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p. 346

Shock is a syndrome with multiple etiologies characterized by an

impairment of tissue perfusion.

The impairment of tissue perfusion, regardless of cause, can lead to

cellular dysfunction, organ failure, and death.

The diagnosis of shock is made by the findings of impaired tissue

perfusion on physical examination, and hemodynamic and laboratory

changes consistent with impaired perfusion. Hypotension may or may

not be present. Hemodynamic monitoring is vital for the determination

of the type of shock and assessment of response to interventions.

Case 17-1 (Questions 1 and


Case 17-2 (Questions 1, 4

and 6),

Case 17-3 (Questions 1-2),

Tables 17-2 and 17-3, Figure


Hypovolemic shock is caused by a reduction in intravascular volume,

which results in changes in the hemodynamic profile such as decreases

in blood pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge

pressure, and cardiac output, and a compensatory increase in heart rate,

systemic vascular resistance, and myocardial contractility.

Case 17-1 (Question 1),

Case 17-2 (Questions 1-2)

Resuscitation is required to treat hypovolemic shock to maintain

adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation. This can be achieved by

administration of intravenous crystalloids, colloids, or blood.

Case 17-1 (Questions 2-7),

Case 17-2 (Questions 3-6)

The physiologic response to fluid loss or gain is described by the Frank–

Starling curve.

Case 17-2 (Questions 3, 4),

Figure 17-3

Cardiogenic shock results from a decrease in the heart’s ability to

maintain cardiac output that is unrelated to hypovolemia.

Case 17-3 (Questions 1-2)

Treatment of patients in cardiogenic shock involves optimization of

preload, increasing contractility, and reducing afterload if the blood

pressure permits.

Case 17-3 (Questions 3-8),

Figure 17-4

Septic shock is a type of distributive shock characterized by a profound

vasodilatory response and decrease in blood pressure.

Case 17-4 (Question 1)

Treatment of septic shock involves stabilization with fluids, vasopressors,

and inotropic agents and treatment of the underlying condition. Other

Case 17-4 (Questions 2-7)

therapies involve modification of the body’s response to infection.

Patients with sepsis can experience disseminated intravascular

coagulation, which can lead to hemorrhagic and thrombotic


Case 17-4 (Questions 8-11),

Figure 17-5


Shock is defined in simple terms as a syndrome of impaired tissue perfusion and

oxygenation usually, but not always, accompanied by hypotension. This impairment

of tissue perfusion eventually leads to cellular dysfunction, followed by organ

damage and death if untreated. The most common causes of shock are situations that

result in a reduction of intravascular volume (hypovolemic shock), myocardial pump

failure (cardiogenic shock), or increased vascular capacitance (distributive shock).

The type of treatment required depends on the etiology.

In recent years, medical support of patients with shock has improved because of

better technologies for hemodynamic monitoring, recognition of the value of vigorous

volume replacement, appropriate use of inotropic and vasoconstrictive agents, and


p. 347

p. 348

development of better ways to treat the underlying cause of the shock syndrome.

Understanding the principles of shock should further enhance the prompt recognition

of patients at risk, rapid initiation of corrective measures, and development of

innovative treatment regimens.


Shock is common among intensive care unit (ICU) patients and is present in up to

one-third of ICU admissions.

1 Table 17-1 outlines the classification of shock and

precipitating events.

2 Recognition of the etiology and underlying pathology of the

various forms of shock is essential for managing this condition. The distinctions

among subtypes of shock only apply, however, in the relatively early stages. As the

syndrome evolves and compensatory mechanisms are overwhelmed, it becomes

increasingly difficult to determine the subtypes because the clinical and

pathophysiologic features of advanced shock are the same for all. Also, different

types of shock can occur at the same time (e.g., a patient with septic shock who is

also hypovolemic). The mortality rate for shock remains quite high—as high as 60%

to 80% in severe cases—despite recent improvements in its early recognition and




Tissue perfusion is a complex process of oxygen and nutrient delivery as well as

waste removal. When perfusion is impaired, it sets up a cascade of events that can

eventually end in death. Although the etiology of shock is varied, the eventual

progression (if untreated) to cell death and subsequent organ dysfunction results from

a common pathway of ischemia, endogenous inflammatory cytokine release, and the

generation of oxygen radicals. When cells are subjected to a prolonged period of

ischemia, anaerobic metabolism begins. This inefficient process results in a decrease

of adenosine triphosphate stores and causes the buildup of lactic acid and other toxic

substances that can alter mitochondrial function and eventually result in cell death. In

the advanced stages of shock, irreversible cellular damage leads to multiple organ

system failure, also known as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

Table 17-1

Classification of Shock and Precipitating Events

Hypovolemic Shock


Gastrointestinal bleeding (e.g., varices, peptic ulcer)


Internal bleeding: ruptured aortic aneurysm, retroperitoneal bleeding, postoperative bleeding, hemorrhagic

pancreatitis, postpartum hemorrhage


Gastrointestinal losses: vomiting, diarrhea, external drainage

Renal losses: diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, overuse of diuretics

Sequestration: ascites, third-space accumulation

Cutaneous: burns, nonreplaced perspiration, and insensible water losses

Cardiogenic Shock

Cardiomyopathic causes

Acute myocardial infarction (left or right ventricular infarction)

Low cardiac output syndrome


End-stage cardiomyopathy or severe acute exacerbation of heart failure

Arrhythmogenic causes

Tachyarrhythmia (atrial fibrillation/flutter, reentrant tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation)

Bradyarrhythmia (Mobitz type II second-degree heart block, complete heart block)

Mechanical causes

Rupture of septum or free wall

Severe mitral or aortic valve insufficiency

Papillary muscle or chordae tendineae rupture or dysfunction

Critical aortic stenosis

Pericardial tamponade

Distributive Shock

Septic (bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, mycobacterial)



