diminish as her renal disease

progresses. Patients with moderate degrees of renal failure (GFR >22.5 mL/minute)

remove 39% of insulin from arterial plasma, similar to normal subjects. In contrast,

patients with severe renal insufficiency (GFR <6 mL/minute) have a marked

reduction in insulin removal from arterial plasma (9%).

132 Decreased insulin

clearance in conjunction with nausea and decreased food intake associated with

uremia can lead to hypoglycemia in such individuals. In some patients with diabetes,

particularly those with residual endogenous insulin secretion (e.g., Type 2 diabetes),

glucose tolerance may normalize as renal function diminishes, eliminating the need

for insulin. In contrast, severe uremia is associated with glucose intolerance. This

seems to be related to tissue resistance to insulin secondary to an unknown factor that

can be removed by dialysis.

p. 1103

p. 1104

As M.B.’s renal function worsens, a reduction in her insulin requirements should

be anticipated.


CASE 53-7

QUESTION 1: A.G., a 55-year-old, 60-kg woman with a 35-year history of Type 1 diabetes, was admitted to

the critical care unit for an abdominal hysterectomy. Before admission, she was well controlled on 24 units of

insulin glargine at bedtime and premeal doses of insulin aspart. How should A.G.’s diabetes be managed while

in the critical care unit?

Patients with diabetes account for more than 1 in 5 hospital days in the United

States. Of the nearly $176 billion that is spent annually on diabetes, nearly half is

spent on inpatient care.

8 A clear, linear relationship exists between hyperglycemia

and adverse clinical outcomes in the hospitalized patient.

133 However, this

relationship exists regardless of a baseline diagnosis of diabetes at the time of

admission, and iatrogenic hyperglycemia in the hospital does not have the same

relationship morbidity that spontaneous hyperglycemia does.

133–135 These

observations have raised important questions about the relationship between

hyperglycemia and morbidity in the hospitalized patient.

Complex responses to acute illness including excess secretion of catecholamines

and cortisol result in peripheral insulin resistance and so-called stress

hyperglycemia. This makes it difficult to discern whether glycemia is a marker or a

mediator of adverse outcomes in the acutely ill patient. Accordingly, historic practice

had been to only aim for BG concentrations that prevent glucosuria (<200 mg/dL) and

the subsequent risk for dehydration in the hospitalized patient. However, beginning in

2001, a series of randomized trials tested glycemic control in the critically ill patient.

Significant changes have subsequently been made to practice recommendations for

both the critically and the noncritically ill hospitalized patient.

Although several trials beginning in the 1990s tested intensive insulin regimens in

patients with acute MI, they were small, placebo-controlled studies and reached

different conclusions that proved difficult to rectify.


In 2001, the first of the van

den Berghe trials tested two different levels of glycemic control in a relatively large

number of surgical intensive care unit (ICU) patients with hyperglycemia with or

without known diabetes.

140 A liberal glucose control strategy (reduction only if BG

rose above 215 mg/dL) was compared with normalization of BG (80–110 mg/dL).

Overall, normalization of BG significantly reduced ICU mortality from 8.0% to


140 However, the same researchers were unable to replicate their findings in a

subsequent, similarly designed study in medical ICU patients with substantially

higher baseline mortality rates.

141 Although a substudy showed that an ICU stay of 3

days or longer was predictive of benefit from tight control, a subsequent and much

larger trial not only failed to confirm that finding but found increased mortality from a

blood sugar of 80 to 110 mg/dL compared with 140 to 180 mg/dL (27.5%, 829 of

3,010 vs. 24.9%, 751 of 3,012).

142 The incidence of severe hypoglycemia (<40

mg/dL) in the different study groups assigned to tight control was between 7% and

18% and did not explain the different findings between studies. However, several

important differences between these trials, which helped to inform current guidelines,

should be noted.

The 2001 van den Berghe trial used parenteral nutrition in all patients and allowed

for higher glucose values (insulin started if blood sugar exceeded 215 mg/dL) to

occur in the conventional glycemia arm.


It is therefore possible that the aggressive

insulin therapy in the tight control group helped to blunt the excessive glucotoxicity

that may have been occurring from the parenteral nutrition. In the second van den

Berghe trial as in the NICE-SUGAR study, parenteral nutrition was rarely used and

initiation of insulin therapy in the conventional arms began at blood sugar values

greater than 180 mg/dL.

141 Additionally, in NICE-SUGAR, a more aggressive target

of less than 180 mg/dL was used rather than 180 to 200 mg/dL as in the two van den

Berghe studies.

140–142 Table 53-21 summarizes these three trials assessing level of

glucose control in critically ill patients.

Overall, numerous individual studies as well as meta-analyses have reached

different conclusions regarding whether or not tight control of BG is superior to

conventional control in the hospitalized, acutely ill patient.


