For B.B., there needs to be education about her substance use. Many surgeons
require patients to stop smoking prior to surgery to improve healing (see Chapter 91
Tobacco Use and Dependence for smoking cessation strategies). Given her regular
intake of alcohol, tapering off this prior to surgery is important, because she may
develop alcohol withdrawal after surgery if she continues to consume alcohol. This
complicates postoperative care and prevents use of valuable analgesics such as
acetaminophen due to additive liver toxicity. Because she is getting little to no
benefit from her opioid, it is recommended to discontinue
hydrocodone/acetaminophen via taper over the next two weeks to reduce her
tolerance and improve her postoperative response to opioid analgesics. Some time
needs to be devoted to reducing her anxiety and educating her that she may have an
exaggerated pain response. Increasing the dose of pregabalin may help with this as
part of a multimodal analgesic regimen, and duloxetine could be continued.
CASE 55-1, QUESTION 3: Based on current guidelines, what postoperative pain management approaches
Clinicians should use regional or intraspinal analgesia whenever possible to
reduce the neuronal response to surgery. Surgery in the extremities is most often
managed with regional nerve blocks, using a local anesthetic such as bupivacaine or
ropivacaine. There are both sensory nerves and motor nerves that extend from the
spinal cord. The sensory nerves carry pain, temperature, pressure, and chemical
messages from the area of injury to the spine and brain for processing. Sensory
nerves are small and very sensitive to local anesthetics. Local anesthetics act as
sodium-channel blockers and, depending on how concentrated the local anesthetic is
(0.05% vs. 0.1%), it is possible to achieve a very dense block and completely stop
transmission. Unfortunately, with a really dense block, nerve transmission is retarded
or stopped in the larger motor nerves as well, causing loss of motor function. For
BB, the anesthesia team will consider a nerve block (likely an interscalene nerve
block) either as a one-shot block or a continuous infusion. The one-shot blocks only
last a few hours (Table 55-6). Because shoulder surgery is so painful and recovery
so long, some hospitals send patients home with a continuous infusion of local
anesthetic for pain relief up to 7 days. If they do this for B.B, she will have her arm
in a sling because her arm and hand will be numb and not functional while the nerve
block is running. This form of longer term acute analgesia has been shown to reduce
length of stay as well as provide excellent pain relief.
anesthetics for localized joint or tissue infiltration in and around the surgical incision
to offer short-term analgesia. A liposomal bupivacaine may be used as well. This
may offer slightly longer analgesia in the area where administered.
For thoracic and abdominal surgeries, there are several analgesic options to
reduce opioid need. Spinals are one-time injections of either opioid and/or local
anesthetic into the subarachnoid (intrathecal) space. Because this is not a continuous
infusion, the analgesia will wear off according to the half-life of the drug used. Some
anesthesiologists use a small amount of epinephrine to cause local vasoconstriction
and keep the medication from dispersing through the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Common complications with spinal injections include postdural puncture headaches
(i.e., CSF can leak after puncture of the subarachnoid dura) and itching (with
opioids). More serious complications include delayed respiratory depression (with
opioids), hypotension (with local anesthetics), infection, and intraspinal hematomas.
Epidurals offer the convenience of a continuous infusion of opioid and/or local
anesthetic. The medication chosen, concentration, and infusion rate all offer different
options for a given clinical situation. Morphine, hydromorphone, and an agent from
the fentanyl family are the opioids most commonly used. The pKa and lipophilicity
help determine the best agent. Morphine and hydromorphone are more hydrophilic so
it is more difficult for them to pass through membranes (to get into the CSF or
systemic blood) once injected into the epidural space. This is advantageous because
systemic circulation and CSF. Typically, they are not used for longer than 24 hours
due to this, but are often used for epidurals during labor. All epidural opioids travel
cephalad to the brain via the CSF and may cause central respiratory depression.
