including an increase risk in bone fractures and HF.
an approximately twofold increased risk of HF and thus are contraindicated in
In the long-term ADOPT trial, rosiglitazone was
associated with a mean weight gain of 4.8 kg, whereas weight decreased by 2.9 kg in
the metformin group; glyburide-treated patients had a mean weight gain of 1.6 kg
during the first year, and then remained stable.
257 The TZDs also have been found to
reduce bone density and increase fracture risk. Given the adverse effects associated
with TZDs, and the availability of other agents, their use has fallen out of favor.
Sitagliptin, saxagliptin, and exenatide, which are approved for monotherapy, are
often reserved for combination therapy. However, DPP-4 inhibitors may be useful as
monotherapy for patients in whom the use of other oral agents is precluded (such as
renal dysfunction with metformin or severe HF with pioglitazone). GLP-1RAs may
be particularly useful in obese patients.
It should be noted that AACE recommends
GLP-1RAs as first line if metformin can’t be initiated first.
Finally, one should not forget that until the newer agents became available,
sulfonylureas were used quite successfully to treat obese patients with Type 2
diabetes. Although these agents are relatively effective (average A1C reduction 1%–
1.5%), there are still several issues with this class of medications such as
unfavorable adverse effects (hypoglycemia and weight gain), durability issues, and
may worsen the lipid panel. Although the use of these agents has fallen out of favor
due to these effects, they are effective and often utilized when cost is an issue (Table
Several products that combine two oral agents into one medication are available.
Although many of these products are approved as first-line therapy, thus skipping the
monotherapy step, consider reserving them for use in patients who are already
established on the two agents or whose medication regimens must be simplified to
enhance adherence or decrease cost or are already established on the two agents.
Based on this discussion, metformin is favored as initial therapy in L.H.
QUESTION 1: N.H. is a 46-year-old, obese (BMI 33 kg/m
) man with a history of Type 2 diabetes, and
hyperlipidemia. He presents with complaints of fatigue and nocturia. N.H. used to smoke two packs of
medication again. What is a reasonable next monotherapy option for N.H.?
Unfortunately, N.H. did not tolerate metformin. Although this is less common if
patients take metformin with food and the dose is titrated slowly, some do not
overcome the GI adverse effects. N.H. is refusing to even consider a retrial. An A1C
goal of less than 7% may be appropriate for N.H., although given his young age and
long life expectancy, a target of less than 6.5% would be preferred. Therefore, the
A1C lowering required to get to goal is only 0.6% to 1.1%.
, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, N.H. has many
components of the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance (see Pathogenesis
section). Sulfonylureas or insulin would not be an optimal next choice of drug for
N.H. because they do not exert a favorable effect on plasma lipids and generally are
associated with weight gain and hypoglycemia. Also, his A1C is not high enough to
need insulin therapy yet. However, it must be acknowledged that some sulfonylureas
remain the least expensive oral antidiabetic agents, and this may be an important
factor in the initial selection of therapy for some patients. Acarbose as monotherapy
is not likely to attain near-normal plasma glucose concentrations. Given he is obese,
and likely insulin resistant, although pioglitazone improves peripheral target tissue
responses to insulin and lipid profiles, avoiding pioglitazone due to adverse effects
of weight gain is prudent (see Case 53-11, Question 8, and Case 53-15). A GLP-1
agonist, DPP-4 inhibitor, or SGLT-2 inhibitor are reasonable options for N.H.
because they are not associated with weight gain (GLP-1 agonists and SGLT-2
inhibitors may even promote weight loss).
For N.H., initiation of a GLP-1RA, such as liraglutide, is a reasonable option. A
GLP-1RA, along with lifestyle changes, should be able to get to his A1C goal. If
liraglutide is used, it should be initiated at a dose of 0.6 mg once daily for 1 week
and then increased to the therapeutic dose of 1.2 mg once daily thereafter. Some
patients may require further titration to 1.8 mg once daily in order to reach their
glycemic goals. N.H. should be counseled about the likelihood of GI side effects,
which should subside over time, as well as the rare risk of pancreatitis (and to stop
taking and notify his provider if he has persistent severe abdominal pain that may
radiate to the back and vomiting) and severe allergic reactions.
N.H. was successful in reducing his A1C to 6.4% through a combination of
lifestyle modifications and sitagliptin. He was able to lose 10 lb with walking and
N.H. quit smoking 3 months ago. Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of
259,260 The mechanism for this is thought to be related to
increased insulin resistance and oxidative stress and reduced insulin secretion.
