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Autonomic symptoms include sweating, intense hunger, palpitations, tremor,

tingling, and anxiety. Epinephrine is thought to mediate many of the neurogenic

responses to hypoglycemia.

Neuroglycopenic symptoms resulting from neuronal fuel deprivation (glucose)

include difficulty concentrating, lethargy, confusion, agitation, weakness, and

possibly, slurred speech, dizziness, and fainting. Profound behavioral changes,

seizures, and coma are more severe manifestations of neuroglycopenia. Prolonged,

severe neuroglycopenia ultimately results in death. Symptoms of mild, moderate,

severe, and nocturnal hypoglycemia are as follows:

Mild hypoglycemia: Symptoms include tremor, palpitations, sweating, and intense

hunger. Diminished cerebral function is not present, and patients are capable of


Moderate hypoglycemia: Moderate hypoglycemic reactions include

neuroglycopenic as well as autonomic symptoms: headache, mood changes,

irritability, decreased attention, and drowsiness. Patients may require assistance

in treating themselves because of the presence of impaired judgment or weakness.

Symptoms are more severe, usually last longer, and often require a second dose

of a simple carbohydrate.

Severe hypoglycemia: Symptoms of severe hypoglycemia include unresponsiveness,

unconsciousness, or convulsions. These reactions require assistance from another

individual for appropriate treatment. Approximately 10% of patients treated with

insulin experience at least one severe, disabling episode of hypoglycemia per

year that requires emergency treatment with parenteral glucagon or IV glucose.


Nocturnal hypoglycemia: Tingling of the lips and tongue is a common complaint of

patients who experience nocturnal hypoglycemia. These patients also may

complain of headache and difficulty arising in the morning, nightmares, or

nocturnal diaphoresis.

154 Family members should be conscious of any unusual

sounds or activity while the patient is sleeping.

G.O. has mild-to-moderate hypoglycemic reactions, which he is able to self-treat.

These are likely caused by overinsulinization and insulin “stacking” (giving rapid- or

short-acting insulin injections too close together, so that the doses “stack” on top of

the other) with his rapid-acting insulin.


CASE 53-8, QUESTION 2: Evaluate G.O.’s overall control. What signs and symptoms in G.O. are

consistent with overinsulinization and insulin stacking? How should he be managed?

The following is a list of signs and symptoms of overinsulinization in G.O.:

A total daily insulin dose of more than 1 unit/kg. This dose is unusually high for a

patient with Type 1 diabetes, who should not be resistant to the action of insulin.

Weight gain in the past several months. This is secondary to the anabolic effects of

insulin as well as G.O.’s increased carbohydrate intake to match his high insulin

doses for treatment of hypoglycemia.

Frequent hypoglycemic reactions.

High glycemic variability (i.e., BG concentrations that fluctuate wildly between

hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia). In G.O.’s case, high BG concentrations may

represent reactive hyperglycemia or overtreatment of hypoglycemic episodes. His

low BG level may represent excessive rapid-acting insulin at bedtime and insulin

stacking of his rapid-acting insulin after lunch. At lunchtime, he is administering a

high-sugar correction dose of insulin glulisine too soon; his mealtime glulisine is

still likely at a peak action and working to lower his prandial BG. By

administering additional glulisine soon after the meal, the two insulin doses are

adding up, or stacking, causing hypoglycemia.

Near-normal A1C levels indicate mean BG concentrations that must be within the

normal range even though the patient has recorded numerous high BG

concentrations. Patients treated with intensive insulin therapy in the DCCT

experienced hypoglycemic episodes 3 times more often than patients treated with

standard insulin therapy.