In 2009, the ADA made substantial changes to its 2005 guideline on management

of inpatient hyperglycemia. Although existing randomized trials of glycemic control

have been performed in critical care settings, the ADA guideline included non-ICU

settings. To make recommendations for non-ICU patients, ADA relied on case series

and retrospective analyses, which will ultimately need to be subjected to

randomized, prospective trials.


In the meantime, recommendations for both

critically ill and noncritically ill hospitalized patients are the same: a premeal or

fasting BG target less than 140 mg/dL and random values of less than 180 mg/dL. A

tighter goal of 110 to 140 mgl/dl however may be beneficial in specific subgroups of

patients, such as open-heart surgery patients.


Table 53-21

Summary Data of Three Major Trials of Intensive vs. Conventional Glycemic

Control with Insulin in Critically Ill Patients

Trial N

Glucose Target (mg/dL)

Glucose Achieved








Intensive Conventional Intensive Conventional CI)

van den

Berghe et



1,548 80–110 180–200 103 153 ICU



vs. 8%




van den

Berghe et



1,200 80–110 180–200 111 153 Hospital










6,104 81–108 <180 115 145 90-day








CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

p. 1104

p. 1105

For perioperative insulin needs, A.G. should receive her usual basal insulin dose

(insulin glargine 24 units) on the night before surgery. If the basal insulin is normally

administered in the morning, the usual dose can still be given for patients with Type 1

diabetes; for those with Type 2 diabetes, 50% to 100% of the basal insulin is

administered the morning of surgery. Correction doses of rapid-acting insulin can be

administered the morning of surgery if the BG is more than 180 mg/dL.


If a current

A1C is not available, it can be measured to assess the patient’s glycemic control

before admission.

Most insulin infusion protocols include the use of IV regular insulin and

maintenance IV fluids, either 5% dextrose in water (D5W) or D5W with 0.45%

normal saline (0.45% NaCl). For a patient requiring fluid restriction, 10% dextrose

in water (D10W) may be used.

149 The adjustment algorithms are used by nursing to

change the rate of infusion (in units/hour) depending on the BG level. Most often, the

insulin infusion is prepared in a solution of 1 unit/1 mL normal saline (e.g., 100 units

of regular insulin in 100 mL of 0.9% NaCl). A dedicated IV line is used for the

insulin infusion to avoid iatrogenic hypoglycemia. The insulin infusion is connected

to the maintenance IV containing dextrose (can be Y-connected). Because insulin

binds to plastic, the insulin solution should be flushed (e.g., with 20 mL) through the

IV tubing before the line is connected to the patient. An IV dextrose infusion is

maintained while a patient is on an insulin infusion. Most patients need 5 to 10 g of

glucose per hour (or D5W or D5W/0.45% NaCl at 100–200 mL/hour). Additional

maintenance fluids (and electrolytes) can be administered via a different port or line.

Some protocols include an initial bolus dose of insulin. The initial insulin infusion

rate is primarily based on current BG level and BMI; other factors such as body

weight, current daily insulin requirements, and renal function should be taken into

consideration. An initial rate of 1 unit/hour is common (can range from 0.5 units/hour

to ≥2 units/hour). The choice of initial infusion rate is not critical but should be

based on patient history. A rate of 0.5 units/hour is appropriate for a patient who has

never previously received insulin, whereas 2 units/hour would be appropriate for a

patient with known insulin-dependent diabetes. Adjustments in the insulin infusion

rate are determined by BG levels every 60 minutes until the BG is stable and close to

target. Then, the frequency of BG testing may be reduced to every 2 to 3 hours.

Algorithms should consider both the current and previous BG level, the rate of

change of the BG level, and the current infusion rate.


Insulin infusion should be started at least 2 to 3 hours before the surgery to titrate

to the desired level of glucose control. Examples of protocols are available on the

Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s website (available at, and

many are published in the medical literature.


Thus, A.G.’s usual SC insulin regimen should be discontinued, and she should be

initiated on an insulin infusion that is adjusted according to an algorithm. Throughout

the perioperative period, she should receive a minimum of 100 g of glucose daily to

prevent starvation ketosis.

Assessment of interfering substances with point-of-care BG testing is particularly

important for hospitalized patients. Some immunoglobulins and dialysates contain

nonglucose sugars (including maltose, xylose, and galactose), which can interfere

with glucose measurements with glucose dehydrogenase pyrroloquinolinequinone test

strips (will falsely elevate the reading, Table 53-16). BG concentrations should only

be performed by the laboratory in these patients.


Adverse Effects of Insulin


CASE 53-8

QUESTION 1: G.O., a 42-year-old, slightly overweight (5 feet 11 inches, 200 pounds, BMI 27.9 kg/m


) man,

has had a history of Type 1 diabetes mellitus for 17 years. G.O.’s medical care was sporadic until 1 year ago

when he referred himself to a diabetes clinic because he was beginning to experience pain and numbness in his

feet. At that time, he was poorly controlled on a single daily dose of a premixed NPH and regular insulin

mixture (Humulin 70/30), 45 units. He had not been testing his BG concentrations, and his A1C was 13%.