Smoking also increases the risk of microvascular and macrovascular disease in
261 Therefore, N.H. should be congratulated on his cessation,
and continued abstinence should be encouraged through follow-up visits (see Chapter
91, Tobacco Use and Dependence).
Failure of Antidiabetic Monotherapy
QUESTION 1: Q.R. is a 68-year-old, 5 feet 1 inch, 155-lb (BMI, 29.3 kg/m
) woman with an 8-year history
500 mg BID. Her eGFR is 70 mL/minute.
contributing to Q.R.’s poor glucose control?
Several factors may be contributing to Q.R.’s deteriorating BG control and
apparent lack of responsiveness to maximal dose of metformin during the past year
(as evidenced by her elevated BG and A1C, listlessness, and lack of appetite).
Monotherapy failure (also called secondary failure) is characterized by
progressively poor glucose control that occurs after a period of good response
(months to years). The cause of failure may be related to progressive pancreatic
failure; poor adherence to diet, exercise, or medications; and exogenous diabetogenic
factors such as increased weight, illness, or drugs that induce hyperglycemia (e.g.,
atypical antipsychotics or glucocorticoids).
Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition, which is most likely to require
combination drug therapy. The UKPDS confirmed that monotherapy failure
represents a natural progression of Type 2 diabetes. In this study, only 16% and 19%
of the subjects achieved an FPG less than 108 mg/dL and A1C less than 7%,
respectively, after 3 years of dietary therapy alone.
262 By 9 years, only 9% were able
to maintain their glycemic goals using just diet therapy. The investigators also found
monotherapy failure occurred at the same rate regardless of the initial treatment
selected: glyburide, chlorpropamide, metformin, or insulin. In all the monotherapy
treatment groups, patients required additional therapies over the course of the study
262 At 3 years, fewer than 55% of patients randomly assigned to single
pharmacologic therapy could maintain an A1C less than 7%, and by 9 years this
dropped to about 25% of patients. In the ADOPT study, patients were able to
maintain A1C levels less than 7% using monotherapy for 60, 45, and 33 months with
rosiglitazone, metformin, and glyburide, respectively.
deterioration is likely owing to the natural progression of Type 2 diabetes in which
β-cell function declines with increased duration of disease.
Q.R.’s deteriorating control on a therapeutic dose of metformin after 5 years of
reasonable response is consistent with the natural progression of Type 2 diabetes.
However, the stress and depression arising out of her life situation have no doubt
contributed to her poor control. The latter may have led to a change in her usual
adherence to diet, exercise, and medications, and should resolve with time and
appropriate management. Women with Type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of
depression. Evidence exists for a bidirectional association between diabetes and
263 Although hyperglycemia has been attributed to
hydrochlorothiazide, the dose prescribed for Q.R. has few adverse metabolic effects.
CASE 53-13, QUESTION 2: How should Q.R. be managed? What is an appropriate antidiabetic agent to
Q.R. is exhibiting symptoms of depression (e.g., listlessness and flat affect). Her
depression likely started after her husband’s death. Every effort must be made to
address Q.R.’s depression because it is unlikely that she will be able to effectively
implement more aggressive treatment of her diabetes until her situation is improved.
Resources that may be used include her family, a therapist, and a social worker.
Treatment of monotherapy failure includes identifying and correcting any
diabetogenic factors and altering her drug therapy. When failure to any oral agent
occurs, one should always add another agent rather than switch to another, unless
adverse effects are intolerable or contraindications warrant the discontinuation of the
drug. This is supported by a study that evaluated the effect of metformin alone in a
population of patients who had failed oral sulfonylureas and the effect of metformin
plus the sulfonylureas. Substitution of metformin for glyburide did not produce any
significant change in glycemic control, but the addition of metformin to glyburide
therapy substantially improved glucose concentrations.
antidiabetic agents can be used. The key is that they should have different
mechanisms of action. For example, it is not reasonable to combine a sulfonylurea
with a glinide (i.e., repaglinide and nateglinide) because they are both insulin
secretagogues. Options for Q.R. include adding one of the following to metformin:
insulin secretagogue (sulfonylurea or glinide), acarbose, TZD (pioglitazone), DPP-4
inhibitor (sitagliptin, linagliptin, alogliptin or saxagliptin), SGLT-2 inhibitors
(canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin), or a GLP-1 agonist (exenatide,
exentatide ER, albiglutide, dulaglutide, or liraglutide). SGLT-2 should be used
cautiously in this patient because this drug class is associated with genital mycotic
infections and urinary tract infections.
