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p. 1383

Infective endocarditis (IE) is a microbial infection of the heart valves or

other endocardial tissue, usually associated with an underlying cardiac

defect. Disease incidence has remained stable over time accounting for

15,000 to 20,000 new cases per year. Streptococcus viridans,

Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus species are common causes

of IE. Other rare pathogens affecting special populations include

Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida


Case 66-1 (Question 1),

Case 66-2 (Question 1),

Case 66-3 (Question 1),

Case 66-4 (Question 1),

Case 66-5 (Questions 1, 4, 6)

Clinical presentation may be highly variable and characterized by

nonspecific symptoms such as fever, weight loss, fatigue, night sweats,

and arthralgias. Peripheral manifestations specific to IE include

conjunctival petechiae, Janeway lesions, and splinter hemorrhages.

Major embolic episodes and infarction involving other organs can

develop in up to one-third of cases. Congestive heart failure (CHF) is

the most common cause of death in IE, and the most common indication

for surgery.

Case 66-1 (Question 1),

Case 66-2 (Question 2),

Figures 66-1–66-3

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends use of the

modified Duke criteria as the primary diagnostic schema to evaluate

patients suspected of IE. The most important factor confirming IE is

positive blood cultures. Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) is a

valuable tool to strengthen diagnosis and identify patients at risk for

complications and need for surgical interventions.

Case 66-1 (Question 2),

Tables 66-1, 66-2

General treatment approach to organism eradication requires the

administration of parenteral bactericidal antibiotics at high doses for a

prolonged duration of 4 to 6 weeks. Combination therapy may be

needed to achieve synergy for some pathogens. Selection of regimen

should be based on organism sensitivity, tissue penetration, and host

tolerance of the antibiotic agent(s). The AHA treatment guideline by

organisms should be followed.

Case 66-1 (Questions 3, 4),

Case 66-2 (Question 3),

Case 66-3 (Questions 2–4),

Case 66-4 (Questions 1–5),

Case 66-5 (Questions 2, 3, 5,

7), Tables 66-3–66-5

Treatment of IE caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

(MRSA) and by enterococci presents significant challenges owing to

emergence of resistance to standard therapy, vancomycin. Higher doses

of vancomycin targeting a trough concentration of 15 to 20 mcg/mL are

advocated for treatment of MRSA IE, but may be associated with

increased incidence of nephrotoxicity. Alternative agents for treatment

Case 66-3 (Questions 3, 4),

Case 66-4 (Question 5)

of IE caused by vancomycin-resistant enterococci have limited clinical

success or lack of clinical evidence.

Fungal endocarditis is rare, but carries poor prognosis. It occurs primarily

in intravenous (IV) drug users, patients with prosthetic heart valves or

IV catheters, and those with a compromised immune system.

Management generally requires early valve replacement and

combination antifungal therapy.

Case 66-5 (Questions 1–3)

The AHA recommends the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in select

patients with specific cardiac conditions associated with the highest risk

of adverse outcomes from endocarditis, who are undergoing dental or

respiratory procedures known to cause significant bacteremia.

Antimicrobial prophylaxis should be directed against the viridans group

of streptococci.

Case 66-6 (Questions 1, 2),

Tables 66-6 and 66-7

p. 1384

p. 1385


IE is a microbial infection of the heart valves or other endocardial tissue, often

associated with an underlying cardiac defect. IE is classified based on the causative

organism to provide information on the probable cause and course of the disease

(acute or subacute), the likelihood of underlying heart disease, and the appropriate

antimicrobial regimens.



The pathogenesis of endocarditis involves a complex series of events that ultimately

result in the formation of an infected platelet-β-fibrin thrombus on the valve




2 This thrombus is called a vegetation.

The first step in the formation of the vegetation involves modification of the

endocardial surface, which is normally nonthrombogenic.

Valvular insufficiency caused by aortic stenosis or ventricular septal defects can

produce regurgitant blood flow, high-pressure gradients, or narrow orifices, resulting

in turbulence and endocardial damage.