On physical examination, G.O. was found to have an elevated BP (160/94 mm Hg), background retinopathy,

and decreased pedal pulses bilaterally. He had decreased sensation to vibration and monofilament testing in both

feet. G.O. also complained of impotence and “shooting pains” in both legs. A spot collection for

microalbuminuria was 450 mg of albumin/g creatinine (normal, <30 mg/g creatinine).


G.O. was transitioned to a basal-bolus insulin regimen. His physician gave him a premeal BG target of 80 to

130 mg/dL.

38 For the past several months, he has been treated with the following regimen: 14 to 18 units of

insulin glulisine before breakfast; 14 to 18 units of insulin glulisine before lunch; 16 to 18 units of insulin glulisine

before dinner; and 40 units of insulin glargine at bedtime. If his BG level is high after lunch, he takes additional

glulisine (~2 hours after eating). If his BG is high at bedtime (e.g., >150 mg/dL), he takes additional insulin

glulisine (7–10 units) because his physician told him his BG level needed to be lowered significantly. BG

concentrations have been as follows:

Time Glucose Concentration (mg/dL)

7 AM 60–320

Noon 140–280

5 PM 40–300

In the past year, G.O.’s A1C has decreased to 7.1%. Currently, he has approximately five hypoglycemic

episodes per week, primarily in the late afternoon and early-morning hours. These are characterized by intense

hunger, sweating, palpitations, and (according to his wife) a short temper. He has found that he can avoid

nocturnal hypoglycemia (night sweats, nightmares, and headaches) by eating a large bedtime snack. During the

past 3 months, he has gained 15 lb. Are G.O.’s signs and symptoms consistent with mild, moderate, or severe

hypoglycemia? What are the causes?

G.O.’s case illustrates one of the major hazards of aggressive BG targets and

intensive insulin therapy: hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a fact of life for patients

with Type 1 diabetes, virtually all of whom experience a hypoglycemic episode at

one time or another. Nocturnal hypoglycemia is of particular concern. A syndrome

called “dead-in-bed” has been described for patients with Type 1 diabetes, who

experience repeated hypoglycemia and have an underlying cardiovascular pathology,

and die in their sleep.


Hypoglycemia is a BG concentration less than70mg/dL, and its occurrence is

potentially fatal if not promptly recognized and treated. However, the exact level at

which a patient experiences symptoms is difficult to define. Clinical hypoglycemia is

associated with typical autonomic (neurogenic) and neuroglycopenic symptoms

relieved by the administration of a quickly absorbed carbohydrate.

p. 1105

p. 1106


Normal brain function depends on glucose, the exclusive fuel for cerebral

metabolism. Because the brain is unable to synthesize or store glucose, it must be

provided with a constant exogenous quantity via the brain’s blood supply. As BG

concentrations fall, a series of physiologic responses occur to restore glucose levels.

These responses create symptoms warning a patient to take corrective action by

consuming carbohydrates. If these counter-regulatory responses fail to alert the

patient and BG concentrations fall below a critical level, cognitive function becomes

impaired, and confusion and coma may ensue.

In people without diabetes, the peripheral responses to hypoglycemia are so

efficient that clinically important hypoglycemia probably never occurs. As glucose

levels fall between 50 and 60 mg/dL, a series of neuroendocrine events occur,

raising the plasma glucose concentration back toward normal by increasing hepatic

glucose output. The major hormone responsible for producing acute recovery from

insulin-induced hypoglycemia is glucagon; however, epinephrine alone also can

produce near-normal recovery. Rising levels of adrenergic and cholinergic hormones

generate warning symptoms of hypoglycemia. When hypoglycemia is prolonged,

growth hormone and cortisone play a greater role in producing recovery.

Patients with Type 1 diabetes who maintain insulin depots throughout the day are

predisposed to severe hypoglycemic reactions because deficiencies in the normal

feedback system occur with time. Glucagon secretion becomes deficient within the

first 2 to 5 years after diagnosis, and by 10 years or longer, epinephrine secretion

may become impaired. The latter defect leads to asymptomatic hypoglycemia or

hypoglycemic unawareness (see Case 53-9).

Certain circumstances predispose patients with Type 1 diabetes to severe

hypoglycemia. These include (a) a defective counter-regulatory hormonal response to

hypoglycemia (see Case 53-9), which may be further diminished with frequent

hypoglycemia, (b) medications such as β-blockers that diminish early warning signs

of impending hypoglycemia, (c) intensive insulin therapy that can alter secretion of

counter-regulatory hormones, (d) skipped meals or inadequate carbohydrate intake

relative to the insulin dose, (e) physical activity, and (e) excessive alcohol intake

(Table 53-12).


The signs and symptoms associated with hypoglycemia vary in intensity according to

the presence of cognitive deficits and the patient’s ability to self-treat the reaction.

They vary substantially from one patient to another. Symptoms are conventionally

divided into two categories: neurogenic (or autonomic) and neuroglycopenic.


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