Table 53-25 summarizes the FDA-approved combination therapy indications. One
also could introduce insulin therapy at this time. However, because Q.R.’s A1C
should be effectively lowered to less than 7% with an additional noninsulin agent,
two noninsulin antidiabetic agents should be utilized.
In summary, patients such as Q.R. who are unresponsive to the maximally effective
dose of metformin should be initiated on combination therapy.
Combination Antidiabetic Therapy
CASE 53-13, QUESTION 3: As anticipated, Q.R. refuses to consider insulin therapy at this time. Which
combination of antidiabetic agents is preferred?
When agents from different antidiabetic classes are combined, their effects are
essentially additive. With the availability of many antidiabetic agents, there is no one
best combination therapy. As discussed, the choice of therapy should take into
account the patient’s organ function, amount of A1C lowering required to reach an
individual’s goal, possible adverse effects of a particular drug or drug combination,
A mixed-treatment comparison meta-analysis evaluated the efficacy of second-line
antidiabetic therapy added to patients on stable doses of metformin.
weight gain and hypoglycemia was also determined. A total of 27 randomized
controlled trials were included in the analysis, with a mean study duration of 32
weeks. Table 53-27 summarizes these findings. In addition, the change in A1C
depending on the baseline level of A1C was evaluated and found, as previously
discussed (see Case 53-11, Question 7), to be greater when the baseline A1C was
Q.R. is concerned with the costs of her medications, and brand drugs have a higher
copay in her insurance plan. Q.R. would like to remain on oral medications if
possible. Because she is postmenopausal, avoid a TZD owing to the concerns of
increased risk of fractures. Given the significant GI side effects associated with the
α-glucosidase inhibitors, their use is often avoided all together. The DPP-4 inhibitors
are available by brand only, so initiating a generic is an option. Therefore, she is
started on glimepiride 2 mg PO daily.
Combination Antidiabetic Therapy
CASE 53-13, QUESTION 4: Q.R. is titrated to glimepiride 4 mg/day and continued on metformin 1,000 mg
dulaglutide, albiglutide, and liraglutide; only exenatide is on her health plan’s formulary.
Effects of Adding a Noninsulin Antidiabetic Agent in Patients with Type 2
Effects of Adding a Noninsulin Agent Compared with Placebo in Patients Taking
Metformin on Change in A1C, Body Weight, and Hypoglycemia
SFUs 3 −0.79 (−1.15 to 2 −1.99 (0.86 to 3.12) 3 2.63 (0.76 to 9.13)
2 −0.91 (0.35 to 1.46) 2 7.92 (1.45 to
1 −2.30 (1.70 to 2.90) 2 2.04 (0.50 to 8.23)
Effects of Adding a Noninsulin Agent Compared with Placebo in Patients
Taking Metformin on Change in A1C, Depending on Baseline A1C
<8% WMD (95% CI) ≥8% WMD (95% CI)
SFUs −0.57 (−0.75 to −0.39) −0.97 (−1.35 to −0.62)
Glinides −0.44 (−0.85 to −0.04) −0.65 (−1.10 to −0.26)
TZDs −0.62 (−0.88 to −0.39) −1.02 (−1.39 to −0.69)
AGIs NR −0.65 (−1.07 to −0.24)
DPP-4 inhibitors −0.51 (−0.69 to −0.34) −0.89 (−1.11 to −0.68)
GLP-1 agonists NR −0.99 (−1.36 to −0.63)
Results are from a subgroup mixed-treatment comparison meta-analysis.
When the A1C is above goal despite the use of a combination of two agents,
practitioners often add a third agent before considering insulin. Although this is
tempting, depending on a patient’s current level of glycemic control, this practice
only delays insulin therapy, which is likely to be required to achieve A1C goals.
However, because Q.R. is close to an A1C level of less than 7%, it is reasonable to
try a third, noninsulin antidiabetic agent. Although glimepiride 8 mg/day is the
maximal dose, there is little difference in clinical efficacy compared with 4 mg/day.
Therefore, increasing glimepiride to 8 mg/day is not likely to achieve her glycemic
Exenatide is approved for use in patients as monotherapy and also for those taking
metformin, sulfonylurea, or a TZD alone, or a combination of metformin plus a TZD
or metformin plus a sulfonylurea. When added to patients on a sulfonylurea and
metformin, exenatide at 10 mcg BID resulted in a 0.8% A1C reduction compared
258 Thus, for Q.R., the addition of exenatide could result in an A1C of
less than 7%. The use of exenatide with a sulfonylurea is associated with an
increased risk of mild-to-moderate hypoglycemia (28% when used with sulfonylurea
and metformin and 36% when used with sulfonylurea alone).
reduce the dose of the sulfonylurea on initiation of exenatide and then make
adjustments based on the patient’s response to exenatide.
