Pamidronate is more potent than etidronate as an inhibitor of bone resorption, but it
90 mg of pamidronate is commonly infused over the course of 3 to 4 hours. For
severe hypercalcemia (albumin-corrected serum calcium concentration >13.5
mg/dL), the dose is 90 mg. The advantages of pamidronate are that it requires only a
single dose and produces a superior response compared with three doses of
If the hypercalcemia recurs, the etidronate or the pamidronate regimen may be
repeated after an interval of greater than or equal to 7 days. Etidronate (20 mg/kg/day
by mouth) may be given to prolong the normocalcemic duration, but nausea and
vomiting are common with the oral therapy. Long-term treatment may result in
osteomalacia; however, the limited life expectancy of most patients may diminish the
significance of this adverse effect.
Etidronate use has resulted in renal failure,
195 which probably is caused by the
formation of bisphosphonate–calcium complexes in the serum.
pamidronate requires a lower molar concentration to produce a comparable
hypocalcemic effect, it is less likely to impair renal function. In fact, pamidronate has
been given to a limited number of patients with end-stage renal disease without
Among the bisphosphonates approved for the treatment of hypercalcemia of
malignancy, zoledronic acid has the most potent effect on bone resorption. It is
superior to pamidronate with respect to the number of complete responses, time
needed to attain calcium normalization, and duration of effect.
are not superior to 4-mg dose, 4-mg doses are administered IV over the course of 15
198 The drug is well tolerated at 4-mg doses. Zoledronic acid’s superior
efficacy and convenience of administration make it the preferred bisphosphonate for
hypercalcemia of malignancy. Emerging studies show that zoledronic acid may also
have promising effects in reducing skeletal complications secondary to bone
metastasis associated with breast cancer, prostate cancer, non–small cell lung
Gallium is a naturally occurring group IIIa heavy metal. In addition to its antitumor
activity and potential for use as a chemotherapeutic agent, it has been shown to be
effective in the treatment of moderate-to-severe hypercalcemia of malignancy.
Hypocalcemia is induced primarily via the inhibition of bone resorption and
reduction in urinary calcium excretion.
199 Several clinical studies have shown the
effectiveness of gallium nitrate in the treatment of cancer-related hypercalcemia
when compared with agents such as calcitonin and bisphosphonates.
recommended dose is 100 to 200 mg/m2
/day as a 24-hour continuous infusion for 5
days. Vigorous hydration is necessary to prevent nephrotoxicity. In general, its
clinical use is limited by the inconvenient method of administration, significant risk
Inorganic phosphates lower the serum calcium concentration by inhibiting bone
resorption. They also promote the deposition of calcium salts in the bone and soft
tissue. If given orally, phosphate reduces intestinal calcium absorption by forming a
poorly soluble complex in the bowel lumen and also by decreasing the formation of
active vitamin D through enzyme inhibition.
When given IV, phosphate is very effective, but renal failure and extensive
extraskeletal calcifications are a concern. For these reasons, IV phosphate is not the
agent of choice for acute treatment of hypercalcemia.
Oral phosphate (1–3 g/day in divided doses) may be used for long-term
maintenance therapy, with the optimal dose determined by serum calcium
concentrations. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are common problems, especially
when the daily dose exceeds 2 g. Soft tissue calcification is also a concern, and
hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia can occur if the dose is not titrated
appropriately. Phosphate therapy should not be given to patients with
hyperphosphatemia or renal failure because it can cause further deterioration of renal
function. Accumulation of the potassium and sodium salts in phosphate preparations
may also present a therapeutic problem in certain patients.
Several possible mechanisms exist that may explain the hypocalcemic effect of
corticosteroids. Vitamin D3–mediated intestinal calcium absorption may be
205 and the action of osteoclast-activating factor, which mediates bone
resorption in malignancy, may be inhibited. Corticosteroids may also have a direct
cytolytic effect on tumor cells and inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins (see the
subsequent section, Prostaglandin Inhibitors). Prednisone in daily doses of 60–80 mg
is given initially, with subsequent dosage reduction based on the calcemic response.
Alternatively, hydrocortisone (5 mg/kg/day for 2–3 days) may be given. The
hypocalcemic effect will not be apparent for at least 1 to 2 days. Patients with
hematologic malignancies and lymphomas tend to have a better response than those
with solid tumors. Corticosteroids are also effective in treating hypercalcemia
associated with vitamin D intoxication,
conditions. They are not generally used for long-term therapy because of their
potential for serious adverse reactions.
Because prostaglandins of the E series, especially PGE2
hypercalcemia associated with some malignancies, NSAIDs may be useful for a
select group of patients with hypercalcemia.
207 For example, indomethacin is
effective in lowering the serum calcium concentration in patients with renal cell
carcinoma but not in patients with other types of malignancy.
150 mg/day, can be tried in patients unresponsive to other therapy, especially when it
is used as part of palliative treatment for cancer pain.
