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Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome Presence of progressive organ dysfunction in an

acutely ill patient, such that homeostasis cannot be

maintained without intervention.

MAP, mean arterial pressure; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.

Source: Singer M et al. The third international consensus definitions for sepsis and septic shock (Sepsis-3). JAMA.


p. 366

p. 367

Table 17-9

Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score



0 1 2 3 4



, mm


≥400 <400 <300 <200 with



<100 with







≥150 <150 <100 <50 <20

Bilirubin, mg/dL <1.2 1.2–1.9 2–5.9 6–11.9 >12

Cardiovascular MAP ≥ 70 mm


MAP <70 mm


DA < 5

a or DOB

(any dose)

DA 5.1–15 or

Epi ≤0.1 or NE



DA > 15 or Epi

> 0.1 or NE >



GCS score

b 15 13–14 10–12 6–9 <6



<1.2 1.2–1.9 2–3.4 3.5–4.9 >5

Urine output,


<500 <200

DA, dopamine; DOB, dobutamine; Epi, epinephrine; FiO2

, fraction of inspired oxygen; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale;

MAP, mean arterial pressure; NE, norepinephrine; PaO2

, arterial partial pressure of oxygen.

aCatecholamine doses are expressed as mcg/kg/minute for at least 1 hour.

bGCS scores range from 3 to 15; higher score indicating better neurologic function.

Source: Singer M et al. The third international consensus definitions for sepsis and septic shock (Sepsis-3). JAMA.


Septic shock is characterized initially by a normal or high CO and a low SVR

(Table 17-3). Hypotension is caused by the low SVR and alterations in

macrovascular and microvascular tone, which result in maldistribution of blood flow

and volume. Changes in the microvasculature can lead to loss of normal

microvascular autoregulatory mechanisms, resulting in constriction of capillaries,

changes in cellular rheology, fibrin deposition, and neutrophil adherence. This causes

vascular “sludging” and, in some cases, arteriovenous shunts that bypass capillary

beds. Loss of intravascular fluid caused by increased vascular permeability and third

spacing of fluid further adds to hypovolemia.


In an effort to compensate for the

changes in volume and SVR, the body goes into a hyperdynamic state and increases

CO. Most patients exhibit myocardial dysfunction as manifested by decreased

myocardial compliance, reduced contractility, and ventricular dilation, but they

maintain a normal CO because of tachycardia and cardiac dilatation which increases

or maintains preload.

75 Although the cause of, and mechanism for, this abnormality is

not fully understood, it is not believed to be attributable to myocardial ischemia.

Rather, it is thought to be caused by one or more circulating inflammatory mediators,

such as cytokines (e.g., interleukin-1), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), plateletactivating factor, arachidonic acid, nitric oxide (NO), and reactive oxygen species. In

late septic shock, the body is no longer able to compensate because of the cardiac

effects of the inflammatory mediators and resultant myocardial edema, thus resulting

in a decreased CO. The end product of this complicated pathway is cellular

ischemia, dysfunction, and eventually cellular death unless the chain of events is


The complex pathogenesis of sepsis is more fully understood now, but some of the

exact mechanisms are still not completely clear. The changes that take place during

sepsis are caused by the immunologic host response to infection, which involves

inflammatory (SIRS) and immunodepressive (compensatory anti-inflammatory

response) mediators that are present from the onset of the immune response.


The inflammatory stage of sepsis is initiated by an infection with a microorganism,

most commonly bacterial. Organisms can either enter the bloodstream directly

(producing positive blood cultures) or may indirectly elicit a systemic inflammatory

response by locally releasing their toxins or structural components at the site of

infection. The lipopolysaccharide endotoxin of gram-negative bacteria is the most

potent soluble product of bacteria that can initiate a response and is the most studied,

but other bacterial products can initiate the response, including exotoxins,

enterotoxins, peptidoglycans, and lipoteichoic acid from gram-positive organisms.

The binding of these toxins to cell receptors promotes proinflammatory cytokine

production, primarily TNF-α and interleukin-1 (IL-1). These toxins stimulate the

production and release of numerous endogenous mediators that are responsible for

the inflammatory consequences of sepsis. The cytokines act synergistically to directly

affect organ function and stimulate the release of other proinflammatory cytokines,

such as IL-6, IL-8, platelet-activating factor, complement, thromboxanes,

leukotrienes, prostaglandins, NO, and others.


