Because H.B. is just beginning dialysis therapy, it is difficult to assess the degree
to which volume removal will ultimately affect his BP. To control BP related to
volume changes, dialysis therapy should be adjusted as needed to achieve H.B.’s dry
weight, the postdialysis weight at which symptoms of hypervolemia and hypovolemia
are absent (i.e., normovolemia and free from edema). H.B. has had recent findings
consistent with worsening volume status (shortness of breath, weight gain) that
should be considered when modifying his dialysis prescription; further workup is
needed to determine whether H.B. has systolic or diastolic heart failure. It is also
important to counsel H.B. on the importance of salt and fluid intake restriction
between HD sessions to minimize weight gain, volume expansion, and hypertension.
intake to less than 2.4 g/day and fluid to 1 L/day is appropriate and will require
regular follow-up by a dietitian.
Currently, there are no published guidelines for the management of hypertension in
patients receiving hemodialysis. Although there are no published guidelines, control
and management of hypertension is important. Antihypertensive therapy should be
used in conjunction with dialysis therapy in H.B. to a target BP. In the absence of
published guidelines targeting a BP of <150/90 mm Hg before HD is reasonable.
For some patients, initiation of dialysis alone may achieve this goal, and
antihypertensive therapy may be withdrawn. The aim of the BP goal in patients with
CKD 5D is to minimize cardiovascular complications, but it should not increase the
risk for hypotension and its associated complications during dialysis. The choice of
an agent is based on the patient’s comorbid conditions because no single agent has a
consistently proven mortality benefit in patients on HD. The complexity of managing
hypertension in patients on HD is enhanced by the apparent U-shaped relationship
122 A study of patients on HD found an increased risk of
cardiac-related death at a systolic BP less than 110 mm Hg and at a systolic BP
123 Another cohort study found a systolic BP between 100
and 125 mm Hg was associated with the lowest risk of death, and systolic BP >150
mm Hg associated with increased death.
122 The mortality risk with a low pre-HD BP
may be indicative of severe cardiac disease at the initiation of HD. If patients
experience hypotensive symptoms during HD, the goal BP can be increased, but they
also should be evaluated for other cardiovascular disorders. Because the BP
between dialysis sessions varies owing to volume changes, the ideal time to measure
BP relative to dialysis (i.e., predialysis versus postdialysis) is unclear, but
predialysis BP has been favored.
Diuretics are commonly used in patients in the early stages of CKD. As discussed
previously, the effectiveness of diuretics depends on the amount of sodium delivered
to their site of action in the kidney tubule and on the patient’s kidney function. For
example, a decrease in the eGFR from 125 to 25 mL/minute/1.73 m2
could result in an approximate 80% decrease in the amount of sodium filtered. Early
in the course of kidney failure, thiazides or thiazide-like diuretics are effective
antihypertensive agents. As eGFR is further reduced (eGFR <30 mL/minute/1.73 m2
the thiazide diuretics become less effective. Potassium-sparing diuretics are also
ineffective and may increase the risk of hyperkalemia. Loop diuretics (e.g.,
furosemide), which function more proximally, are indicated in patients with CKD 4
124 These drugs can be effective for BP and
volume control in patients with advanced kidney disease if residual kidney function
is substantial (urine output >100 mL/day). Their effect must be frequently reevaluated
on the basis of urine output and any effect on volume control. H.B.’s urine output
should be assessed to determine the rationale for continued use of furosemide, and
the current dose should be assessed because doses higher than his current dose of 80
mg BID are often required in patients with this degree of kidney dysfunction. It is
likely that furosemide will need to be discontinued as H.B.’s residual kidney function
Given the role of the renin–angiotensin system in the development of hypertension
in patients with CKD, ACEIs are a logical choice for antihypertensive therapy.
ACEIs are effective antihypertensive agents in patients with CKD and have been
125 ACEIs are underused in this population. Response must be
assessed individually to determine whether renin–angiotensin–aldosterone activity is
a predominant etiology of hypertension. Initiating therapy with low doses is prudent
to evaluate patient response and tolerance. Use of these agents in combination with
other antihypertensives is often required for adequate BP control. Most of these
agents can be administered once daily; however, because of the kidney elimination of
the parent drug or active metabolite, dosage adjustments are necessary in patients
with CKD. ACEI use should be avoided in patients undergoing dialysis with the
polyacrylonitrile (AN69) membranes. The AN69 dialyzer increases bradykinin
production, whereas ACEIs decrease the breakdown of bradykinin, predisposing
patients to systemic or immune-mediated reactions that can lead to anaphylactic
ARBs effectively lower BP and reverse LVH in patients without kidney disease.
These agents offer an alternative to ACEIs in patients experiencing kinin-mediated
adverse effects; however, similar side effects have been reported with ARBs.
β-Adrenergic blockers (β-blockers) inhibit release of renin and may be useful in
hypertension associated with CKD. β-Blockers can counteract the elevated
sympathetic activity observed in dialysis patients, lower the risk of sudden cardiac
death, and improve survival in heart failure.
127 Unfortunately, they are underutilized,
and the mentioned benefits are understudied in the dialysis population.
benefit should be evaluated when β-blockade is considered in conjunction with other
comorbid conditions such as asthma, heart failure, and lipid abnormalities. Dosage
adjustment is required for the less lipophilic agents (i.e., atenolol, nadolol).