29 A1C levels were approximately 7.2%.

G.O. should be managed by discontinuing his high-sugar corrections at bedtime

and after lunch. He should check his BG premeal, 1 to 2 hours after meals, and at

bedtime to obtain a better picture of his glucose patterns and insulin requirements. He

should avoid the large bedtime snack because one should not have to add food just to

avoid hypoglycemia (i.e., the insulin regimen should be adjusted). He should also

begin testing his BG at 2 or 3 AM to

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assess whether he is still experiencing nocturnal hypoglycemia after stopping the

bedtime insulin glulisine. It will be important that he records the actual dose he

administers before each meal and brings the record to clinic so that his insulin doses

can be fine-tuned. Next, if he is capable, an algorithm for adjusting his preprandial

insulin glulisine doses should be provided to minimize hypoglycemic and

hyperglycemic reactions (see Case 53-2, Question 12), eventually he can transition to

counting carbohydrates (see Case 53-2, Questions 11 and 12).


CASE 53-8, QUESTION 3: How should G.O.’s hypoglycemic episodes be managed?

As G.O. illustrates, many patients with diabetes are frightened of hypoglycemia

and have a tendency to over-treat their reactions with, for example, large quantities

of juice or regular soda. This should be discouraged because overcorrection together

with glucose generated by counter-regulatory hormones ultimately results in


The key to successful management of hypoglycemia is recognition and prevention.

Because early warning symptoms of hypoglycemia vary from person to person, it is

important that G.O. learns to recognize and pay attention to his earliest warning

symptoms and treat early. Patients generally can recall prodromal symptoms after

recovery from a severe hypoglycemic reaction if they have not developed

hypoglycemic unawareness (see Case 53-9). As a caveat, occasionally patients

“feel” hypoglycemic after their BG concentrations have been normalized from very

high levels with intensive insulin therapy, owing to the amount of BG change.

Encourage patients to test their BG level any time they “feel unusual” to verify a low

BG concentration before treatment. G.O. should treat his symptoms only if he is truly


A second component of prevention is determining its cause and taking preventive

or corrective action. This entails assessment of his diet (did he skip or delay a meal

or change its content?), exercise pattern, time of insulin administration, insulin dose,

and accuracy of carbohydrate counting and dose administered. If hypoglycemic

reactions consistently occur at a certain time of day, he should determine whether this

corresponds with a mealtime dose of his rapid-acting insulin and reduces that insulin

dose by 1 to 2 units. If his FPG is running low, his insulin glargine dose can be


If a reaction occurs, G.O. should be instructed to treat it as follows (Table 53-12).

Mild Hypoglycemia

Most hypoglycemic reactions are managed readily with the equivalent of 10 to 20 g

of glucose (see Table 53-12 for examples of carbohydrate sources containing 15 g of

glucose). If the blood concentration remains low after 15 minutes, the patient should

ingest another 10 to 20 g of carbohydrate. This quick-acting source of glucose should

be followed by a small complex carbohydrate or protein snack (e.g., milk, peanut

butter sandwich) to provide a continual source of glucose if a meal is not scheduled

within the next 1 to 2 hours. An easy rule of thumb that can be used by patients is

“15-15-15”: 15 g of glucose followed by a second 15 g if the patient is still

symptomatic after 15 minutes.

Glucose tablets are available and have the added benefit of being premeasured to

prevent overtreatment of hypoglycemia. Glucose gels, liquid, or small tubes of cake

frosting are useful for children or patients who become uncooperative and combative

when hypoglycemic.

Moderate-to-Severe Hypoglycemia

Glucagon can be injected by the SC or IM (preferred) route into the deltoid or

anterior thigh region. Glucagon is used when a patient is unable to self-treat their

hypoglycemia caused by exogenous insulin. The dose of glucagon recommended to

treat moderate or severe hypoglycemia for a child younger than 5 years of age is 0.25

to 0.5 mg; for children 5 to 10 years of age, 0.5 to 1 mg; and for patients older than

10 years, 1 mg. Parents, spouses, or other close contacts should be taught how to mix,

draw up, and administer glucagon during emergency situations. Kits with prefilled

syringes containing 1 mg glucagon are available. Patients who are given glucagon

should be positioned so that their face is turned toward the floor to prevent aspiration

in the event of vomiting. As soon as the patient awakens (10–25 minutes), he/she

should be fed.