Q.R. should be started on exenatide 5 mcg SC BID, taken within 60 minutes of the
two main meals of the day and at least 6 hours apart. She should be counseled about
nausea, which is the most frequent side effect; 44% of patients will experience
nausea, but there is only a 3% dropout rate in the clinical trials. The glimepiride
should be reduced to 2 (or 3) mg/day to avoid hypoglycemia. After 1 month, if she is
tolerating exenatide, the dose should be increased to 10 mcg SC BID. Her A1C
should be monitored within 3 months of using the 10-mcg dose. An advantage of
exenatide (versus DPP-4 inhibitors) is the potential for weight loss. In a 30-week
blinded study of exenatide added onto sulfonylurea and metformin, patients on the 10-
mcg dose had an average weight loss of 1.6 kg.
uncontrolled extension trials with exenatide, at 3 years, exenatide progressively
reduced (−5.3 kg) and sustained weight loss.
Q.R. should be counseled about the rare risk of pancreatitis. Also, if she finds that
nausea is significant enough to reduce her fluid intake, she should contact her
provider. The FDA has received case reports of altered renal function and renal
failure with exenatide, which are likely owing to dehydration from reduced fluid
intake because of the GI side effects (i.e., nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) caused by
In patients with significant GI side effects, reduced fluid intake, or
preexisting renal dysfunction, the SCr should be monitored more closely. Exenatide
should be used cautiously with moderate renal impairment and is not recommended
in patients with ClCr of less than 30.
A small proportion of patients will form antiexenatide antibodies. At high titers,
these antibodies could result in failure to achieve adequate improvement in glycemic
control. If there is worsening glycemic control or failure to achieve targeted glycemic
control while on exenatide, the formation of blocking antibodies should be
considered as a reason. If this occurs, it may be reasonable to switch over to another
GLP-1 analog or exenatide ER. It is important to note that any of the available GLP-1
RAs are options for Q.R. for initial GLP-1 RA therapy. Discussions should be
regarding adherence, efficacy, side effects, and cost.
Combination Antidiabetic with Insulin Therapy
more effective than insulin alone?
Most patients with Type 2 diabetes eventually require insulin. The combined use
of insulin with a variety of oral agents has been extensively evaluated, but the studies
or combination of oral antidiabetic agents in poorly controlled patients. The primary
outcomes that have been evaluated include measures of glycemic control (e.g., A1C,
FPG) and the extent to which insulin doses have been decreased. DeWitt and Hirsch
published a comprehensive review of these studies, and readers are referred to this
93 The combined use of insulin and oral agents can be
considered based on the ACCE algorithm, particularly when the A1C is higher than
Before starting insulin, it is important to review the BG profile:
Fasting hyperglycemia, which may improve or persist throughout the day. This is the
more typical glucose profile for patients with Type 2 diabetes, in whom addition
of basal insulin at nighttime would be the most appropriate next step.
Fasting BG is at target, with daytime hyperglycemia. This is less common for
people with Type 2 diabetes, in whom addition of prandial insulin would be an
appropriate next step for therapy (see Case 53-13, Question 6).
In Q.R.’s case, it makes the most sense to add a single dose of basal insulin to
metformin and glimepiride, with the potential to discontinue glimepiride once the
insulin dose is optimized. Advantages attributed to adding insulin to an oral agent as
the next step after failure, as opposed to using insulin alone, include the following
Lower-insulin dosages can be used, and this minimizes weight gain and
Simpler, single-dose insulin regimens are possible (vs. monotherapy with insulin).
Lowering the fasting glucose concentrations improves glucose control throughout the
day because glucose excursions related to meals are layered over lower values.
Furthermore, lower glucose values improve β-cell responsiveness to glucose and
enhance tissue responsiveness to insulin action.
However, lowering glucose concentrations is the first priority, not attempting to
use lower-insulin doses. Q.R. should be started on 10 units or 0.2 unit/kg of NPH, or
basal insulin glargine, detemir or degludec. This dose is based on empiric use of
insulin in a variety of studies (0.1–0.2 units/kg)
269 and a conservative estimate for
basal insulin of approximately 0.5 units/hour (Q.R. weighs 155 lb, or 70.5 kg). The
dose also takes into account the possibility that Q.R. is secreting some basal insulin
of her own and will have some residual stimulation of insulin secretion by glipizide.