Neurogenic (spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral damage, severe dysautonomia)

Inflammatory (burns, trauma, pancreatitis, air/fat embolism, post-cardiopulmonary bypass)

Drug- or toxin-induced (anesthesia, ganglionic and adrenergic blockers, overdoses of barbiturates and narcotics,

carbon monoxide, heavy metal, cyanide)

Endocrine (adrenal crisis, myxedema coma)

Adapted with permission from Gaieski D. Evaluation of and initial approach to the adult patient with

undifferentiated hypotension and shock. In: Post TW, ed. UpToDate. Waltham, MA: Wolters Kluwer. Accessed

July 1, 2015.

p. 348

p. 349

The body produces inflammatory cytokines in response to ischemia, injury, or

infection. The phrase systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is the

recommended umbrella term to describe any acute, overwhelming inflammatory

response, independent of the cause.

3 This syndrome has best been described in the

sepsis literature; however, it can occur after a wide variety of insults, including

hemorrhagic shock, infection (septic shock), pancreatitis, ischemia, multi-trauma and

tissue injury, and immune-mediated organ injury. SIRS is usually a late manifestation

of hypovolemic forms of shock. It is uncommon in cardiogenic shock but is the

hallmark of septic shock. SIRS is clinically characterized by profound vasodilation,

which impairs perfusion, increases capillary permeability, and can reduce

intravascular volume.


Independent of the pathophysiologic cause, the clinical syndrome of shock progresses

through several stages. During each step, the body uses and exhausts various

compensatory mechanisms to balance oxygen delivery (D.O2

) and oxygen

consumption (V. O2

) in an effort to maintain perfusion of vital organs. Oxygen

delivery is determined by the arterial concentration of oxygen multiplied by the blood

flow (cardiac output [CO]) (Fig. 17-1 and Table 17-2). Normally, consumption is

independent of supply, except at low rates of ḊO2

. In some critically ill patients,

perfusion is inadequate to meet metabolic demands and O2 becomes dependent on

the supply despite “normal” ḊO2


Although hypotension is often described as the hallmark of shock, it is not

necessarily present in all patients.

Figure 17-1 Determinants of blood pressure, cardiac output, and oxygen delivery.

Table 17-2

Normal Hemodynamic Values and Derived Indices



Value Units

Directly Measured

Blood pressure (BP) [systolic

(SBP)/diastolic (DBP)]

Pressure in the central arterial bed,

determined by cardiac output and

systemic vascular resistance.

120–140/80–90 mm Hg

Cardiac output (CO) Amount of blood ejected from the left

ventricle per minute; determined by

stroke volume and heart rate.

CO = SV × HR

4–7 L/minute

Central venous pressure (CVP)

a Measures mean pressure in right

atrium and reflects right ventricular

filling pressure and volume status.

Primarily determined by venous return

2–6 mm Hg


to the heart. The goal in most critically

ill patients is 8–12 mm Hg.

Heart rate (HR) (pulse) Number of myocardial contractions

per minute.

60–100 beats/minute

p. 349

p. 350

Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) Systolic (SPAP): Measures PAP

during systole; reflects pressure

generated by the contraction of the

right ventricle.

Diastolic (DPAP): Measures PAP

during diastole; reflects diastolic filling

pressure in the left ventricle. May

approximate pulmonary capillary

wedge pressure (PCWP); normal

gradient <5 mm Hg between DPAP

and PCWP.

Mean (MPAP): Average measure of

PAP during the entire cardiac cycle;

mPAP ≥25 mm Hg at rest is defined

as pulmonary hypertension.



mm Hg

Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure


Measures pressure distal to the

pulmonary artery; reflects left

ventricular filling pressures (preload).

Usually lower than or within 5 mm

Hg of pulmonary artery diastolic

pressure (DPAP).


c mm Hg

Central venous oxygen saturation



The oxygen saturation of blood

returning to the heart; a reflection of

oxygen extraction from the upper


>70 %

Mixed venous oxygen saturation



The oxygen saturation of blood in the

pulmonary artery; a marker of the

relationship between cardiac output

and total body oxygen consumption.

>65 %

Derived Indices

Cardiac index (CI) Cardiac output per square meter of

body surface area (BSA




2.5–4.2 L/minute/m


Left ventricular stroke work index


Amount of work the left ventricle

exerts during systole; adjusted for

body surface area (BSA


). A

measure of contractility, the inotropic

state of the myocardium.



35–85 g/m



Mean arterial pressure (MAP) MAP = [(2 × DBP) + SBP]/3 80–100 mm Hg

Oxygen delivery (D.O2

) The amount of oxygen delivered by

the body per unit time.

D.O2 = CO × CaO2 where CaO2 =

Hgb × SaO2 × 13.9

700–1,200 mL/minute

Oxygen consumption (V.O2

) The amount of oxygen consumed by

the body per unit time. The product of

cardiac output and the difference

between the arterial and venous

oxygen concentration.

V.O2 = CO × (CaO2

– CvO2


where CvO2 = Hgb × SvO2 × 13.9

200–400 mL/minute

Coronary artery perfusion pressure


The pressure gradient between the

coronary arteries and the pressure in

either the right atrium or the left

ventricle during diastole. A major

determinant of coronary blood flow

and oxygen supply to the heart.


60–80 mm Hg

Pulmonary vascular resistance


Primary determinant of right

ventricular afterload.

PVR = [(MPAP – PCWP)/CO] × 74

20–120 dynes·s·cm−


Stroke volume (SV) Amount of blood ejected from the

ventricle with each systolic



60–130 mL/beat

Stroke volume index (SVI) Stroke volume adjusted for body

surface area (BSA



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