The presence of these cytokines promotes inflammation and vascular endothelial

injury, but it also causes an overwhelming activation in coagulation. Thrombin has

potent proinflammatory and procoagulant activities, and its production is increased in

sepsis. The human body normally counteracts these effects by increasing fibrinolysis,

but the homeostatic mechanisms in the septic patient are dysfunctional. There are

decreases in the levels of protein C, plasminogen, and antithrombin III as well as

increased activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and thrombin-activatable

fibrinolysis inhibitor, endogenous agents that inhibit fibrinolysis.

76 The patient is in a

coagulopathic state, which promotes formation of microvascular thrombi, leading to

hypoperfusion, ischemia, and, ultimately, organ failure. Multiple organ failure is

responsible for about half the deaths caused by septic shock.


The clinical features of sepsis are highly variable and depend on multiple factors:

site of infection, causative organism, degree of organ dysfunction, baseline patient

health status, and delay to initial treatment.

78 The working definition of sepsis

accounts for the presence of systemic manifestations of infection and organ

dysfunction, which may be subtle (Table 17-8). Serum biomarkers are the subject of

intense research as they could aid the early diagnosis of sepsis, guide treatment, and

predict outcomes. Most

p. 367

p. 368

biomarkers have not been extensively studied and few are in clinical use (e.g., Creactive protein, procalcitonin, sTREM-1, CD64, pancreatic stone protein).

79 Most

of these biomarkers have high negative predictive values, but lack high specificity

and positive predictive value.

Characteristic laboratory findings include leukocytosis or leukopenia,

thrombocytopenia with or without coagulation abnormalities, and, often,

hyperbilirubinemia. These features are usually readily detectable and occur within

24 hours after bacteremia develops, particularly if gram-negative organisms cause

the bacteremia. In extremes of age (very young or very old) or in debilitated patients,

hypothermia can be present and positive findings may be limited to unexplained

hypotension, mental confusion, and hyperventilation.

Persons dying of septic shock often have a normal or elevated CO. Death within

the first week after the onset of sepsis occurs as a result of intractable hypotension

that is secondary to significantly depressed SVR. This causes extensive

maldistribution of blood flow in the microvasculature, with subsequent tissue

hypoxia and development of lactic acidosis. Death occurring beyond the first week

usually is caused by multiple organ failure that began during acute circulatory failure.

Severe, unresponsive hypotension as a result of a decreased CO occurs in a

subpopulation of patients with septic shock; cardiogenic shock becomes

superimposed on the distributive shock of sepsis, but this is a less common cause of



Clinical and Hemodynamic Features

CASE 17-4

QUESTION 1: E.B., a 71-year-old woman, presents to the ED from a skilled nursing facility with a several

day history of low-grade fever, rigors, and chills. She does not report a history of nausea or vomiting but had

exceedingly poor oral intake for several days prior to admission.

E.B. has a history of diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, chronic kidney disease stage II, dyslipidemia,

coronary artery disease, obesity, and peripheral arterial disease. She has a history of a transient ischemic attack

and right lower extremity below-the-knee amputation.

Physical findings include a temperature of 38.7°C, BP 95/60 mm Hg, pulse 120 beats/minute, and RR 28

breaths/minute with oxygen saturation 95% on 2 L/minute nasal cannula. E.B. weighs 102 kg and is 65 inches

tall. A Foley catheter is placed in her bladder and her urine output is 0.4 mL/kg/hour. The chest radiograph

shows an enlarged heart, low lung volumes, and a distended, gas-filled stomach but no focal airspace disease,

pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. Her left lower extremity has foul-smelling, purulent drainage from the

posterior heel, surrounding erythema with macerated areas, and the heel is tender to the touch. E.B. has 3+

edema in the foot and lower extremity but no other significant findings aside from the heel ulcer. The patient

also has a large stage III sacral decubitus ulcer with several open wound areas and serosanguinous drainage.

