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CASE 17-1, QUESTION 3: A large-bore IV catheter is inserted into N.G.’s arm and STAT blood samples

are sent for type and cross-match, complete blood count (CBC), prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin

time (PTT), and serum chemistry (blood urea nitrogen [BUN], creatinine [SCr], Na, K, Cl, and bicarbonate).

Warmed LR solution (2 L) is infused rapidly, and the GI endoscopy suite is notified. N.G.’s SBP has increased

to 94 mm Hg, but the bleeding has not stopped. A Foley catheter is inserted to measure urine output. LR is

continued, with 500- to 1,000-mL boluses ordered to maintain hemodynamic stability while waiting for fully

cross-matched blood. Are the doses of LR given to N.G. appropriate? What clinical and objective parameters

should be monitored to determine the success of fluid replacement?

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Volume Requirements

Isotonic crystalloids equilibrate rapidly between the interstitial and the intravascular

spaces at a ratio of 3:1. For every liter of fluid infused, approximately 750 mL will

pass into the interstitium, whereas 250 mL will remain in the plasma. Based on

estimated blood loss, the “three-to-one rule” may be applied as a general guideline:

for each 1 mL of blood loss, 3 mL of crystalloid is infused. Because this

determination of blood loss is based solely on clinical assessment and not on

quantitative measurements, treatment is best directed by the response to initial

therapy rather than the initial classification. Close observation of hemodynamic status

with consideration of the patient’s age, particular injury, and pre-hospital fluid

therapy is essential to avoid inadequate or excessive fluid administration.

A safe and effective resuscitative approach for crystalloids in hemorrhagic shock

is to give 2 L of fluid as an initial bolus as rapidly as possible for an adult or 20

mL/kg for a pediatric patient.

13 Additional fluid boluses may be necessary, depending

on the patient’s response. Between boluses, fluids are slowed to maintenance rates

(150–200 mL/hour for adults, weight-based up to 100 mL/hour for children


), with

ongoing evaluation of the patient’s physiologic response for signs of continued blood

loss or inadequate perfusion that would indicate the need for additional volume

replacement. The fluid boluses given to N.G. are an appropriate initial measure, then

assessment of her perfusion is vital to determine the need for additional boluses.

Normalization of BP, HR, and pulse pressure (difference between SBP and

diastolic blood pressure [DBP]) indicate improved circulation. Signs that actual

organ perfusion is normalizing and that fluid resuscitation is adequate include

improvements in mental status, warmth and color of skin, improved acid–base

balance, and increased urinary output. The minimal acceptable urine output is 0.5

mL/kg/hour for an adult, 1 mL/kg/hour for a child, and 2 mL/kg/hour in an infant

under 1 year of age.

13 Persistent metabolic acidosis in normothermic shock usually

indicates the need for additional fluid resuscitation; sodium bicarbonate

administration is controversial but is not recommended unless the pH is less than


14 Monitoring serum lactate and base deficit is important to determine adequate

resuscitation. As perfusion improves, lactate and base deficit will decrease; thus, the

actual values are not as important as the trend. It is important to note that

resuscitation is not defined by just one value or number, such as BP, but by the

constellation of indicators of overall perfusion.

Lactated Ringer’s Versus Normal Saline

CASE 17-1, QUESTION 4: Is there an advantage to using LR solution versus NS solution?

The choice of replacement fluid varies widely in clinical practice. Normal saline

solution has a supraphysiologic chloride content, while LR contains a more balanced

chemical composition (Table 17-4). Large volumes of NS can cause hyperchloremic

metabolic acidosis, thereby worsening the tissue acidosis from hypovolemic shock.

This may also cause immune and renal dysfunction, but survival differences have not

been seen and the clinical significance is unknown.

28,29 LR, in contrast, is a buffered

solution designed to simulate the intravascular plasma electrolyte concentration. It

contains 28 mEq/L of lactate, which is metabolized to bicarbonate in patients with

normal circulation and liver function. In situations in which hepatic perfusion is

reduced (20% of normal) or hepatocellular damage is present, lactate clearance may

be significantly decreased, particularly in combination with hypoxia (SaO2 50% of



In patients with shock and those having cardiopulmonary bypass during

surgery, the half-life of lactate, normally 20 minutes, increases to 4 to 6 hours and 8

hours, respectively. Because unmetabolized lactate can be converted to lactic acid,

prolonged infusion of LR could cause tissue acidosis in predisposed patients.