Intravenous Glucose

If glucagon is unavailable, the patient should be taken to the hospital’s emergency

department, where he/she can be treated with IV glucose (~10–25 g administered as

20–50 mL of 50% dextrose for 1–3 minutes) in preference to glucagon. After the

bolus injection of glucose, IV glucose (5–10 g/hour) should be continued until the

patient has gained consciousness and is able to eat.


CASE 53-9

QUESTION 1: M.M., a 35-year-old, 75-kg, unemployed man, has had Type 1 diabetes since the age of 3. As

a consequence of the diabetes, he has developed proliferative retinopathy and progressive diabetic nephropathy

(current SCr, 2.2 mg/dL). M.M. has an erratic lifestyle. Because he does not work, he often stays out late at

night and sleeps late into the morning. His insulin is injected whenever he awakens, and his meals are irregularly

spaced. Each time he comes to the clinic, he brings with him a complete log of glucose concentrations that

range from 80 to 140 mg/dL. He has two to three severe hypoglycemic reactions a month that require trips to

the emergency department for treatment with IV glucose. On several occasions, his BG concentration has been

30 mg/dL, and he states he may feel a little weak, but otherwise feels “not too bad.” M.M.’s last A1C was

10%. He says that he adheres to the following insulin regimen: 18 units NPH/11 units regular insulin before

breakfast, 10 units regular insulin before lunch and dinner, and 14 units NPH at bedtime.

At this visit, M.M. comes with his girlfriend. He has a large gash on his nose that occurred 3 days ago when

he lost consciousness at approximately 1:30 PM while pushing his stalled car. He was unable to eat lunch at the

usual hour because he had problems with his car. Assess M.M.’s hypoglycemic reactions and BG control.

Should his current insulin regimen be continued? How should he be managed?

M.M. illustrates a patient with Type 1 diabetes who has defective glucose counterregulation and, as a result, is unable to counteract a hypoglycemic reaction

effectively. He also is an example of a patient who should not have aggressive BG

targets because he does not feel the symptoms of a low blood sugar and has already

developed end-stage organ damage (proliferative retinopathy and nephropathy).

Neither is likely to be reversed with improved glycemic control. In fact, proliferative

retinopathy may actually worsen with intensive insulin therapy initially.


In the

DCCT study, severe hypoglycemic reactions were 3 times more common among

patients treated with intensive insulin therapy, and nocturnal hypoglycemia accounted

for 41% of the total hypoglycemic episodes.


In patients with defective counterregulation,

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the risk of severe hypoglycemia may be 25 times higher than in patients with

adequate counter-regulatory mechanisms treated with intensive insulin therapy.


M.M. is at great risk for death secondary to hypoglycemia.

M.M.’s lifestyle is erratic, he eats irregularly, and his reported BG concentrations

(80–140 mg/dL) do not correspond to his elevated A1C value. This may indicate that

M.M.’s technique is incorrect or that he simply fills in the log with fictitious numbers

before he comes to the clinic. Irregular entries in different colored inks and

bloodstains usually indicate authentic records.

As noted, the primary hormones that are secreted in response to a low BG

concentration are glucagon and epinephrine. In patients who have had Type 1

diabetes for longer than 2 to 5 years, a deficiency in glucagon secretion is a

relatively consistent finding, and these patients must rely on epinephrine to reverse

low BG concentrations.

155 Unfortunately, approximately 40% of patients with longstanding Type 1 diabetes (8–15 years) have defective epinephrine secretion as well,

and this may be related to the development of autonomic neuropathy. Patients whose

diabetes is tightly controlled also have reduced counter-regulatory hormone

responses to hypoglycemia. As illustrated by M.M., patients with defective

epinephrine secretory responses also lose the warning signs and symptoms of

hypoglycemia. These patients are said to have hypoglycemia unawareness because

they have no awareness of BG concentrations less than 50 mg/dL. In these

individuals, loss of consciousness, seizures, or irrational behavior may be the first

objective sign of exceedingly low BG concentrations. The glycemic threshold for

symptoms also is lowered in patients on intensive insulin therapy whose glucose

concentrations have been lowered to normal or near-normal levels.

