K.J. presents with classic symptoms of angioedema and does not have symptoms
of a true anaphylactic reaction, further strengthening the diagnosis of drug-induced
angioedema. Symptoms of angioedema usually occur within the first week of starting
therapy, although they can occur at any time, even years later. Thus, although
angioedema developed 3 weeks after K.J. began enalapril, the temporal relationship
CASE 32-7, QUESTION 2: How should K.J. be treated? Would an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) be
an appropriate substitute for her ACE inhibitor?
Although angioedema can be life-threatening, symptoms are usually mild and
reactions affecting the upper airway must be treated emergently with appropriate
measures to maintain airway patency. A small clinical trial of ACE-induced
angioedema comparing treatment with corticosteroid and antihistamine (prednisolone
500 mg IV and clemastine 2 mg IV) to treatment with icatibant (30 mg subcutaneous
injection) found that the time to initial relief and complete symptom resolution were
significantly shorter with icatibant.
102 Additional trials are currently evaluating
icatibant and hopefully will help define which patients will be most likely to benefit
K.J. does not need to be hospitalized because her respirations are not
compromised and she is not experiencing swallowing difficulty; however, she should
be kept under observation at the urgent care center to ensure that her angioedema
does not worsen. She can be treated with icatibant 30 mg subcutaneously or she can
be observed and later sent home with instructions to seek emergent help if her
breathing or swallowing becomes difficult. She should be instructed to discontinue
her enalapril, follow up with her primary physician as soon as possible, and to
request her community pharmacist to record this adverse reaction to enalapril into
her drug profile at the pharmacy. Because angioedema occurs with all ACE
inhibitors, K.J. must avoid all drugs in this class.
Angioedema with ARBs has also been reported,
103,104 although with less frequency
than with ACE inhibitors. Many of the cases of ARB-induced angioedema involved
patients with a history of ACE inhibitor–induced angioedema, but this is not
consistently the case. Similar to the ACE inhibitors, angioedema to ARBs can occur
at any time during treatment. In K.J.’s case, it would be best to avoid ARBs and ACE
inhibitors. Instead, other antihypertensive agents that have little effect on cholesterol
(e.g., calcium channel blockers) should be used.
Several other drugs have been associated with angioedema including aspirin,
NSAIDs, antibiotics, radiocontrast media, and DPP-IV inhibitors (e.g., sitagliptin
101 The causes of angioedema with these drugs are less well
understood but often occur after having ACE inhibitor–induced angioedema. These
drug should be used with caution if KJ needs them in the future.
CASE 32-7, QUESTION 3: Are there other pseudoallergic reactions that occur with ACE inhibitors and
Besides angioedema, cough is a pseudoallergic reaction caused by ACE
inhibitors. It may occur in up to 39% of patients after 1 week to 6 months of therapy.
Interestingly, it is more common in nonsmokers than in smokers; the incidence does
not increase in patients with chronic airway disease or asthma. Cough is more
common in women than men, is not dose-related, and, as with angioedema, occurs
93,101,105 Several mechanisms appear to be responsible,
including inhibition of the breakdown of bradykinin in the lung and increases in local
mediators of inflammation such as prostaglandins and substance P. Although many
approaches to the management of ACE-induced cough have been proposed,
angiotensin II–receptor blocking agents are the most promising alternative. Cough can
occur with an ARB, but the frequency appears to be no more than that of placebo.
Furthermore, most direct comparative trials between ARBs and ACE inhibitors
demonstrate that the frequency of cough with ARBs is much lower than with ACE
Radiocontrast media are widely used diagnostic agents, exceeding 75 million
106 Adverse reactions to radiocontrast media can be divided
into immediate reactions (occurring within 1 hour of administration and include
nausea, flushing, BP changes, bronchospasm, urticaria, angioedema, cardiac
arrhythmias, convulsions, angina, and symptoms indistinguishable from true
anaphylaxis) and non-immediate reactions (occurring 1 hour to 10 days after
administration and include pruritus, maculopapular drug eruption, Stevens–Johnson
syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and vasculitis). The cause of radiocontrast
media reactions remains unknown, although histamine release, complement
activation, and direct toxic effects on end organs might all play a role. Many of the
adverse effects to radiocontrast media have historically been classified as
pseudoallergic reactions because evidence did not support IgE mediation of these
reactions. Recently, however, skin tests and laboratory evidence suggest an
immunologic mechanism for radiocontrast media reactions.
of reaction to radiocontrast media is 0.7% to 13%, depending on the type of agent
selected and whether the patient was pretreated before administration.