Concern about the high sodium and chloride content in NS has led to the first-line

selection of more balanced resuscitative solutions (e.g., LR) in patients at high risk of

acidosis, including those with trauma, burns, diabetic ketoacidosis, or undergoing


28 LR, however, should be avoided in patients with metabolic alkalosis,

lactic acidosis, or hyperkalemia. In practice, NS and LR solutions typically are used

interchangeably because neither solution appears to be superior to the other.

Hypertonic Saline

CASE 17-1, QUESTION 5: What is the role of hypertonic saline (HS) solution in the setting of hemorrhagic


The advantage of HS (3% to 7.5% NaCl) solution as a resuscitative fluid is the

smaller volume of fluid required to expand the intravascular compartment compared

with isotonic solutions. This could be a particular advantage in the pre-hospital

setting (e.g., field rescue by emergency medical technicians) given the large volumes

of fluids necessary to restore ongoing blood loss.

With a high concentration of sodium, HS solution exerts an osmotic effect,

translocating fluid from the interstitial and intracellular compartments to the

intravascular space. Consequently, plasma volume is rapidly expanded to a greater

extent than similar volumes of crystalloid solutions, and systemic BP, CO, and ḊO2

are readily increased. HS solution also improves myocardial contractility, causes

peripheral vasodilation, and redistributes blood flow preferentially to the splanchnic

and renal circulations. In addition, intracranial pressure is reduced, but to date HS

has not been shown to improve outcomes in trauma patients with concomitant head


31 Other recent studies have shown that HS may have beneficial effects on

circulation, inflammation, and endothelial function, which may be beneficial in

patients with septic shock and acute lung injury.

31,32 More robust clinical trials are

needed to determine if these preliminary findings translate into improved clinical


It is difficult to make conclusions about the utility of HS for fluid resuscitation

because of the heterogeneity of studies and solutions. The majority of data regarding

the use of HS in hypovolemic shock come from the trauma population. No highquality trials are available in patients with GI bleeding. HS effectively raises BP in

patients with hypovolemic shock, but as with isotonic saline the effects are transient

and it has not been shown to improve mortality.


These clinical trials suggest that HS solution may be safe and effective for the

initial resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock. Despite these positive findings, HS

solutions are not widely used. This is possibly because of its safety profile as a highrisk medication. HS is prone to dosing and administration errors, particularly when

used by clinicians who are unfamiliar with the product. The osmolarity of HS can

range from 1,026 to 2,567 mOsm/L (3%–7.5% NaCl), so infusion through a central

line is preferred to minimize phlebitis. HS may cause hypernatremia and

hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, resulting in rapid fluid shifts between cellular

compartments and potentially devastating effects such as osmotic demyelination

syndrome. However, most studies have not reported such events, which may be

because of a lack of power or the relatively small volumes of HS used for


Blood Replacement

CASE 17-1, QUESTION 6: N.G. has received 4 L of LR solution to maintain hemodynamic stability. Her

current vital signs are BP 98/54 mm Hg, HR 108 beats/minute, and RR 30 breaths/minute. She is still confused

and is becoming more agitated and combative. Urine

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output has been only 30 mL in the past 30 minutes. Laboratory results include the following:

Hematocrit (Hct), 21% (down from 26%)

Hemoglobin (Hgb), 7.1 g/dL (down from 8.9 g/dL)

pH, 7.14


, 34 mm Hg


, 106 mm Hg


, 16 mEq/L

Two units of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) are now available, and N.G. is being prepared for the GI

endoscopy suite. Describe the current status of N.G.’s resuscitation and the need for blood products.

N.G. is still exhibiting signs of inadequate tissue perfusion. Although her BP has

improved and her HR has decreased, her mental status has declined, she is oliguric,

and her ABG indicates metabolic acidosis. N.G. has not been adequately resuscitated

from her hemorrhage, is still actively bleeding, and should receive available blood at

this point.

The prior conventional approach to the transfusion of critically ill patients was to

maintain the hemoglobin greater than 10 g/dL or the hematocrit greater than 30%. It

has been argued that these liberal transfusion goals are justified in acutely ill

patients, particularly those with cardiovascular disease, because the compensatory

mechanisms to maintain tissue ḊO2 are impaired. However, randomized, controlled

trials have shown that a restrictive transfusion strategy (target hemoglobin 7 to 8 g/dL

or transfused if symptomatic) is associated with equivalent or better outcomes in

hemodynamically stable critical care, surgical, and medical patients.


