Acceptable strategies for administering additional fluid challenges to hypovolemic

patients are based on the direction and degree of change in the various hemodynamic

parameters in response to a fluid load rather than to their absolute values. CVP has a

poor correlation with RV end-diastolic volume because it can be affected by changes

in intrathoracic pressure, venous tone, and ventricular compliance (distensibility of

the relaxed ventricle or stiffness of the myocardial wall).

38 PCWP and pulse pressure

variation are more predictable markers of fluid status. Left ventricular SV (and thus

pulse pressure) is inversely related to intrathoracic pressures during respiration; SV

is maximally affected at lower filling pressures when the ventricles are operating on

the steepest portion of the Frank–Starling curve. A SV that varies at least 12% during

a respiratory cycle (between end inspiration and expiration) is highly predictive of a

positive response to fluid challenge.


Some practitioners argue that CVP is still an acceptable gauge of fluid

responsiveness when used in conjunction with other parameters, including CO, BP,

urine output, and tissue perfusion. Using CVP as a guide, an increase in the CVP of 5

mm Hg after a 250- to 500-mL fluid challenge in 10 minutes implies the LV is still

functioning on the steep portion of the volume–pressure curve. If the CVP rises

abruptly as fluid is given, with a small change in CO, the flat portion of the

ventricular function curve has been reached and the IV infusion rate should be

slowed. If signs and symptoms of inadequate tissue perfusion worsen or fail to

improve and if the CVP remains greater than 10 to 14 mm Hg, fluid challenges should

be stopped and inotropic therapy initiated.

Most critically ill patients require a CI above 2.5 L/minute/m2 and a PCWP of 12

to 18 mm Hg, or a CVP of 8 to 14 mm Hg to maintain an acceptable MAP of 65 to 75

mm Hg. A downward trend in the lactate and base deficit and the change in

hemodynamic parameters as well as vital signs and urine output should serve as

indicators for whether additional fluid is required.


CASE 17-2, QUESTION 6: P.T. has received a total of 3.5 L of NS boluses during the past 6 hours and

remains hemodynamically unchanged. His urine output has averaged 0.3 mL/kg/hour for the past 4 hours,

indicating volume replacement is inadequate. Given his age and the lack of response to initial crystalloid

administration, the decision is made to infuse a colloid solution. How do the colloids compare as a volume

expander for P.T., and which agent should be used?

Albumin, the predominant protein in the plasma, accounts for approximately 80%

of the COP, the force that maintains fluid in the intravascular space.

39 Human serum

albumin is the colloidal agent against which all others are compared for volumeexpanding properties. It is commercially prepared from pooled donor plasma that is

heat-treated to eliminate the potential for disease transmission. Albumin 5% solution

increases plasma volume by approximately 80% to 100% of the volume infused, with

an initial duration of action of 16 hours.

39 At steady state (3–5 days), approximately

40% of albumin remains in the intravascular compartment while the rest is in the

interstitial compartment. Side effects involve transient clotting abnormalities and

anaphylactic reactions (0.5%), both of which are rare.

40 The anaphylactoid reaction

is caused by the pasteurization process, causing albumin to polymerize, which

produces an antigenic macromolecule. Albumin solutions also contain citrate, which

can lower serum calcium concentrations and theoretically lead to decreased LV

function. The effects on coagulation and serum calcium are possibly related to the

volume of fluid infused rather than albumin administration.

39 Albumin is available as

a 5% solution that is iso-oncotic with the plasma and as a 25% solution that is

hyperoncotic. The 5% solution is generally preferred for routine volume expansion,

whereas the 25% solution is most useful in correcting hypoproteinemia or

intravascular hypovolemia in patients with excess interstitial water. Albumin is

subject to availability, as approximately 1 L of pooled donor plasma is required to

produce 20 to 25 g of albumin.

Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is a synthetic colloid made from amylopectin, which

closely resembles human serum albumin but is less expensive. Available as a 6%

solution, HES expands the plasma volume by an amount greater than the volume

infused because the high oncotic pressure draws water from the interstitial spaces.

HES solutions have varying locations and degrees of substitutions on the glucose

molecules, which slow enzymatic degradation and confer greater hydrolysis

resistance (Table 17-5). HES solutions have complex pharmacokinetics because of

their wide range of molecular weights; with an average molecular weight of 69,000

Da and a range of 1,000 to 3,000,000 Da. Numerous clinical studies have compared

albumin and hetastarch for fluid resuscitation in patients with and without shock.

However, most of these trials were underpowered and there were no significant

differences in mortality.

41,42 Although HES has comparable efficacy to albumin,

controversy exists regarding the use of HES owing to adverse effects seen with its

use. These adverse effects include severe pruritus, coagulopathy, and renal

dysfunction and appear to be class-related effects because the newer lower

molecular weight and substitution products are similar.


p. 358

p. 359

Dose-related reductions in platelet count and transient increases in PT, and PTT

have been reported with moderate infusions of HES (up to 1,500 mL/day), and

coagulopathies persist for up to 7 days with larger volumes.

21,42 HES causes factor

VIII and von Willebrand factor levels to be lowered beyond that which can be

attributed to hemodilution and also increases fibrinolysis.