Conventional, ionic, high-osmolality contrast media produce reactions in 4% to 13%
of recipients, whereas nonionic, low-osmolality agents produce fewer reactions
(0.7%–3.1%). The mortality rate from
radiocontrast media is 1 to 2 cases per 100,000 procedures and is the same for ionic
Female sex, a history of asthma, and a history of reaction to contrast media are risk
factors for reactions to radiocontrast media. Of these, a history of reaction is the most
important; 21% to 60% of patients with a history of reaction to radiocontrast media
will have a reaction on reexposure.
106 Several pretreatment regimens have been
developed to minimize such occurrences. For example, 32 mg of oral
pretreatment regimen uses oral prednisone 50 mg taken 13 hours, 7 hours, and 1 hour
before the procedure, plus diphenhydramine 50 mg orally or intramuscularly 1 hour
109 This latter regimen lowers the occurrence of
pseudoallergic reactions to high-osmolality contrast media, even in high-risk patients
(i.e., those with a history of severe anaphylactoid reactions). Note that a “seafood
allergy” is not a risk factor for a reaction to radiocontrast media. Patients with food
allergies do not require special pretreatment prior to procedures involving these
Some opiates stimulate histamine release and, thereby, cause hypotension,
tachycardia, facial flushing, increased sweating, or pruritus. Severe reactions are
uncommon, however. In many cases, the opiate can be continued with administration
of an antihistamine to treat the symptoms. If the reaction is significant, a non-narcotic
alternate analgesic may be considered, or an opiate that does not cause histamine
release can be substituted. Morphine and meperidine cause the greatest histamine
release in both in vitro and in vivo studies. Codeine, hydromorphone, oxycodone,
and butorphanol stimulate histamine release less commonly; and levorphanol,
fentanyl, sufentanil, methadone, and oxymorphone have little to no effect on histamine
levels. One of the more frequent reactions to epidurally or intrathecally administered
opiates is pruritus, which does not appear to be mediated by histamine because
narcotics that do not release histamine (e.g., fentanyl and sufentanil) still cause
pruritus after spinal administration. Furthermore, the pruritus tends to develop
several hours after the opiate has been administered, when serum levels of histamine
are insignificant. The cause of pruritus from spinal opiates remains unclear. The
reaction can be managed with antihistamines and low-dose naloxone or nalbuphine,
while continuing with the spinal narcotic.
Parenteral iron is used in the treatment of iron deficiency when oral iron preparations
cannot be used or are ineffective. This is most commonly seen in patients with
anemia of chronic renal failure, particularly those treated with epoetin alfa or
darbepoetin and undergoing hemodialysis (Chapter 28, Chronic Kidney Diseases).
Iron preparations are associated with a wide spectrum of adverse events (e.g., chest
pain, hypotension, hypertension, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness,
syncope, backache, arthralgias, myalgias, and hypersensitivity reactions).
Hypersensitivity reactions can be manifested as urticaria, sweating, dyspnea, rash,
fever, and as anaphylactoid reactions, which can be fatal. Consistent with a
nonimmunologic mechanism, hypersensitivity reactions to iron are not dose-related
and can occur with the first drug exposure.