In acute hemorrhage, the actual degree of blood loss is not accurately reflected by

the hemoglobin and hematocrit values, and it also does not take into account the

body’s ability to compensate for the loss of oxygen-carrying capacity. Because it

takes at least 24 hours for all fluid compartments to come to equilibrium, a normal

hematocrit (or hemoglobin concentration) in the setting of hemorrhagic shock does

not rule out significant blood loss or indicate adequacy of transfusion. Only when

equilibrium has been reached can these measures be used reliably to gauge blood

loss. On the other hand, if cardiopulmonary function is normal and volume status is

maintained, an increase in CO can compensate for a reduction in hemoglobin (O2

content) to a certain degree (Fig. 17-1).

Because inadequacy of tissue perfusion, and hence ḊO2

, is the primary

abnormality in shock, the need for transfusion therapy is more accurately determined

by the patient’s symptoms and oxygen demand, rather than an arbitrary hematocrit or

hemoglobin value.

15 Calculation of ḊO2 and O2 can be used to determine the

adequacy of perfusion. Although these values can be determined by use of a PA

catheter and arterial and venous blood samples, for practical purposes the patient’s

response to initial fluid resuscitation and clinical signs of inadequate tissue perfusion

are the primary determinants for blood transfusion. Patients who are not acutely

bleeding and who do not respond to initial volume resuscitation or who transiently

respond but remain tachycardic, tachypneic, and oliguric clearly are underperfused

and will likely require blood transfusion. Patients who have acute bleeding or who

demonstrate signs of underperfusion should be considered for transfusion much

sooner; thus, N.G. should receive a transfusion.

Adverse Effects of Transfusion

CASE 17-1, QUESTION 7: After the transfusion, N.G. has a serum potassium concentration of 4.7 mEq/L

compared with 4.2 mEq/L before the transfusion. Could this be a result of the blood product? What other

potential acute transfusion-related complications are associated with PRBC administration?

Possible risks of blood transfusions include febrile and allergic reactions,

hemolytic reactions, electrolyte abnormalities, infectious disease transmission,

coagulopathies, and immunosuppression.

35 Febrile non-hemolytic and allergic

transfusion reactions are the most common adverse reactions. Transfusions can also

cause acute lung injury from activation of recipient neutrophils, which cause

capillary endothelial damage. Transfusion-associated circulatory overload results in

pulmonary edema in patients with limited cardiac reserve (elderly, infant, renal

failure, heart failure) or after massive transfusions. Recognition of donor-recipient

ABO incompatibility and the signs and symptoms of a transfusion reaction (e.g.,

anxiety, infusion site pain, chills, rigors, fever, hypotension, tachycardia, hemolysis,

hemoglobinuria) can prevent unnecessary morbidity and mortality by stopping the

infusion and providing supportive therapy.

Hemolytic transfusion reactions are the most common cause of fatalities from

blood transfusions; however, it is unlikely that N.G. is having a true hemolytic

reaction. Banked blood is stored with a citrate anticoagulant additive. With multiple

transfusions, the large amount of citrate can cause hypocalcemia and acid–base

abnormalities. Hyperkalemia also can occur because transfusion of stored blood

causes the release of potassium from hemolyzed (ruptured) red blood cells. The

increase in serum potassium observed in N.G. may be from the blood product;

although, the average amount of extracellular potassium ranges from less than 0.5 to 7

mEq/unit of blood, so the transfusion is unlikely the culprit. The increased potassium

may simply reflect hemolysis of blood cells in the test tube after the blood draw. In

either case, the measured serum concentration of 4.7 mEq/L is not sufficiently high to

warrant immediate treatment but should be monitored.

Blood products and donors are screened for disease; thus, transmission of

bacterial or viral illness is rare. It is estimated that the transmission of hepatitis C is

1:1,149,000, and human immunodeficiency virus is 1:1,467,000.

36 Protozoan

infection and prion disease are also transmissible through infusion but are an even

lower risk. Hemostatic abnormalities, specifically coagulopathies and

thrombocytopenia, may be transiently related to dilution from administration of large

volumes of crystalloids, colloids, or banked blood, but they are more likely caused

by the extent of injury and the development of disseminated intravascular

coagulopathy (DIC). Banked whole blood is usually reserved for massive

transfusions and contains sufficient coagulation factors (including labile factors V

and VIII) to maintain hemostasis during the life span of the unit; however, it does not

contain platelets because they do not survive the temperatures required for red blood

cell storage.

