Multisystem vasculitic disorders that result in glomerular capillary inflammation
are the most common cause of RPGN.
49 Many of these patients present with
nonspecific flulike symptoms such as fever, weight loss, myalgia, and malaise with
50 Uremic symptoms can occur with severe disease. The
presence of AKI with pulmonary congestion, cough, hemoptysis, or dyspnea suggests
Wegener’s granulomatosis. The treatment for autoimmune RPGN generally involves
various regimens of immunosuppressive agents. Corticosteroid monotherapy (oral or
“pulse” intravenous) or combined with either cyclophosphamide or rituximab have
been investigated. Rituximab may improve renal outcomes in Type III idiopathic
RPGN; in addition to anti–B-cell therapy, therapy directed at T cells may improve
51 Plasmapheresis is also a non-pharmacological treatment option in
selected patients. A more detailed discussion of glomerulonephritis is presented in
Chapter 28, Chronic Kidney Disease.
CASE 29-3, QUESTION 5: Which drugs cause glomerulonephropathy?
Minimal-change disease and membranous nephropathy have been associated with
52 The mechanism is probably related to NSAID-induced inhibition of the
cyclo-oxygenase pathway, which leads to increased arachidonate catabolism and
slowly over the course of several months once the NSAID is discontinued.
ATN arises most often from ischemia or drug-induced causes.
conditions, such as hypotension, surgery, overwhelming sepsis, or major burns, can
lead to ischemic ATN. Unlike prerenal azotemia, tubular cell death occurs in ATN,
and immediate volume resuscitation will not reverse the damage. The
pathophysiology of ATN is complex and remains unclear. It is currently thought that
when tubular cells die, they slough off into the tubule lumen and contribute to cast
formation. The casts completely obstruct the tubule lumen and increase intratubular
pressure, which causes a back leak of ultrafiltrate across the tubular basement
membrane (Fig. 29-4). The aforementioned processes are mediated by a variety of
substances, including calcium, phospholipases, and perhaps growth factors as well
as free radical and protease activation.
It is well documented that patients with nonoliguric renal failure have significantly
better outcomes compared with those with oliguria. This is probably because patients
who are nonoliguric have less extensive renal damage and are better able to maintain
fluid and electrolyte balance. Loop diuretics have been used in established ATN in
an attempt to convert patients with oliguria to a nonoliguric state despite the lack of
conclusive evidence for their benefits. Numerous clinical trials, however, have
failed to demonstrate improved mortality or duration of azotemia in oliguric patients
who receive loop diuretics, despite improved urine output.
reviews of the primary literature convincingly showed that diuretic therapy plays
little role in altering the course of AKI, decreasing length of hospitalization, or
helping recover renal function.
54,55 These data suggest that although patients who are
nonoliguric generally have better outcomes, converting a patient from oliguria to
nonoliguria through pharmacologic intervention does not improve patient outcomes.
Currently, the only role that diuretic administration has in patients with established
ATN is to increase urine output, which facilitates fluid, electrolyte, and nutritional
Another controversy that has been debated extensively in the literature is the use of
dopamine in patients with established ATN. Dopamine is a catecholamine that
stimulates dopaminergic receptors at low dosages (1–3 mcg/kg/minute), and α- and
β-receptors at higher dosages (5–20 mcg/kg/minute). Animal and human studies have
demonstrated that low-dose dopamine improves renal blood flow by inducing
afferent arteriolar vasodilation. No data, however, support the use of dopamine in the
treatment of established AKI. A meta-analysis of 61 clinical trials including nearly
3,500 patients failed to detect any significant improvement in variables such as
occurrence of AKI, need for renal replacement therapy, or mortality.
Unequivocally, dopamine has no role in preventing or treating AKI.
Other modalities such as fenoldopam or atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) have not
been shown to be conclusively beneficial to treat AKI and hence are not
Radiocontrast Media–Induced Acute Tubular Necrosis
AKI develop in K.S.? How is his diagnosis substantiated by his clinical findings?
considered after radiocontrast exposure when an increase in SCr of 0.5 mg/dL or
25% greater than baseline occurs in 24 to 48 hours, peaks at 3 to 5 days, and returns
57,58 The American College of Radiology has
recommended using the AKIN criteria requiring smaller changes in serum creatinine
occurring within 48 hours after the administration of iodinated contrast media to
define contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in order to standardize the varying
definitions found in the literature.
