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In 1998, the FDA recommended using the Cockcroft–Gault equation to

estimate kidney function when designing pharmacokinetic clinical trials and drug

dosing regimens. The Cockcroft–Gault equation has been the standard method to

estimate renal function to determine if drug dosage adjustments are necessary. In

2010, the FDA released a draft guidance that included both the Cockcroft–Gault and

MDRD equations to determine renal function. It also should be noted that the units for

the Cockcroft–Gault equation for CrCl is mL/minute, while the units for the MDRD

equation for eGFR is mL/minute/1.73m2

. The manufacturer’s prescribing information

and available literature should be evaluated to determine the appropriate dosage

regimen based on the patient’s renal function.

Effect of Hemodialysis



CASE 31-1, QUESTION 5: G.G.’s renal function continues to deteriorate to the extent that she requires

hemodialysis. What additional alterations in her gentamicin dosing regimen are necessary when she is having


Gentamicin has a MW of about 500 and a relatively low Vd (averaging 0.25 L/kg),

and is about 10% bound to proteins, all favoring effective removal by conventional


44 For a given patient, the observed dialysis clearance of gentamicin

using conventional methods also depends on factors such as the physical properties

of the dialysis filter, the blood and dialysate

p. 670

p. 671

flow rates, and the length of dialysis. Studies indicate that dialysis clearance of

gentamicin averages 45 mL/minute compared with an average plasma clearance of 5

mL/minute in patients with ESRD.

55,56 Therefore, G.G.’s gentamicin dose must be

adjusted to compensate for the amount of drug that will be removed by dialysis.

Because drug removal represents a combination of drug elimination by the body and

dialysis, the following equation can be used:

where Cl


is the total clearance of the drug during dialysis, Cldial

is the clearance

by dialysis, and Cl is plasma clearance. If dialysis clearance is high relative to

plasma clearance, drug removal will be enhanced by the dialysis procedure. The

total clearance of gentamicin in a patient with severe renal dysfunction during

dialysis is 50 mL/minute (45 mL/minute + 5 mL/minute) or 10 times the clearance

while off dialysis. Plasma clearance and dialysis clearance are related to the

elimination half-life by the following equation:

Thus, assuming a constant Vd of 17.5 L (i.e., 0.25 L/kg × 70 kg), the elimination

half-life on dialysis is approximately 4 hours compared with 40 hours off dialysis. In

addition, the extent (fraction) of drug removal (FD) during a timed dialysis run can

be predicted from the following equation:

where t is the duration of dialysis. Therefore, the fraction of gentamicin removed

(FD) during a 4-hour conventional dialysis procedure is approximately 50%. If

specific data are not available for dialysis and plasma clearance, the following

equation will predict fraction removed using the elimination half-life data alone

obtained during dialysis:

The estimated value of 50% removal is consistent with literature values indicating

that 50% to 70% of a dose of gentamicin is removed during a 4-hour dialysis

procedure. A limitation of this equation, however, is that it does not consider the

redistribution of drug from the tissues back into the plasma after the dialysis


It generally is difficult to calculate an appropriate maintenance dose for patients

having hemodialysis that will maintain peak and trough concentrations similar to

patients with normal renal function, in part because of the large variability found in

aminoglycoside pharmacokinetic parameters.

56,57 Sustained plasma concentrations

greater than 2 mg/L can increase the risk of toxicity; however, dosing gentamicin to

achieve trough concentrations of less than 2 mg/L may lead to prolonged periods of

subtherapeutic peak concentrations because one would have to use smaller doses

with lower peak concentrations to allow the troughs to decrease before the next dose.

Another practical consideration is that unless one expects the patient to recover renal

function in the future, renal toxicity of the drug is less of a concern. As a compromise

in patients receiving hemodialysis, gentamicin doses are given to achieve a

predialysis trough concentration of approximately 3 mg/L. This can generally be

achieved with a loading dose of 2 mg/kg, followed by a maintenance dose of 1 mg/kg

after each dialysis session.


