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Case 32-9 (Question 1)

Adverse drug reactions occur in up to 20% of hospitalized patients and up to 25% of

ambulatory patients. Studies have found that up to 6% of all hospitalizations are

caused by an adverse drug event. Immunologically mediated adverse drug reactions

(also commonly referred to as drug allergy or hypersensitivity) account for about

one-third of all adverse drug reactions and may affect 10% to 15% of hospitalized



In one study of more than 36,000 hospitalized patients, 731 adverse

events were identified, with 1% being severe, life-threatening, allergic reactions.


The potential morbidity and mortality associated with allergic drug reactions can be



Adverse drug reactions resembling an immune response are called drug

hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs). True drug allergies show evidence of either drugspecific antibodies or T-cells.

1 Clinically, DHRs are commonly classified as

immediate or delayed depending on their onset during treatment. Immediate reactions

occur within a few hours of exposure and usually are mediated by IgE. Delayed

reactions will occur a few days after starting therapy and are typically mediated by

T-cells. See Table 32-1.

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Table 32-1

Immunologic Classification of Allergic Drug Reactions


Type of Immune


Pathophysiology Clinical Symptoms Typical Chronology of the


I IgE Mast cell and



Anaphylactic shock




Within 1–6 hours after the last

intake of the drug

II IgG and complement IgG and



Cytopenia 5–15 days after the start of the

eliciting drug

III IgM or IgG and

complement or FcR

Deposition of

immune complexes

Serum sickness



7–8 days for serum


7–21 days after the start of the

eliciting drug for vasculitis

IVa Th1 (IFN-γ) Monocytic


Eczema 1–21 days after the start of the

eliciting drug

IVb Th2 (IL-4 and IL-5) Eosinophilic





1 to several days after the start

of the eliciting drug for MPE

2–6 weeks after the start of the

eliciting drug for DRESS

IVc Cytotoxic T-cells

(perforin, granzyme

B FasL)

Keratinocyte death

mediated by CD4 or



exanthema, pustular





1–2 days after the start of the

eliciting drug for fixed drug


4–28 days after the start of the

eliciting drug for SJS/TEN

IVd T-cells (IL8/CXCL8)



Acute generalized



Typically 1–2 days after the

start of the eliciting drug (but

could be longer)

Source: Demoly P et al. International consensus on drug allergy. Allergy. 2014;69:420.


DHRs cannot be attributed to a single immunopathologic mechanism. Traditionally,

an allergic drug reaction was thought to occur in two phases, initial sensitization and

subsequent elicitation.

6 Most drugs are small molecules (<1,000 Da) and are unable

to stimulate an immune response. Sensitization occurs as a result of covalent binding

of a drug or a metabolite to a carrier protein in a process referred to as haptenation.


This drug–protein (or drug metabolite–protein) complex is sufficiently large to

induce the production of drug-specific T- or B-lymphocytes and IgM, IgG, and IgE.

On reexposure to the drug, the patient is likely to present with allergic symptoms.


Allergic reactions to β-lactam antibiotics occur by this mechanism. This theory,

however, cannot explain several allergic phenomena. For instance, some chemically

inert drugs (i.e., drugs that cannot form stable covalent bonds and do not have

reactive metabolites) can still elicit an allergic response. Lidocaine and mepivacaine

are examples. Furthermore, some patients have a strong allergic reaction to a drug on

initial exposure, and some allergic reactions rapidly occur after drug exposure, a

time period shorter than expected for the development of new antibodies. To account

for some of these observations, other models for explaining allergic reactions have

been proposed. The direct pharmacologic interaction concept offers one explanation

for these observations. This model suggests that some drugs are able to bind directly

to T-cell receptors in a reversible, non-covalent manner.

8 The drug–T-cell receptor

complex interacts with Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules,

leading to activation and expansion of T-cells that are directed against the drug.


Recent studies have demonstrated an additional mechanism whereby abacavir and

carbamazepine can alter the shape and chemistry of the antigen-binding cleft via noncovalent interactions in patents with specific HLA variants. These alterations cause

endogenous peptide to be viewed as foreign and lead to the activation of T-cells.