154 Consequently,

their hypoglycemic reactions may go unnoticed and untreated until they lose

consciousness. M.M. should be managed as follows:

Because his waking, sleeping, and eating patterns are highly irregular, M.M. should

be treated with an insulin regimen that addresses his lifestyle. For example, he

could be switched to a basal-bolus insulin regimen, in which he can give himself

a rapid-acting insulin just before he actually intends to eat. A dose of insulin

glargine or detemir could be given before his first meal to supply a basal level of

insulin between meals. Additionally, when switching to insulin glargine or

detemir MM should be provided this insulin in a pen formulation as to avoid any

dosing errors from drawing insulin into a syringe based on MM’s current

symptoms of visual impairment.

Because M.M. has no warning symptoms for hypoglycemia, the importance of

regular SMBG should be emphasized. When BG testing was reviewed with

M.M., it was discovered that his eyesight was so poor that he was unable to

distinguish between the right and wrong side of the glucose test strip.

Furthermore, because he had lost his depth of field, he was unable to apply the

drop of blood into the test strip. To address this situation, M.M.’s girlfriend was

taught how to perform BG testing. Also, a glucose monitor that requires a very

small blood sample and beeps with an adequate blood sample would be

beneficial for him.

M.M.’s girlfriend also was taught how to recognize and treat symptoms of

hypoglycemia and how to administer glucagon. Often, patients ignore early

warning symptoms and progress to a point that they lose the judgment needed to

treat the condition. If M.M. has not yet become combative, a quick-acting

carbohydrate source should be offered. If he has lost consciousness, glucagon

should be injected.

All of these maneuvers diminished the frequency of M.M.’s severe hypoglycemic

reactions. On the whole, his BG concentrations were maintained below 180 mg/dL,

and he remained relatively free of hyperglycemic symptoms. M.M.’s A1C using a

basal-bolus insulin regimen was 8.0%.


CASE 53-10

QUESTION 1: J.L., a 40-year-old, 60-kg woman with an 8-year history of Type 1 diabetes, is moderately well

controlled on 24 units of insulin glargine plus premeal doses of insulin lispro. Her family brings her to the

emergency department, where she complains of abdominal tenderness, nausea, and vomiting. According to her

family, J.L. was well until 2 days ago when she awoke with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and chills. Because she

has been unable to eat, she has omitted her usual morning dose of insulin for the past 2 days. Her

gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms progressed, and she was brought to the emergency department when she

became lethargic.

Physical examination reveals an ill-appearing woman who is lethargic but responsive. Her temperature is

37°C. Skin turgor is poor, mucous membranes are dry, and her eyeballs are shrunken and soft. J.L.’s lungs are

clear, but respirations are deep and her breath has a fruity odor. Cardiac examination is within normal limits.

In the supine position, J.L.’s pulse rate is 115 beats/minute and her BP is 105/60 mm Hg. In the upright

position, her pulse increased to 140 beats/minute, and her BP dropped to 85/40 mm Hg. There is mild, diffuse

tenderness over her abdomen.

Laboratory results on admission disclosed the following:

BG, 450 mg/dL

Sodium (Na), 150 mEq/L

Potassium (K), 5.4 mEq/L

Chloride (Cl), 106 mEq/L


, 10 mEq/L

SCr, 2.0 mg/dL

Hemoglobin, 15.7 g/dL

Hematocrit, 49%

White blood cell count, 15,000/μL with 3% bands (normal, 3%–5%), 70% polymorphonuclear neutrophils

(normal, 54%–62%), and 27% lymphocytes (normal, 25%–33%)

Serum ketones, moderate at 1:10 dilution (normal, negative)

The urinalysis showed the following:

Glucose, 2+ (normal, 0)

Moderate ketones (normal, 0)

pH, 5.5 (normal, 4.6–8)

Specific gravity, 1.029 (normal, 1.020–1.025)

No white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, or casts

Arterial blood gas results were as follows:

pH, 7.05 (normal, 7.36–7.44)


, 20 mm Hg (normal, 35–45)


, 120 mm Hg (normal, 90–100)

What supports the diagnosis of DKA in J.L.?