CASE 31-1, QUESTION 6: Why does the dose of ceftazidime in G.G. have to be adjusted because of her

hemodialysis when this drug has such a large therapeutic window?

Because only 21% of ceftazidime is protein bound and its Vd is 0.2 L/kg, it should

be readily removed by hemodialysis. The mean dialysis clearance of ceftazidime is

55 mL/minute, with 55% of the drug removed during 4 hours of conventional


58 A supplemental dose of ceftazidime should be given to G.G. after

each hemodialysis session to maintain a therapeutic concentration. Half of the daily

ceftazidime dose should be administered after each dialysis session.


CASE 31-1, QUESTION 7: G.G.’s physician is considering changing her from a conventional dialysis system

to a high-flux system that uses high-efficiency polysulfone membranes. How does the dialyzability of gentamicin

and ceftazidime differ with high-flux hemodialysis compared with conventional hemodialysis?

High-flux hemodialysis is more effective than conventional dialysis at removing

certain pharmacologic agents (see Chapter 30, Renal Dialysis) because the

membranes are more efficient and the blood flow through the dialyzer is increased.

Although limited data are available, a greater fraction of drugs, such as

aminoglycosides, ceftazidime, and vancomycin, are removed by high-flux versus

conventional hemodialysis.

59,60 Approximately 50% to 70% of gentamicin is removed

during a 2.5-hour, high-flux dialysis session.

24 The clearance of ceftazidime by highflux dialysis is 75 to 240 mL/minute compared with 55 mL/minute for conventional


59 Thus, further dosage adjustments for gentamicin and ceftazidime may

be necessary if G.G. is converted from conventional hemodialysis to high-flux



CASE 31-1, QUESTION 8: What changes would be necessary in G.G.’s gentamicin dosing if she were to

start a CRRT such as CVVH?

Because of the continuous nature of CVVH, the extent of drug eliminated by

CRRTs will differ from intermittent modes such as hemodialysis. The clearance of a

drug in a patient receiving CVVH can be described in a fashion similar to Equation

31-17, where Cldial

is replaced with Clcvvh


In G.G., the Cl


from Equation 31-15 can be used for the plasma clearance

(Cl). The clearance by CVVH can be described by the following equation:

where Fu is the fraction of drug unbound and UFR is the ultrafiltration rate.

Gentamicin exhibits low plasma protein binding (Fu = 0.95). Typical ultrafiltration

rates for CVVH are approximately 1 L/hour, but can vary.

Because the clearance of gentamicin approximates that of CrCl, G.G.’s total

clearance is approximately one-third the normal

p. 671

p. 672

clearance of 100 mL/minute. Therefore, the gentamicin dose should be

approximately one-third of the normal dose. G.G. should be given 1.5 mg/kg/day or

100 mg of gentamicin as a single daily dose (normal dose is approximately 5

mg/kg/day). Gentamicin trough concentrations should be monitored, and her dose

adjusted to maintain a trough concentration of less than 2 mg/L.


CASE 31-2

QUESTION 1: J.J., a 24-year-old man with ESRD, is maintained with CAPD. He presents to the ED with a

fever of 38.2°C and complains of severe abdominal pain. He also reports that his peritoneal dialysate has

become cloudy in the past few days. All these symptoms are consistent with peritonitis, a frequent complication

of CAPD. His culture results reveal Escherichia coli, sensitive to gentamicin. How should gentamicin be dosed

in this patient?

Management of dialysis-related peritonitis can vary from one institution to another.

Antibiotics often are administered IP with or without systemic antibiotic therapy. For

less severe cases, IP administration is often considered sufficient. With IP

administration, the goal is to deliver a concentration of drug similar to the desired

plasma concentration for the treatment of systemic infections. Therefore, 8 mg of

gentamicin into each liter of dialysate (or 16 mg into a 2-L bag of dialysate) is

recommended. Once equilibrium or steady state is achieved, the dialysate

concentration will be comparable to the concentration of gentamicin in the plasma.

