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 Owing to concerns about the effects of hypoglycemia and new trials

indicating a lack of benefit of very tight glucose control in acutely ill

patients, the current-recommended goal BG in hospitalized patients is

140 to 180 mg/dL.

Case 53-7 (Question 1)

Although acute hyperglycemic crises can occur in patients with diabetes,

most morbidity and mortality occurs over the course of years and can

be classified as either microvascular (nephropathy, neuropathy, and

retinopathy) or macrovascular (coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke,

and peripheral vascular disease).

Case 53-19 (Questions 1–5),

Case 53-20 (Questions 1–3)

Patients with established vascular disease should remain on lifelong

aspirin therapy, whereas patients without established vascular disease

need to be carefully considered to determine the appropriateness of

antiplatelet therapy.

Case 53-19 (Question 6)

The incidence and severity of microvascular complications has a strong

correlation with long-term glycemic control as measured by A1C.

Macrovascular complications are influenced by glycemic control, but

are more dependent on multiple etiologic factors including dyslipidemia,

hypertension, and smoking.

Case 53-11 (Question 2)

An estimated 29.1 million people, or 9.3% of the US population, currently have


1 Of these, 8.1 million or about one-third are undiagnosed. In 2012 alone,

more than 1.7 million new cases in adults were diagnosed. Globally, the prevalence

of diabetes for all ages is estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and projected to increase to

4.4% by 2030.

2 The incidence of Type 2 diabetes is now epidemic, with alarming

increases in prevalence in both adults and children. Estimates by the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention indicate that new cases of diabetes annually will

increase from 8/1,000 people to about 15/1,000 in 2050, with as many as 1 in 3

Americans having diabetes in 2050.

3 The dramatic increase in Type 2 diabetes in the

population is related to obesity and decreased physical activity levels, and also the

fact that people with diabetes are living longer. Additional individual factors include

a genetic predisposition for increased insulin resistance and progressive β-cell

failure. Clinical studies have affirmed that Type 2 diabetes can be delayed or

prevented in high-risk populations and that good glycemic control and other

interventions can slow its devastating complications.




Diabetes is a chronic condition caused by an absolute lack of insulin or relative lack

of insulin as a result of impaired insulin secretion and action. Its hallmark clinical

characteristics are symptomatic glucose intolerance resulting in hyperglycemia and

alterations in lipid and protein metabolism. In the long term, these metabolic

abnormalities contribute to the development of complications such as cardiovascular

disease (CVD), retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy and a higher risk of



Genetically, etiologically, and clinically, diabetes is a heterogeneous group of

disorders. Nevertheless, most cases of diabetes mellitus can be assigned to Type 1 or

Type 2 diabetes (Table 53-1). The term gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is used

to describe glucose intolerance that has its onset during pregnancy. Glucose

intolerance that cannot be ascribed to causes consistent with these three

classifications includes specific genetic defects in β-cell function or insulin action

(usually genetically defective insulin receptors); diseases of the exocrine pancreas;

endocrinopathies; drug- or chemical-induced; infections; and other genetic

syndromes. Early glucose intolerance or “prediabetes” is identified as impaired

fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and they are considered

risk factors for the future development of diabetes and are associated with obesity,

hypertriglyceridemia, and/or low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and



Approximately 5% to 10% of the diagnosed diabetic population has Type 1

diabetes, which usually results from autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic βcells. At clinical presentation, these patients have little or no pancreatic reserve,

have a tendency to develop ketoacidosis, and require exogenous insulin to sustain

life. The incidence of autoimmune-mediated Type 1 diabetes peaks during childhood

and adolescence, but it can occur at any age. A minority of patients diagnosed with

Type 1 diabetes, mostly of African or Asian ancestry, can have no evidence of

autoimmunity; the etiology is, therefore, unknown. In these individuals, the rate of

pancreatic destruction seems to occur more slowly, leading to a later onset and less

acute presentation.


Most people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes, a heterogeneous disorder that is

characterized by obesity, β-cell dysfunction, resistance to insulin action, and

increased hepatic glucose production. Both the incidence and prevalence of diabetes

increase dramatically with age, obesity, and lack of physical activity.


In the United

States, the percentage of patients with diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes in those 20

to 44 years of age is 4.1%. This increases to 25.9% in those 65 and older.

1 The

prevalence of Type 2 diabetes also differs among ethnic populations. Relative to

non-Hispanic whites (7.6%), the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes is higher in

Asian-Americans (9%), Hispanics (12.8%), African-Americans (13.2%), and

American Indians and Alaskan Natives (15.9%).