59 CIN usually presents as a nonoliguric ATN, as
observed in K.S., whose urine output is more than 400 mL/day. It is also
differentiated from other forms of ATN in that the FE Na
the typical >2%). The degree of creatinine rise and the presence of oliguria are
widely variable. Because of the lack of an accepted CIN definition and differences in
both clinical trial design and populations studied, estimating the true prevalence of
CIN is daunting. Nevertheless, patients without risk factors have a relatively minute
risk of developing CIN; for those with recognized risk factors, prevalence may
The mechanisms by which radiocontrast media induce AKI are complex. Initially,
the radiocontrast medium produces renal vasodilation and an osmotic diuresis. This,
however, is followed by intense vasoconstriction in the medullary portion of the
kidney, which has been demonstrated by significant decreases in medullary PO2 after
61 The ischemia is compounded by the increased medullary
oxygen consumption because of the osmotic diuresis. Consequently, disequilibrium
exists between oxygen supply and demand, creating ischemic ATN. Various
vasoactive substances are suspected of decreasing medullary blood flow, including
oxygen free radicals, prostaglandins, endothelin, nitric oxide, angiotensin II, and
adenosine. Endothelin and adenosine are potent vasoconstrictors that are directly
released from endothelial cells on exposure to radiocontrast media.
CASE 29-5, QUESTION 2: What risk factors did K.S. have for developing CIN?
The documented risk factors for CIN are listed in Table 29-5. Any condition that
decreases renal blood flow increases the risk of nephropathy. At-risk patient
populations include individuals with underlying diabetic nephropathy or eGFR <60
, heart failure, or volume depletion, or those receiving aggressive
diuretic regimens. Contrast volume administered during the imaging procedure as
well as type of contrast remain additional risk factors.
well as the previously discussed medications that markedly reduce renal perfusion
(e.g., diuretics, NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors, ACE inhibitors, and ARBs). However,
newer nonionic low-osmolar agents may be less nephrotoxic than older agents, but
still can cause nephrotoxicity in patients at risk. Nonionic iso-osmolar contrast
appears to be better tolerated.
Proven Risk Factors for Developing Radiocontrast Media–Induced Acute
Volume depletion and hypotension
Dosage and frequency of contrast administration
On the basis of the published literature, gadolinium-based contrast (GBC) agents
are less nephrotoxic than iodinated radiocontrast; however, when GBC agents are
used in high dosage with arterial injection in patients with advanced kidney disease,
AKI can occur. More concerning is the development of debilitating nephrogenic
systemic fibrosis (NSF), which is sometimes fatal. There is no cure for NSF. Patients
with AKI or CKD with GFR <30 mL/minute, who have had imaging studies (e.g.,
magnetic resonance angiography) with GBC agents are at high risk for developing
NSF. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an advisory Black
Box Warning to avoid using these currently approved GBC agents (Ablavar,
Doterem, Eovist, Magnevist, Multihance, Omniscan, Optimark, Prohance) in AKI and
K.S. is at high risk for developing radiocontrast-induced ATN. He is volume
depleted, as evidenced by his admission BUN:SCr ratio, which is greater than 20:1.
Second, it is very likely that K.S. has underlying diabetic nephropathy, as evidenced
by his elevated admission SCr. The presence of retinopathy, coronary artery disease,
and peripheral vascular disease suggest long-term uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, a
Attempts have been made to minimize or prevent CIN using a variety of
approaches. Decreasing contact time and the concentration of contrast media within
the kidney tubule lumen may reduce its direct toxic effects. A higher urine output is
associated with a lower incidence of CIN in high-risk patients.
is a rational approach to prevent renal dysfunction in this population because human
and animal data have revealed dehydration as a major risk factor for developing
CIN. Intravenous hydration with normal saline, hypotonic saline (0.45% sodium
chloride), and sodium bicarbonate in dextrose 5% and water have all shown benefits
in preventing CIN in high-risk patients. Infusion rates usually start at 1 mL/kg/hour to
maintain a goal urine output of 150 mL/hour.
Sodium bicarbonate may be of value, but larger multicenter studies are needed to
determine its true effectiveness.
68 Notably, sodium bicarbonate may be more
beneficial in decreasing the incidence of radiocontrast nephropathy relative to other
fluids because it reduces oxygen free radicals in the renal medulla and, therefore,
increases the medullary pH. However, sodium overload is problematic and sodium
bicarbonate should be avoided in compromised cardiac states.