In patients with rheumatic heart disease,

endocardial injury (e.g., mitral valve stenosis) occurs as a result of immune complex

deposition or hemodynamic disturbances.

Once the endocardial surface of the valve is traumatized, small, sterile thrombi

consisting of platelets and fibrin are deposited, forming the lesion called

nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE).



2 NBTE occurs most commonly on

the atrial surfaces of the mitral and tricuspid valves and on the ventricular surface of

the aortic valve.

NBTE serves as a nidus for microbial colonization during periods of bacteremia

(e.g., procedures involving perforation of the oral mucosa, respiratory tract,

genitourinary tract, or infected skin). Organisms such as Streptococcus viridans

group, Enterococcus species, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis,

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans possess adherence factors that

facilitate their pathogenicity. In particular, platelet aggregation has been shown to be

an important virulence factor in experimental streptococcal endocarditis potentially

leading to larger vegetations and multifocal embolic spread.

3 Once the NBTE lesion

becomes colonized by microorganisms, the surface is rapidly covered with a sheath

of fibrin and platelets. This avascular encasement provides an environment protected

from host defenses and is conducive to further bacterial replication and vegetation


2 The bacterial colony count can be as high as 10


to 10

5 bacteria per gram of

valvular vegetation.

Endocarditis can result in life-threatening hemodynamic disturbances and embolic

episodes affecting many organs. Without antimicrobial therapy and surgical

intervention, IE is virtually 100% fatal. Because of bacterial proliferation to high

densities in the fibrin mesh protected from normal host defenses, cure of infection

requires prolonged therapy of 4 to 6 weeks with relapse not uncommon.


In 2009, there were 38,976 hospital admissions of endocarditis with an hospital

mortality rate of 14% to 20%.



5 The overall incidence has been stable; however,

health–care-associated IE has emerged as a result of increased use of invasive

medical devices and procedures (e.g., IV catheters, total parenteral nutrition [TPN]

IV lines, hemodialysis shunts or fistulas, intracardiac prosthesis, central venous

pressure monitoring lines).

1 With the exception of IV drug users, the mean patient age

has shifted from younger than 30 years in the 1920s to older than 55 years today.




This increase in age is likely attributable to (a) a decline in the incidence of acute

rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease counterbalanced by degenerative

valvular disease in an increasing elderly population, (b) the increasing longevity of

the general population, and (c) increased exposure to more intense and invasive

medical procedures in both the overall and the aging populations. Men are infected

more often than women (roughly 2:1), and the disease remains uncommon in children,

primarily in association with underlying congenital cardiac defect and nosocomial

catheter-related bacteremia.


Predisposing Factors

In general, any structural cardiac defect that leads to the turbulence of blood flow

predisposes to the development of IE. Rheumatic heart disease was at one time the

most common underlying cardiac defect associated with endocarditis; however, the

proportion of cases related to rheumatic heart disease have declined to 25% or less

in developed countries while remaining the predominant defect in developing




5 Mitral valve prolapse with thickened leaflets and valvular redundancy is

a recognized predisposing risk to IE, with a documented occurrence rate of 10%.

Clinical presentation is often subtle with lower associated mortality in these

individuals compared with left-sided IE of other types. In the absence of underlying

valvular defects, degenerative cardiac lesions, such as calcified mitral annulus

secondary to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and postmyocardial infarction

thrombus, may be a significant risk factor for the elderly. IV drug users constitute a

unique population at greatest risk for recurrent and polymicrobial IE.


Hemodialysis dependency (8%), diabetes mellitus (16%), and congenital heart

disease (12%) are the most common demographic characteristics associated with


7 Up to 25% of all cases are acquired in health-care-related settings. Notably, in

the United States, health-care-associated IE is more likely compared with community



Streptococci and staphylococci are the cause of 80% to 90% of cases of IE. When

comparing epidemiologic studies in the aggregate during the past decades,

staphylococci are increasingly prevalent as a cause of IE. Viridans streptococci

remain the predominant cause of IE in children and in young women with isolated

mitral valve involvement.


Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of IE.



8 Acquisition of IE in nearly half

of these cases was likely health-care-related, supporting a low threshold to evaluate

underlying IE in the setting of health-care-related S. aureus bacteremia. More

importantly, methicillin-resistant strains account for up to 40% of IE cases involving

S. aureus.




Endocarditis in IV drug users often is caused by S. aureus, whereas prosthetic

valve endocarditis (PVE) is more commonly caused by coagulase-negative

staphylococci, such as S. epidermidis. Gram-negative bacilli and fungi together

account for less than 10% of all endocarditis cases, which usually are associated

with IV drug use, valvular prostheses, and hospital IV access procedures.

Endocarditis caused by anaerobes and other organisms is rare. Polymicrobial IE

(caused by at least two organisms), although uncommon in the typical patient, is

being recognized more frequently in IV drug users and certain postoperative patients.

Candida species, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, and non-β hemolytic

group D streptococci are the organisms involved most frequently in these


p. 1385

p. 1386

Site of Involvement

The site of heart valve involvement is determined by the underlying cardiac defect

and the infecting organism.







7 The mitral valve is affected in more than 85% of

cases caused by viridans streptococci with underlying rheumatic heart disease. The

tricuspid valve is the common site of involvement in staphylococcal endocarditis

associated with IV drug use. Overall, the distribution ranges from 28% to 45% for

mitral valve, 5% to 36% for aortic valves, and 0% to 6% for tricuspid valves, and

the pulmonary valve is rarely affected.

9 Multiple heart valves may be affected

simultaneously. Some studies have shown that aortic valve involvement is increasing

in frequency and is associated with higher morbidity and mortality.



Clinical Presentation

CASE 66-1

QUESTION 1: A.G., a 57-year-old, 60-kg man with chief complaints of fatigue, a persistent low-grade fever,

night sweats, arthralgias, and a 7-kg unintentional weight loss, is admitted to the hospital for evaluation. Visual

inspection reveals a cachectic, ill-appearing man in no acute distress. Physical examination is significant for a

grade III/IV diastolic murmur with mitral regurgitation (insufficiency) increased from preexisting murmur, a

temperature of 100.5°F, petechial skin lesions, subungual splinter hemorrhages, and Janeway lesions on the

soles of both feet (Figs. 66-1, 66-2, and 66-3). Nail clubbing, Roth spots, or Osler nodes are not evident. The

remainder of his physical examination is unremarkable. A.G.’s medical history is significant for mitral valve

prolapse and, more recently, a dental procedure involving the extraction of four wisdom teeth. The history of his

present illness is noteworthy for the development of symptoms 2 weeks after the dental procedure (about 2

months before admission). His only current medication is ibuprofen 600 mg orally 4 times a day (QID).

Relevant laboratory results include the following:

Hemoglobin (Hgb), 11.4 g/dL (SI units, 114 g/L [normal, 140–180])

Hematocrit (Hct), 34% (SI units, 0.34 [normal, 0.39–0.49])

Reticulocyte count, 0.5% (SI units, 0.005 [normal, 0.001–0.024])

White blood cell (WBC) count, 35,000/μL with 65% polys and 1% bands (SI units, 35 × 10/L with 0.65 polys

and 0.01 bands [normal, 3.2–9.8 with 0.54–0.62 polys and 0.03–0.05 bands])

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 21 mg/dL (SI units, 7.5 mmol/L of urea [normal, 2.9–8.9])

Serum creatinine (SCr), 1.2 mg/dL (SI units, 159 mmol/L [normal, 53–133])

A urinalysis (UA) reveals 2+ proteinuria and 10 to 20 red blood cells (RBCs) per high-power field (HPF).

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated at 66 mm/hour (normal, ≤30 mm/minute), and the

rheumatoid factor (RF) is positive. Results from a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) were unrevealing.