Iron preparations differ in regard to the salt or carbohydrate carrier used,
molecular weight, and rate of hypersensitivity reactions. The first commonly used
iron preparations were iron dextran, available as a high-molecular weight ferric
oxyhydroxide and dextran solution (Dexferrum) and later as a low-molecular weight
ferric hydroxide and dextran solution (INFeD). Adverse events occur more often
with iron dextran preparations compared to non-dextran preparations and are highest
with high-molecular weight iron dextran. Data reported to the FDA MedWatch
program between 2001 and 2003 was used to determine the odds of adverse events
between iron dextran products and two non-dextran products: sodium ferric
gluconate and iron sucrose (also known as iron saccharate). Relative to the InFeD
brand of iron dextran, patients receiving sodium ferric gluconate or iron sucrose
were half as likely to experience an allergic reaction or any adverse reaction. An
equal risk existed of experiencing an allergic reaction, or any adverse reaction,
between sodium ferric gluconate and iron sucrose. Although sodium ferric gluconate
Ferumoxytol, an agent approved in 2009, was designed with a modified dextrose
shell to reduce hypersensitivity reactions. In a comparison trial, there was a
comparable safety profile but did include one anaphylactoid reaction but no deaths
113 Since approval, post-marketing FDA surveillance has
demonstrated several reports of life-threatening and serious anaphylactoid reactions,
including six deaths in a 10-month reporting period.
114 The prescribing information
has been updated to include a black box warning for fatal and serious
115 The newest iron product is ferric carboxymatltose
complex, which releases iron from a carbohydrate polymer. Hypersensitivity
reactions are expected to be lower as it does not contain an dextran or modified
dextran component. In comparison to iron sucrose, no significant difference was
found in the rate of hypersensitivity reactions or anaphylactoid reactions.
Although approval FDA was initially delayed because of a potential safety
imbalance in the risk of death, subsequent pooled analysis has not validated the early
findings, and the product was approved with only a warning for hypersensitivity
All patients receiving iron dextran should receive a test dose to assess tolerance,
the other iron preparations do not require a test dose per their prescribing
information. It appears iron dextran–tolerant patients have little risk of experiencing
a serious hypersensitivity or anaphylactoid reaction to sodium ferric gluconate or
iron sucrose injection and can safely be given one of these products without a prior
test dose. Similarly, patients who have never received any parenteral iron product
can be administered sodium ferric gluconate or iron sucrose for injection without a
prior test dose. Although studies support the safety of both sodium ferric gluconate
and iron sucrose for injection in iron dextran–sensitive patients, such patients may be
at increased risk for an anaphylactoid reaction or other serious hypersensitivity
response, and test dosing in this population may be reasonable. Because of the risks
associated with any of the parenteral iron products, close monitoring of the patient
for at least 30 minutes after drug administration is necessary and the availability of
resuscitative medication and personnel trained to evaluate and address anaphylaxis is
QUESTION 1: A.M., a 40-year-old woman, is hospitalized with a diagnosis of community-acquired
before admission for an ear infection. A.M. is empirically
treated with cefuroxime 0.75 g IV every 8 hours. On day 2 of therapy, she develops a raised pruritic
allergic reaction be managed? How might her allergic reaction have been prevented?
When examining methods to prevent allergic reactions, three possibilities exist:
(a) the patient has unknowingly been sensitized to a drug and experiences an allergic
reaction on receiving the same or a similar drug again; (b) the patient has a history of
an allergic reaction to a medication and mistakenly receives the same or a similar
medication a second time and again develops an allergic reaction; and (c) the patient
has a history of an allergic reaction to a medication and intentionally receives the
same or similar medication again. As in the first situation, A.M.’s allergic reaction
was unpredictable and, therefore, could not be prevented. To prevent future allergic
reactions (i.e., the second situation), however, A.M.’s reaction should be well
documented in the medical chart and pharmacy records. In addition, all patients
should undergo a thorough drug history on hospitalization. Careful attention should be
paid to differentiating drug intolerance (e.g., stomach upset) from true allergic
reactions, and any allergic reactions elicited during an interview should be
documented appropriately. Adequate communication of allergic reactions is the
single most important method of preventing their occurrence.