Pertinent laboratory values are as follows:

WBC count, 19,500 cells/μL

BUN, 58 mg/dL

SCr, 2.2 mg/dL

Na, 131 mEq/L

Glucose, 58 mg/dL

Albumin, 1.6 g/dL

ABG measurements on 2 L/minute nasal cannula (FiO2

27%) are as follows:


, 98 mm Hg


, 32 mm Hg


, 16 mEq/L

pH, 7.31

Urine, sputum, blood, and deep tissue wound samples are sent for culture and sensitivity. A fluid bolus of

1,000 mL of normal saline solution is given. Arterial and pulmonary artery catheters are inserted, revealing the

following hemodynamic profile:

BP (S/D/M), 90/48/62 mm Hg

HR, 122 beats/minute

CO, 7.1 L/minute

CI, 3.4 L/minute/m


PCWP, 10 mm Hg

SVR, 720 dyne·s·cm


What hemodynamic and clinical features of E.B. are consistent with septic shock?

E.B. would not be classified in septic shock at this time because she has not been

adequately fluid resuscitated. Though, she would be classified as having sepsis

because of the manifestations of infection and organ dysfunction.

Hemodynamic signs consistent with sepsis include hypotension, tachycardia,

elevated CO, low SVR, and low PCWP. Although the absolute value for CO is high

or at the upper limits of the normal range, in septic shock it is inadequate to maintain

a BP that will perfuse the essential organs in the face of a decreased SVR, evidenced

by a low ḊO2 and O2

. E.B. has a metabolic acidosis (pH 7.31, PaCO2 32 mm Hg,


− 16 mEq/L), indicating anaerobic metabolism and lactic acidosis most likely

caused by decreased perfusion, and a CO that is inadequate to meet the oxygen

requirements of the tissues.

Other features consistent with sepsis in E.B. include declining urine output

indicating decreased renal perfusion, hypoglycemia, a rising WBC count, and a

spiking fever.

Therapeutic Approach

The management of septic shock is directed toward three primary areas: (a)

eradication of the source of infection, (b) hemodynamic support and control of tissue

hypoxia, and (c) inhibition or attenuation of the initiators and mediators of sepsis.


CASE 17-4, QUESTION 2: What factors should be considered in determining antimicrobial therapy in septic

shock? What are the potentialsources of infection in E.B.?

Systemic infection caused by either aerobic or anaerobic bacteria is the leading

cause of septic shock. Fungal, mycobacterial, rickettsial, protozoal, or viral

infections can also be encountered. Among sepsis syndromes caused by aerobic

bacteria, gram-negative organisms (e.g., Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, and

Acinetobacter, in decreasing order of frequency) are implicated slightly more often

than gram-positive bacteria (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus,

Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Streptococcus, from highest to lowest frequency).

Even these trends vary, however, depending on the infection site. For example, when

an organism can actually be cultured in the blood, slightly more gram-positive

infections (35% to 40%) than gram-negative infections (30% to 35%) are found. In

non-bloodstream infections (e.g., respiratory tract, genitourinary system, and the

abdomen, in descending order of frequency) 40% to 45% can be attributed to gramnegative

p. 368

p. 369

organisms, and 20% to 25% are caused by gram-positive organisms.


Polymicrobial infections make up the next largest group, followed by fungi,

anaerobes, and others. In up to 33% of sepsis syndrome cases, no organisms can be

isolated. Careful consideration of the patient’s history and clinical presentation often

reveals the most likely cause.

Eradicating the source of infection involves the early administration of

antimicrobial therapy, and, if indicated, surgical drainage. The use of an appropriate

antibiotic regimen within 1 hour of the diagnosis of sepsis or septic shock is

associated with a significant increase in survival. Appropriate cultures should be

obtained before starting antibiotic therapy, unless this would result in a significant

(greater than 45 minutes) delay in therapy.

4 The selection of antibiotics should take

into account the presumed site of infection; whether the infection is community- or

health care-associated; recent invasive procedures, manipulations, or surgery; any

predisposing conditions; drug intolerances; and the likelihood of drug resistance.

Ideally, the primary source of infection can be determined and therapy specifically

tailored to the most likely organisms. If the source of infection is unclear, however,

early institution of broad-spectrum antibiotics against all likely pathogens is

generally recommended while awaiting culture results. Empiric broad-spectrum

therapy usually requires combinations of antimicrobials because of the increasing

frequency of polymicrobial infections and antimicrobial resistance. Even so, there

are no data demonstrating better outcomes with combination therapy over adequate

monotherapy, except in severely ill, septic patients with a high risk of death.