The basal dose should be titrated upward based on the FPG for three consecutive
days. A common titration method used is the “treat-to-target” schedule.
FPG (mg/dL) Adjustment of Basal Insulin Dose (Units)
Alternatively, the basal insulin dose can be increased by 2 units every 3 days until
the FPG is in a target range (80–130 mg/dL); if the FPG is greater than 140 to 180
mg/dL, larger increments can be used (e.g., by 4 units every 3 days).
hypoglycemia occurs or the FPG is less than 70 mg/dL, the dose should be reduced
by at least 4 units, or by 10% if the dose is more than 60 units. Of note, U300
glargine and U100 and U200 degludec should not be titrated sooner than every 3 to 4
days. If there is no improvement in glycemic control after 3 months, prandial insulin
or a GLP-1RA should be added (see Case 53-13, Questions 6 and 7). At that point,
the insulin secretagogue (in Q.R.’s case, glimepiride) is usually discontinued, but
metformin should be maintained.
An alternative for Q.R. is to discontinue the sulfonylurea and begin insulin
monotherapy using methods similar to those described for Type 1 diabetes patients.
This option also is rational based on the observation that patients like Q.R. are likely
to require insulin therapy because of progressive β-cell failure. Furthermore, insulin
monotherapy may be less expensive and easier to assess than combination oral agents
plus insulin therapy. Nevertheless, many clinicians use single doses of basal insulin
in combination with oral agents as a bridge to eventual insulin monotherapy,
especially for those patients unwilling to adhere to multiple daily insulin injections.
In the setting of insulin resistance, such as with Type 2 diabetes, continuing
metformin therapy should be a priority if at all possible.
Insulin Monotherapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
infections. How should she be managed now?
The next step in managing Q.R.’s diabetes is to institute prandial insulin therapy,
which is needed as indicated by her daytime hyperglycemia. Like Type 1 diabetes
patients, those with long-standing Type 2 disease may require prandial insulin before
meals to minimize postprandial excursions. Insulin lispro has been
shown to decrease postprandial glucose concentrations to a greater extent than
regular insulin (30% lower at 1 hour and 53% lower at 2 hours) and was associated
with a lower rate of hypoglycemia, particularly between midnight and 6 AM (36%).
However, A1C levels were not significantly different after 6 months.
response with insulin aspart and glulisine would be expected.
Because Q.R. is on insulin glargine, the most appropriate next step is to add
prandial insulin using a rapid-acting insulin. Initiation of basal-bolus insulin
regimens are discussed in detail in the Type 1 Diabetes Insulin Therapy section (see
Case 53-2, Questions 4–6). An easy way to introduce prandial insulin is to initially
add only one mealtime dose. The premeal BG levels that are associated with the
most hyperglycemia are targeted. For example, if the prelunch BG levels are
elevated, a prandial dose at breakfast is added; or if the bedtime BG levels are
mainly elevated (owing to large dinners), a prandial dose at dinner is added. Once a
patient adjusts to this, prandial insulin is added to the other meals; at that point
glimepiride dose should be reduced or discontinued, altogether. Patients with Type 2
diabetes may require large insulin TDDs (>1 unit/kg) to reach A1C targets less than
7%. Although not technically insulin monotherapy, metformin is often continued to
assist in reducing insulin resistance and minimizing weight gain with insulin.
follows a high-sugar correction scale). What options are available for Q.R.?
Because people with Type 2 diabetes retain some pancreatic function, it often is
possible to achieve an acceptable level of control with twice-daily doses of
intermediate-acting insulin in combination with rapid- or short-acting insulins, which
are available as premixed insulins. These are referred to as split-mixed insulin
regimens. Although convenient, they do limit flexibility in dosing, and thus A1C
lowering ability without increasing hypoglycemia risk. In the United States, fixed
mixtures of NPH and regular insulin in a 70:30 ratio and a 50:50 ratio are available
(Table 53-6). Commercial combinations of the rapid-acting insulins plus an
intermediate-acting insulin also are available as Humalog Mix 75/25 (a mixture of
insulin lispro plus lispro protamine suspension), Humalog Mix 50/50 (a mixture of
insulin lispro plus lispro protamine suspension), and NovoLog Mix 70/30 (a mixture
of insulin aspart plus aspart protamine suspension). These fixed mixtures are
available in prefilled syringes, which can add to their flexibility and convenience for
The Treating to Target in Type 2 Diabetes (4-T) study assessed the efficacy of a
basal insulin (detemir), prandial insulin (insulin aspart), and biphasic insulin
(NovoLog Mix 70/30) regimen added to patients on metformin and a sulfonylurea.
