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The exact mechanisms leading to the development of diabetic nephropathy are not

clearly defined; however, several predictive factors for the development and

progression of kidney damage have been identified. These include elevated BP,

plasma glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, and cholesterol; smoking; advanced age;

male sex; and, potentially, high protein intake.


Insulin deficiency and increased

ketone bodies have also been proposed as contributors to the pathogenesis.

Advanced glycosylation end products (AGE) that form in conditions of

hyperglycemia have also been implicated as a cause of end-organ damage. The

accumulation of multiple AGE is associated with the severity of kidney disease in

patients with diabetic nephropathy.

76 A genetic predisposition exists in that higher

rates of diabetes and nephropathy, hypertension, cardiovascular events, albuminuria,

and elevated BP have been observed in relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes.


Certain genes and polymorphisms have also been associated with the development of

diabetic nephropathy, and further exploration into this area may prove beneficial in

identifying high-risk patients.


CASE 28-1, QUESTION 3: What is the significance of G.B.’s albuminuria?

Albuminuria, the earliest sign of kidney involvement in patients with diabetes

mellitus, correlates with the rate of progression of kidney disease. Albuminuria not

only indicates renal damage but is also a powerful predictor of cardiovascular

morbidity and mortality.

1 For most patients, eGFR begins to decline once proteinuria

is established. Because of this association, annual testing for the presence of

microalbuminuria is indicated in patients who have had type 1 diabetes for more than

5 years and in all patients with type 2 diabetes starting at diagnosis.

75 The presence

of albuminuria indicates irreversible kidney damage. G.B. has likely reached the

point at which such damage is inevitable because her urinary protein exceeds ranges

normally observed at the earlier stages of kidney disease. G.B.’s current laboratory

data suggest that she has substantial kidney disease and has developed associated

complications of the disease. Although progression to ESRD is generally beyond

prevention at this stage, appropriate intervention can slow the progression to ESRD

for G.B. Progressive diabetic nephropathy consists of proteinuria of varying severity

occasionally leading to nephrotic syndrome with hypoalbuminemia, edema, and an

increase in circulating LDL cholesterol as well as progressive azotemia.

CASE 28-1, QUESTION 4: How should G.B.’s kidney disease be managed?


Because reversal of G.B.’s kidney disease is not possible, the primary goals are to

delay the need for dialysis therapy as long as possible and to manage complications.

The three main risk factors for the progression of incipient nephropathy to clinical

diabetic nephropathy are poor glycemic control, systemic hypertension, and high

dietary protein intake (>1.3 g/kg/day). G.B.’s current random blood glucose

concentration of 289 mg/dL, history of elevated glucose on prior visits, and elevated

hemoglobin A1c

indicate poorly controlled diabetes, which will accelerate the

progression of diabetic nephropathy and time to ESRD. Thus, her blood glucose

concentrations should be maintained within target goals while avoiding

hypoglycemia. G.B.’s elevated BP is likely the result of kidney disease and changes

in intravascular volume; reduction in BP may prevent further damage to functioning

nephrons and slow the progression to ESRD. Similarly, reductions in dietary protein

intake (dietary protein intake of approximately 0.8 g/kg body weight/day) should be

initiated in an attempt to reduce the rate of further progression, although this needs to

be evaluated in the context of her overall nutritional status.


Strict glycemic control can improve diabetic management, reduce proteinuria, and

slow the rate of decline in eGFR. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial

(DCCT), a randomized clinical trial of type 1 diabetic patients (n = 1,441),

demonstrated that maintaining fasting blood glucose concentrations between 70 and

120 mg/dL, with postprandial blood glucose concentrations less than 180 mg/dL,

delayed the onset and progression of microvascular diseases such as diabetic

nephropathy and reduced the risk of CKD. Patients were randomly assigned to

receive either conventional insulin treatment (one to two insulin doses a day) or

intensive treatment (three or more insulin doses a day). After a mean follow-up of 6.5

years, the intensive insulin regimen reduced the overall risk of moderately increased

albuminuria by 39% and severely increased albuminuria by 54%. Unfortunately,

stricter glycemic control was associated with an increased incidence of

hypoglycemic episodes.


The UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) demonstrated the beneficial effects

of intensive glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 3,867). During a

10-year treatment period, intensive glucose control (fasting glucose <108 mg/dL)

with either insulin or an oral sulfonylurea reduced microvascular complications (e.g.,

retinopathy and nephropathy), including albuminuria by 33%, when compared with

conventional dietary therapy (fasting glucose <270 mg/dL). Similar to the DCCT,

intensive treatment groups in the UKPDS experienced more hypoglycemic



Additionally diabetes trials such as Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in

Diabetes (ACCORD) and Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and

Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) evaluated the macrovascular

and microvascular outcomes associated with intensive glucose control in type 2

diabetics. The ACCORD trial showed a 21% reduction in the development of

moderately increased albuminuria cases and a 32% reduction in severely increased

albuminuria cases.


In the ADVANCE trial, there was a 9% reduction in moderately

increased albuminuria and 30% reduction in progression to

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severely increased albuminuria.

83 Similar to other studies, severe hypoglycemia,

although uncommon, was more common in the intensive-control group.


KDIGO Guidelines for Evaluation and Management of CKD recommend a

hemoglobin A1c of approximately 7% to prevent or delay progression of the

microvascular complications of diabetes including diabetic kidney disease. Targeting

an A1c

less than 7% increases patients’ risk of experiencing hypoglycemia and

without improvements in cardiovascular outcomes and should be avoided. In CKD

patients with diabetes and comorbidities or a limited life expectancy and risk of

hypoglycemia, a target A1c above 7.0% is suggested.


G.B. will benefit from a multifactorial approach addressing glycemic control and

hypertension to slow her progression of CKD from DM. Appropriately dosed oral

and/or insulin therapy can achieve these goals despite her advanced kidney disease.

G.B. should be counseled on appropriate techniques for home glucose monitoring,

particularly given her history of noncompliance. Compliance with this regimen will

require motivation as well as encouragement from G.B.’s family and health care

providers. (See Chapter 53, Diabetes Mellitus, for a more complete discussion of

intensive insulin therapy and counseling.)


Systemic hypertension usually occurs with the development of normal to moderately

increased albuminuria in patients with type 1 diabetes. It is also present in about onethird of patients at the time of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, and hastens the

progression of kidney disease in both groups. The coexistence of these disorders

further increases the risk of cardiovascular events. Hypertension may be a result of

underlying diabetic nephropathy and increased plasma volume or increased

peripheral vascular resistance. Regardless of the etiology, virtually any level of

untreated hypertension (either systemic or intraglomerular) is associated with a

reduction in eGFR. As such, the control of systemic and intraglomerular BP is

perhaps the single most important factor for retarding the progression of kidney

disease and has been shown to increase life expectancy in patients with type 1



Patients with diabetes and hypertension exhibit elevated systemic vascular

resistance and increased vasoconstriction from angiotensin II, which are in large part

responsible for the glomerular damage characteristic of diabetic nephropathy.

Although the management of hypertension with virtually any agent can attenuate the

progression of kidney disease, ACEIs, which inhibit the synthesis of angiotensin II,

and ARB, which block angiotensin II AT 1

receptors, are preferred owing, in part, to

the effects of these agents on renal hemodynamics (Fig. 28-1). KDIGO guidelines

recommend ACEI or ARB for the treatment of hypertension in all CKD patients with

AER >300 mg/24 hour and diabetic CKD adults with AER ≥30 mg/24 hour.

46 JNC-8

recommends ACEI or ARB for all CKD patients regardless of race and with an ACR

>30 mg/g to improve kidney outcomes.

47 Reductions in proteinuria and a decreased

rate of decline in eGFR have been observed with ACEIs and ARB in patients with

type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

46 As a result of these and other studies, ACEIs or ARB

should be considered for all patients with diabetes and AER >30 mg/24 hour, even if

their BP is normal.

1,47 ACEI and ARBs have similar efficacy in BP reduction when

dosed accordingly. Combination therapy is associated with an increased risk of

dialysis and doubling of SCr and should be avoided.


Additionally, spironolactone in combination with an ACEI or ARB lowers

albuminuria independent of BP control in patients with type 2 diabetes.