1 Diabetes is a serious condition that

places people at risk for greater morbidity and mortality relative to the nondiabetic

population. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States,

although deaths attributed to diabetes and its complications are likely to be

underreported. Compared with the general population, the mortality rate for people

with diabetes is about twice that for people without diabetes.


Medical management of people with diabetes is costly. In 2012, the total cost of

diabetes in the United States was estimated to be $245 billion, with 1 of 5 healthcare

dollars being spent on people with diabetes.

8 The average healthcare expenditures

for people with diabetes were approximately 2.3 times higher than those for

individuals without diabetes. The majority (56%) of all healthcare expenditures

attributed to diabetes are used by people aged 65 years and older. Hospital inpatient

costs, nursing facility resources, home care, physician visits, and medications (not

just diabetes agents) made up the majority of these expenditures. Because many

expenditures are related to treatment of long-term complications, considerable effort

has been directed toward early diagnosis and metabolic control of patients with



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Table 53-1

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Characteristics Type 1 Type 2

Other names Previously, type I; insulin-dependent

diabetes mellitus (IDDM); juvenileonset diabetes mellitus

Previously, type II; non-insulindependent diabetes mellitus

(NIDDM); adult-onset diabetes


Percentage of diabetic


5%–10% 90%

Age at onset Usually <30 years; peaks at 12–14

years; rare before 6 months; some

adults develop type 1 during the fifth


Usually >40 years, but increasing

prevalence among obese children

Pancreatic function Usually none, although some residual

C-peptide can sometimes be detected

at diagnosis, especially in adults

Insulin present in low, “normal,” or

high amounts

Pathogenesis Associated with certain HLA types;

presence of islet cell antibodies

suggests autoimmune process

Defect in insulin secretion; tissue

resistance to insulin; ↑ hepatic glucose


Family history Generally not strong Strong

Obesity Uncommon unless “overinsulinized”

with exogenous insulin

Common (60%–90%)

History of ketoacidosis Often present Rare, except in circumstances of

unusualstress (e.g., infection)

Clinical presentation Moderate-to-severe symptoms that

generally progress relatively rapidly

(days to weeks): polyuria, polydipsia,

fatigue, weight loss, ketoacidosis

Mild polyuria, fatigue; often diagnosed

on routine physical or dental


Treatment MNT MNT

Physical activity Physical activity


Amylin mimetic (pramlintide)

Antidiabetic agents (biguanides,

glinides, sulfonylureas,

thiazolidinediones, α-glucosidase

inhibitors, incretin mimetics/analogs,

DPP-4 inhibitors, SGLT-2 inhibitors)


Amylin mimetic (pramlintide)

DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase-4; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; MNT, medical nutrition therapy.


An understanding of the signs and symptoms associated with diabetes is based on a

knowledge of glucose metabolism and the metabolic effects of insulin in nondiabetic

and diabetic subjects during the fed (postprandial) and fasting (postabsorptive)


9 Homeostatic mechanisms maintain plasma glucose concentrations between 55

and 140 mg/dL. A minimum concentration of 40 to 60 mg/dL is required to provide

adequate fuel for the central nervous system, which uses glucose as its primary

energy source and is independent of insulin for glucose utilization. When BG

concentrations exceed the reabsorptive capacity of the proximal tubule in the kidneys

(~180 mg/dL), glucose spills into the urine (glucosuria), resulting in a loss of

calories and water. Muscle and fat, which use glucose as a major source of energy,

require insulin for glucose uptake. If glucose is unavailable, these tissues are able to

use other substrates such as amino acids and fatty acids for fuel.


Postprandial Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in the

Nondiabetic Individual

After food is ingested, BG concentrations rise and stimulate insulin release. Insulin is

the key to efficient glucose utilization. It promotes the uptake of glucose, fatty acids,

and amino acids, and their conversion to storage forms in most tissues. Insulin also

inhibits hepatic glucose production by suppressing glucagon and its effects. In

muscle, insulin promotes the uptake of glucose and its storage as glycogen. It also

stimulates the uptake of amino acids and their conversion to protein. In adipose

tissue, glucose is converted to free fatty acids and stored as triglycerides. Insulin also

prevents a breakdown of these triglycerides to free fatty acids, a form that may be

transported to other tissues for utilization. The liver does not require insulin for

glucose transport, but insulin facilitates the conversion of glucose to glycogen and

free fatty acids.


