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p. 714

Successful kidney transplantation involves rigorous evaluation of both

donor and recipient. This results in immunologic categorization as either

a high-risk or low-risk transplant and determines the immunosuppressive

regimen an individual recipient should receive. The majority of these

patients will receive combination therapy, which includes a calcineurin

inhibitor, an antiproliferative agent, and a corticosteroid.

Case 34-1 (Questions 1, 2),

Table 34-1

Induction therapy is used in most kidney transplant cases. Rabbit

antithymocyte globulin, alemtuzumab, and basiliximab are common

agents. Differences among these agents include dosing regimen and

side effect profile. Rabbit antithymocyte globulin and alemtuzumab are

often used in high-risk patients, including those with delayed graft

function, whereas basiliximab is frequently used in low-risk recipients.

Case 34-1 (Questions 2–6)

Immunosuppressive combination therapy is directed at prevention of

rejection. Acute rejection can be either T-cell-mediated or B-cellmediated. T-cell-mediated rejection can be successfully treated,

whereas B-cell-mediated rejection is much more resistant. Despite

success in reducing acute rejections, chronic rejection and chronic graft

dysfunction are major causes of graft loss.

Case 34-1 (Questions 7–9)

Cyclosporine is a calcineurin inhibitor with a complex pharmacokinetic

profile associated with multiple adverse effects and requires therapeutic

drug monitoring (TDM). Its use has significantly declined since the

introduction of tacrolimus.

Case 34-2 (Questions 1, 2),

Case 34-3 (Question 1)

Case 34-4 (Question 1)

The mTOR inhibitors, sirolimus and everolimus, have complex

pharmacokinetic profiles, significant adverse effects, and require TDM.

These agents appear to be most useful in minimizing or avoiding the use

of calcineurin inhibitors or other agents.

Case 34-4 (Question2)

The calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine and tacrolimus and steroids have

significant toxicity profiles, particularly with chronic long-term use.

Calcineurin inhibitor-induced nephrotoxicity is a major problem. Steroids

have a negative impact on the cardiovascular, bone, and endocrine

system. Severalstrategies have been developed in an attempt to either

avoid or minimize these adverse effects.

Case 34-2 (Questions 1, 2),

Case 34-3 (Question 1)

Cardiovascular complications, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and Case 34-5 (Questions 1–4)

diabetes, are prevalent among kidney transplant recipients. These

contribute to poor patient survival and graft loss. Other complications

such as osteoporosis are frequently observed. Monitoring and treatment

of these complications, which may be drug-induced, are an important

part of the post-transplant care plan.

BK polyomavirus is almost exclusively seen in kidney transplantation and

is associated with graft loss. The best approach to reducing its

occurrence is viralsurveillance. If it is present, then reduction of

immunosuppression appears to be the most effective treatment.

Case 34-6 (Questions 1–3)

Liver transplantation is considered the treatment of choice for patient

with end-stage liver disease. Common early post-transplant

complications include surgical (biliary leaks and bleeding), neurologic

(continued hepatic encephalopathy, drug toxicity), and infectious

(pneumonias, urinary tract infections, and biliary bacteremias).

Case 34-7 (Questions 1, 2)

p. 715

p. 716

Tacrolimus is considered the cornerstone of the immunosuppressant

regimen for the vast majority of solid organ transplant recipients. It has

complex pharmacokinetics and therefore requires close TDM for

optimal use. Tacrolimus is a potent agent that has significantly reduced

acute rejection rates; additionally, compared to cyclosporine, tacrolimus

has fewer cosmetic side effects (hirsutism, gingival hyperplasia), fewer

effects on serum lipoproteins and blood pressure, but has more severe

effects on serum glucose levels and more pronounced neurotoxicities.

Case 34-7 (Questions 3–6)

Acute rejection of the transplanted liver is a common, but usually

reversible, consequence after this surgery. It is usually asymptomatic,

but can be identified early through serial monitoring of serum

transaminases and bilirubin, and definitively diagnosed only through liver

biopsy. Treatment usually consists of pulse-dose corticosteroids,

followed by a taper, or the use of rabbit antithymocyte globulin for more

severe rejections or those refractory to steroid therapy.

Case 34-7 (Questions 7, 8)

Mycophenolate is considered the adjuvant agent of choice in solid organ

transplantation and is used to reduce calcineurin inhibitor exposure or

augment immunosuppressant regimen potency. TDM is not common

and has yet to prove effective in optimizing therapy. Common side

effects with this agent include gastrointestinal issues (nausea, vomiting,

and diarrhea) and cytopenias (leukopenia and thrombocytopenia).