Calcium-channel blockers are effective antihypertensive agents in patients with
CKD. Because the nondihydropyridine agents (i.e., diltiazem, verapamil) have
negative chronotropic and inotropic effects, they should be used with care in patients
with heart disease. Generally, dosage adjustment is not required in patients with
Other agents used to treat hypertension in the CKD population include centrally
acting agents (e.g., clonidine, methyldopa), vasodilators (e.g., minoxidil,
-adrenergic blockers (prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin). However,
these agents are generally reserved as last-line therapies.
H.B. is currently taking the β-blocker metoprolol and the loop diuretic furosemide.
Metoprolol is a β-blocker considered to be removed by dialysis and should be
monitored closely for H.B. clinical response to the therapy while starting dialysis. It
is likely that his diuretic will need to be discontinued as his residual kidney function
decreases and response to therapy is inadequate. If changes imposed in H.B.’s HD
prescription are able to improve volume control and achieve his dry weight but do
not reduce his BP, another antihypertensive regimen should be selected. A
reasonable antihypertensive regimen would include an ACEI (e.g., ramipril). The
selection will depend substantially on follow-up results of his cardiac disease, BP
control with HD, and the development of adverse effects (see Chapter 9, Essential
Hypertension, and Chapter 14, Heart Failure).
CASE 28-2, QUESTION 3: How should H.B.’s lipid abnormalities be treated?
H.B. has elevated serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, a common
finding in patients with CKD. Dyslipidemia and increased oxidative stress contribute
to premature atherogenesis in these patients. Several atherogenic factors in patients
with CKD have been postulated, including arterial wall injury, platelet activation and
adherence, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and intraarterial accumulation of
cholesterol. Lowering of serum lipids has not been shown to improve morbidity and
mortality in hemodialysis patients. Furthermore, current KDIGO Guidelines for Lipid
Management in CKD do not recommend using
cholesterol values to determine who to treat or as treatment targets. Currently,
H.B. is not receiving a statin which has not demonstrated the ability to reduce
mortality or morbidity in dialysis. If concern with treating H.B.’s dyslipidemia
persists, a moderate-intensity statin may be considered. Dietary intervention
successfully reduces triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations in patients with
calcium acetate 2001 mg PO TID with meals, EPO 5,000 units IV twice weekly, iron sucrose 100 mg IV 3
Random blood glucose, 250 mg/dL
Intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 950 pg/mL
Thyroid-stimulating hormone, 5 mIU/L
Describe the etiology of W.K.’s abnormal bone, calcium, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone (PTH)
MND of CKD (CKD-MBD) is the term used to collectively describe the mineral
(e.g., phosphorus, calcium, PTH), bone (osteodystrophy), and soft-tissue
calcification abnormalities that develop as a complication of CKD. The older
collective term of renal osteodystrophy failed to adequately illustrate the broader
clinical complications associated with the biomarker abnormalities and calcification,
and is now only used to describe, specifically, the bone pathology.
Hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, decreased production of
active vitamin D, and resistance to vitamin D therapy are all frequent problems in
CKD that can lead to the secondary complications of CKD-MBD. Although the
interrelationships among phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D, and PTH have been
reviewed extensively, f ibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), a phosphaturic
hormone, has added some new insight.
Increased dietary phosphorus intake
stimulates FGF23 secretion. FGF23 increases phosphorus excretion via the proximal
tubules, inhibits vitamin D activation, increases activated vitamin D catabolism, and
is associated with kidney disease progression.
At a GFR above 30 mL/minute/1.73 m2
, elevations in FGF23 and PTH maintain
normal serum phosphorus. This concept is referred to as the trade-off hypothesis,
where the ability to maintain normal phosphorus concentrations occurs at the expense
of developing secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), the excessive secretion of
PTH and elevated FGF23. However, FGF23 is not currently measured in the clinical
setting. Clinically significant increases in serum phosphorus (or frank
hyperphosphatemia) typically are not seen until late stages of CKD, GFR <30
, when compensatory mechanisms within the kidney are
The kidney is the principal organ responsible for systemic vitamin D production,
and, as such, vitamin D metabolism is altered in the presence of uremia. Persistent
hyperphosphatemia stimulates the release of excessive FGF23, which inhibits the
normal conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3
to its biologically active metabolite,
, by the enzyme 1-α-hydroxylase (Fig. 28-2). This enzyme
is present in proximal tubular cells of the kidney and is necessary for conversion of
vitamin D to the active form. This active form of vitamin D, also known as calcitriol,
increases gut absorption of calcium and interacts with vitamin D receptors on the
parathyroid gland to suppress PTH release. As a result of decreased calcitriol
production, the absorption of dietary calcium in the gut is diminished. Decreased
suppression of PTH release by vitamin D in conjunction with hypocalcemia promotes
continued stimulus for mobilization of calcium from bone. Furthermore, uremic
patients require a higher extracellular calcium concentration to suppress secretion of
PTH. This is also described as an increase in the calcium “set point” or the
concentration of calcium required to inhibit 50% of maximal PTH secretion.
The chronic effects of hyperparathyroidism on the skeleton lead to bone pain,
fractures, and myopathy. In children, these effects may be particularly severe and
usually retard growth. The metabolic acidosis of kidney disease also contributes to a
negative calcium balance in the bone.
W.K.’s presentation is consistent with CKD-MBD based on the observed changes
in bone architecture and abnormalities in serum phosphorus, calcium, and PTH; all
can be attributed to her kidney disease.
Vitamin D levels (i.e., 25-hydroxyvitamin D) should be checked in CKD 3.
Insufficient (<30 ng/mL) and deficient (<15 ng/mL) vitamin D levels are prevalent in
the majority of CKD and ESRD patients. Several studies have linked depressed
vitamin D levels to increased vascular calcification, CVD, and mortality.
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