The fact that J.L. has Type 1 diabetes puts her at risk for developing ketoacidosis.

About 80% of DKA cases occur in patients older than 18 years of age with about

one-third of those occurring in patients older than 45 years of age.


In DKA, an

absolute or relative insulin deficiency promotes lipolysis and metabolism of free

fatty acids to β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetic acid, and acetone in the liver. Excess

glucagon enhances gluconeogenesis and impairs peripheral ketone utilization.

Physiologic stress contributes to the development of DKA by stimulating release of

insulin counter-regulatory hormones including glucagon, catecholamines,

glucocorticoids, and growth hormone. Common stress factors include infection,

pregnancy, pancreatitis, trauma, hyperthyroidism, and acute MI.

J.L. presented with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and chills, and these

are suggestive of an acute viral gastroenteritis.

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Patients such as J.L. commonly discontinue their insulin in this setting, which can

rapidly precipitate the development of DKA (see Case 53-5) . Table 53-22 lists

patient education points with regard to DKA.

As illustrated by J.L., patients with DKA present with moderate-to-high serum

glucose concentrations secondary to decreased peripheral utilization and increased

hepatic production (Table 53-23). This increases serum osmolality, which initially

shifts fluid from the intracellular to the extracellular space. When serum glucose

concentrations exceed the renal threshold for reabsorption of about 200 mg/dL,

glucose “spills” over into the urine and causes an osmotic diuresis that depletes the

total body water and electrolytes. J.L. also has lost fluid and electrolytes from

vomiting and diarrhea. Eventually, as losses exceed input, the patient becomes

dehydrated (dry mucous membranes; dry skin; soft, shrunken eyeballs; increased

hematocrit), and intravascular volume becomes depleted (orthostatic BP and pulse


The finding of hyperkalemia in J.L. is also common in DKA because insulin

contributes to the intracellular shift of potassium.

156 The relative deficiency of insulin

in DKA results in an extracellular shift of potassium that is worsened by the acidosis















that often develops.

157 A finding of hypokalemia in DKA (<3.3 mg/dL) is uncommon

and is a marker of more severe disease. In the hypokalemic patient, the combination

of the extracellular shift of potassium and polyuria has led to excessive depletion of

total body potassium. Care must be used in these patients to replace potassium

intravenously before beginning insulin therapy, which will cause further hypokalemia

as potassium shifts back into cells.


Table 53-22

Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Patient Education

Definition: DKA occurs when the body has insufficient insulin

Questions to Ask

Has insulin use been discontinued or a dose skipped for any reason?

If an insulin pump is being used, is the tubing clogged or twisted? Has the catheter become dislodged?

Has the insulin being used lost its activity? Is the bottle of rapid-acting/regular or basal insulin cloudy? Does

the bottle of NPH look frosty?

Have insulin requirements increased owing to illness or other forms of stress (infection, pregnancy,

pancreatitis, trauma, hyperthyroidism, or MI)?

What to Look For

Signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia: thirst, excessive urination, fatigue, blurred vision, consistently

elevated blood glucose concentrations (>300 mg/dL)

Signs of acidosis: fruity breath odor, deep and difficult breathing

Signs of dehydration: dry mouth; warm, dry skin; fatigue

Others:stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite

What to Do

Review “sick day management” (Table 53-20)

Test blood glucose ≥4 times daily

Test urine for ketones when blood glucose concentration is >300 mg/dL

Drink plenty of fluids (water, clear soups)

Continue taking insulin dose

Contact physician immediately

DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; MI, myocardial infarction; NPH, neutral protamine Hagedorn.