Case 34-7 (Question 9)

Drug interactions with immunosuppressants are numerous and are

commonly encountered clinical dilemmas in the transplant recipient.

Pharmacists should prospectively screen for these interactions and,

depending on their magnitude, may need to prospectively adjust

medication regimens. Closer TDM or clinical monitoring is always

warranted when adding or removing an interacting medication to a

patient on immunosuppression.

Case 34-8 (Question 1),

Table 34-2

Case 34-9 (Question 1),

Infections, including opportunistic infections, are common complications

after transplant. Prophylaxis with antimicrobial agents is critical for the

most common and severe pathogens. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are

problematic after liver transplant and require immunoprophylaxis or

treatment in certain circumstances.

Table 34-3

Cytomegalovirus is the most common and debilitating opportunistic

infection after solid organ transplantation. Reactivation or new infection

with this virus can lead to severe tissue invasive disease and potentially

death. Indirect effects include acute rejection, chronic rejection, graft

loss, and potentially, lymphoma. Prophylaxis with potent antivirals

(ganciclovir or valganciclovir) is the cornerstone of prevention.

Treatment involves a long course of antiviral therapy usually in

conjunction with reductions in immunosuppression.

Case 34-10 (Questions 1–4)

Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD), which is usually a

B-cell lymphoma, is the most common cancer encountered after organ

transplant. Early PTLD is generally responsive to reductions in

immunosuppression; advanced PTLD is usually not responsive to this

nor to traditional chemotherapy. The use of rituximab, a monoclonal

antibody directed against B cells, has shown promise for treatment of

this disease.

Case 34-11 (Questions 1, 2)


Solid organ transplantation, adult and pediatrics, is an established therapeutic option

for patients with end-stage kidney, liver, heart, and lung disease. For many of these

patients, it is the only option. One-year patient and graft survival for these major

organs is between 85% and 98%.

1 Pancreas or combined pancreas–kidney

transplantation is available as a treatment for diabetic patients with end-stage renal


Unfortunately, many more patients are in need of transplantation than there are

organs available. In 2014, about 30,000 organ transplants were performed, whereas

130,000 people were waiting for all organs and 60,000 for kidneys. Consequently, a

significant number of candidates die while on the waiting list.

During the 1960s, azathioprine, prednisone, antilymphocyte serum, and

antilymphocyte globulin made the success of kidney transplantation possible. In the

1980s, the introduction of cyclosporine had a remarkable impact on solid organ

transplantation, and the first monoclonal antibody approved for human use, OKT3,

was introduced, but is no longer available.

Since the 1990s, a number of other agents have been approved. These include

tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, mycophenolate sodium, sirolimus (formerly

rapamycin), and everolimus; monoclonal antibodies, such as basiliximab; a

polyclonal antibody, antithymocyte globulin (rabbit antithymocyte globulin); and

belatacept. More recently, several agents, such as alemtuzumab, intravenous

immunoglobulins (IVIGs), rituximab, eculizumab, and bortezomib, are incorporated

into transplant protocols. Several new agents are undergoing investigation.

p. 716

p. 717

Although transplantation has a significant positive impact on the quality of life in

most patients, rehospitalizations, retransplantation because of graft failure or disease

recurrence, donation source (living-related and unrelated organs), and costs to

individuals, insurers, and society are major issues. For example, the average

Medicare cost during the first year after kidney transplantation is $83,000 and during

the second year is $25,000. After liver transplantation, first-year average Medicare

cost is $190,000 and second year $30,000.

2 The ability of transplant recipients to pay

for their medications or insurance denial or termination of coverage is another major


The goal of immunosuppressive therapy is to prevent organ rejection, prolong graft

and patient survival, and improve quality of life. Short-term (i.e., 1–2 years) survival

after transplantation has improved dramatically. Long-term survival also has

improved, but not to the same degree.

3 As patients live longer after transplantation,

the focus of therapy has shifted to survival and management of long-term

complications. Immunosuppressive agents are associated with significant long-term

complications. These include nephrotoxicity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia,

osteoporosis, diabetes, infection and malignancy, as well as graft loss secondary to,

recurrence of primary disease, nonadherence and rejection. Many patients also have

several pre- and post-transplant comorbidities and complicated drug regimens,

which must be evaluated and managed. Pharmacists play an important role in these

patient care activities.

4 Although acute rejection rates are significantly lower, this

remains a problem, along with chronic rejection and/or chronic allograft injury and

long-term outcomes. The search for safer and more effective immunosuppressive

regimens continues, along with a better understanding of optimal long-term


5 This chapter addresses the immunology of transplantation and

rejection, indications for kidney and liver transplantation, appropriate use of

immunosuppressive agents, and the management of postoperative and long-term

complications in these patients. Many of these issues are similar for the various types

of solid organ transplantations, but there can also be significant differences as well.