Phosphorus is found primarily in bone (85%) and soft tissue (14%); less than 1% of
the total body store resides in the ECF. Virtually, all of the “free” or active
phosphorus exists as phosphates in the plasma. Most clinical laboratories, however,
measure and express the concentrations of elemental phosphorus contained in the
phosphate molecules. Phosphate of 1 mmol contains 1 mmol of phosphorus, but 1
mmol of phosphate is 3 times the weight of 1 mmol of phosphorus. Therefore, it is
incorrect to equate a certain milligram weight of phosphorus as the same milligram
weight of phosphate. Of the total plasma phosphorus, 70% exists as the organic form
and 30% as the inorganic form. Organic phosphorus, primarily phospholipids and
small amounts of esters, is bound to proteins. About 85% of inorganic phosphorus, or
orthophosphate, is unbound or “free.” The relative amounts of the two
orthophosphate components, H2PO4
, vary with pH. At pH 7.40, the ratio
of the two species is 1:4, giving rise to a composite valence of 1.8 for the
orthophosphate. Serum phosphate concentrations reported by clinical laboratories
reflect only the inorganic portion of the total plasma phosphate. To avoid confusion
related to the pH effect on valence, phosphate concentrations are reported as mg/dL
or mmol/dL rather than mEq/volume.
The normal range of serum phosphate concentration in healthy adults is 2.5 to 4.5
mg/dL. The value is higher in children, possibly because of the increased amount of
growth hormone and the reduced amount of gonadal hormones.
women, the range is slightly higher; it is lower in older men. The serum phosphate
concentration is also affected by dietary intake. Phosphate-rich foods can transiently
increase the serum phosphate concentration. In contrast, glucose decreases the serum
phosphate concentration because of the flux of sugar and phosphate into cells and
because of the phosphorylation of glucose. Similarly, administration of insulin and
epinephrine decreases the serum phosphate concentration because of their effects on
glucose. The serum concentration of phosphate is reduced in alkalosis and increased
A balanced diet contains 800 to 1,500 mg/day phosphorus. Both the organic and
inorganic forms of phosphorus are present in food substances. Most of the
phosphorus in milk is the organic form; the phosphorus in meat, vegetable, and other
nondairy sources represents organic forms bound to proteins, lipids, and sugars,
which usually are hydrolyzed before absorption.
phosphorus ingested is absorbed, mostly in the duodenum and jejunum through an
energy-dependent, saturable, active process.
211 Phosphorus absorption is linearly
related to the dietary intake when the intake is 4 to 30 mg/kg/day. The amount of
phosphorus ingested probably is the most important factor in determining net
absorption. Phosphorus absorption is also stimulated during periods of increased
demand, such as active growth and pregnancy.
Increased intake of calcium and
magnesium and concurrent use of aluminum hydroxide antacids may reduce
phosphorus absorption owing to formation of a nonabsorbable complex.
addition, absorption is also affected by vitamin D, PTH, and calcitonin.
Renal phosphorus excretion depends on the dietary phosphorus intake. Normally,
greater than 85% of the filtered phosphate load is reabsorbed; however, the
fractional urinary excretion can vary from 0.2% to 20%. Renal phosphate excretion
is also affected by acid–base balance, ECF volume, and calcium and glucose
In addition, PTH, thyroid hormone, thyrocalcitonin, vitamin D,
insulin, glucocorticoid, and glucagon can also alter renal phosphate excretion.
is febrile and in significant respiratory distress. ABG results at admission were pH, 7.5; PO2
electrolyte concentrations were as follows:
What may have contributed to the low serum phosphorus concentration in M.R.?
Hypophosphatemia can develop as the result of a phosphorus deficiency or
secondary to a net flux of phosphorus out of the plasma compartment without a total
body deficit. Moderate hypophosphatemia is defined as a serum phosphorus
concentration of 1.0 to 2.5 mg/dL. A concentration of less than 1.0 mg/dL, as in M.R.,
214 The extent of hypophosphatemia may not be assessed
accurately by a single plasma phosphorus concentration determination because of
215 Patients receiving large doses of mannitol may have
pseudohypophosphatemia owing to the binding of mannitol with molybdate, which is
used in the calorimetric assay for phosphorus.
Hypophosphatemia is commonly caused by conditions that impair intestinal
absorption, increase renal elimination, or shift phosphorus from the extracellular to
the intracellular compartments. Hypophosphatemia secondary to low dietary
phosphorus is exceedingly rare because phosphorus is ubiquitous.
renal phosphorus excretion is reduced and intestinal phosphorus absorption is
increased to prevent a deficiency state.
217 Starvation in itself does not result in severe
hypophosphatemia because the phosphorus content in plasma and muscles is often
supplementation is likely to cause severe hypophosphatemia.