Table 53-23

Common Laboratory Abnormalities in Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)

Glucose 250 mg/dL

Serum osmolarity Variable, can be >320 mOsm/kg in presence of coma

Sodium Low, normal, or high


Potassium Normal or high

Ketones Present in urine and blood

pH Mild: 7.25–7.30

Moderate: 7.00–7.24

Severe: <7.00

Bicarbonate Mild: 15–18 mEq/L

Moderate: 10 to <15 mEq/L

Severe: <10 mEq/L

WBC count 15,000–40,000 cells/μL even without evidence of infection

aTotal body sodium is always low.

WBC, white blood cell.

Evidence of excessive ketone production in J.L. includes ketonuria, ketonemia, and

the characteristic fruity odor of acetone on the breath. Elevated levels of these

organic acids increase the anion gap and decrease the pH and carbonate levels. The

respiratory rate is increased to compensate for the metabolic acidosis leading to




CASE 53-10, QUESTION 2: How should J.L. be treated?

Treatment of patients with DKA is aimed at expansion of intravascular and

extravascular volume, replacement of electrolyte losses, and cessation of ketone

production (Table 53-24).


Rapid correction of fluid loss is most crucial. The usual fluid deficit is difficult to

estimate in the absence of overt hypernatremia but approximates 5% to 10% of body

weight in most patients depending on the severity of the DKA. In the absence of

cardiac compromise, hypernatremia, or significant renal dysfunction, isotonic saline

(0.9% NaCl) should be used.


J.L. has evidence of significant dehydration and intravascular volume depletion.

Based on body weight, if the patient has the typical 5% to 10% weight loss, that

would indicate approximately 3 to 6 L of fluid will be needed to fully replete (10%

of 60 kg = 6-kg loss and 1 L = 1 kg). It is recommended that fluids be replaced at the

rate of 15 to 20 mL/kg/hour during the first hour (~1 to 1.5 L in the average adult).

The subsequent choice for fluid replacement depends on the patient’s state of

hydration, serum electrolyte levels, and urinary output. If the corrected sodium is

normal or elevated, 0.45% NaCl infused at a rate of 4 to 14 mL/kg/hour is

appropriate. If the corrected serum sodium is low, 0.9% NaCl is preferred.

156 When

serum glucose concentrations approach 200 mg/dL, solutions should be changed to

D5W/0.45% NaCl. Glucose is added to allow the continuation of insulin therapy

without causing hypoglycemia (see Case 53-10, Question 5).


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Table 53-24

Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis


Fluid Administration

Start IV fluids using normalsaline (0.9% NaCl) unless patient has cardiac compromise

Rate is 15–20 mL/kg body weight or 1–1.5 L during first hour

Then, if corrected sodium is normal or elevated, use 0.45% NaCl at a rate of 4–14 mL/kg/h (250–500 mL/hour).

Use 0.9% NaCl if corrected sodium is low

Once serum glucose reaches 200 mg/dL, change to 5% dextrose with 0.45% NaCl at 150–250 mL/hour


Continuous IV infusion of regular insulin is preferred. Use IM route only if infusion is not available

Bolus dose: 0.1 units/kg IV

Maintenance dose: 0.1 units/kg/h IV

If blood glucose level has not decreased by 50–75 mg/dL after 1 hour, double infusion rate

Once blood glucose reaches 200 mg/dL, reduce infusion rate to 0.05–0.1 units/kg/hour and change fluid to 5%

dextrose with 0.45% NaCl (do not stop insulin infusion)

When SC insulin can be initiated, administer dose 1–2 hours before discontinuing IV infusion