Empiric regimens must be determined by patient factors and broad enough to cover

all likely pathogens. Mortality for septic shock may be as much as fivefold higher

when an empiric regimen fails to cover the offending pathogen.

4 Because a wide

range of variables must be considered in the selection of empiric regimens (e.g.,

anatomic site of infection, pathogen prevalence, resistance patterns), a specific

regimen cannot be recommended for all episodes of sepsis or septic shock (see

Chapter 62, Principles of Infectious Diseases). Generally, empiric regimens target

gram-positive cocci, aerobic gram-negative bacilli, as well as anaerobes and include

(1) an anti-pseudomonal penicillin, third- or fourth-generation cephalosporin, or

carbapenem plus (2) vancomycin to cover methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus

aureus. Combination gram-negative coverage (e.g., aminoglycoside, fluoroquinolone)

is recommended for critically ill patients at risk of infection with difficult-to-treat,

multidrug-resistant pathogens, such as Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter spp.

Additional coverage should be considered based on the presence of other risk factors

(e.g., Candida species, atypical pathogens).

Individuals with diabetes are presumed to be at an increased risk of infection

because of multiple host factors, including hyperglycemia-induced

immunosuppression, vascular insufficiency, peripheral neuropathies, and

colonization with S. aureus and Candida species. The most likely potential sources of

sepsis in E.B. are a combination of skin and soft tissue infections. E.B. has a severe

diabetic foot infection involving her left heel with inflammation, purulence, and

systemic manifestations of infection. She also has a large stage III sacral decubitus

ulcer. A urinary tract infection and vulvovaginal candidiasis should be considered as

well because of her history of diabetes. Other sources of infection are less likely

based on her presentation. All IV catheters from the skilled nursing facility should be

changed if possible.

Infected pressure ulcers and diabetic foot infections are usually polymicrobial

wounds. These infections should be treated with parenteral broad-spectrum

antibiotics to cover methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant S. aureus,

Streptococcus spp., Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and obligate

anaerobes (e.g., Peptostreptococcus, Peptococcus, Bacteroides fragilis, and

Clostridium perfringens). As such, empiric therapy should include vancomycin in

combination with one of the following: piperacillin–tazobactam, ceftazidime,

ceftaroline, cefepime, aztreonam, or a carbapenem. If aztreonam or a cephalosporin

is chosen then metronidazole or clindamycin should be considered to cover

anaerobic organisms, particularly for ischemic or necrotic wounds.

81,82 Drainage,

debridement, and wound dressing should accompany antibiotic therapy.

Antimicrobial therapy should be adjusted once cultures are finalized.


CASE 17-4, QUESTION 3: What are the immediate goals of therapy in E.B.? How can they be achieved

and assessed?

The goals in treating septic shock, in addition to eradicating the precipitating

infection, are to optimize ḊO2

to the tissues and to control abnormal use of oxygen

and anaerobic metabolism by reducing the tissue oxygen demand. Tissue injury is

widespread during sepsis, most likely because of vascular endothelial injury with

fluid extravasation and microthromboses, which decrease oxygen and substrate

utilization by the affected tissues. The mainstay of therapy is volume expansion to

increase intravascular volume, enhance CO, and ultimately delay associated

development of refractory tissue hypoxia.

Increasing CO with fluids will improve capillary circulation and tissue

oxygenation by maintaining sufficient intravascular volume. At least 30 mL/kg of IV

crystalloid fluid should be given within the first 3 hours of resuscitation.


If fluids do

not correct the hypoxia or if filling pressures are increased, the sequential addition of

vasopressors and inotropic agents is indicated. Blood transfusions should be used if

the Hgb is less than 7 g/dL unless there is an active source of bleeding, severe

hypoxemia, or a history of cardiac disease, in which case the Hgb value would be

maintained at a higher value.

4 Crystalloids (with electrolytes to correct imbalances)

should be initiated to maintain the CI goal as well as a MAP of 65 mm Hg. Although

MAP is not an absolute measure of blood flow to all vital organs, it is considered the

therapeutic end point that will sustain myocardial and cerebral perfusion. A higher

MAP could be considered in septic patients with a history of hypertension or those

who clinically improve with a higher BP.