After 3 years, a biphasic-based insulin regimen was found to be less effective in
achieving an A1C goal of less than 6.5% compared with prandial and basal insulin
regimens (31.9%, 44.7%, and 43.2%, respectively). Despite the findings of this large
multicenter study, use of twice-daily, premixed insulin remains a common insulin
therapy for patients with Type 2 diabetes.
Q.R. is currently receiving a TDD of insulin of 59 units, or 0.84 units/kg/day. To
convert her to a premixed insulin, one could begin with a conservative TDD of 0.5 to
starting an insulin-naïve Type 2 diabetes patient on premixed insulin, doses of 5 to 6
units twice daily (administered before breakfast and dinner) are often used, with the
doses being titrated before breakfast (to affect prelunch and predinner glucose
levels) and before dinner (to affect the bedtime and fasting glucose levels).
If the premixed insulin does not achieve adequate glycemic control, an option is to
mix the short- or rapid-acting insulin with NPH in the same syringe. By doing this,
each insulin dose can be individually adjusted. A disadvantage to this is the chance
for patients to make errors in measuring and mixing insulin, especially in the elderly
when they may have vision and/or dexterity issues. Alternatively, a prandial dose of
rapid-acting insulin (i.e., a third injection) can be added at lunch; the breakfast dose
of premixed insulin should be decreased as well.
93 Another option is to add a third
dose of the premixed insulin at lunch (so premix insulin TID); however the lunchtime
dose is smaller than the breakfast and dinner dose. An initial premixed insulin
lunchtime dose of 2 to 6 units, or 10% of the current TDD of premixed insulin, can be
Q.R. should be started on a rapid-acting premixed insulin twice daily, as this has
the convenience of being administered right before eating (within 15 minutes). A
dose of 20 units SC BID represents a conservative starting dose. She should monitor
her fasting and predinner BG levels, at a minimum, to further adjust her insulin doses.
Adding Antidiabetic Agents to a Basal Insulin TherapyBased Regimen
QUESTION 1: M.A., a 62-year-old woman, has had Type 2 diabetes for 11 years. She is currently taking
meal plan that a dietitian developed for her, but her BMI remains 31 kg/m
. Her physical activity is limited
The TZDs have been well studied in patients with Type 2 diabetes who are
already taking insulin. In a meta-analysis, pioglitazone lowered A1C by 0.58% when
added to insulin therapy; unfortunately, it was associated with weight gain (3 kg) and
increased peripheral edema and therefore should be avoided.
A GLP-1 agonist would be a logical agent to considering adding in obese patients.
Any GLP-1RA would be a good option. The agents should be chosen based on cost,
effectiveness, and adherence. For example, exenatide may be the only GLP-1RA on
formulary, or perhaps M.A. has trouble remembering to take once-weekly
FDA-approved for use with insulin; however, the A1C lowering may be less than
Therefore, addition of liraglutide may be a reasonable approach in M.A. Her A1C
injected SC once daily for 1 week, after which the dose should be increased to 1.2
mg once daily. Some patients may require further titration to a maximum dose of 1.8
mg once daily to reach their glycemic targets.
Use of Antidiabetic Agents in Special Situations
history of mild renal dysfunction (SCr, 1.2 mg/dL; eGFR, 47 mL/minute/1.73 m
episode? Were there any predisposing factors?
C.A. has experienced a hypoglycemic episode secondary to glyburide.
Hypoglycemia is the most common and potentially severe adverse effect of the
sulfonylureas. The incidence and severity of this effect increase with the duration of
action and potency of the agents.
Most sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia occurs in patients who are predisposed
to hypoglycemia in some way, and C.A. is no exception. She is an elderly woman
with renal impairment who was on relatively high doses of an agent, a portion of
which is excreted unchanged in the urine. Even in the face of decreased carbohydrate
intake (reduced appetite and vomiting), she continued to take her usual dose of
glyburide. Even though the stress of illness most often raises glucose levels, the
decreased food intake resulted in glyburide causing hypoglycemia. Because
glyburide has a long duration of action, hypoglycemia may last for several hours.