This process is referred to as the altered repertoire model.

10,11 Undoubtedly, the

processes involved in allergic reactions are complex and might include some

combination of each theory. The three models of hapten sensitization, direct

pharmacologic interaction, and altered repertoire are not mutually exclusive.

Interested readers are referred to more in-depth reviews.



Factors known to affect the incidence of allergic reactions can be categorized as

being drug-related or patient-related.

3 Patients with histories of allergic rhinitis,

asthma, or atopic dermatitis who experience a systemic drug reaction tend to react

more severely than others.


Age and Sex

Children are less likely to become sensitized than adults, presumably because

children typically have less cumulative drug exposure.

1,13 More female than male

patients experience allergic reactions (up to 2.3:1), although this may vary by type of

reaction, drug, patient age, and setting.


Genetic Factors

Familial occurrences of allergic reactions, although rare, have been reported.

15 A

patient’s ability to metabolize a drug is influenced by his or her genetic makeup and

may affect the incidence of DHRs.


In humans the major histocompatibility

complex is encoded by a group of genes on chromosome 6 called the human

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leucocyte antigen (HLA) system. Variations in HLA is probably the most important

genetic determinant of drug allergies.


Genetic differences in drug metabolizing enzymes can explain the predisposition to

drug allergy and hypersensitivity of some individuals.

12 Examples of the phenotypic

expression of these polymorphisms include poor metabolizers (who possess

nonfunctional alleles and have reduced metabolic activity) and ultrarapid

metabolizers (who have multiple copies of functional genes and have enhanced

metabolic activity).


Slow acetylators are at risk for sulfonamide hypersensitivity and are also more

likely to develop antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and symptoms of systemic lupus

erythematosus (SLE) when treated with procainamide or hydralazine.


Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome, characterized by fever, generalized rash,

lymphadenopathy, and internal organ involvement, is most associated with aromatic

anticonvulsants (e.g., phenytoin, phenobarbital, and carbamazepine). Oxidation of

these compounds by cytochrome P-450 enzymes results in arene oxides that are

antigenic. Patients with a heritable deficiency in epoxide hydrolase cannot clear the

formed antigen and are at increased risk of a drug sensitivity syndrome also known as

DRESS (drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms).

21 A polymorphism

might also be responsible for a serum sickness–like reaction to cefaclor.


While polymorphism in drug metabolizing enzymes is responsible for some

allergic reactions, variation in MHC appears to be more important.

12,16 HLA

polymorphisms mostly map to the antigen-binding cleft, thereby diversifying the

repertoire of peptide antigens selected by different HLA allotypes. Several important

DHRs reactions are associated with specific HLA alleles.

12 For example, HLAB*1502 is associated with increased risk (OR 17.6) of SJS with Carbamazepine

(CBZ), phenytoin, and lamotrigine.

16 HLA-B*1502 occurs in 10% to 15% of

individuals from southern China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and

Taiwan and has a prevalence rate of 2% to 4%, or higher, in other southern Asian

groups, including Indians. It is uncommon in Japan and Korea (<1%) and in European

Caucasians (0%–0.1%).


The potentially life-threatening hypersensitivity syndrome seen with abacavir is

strongly associated with the HLA-B*5701 haplotype.

12,22–25 HLA-B*5701 in patients

predicted abacavir hypersensitivity 100% of the time, and its absence had a 97%

negative predictive value.

25 This haplotype appears more commonly in white patients

than in other ethnic groups and explains the predisposition of white patients to this

severe reaction. Genetic screening of patients for this haplotype before initiating

abacavir therapy has significantly reduced the occurrence of hypersensitivity



In the future, it is hoped that screening tests for HLA haplotypes

associated with a variety of allergic reactions will become widely available.