1 After optimization with fluid therapy,

vasopressor and inotropic agents are indicated if the patient remains hypotensive

with a low CI or if signs of inadequate tissue perfusion persist.

The therapeutic goals used for hemodynamic resuscitation are controversial. The

issue is whether therapy should be directed to physiologic end points of tissue

perfusion or clinical end points, such as BP and urine output. The physiologic end

points include clearance of blood lactate concentrations, base deficit, SvO2

, and

increased CO. Serum lactate concentrations may be elevated through various

mechanisms (e.g., tissue hypoxia, excessive beta-adrenergic stimulation, liver

failure) but are associated with worse outcomes regardless of the source. Lactateguided resuscitation of patients in septic shock is recommended because of its

association with a significantly reduced mortality rate compared with usual care.


Many institutions have developed “sepsis bundles” that incorporate these same

variables and therapeutic end points as early as possible in the treatment of sepsis.

Sepsis bundles often include many additional issues addressed in the Surviving

Sepsis Campaign Guidelines,

4 such as ventilatory support, initial choice of

antibiotics, glucose control, and stress ulcer prophylaxis.

One study by Rivers et al. combined physiologic and clinical end points of

resuscitation during the early stages of sepsis.

83 CVP, MAP, Hct, and ScvO 2 were

optimized during at least 6 hours of continuous care in the ED. This was compared to

conventional therapy that targeted only CVP, MAP, and urine output. In-hospital

mortality was significantly lower in the early goal-directed therapy

p. 369

p. 370

(EGDT) group (30.5% vs. 46.5%, p = 0.009). EGDT was adopted as the standard

of care in the treatment of sepsis and septic shock. However, there are several

limitations to the EGDT approach. As noted above, CVP is an unpredictable marker

of fluid resuscitation,

38 and fluid overload is common after EGDT resuscitation.

Furthermore, the Hct target of 30% is unnecessarily high because transfusions of

PRBCs to achieve a Hgb above 7 g/dL do not increase ScvO2

. Finally, dobutamine

could also be harmful if used to increase ScvO2

in patients with unevaluated

ventricular function.


Several large, multicenter studies have shown no improvement in patient outcomes

using EGDT for severe sepsis and septic shock. Protocol-based resuscitation did not

improve in-hospital mortality among 1,341 patients in the ProCESS study.


In the

ARISE and ProMISe studies, EGDT did not reduce all-cause mortality compared to

usual care.

86,87 The mortality rates among the usual care groups from these trials


85 18.8%,

86 29.2%87

) were similar to the EGDT group in the Rivers et al.

study. These findings could be because of an improvement in our standard of care

over that time period, chiefly the early identification and treatment. Nonetheless, the

most recent Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines

4 have departed from the EGDTguided resuscitation strategy from the Rivers study.

E.B. should receive fluid boluses to maintain perfusion with a MAP of at least 65

mm Hg. Reassessment of E.B.’s hemodynamic status should include a thorough

clinical examination as well as assessment of available physiologic variables (e.g.,

HR, BP, SaO2

, RR, temperature, urine output) and measurements from her PA

catheter. A minimum of 30 mL/kg crystalloid fluid challenge is recommended within

the first 3 hours of resuscitation. Albumin may be substituted if large volumes of

crystalloids are required, but hydroxyethyl starches should be avoided because of an

increased risk of acute renal dysfunction and potential increased mortality.


Continued, excessive fluid challenges to increase preload in E.B. must be

approached cautiously because she has an enlarged heart on chest radiograph,

coronary artery disease, and multiple risk factors for heart failure. In addition,

patients in septic shock are susceptible to experiencing non-cardiogenic pulmonary

edema or ARDS, which can cause severe deterioration in pulmonary function. Fluid

boluses should be given with ongoing monitoring to determine the CVP and PCWP at

which CO is maximal. This approach will avoid excessive CVP and PCWP beyond

which CO is no longer increased, reducing potential pulmonary edema.

In summary, the immediate goal of therapy is to maximize ḊO2

to the tissues. Fluid

resuscitation is the mainstay of therapy and improves ḊO2 by increasing CO;

however, inotropic and vasopressor agents are often required for additional

cardiovascular support. A favorable response to immediate resuscitative efforts will

be reflected by a reversal or halt in the progression of the metabolic acidosis,

improved sensorium, and increased urine output. In E.B., surgical evaluation and

debridement and selection of appropriate antibiotics while maintaining hemodynamic

support are the clinical goals of therapy.