85 However,

the risk of hyperkalemia increases significantly limiting the benefit of this therapy.

Aliskiren, an oral direct renin inhibitor, has demonstrated a reduction in albuminuria

when added to losartan. However, additional studies have resulted in early

termination because of increased risk of adverse events and lack of demonstrable


57 The role of aliskiren is uncertain and benefits do not appear to compare

with ACEI and ARBs. The primary goal in G.B. is to delay development of ESRD

and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications and death. Treatment with an

ACEI (e.g., ramipril) should be initiated, because she has substantial albuminuria

(700 mg/day) and an elevated BP. An ARB (e.g., losartan) is a reasonable alternative

to an ACEI in patients with ACEI–induced cough or other adverse effects that do not

cross-react with an ARB. The initial product selected is generally based on tolerance

to therapy and cost. A goal BP for G.B., given the fact that she has diabetes and

kidney disease, is a BP less than 130/80 mm Hg,

1 140/90 mg may be reasonable goal

as well.

46 Because the beneficial effects of ACEI therapy occur over the course of

months to years, G.B. must be monitored on a long-term basis for changes in kidney

function and albuminuria and for side effects of therapy, such as hyperkalemia. A

moderate increase in SCr is acceptable with initiation of therapy with ACEIs or

ARBs. Contraindications for the use of ACEIs and ARBs include bilateral kidney

artery stenosis and pregnancy. The risk of hyperkalemia must also be weighed against

the potential beneficial effects of these agents.

Some evidence suggests that a nondihydropyridine calcium-channel blocker (e.g.,

diltiazem, verapamil) may be beneficial alone or in combination with an ACEI.


Diuretics may be considered for patients with diabetic nephropathy and edema,

depending on their degree of kidney function. For patients with kidney disease as

extensive as that observed in G.B. (eGFR <30 mL/minute/1.73 m2

), loop diuretics

are generally preferred because, unlike thiazide diuretics, they may retain their effect

at this reduced eGFR level (see Chapter 27, Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders, and

Chapter 9, Essential Hypertension). Other antihypertensive agents may be considered

based on response to initial therapy and changes in kidney function. Currently,

clinical studies are examining the use of an aldosterone blocker (spironolactone) and

a selective aldosterone blocker (eplerenone) for use in patients with diabetic

nephropathy and overt proteinuria on maximal doses of both an ACEI and an ARB.

The antiproteinuric effect of these agents has been confirmed by several studies, but

the potential increased risk for hyperkalemia when adding these agents to patients

already taking an ACEI and ARB warrants further evaluation of their use. The effect

on slowing progression of kidney disease has not been evaluated with these agents.


Additionally, G.B. should be counseled regarding an exercise program compatible

with her cardiovascular health and tolerance.


High protein consumption accelerates the progression of diabetic nephropathy,

presumably because of increased glomerular hyperfiltration and intraglomerular

pressure. In patients with overt albuminuria, some evidence indicates that the rate of

decline in eGFR, as well as urinary albumin excretion, can be blunted by restricting

protein intake to 0.8 g/kg/day and maintaining an isocaloric diet.

44 Limited evidence

indicates, however, a beneficial role of dietary protein restriction in diabetic patients

with microalbuminuria. Nonetheless, given the potential benefits to delay progression

of kidney disease, G.B. should be advised to maintain an isocaloric diet with a

protein intake of 0.8 g/kg/day (approximately 10% of daily calories).

1 Because the

typical Western diet is high in protein, some patients may have difficulty complying

with such a low-protein diet because of its perceived unpalatability. Intervention by

a dietitian is recommended to design a feasible dietary regimen limited in protein, yet

consistent with nutritional requirements in a diabetic patient.

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Sodium and Water Retention

CASE 28-1, QUESTION 5: Assess G.B.’s sodium and water balance. What interventions may be used to

address this problem?

