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The latter response is described as an anaphylactoid reaction because it resembles

true anaphylaxis, but it does not involve IgE-antibody formation.

27,91 The risk of such

potentially severe reactions needs to be considered when prescribing agents known

to be associated with anaphylactoid reactions. For example, the prophylactic use of

antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin to prevent meningococcal infections during an

outbreak was associated with a relatively high rate (1:1,000) of serious

anaphylactoid reactions.

92 This would be of potentially greater importance in the

setting of a mass prophylaxis program to combat exposure to anthrax. Unlike true

allergic reactions, which require an induction period during which a patient becomes

sensitized to an antigen, pseudoallergic reactions can occur on the first exposure to a

drug. The development of pseudoallergic reactions can be dose related, manifesting

when large doses of the drug are administered, when the dose is increased, or when

the rate of IV administration is increased.


C.C. has experienced a common pseudoallergic reaction to vancomycin, usually

referred to as the “red man syndrome” or “red neck syndrome,” which primarily

occurs when large doses of vancomycin are administered rapidly. Differentiating

between a true allergic response and a pseudoallergic response can be difficult

because the signs and symptoms can be indistinguishable. For example, each of the

symptoms experienced by C.C. (flushing, tachycardia, pruritus, and hypotension) is

caused by histamine release and can occur during an anaphylactic episode (see Case

32-2, Question 2). To conclusively determine the cause of the reaction would require

immunologic testing for antibodies to the suspect drug or agent, which is not always

possible or practical. In this case, C.C. had uneventfully received vancomycin

previously and has tolerated five doses during this hospitalization; therefore, it is

unlikely that the reaction is immunologically mediated (i.e., a true allergic reaction).

Furthermore, the reaction occurred after an increase in his vancomycin dose, which

further supports the diagnosis of a pseudoallergic reaction.

CASE 32-6, QUESTION 2: Why did vancomycin cause a pseudoallergic reaction in C.C.?

Pseudoallergic reactions from vancomycin occur because of a drug-induced

histamine release that occurs through an as yet unknown pathway. Direct druginduced release of histamine does not involve complement activation or IgE-antibody

formation. Several other drugs (e.g., deferoxamine, opiates, pentamidine,

phytonadione protamine, radiocontrast media) are known to directly stimulate

histamine release.


Some drugs (e.g., radiocontrast media and protamine) cause pseudoallergic

reactions via both complement activation and direct-histamine release mechanisms.

Furthermore, some drugs (e.g., vancomycin, quaternary ammonium muscle relaxants,

and ciprofloxacin) can cause both true allergic reactions and pseudoallergic



Table 32-9

Hypersensitivity Reactions to Drugs: Pseudoallergic Reactions

Frequency Highly variable, depending on the agent involved. For example, up to 30% of

patients taking aspirin exhibit a cutaneous pseudoallergic response. On the

other hand, pseudoallergic reactions to other agents, such as phytonadione and

thiamine, are rare.

Clinical manifestations Range from benign reactions (e.g., pruritus and flushing) to a life-threatening

clinicalsyndrome indistinguishable from anaphylaxis. Commonly require a

higher drug dose to elicit the response than a true IgE-mediated reaction. May

arise less quickly (>15 minutes after exposure) than true allergic reaction.

Diagnostic workup Skin tests and identification of specific antibodies are negative.

Treatment Pseudoallergic reactions are treated the same as true allergic reactions (i.e.,

according to the clinical presentations of the patient). Thus, some reactions

simply may require removal of the suspect agent, whereas some anaphylactoid

reactions may require aggressive therapy (e.g., epinephrine, antihistamines,

and corticosteroids).

Prognosis As with true allergic reactions, patients who have experienced a

pseudoallergic drug reaction may have a similar reaction on reexposure. The

severity of response may lessen, however, with repeated administration.

Furthermore, for some drugs, the frequency and severity of the reaction also

may be influenced by the dose or rate of intravenous administration.

Pretreatment regimens to reduce the frequency and the severity of responses

have been developed for some drugs well known to cause pseudoallergic

reactions (e.g., radiocontrast media).

Source: Pichler WJ et al. Drug hypersensitivity reactions: pathomechanism and clinical symptoms. Med Clin North

Am. 2010;94:645; Schnyder B. Approach to the patient with drug allergy. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am.

2009;29:405; Sanchez-Borges M. NSAID hypersensitivity (respiratory, cutaneous, and generalized anaphylactic

symptoms). Med Clin North Am. 2010;94:853.

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CASE 32-6, QUESTION 3: How should C.C.’s pseudoallergic reaction be treated? Does treatment of

pseudoallergic reactions differ from that of true allergic reactions?

The first step in treating C.C.’s reaction is to eliminate the underlying cause. Thus,

his vancomycin infusion should be held until the reaction resolves. Because the

reaction is histamine-mediated, administration of an antihistamine such as

diphenhydramine 50 mg IV is warranted. Observation of his BP and heart rate is

mandatory. Intravenous fluids should be administered if his BP continues to fall or

fails to stabilize. Patients with allergic reactions should be treated based on their

clinical signs and symptoms, regardless of the mechanism behind the reaction. Thus,

for all intents and purposes, pseudoallergic reactions are treated in the same manner

as true allergic reactions.