Epidural opioids also cause typical class-related adverse effects such as itching and
nausea, and cognitive effects such as sedation or confusion, although these are
Some clinicians limit opioid use further by only using local anesthetics in epidural
infusions. The local anesthetic chosen depends on half-life and toxicity. Lidocaine is
used for local infiltration because it has a short onset of action. However, it also has
a short half-life so usually bupivacaine or ropivacaine is used for blocks (Table 55-
6). Usually these are infused via an epidural catheter. The catheter tip is placed
where the densest block is needed. The greater the concentration, the denser the
block. Increasing the infusion rate causes the local anesthetic to spread over more
spinal nerve roots. This causes a greater clinical area of anesthesia. For example, if a
patient has a total colectomy and the incision area is still painful on the most
cephalad part, the infusion rate can be increased so some of the higher nerve roots
are covered. Local anesthetics must be monitored not only for pain coverage but also
for toxicity. They most commonly cause hypotension, because sympathetic nerves are
small. The more cephalad the epidural catheter tip is placed, the more likely that the
sympathetic nerves serving the lungs, diaphragm, and heart will be affected. Local
anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) can be life threatening, causing seizures and
cardiac dysrhythmias. The treatment of LAST involves rapid administration of
intralipid, which will bind the local anesthetic.
Agent Onset (minute) pKa Duration (hour)
Prilocaine (topical) <60 8.0 1–2 6
Chloroprocaine 10–15 9.1 0.5–1 9
Cocaine (topical) 1 8.7 0.5 0.5
admission for the surgery, the patient’s medical history included:
Morbid obesity (height 1.8 m, weight 171 kg, BMI 51.5 kg/m
Type 2 diabetes, noninsulin dependent
Sleep apnea, uses CPAP at home
Chronic kidney disease, baseline serum creatinine 1.4 mg/dL
Glimepiride 8 mg orally once daily
Lisinopril 20 mg orally once daily
Ibuprofen 600 mg orally once or twice daily for groin pain
In the postoperative anesthesia care unit (PACU), morphine 2 to 4 mg intravenous every 5 minutes is
ordered for severe pain. D.K. received 8 mg of intravenous morphine over 30 minutes then became very
give additional morphine. Is morphine an appropriate opioid for postoperative pain control in D.K.?
After surgery is completed in the operating room, patients are transferred to the
PACU for stabilization of respiratory function and pain. Most patients emerging from
general anesthesia are still quite sedated when they are transferred to the PACU.
When the anesthetic agents begin to wear off, it is very important to achieve rapid
control of severe pain so frequent administration of small intravenous opioid doses is
common practice in this setting. Currently, there is not a universally accepted
standard for titration of intravenous opioids in the PACU. Some institutions will
allow use of both intravenous fentanyl to gain fast pain control and morphine for a
longer duration of action. Hydromorphone is an acceptable alternative to morphine
for patients with renal insufficiency or intolerable side effects to morphine.
Morphine is considered the standard for intravenous opioid administration. The
hydrophilic (i.e., water soluble) property of morphine delays penetration across the
blood–brain barrier so the relative time to onset is approximately 6 minutes after an
intravenous dose. The concentration peak effect (i.e., equilibration time between the
plasma and brain) after an intravenous morphine dose is 20 minutes.
morphine metabolites include morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) and morphine-6-
39 The M3G metabolite is inactive but M6G crosses the blood–
brain barrier and has potent analgesic activity. Therefore, the analgesic and
ventilatory depressant effects of morphine and M6G may not be evident with initial
high plasma morphine concentrations.
40 Adverse events may occur 40 to 60 minutes
after the last intravenous morphine dose.
40 Patients with renal insufficiency will have
M6G metabolite accumulation and be at increased risk for respiratory depression so
morphine use is not recommended in this population.
Hydromorphone is commonly used in patients who cannot tolerate morphine or
have a history of renal insufficiency.
42,43 Hydromorphone is a hydrogenated ketone
analogue of morphine with slightly higher lipid solubility. The concentration peak
effect after intravenous hydromorphone administration is between 8 and 20
44,45 Hydromorphone has a similar metabolic pathway to morphine producing
hydromorphone-3-glucuronide (H3G) and hydromorphone-6-glucuronide (H6G).