Fluid Therapy Versus Inotropic Support

CASE 17-4, QUESTION 4: E.B. is given three 1,000-mL fluid boluses, and norepinephrine is begun at a rate

of 0.05 mcg/kg/minute. During the next 2 hours, she receives 4 L of fluid in boluses, and the norepinephrine is

increased to 0.3 mcg/kg/minute to maintain her BP. She does not have signs of pulmonary edema. E.B. has the

following hemodynamic profile (previous values in parentheses):

BP (S/D/M), 95/48/64 mm Hg (90/48/62 mm Hg)

HR, 124 beats/minute (122 beats/minute)

CO, 8 L/minute (7.1 L/minute)

CI, 3.8 L/minute/m


(3.4 L/minute/m



CVP, 12 mm Hg (7 mm Hg)

PCWP, 16 mm Hg (10 mm Hg)

SVR, 550 dyne·s·cm


(720 dyne·s·cm



Urine output, 0.25 mL/kg/hour (0.4 mL/kg/hour)


, 85 mm Hg (98 mm Hg)


, 36 mm Hg (32 mm Hg)


, 17 mEq/L (16 mEq/L)

pH, 7.3 (7.31)


, 534 mL/minute (508 mL/minute)


, 198 mL/minute (324 mL/minute)

Which of the following therapeutic considerations would be reasonable for E.B. at this time: additional fluid

boluses, an increase in the norepinephrine infusion rate, or initiation of a different vasopressor?

E.B. continues to be hypotensive despite a PCWP of 16 mm Hg and a

norepinephrine infusion rate of 0.3 mcg/kg/minute. The goals of therapy remain the

same (i.e., maximize arterial oxygen content and ḊO2

to reverse cellular anaerobic


E.B.’s PaO2 of 85 mm Hg correlates with an oxygen–hemoglobin saturation of

approximately 96%, which should provide an adequate arterial oxygen content.

However, ḊO2 still may be inadequate despite the CI being above 3.5 L/minute/m2

because ḊO2 and O2 have not reached normal levels. E.B.’s Hgb and Hct should be

checked to ensure adequate oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood. In addition,

decreased tissue oxygen utilization can contribute to the continued acidosis. Further

attempts to enhance the CI and, hence, ḊO2 are appropriate. E.B. has a dilated heart

and a history of cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease that will

influence the choice of therapeutic options.

Although fluid administration is the mainstay of therapy in septic shock, the

elevation of E.B.’s PCWP to 16 mm Hg without a significant increase in CO suggests

that an optimal PCWP has been reached. Therefore, additional fluid therapy to

maintain BP may cause pulmonary edema and compromise pulmonary gas exchange.

A plot of CO versus PCWP (ventricular function curve) would provide a more

accurate assessment of the PCWP at which CO is maximal. Additional fluid boluses

at this time should be used only to maintain the current level of intravascular volume



When fluid therapy fails to maintain a satisfactory MAP despite an elevated CO, the

use of a vasopressor should be considered. Maintaining a goal MAP does not

correlate with decreased mortality, but it helps sustain myocardial and cerebral

perfusion. If it is necessary to increase CO, then inotropic agents should be used.

Although the use of inotropic agents is well established, controlled comparative

studies have not clearly determined which agent, or combination of agents, is most

useful in the management of septic shock. Because differences among the inotropic

agents are significant, however, selection of the most appropriate drug should be

guided by careful consideration of the patient’s hemodynamic status.

Norepinephrine and Dopamine

Norepinephrine is predominantly an α-adrenergic agonist (Table 17-7) and is the

recommended first-line vasopressor for sepsis.

4 Norepinephrine has been titrated to

0.3 mcg/kg/min, but E.B.’s HR will likely limit the utility of further increases in the


Dopamine has frequently been another initial pharmacologic agent chosen for the

treatment of septic shock. A trial that

p. 370

p. 371

randomized 1,679 patients with shock to dopamine or norepinephrine for BP

support found no significant difference in the primary outcome of 28-day mortality

but an increased risk of arrhythmic events with dopamine.

60 A meta-analysis of six

randomized trials of septic patients found dopamine was associated with an

increased risk of death and arrhythmias compared to norepinephrine.