Free fatty acids are esterified to triglycerides, which are transported by very-lowdensity lipoproteins (VLDLs) to adipose and muscle tissue. Normal insulin signaling

suppresses VLDL secretion by reducing the production of fatty acids in the liver.


Once secreted by the liver, VLDL is acted on primarily by hepatic lipase in the liver

and by lipoprotein lipase on endothelial cells.

10 Acting through apolipoprotein (apo)

CII on the surface of the VLDL particle, these lipases remove free fatty acids from

the lipoprotein and convert VLDL to intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL) and then

IDL to low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Insulin plays a role in stimulating apoCII

expression, which partly explains the hypertriglyceridemia that occurs in Type 2



p. 1073

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Fasting Glucose Metabolism in the Nondiabetic


As BG concentrations drop toward normal during the fasting state, insulin release is

inhibited. Simultaneously, a number of counter-regulatory hormones that oppose the

effect of insulin and promote an increase in blood sugar are released (e.g., glucagon,

epinephrine, growth hormone, cortisol). As a result, several processes maintain a

minimum BG concentration for the central nervous system. Glycogen in the liver is

broken down into glucose (glycogenolysis). Amino acids are transported from

muscle to liver, where they are converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis. Uptake

of glucose by insulin-dependent tissues is diminished to conserve glucose for the

brain. Finally, triglycerides are broken down into free fatty acids, which are used as

alternative fuel sources.




The loss of insulin secretion in Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from autoimmune

destruction of the insulin-producing β-cells in the pancreas, which is thought to be

triggered by environmental factors, such as viruses or toxins, in genetically

susceptible individuals.

7,11 This form of diabetes is associated closely with

histocompatibility antigens (human leukocyte antigen [HLA]-DR3 or HLA-DR4) and

the presence of circulating antibodies, including insulin autoantibodies, glutamic acid

decarboxylase autoantibodies (GAD65), islet cell autoantibodies (ICA), and

autoantibodies to tyrosine phosphatases (e.g., islet cell antibody 512). The capacity

of normal pancreatic β-cells to secrete insulin far exceeds the normal amounts

needed to control carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. As a result, the clinical

onset of Type 1 diabetes is preceded by an extensive asymptomatic period during

which β-cells are destroyed (Fig. 53-1). β-cell destruction may occur rapidly, but is

more likely to take place over a period of weeks, months, or even years. The earliest

detectable abnormality in insulin secretion is a progressive reduction of immediate

or first-phase plasma insulin response. However, this initial impairment has few

detrimental effects on overall glucose homeostasis, and plasma glucose

concentrations remain normal. Most affected individuals have circulating antibodies

to islet cells or to their own insulin at this stage of the disease. These represent

markers of an ongoing autoimmune process that culminates in Type 1 diabetes.

Fasting hyperglycemia occurs when the β-cell mass is reduced by 80% to 90%. One

or more of the above autoantibodies is usually present in 85% to 90% of individuals

at this point. Initially, only postprandial hyperglycemia occurs, but as insulin

secretion becomes further compromised, progressive fasting hyperglycemia is seen.

Within 8 to 10 years of clinical presentation, β-cell loss is complete and insulin

deficiency is absolute.


Figure 53-1 Pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. In an individual with a genetic predisposition, an event (such as a

virus or toxin) triggers autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic β-cells, probably during a period of several years.

When the number of β-cells diminishes to approximately 250,000, the pancreas is unable to secrete sufficient

insulin and intolerance to glucose ensues. At this point, a stressful event, such as a viral infection, can produce

acute symptoms of hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. Once the acute event has passed, the pancreas temporarily

recovers, leading to a remission (honeymoon period). Continued destruction of the β-cell ultimately leads to an

insulin-dependent state.

Clinical Presentation

Although the onset of Type 1 diabetes seems to be abrupt, evidence now exists for an

extended preclinical period that can precede obvious symptoms by several years.

Because insulin secretion becomes compromised, progressive fasting hyperglycemia

occurs. Glucosuria, which occurs when BG levels exceed the renal threshold, results

in an osmotic diuresis, producing the classic symptoms of polyuria with

compensatory polydipsia. If symptoms are untreated, weight loss occurs because

glucose calories are lost in the urine and body fat and protein stores are broken down

owing to increased rates of lipolysis and proteolysis. Muscle begins to metabolize its

own glycogen stores and fatty acids for fuel, and the liver begins to metabolize free

fatty acids that are released in response to epinephrine and low insulin

concentrations. An absolute lack of insulin may cause excessive mobilization of free

fatty acids to the liver, where they are metabolized to ketones. This can result in

ketonemia, ketonuria, and, ultimately, ketoacidosis. Patients present with complaints

of fatigue, significant weight loss, polyuria, and polydipsia. A significant elevation in

A1C confirms weeks or months of preceding hyperglycemia.