Impaired phosphorus absorption secondary to malabsorptive conditions,
prolonged nasogastric suction, and protracted vomiting can also result in
with endogenous and exogenous phosphorus in the GI tract and cause severe
hypophosphatemia in patients with or without renal failure.
taking sucralfate, which contains aluminum and can bind phosphorus in the GI tract.
Similarly, iron preparations can bind phosphorus.
Hyperglycemia-induced osmotic diuresis and diuretic use may have increased the
renal loss of phosphorus in M.R. Other conditions associated with renal phosphorus
wasting include renal tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism, hypokalemia,
hypomagnesemia, and extracellular volume expansion.
however, was evident in M.R. Shifting of phosphorus into the intracellular
compartment by glucose or insulin and profound respiratory alkalosis may also have
contributed to M.R.’s hypophosphatemic state.
CASE 27-12, QUESTION 2: What other conditions are commonly associated with hypophosphatemia?
Diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic alcoholism, chronic obstructive airway disease,
and extensive thermal burns are other conditions commonly associated with
224,225 They are characterized by a combination of factors that
result in phosphate loss and intracellular phosphate use. In patients with diabetic
ketoacidosis, metabolic acidosis enhances the movement of phosphate from the
intracellular compartment to plasma, whereas the concurrent osmotic diuresis
secondary to hyperglycemia increases the renal elimination of extracellular
226 The net result is a depletion of total body stores. Correction of the
acidosis and administration of insulin then promotes the rapid uptake of phosphorus
by tissues, and volume repletion dilutes the extracellular concentration. This
sequence of events can ultimately lead to severe hypophosphatemia. The
hypophosphatemia associated with chronic alcoholism and acute alcohol intoxication
is also thought to be related to several factors, including reduced intestinal
phosphorus absorption caused by vomiting, diarrhea, and antacid use; repeated
acidosis that results in increased urinary phosphate excretion; and a shift of
phosphorus into cells because of respiratory alkalosis. Renal phosphorus wasting can
also result from hypomagnesemia or as a direct effect of alcohol.
CASE 27-12, QUESTION 3: What are the signs and symptoms associated with hypophosphatemia?
The clinical effects associated with chronic phosphorus depletion are often
insidious and gradual in onset. In contrast, a rapid decline in plasma phosphorus
concentrations results in sudden and serious organ dysfunction. Most of the effects
can be attributed to impaired cellular energy stores and tissue hypoxia secondary to
depletion of ATP or erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate.
hypophosphatemia can result in generalized muscle weakness, confusion,
paresthesias, seizures, and coma. In addition, reduced cardiac contractility,
hypotension, respiratory failure, and rhabdomyolysis have been observed with acute
208 Chronic phosphorus depletion has been associated with
decreased mentation; muscle weakness; osteomalacia; rickets; anorexia; dysphagia;
cardiomyopathy; tachypnea; reduced sensitivity to insulin; and dysfunction of red
blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Renal function is altered, as manifested
by hypophosphaturia, hypercalciuria, hypermagnesuria, bicarbonaturia, and
glycosuria. M.R.’s decreased mentation, weakness, and respiratory failure are
consistent with severe hypophosphatemia.
CASE 27-12, QUESTION 4: How can phosphate depletion be assessed? Outline a treatment regimen that
Phosphorus resides primarily in the intracellular space; the amount in the ECF is
only a small percentage of the total body store. Because the patient’s pH, blood
glucose concentration, and insulin availability may affect phosphorus distribution, it
is difficult to determine the magnitude of the phosphorus deficit based on the serum
concentration alone. As discussed, a patient may have hypophosphatemia secondary
to a rapid shift of phosphorus into the intracellular space without a total body deficit.
The duration of the hypophosphatemia is often limited because it may be corrected by
renal phosphorus conservation and oral intake of phosphorus-containing foods. Aside
from serum phosphorus concentrations, urinary phosphorus excretion may be used to
further assess the phosphorus deficit. Typically, renal phosphorus excretion is
severely limited in patients with significant deficits. A phosphorus excretion of less
than 100 mg/day (fractional phosphorus excretion <10%) confirms appropriate renal
phosphorus conservation when the serum phosphorus
is less than 2 mg/dL. It also suggests a nonrenal etiology (e.g., impaired GI
absorption) or some type of internal redistribution (e.g., respiratory alkalosis).
Prophylactic supplementation should be used in situations that predictably increase
the risk for developing hypophosphatemia. These include patients who are receiving
total parenteral nutrition or large doses of antacids for an extended period, alcoholic
patients, and those with diabetic ketoacidosis.
The specific treatment of hypophosphatemia depends on the presence of signs and
symptoms, as well as the anticipated duration and severity of hypophosphatemia. In
an asymptomatic patient with mild hypophosphatemia (1.5–2.5 mg/dL), who has no
evidence of phosphorus depletion, phosphorus supplementation is generally not
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