However, hydromorphone metabolites are devoid of analgesic activity but H3G has
been showed to accumulate in animal models leading to dose-dependent myoclonus.
Fentanyl is a synthetic phenylpiperidine compound with high lipid solubility
resulting in rapid transfer across the blood–brain barrier. The concentration peak
effect after intravenous fentanyl administration can be seen within 4 to 6 minutes.
Fentanyl is a good option for rapid pain control but may accumulate in adipose tissue
with multiple doses; therefore, it is not the best choice for obese patients.
For management of D.K.’s pain in the PACU, the morphine order should be
changed to intravenous hydromorphone at 0.2 to 0.4 mg every 10 minutes for severe
pain. Hydromorphone does not have appreciable metabolite accumulation with renal
insufficiency and does not distribute into adipose tissue. After D.K.’s pain is
stabilized in the PACU, the interval will need to be longer between doses due to the
declining acute pain trajectory and addition of other multimodal medications that will
decrease the opioid requirements (Table 55-7). In addition to pain management, it is
very important to anticipate postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) caused by
anesthetic agents and opioids. Antiemetics are commonly used for prevention of
severe PONV (refer to Chapter 22 for management of PONV).
CASE 55-2, QUESTION 2: Is D.K. an appropriate candidate for intravenous patient-controlled analgesia
For postoperative pain management after discharge from the PACU, the oral route
is preferred over intravenous administration unless the patient is unable to use this
route or has severe uncontrolled pain.
30 The use of PCA provides a precise and
convenient method for intravenous opioid administration that allows the patient to
activate the dose for acute pain management. The intravenous PCA route is preferred
over nurse-administered intravenous doses because the patient does not have to
notify the nurse when more medication is needed, wait until it is given, and then
further wait for the peak effect to occur for pain relief. Self-administration of smaller
and more frequent intravenous opioid doses reduces the variation between the peak
and trough effect of the dosing interval thus better maintenance of the plasma opioid
47 Evidence-based guidelines on the management of postoperative pain
strongly recommend use of PCA for the intravenous route in surgical patients because
of ileus, aspiration risk, or inability to take medications orally or enterally.
Postoperative Transition of Opioid Doses for Naive Patients >50 Kg
Fentanyl intravenous 25–50 mcg every 5 minutes as needed
Morphine intravenous 2–4 mg every 5 minutes as needed
Hydromorphone intravenous 0.2–0.4 mg every 5 minutes as needed
Medical/Surgical Hospital Floor
Patient-controlled Analgesia (PCA) Starting Dose
Morphine intravenous 1 mg every 10 minutes
Hydromorphone intravenous 0.2 mg every 10 minutes
Fentanyl intravenous 25 mcg every 10 minutes
Nurse-Administered Opioid Dose for Patients Unable to Use PCA
Morphine intravenous 2–4 mg every 2 hours as needed
Hydromorphone intravenous 0.25–0.5 mg every 2 hours as needed
Hydromorphone 2–4 mg orally every 4 hours as needed
Oxycodone 5–10 mg orally every 4 hours as needed (can be combined with acetaminophen 325 mg)
Hydrocodone 5 mg with acetaminophen 325 mg—1 to 2 tablets orally every 4 hours as needed
patient was taking opioid therapy for chronic pain prior to surgery.