88 Similarly,

another meta-analysis that included six randomized trials found norepinephrine was

associated with a lower in-hospital and 28-day mortality compared to dopamine as

well as a lower incidence of arrhythmias.


In light of these findings, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign relegated dopamine from

a first-line to alternative vasopressor. Dopamine is now reserved for patients with

absolute or relative bradycardia and a low risk of tachyarrhythmias, which is

difficult to predict.

4 Accordingly, dopamine is not an appropriate therapeutic option

for E.B.

Low-dose dopamine should not be used for renal protective purposes.

4 Despite the

improvement in renal blood flow and a possible increase in urine output, dopamine

does not decrease the time to recovery of renal function or the need for renal

replacement therapy.


Epinephrine stimulates α- , β1

-, and β2

-adrenergic receptors (Table 17-7). CO is

augmented via increased contractility and HR, with the contribution of each being

highly variable. Blood vessels in the kidney, skin, and mucosa constrict in response

t o α-adrenergic stimulation, whereas vessels in the skeletal muscle vasodilate

because of β2 effects. A biphasic response in SVR is observed as β2

-receptors are

activated at the lower range and α1

-receptors are stimulated at higher infusion rates.

The improvement in CO, therefore, may be negated by an increase in afterload at

higher dosages.

Historically, epinephrine was reserved as a last-line therapy because of the

studies that showed harmful splanchnic and renal vasculature effects and elevated

lactate levels. Despite these effects, there are no clinical studies showing that

epinephrine causes worse outcomes in sepsis. In fact, two prospective, double-blind,

randomized controlled trials comparing epinephrine and norepinephrine in patients

with septic shock found similar mortality rates, time to hemodynamic recovery, and

time to vasopressor withdrawal.

90,91 Both studies showed lower arterial pH values

associated with impaired serum lactate clearance in the epinephrine-treated groups.

Therefore, lactate clearance would not be recommended to guide resuscitation when

utilizing epinephri

Infliximab UC: moderate-tosevere induction

Moderate Strong 5 mg/kg IV

at weeks 0,

2, and 6;

then every 8





(acute and






reactivation of

latent infection

(TB, hepatitis




preferred to


treatment to


response and





CD: moderate-tosevere induction

Moderate Strong

CD: maintenance High Strong

CD: fistulizing disease Low Strong


may worsen


disease and


heart failure

Adalimumab UC: moderate-tosevere


None None 160 mg SQ

day 1, 80

mg SQ day

14, then 40

mg SQ

every other


Similar to


Available as a

prefilled pen

for selfadministration

Often used if

infliximab is

not effective

or well


CD: moderate-tosevere induction

Moderate Strong

CD: maintenance High Strong

CD: fistulizing disease Low Strong



CD: moderate-tosevere induction

Moderate Strong 400 mg SQ

at weeks 0,

2, and 4;

then every 4



Similar to


Available as a


syringe for


CD: maintenance High Strong

CD: cessation of

fistula drainage

Low Strong

Natalizumab CD: moderate-tosevere induction

Moderate Weak 300 mg IV

every 4


Injection site





reactivation of

latent infection,




and meningitis,






which is a




because of

cases of PML

CD: maintenance Low Weak

Vedolizumab UC: moderate-tosevere


CD: moderate-tosevere


None None 300 mg IV

at weeks 0,

2, and 6;

then every 8



Injection site





reactivation of

latent infection,

risk of PML

No cases of

PML were

observed in

clinical trials,

and does not


require a




ADR, adverse drug reaction; CD, Crohn’s disease; CNS, central nervous system; HA, headache; IM,

intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; N/V, nausea/vomiting; 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; PML, progressive multifocal

leukoencephalopathy; SQ, subcutaneously; TB, tuberculosis; TPMT, thiopurine methyltransferase; UC, ulcerative

colitis ACG, American College of Gastroenterology.