C.A. and her son should be educated about treatment of hypoglycemia. It is likely
that her son did not need to call 9-1-1, and he could have treated the hypoglycemia.
Glucagon should not be used to treat hypoglycemia caused by a sulfonylurea, as
glucagon can cause a paradoxical fall in the glucose levels.
CASE 53-15, QUESTION 2: C.A. has mild renal insufficiency (eGFR, 47 mL/minute/1.73 m
Sulfonylurea compounds that are metabolized to active products that depend on the
kidney for elimination (e.g., acetohexamide, chlorpropamide glyburide, and
tolazamide) should be avoided in the elderly and in patients with decreased renal
function. Sulfonylureas that are completely metabolized to inactive or weakly active
products may be used (i.e., glipizide, glimepiride, or tolbutamide). Although
glyburide is unlikely to accumulate in patients with a ClCr greater than 30 mL/minute,
it should not be used in C.A because it caused a severe hypoglycemic reaction.
C.A. should be instructed to eat regularly because skipped meals may result in
recurrent hypoglycemia. Consideration to discontinuing the sulfonylurea and changing
adding an agent with a lower incidence of hypoglycemia should be considered.
The most notorious side effect associated with metformin—although extremely
rare—is lactic acidosis. The risk of lactic acidosis is increased with renal
insufficiency, which can result in accumulation of metformin because it is almost
exclusively clear unchanged by the kidneys. Lactic acidosis is a metabolic acidosis
characterized by a significant reduction in the arterial pH and an accumulation of
serum lactate, a product of anaerobic metabolism. It is a condition that is highly
lethal (50% mortality) and resistant to therapy. Lactic acidosis occurs when there is
an increased production of or decreased utilization of lactate. Decreased utilization
of lactate occurs when tissues are unable to oxidize lactate to pyruvate (these two
substances are normally present in the serum in a ratio of 10:1). Metformin might
predispose a patient to lactic acidosis by augmenting anaerobic metabolism or by
decreasing the kidney’s ability to handle an acid load. Other factors that might
contribute to lactic acidosis include severe cardiac or pulmonary disease (anoxia,
increased lactate production), septic shock, renal dysfunction (retention of metformin
and lactate), patients receiving contrast dye, and excessive alcohol intake (increased
lactate production and decreased utilization).
Signs and symptoms generally are acute in onset and commonly include nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperventilation. Hypovolemia, hypotension, confusion, and
coma also may occur; death is usually secondary to cardiovascular collapse. Typical
laboratory findings include a low serum bicarbonate and PCO2
elevated potassium, a normal or low serum chloride, elevated lactate and pyruvate
levels, an increased lactate to pyruvate ratio, and an anion gap of 30 mEq/L or
Although metformin rarely is associated with lactic acidosis, the manufacturer and
the FDA have taken extreme measures to prevent its improper use because another
biguanide, phenformin, which induced this life-threatening condition, was removed
277 The estimated rate of phenformin-induced lactic acidosis
was 0.25 to 4 cases per 1,000 users versus 5 to 9 cases per 100,000 users for
165–167 A group of clinicians from the FDA summarized 47 confirmed cases
of metformin-related lactic acidosis (lactate levels ≥5 mmol/L) that had been
reported to the FDA between May 1995 and June 1996.
condition continues to be resistant to treatment; the mortality rate was 43%.
Importantly, 43 of the 47 cases (91%) had concurrent conditions that predisposed
them to lactic acidosis. These included cardiac disease (64%), decreased renal
function (28%), and chronic pulmonary disease (6%). Several patients (17%) were
older than 80 years of age and may have had decreased renal function despite normal
SCr concentrations. Interestingly, 38% of the patients had HF, and those who died
were more likely to be under treatment with digoxin and furosemide. The mean daily
dose of metformin was well within the therapeutic range and was not higher in the
group that succumbed (1,259 ± 648 mg in the group that died and 1,349 ± 598 mg in
Metformin should be initiated with care in patients older than 80 years of age
because of the potential for a low GFR, even when SCr is normal.
has moderate renal dysfunction (GFR <60 mL/minute, but >40 mL/minute), lower the
dose of metformin to 500 mg BID to minimize the potential for accumulation.
The TZDs are primarily metabolized by the liver and are not contraindicated in
patients with mild renal failure. The use of pioglitazone, beginning with low doses,
could be considered, as can acarbose, which is poorly absorbed from the GI tract.