Because glucose provides an excellent medium for microorganisms, patients may

present also with recurrent respiratory, vaginal, and other infections. Patients also

may experience blurred vision secondary to osmotically induced changes in the lens

of the eye. Treatment with insulin is essential to prevent severe dehydration,

ketoacidosis, and death.

Honeymoon Period

Within days or weeks after the initial diagnosis and implementing treatment, many

patients with Type 1 diabetes experience an apparent remission, which is reflected

by decreased BG concentrations and markedly decreased insulin requirements. This

is called the honeymoon period because it may last for only a few weeks to months.

Once hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, and ketosis resolve, endogenous insulin

secretion recovers temporarily (Fig. 53-1). Although the honeymoon period may last

for up to a year, increasing exogenous insulin requirements are inevitable and should

be anticipated. During this time, patients should be maintained on insulin even if the

dose is very low, because interrupted treatment is associated with a greater

incidence of resistance and allergy to insulin.



Type 2 diabetes is characterized by impaired insulin secretion and resistance to

insulin action. In the presence of insulin resistance,

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p. 1075

glucose utilization by tissues is impaired, hepatic glucose and free fatty acid

production is increased, and excess glucose accumulates in the circulation. This

hyperglycemia stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin in an attempt to

overcome insulin resistance. The simultaneous elevation of both glucose and insulin

levels is strongly suggestive of insulin resistance. Genetic predisposition may play a

role in the development of Type 2 diabetes. People with Type 2 diabetes have a

stronger family history of diabetes than those with Type 1. There is no association

with HLA types, however, and circulating ICAs are absent.

7,12 People with Type 2

diabetes also exhibit varying degrees of tissue resistance to insulin, impaired insulin

secretion, and increased basal hepatic glucose production. Finally, environmental

factors such as obesity and a sedentary lifestyle also contribute to the development of

insulin resistance.

Despite being the most common form of diabetes, the exact pathogenesis of Type 2

is less well understood. Basal insulin levels are typically normal or elevated at

diagnosis. First- or early-phase insulin release in response to glucose often is

reduced, and pulsatile insulin secretion is absent, resulting in postprandial

hyperglycemia. The effects of other insulinotropic substances such as incretin

hormones, which contribute to meal-stimulated insulin release, are also altered.


With time, β-cells lose their ability to respond to elevated glucose concentrations,

leading to increasing loss of glucose control. In patients with severe hyperglycemia,

the amount of insulin secreted in response to glucose is diminished and insulin

resistance is worsened (glucose toxicity).

Most individuals with Type 2 exhibit decreased tissue responsiveness to insulin.


Excess weight or hyperglycemia may contribute to hyperinsulinemia, which in time

may lead to a decrease in or downregulation of the number of insulin receptors on the

surface of target tissues and organs. Evidence suggests that decreased peripheral

glucose uptake and utilization in muscle is the primary site of insulin resistance and

results in prolonged postprandial hyperglycemia. Resistance may be secondary to

decreased numbers of insulin receptors on the cell surface, decreased affinity of

receptors for insulin, or defects in insulin signaling and action that follows receptor

binding. Defects in insulin signaling and action are referred to as postreceptor or

postbinding defects and are likely to be the primary sites of insulin resistance.

Patients with Type 2 diabetes also exhibit increased hepatic glucose production

(glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis) reflected by an elevated fasting plasma or BG


12 As noted, hepatic glucose production is the primary source of

glucose in the fasting state. In patients with Type 2 diabetes, altered hepatic glucose

production may also contribute to or cause postprandial hyperglycemia. Glucagon,

produced by the α-cells in the pancreatic islets and secreted in response to low BG,

stimulates hepatic glucose production.


Its production is inhibited by insulin.

Glucagon response to carbohydrate ingestion is altered in patients with Type 2

diabetes who have a defective or absent early insulin response secondary to β-cell

dysfunction or failure. For patients with Type 2 diabetes, untreated fasting and

postprandial hyperglycemia caused by decreased glucose uptake and increased

hepatic glucose production, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance lead to a vicious

cycle that inflicts ongoing damage to tissues and organs.

Patients with Type 2 diabetes are often subclassified based on weight. Obese

individuals account for more than 80% of patients with Type 2 diabetes.

