Unusual complications (e.g., severe bacterial superinfections, Reye syndrome,
encephalopathies) are markedly reduced with an immunization program.
vaccine was available, approximately 4 million cases of chickenpox were reported
annually, with 4,000 to 9,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths.
varicella-related deaths occurred in adults, many of whom were infected by exposure
to unvaccinated preschool-aged children with typical cases of varicella.
Despite high vaccine coverage rates and 85% vaccine efficacy with the previous
single dose vaccination, outbreaks of breakthrough varicella continued to occur in the
107 As a result, current guidelines recommend a two-dose series for all
children, adolescents, and adults without evidence of immunity.
varicella vaccine dose should be administered at 12 to 15 months of age, followed
by the second dose at 4 to 6 years of age. For persons 7 to 12 years of age who have
not received varicella vaccine, two doses of varicella vaccine should be
administered at least 3 months apart. For persons older than 13 years of age,
administer two doses of varicella vaccine at least 4 weeks apart.
Postexposure varicella vaccination should be considered for J.T. Chickenpox
infection can be prevented or symptoms reduced if varicella vaccine is administered
within 3 days of exposure and may provide some protection within 5 days.
J.T. also needs MMR vaccination, the quadrivalent combination vaccine ProQuad
containing measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella antigens may be considered. A
second dose of varicella vaccine in 3 months should be recommended to ensure longterm protection.
The most common adverse effect associated with varicella vaccine administration
is rash. Transmission of the virus from the vaccine has been documented in only 3 of
15 million doses administered, all of which occurred in the presence of a vesicular
103 Caution should be used when patients exhibit a rash
postvaccination to avoid contact with immunocompromised individuals until rash
Although varicella vaccine might not entirely prevent the occurrence of chickenpox
in an immunocompromised patient, it can modify the disease. In the National
Institutes of Health’s Collaborative Varicella Vaccine Study, a seroconversion rate
of only 85% was observed after a single dose in adults, compared with 95% in
healthy children and 90% in children with leukemia.
108 Varicella vaccine is generally
not recommended in children who have cellular immunodeficiencies, but it can be
used in those with impaired humoral immunity.
107 The vaccine should be avoided in
children with symptomatic HIV, but it may be considered in asymptomatic or mildly
After a primary infection with varicella, 15% to 30% of the population
experiences a latent infection in the sensory nerve ganglia that reactivates, causing
109 HZ typically occurs decades after initial varicella infection.
This reactivation can result in post-herpetic neuralgia or dissemination which results
in skin eruptions (“shingles”) and potential CNS, pulmonary, or hepatic
109 Although some have theorized that universal varicella
vaccination should eventually reduce the incidence of HZ because it prevents
primary infection, others debate that the attenuated virus may have greater potential
for becoming latent and reactiving.
109 Still others argue that with the elimination of
wild-type virus in the community, the exposure of individuals with latent wild-type
varicella to help boost immunity and prevent HZ is reduced. In this situation, the risk
109 Routine varicella immunization began in 1995 and only
long-term studies of vaccinated individuals will answer the questions about the
impact of the varicella vaccination upon the incidence of HZ. However, currently the
majority of adults are not immunized against varicella (unless required as a health
care worker) and have previously acquired wild-type varicella infections. Therefore,
most adults in the United States are at risk for exhibiting HZ as they age.
The zoster vaccine (Zostavax) is a live attenuated varicella zoster vaccine that
uses the same strain and antigens as the varicella vaccines (Varivax and ProQuad);
however, it is 14 times more potent and contains additional antigenic components. It
was initially recommended for all individuals older than 60 years of age as a single
subcutaneous injection to prevent HZ.
In 2011, FDA approval was given to
use HZ vaccine in individuals 50 years of age or older; however, ACIP
recommendations remain for patients 60 years and older.
patients with a previous history of HZ, but it is not indicated to treat acute zoster or
prevent further complications during an acute episode.
routine immunization for anyone who has previously received the varicella vaccine.
The zoster vaccine was shown in the Shingles Prevention Study to reduce the
incidence of HZ by more than 50% and resulted in reductions in the severity and
duration of pain, in addition to preventing the development of post-herpetic
Vaccines or other biological agents are typically administered as either an
intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous injection.
Because appropriate administration by the correct route and technique is critical to
the effectiveness of the specified vaccine, it is essential to consult the prescribing
and administration information for each specific vaccination administered to a patient
(see also Table 64-1). The technique of vaccine administration by either route should
include sterilizing the skin surface, drawing up the vaccine from the vial into a
syringe using sterile technique, protecting the patient and health care provider
regarding biological hazards, performing proper disposal of biohazardous/sharps
materials (needles and blood-borne products), observing for adverse effects after
administration, and reassuring the patient postvaccine administration. Table 64-3
includes general guidelines for safe and effective parenteral administration.
administered a Pneumovax vaccination subcutaneously. How to you respond to B.D.’s call?
The majority of vaccines, including Pneumovax, specify IM administration. This
technique involves penetration of the appropriate muscle at a 90-degree angle. For
graphical illustration of intramuscular vaccine administration, see
http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2020.pdf. Site of IM injections include the
anterolateral thigh muscle in infants and toddlers, and the deltoid (upper arm) muscle
112 The typical needle used to administer an IM injection is 1
inch long and 22 to 25 gauge. A shorter needle (e.g., 5/8 inch) may be used for
newborns, whereas a 1 to 1/2-inch needle may be needed for adults weighing greater
than 90 kg for women and 118 kg for men.