The DPP-4 inhibitors could also be used, but their doses may require adjustment
depending on the degree of renal dysfunction (except for linagliptin). Exenatide can
be used in patients with ClCr greater than 30 mL/minute, and the dose does not need
Liraglutide should be used with caution in renal insufficiency, but does not require
dose adjustment. None of these agents cause hypoglycemia when used as
Most noninsulin antidiabetic agents should be avoided in patients with severe liver
disease, and insulin therapy is often the safest option. Because hepatic metabolism is
the primary route of elimination for most sulfonylureas, including glipizide, patients
with hepatic disease should be expected to have an exaggerated response to those
drugs metabolized to less active products. Liver disease can be a separate
predisposing factor for severe, prolonged hypoglycemia because glycogenolysis and
gluconeogenesis are impaired; thus, sulfonylureas are relatively contraindicated for
cirrhotic patients. If they are used, shorter-acting agents are preferred, and small
initial doses should be used. For B.R., glipizide could be initiated at a dose no
greater than 2.5 mg/day and increased if needed by 2.5-mg increments at no less than
weekly intervals. Other options are low doses of repaglinide (0.5 mg) or nateglinide
(60 mg) with meals because they are very short acting. Other good options for which
severe liver disease is not a specific contraindication include GLP-1RAs, DPP-4
inhibitors, and SGLT2 inhibitors, although there is little data regarding their use in
these patients. Basal-bolus or mixed insulin regimens are also good choices.
obstructive pulmonary disease and arthritis. Fasting serum chemistry reveals the following:
Serum osmolality, 374 mOsm/L (normal, 280–295 mOsm/kg H2O)
His serum is negative for ketones. On physical examination, J.M. has poor skin turgor and dry mucous
late and atypical presentation of diabetes in the elderly?
Diabetes in the elderly commonly is underdiagnosed and undertreated because it
278,279 Classic symptoms associated with diabetes mellitus
may be masked by other illnesses, entirely absent, or explained away by the normal
aging process. For example, polyuria is minimized by higher renal thresholds for
glucose, or it may be confounded by urinary incontinence or “prostate problems.”
Thirst is commonly blunted in elderly persons, increasing their risk of dehydration
and electrolyte imbalance. Hunger can be altered by medications or depression.
Fatigue often is discounted as “part of getting old,” and weight loss, although
sometimes profound, may be so gradual that it goes unnoticed for months to years.
(See Table 53-28 for a comparison of presenting symptoms for diabetes mellitus in
elderly patients compared with younger patients.)
Presentation of Diabetes Mellitus in Elderly Patients Compared with Younger
Metabolic Abnormality Symptoms in Young Patients Symptoms in Elderly Patients
Serum osmolality Polydipsia Dehydration, confusion, delirium
Glucosuria Polyuria Incontinence
Catabolic state owing to insulin
Polyphagia Weight loss, anorexia
CASE 53-17, QUESTION 2: J.M. is diagnosed with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS). Why are the
HHS is a condition characterized by extremely elevated plasma glucose
concentrations (>600 mg/mL) and high serum osmolality (>320 mOsm/L) without
ketoacidosis. Because patients with Type 2 diabetes have some residual insulin
production, they are usually protected against excessive lipolysis and ketone
production. Patients with Type 2 diabetes may exhibit HHS in later stages of diabetes
as loss of β-cells becomes advanced and residual insulin production continues to
156 Measurements of serum ketones and blood pH differentiate this condition
from DKA (see Case 53-10). The condition occurs when urinary fluid and electrolyte
losses secondary to glucosuria are inadequately replaced by oral fluid intake.
HHS primarily occurs in the elderly because several factors predispose this
population to hypodipsia. These include an inability to recognize thirst,
to ask for fluids (e.g., dementia, sedation, intubation), and an inability to get fluids on
demand (e.g., physical disabilities or restraints). Infections or other acute illnesses
(e.g., MI, GI bleeding, pancreatitis) that exacerbate diabetes can interact with the
hyperosmolar diuresis and hypodipsia to produce severe dehydration and
hyperglycemia. Drugs that increase plasma glucose concentrations (e.g.,
glucocorticoids), increase diuresis, or decrease mentation also can contribute to this
J.M. presents with several symptoms of HHS dehydration, including osmolality
greater than 320 mOsm/L, plasma glucose greater than 600 mg/dL, pH > 7.3, elevated
bicarbonate, decreased skin turgor, hypotension, and the absence of serum ketones.
His pneumonia was probably the precipitating factor. Treatment involves rapid IV
hydration. Fluid replacement is provided in the same manner as with DKA. See Case
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