A more comprehensive and up-to-date listing of alleles associated with

immunologically mediated adverse drug reactions can be found at

Associated Illness

Although genes clearly play a role in hypersensitivity reactions, environmental

factors (e.g., concomitant illness) also are implicated. For example, the incidence of

maculopapular rash with ampicillin therapy is significantly higher in patients with

Epstein–Barr virus infections (e.g., infectious mononucleosis), lymphocytic

leukemia, or gout.


Infection with herpes virus or Epstein–Barr virus has also been

linked to DRESS syndrome,

26 and the occurrence of reactions to trimethoprim–

sulfamethoxazole in patients who are HIV-positive is about 10-fold higher than in the

HIV-negative population.

22 Liver or kidney disease may alter the metabolism or

elimination of reactive drug metabolites, increasing the risk of an allergic response.

Previous Drug Administration

A history of an allergic reaction to a drug being considered for treatment, or one that

is immunochemically similar, is the most reliable risk factor for development of a

subsequent allergic reaction.

1,26 A commonly encountered example is the patient with

a history of a severe allergic reaction to penicillin, in whom all structurally related

penicillin compounds should be avoided, and in whom the possibility of a

hypersensitivity reaction should be considered when using other β-lactam



Drug-Related Factors

The dose, frequency of exposure, and route of administration can influence the

incidence of drug allergy. For example, penicillin-induced hemolytic anemia requires

high and sustained drug concentrations.


In β-lactam antibiotic IgE sensitivity,

frequent intermittent courses, rather than continuous therapy, are more likely to result

in drug sensitization.

21 The route of administration is important in terms of the risk of

both sensitization and allergic reaction in a previously sensitized person. Topical

administration carries the greatest risk of sensitization, followed by subcutaneous,

intramuscular (IM), and oral routes. The intravenous (IV) route is the least sensitizing

route of administration.

28 However, in a patient who is already sensitized to a

specific medication, the risk of an allergic reaction to that medication is greatest

when it is given IV and least when given orally. This is thought to be a function of the

rate of drug delivery.

28 Multiple drug therapy is associated with a greater risk of

allergic reactions. This may be related to increased demands on metabolic pathways

from multiple drugs, leading to the accumulation of reactive metabolites.


Drugs as Allergens and Immunologic Classification

Although there are proposed changes to the nomenclature and classification of drug



the Gel and Coombs classification is the most common. In this system,

allergic drug reactions can be classified into one of four types (Table 32-1).



Type I reactions are typically mediated by the immune globulin IgE. Initial exposure

to an antigen results in production of specific IgE antibodies that are expressed on the

surface of mast cells in the tissue and basophils in the blood. On reexposure, the

antigen cross-links with two or more surface-bound IgE antibodies causing the

release of several chemical mediators including histamine, tryptase, leukotrienes,

prostaglandins, and cyotkines.


A period of several weeks is required after initial exposure and sensitization

before a type I reaction can be elicited; once sensitized, however, a type I response

can be elicited within minutes as a result of existing antibodies. In addition, a type I

reaction can occur on reexposure to small amounts of drug administered by any



Immune-mediated anaphylaxis is the classic example of a type I reaction.

Reactions that clinically resemble anaphylaxis, but do not involve immunologic

mediators (antibodies), are termed anaphylactoid or pseudoallergic reactions (see

Case 32-6, Question 1).


Cytotoxic reactions involve the interaction of IgG or IgM and can occur by three

different mechanisms (Table 32-1). Common clinical

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manifestations of cytotoxic reactions include hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia,

and granulocytopenia. Penicillin-induced hemolytic anemia is the best-known

example of a cytotoxic drug reaction. This reaction typically appears after 7 days of

high-dose therapy.



Immune complex–mediated reactions result from the formation of drug–antibody

complexes in serum, which often deposit in blood vessel walls, resulting in

activation of complement and endothelial cell injury.

30 Also referred to as serum

sickness, these reactions typically manifest as fever, urticaria, arthralgia, and

lymphadenopathy 7 to 21 days after exposure.



In cell-mediated (delayed) reactions, an antigen binds with sensitized T-cells.