12 Patients

with Type 2 diabetes who are not obese often have increased body fat distributed in

the abdominal area. Nonobese individuals account for about 10% of the Type 2

population. Typically, they develop a mild form of diabetes during childhood,

adolescence, or as young adults (usually before age 25), and their insulin levels are

low in response to a glucose challenge. Included in this group are patients who have

maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY).

7,12 MODY is associated with a strong

family history that suggests an autosomal-dominant transmission. The underlying

defect is heterogeneous, and multiple abnormalities at loci on different chromosomes

have been discovered. More common defects include those for hepatic transcription

factors and glucokinase (the “glucose sensor” in β-cells). Patients with MODY may

present with moderate-to-severe symptoms with or without ketosis. Unlike Type 1

diabetes, however, the disease generally is mild and controlled with diet, oral

agents, or low doses of insulin. With the increasing prevalence of obesity and Type 2

diabetes in children and adolescents, it is important to distinguish between a youth

with Type 2 diabetes and one who really has autoimmune Type 1 diabetes and is also



Type 2 diabetes is associated with a variety of disorders, including dyslipidemia,

hypertension, and premature atherosclerosis (Fig. 53-2). Currently termed the

metabolic syndrome, this triad of clinical findings (hypertension, elevated fasting

glucose, and dyslipidemia) is proposed to derive from insulin resistance itself and

the resulting compensatory hyperinsulinemia.

16 The labeling of this triad as a separate

“syndrome” remains the subject of considerable debate, partly because it appears to

have little diagnostic utility beyond its component parts.

17 Metabolic syndrome is

common in the United States, with an estimated prevalence of more than 34% in

adults aged 20 and older, peaking among those 60 to 69 years of age.

18 Because it is

highly correlated with cardiovascular events, the National Cholesterol Education

Program has suggested criteria for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.

19 Not all

individuals with the metabolic syndrome progress to IGT or diabetes, but those who

do may be genetically predisposed to β-cell dysfunction. Figure 53-3 depicts the

typical dyslipidemia pattern seen in diabetes and how insulin resistance affects

normal lipoprotein metabolism.

Figure 53-2 Metabolic syndrome. Genetic and environmental factors (visceral obesity, sedentary lifestyle, aging)

predispose some individuals to insulin resistance. To overcome the resistance, the pancreas secretes more insulin,

leading to hyperinsulinemia. People with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia commonly develop a cluster of

medical problems and biochemical abnormalities: cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia,

and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Only those individuals who are further genetically predisposed to β-cell failure go on

to develop IGT, IFG, and type 2 diabetes. Many people with type 2 diabetes already have evidence of

cardiovascular disease at the time of diabetes diagnosis. The cause-and-effect relationship between insulin

resistance or hyperinsulinemia and these clinical conditions has not been clarified. See text for expanded

discussion. DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension.

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Figure 53-3 Changes in lipoprotein metabolism are a direct consequence of insulin resistance and are present

before the onset of overt diabetes.

Clinical Presentation

Type 2 diabetes is typically diagnosed incidentally during a routine physical

examination or when the patient seeks attention for another complaint. Because

symptoms are mild in their onset, patients will rarely complain of fatigue, polyuria,

and polydipsia but may admit to them during clinical examination. Because these

patients have sufficient insulin concentrations to prevent lipolysis, there is usually no

history of ketosis except in situations of unusual stress (e.g., infections, trauma).

Weight loss is therefore uncommon because relatively high endogenous insulin levels

promote lipogenesis. Macrovascular disease is also often evident at diagnosis.

Microvascular complications at diagnosis suggest the presence of undiagnosed or

subclinical diabetes for 7 to 10 years. Because Type 2 diabetes patients retain some

pancreatic reserve at the time of diagnosis, they generally can be treated with MNT,

physical activity, and noninsulin antidiabetic medications for several years.

Nevertheless, many eventually require insulin for control of their symptoms.


The ADA advises that adults without risk factors should be screened starting at age


7 Repeat testing should take place every 3 years if results are normal or yearly if

they have prediabetes. Adults may be tested at a younger age and more frequently if

they are overweight (body mass index [BMI] ≥25 or 35 kg/m2

in Asian-Americans)





and have one or more of the risk factors listed in Table 53-2. A FPG or A1C is

preferred over the OGTT to test for diabetes, because they are much less

cumbersome. Asymptomatic children who are age 10 or who experience the onset of

puberty before age 10 should be screened every 2 years for Type 2 diabetes if they

are overweight (BMI >85th percentile for age and sex; weight for height >85th

percentile; or weight >120% of ideal for height) and have two or more of the risk

factors listed in Table 53-2.