42 This places patients with

von Willebrand disease at greater risk of bleeding. In critically ill patients,

particularly those with sepsis, HES is also associated with a dose-related increased

risk of acute kidney injury and greater probability of needing renal replacement


20,21,44–46 HES now includes warnings of excessive bleeding when used in

patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass as well as a boxed warning that states

these products are contraindicated in critically ill patients. Experts argue that HES

should not be used because of the potential adverse effects and that other alternatives

are available.

Dextrans are colloidal solutions that are synthesized by bacteria from sucrose and

are available in 40,000 and 70,000 Da average molecular weight solutions. These

products lack adequately powered randomized trials to adequately examine their

efficacy or safety.

42 Like HES, dextrans can cause renal dysfunction, bleeding, and

anaphylactic reactions. Dextrans can cause acute kidney injury, possibly because of

accumulation of dextran molecules within the renal tubules. They increase bleeding

by causing dose-related decreased platelet adhesion, increased fibrinolysis, and

decreased levels of factor VIII. Dextran solutions are associated with the highest

incidence of anaphylactic reactions among all of the colloids.

Because of the lack of superior clinically important outcomes and less favorable

safety profiles for HES and dextrans compared to albumin, it is decided to use

albumin for further volume expansion in P.T.


Shock arising primarily from an abnormality of cardiac function constitutes

cardiogenic shock. The causes of cardiogenic shock can be separated largely into

cardiomyopathic, arrhythmogenic, and mechanical (Table 17-1), although

occasionally patients may have a combination of causes. Regardless of the source,

the underlying problem in cardiogenic shock is a decrease in CO that is not caused by

a reduction in circulating blood volume. This decrease in CO results in the syndrome

of shock, organ dysfunction, and death if measures to restore perfusion are not


The most common cause of cardiogenic shock is LV dysfunction and necrosis as a

result of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (see Chapter 13, Acute Coronary

Syndrome). Necrosis of the left ventricle can be the result of a single massive

myocardial infarction (MI), numerous smaller events, or severe global cardiac

ischemia. Increases in sympathetic tone—seen clinically as increased HR and

peripheral vasoconstriction—initially serve to increase CO and maintain arterial

pressure. When necrosis exceeds approximately 40% of the LV, normal

compensatory responses can no longer maintain CO, and hypotension and

hypoperfusion results. In addition to decreased perfusion to vital tissues and organs,

the decrease in CO leads to a reduction in the flow of blood through the coronary

arteries, which can lead to infarct extension and a further worsening of cardiac


Cardiogenic shock is the leading cause of death in patients hospitalized with AMI.

It occurs in 5% to 10% of AMI cases and is more common with ST-elevation versus

non-ST-elevation MI.

47 A registry of nearly 2 million patients admitted for STelevation MI in the United States from 2003 to 2010 found a 7.9% incidence.

48 The

incidence was higher in patients at least 75 years of age, women, and Asian/Pacific

Islanders versus less than 75 years of age, men, and other racial/ethnic groups,

respectively. Patients with end-stage renal disease appear to be at a higher risk of

cardiogenic shock and among those with ST-elevation MI that incidence increased

three-fold from 2003 to 2011.

49 The in-hospital mortality for patients experiencing

shock decreased 29% from 2003 to 2010, most likely because of coronary

reperfusion strategies.

48 The overall mortality rate, however, has remained high


Infarction involving the RV can cause cardiogenic shock, even with normal LV

systolic function. In this situation, the volume of blood reaching the LV (preload) is

reduced because of the inability of the RV to move blood to the left side of the heart.

In most patients with cardiogenic shock and RV infarction, significant LV dysfunction

is present as well. Arrhythmias are often associated with worsening perfusion,

causing or worsening cardiogenic shock, and poor outcomes.

Patients with chronic heart failure (HF) (see Chapter 14, Heart Failure) usually

compensate for their poor cardiac function, but acute exacerbations can cause

cardiogenic shock with hypotension, hypoperfusion, and organ dysfunction. Cardiac

dysfunction occasionally can be seen with severe sepsis because of increases in the

production of inflammatory cytokines that have a depressant effect on the

myocardium. However, the cytokine-mediated vasodilation and reduction in

afterload usually negates the ability to detect the cardiac dysfunction. A similar

picture occurs after cardiopulmonary bypass with heart surgery through activation of

the inflammatory cascade.

Cardiogenic shock caused by mechanical problems occurs relatively infrequently.

In this setting, the systolic function (contractility) of the heart may be normal, but

other defects render the heart unable to eject a normal volume of blood. Pericardial

tamponade (bleeding into the pericardial sac) and tension pneumothorax (air leakage

from the lung into the chest) cause cardiogenic shock by compressing the heart and

decreasing the diastolic filling. [Pericardial tamponade and tension pneumothorax

are technically obstructive forms of shock as there is an extracardiac process that is

impeding forward circulatory flow.] Acute valvular insufficiency or stenosis

prevents the normal ejection of blood. Ventricular septal or free wall rupture can

occur, often in the setting of AMI, with the reduction in CO related to the inability of

the LV to eject a normal volume of blood during systole.