Contact dermatitis is the most common manifestation of cell-mediated reactions,

although systemic reactions can occur. The variety of clinical manifestations of

delayed hypersensitivity has been attributed to distinct patterns of cytokine release

and effector-cell recruitment, based on the type of T-cells stimulated. Each pattern of

cytokine release recruits specific effector cells, such as macrophages, neutrophils, or

other T-cells, and is responsible for the unique clinical manifestations of the

reaction. Based on this understanding, type IV reactions have been further

subclassified as type IVa, type IVb, type IVc, and type IVd, corresponding to four

unique patterns of T-cell and effector-cell involvement.


An understanding of the immunologic mechanism can be helpful in the diagnosis

and treatment of an allergic reaction; however, the exact immunologic mechanism is

unknown for many allergic reactions to drugs.


In addition, patients often present

with several symptoms characteristic of more than one of the reactions described

herein. The use of many drugs concurrently also makes it difficult to identify the drug

responsible for the reaction. Therefore, a careful drug history and diagnostic tests are

often necessary for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment of a patient.


Distinctive Features of Allergic Reactions

The first step in the diagnosis of an allergic drug reaction is to recognize and

differentiate it from other adverse drug reactions. This can be accomplished by

having a good understanding of the distinctive features of allergic drug reactions

(Table 32-2).


CASE 32-1

QUESTION 1: J.A., a 73-year-old woman, is admitted with an infected decubitus ulcer. Cultures reveal

Staphylococcus aureus, which is sensitive to oxacillin, cefazolin, and vancomycin. On questioning, J.A. reports

having experienced a rash to penicillin in the past. Her current medications include oral docusate 100 mg twice

daily, oral enalapril 5 mg every morning, oral prednisone 20 mg daily, and oral ibuprofen 800 mg 3 times daily.

What information should be obtained to determine whether J.A.’s rash represents an allergic drug reaction?

The single most informative diagnostic procedure for allergic drug reactions is a

detailed drug history (Table 32-3), which is helpful in obtaining the information

necessary to determine whether a reaction represents a drug allergy and in identifying

the culprit drug. In inquiring about prior allergic and medication encounters, it is

important to document the drugs to which the patient has or has not previously

reacted. This can alert the clinician about certain types of compounds to which the

patient is likely to react. The acquired information allows the clinician to

characterize the drug reaction and to appreciate how such a reaction might be

manifested in the patient on exposure to the same, or an immunologically similar,

compound in the future.

Table 32-2

Clinical Features of Allergic Drug Reactions

Are unpredictable

Occur only in susceptible individuals

Have no correlation with known pharmacologic properties of the drug

Require an induction period on primary exposure but not on readministration

Can occur with doses far below therapeutic range

Can affect most organs, but commonly involves the skin

Most commonly manifests as an erythematous or maculopapular rash, but includes angioedema, serum

sickness syndrome, anaphylaxis, and asthma

Occur in a small proportion of the population (10%–15%)

Disappear on cessation of therapy and reappear after readministration of a small dose of the suspected drug(s)

of similar chemicalstructure

Desensitization may be possible

Source: Schnyder B. Approach to the patient with drug allergy. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2009;29:405;

Demoly P et al. International consensus on drug allergy. Allergy. 2014;69:420.

Table 32-3

Detailed Drug History

Name of the medication

Route of administration

Reason medication was prescribed

Nature and severity of reaction

Temporal relationships between drugs and reaction (dose, date initiated, duration, when during the course of

treatment did the reaction occur)

Prior allergy history

When did the reaction occur (days to weeks vs. months to years)

Similar reactions in family members

Prior exposure to the same or structurally related medications

Concurrent medications

Management of the reaction (effect of drug discontinuation; therapies required to treat the reaction)

Response to treatment

Prior diagnostic testing or rechallenge

Other medical problems (if any)

Source: Khan DA, Solensky R. Drug allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;125 (2 Suppl 2):S126; Celik G. Drug

allergy. In: Adkinson NF, ed. Middleton’s Allergy: Principles and Practice . 7th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby;


The temporal relationship between drugs and reactions is often the strongest piece

of evidence implicating an allergic reaction to a particular agent. Drugs that the

patient has received for long continuous periods before the onset of a reaction are

less likely to be implicated than drugs that have been recently initiated or restarted.