As described earlier, the first step in managing an allergic reaction is to determine
its cause. Given A.M.’s history of exposure to ampicillin, the timing of the reaction,
and the low frequency of allergic reactions to her other medications, cefuroxime is
the most likely candidate. Second, a decision regarding whether to stop the suspect
drug should be made. This decision must be based on the severity of the reaction, the
condition being treated, and the availability of suitable alternatives. When possible,
an equally effective alternative drug should be substituted for the suspect agent,
preferably one that is immunologically distinct to avoid cross-sensitivity (see Case
32-1, Question 4, for a discussion of cross-reactivity).
exists, the offending agent should be stopped and the reaction treated symptomatically
if necessary. In the case of A.M., another antimicrobial (e.g., azithromycin,
clarithromycin, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole) could be substituted for cefuroxime
(Chapter 67, Respiratory Tract Infections) and her symptoms treated with an oral or
parenteral antihistamine, as well as a low-potency topical corticosteroid if
Some cases are described by the third situation: a patient develops an allergic
reaction (or has a well-documented history of drug allergy), and it is inappropriate or
not possible to change to an alternative drug. If the sensitivity reaction is severe or
life-threatening, desensitization should be considered (Case 32-9, Questions 1 and
2); premedication to prevent or minimize anaphylaxis is not effective.
is minor (e.g., pruritus, rash, or gastrointestinal symptoms), premedication or
management of the reaction with antiallergy medications (e.g., antihistamines) might
be sufficient to allow completion of therapy. It is rare in such cases for the reaction
to progress to more serious allergic symptoms such as anaphylaxis
suppression of allergic symptoms should be undertaken cautiously because many
immunologic reactions are not IgE mediated and may progress to serious reactions,
despite treatment. In general, allergy suppression should be reserved for prevention
of mild reactions that are known or strongly suspected to be IgE mediated.
QUESTION 1: K.A. is a 24-year-old primigravida in her eighth week of pregnancy with a history of
There are situations where a drug is medically necessary in a patient with a known
or suspected allergy to the drug, alternative therapy is not available, and diagnostic
testing does not exist. In such cases there are two options: induction of tolerance
(also called desensitization) or a graded challenge. Desensitization is the process of
administering gradually increasing doses of a drug in an effort to modify a patient’s
response to the drug so that it can then be safely administered.
been used successfully to manage both immune-mediated and non–immune-mediated
reactions. A graded challenge (also called incremental test dosing) is the process of
careful administration of subtherapeutic doses of drug to determine if a patient is
truly allergic. Although similar sounding, there are distinct differences between the
108 For example, unlike induction of tolerance, a graded challenge
does not alter a patient’s response to the drug. The initial drug doses used for
inducing tolerance are sub-allergenic—as low as 1/10,000th of the final dose and the
process can take several hours involving multiple doses, each slightly larger than the
preceding dose. Starting doses for a graded challenge may be 1/100th of the final
dose. The process generally involves fewer steps (as few as two) and can be
typically accomplished more rapidly. If the graded challenge is completed and a
therapeutic course of drug tolerated, a graded challenge is not required before future
courses of the drug. Tolerance induction, on the other hand, is only maintained as
long as the patient receives the suspect drug; any interruption of therapy will require
the desensitization procedure to be repeated (see Case 32-9, Question 4).
The choice of drug desensitization or using a graded challenge depends on the
likelihood of the patient having a true allergic reaction. A graded challenge may be
appropriate in patients with a distant or unclear history of drug allergy; when the
reaction seems minor or for which diagnostic testing is unavailable; or in cases
where cross-reactivity is expected to be low. For example, a patient with a
maculopapular rash to ceftriaxone may undergo a graded challenge to imipenem–
cilastatin to assess tolerance. On the other hand, a patient with a well-described,
severe IgE-mediated reaction to a drug may be better suited for tolerance induction.
Importantly, graded challenge or tolerance induction should not be used in patients
with a history of a severe non-IgE–mediated reaction such as hepatitis, hemolytic
anemia, Stevens–Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, or DRESS
syndrome because of the risk of provoking a potentially life-threatening reaction.
Because K.A.’s reaction to penicillin may be potentially severe, premedication is not
an option and desensitization to penicillin should be started. (See Chapter 72
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, for alternative therapy.)