Immunosuppression has also been associated with blood transfusions as evidenced

by enhanced graft survival in renal transplant recipients, tumor recurrence in patients

with colorectal carcinoma, and postoperative infections. Transfusion-related

immunosuppression is multifactorial, but it is most likely caused by the infusion of

donor white blood cells (WBCs), which creates a competition between the donor and

the recipient leukocytes. Transfusion-related immunomodulation can be limited by

leukoreducing PRBCs prior to transfusion. The majority of blood in the United States

is leukoreduced, but it is not a universal practice primarily because of cost. Patients

who are immunosuppressed, undergoing cardiac surgery, or receiving chronic

transfusions should receive leukoreduced blood. This mechanism is not, however, the

only cause because immunosuppression is associated with autologous blood

transfusions as well as the infusion of plasma alone.

Because of the limited supply and potential adverse effects associated with blood,

research is ongoing to develop blood substitutes. The ideal agent would have a

longer shelf life, a reduced risk of disease transmission, and less risk of transfusion

reactions. The agents in various stages of clinical research include

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the modified hemoglobins and the perfluorocarbons.

37 Problems have occurred

with some of the products thus far, such as short half-life, vasoconstriction, GI

disturbances, and flu-like symptoms. The exact role the blood substitutes would play

in transfusions is unclear. No agents are approved, but research is continuing.

Postoperative Hypovolemia


CASE 17-2

QUESTION 1: P.T. is a 58-year-old man who arrives to the ED via ambulance after a motor vehicle

accident. He has remained conscious during the event, but his mental status fluctuates between somnolent and

agitated with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 10 (moderate injury). Chest CT reveals a type II proximal descending

thoracic aortic injury. P.T. is taken for an emergent surgical repair of his aorta. He has been admitted to the

ICU after surgery and is intubated and receiving 60% oxygen. His ABGs are adequate, and he is receiving 150

mL/hour of LR solution IV. His initial postoperative and 2-hour postoperative hemodynamic profiles are as

follows (initial parameters in parentheses):

BP (S/D/MAP), 86/44/58 mm Hg (100/52/68 mm Hg)

HR, 96 beats/minute (88 beats/minute)

CO, 3.2 L/minute (4.8 L/minute)

CI, 1.9 L/minute/m


(3.3 L/minute/m



CVP, 6 mm Hg (12 mm Hg)

PA pressure (S/D), 18/8 mm Hg (24/14 mm Hg)

PCWP, 13 mm Hg (18 mm Hg)

SVR, 1,080 dyne·s·cm


(1,560 dyne·s·cm



Urine output, 0.4 mL/kg/hour (1.2 mL/kg/hour)

Temperature, 37.4°C (34.8°C)

Hct, 32% (31%)

From the hemodynamic profile, determine whether P.T. is hypovolemic or experiencing pump failure after his


Most of P.T.’s hemodynamic changes are consistent with hypovolemia. These

include a drop in BP, CVP, PA pressure (PAP), PCWP, CO, and urine output. The

decrease in CVP and PCWP suggest that preload is reduced, resulting in a lower CO.

The pulse pressure is narrowed, suggesting either blood flow or ventricular

contractility has decreased. (Decreases in pulse pressure correlate with decreases in

SV or left ventricular stroke work index [LVSWI]). P.T.’s HR increased slightly, but

it is unclear whether he was taking any medications, such as a β-blocker, before his

injury. As body temperature rises postoperatively, vasodilation decreases SVR and

increases the intravascular space. If intravascular volume is inadequate and

increased sympathetic tone cannot generate a sufficient CO, mean BP falls. The

decline in urine output reflects a compensatory drop in renal perfusion. The most

likely explanation for the hemodynamic change in P.T. is hypovolemia. The PCWP

would be higher if P.T. was in cardiogenic shock; although he also should be

evaluated for the occurrence of a perioperative cardiac event (myocardial infarct).

His ABG should be checked to assess oxygen requirements.


CASE 17-2, QUESTION 2: What are the most likely causes of hypovolemia in P.T.?