Data suggest normal saline should be infused at least 6 hours before and 12 hours
after the imaging study to adequately reduce the risk of developing nephropathy. In
contrast, sodium bicarbonate should be infused 1 hour before and 6 hours after the
imaging study. The antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has also been used for its
renal-sparing effects relative to radiocontrast media, but its role in preventing CIN
69 NAC is believed to work by protecting renal tubule cells from
apoptosis related to the reactive oxygen species.
70 Although much data have been
generated with NAC, many of these studies have significant pitfalls, including
relatively small sample size; single-center design; heterogeneity of patient
populations; differing doses, dosage forms, and schedules of NAC therapy; and
differing hydration regimens. Therefore, trying to delineate meaningful conclusions
from this body of literature is daunting. Given the safety profile and minimal cost
impact as well as the significant morbidity associated with CIN in high-risk patients,
its continued use is not inappropriate. At this time, recommending a specific dose of
NAC is difficult. The commonly accepted regimens at many institutions is 600 or
1,200 mg orally twice daily the day before and the same day of the contrast
procedure for a total of four doses along with concomitant intravenous hydration
Currently, a large randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial ongoing trial, The
Prevention of Serious Adverse Events following Angiography (PRESERVE),
compare the effectiveness of intravenous bicarbonate versus intravenous normal
saline and oral NAC versus oral placebo for prevention of contrast-induced AKI.
The trial ( NCT01467466) will enroll 8,680 high-risk patients
undergoing coronary or noncoronary angiography.
Another important point is that the administration of diuretics such as mannitol and
74 These diuretics result in volume depletion and
increase oxygen demand in the medullary portion of the kidney when diuresis occurs,
thereby counteracting the benefits of hydration.
Other therapeutic modalities for the prevention of CIN have been studied. A
systematic review and meta-analysis of aminophylline and theophylline have
affirmed a renoprotective effect in patients who have underlying CKD; however,
large-scale clinical trials are lacking.
75Although the use of calcium-channel blockers
theoretically seems rational to prevent contrast-induced ATN, limited clinical data
exist. HMG CoA reductase inhibitors have been proposed for prevention of CIN
given their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; however, recent studies
76,77 Limited data suggest that ascorbic acid before and after
the procedure may be beneficial in preventing contrast nephropathy given its
; however, a recent published report comparing ascorbic acid to
NAC showed a greater benefit of high-dose NAC than ascorbic acid in preventing
79 High doses and long-term use of ascorbic acid should be
avoided because of the risk of hyperoxalurea, oxalate-containing urinary stones, and
When possible, alternative imaging studies that do not require radiocontrast should
therapy that can impair renal perfusion, such as diuretics, NSAIDs, COX-2
inhibitors, ACE inhibitors, and ARBs, should be discontinued 1 day before and 1 day
after radiocontrast administration. Metformin
is also a risk factor. It is not a nephrotoxin; however, its use has been associated
with the development of AKI, systemic complications, and death in rare cases.
Metformin should also be discontinued 1 day before giving radiocontrast media and
held for at least 2 days after the imaging study because it may cause lactic acidosis if
patients experience AKI. If patients are receiving calcium-channel blockers for
underlying cardiovascular disease, no change in therapy is warranted. All patients
should be well hydrated with normal saline or sodium bicarbonate fluids before and
after radiocontrast administration to prevent CIN. The addition of NAC is optional.
CASE 29-5, QUESTION 4: What treatment options are available for established radiocontrast-induced
Few data exist regarding treatment of existing radiocontrast-induced ATN. The
acute management largely involves supportive care that includes strict fluid and
electrolyte management to prevent undue sequelae. Approximately 25% of patients
will require temporary dialysis therapy; patients who are oliguric generally require
long-term dialysis therapy. As already noted, attempts to convert oliguria to
nonoliguria with furosemide and mannitol have been largely unsuccessful.
Aminoglycoside-Induced Acute Tubular Necrosis
QUESTION 1: T.G. is a 81-year-old, 80 kg white male (height 5 feet, 10 inches) being treated for
laboratory values are as follows:
SCr, 5.4 mg/dL (baseline 0.9 mg/dL)
WBC count, 16,700 cells/μL with continued left shift
revealed many WBCs, 3% RBC casts, brush-border cells, and granular casts with an osmolality of 250
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