Patients who are appropriate for PCA must be able to cognitively understand how
to use a dose button for opioid self-administration and require intravenous opioid for
30 The PCA dose button is connected to an infusion pump that will allow
the administration of an opioid dose when the button is pushed (i.e., demand). To
prevent over dosage by continual demand, all PCA devices use a lockout interval
which is the length of time after a successful patient demand during which the device
will not administer another dose even if the patient pushes the button.
who start intravenous PCA are opioid-naïve meaning that their opioid use the week
prior to surgery was less than 60 mg of oral morphine or its equivalent.
reason, the starting dose for intravenous PCA is standardized for opioid-naïve
Use of a continuous opioid infusion for postoperative pain management is
generally reserved for patients who are opioid-tolerant and were taking opioid
medication around-the-clock prior to surgery. The role of the continuous infusion is
to provide a steady baseline of opioid medication that mimics the dose taken prior to
surgery. Equianalgesic dose calculations are used to determine the dose difference
between two opioids to provide the same degree of pain relief. When switching
between two opioids, it is recommended to decrease the new calculated dose by
25% to 50% to account for incomplete cross tolerance that may occur.
intravenous PCA along with a continuous infusion in opioid-tolerant patients can help
fine-tune pain control (refer to Case 55-8 for examples of equianalgesic dose
Respiratory depression remains the most serious adverse event related to opioid
therapy often due to excessive amounts or frequent use of opioid medication beyond
what is needed to achieve pain control.
42,47 There are many factors that increase the
risk of opioid-induced respiratory depression with intravenous PCA related to
comorbid medical conditions. Patients with advanced age >65 years, renal
insufficiency, history of sleep apnea, or morbid obesity are at higher risk for
developing opioid-induced respiratory depression. To prevent respiratory
depression in high-risk patients, the lowest possible starting dose of an opioid should
be initiated, and use of a continuous infusion should be avoided. For all patients,
avoid administration of more than one drug with sedating properties at the same time
30 Medications including antihistamines, benzodiazepines, gabapentin,
pregabalin, and skeletal muscle relaxants should be scheduled approximately 2 hours
apart to prevent accumulation of sedating side effects.
For hospitalized patients who experience excessive sedation and cannot be
aroused with sternal stimulation, or have a significant decline in breathing, naloxone
administration may be needed to reverse the opioid CNS effects. Naloxone is a
nonselective competitive opioid antagonist of all pharmacologic effects on mu, delta,
and kappa receptors. After oral administration, naloxone is extensively metabolized
in the liver (i.e., >95% first pass effect) and not effective so intravenous,
intramuscular, or subcutaneous administration at a dose of 0.4 mg is required for
reversal of life-threatening respiratory depression. The extent and duration of
naloxone reversal of opioid-induced respiratory effects is highly variable and is
related to many factors, including the specific opioid used, the opioid dose,
administration mode, concurrent medication, underlying disease, and pain. Therefore,
naloxone administration may need to be repeated every 2 to 3 minutes or given as a
continuous infusion until full recovery of respiratory function.
In this case, PCA therapy would be appropriate for D.K. based on the invasive
surgery and anticipated severe postoperative pain. Hydromorphone 0.2 mg
intravenously with a lockout interval of 10 minutes is recommended because D.K. is
at high risk for respiratory depression being opioid-naïve, morbidly obese, and
having chronic renal insufficiency. Because D.K. is experiencing sedation due to
morphine administration in the PACU, the PCA dose should be started after he is
more alert. Other analgesic medications that are not sedating should be used to
provide synergistic pain management and can be used throughout the postoperative
As soon as DK can tolerate oral medication, the intravenous PCA dose should be
discontinued and a short-acting oral opioid such as oxycodone or hydromorphone
4 hours as needed or hydromorphone 2 to 4 mg every 4 hours as needed would be
options in this case. Oral short-acting morphine is not recommended due to concern
for metabolite accumulation with renal insufficiency. Long-acting oral formulations
(i.e., sustained or extended release) should be avoided in opioid-naive patients who
cannot tolerate around-the-clock opioid administration for a prolonged period of
time. Recent guidelines for postoperative pain do not recommend long-acting oral
opioids due to the need for pain titration with short-acting opioid, and studies have
not shown that pain control with a long-acting opioid is superior to short-acting
opioid administration immediately after surgery.
When DK is ready for discharge, a prescription for a limited supply of short-acting
opioid should be written to cover the duration of 3 days.
important because prescription opioid abuse is a national crisis and prescription
opioid overdose is now the leading cause of unintentional deaths in the United
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