p. 522

p. 523

Table 24-3

Comparison of Aminosalicylate Compounds

Generic (Trade) Delivery System

Intestinal Site of


Usual Dose and


Balsalazide (Colazal) Bacterial cleavage of azo


Colon 2.25 g PO TID

Mesalamine (Apriso) Polymer matrix/enteric

coating that dissolves at

pH 6

Ileum (distal), colon 1.5 g PO every morning

Mesalamine (Asacol HD) pH-dependent coating

(Eudragit S) dissolves at

pH ≥7

Ileum (distal), colon 1.6 g PO TID

Mesalamine (Delzicol) pH-dependent coating

(Eudragit S) dissolves at

pH ≥7

Ileum (distal), colon 800 mg PO TID 1 hour

before or 2 hours after


Mesalamine (Lialda) Multi-matrix (pH-sensitive

coating and delayedrelease)

Ileum (distal), colon 2.4–4.8 g PO every day

with food

Mesalamine (Pentasa) Controlled-release


Duodenum, jejunum, ileum,


1 g PO QID

Mesalamine suppository


Direct topical therapy Rectum 1 g PR at bedtime after

bowel movement, retain

for at least 1–3 hours

while sleeping

Mesalamine enema


Direct topical therapy Descending colon/rectum 4 g/60 mL enema PR at

bedtime after bowel

movement, retain for at

least 8 hours while


Olsalazine (Dipentum) Bacterial cleavage of azo


Colon 500 mg PO BID with food

Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) Bacterial cleavage of azo


Colon Initially 500 mg PO BID;

titrate dose over 1–2

weeks up to 4–6 g PO

divided TID–QID with


BID, 2 times daily; PO, orally; PR, per rectum; QID, 4 times daily; TID, 3 times daily.

Adapted with permission from Fernandez-Becker NQ, Moss AC. Improving delivery of aminosalicylates in

ulcerative colitis: effect on patient outcomes. Drugs. 2008;68:1089; Drug Facts and Comparisons 4.0 [on-line]

2015. Accessed August 26, 2015.


Corticosteroids are the most commonly used agents in the treatment of acute flares in

patients with moderate-to-severe IBD.

24 The anti-inflammatory actions of

corticosteroids are well known, but how these translate into their full mechanism of

controlling IBD is not completely understood. First-line treatment for moderate-tosevere active IBD includes doses of corticosteroid equivalent to 40 to 60 mg of


25 Data are insufficient to demonstrate any difference between single

versus divided oral doses or continuous versus intermittent bolus intravenous (IV)

administration. IV doses should be equivalent to hydrocortisone 300 to 400 mg/day

or methylprednisolone 48 to 60 mg/day.


Topical steroids can serve as an adjunct in patients with proximal rectal disease

who have failed topical 5-ASA therapy.

22 Oral enteric-coated budesonide is

approved for the treatment of CD. Budesonide possesses a high degree of topical

anti-inflammatory activity with low systemic bioavailability.

26 The Entocort EC

formulation of budesonide delivers drug primarily to the ileum and ascending colon.

Short-term corticosteroid-associated adverse effects may be less than with

traditional agents, and its use up to 1 year seems to be well tolerated.

27 Compared

with traditional corticosteroids, budesonide has a number of potential drug

interactions owing to its metabolism via the cytochrome P450 3A4 system.

28 Studies

suggest that budesonide is as effective as traditional corticosteroids for the treatment

of mild-to-moderate CD localized to the right colon or ileum, and recent guidelines

identify budesonide as the preferred agent in this situation.



Azathioprine (AZA) and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) may be used for the management

of corticosteroid-dependent and quiescent IBD. AZA is converted to 6-MP, which is

then metabolized to thioinosinic acid by thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT), the

active agent that inhibits purine ribonucleotide synthesis and cell proliferation. It also

alters the immune response by inhibiting natural killer cell activity and suppressing

cytotoxic T-cell function. AZA (1.5–2.5 mg/kg/day) and 6-MP (1–1.5 mg/kg/day) are

used in the treatment of UC and CD in patients whose conditions have not responded

to systemic steroids, or as “steroid-sparing” agents.

16,17,32 Because of the long onset

of action of 6-MP and AZA, these agents should be reserved for maintaining

remission. Adverse effects of 6-MP and AZA include rash, nausea, pancreatitis,

alopecia, and diarrhea. Myelosuppression, especially neutropenia, may have a

delayed onset, and clinicians should monitor the complete blood count monthly for

the first 3 months of treatment, then every 3 months thereafter. Pharmacogenomic

testing for TPMT before initiation is recommended.

16,19 Low levels of TPMT result


p. 523

p. 524

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