Three blood cultures were obtained during 24 hours, and all cultures obtained on day 1 are growing gram-

positive cocci in pairs and chains, presumed α-hemolytic streptococci. Although confirmation and speciation of

the organism is being performed, A.G. is started on penicillin G, 2 million units IV every 4 hours (12 million

units/day), and IV gentamicin, 120 mg (loading dose) followed by 60 mg every 12 hours. Antimicrobial

susceptibility results are pending. What clinical manifestations and laboratory abnormalities in A.G. are

consistent with IE?

The clinical presentation of IE is highly variable and can involve almost any organ


1 A.G. appears pale and chronically ill, and represents the typical patient with

subacute disease (e.g., that caused by viridans streptococci). Nonspecific complaints

consistent with endocarditis in A.G. include fatigue, weight loss, fever, night sweats,

and arthralgias. Fever alone is present in most (90%) patients with endocarditis. The

fever is characteristically low grade and remittent, with peaks in the afternoon and

evening. Fever may be absent or minimal in patients with CHF, chronic renal and

liver failure, prior use of antimicrobial agents, or IE caused by less virulent


1 Musculoskeletal complaints (e.g., arthralgias, myalgias, and back pain)

are common and may mimic rheumatic disease. Other symptoms can include lethargy,

anorexia, malaise, nausea, and vomiting.

1 Because signs and symptoms are

nonspecific and subtle, diagnosis is often difficult to make. In addition, the time from

bacteremia to diagnosis is often prolonged because of the insidious progression of


1 Delayed diagnosis occurs more commonly in the elderly. Fever may be

absent in 30% to 40% of patients older than 60 years of age, whereas it can be

present in more than 90% of patients younger than 40 years of age. Elderly patients

are less likely to have new or changed heart murmurs. The most common presenting

complaints in the elderly with endocarditis are confusion, anorexia, fatigue, and

weakness, which may be readily attributable to stroke, heart failure, or syncope.

The temporal relationship between A.G.’s dental procedure and the onset of

symptoms suggests it was the etiology of bacteremia and subsequent endocarditis.

Although it is assumed that prophylactic antibiotics were administered before the

procedure, endocarditis can develop despite receipt of adequate







A.G. has an increase in his preexisting diastolic murmur with mitral insufficiency,

a finding consistent with endocarditis. Cardiac murmurs are present in more than

85% of patients with endocarditis. Murmurs frequently are absent in patients with

acute disease (e.g., staphylococcal endocarditis), right-sided disease (e.g.,

endocarditis in IV drug users), or mural infection.


A.G. exhibits several peripheral manifestations of IE, including conjunctival

petechiae, Janeway lesions, and splinter hemorrhages. Overall, peripheral

manifestations are observed in 10% to 50% of cases, but none of these is

pathognomonic for IE.

1 These manifestations are usually a result of septic

embolization of vegetations to distal sites, or immune complex deposition.

Mucocutaneous petechial lesions of the conjunctiva, mouth, or pharynx are present in

20% to 40% of patients, especially those with long-standing disease.

1 These lesions

generally are small, nontender, and hemorrhagic in appearance, and occur as a result

of vasculitis or peripheral embolization. Janeway lesions are painless, hemorrhagic,

macular plaques most commonly found on the palms and soles (Fig. 66-1). Splinter

hemorrhages are nonspecific findings that appear as red to brown linear streaks in the

proximal portion of the fingers or toenails (Fig. 66-2). Other findings can include

Roth spots (small, flame-shaped retinal hemorrhages with pale white centers found

near the optic nerve) and Osler nodes (purplish, nonhemorrhagic, painful nodules that

develop on the subcutaneous pads of the fingers and toes or on palms and soles)

Clubbing (broadening and thickening) of the nails also may be observed in patients

with prolonged disease. Petechial skin lesions also are seen (Fig. 66-3).

p. 1386

p. 1387

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