As illustrated in G.B., patients in the latter stages of CKD commonly retain sodium

and water. This is supported by G.B.’s elevated BP, 2+ pedal edema, and mild

pulmonary congestion. Sodium and water retention also lead to weight gain. Early in

the course of CKD, glomerular and tubular adaptive processes develop as an

increase in the fractional excretion of sodium (FENa

). These mechanisms enable

patients to maintain relatively normal sodium and water homeostasis. As G.B.’s

normal serum sodium concentration indicates, this value is of little use in establishing

the diagnosis of total body sodium and fluid excess because retention of sodium and

water usually occurs in an isotonic fashion, leaving the serum sodium concentration

relatively normal. Eventually, patients with advanced kidney dysfunction exhibit

signs of sodium and fluid retention because sodium balance is maintained at the

expense of increased extracellular volume, which results in hypertension. Expansion

of blood volume, if not controlled, can cause peripheral edema, heart failure, and

pulmonary edema. Thus, management of sodium and water retention is essential. To

achieve control, most patients with advanced kidney disease are placed on sodium

restriction (2 g/day) and fluid restriction (approximately 1–2 L/day). These

restrictions will depend on the current dietary intake, extent of volume overload, and

urine output, and should be altered according to the special needs of the patient.

Because some patients with advanced kidney disease produce normal amounts of

urine, whereas others may produce less (or no urine for HD patients), fluid

restrictions must be based on urine output. Diuretic therapy, usually with loop

diuretics (e.g., furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide), is often required. Combination

therapy with two different types of diuretics (i.e., loop and thiazide) may be

successful in patients resistant to a single agent; however, limitations in efficacy of

diuretics exist under certain conditions (e.g., a reduced eGFR and hypoalbuminemia),

and these situations must be considered when designing a diuretic regimen. Thiazide

diuretics as single agents are generally not effective when the eGFR is less than 30

mL/minute/1.73 m2

, as in G.B. The possible exception is use of the thiazide-like

diuretic, metolazone, which may retain its effect at reduced eGFRs.

46 As kidney

failure progresses, manifestations of excess fluid accumulation (i.e., edema,

uncontrollable hypertension) develop that are resistant to more conventional

interventions and dialysis will be required to control volume status.


CASE 28-1, QUESTION 6: G.B. has a serum potassium concentration of 5.3 mEq/L. Describe the

mechanisms by which potassium imbalance occurs in patients such as G.B. who have progressive CKD.

Hyperkalemia can result from a combination of factors, including diminished

kidney potassium excretion, redistribution of potassium into the extracellular fluid

owing to metabolic acidosis, and excessive potassium intake. In G.B., all these

mechanisms are likely to be contributing to hyperkalemia.

Potassium normally is filtered at the glomerulus and undergoes nearly complete

reabsorption throughout the kidney tubule. Distal tubular secretion is the primary

mechanism by which potassium is excreted in the urine. A variety of factors affect

this distal secretion of potassium, including aldosterone, sodium load presented to

the distal reabsorptive site, hydrogen ion secretion, the amount of nonresorbable

anions, urinary flow rate, diuretics, mineralocorticoids, and potassium intake.


Serum potassium concentrations are relatively well maintained within normal limits

in patients with CKD. At eGFR greater than 10 mL/minute/1.73 m2

, hyperkalemia is

rare without an endogenous or exogenous load of potassium. This balance is

maintained despite a decreasing nephron population and an overall drop in eGFR

because the remaining nephrons undergo adaptive changes to enhance the distal

tubular secretion of potassium per nephron (i.e., increased fractional excretion of

potassium, FEK).

87 GI excretion of potassium is also important because increased GI

excretion and fecal losses may account for up to 35% of the daily potassium loss in

patients with severe kidney disease. G.B.’s eGFR of 21 mL/minute/1.73 m2

is above

the threshold value for adequate potassium homeostasis. G.B. should be carefully

observed for manifestations of hyperkalemia as her kidney disease progresses.

Additional factors that alter potassium homeostasis include metabolic or

respiratory acidosis. Acidemia can cause a redistribution of intracellular potassium

to the extracellular fluid. G.B. has metabolic acidosis as indicated by serum

bicarbonate of 18 mEq/L. This condition may account for her mildly elevated

potassium concentration. Correction of metabolic acidosis could lower her

potassium concentration. For each 0.1-unit change in blood pH, an inverse

approximately 0.6-mEq/L change in the serum potassium concentration occurs (see

Chapter 26, Acid–Base Disorders).