113 Multiple IM injections given in the
same extremity during the same time period should be placed at least 1 inch apart.
Although most vaccine products specify the route of administration, Pneumovax may
be administered either IM or into subcutaneous tissue.
reassured that she has administered the Pneumovax correctly because it is acceptable
to administer this vaccination by either route.
Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Vaccine Administration Techniques
Patient Age Site Injection Area
Birth to 12 months Subcutaneous Fatty tissue over the
12 months and older Subcutaneous Fatty tissue over anterolateral
thigh or fatty tissue over triceps
Intramuscular Anterolateral thigh muscle 5/8 22–25
Infant (1–12 months) Intramuscular Anterolateral thigh muscle 1 22–25
Toddler (1–3 years) Intramuscular Anterolateral thigh muscle OR
Deltoid muscle of arm if muscle
Intramuscular Deltoid muscle OR
Adults ≥19 years Intramuscular Deltoid muscle OR
Sources: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. General recommendations on
immunizations-recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR
Subcutaneous vaccinations involve injection of vaccine into fatty subcutaneous
tissue between the layer of skin and the layer of muscle.
vaccinations are administered with a 5/8-inch needle, 23 to 25 gauge, inserted at a
45-degree angle to the skin, while pinching up on the subcutaneous tissue to prevent
injection into the muscle. For graphical illustration of subcutaneous vaccination
administration, see http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2020.pdf. Sites of
subcutaneous injections include the fatty tissue over the anterolateral thigh muscle in
children newborn to 1 year old, and fatty tissue over the triceps in children 1 year old
to adults. Multiple subcutaneous injections given in the same extremity during the
same time period should be placed at least 1 inch apart.
Other routes of administration for vaccinations include the oral, intranasal, and
intradermal routes. Rotavirus and oral typhoid are the only orally administered
vaccines in the United States.
Inactivated influenza is the only intranasal vaccine,
administered via a nasal sprayer with a dose divider. Intradermal influenza is the
only intradermally administered vaccine, and it is administered in the area of the
deltoid at a 90-degree angle into the skin.
QUESTION 1: What are the requirements necessary to become a pharmacist immunizer? How are
pharmacists advocates for improving population immunization rates?
Pharmacists have varying authority to administer vaccinations within the United
States based on each state’s Pharmacy Practice Act. The rationale for pharmacists to
deliver immunizations to the public includes pharmacist accessibility in every
community and overall low vaccination rates throughout the population.
Department of Health & Human Services and Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention recognized pharmacist’s unique position to promote vaccines and also
influence vaccination in diverse populations through a letter from the Assistant
116 This letter also acknowledged pharmacist’s contribution to
increase immunization awareness in the past, but it also requested continued
assistance in this endeavor through the following:
Increasing vaccine awareness in the adult and adolescent population
Ensuring patient’s vaccine requirements are assessed when they visit pharmacies
Offering vaccinations to patients with certain medical conditions (high risk)
Entering adult immunizations into vaccine registries where possible
Partnering and collaborating with local and state health departments, immunization
coalitions, medical providers, and other vaccination outreach programs
across the country contain or provide an opportunity to learn immunization
administration within their curriculum.
117 These programs include both didactic and
hands-on training and prepare the learners to be public health educators regarding
immunizations, to promote vaccinations within their community, and to administer
vaccines at their practice sites.
Although each state’s requirements regarding necessary training, protocols, and
notification systems may differ, there are some standardized requirements a
pharmacist immunizer must follow. Current cardiopulmonary resuscitation
certification is a common requirement for pharmacist immunizers. Immunization
administration curricula typically contain information regarding basic immunology,
specifics regarding vaccine information, practice implementation, legal and
regulatory issues, and administration techniques.
117 Each state stipulates the statutes
may receive a pharmacist-administered vaccination; what types of vaccinations
pharmacists are able to administer; and the mechanism by which pharmacists are
authorized to administer vaccines by physicians, such as through a prescription,
collaborative drug therapy management agreement, protocol, or standing order.
Some states require continuing-education credit maintenance specific to
immunizations or vaccinations for pharmacists who immunize; some states are very
specific in their requirements, and others are more general. It is important to check
with the state licensing board regarding specific statutes and regulations relating to
pharmacist immunization practices. In addition, a growing number of states have
passed legislation allowing pharmacy interns with the necessary training to
administer immunizations. Currently, 44 states and territories have adopted
legislation allowing pharmacy interns to administer vaccines, given the student has
completed an immunization certificate program and operates only under supervision
Patient consent forms for immunization and vaccine information sheets are
important aspects for patient safety that pharmacists are required to use as part of an
approved immunization program. Consent forms should include screening
questionnaires specific for each vaccine, should be signed prior to vaccine
administration, and should be reviewed by the pharmacist with the patient present.
Vaccine information sheets are patient information developed by the CDC providing
specific individual vaccine information benefits and risks, and they are required to
be distributed to the patient with each vaccine by the National Childhood Vaccine
Injury Act of 1986. Resources for pharmacists are available through the CDC,
Immunization Action Coalition, and American Pharmacists Association.
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