Common causes of hypovolemia in surgical patients are postoperative bleeding,

third spacing, and temperature-related vasodilation. Postoperative bleeding can

produce hypovolemia; however, P.T.’s initial and 2-hour postoperative Hct of 31%

and 32%, respectively, do not support bleeding as a cause.

After major vascular or bowel surgery and in cases of burns or peritonitis, patients

have an internal redistribution of fluids, called third spacing, which can result in

intravascular volume depletion. It is not unusual for patients to third-space significant

amounts of intravascular volume. The interstitial space and bowel walls can

sequester large amounts of fluid, and this can produce a state of relative hypovolemia

as is occurring with P.T. This is likely in the first 12 to 24 hours after the surgical

procedure. P.T. is receiving 150 mL/hour of LR solution, but this is apparently not

sufficient to maintain his intravascular volume.

Mild hypothermia is common during operative procedures. Vasodilation occurs as

patients warm postoperatively, expanding the intravascular space. If the amounts of

IV fluids administered are insufficient to compensate for the increased venous

capacitance, BP and CO will decline during the rewarming phase, which can range

from 1 to 6 hours. P.T. has rewarmed from 34.8°C to 37.4°C in 2 hours, which is not

unusual after a major operative procedure. His temperature could conceivably rise to

as high as 38°C to 38.5°C during the first 12 to 24 hours after surgery.

Other considerations include inadequate fluid administration during the operative

procedure and the effects of drugs given in the operating room or in the immediate

postoperative period (e.g., opioids, sedatives, inhaled anesthetics) that cause

systemic vasodilation.


CASE 17-2, QUESTION 3: How will volume replacement improve P.T.’s CO and perfusion pressure?

The Frank–Starling mechanism indicates that the volume of blood returned to the

heart is the main determinant of volume pumped by the heart. Therefore, as venous

return is increased, the CO also will increase within physiologic limits until the

optimal preload is achieved at which point further volume has minimal effect on SV

(Fig. 17-1). The PCWP, the best indicator of LV preload, and the CVP, a marker of

RV preload and overall estimate of volume status, are low because of declining

venous return in P.T.

A ventricular function curve can be constructed by plotting a measure of cardiac

pumping (CO, SV, or LVSWI) against a measure of preload ( Fig. 17-3). Two hours

after surgery, P.T.’s CVP has fallen from 12 to 6 mm Hg and his CO has fallen from

4.8 to 3.2 L/minute. Therefore, additional volume replacement is warranted.

CASE 17-2, QUESTION 4: P.T. is given a 500-mL bolus of NS solution in 10 minutes, and this results in the

following hemodynamic profile:

BP (S/D/M), 96/54/68 mm Hg

HR, 88 beats/minute

CO, 3.9 L/minute

Cardiac Index (CI), 2.4 L/minute/m


CVP, 10 mm Hg

PCWP, 15 mm Hg

Assess P.T.’s response to the fluid challenge (see Table 17-2 for normal values).

According to the Frank–Starling curve, a small change in preload in response to a

volume challenge with a minimal change in CO represents a ventricle on the flat

portion of the ventricular function curve (Fig. 17-3). Additional fluid therapy given to

these patients can increase their risk for pulmonary edema without improving CO. In

contrast, a large change in preload in response to a fluid challenge with a significant

increase in CO represents a ventricle on the steep portion of the curve. In P.T., the

PCWP indicates he does not have pulmonary edema and the change in CVP from 6 to

10 mm Hg along with the increase in CO show that he is still responsive to fluid.

Thus, it is reasonable to administer more fluid to enhance CO and renal perfusion.

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Figure 17-3 Ventricular function (Frank–Starling) curve. In the normal heart, as preload (left ventricular enddiastolic pressure [LVEDP]), measured clinically by pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), increases,

stroke volume (cardiac output, stroke work) increases until the contractile fibers reach their capacity, at which

point the curve flattens. A change in contractility or afterload causes the heart to perform on a different curve. If

the contractile fibers exceed their capacity, as with severe heart failure, the heart will operate on the descending

limb of the curve.


CASE 17-2, QUESTION 5: One hour after the 500-mL NS bolus, P.T.’s hemodynamic profile returns to his

postoperative state. ABGs are acceptable, and LR solution is infusing at 200 mL/hour. P.T. is continuing to

“third-space” intravascular volume. Based on this information, develop a strategy for additional fluid challenges

in P.T.

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