Equally important is to determine when an adverse reaction has occurred. Many

compounds have been reformulated over the years, resulting in removal of sensitizing

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impurities (e.g., penicillin and vancomycin). Therefore, it is possible that

reexposure to the agent will not result in an adverse event. Inquiring about whether

the patient has received the drug since the first episode by asking the patient about

other brands or names of other drugs in the same class (e.g., amoxicillin and

ampicillin) will assist in determining whether the patient is likely to react to the drug

on reexposure. It is usually helpful to chart all the drugs the patient is currently

taking, their dose, and start and stop dates of use. This can be compared with the

onset and disappearance of the reaction.

CASE 32-1, QUESTION 2: On further questioning, J.A. reports having experienced an urticarial rash in the

past when given ampicillin for a kidney infection approximately 2 years ago. The rash developed over her entire

body less than a day after starting the antibiotic and disappeared 2 days after discontinuation. Her treatment

course was completed with ciprofloxacin. She denies having had a viral infection at the time of the rash to

ampicillin. She does not recall having experienced any adverse effects when she received penicillin before this

reaction. No other recent changes in her treatment regimen were made before the occurrence of the rash. Why

is it likely that J.A. is allergic to penicillin?

Several pieces of information in the drug history obtained from J.A. can be used to

determine the likelihood of an allergic reaction to penicillin. J.A.’s rash appeared

less than a day after initiation of ampicillin and other drugs had not been added;

therefore, the rash probably was caused by ampicillin.

Another important method of identifying a potential drug-induced allergic reaction

is to examine the patient’s medication list to determine whether the patient is

receiving an agent that commonly is implicated in causing the exhibited allergic

manifestation. For example, amoxicillin and ampicillin are two of the top three drugs

implicated in drug-induced rash.


J.A. received penicillin previously without experiencing any adverse effects until

an urticarial rash (a relatively common allergic manifestation) developed on

subsequent exposure. This sequence of events follows the typical pattern of an

allergic reaction. Allergic reactions commonly require an induction period to

sensitize the person to the antigen; however, once sensitized, allergic symptoms

typically occur immediately on reexposure.

26 Therefore, a prior exposure to the same

or structurally related compounds needs to be documented.

Finally, it is important to evaluate other medical problems that can elicit or mimic

a reaction resembling drug allergy (see the “Associated Illness” section). Rashes to

ampicillin commonly occur in patients with concurrent Epstein–Barr virus


32 J.A. denies having a viral infection at the time of her rash, thereby

strengthening the case that the rash was likely a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Skin Testing

CASE 32-1, QUESTION 3: Would skin testing for penicillin allergy be appropriate for J.A.?

Although J.A.’s medication history strongly suggests that she is allergic to

penicillin, a skin test and a drug rechallenge would more firmly establish her drug

allergy. Penicillin degrades to major determinants (95%) and minor determinants

(5%). Penicilloyl, the primary metabolite of penicillin, is referred to as the major

determinant. The other derivatives are referred to as minor determinants. Of these,

the parent compound (penicillin), penicilloate, and penilloate are the minor

determinants most associated with allergic reactions. The terms major determinant

and minor determinant refer to the frequency of antibody formation to these antigenic

penicillin metabolite–protein complexes. These terms do not describe the severity of

the allergic reaction. Indeed, the major determinant is thought to be responsible for

accelerated reactions, but not anaphylaxis. The minor determinants are responsible

for anaphylaxis and immediate systemic reactions.

Skin testing with these determinants is used to identify which patients have IgE

antibodies to penicillin and which do not. The skin-testing antigen for the major

determinant of penicillin is commercially available as penicilloyl polylysine (PPL;

Pre-Pen), which was recently reintroduced into the United States after several years

of absence.