CASE 32-9, QUESTION 2: How should K.A. be desensitized? Why should she be skin-tested before
If possible before tolerance induction is begun, K.A. should be skin-tested (see
Case 32-1, Questions 3 and 4) to confirm her penicillin allergy.
have a positive history of penicillin allergy, but whose skin tests are negative, can
receive full therapeutic doses without desensitization with little risk of developing an
allergic reaction. One author, for example, reported only one case of acute
anaphylaxis in a skin test–negative patient given full therapeutic doses of penicillin in
more than 1,500 skin tests; similar results have been reported by other
If skin testing cannot be performed or if K.A.’s skin test is
positive, desensitization should be initiated. Acute oral desensitization to penicillin
and other β-lactam antibiotics is well established.
The oral route for β-lactam desensitization is preferred to the parenteral route
because (a) exposure by the oral route is less likely to cause a systemic allergic
reaction than parenteral exposure; (b) fatal anaphylaxis from oral β-lactam drug
therapy is rare; (c) preformed polymers and conjugates of penicillin major and minor
determinants to Penicillium proteins are not well absorbed after oral administration;
desensitization can be accomplished over several hours.
If oral desensitization is not
possible (e.g., if oral absorption is questionable), parenteral desensitization can be
instituted. Although the subcutaneous and IM routes have been used, the IV route is
quicker and allows better control over the rate and concentration of drug
administered, and any untoward reaction can be detected promptly and treated
7,122 Oral and parenteral desensitization methods have not been compared
formally, however. Patients should not be premedicated before desensitization,
because this may prevent detection of minor allergic responses that may precede
more serious reactions. In addition, only experienced personnel should undertake
desensitization in an appropriate setting where emergency resuscitative equipment is
readily available because severe reactions can develop.
undergo oral desensitization if her skin test is positive or if skin testing cannot be
induction is successful, is she at risk for a reaction during full-dose penicillin therapy?
Acute β-lactam desensitization, regardless of the route or protocol chosen, is not
without risk. Approximately 5% of patients experience mild cutaneous reactions
during desensitization, although one study reported reactions in 20% of patients
If a reaction occurs during the desensitization
procedure itself, the reaction may be treated and desensitization continued using
lower doses, increased intervals between doses, or both, after the reaction has
abated. Severe, fatal reactions during desensitization are rare.
Uneventful β-lactam desensitization, however, does not guarantee patients will be
without reaction during full-dose therapy. Approximately 25% to 30% of patients
experience a mild reaction during therapy, and 5% experience more severe reactions,
including drug-induced serum sickness, hemolytic anemia, or urticaria.
rates are no different in severely ill or pregnant patients compared with stable or
nonpregnant patients, although those with cystic fibrosis may be more difficult to
desensitize because of their high frequency of allergic reactions.
occurrence of reactions, full-dose therapy is possible for most tolerance-induction
procedures, but suppression of the reaction (e.g., by diphenhydramine) may be
122 Tolerance induction is also dose-dependent as allergic symptoms can
appear after a substantial increase in the dose after tolerance has been achieved.
again? What is chronic desensitization?
The desensitized state, once achieved, will persist for approximately 48 hours
after the last full dose of antibiotic; after this time, drug sensitivity will return.
Thus, if K.A. requires future courses of penicillin, she will need to undergo
desensitization once again. In some cases, those requiring long-term antibiotic
therapy (e.g., for endocarditis), those who may require β-lactams at a future date
(e.g., those with cystic fibrosis), or those who have occupational exposure to β-
lactams, maintenance of the desensitized state can be considered. Chronic twice daily
dosing of oral penicillin has safely resulted in “chronic desensitization.” Similar to
acute desensitization, once therapy is interrupted, the allergic state returns.
CASE 32-9, QUESTION 5: Have patients allergic to drugs besides β-lactams been desensitized
including allopurinol, vancomycin, antineoplastic agents, aspirin, and monoclonal
Interestingly, not all of these cases represent IgE-mediated
hypersensitivity reactions. For example, reactions to trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
commonly occur in patients infected with HIV and may not be IgE mediated. Yet,
given its role in treating and preventing Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, successful
desensitization to trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole is commonly used.
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