Despite a more rapid transfer of drug into the plasma because of increased

permeability of the peritoneal membrane in patients with peritonitis, there will still

be a substantial lag time before steady state is reached. For more serious cases of

peritonitis, concomitant systemic antibiotics should be given.

CASE 31-2, QUESTION 2: Is gentamicin eliminated by CAPD?

In general, most drugs are not well removed via CAPD. This is particularly true

for drugs that are highly protein bound or for drugs with a large Vd. Gentamicin and

other aminoglycosides, on the other hand, are effectively removed by CAPD because

they have low protein binding and a small Vd. It is estimated that 10% to 50% of

gentamicin is removed by CAPD.




CASE 31-3

QUESTION 1: D.M., a 28-year-old man with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, presents with a severe

herpetic infection requiring IV acyclovir. Because of other complications associated with his human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, D.M. has developed renal insufficiency during his hospital course. His

SCr is 4.5 mg/dL, and his CrCl is 20 mL/minute. What are important considerations for dosing acyclovir in

D.M. now, and also if he requires dialysis?

Acyclovir is used to prevent or treat a variety of viral infections, such as those

caused by herpes simplex and varicella zoster viruses.


It is cleared primarily by the

kidneys, with approximately 70% to 80% excreted unchanged in the urine. Dosage

adjustment is necessary in patients with renal disease.

19,63 Renal tubular secretion in

addition to filtration contributes to the elimination of acyclovir, which explains why

the renal clearance of acyclovir is about 3 times greater than the estimated CrCl.

Acyclovir also can precipitate in the renal tubules and exacerbate D.M.’s renal

failure. This is more likely to occur when high doses are infused too rapidly to

patients with renal dysfunction.

63 To minimize nephrotoxicity, the patient should be

adequately hydrated to maintain good urine flow, and the acyclovir dose should be

infused over the course of 1 hour. Nephrotoxicity is usually reversible on

discontinuation of the drug or reduction of the dose. In addition, acyclovir-associated

neurotoxicity correlates with elevated plasma concentrations, and further underscores

the need for adequate dosage adjustments in patients with renal dysfunction.


The clearance of acyclovir correlates with the CrCl according to the following


In patients with normal renal function, the clearance of acyclovir ranges from 210

to 330 mL/minute; in patients with ESRD, the clearance is 29 to 34 mL/minute.


Although this change in clearance primarily results from decreased renal clearance of

the drug, nonrenal clearance of acyclovir also decreases in these patients.

19,65 As a

result, the elimination half-life increases significantly from approximately 3 hours in

patients with normal kidney function to 20 hours in patients with ESRD. Therefore,

doses should be reduced proportionately from a normal daily dose of 15 mg/kg body

weight (5 mg/kg given every 8 hours) for serious herpes simplex infections to doses

as low as 2.5 mg/kg/day (given as a single daily dose) in patients with ESRD.


Because D.M. has a CrCl of 20 mL/minute and an estimated Clacyclovir of 97

mL/minute (approximately one-third of normal), a single daily dose of 5 mg/kg (onethird of normal) would be appropriate to treat this infection.


Acyclovir is moderately removed by conventional hemodialysis, with plasma

concentrations decreasing by 60% after 6 hours of dialysis.

67 The elimination halflife on and off dialysis is 6 and 20 hours, respectively, whereas the dialysis

clearance averages 80 mL/minute. Therefore, a supplemental dose of 2.5 mg/kg after

dialysis is recommended to replace the amount of drug removed by hemodialysis. No

data are available on the removal of acyclovir by high-flux hemodialysis.


CASE 31-3, QUESTION 2: Does D.M.’s renal dysfunction affect the metabolism of acyclovir? Are there

other drugs that are affected similarly?

Approximately 20% of acyclovir is cleared by nonrenal mechanisms.

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