33 Skin testing using Pre-Pen is a safe and effective procedure (Table 32-

4), with less than 1% of positive responders developing systemic reactions.



those in whom a false-negative response occurred, reactions were mild after

penicillin administration and, in most cases, did not require drug discontinuation.


Skin testing with PPL identifies 80% of patients allergic to penicillin. When PPL is

supplemented with skin tests for the minor determinants of penicillin, 99.5% of

penicillin-allergic patients can be identified.

26 Of the minor determinants, only

penicillin G is available in the United States, although a minor determinant mixture is

marketed in Europe and Australia.


The negative predictive value of skin testing was demonstrated when 34

purportedly “penicillin-allergic patients” needed β-lactam antibiotics during

hospitalization. Each subsequently tested negative to penicillin skin-testing and no

allergic drug reactions occurred.


Penicillin and its metabolites become antigenic when combined with proteins and

can precipitate a hypersensitivity reaction in a patient on reexposure. In patients with

a history of penicillin hypersensitivity, skin test reactivity is affected by the length of

time since the allergic reaction and by the nature of the past reaction. Skin test

positivity is greatest 6 to 12 months after a reaction and decreases with time. Skin

test positivity in one study was found to be only 40% of patients with a history of

anaphylaxis, 17% with urticaria, and 7% for maculopapular rashes.

37 Skin testing

should not be performed in patients receiving antihistamines because they block the

response to the antigen and can result in misinterpretation. In patients receiving

antihistamines (i.e., H1

- or H2

-receptor antagonists) or when skin testing is not

possible because of severe skin disease, in vitro assays to detect drug-specific IgE

antibodies have been developed for the major and minor determinants of penicillin.

To determine whether skin testing is appropriate for J.A., the risks and benefits

must be weighed. Because the time of the last reaction was approximately 2 years

ago, J.A. may still retain some skin-test positivity if the previous reaction was truly

an allergic response to ampicillin. Testing with PPL (major determinant) and

penicillin G (minor determinant) could be useful in determining whether J.A. is likely

to experience an urticarial or anaphylactic reaction to penicillin or its derivatives.

That J.A. is currently receiving prednisone should not alter the interpretation of the

skin test results because the corticosteroids minimally affect the IgE-mediated

immediate hypersensitivity reactions. The risks of developing serious systemic

reactions to penicillin skin testing are minimal.

The most practical approach to penicillin-allergic patients is simply to avoid the

drug. In the unlikely situation in which treatment with a penicillin is essential,

penicillin skin testing would be useful.


CASE 32-1, QUESTION 4: J.A. received a scratch test with PPL, which was negative; however, an

intradermal test was positive. What treatment options are available to J.A. for her infection?

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Table 32-4

Penicillin Skin Testing Procedure

Agent Procedure Interpretation

Penicilloyl polylysine (PrePen)

Puncture (scratch) test

one drop of full-strength

solution (6 × 10

−5 mol/L)


No wheal or erythema or wheal <5 mm in diameter

after 15 minutes: proceed with intradermal test.

Major determinant Wheal or erythema of 5 to 15 mm in diameter or more

within 15 minutes: choose alternative agent, consider

desensitization if no other alternatives exist.

PPL Intradermal test: inject Read at 20 minutes. Negative response: no increase in

sufficient volume PPL to

raise an intradermal bleb

of 3 mm in diameter


Saline: negative control

Histamine: positive control

(optional; useful if it is

suspected that patient may

be anergic)

size of original bleb and no greater than reaction at


Positive response: itching and increase in size of

original bleb to at least 5 mm and greater than saline

control: choose alternative agent; consider

desensitization if no other alternatives exist.

Penicillin G potassium (>1

week old) most important

of the minor determinants

Scratch test one drop of

10,000 unit/mL solution

Same as scratch test with PPL (see above).

Penicillin G potassium Intradermal test: 0.002 mL

of 10,000 unit/mL solution

Same as intradermal test with PPL (see above).