For uncomplicated DKA, SC rapid-acting insulin can be considered. A bolus dose of 0.2 units/kg followed by 0.1

units/kg every hour or an initial dose of 0.3 units/kg followed by 0.2 units/kg every 2 hours until the blood glucose

reaches <250 mg/dL; then the SC insulin dose is decreased by half (to either 0.05 or 0.1 units/kg every 1–2



Establish adequate renal function (urine output ~50 mL/hour). If K is <3.3 mEq/L, hold insulin and give 20–40

mEq/hour until K >3.3 mEq/L. If K is >5.5mEq/L, do not give K and check serum K every 2 hours. If K is >3.3

but <5.3 mEq/L, give 20–30 mEq in each liter of IV fluid to maintain K between 4 and 5 mEq/L


Initiate if level <1 mg/dL, or in patients with cardiac dysfunction, anemia, or respiratory depression. Use

potassium phosphate salt, 20–30 mEq added to replacement fluid. Rarely needed


Replacement is controversial and may be dangerous

For adults with pH <6.9, 100 mmol of sodium bicarbonate may be added to 400 mL of sterile water with 20 mEq

of KCl; infuse for 2 hours (200 mL/hour). For adults with pH of 6. 9–7.0, 50 mmol of sodium bicarbonate diluted

in 200 mL of sterile water with 10 mEq of KCL; infuse for 1 hour (200 mL/hour). No bicarbonate is necessary if

pH >7.0

DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; SC, subcutaneous.


Total body sodium usually is depleted by 7 to 10 mEq/kg of body weight in patients

with DKA. In assessing serum sodium in these patients, it is important to remember

that falsely low values (i.e., pseudohyponatremia) may be the result of hyperglycemia

and hypertriglyceridemia. A corrected sodium value can be estimated by adding 1.6

mEq/L to the observed sodium value for every 100 mg/dL glucose in excess of 100

mg/dL. Sodium is replaced adequately with normal saline, which has a sodium

concentration of 154 mEq/L.



Potassium balance is altered markedly in patients with DKA because of combined

urinary and GI losses. Invariably, total body potassium is at least partly depleted;

however, the serum potassium concentration may be high, normal, or low, depending

on the degree of acidosis and volume contraction and severity of insulin deficiency.

Usual potassium deficits in this situation average 3 to 5 mEq/kg of body weight,

although they may be as high as 10 mEq/kg.


Thus, J.L. needs approximately 200 to 350 mEq of potassium to replenish her body

stores, assuming her normal weight is 70 kg. To prevent hypokalemia, potassium

replacement should be started after her serum potassium concentrations decrease to

less than 5.3 mEq/L (assuming an adequate urine output of 50 mL/hour). The addition

of 20 to 30 mEq/L is usually sufficient to maintain the serum potassium at greater than

4 mEq/L. In cases when serum potassium is low at presentation (<3.3 mEq/L),

potassium replacement should be initiated with fluid therapy, and insulin therapy

delayed until the potassium level is greater than 3.3 mEq/L to avoid severe

hypokalemia and the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and diaphragmatic weakness. In

these cases, initial IV solutions should contain 20 to 30 mEq/L of potassium chloride.


Phosphate is lost as the result of increased tissue catabolism, impaired cellular

uptake, and enhanced renal excretion. Like other electrolytes, serum levels initially

may seem normal, even though body stores are depleted. However, replacement can

result in hypocalcemia, and the use of phosphate in DKA has resulted in no clinical

benefit to patients.

156 Severe hypophosphatemia (<1.0 mg/dL) can cause cardiac and

skeletal muscle weakness as well as respiratory depression. To avoid this, phosphate

can be carefully replaced in patients with cardiac dysfunction or respiratory

depression when phosphate concentrations are less than 1.0 mg/dL. Potassium

phosphate can be added to the replacement fluids in the amount of 20 to 30 mEq/L.

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p. 1111


CASE 53-10, QUESTION 3: What is an appropriate insulin dose and route of administration for J.L.?