G.B. is not taking any drugs that could contribute to hyperkalemia, although the

influence of ACEIs and ARB must be considered because they are now advocated for

G.B. to delay progression of kidney disease. Potassium-sparing diuretics triamterene

and amiloride should be avoided and spironolactone used with caution in patients

with severe CKD because they decrease tubular secretion of potassium.

CASE 28-1, QUESTION 7: Is treatment of G.B.’s potassium indicated? How should severe hyperkalemia be


Treatment of hyperkalemia depends on the serum concentration of potassium as

well as the presence or absence of symptoms and electrocardiographic (ECG)

changes. Manifestations of hyperkalemia include weakness, confusion, and muscular

or respiratory paralysis. These symptoms may be absent, especially if hyperkalemia

develops rapidly. Early ECG changes include peaked T waves, followed by

decreased R-wave amplitude, widened QRS complex, and a prolonged P-R interval.

These changes may progress to complete heart block with absent P waves and,

finally, a sine wave. Ventricular arrhythmias or cardiac arrest may ensue if no effort

to lower serum potassium is initiated. However, with a potassium level less than 6

mEq/L, G.B. is unlikely to be experiencing ECG changes.

G.B. has a mild elevation in potassium to 5.3 mEq/L; therefore, no specific

treatment is required. Generally, treatment is unnecessary if the potassium

concentration is less than 6.5 mEq/L and there are no ECG changes. Although this

serum potassium concentration does not require immediate intervention, close

monitoring for hyperkalemia and its manifestations is necessary. This would be

particularly important after starting ACEI therapy, which can contribute to

development of hyperkalemia by decreasing aldosterone production. If potassium

concentrations rise above 6.5 mEq/L, and especially if they are accompanied by

neuromuscular symptoms or changes in the ECG, treatment should be instituted.

Goals of therapy include prevention of adverse events related to excessive

potassium and reduction of serum potassium

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concentrations to a relatively normal range. Chronic management involves

prevention of hyperkalemia by limiting potassium intake and avoiding the use of

agents that could elevate potassium levels. This requires regular monitoring of

potassium concentrations. Acute management involves reversal of cardiac effects

with calcium administration and reduction of serum potassium. The latter can be

achieved by shifting potassium intracellularly with administration of glucose and

insulin, β-adrenergic agonists, or alkali therapy (if metabolic acidosis is a

contributing factor) and by removing potassium using exchange resins or dialysis (see

Chapter 27, Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders).

Metabolic Acidosis

CASE 28-1, QUESTION 8: Assess G.B.’s acid–base status. How should her acid–base disorder be


G.B.’s low blood CO2 content and high chloride concentration are consistent with

metabolic acidosis. Normal buffering of hydrogen ions by the bicarbonate–carbonic

acid system as well as other extracellular and intracellular buffers, including

proteins, phosphates, and hemoglobin, is essential for maintaining normal acid–base

balance (i.e., normal pH). Normal metabolism of ingested food produces

approximately 1 mEq/kg of metabolic acid daily, which must be excreted by the

kidneys (primarily as ammonium ion) to maintain acid–base balance. The kidney is

responsible for reabsorption of bicarbonate and excretion of hydrogen ions through

buffering by ammonia (produced by the kidney) and filtered phosphates. Reduced

bicarbonate reabsorption and impaired production of ammonia by the kidneys are the

major factors responsible for development of metabolic acidosis in advanced kidney

disease. As nephron function declines, production of ammonia is increased to

compensate for a decrease in secretion of hydrogen ions; however, once the maximal

capacity for ammonia production is reached, acidosis develops. Mild

hyperchloremia is generally observed in the earlier stages. As kidney disease

progresses, metabolic acidosis with an elevated anion gap is observed owing to

accumulation of organic acids (see Chapter 26, Acid–Base Disorders). Bone

carbonate stores serve as a source of alkali, but with time cannot compensate for

changes in acid–base balance. Metabolic acidosis can contribute to bone disease by

promoting bone resorption, and it may also influence nutritional status by decreasing

albumin synthesis and promoting a negative nitrogen balance.

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