GDM affects about 7% of all pregnancies and is defined as “any carbohydrate

intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.”

7,20 The onset of

diabetes during pregnancy and its duration affect the prognosis for a good obstetric

and perinatal outcome (see Chapter 49, Obstetric Drug Therapy).

Diagnostic Criteria

The categories for normal, increased risk for diabetes, and diabetes for FPG, A1C,

and the OGTT are listed in Table 53-3.

7 The Expert Committee of the ADA has

established the diagnostic criteria for diabetes for nonpregnant individuals of any

age. For these individuals, a diagnosis of diabetes can be made when one of the

following is present



An A1C of 6.5% or more. The test must be performed in a laboratory (not with a

point-of-care test). It should be performed using a method certified by the National

Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program.

An FPG of 126 mg/dL or more. Fasting means no caloric intake for at least 8 hours.

Classic signs and symptoms of diabetes (polyuria, polydipsia, ketonuria, and

unexplained weight loss) combined with a random plasma glucose of 200 mg/dL

or more.

After a standard OGTT (75 g of glucose for an adult or 1.75 g/kg for a child), the

venous plasma glucose concentration is 200 mg/dL or more at 2 hours.

The diagnosis must be confirmed by repeating the test, preferably the same test. If

two different tests are performed (e.g., FPG and A1C), and both are above the

diagnostic threshold, then diabetes is confirmed. If only one test’s value is above the

diagnostic cut point, the test that is above the diagnostic cut point should be repeated.

The diagnosis is made based on the results of the confirmed test.


At times, it may be difficult to classify patients as having Type 1 or Type 2

diabetes mellitus. Type 1 is more likely when a patient is younger than 30 years of

age and lean, and has an elevated FPG and signs and symptoms of diabetes. The

presence of moderate ketonuria with hyperglycemia in an otherwise unstressed

patient also strongly supports a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. Absence of ketonuria,

however, is not of diagnostic value. The presence of autoantibodies to insulin or islet

cell components may also indicate the need for eventual insulin therapy.

11 Relatively,

lean older adults believed to have Type 2 diabetes because they are initially

responsive to oral agents or low doses of insulin may be subsequently diagnosed

with Type 1 diabetes. In addition, clinicians are beginning to observe more cases of

Type 2 diabetes in obese children and adolescents.


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Table 53-2

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Adults Children


Overweight (≥25 kg/m


) or (≥23 kg/m


) in AsianAmericans

Overweight (BMI >85th percentile for age and sex; or

weight >120% of ideal for height)

Family history of diabetes (first-degree relative) Family history of diabetes (first- or second-degree


Physical inactivity

Ethnic predisposition

b Ethnic predisposition


Previous IFG, IGT, or A1C ≥5.7%

History of PCOS, GDM, or macrosomia Maternal history of diabetes (including GDM)

Clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance

(e.g., severe obesity and acanthosis nigricans)

Signs of insulin resistance (e.g., acanthosis nigricans)

Hypertension (≥140/90 mm Hg or on antihypertensive


Conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g.,

hypertension, dyslipidemia, or PCOS)


HDL-C <35 mg/dL (0.90 mmol/L)

Triglyceride >250 mg/dL (2.82 mmol/L)

Cardiovascular disease

aChildren are younger than 18 years of age.

bEthnic predisposition includes individuals of African-American, Latino, Native American, Asian, or Pacific

Islander descent.

A1C, glycosylated hemoglobin; BMI, body mass index; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; HDL-C, high-density

lipoprotein cholesterol; IFG, impaired fasting glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; PCOS, polycystic ovarian


Table 53-3

Normal and Diabetic Plasma Glucose Levels in mg/dL (mmol/L) and

Glycosylated Hemoglobin (A1C) and Normal and Diabetic Plasma Glucose

Levels for the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)



Normal <100 (5.6) ≤5.6% <140 (7.8)

Prediabetes (i.e., impaired fasting glucose

(IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT))

100–125 (5.6–6.9) ≥5.7–6.4% 140–199 (7.8–11.0)

Diabetes (nonpregnant adult) ≥126 (7.0) ≥6.5% ≥200 (11.1)

Equivalent venous whole-blood glucose concentrations are approximately 12%–15% lower. Arterial samples are

higher than venous samples postprandially because glucose has not yet been removed from peripheral tissues.

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