Insulin therapy is the key to DKA management because it is what stops the

production of ketones. As insulin allows glucose metabolism to resume, the counterregulatory signals for ketone production are turned off. Unless the episode of DKA is

mild (pH 7.25–7.30) and uncomplicated, regular insulin by continuous infusion is the

treatment of choice. Once hypokalemia (K+ <3.3 mEq/L) is excluded or treated, an IV

bolus of regular insulin at 0.1 units/kg followed by a continuous infusion at a dose of

0.1 units/kg/hour should be administered. This should decrease the plasma glucose

by at least 10% in the first hour. If there is not at least a 10% reduction in the first

hour, then a second bolus of 0.15 units/kg should be administered. Once the plasma

glucose reaches 200 mg/dL, the insulin infusion can be decreased to 0.05

units/kg/hour. Alternatively, insulin can be switched to SC at a dose of 0.1 units/kg

every 2 hours. Regardless of the route of insulin therapy, serum glucose should be

maintained at less than 200 mg/dL.

156 At this point, the fluid should be changed to

D5W with 0.45% NaCl. Thereafter, the rate of insulin administration and the rate of

infusion of D5W with 0.45% NaCl are adjusted to maintain the glucose value at

around 200 mg/dL until the ketosis is resolved.

156 Resolution of ketosis is marked by

a serum bicarbonate level of at least 15 mEq/L, a venous pH greater than 7.3, and a

calculated anion gap of 12 mEq/L or less. Once any two of those three findings are

present, the patient can be converted to a longer-acting SC regimen.

For mild DKA (serum bicarbonate ≥15 mEq/L, anion gap <15), SC rapid-acting

insulin has been used with no differences in patient outcomes. The advantage is that

patients can be treated in a non-ICU setting, thus reducing hospital costs. The dosing

for rapid-acting insulin is included in Table 53-24.


CASE 53-10, QUESTION 4: J.L. was treated with fluids, electrolytes, and insulin as discussed in previous

questions. Laboratory and clinical data 4 hours after therapy are as follows:

pH, 7.1

BG, 400 mg/dL

K, 3.8 mEq/L

SCr, 3.1 mg/dL

Serum ketones, strongly positive at a 1:40 dilution

Her BP was 120/70 mm Hg with no orthostatic changes. Urine output for the past 3 hours has been 500 mL.

Because serum ketones have increased, should J.L. receive more insulin? Should she receive bicarbonate


The assumption that ketosis is worse in J.L. is incorrect. In DKA, low levels of

insulin and elevated glucagon levels promote the metabolism of free fatty acids in the

liver to acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate. The standard nitroprusside reaction test

for ketones measures only acetoacetate, even though β-hydroxybutyrate is the more

important ketone. The conversion of acetoacetic acid to β-hydroxybutyrate is coupled

closely with the reduced NADH:NAD ratio. If this ratio is high (as in the presence of

alcohol), so much β-hydroxybutyrate may be formed that acetoacetate is virtually

undetectable; thus, the absence of ketones in the serum does not rule out ketoacidosis.

Conversely, treatment with insulin begins to suppress lipolysis and fatty acid

oxidation; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is regenerated, shifting the reaction

back in favor of acetoacetate.

156 Thus, even though there seem to be higher

concentrations of ketones in the serum, J.L.’s declining BG concentration, improved

bicarbonate concentrations, and improved acid–base and cardiovascular responses

indicate that she is responding appropriately. Therefore, no change in the insulin dose

is indicated. It is important to emphasize that the glucose concentrations normalize

before ketones (4–6 hours vs. 6–12 hours) because the latter are metabolized more

slowly. For this reason, it is important to continue insulin to maintain suppression of

lipolysis until plasma and urine ketones have cleared.

The use of bicarbonate in patients with DKA has been controversial.

151 Most

investigators discourage its routine use, reserving it for patients with severe

acidemia (pH <6.9) or those in clinical shock. Coma is correlated most closely with

BG concentrations (>700 mg/dL) and hyperosmolality (calculated osmolality >340



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