This chapter addresses some of these issues as they relate to kidney and liver



Successful organ transplantation has evolved from a greater understanding and

application of pharmacology, microbiology, molecular and cellular biochemistry and

biology, genetics, and immunology. Suppression of the host’s immune system and

prevention of rejection are vital for host acceptance of the transplanted organ. The

ultimate goal is permanent acceptance or tolerance, a situation in which the new

organ is seen as “self” by the host’s immune system. In general, the currently used

immunosuppressive drugs provide a nonpermanent form of tolerance and lifelong

immunosuppression is required. A basic understanding of the immune system and the

mechanisms of rejection is key to the effective use of immunosuppressive drugs in

organ transplantation.

Major Histocompatibility Complex and Human

Leukocyte Antigen

The degree to which allogeneic grafting (e.g., donor and recipient from same

species) is successful depends on the genetic similarities or differences between the

donor organ and the recipient’s immune system. The recipient recognizes the

transplanted graft as either self or foreign. This recognition is based on the

recipient’s reaction to alloantigens or antigens (i.e., substances that initiate an

immune response that can lead to rejection of the transplanted organ). These

substances, also known as histocompatibility antigens, play a very important role in

organ transplantation. The ABO blood group system of red blood cells is also

important and, in most cases, the donor and recipient should be ABO compatible;

otherwise, immediate graft destruction can occur because of antibodies directed

against the ABO antigens.

Histocompatibility antigens are glycoproteins that are located on the surface of

cell membranes. These are encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

genes located on the short arm of chromosome 6. In humans, the MHC is called the

human leukocyte antigen (HLA). The gene products encoded on the HLA are divided

into classes I, II, and III based on their tissue distribution, antigen structure, and

function. Class I antigens (HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C) are present on all nucleated

cell surfaces and are the primary targets for cytotoxic T-lymphocyte reactions against

transplanted cells and tissues. The three class II antigens (HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, HLADP) have a more limited distribution and are found on macrophages, B lymphocytes

(B cells), monocytes, activated T lymphocytes (T cells), dendritic cells, and some

endothelial cells, all of which can act as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Individual

HLA loci are extensively polymorphic. Each transplant recipient possesses two A,

B, and DR antigens, one from each parent. This is called a haplotype. Recognition of

these polymorphic loci by recipient T cells appears to account for rejection events.

Class III antigens (C4, C2, and Bf) are part of the complement system.

Rejection of a transplanted organ is the outcome of the natural response of the

immune system, innate and adaptive immunity, to a foreign substance, or antigen, and

is a complex process, the understanding of which continues to evolve. This process

involves an array of interactions between antigens, T cells, macrophages, cytokines

(soluble mediators secreted by lymphocytes, also called lymphokines [the

interleukins]), adhesion molecules (also referred to as costimulatory molecules), and

membrane proteins expressed on a wide variety of cells that enhance binding of Tand B cells. This process of organ rejection ultimately can involve all elements of the

immune response, but it is predominantly T-cell-mediated. This process can be

divided into several important steps, which include antigen presentation, T-cell

recognition, activation, proliferation, and differentiation of the various components of

the immune response. For foreign antigens to interact with recipient T cells and B

cells, they must be prepared for presentation by APCs. These APCs usually are

recipient macrophages or dendritic cells (indirect pathway of allorecognition),

although initially donor cells—dendritic cells or passenger leukocytes and graft

endothelial cells—also can serve as APCs (direct pathway of allorecognition). This

phase takes place within the blood, lymph nodes, spleen, and the transplanted organ.

Once antigens are prepared and presented, the next step (signal one) involves Tlymphocyte cell recognition of the antigen presented on the surface of the APC. The

primary site for this to occur is at the CD3–T-cell receptor (TCR) complex on

recipient T cells. This step involves the binding of the antigen, MHC, and TCR for Tcell activation. These T cells also express other molecules (clusters of differentiation

[CD]) on their surfaces that, along with CD3, recognize and respond to different

types of antigens. These T cells are known as CD4

+ cells (TH, helper or inducer T

cells) and CD8

+ cells (TC, cytotoxic or suppressor T cells). CD4

+ cells interact with

class II antigens. CD8

+ cells interact with class I antigens.

In addition (signal two), proteins known as adhesion molecules or costimulatory

molecules promote T-cell signaling and activation. For T-cell activation to occur,

binding of these costimulatory molecules as well as binding of the TCR with the

presented antigen and MHC is required. Examples of these molecules include

p. 717

p. 718

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