The symptoms of cardiogenic shock are largely the same as for other types of

shock. Hypotension and signs of inadequate tissue perfusion, such as confusion,

oliguria, tachycardia, and cutaneous vasoconstriction, are present in many patients.

Differentiating cardiogenic shock from distributive or hypovolemic shock requires

further examination. A history of coronary artery disease or symptoms of MI are

important findings. Hypovolemia occurs in up to 20% of patients in cardiogenic

shock, but patients frequently have signs of volume overload because the heart cannot

move blood through the circulation. Peripheral edema can be seen in the extremities;

lung sounds are diminished, and rales may be present as pulmonary edema develops

with LV dysfunction. These findings are particularly evident in patients with severe


Because the distinction between cardiogenic and other forms of shock can be

difficult to make based on physical examination alone, further testing with invasive

hemodynamic monitoring may be required to establish the diagnosis and guide

therapy. Table 17-6 lists the common laboratory, electrocardiogram (ECG), and

chest radiograph findings, and Table 17-3 lists the common hemodynamic findings in

cardiogenic shock. CVP may be easily attained, particularly if the patient already has

a central line; other hemodynamic findings will require further monitoring tools (e.g.,

PA catheter, echocardiography).

p. 359

p. 360

Table 17-6

Typical Findings of Early Cardiogenic Shock

Arterial blood gas (ABG)

Hypoxemia secondary to pulmonary congestion with ventilation–perfusion abnormalities

Anion gap metabolic acidosis with a compensatory respiratory alkalosis

Elevated blood lactate levels (which contributes to the acidosis)

Complete blood count (CBC)


Thrombocytopenia (if disseminated intravascular coagulation is present)

Elevated cardiac enzymes if myocardial infarction is present

Electrocardiogram (ECG)–one or more of the following

T-wave changes indicating infarction

Left bundle branch block

Sinus tachycardia


Chest radiograph

Pulmonary edema or evidence of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)


Valvular or mechanical problems if present

Normal or decreased ejection fraction

Hemodynamic monitoring—one or more of the following:

Reduced cardiac output

Arterial hypotension

Elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and central venous pressure (CVP)

Elevated pulmonary artery pressure (PAP)

Elevated systemic vascular resistance (SVR)

Acute Myocardial Infarction


CASE 17-3

QUESTION 1: J.S. is a 43-year-old man who presents to the ED complaining of chest pain, tingling down his

left arm, diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. His pain has been ongoing for 3 hours and is not

relieved by rest. He has no known history of cardiac disease and takes no home medications. His BP is 80/40

mm Hg (by cuff) with a weak pulse of 110 beats/minute. His RR is 24 breaths/minute, and his breathing is

shallow. Heart sounds include S3


gallops, but no murmurs are heard. The jugular venous pulse is normal. He

has diffuse rales over the lower lung fields with moderate wheezing. J.S. is cold and clammy to touch; however,

his temperature is normal. He is restless, anxious, and oriented only to person and place. A 3-mm ST-segment

elevation is seen on 12-lead ECG in leads I and AVL. Cardiac biomarkers are pending. ABG measurements, on

4 L/minute oxygen via nasal cannula, are the following:

pH, 7.28


, 32 mm Hg


, 94 mm Hg


, 15 mEq/L

Hct, 31%

What immediate goals of therapy are necessary to stabilize and treat J.S.?

J.S. has signs of cardiogenic shock with decreased systemic perfusion. His BP is

low, HR is elevated, and respiratory status is compromised. J.S. is restless, anxious,

and confused, indicating poor cerebral perfusion. His ABG results indicate a

component of metabolic acidosis secondary to poor systemic perfusion. The STelevation on the ECG is consistent with an acute anterior MI.

As discussed in Chapter 13, Acute Coronary Syndrome, most patients presenting

with STEMI are routinely treated with aspirin, a β-blocker, and immediate

percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) if available or, if not, thrombolytic therapy

(unless contraindicated).

50 The presence of cardiogenic shock can alter the

interventional strategy, however. Patients presenting in cardiogenic shock after MI

may progress rapidly to irreversible organ system dysfunction as the compensatory

mechanisms fail to maintain tissue perfusion. Treatment of these critically ill patients

involves two components: stabilization and definitive treatment. Initial stabilization

of the patient must be attained before further evaluation and treatment of the cause of

cardiogenic shock can proceed. The goals are to maintain adequate ḊO2

to the tissues

and to prevent further hemodynamic compromise. Stabilization includes (a)

establishing ventilation and oxygenation (arterial PO2 should be greater than 70 mm

Hg); (b) restoring arterial BP and CO with vasopressors and inotropic agents, if

needed; (c) infusing fluids, if hypovolemic; and (d) treating pain, arrhythmias, and

acid–base abnormalities, if present.

Administration of oxygen is appropriate for patients who have severe dyspnea,

hypoxemia (oxygen saturation below 90%), or persistent or worsening acidemia (pH

less than 7.3).


Improving oxygenation may contribute to improved ventricular

performance; however, supplemental oxygen could potentially be harmful by causing

increased coronary vascular resistance and infarct size, particularly in normoxic



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