Serial testing with 10, 100,

or 1,000 unit/mL solutions

can be performed in those

with strong history or

serious reactions

aPPL is administered initially as a scratch test. If no wheal or erythema develops, then intradermal testing is


PPL, penicilloyl polylysine.

Source: Pre-Pen benzylpenicilloyl polylysine injection solution [package insert].

Round Rock, TX: ALK-Abelló, Inc; 2015.

Accessed July 20, 2017.

All penicillin derivatives should be avoided because J.A. had a positive skin-test

reaction. Skin tests are not commercially available for cephalosporins and other βlactam antibiotics. Although cephalosporin-skin testing (i.e., prick followed by

intradermal instillation) has been proposed, no prospective studies have evaluated

this approach and this practice is not without risk.

38,39 Therefore, clinicians must rely

on cross-reactivity data to determine whether a non-penicillin β-lactam antibiotic

(e.g., a cephalosporin) can be used in a penicillin-allergic patient.

Cross-reactivity (i.e., cross-antigenicity) between penicillin and cephalosporins

has been reported in 5% to 15% of patients


; however, the true incidence of crossreactivity is considerably less because these initial percentages were based on the

recollection of patients of an allergic history rather than by objective skin tests.

The risk of a cephalosporin reaction in a patient with a penicillin allergy

decreases with increasing cephalosporin generation: 5% to 16.5% for firstgeneration, 4% for second-generation, and 1% to 3% for third-generation and fourthgeneration cephalosporins.

40 The risk of a serious allergic reaction with the use of an

advanced-generation cephalosporin in a penicillin-allergic patient might be no

greater than the risk of any alternative antibiotic.

41 The cross-reactivity between

penicillins and cephalosporins formerly was attributed primarily to their common βlactam chemical-ring structure; however, side-chain–specific reactions are now

recognized to be responsible for a significant portion of allergic reactions within and

between the penicillin and cephalosporins families.


In a study of 30 patients

with immediate allergic reactions to cephalosporins, less than 20% reacted to

penicillin determinants (i.e., skin test positivity, radioallergosorbent testing

positivity, or both).


(Radioallergosorbent testing is a radioimmune test to detect IgE

antibodies responsible for hypersensitivity.) This cross-reactivity between penicillin

and cephalosporins is significantly less than earlier reports (up to 50%); however,

the results of this study could be attributable to the greater use of third-generation,

rather than the first-generation cephalosporins, which share more chemical structure

similarities with the penicillins. Additional support for the importance of side-chain–

specific reactions of β-lactams comes from observational data noting that 30% of

patients with immediate reactions to penicillins were selective for amoxicillin.



patients with allergy to amoxicillin, studies have found 2% to 38% cross-reactivity

with the cephalosporin cefadroxil; both drugs share the same side chain.

30 Patients

allergic to ampicillin may also have a greater risk of allergic reaction to

cephalosporins that share the same side chain, such as cephalexin, cefaclor,

cephradine, and loracarbef. Some patients also have multiple drug allergies and

could manifest an allergic reaction to these drugs (and others that are not β-lactams)

in a manner similar to their penicillin reaction.


Cross-reactivity between penicillins and carbapenems (imipenem, meropenem,

ertapenem, doripenem) and monobactams (e.g., aztreonam) has also been studied.

One hundred twelve patients with a history of immediate reactions to a penicillin and

a positive skin test to penicillin underwent skin testing with imipenem– cilastatin.

One patient (0.9%) had a positive skin test. One hundred ten of the remaining 111

patients received gradually increasing IM doses of imipenem–cilastatin with no

reactions observed.

44 Similarly, 108 children with a history of an immediate

hypersensitivity reaction to a penicillin and a positive skin test underwent

intradermal skin testing to meropenem. One child (0.9%) had a positive skin test. The

remaining 107 subjects received increasing doses of IM meropenem with no

reactions reported.

45 There also does not appear to be significant cross-reactivity

between penicillins and the monobactam aztreonam.

46 Ceftazidime and aztreonam

have an identical side-chain, however, and there is evidence of cross-reactivity

between these two antibiotics.


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