CASE 32-6, QUESTION 4: Can C.C. continue to receive vancomycin? How can future reactions be


It is not necessary to discontinue vancomycin therapy in C.C. This reaction can be

prevented by administering smaller doses of the drug more frequently (e.g., 1,000 mg

every 8 hours rather than 1,500 mg every 12 hours) or infusing the dose for a longer

interval, typically 2 hours. Alternatively, pretreatment with an antihistamine 1 hour

before vancomycin administration is effective. In addition, tachyphylaxis to

vancomycin-induced red man syndrome is independent of pretreatment with

antihistamine and is another characteristic that differentiates a pseudoallergic

reaction from a true allergic reaction. Pretreatment regimens to prevent

pseudoallergic reactions to various other drugs (e.g., radiocontrast media) are also

well described and can be effective.

CASE 32-6, QUESTION 5: What other drugs are commonly associated with pseudoallergic reactions?

Many other agents have been associated with pseudoallergic reactions.

7 Some of

the agents more commonly associated with pseudoallergic reactions are described


Aspirin/Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

After penicillins, aspirin is the drug most commonly reported as causing “allergic”

reactions. Reactions to aspirin can be divided into three broad categories:

respiratory reactions, cutaneous manifestations, and anaphylaxis. None of these

reactions has been consistently associated with IgE.



The prevalence of bronchospasm with rhinoconjunctivitis is 0% to 28% in children

with aspirin sensitivity. In adult asthmatics, the prevalence of aspirin sensitivity

ranges from 5% to 20%. The prevalence of aspirin sensitivity during aspirin

challenge in adult asthmatics with a history of aspirin-induced respiratory reaction

ranges from 66% to 97%.

94 Symptoms usually occur within 30 minutes to 3 hours of

ingestion. The triad seen in many sensitive patients is aspirin sensitivity, nasal

polyps, and asthma. All potent inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase can cause respiratory

symptoms in aspirin-sensitive patients. Thus, patients who react to aspirin should be

considered sensitive to NSAIDs, and vice versa. Weak cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors,

such as acetaminophen, choline magnesium salicylate, salicylamide, salsalate, and

sodium salicylate, are generally well tolerated in patients with aspirin sensitivity.



The prevalence of cutaneous reactions to aspirin depends on the type of reaction and

the population studied. For example, urticaria-angioedema occurs in 0.5% of

children, 3.8% of the general adult population, and in 21% to 30% of patients with a

history of chronic urticaria. Disease activity at the time of aspirin challenge plays an

important role in those with a history of chronic urticaria. In one study, 70% of

patients whose urticaria was active at the time of challenge reacted to aspirin,

compared with only 6.6% of patients whose urticaria was not active at the time of

challenge. Furthermore, aspirin or NSAID may aggravate preexisting urticaria.


Other dermatologic reactions to aspirin occur with less frequency; for example,

eczema, purpura, and erythema multiforme occur in 2.4%, 1.5%, and 1% of the

population, respectively.


The true prevalence of aspirin-induced or NSAID-induced anaphylaxis is unknown,

but it may range from 0.07% of the general population to 10% of patients with

anaphylactic symptoms. Although IgE is not consistently associated with aspirin or

NSAID-related reactions (including anaphylaxis), aspirin-induced or NSAIDinduced anaphylaxis shares three characteristics with immune-mediated anaphylaxis

that point to IgE as a cause. First, the reaction occurs after two or more exposures to

the offending agent, suggesting that preformed IgE antibodies are responsible.

Second, patients do not have underlying nasal polyposis, asthma, or urticaria. Third,

the patient who reacts to aspirin or a single NSAID can tolerate a chemically

unrelated NSAID, suggesting that a drug-specific IgE antibody has been formed.


The NSAIDs that selectively inhibit cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) while sparing

cyclo-oxygenase-1 (COX-1) include celecoxib, rofecoxib, and valdecoxib, among

others. Celecoxib is the only COX-2 inhibitor currently marketed in the United

States. Selective inhibition of COX-2 provides anti-inflammatory effects while

minimizing the renal effects, GI toxicity, and antiplatelet effects seen with inhibition

of COX-1. Aspirin and older NSAIDs are nonselective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase, inhibiting both COX-1 and COX-2. Anaphylactoid or hypersensitivity

reactions have been reported with celecoxib, and it appears that the rate of

hypersensitivity is comparable to that of traditional NSAIDs.

96 Notably, celecoxib

prescribing information states that, as with any NSAID, use is contraindicated in

patients who have experienced asthma, urticaria, or allergic-type reactions after

taking aspirin or other NSAIDs. Several reports, however, describe successful

administration of celecoxib and other COX-2 selective agents to patients with

aspirin-sensitive asthma or a history of hypersensitivity reactions to traditional

NSAIDs, and evidence suggests that inhibition of COX-1 rather than COX-2 is key to

initiating these events.

97–100 Nevertheless, COX-2 selective agents can still elicit

allergic responses by other means (e.g., IgE-mediated hypersensitivity). Thus,

appropriate precautions and monitoring should be followed when initiating therapy in

any patient with a history of allergic reactions to aspirin or other NSAIDs.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and

Angiotensin II–Receptor Blockers

CASE 32-7

QUESTION 1: K.J., a 48-year-old woman, seeks care at an urgent care center. She presents with impaired

speech but is able to swallow; she has red and swollen lips and tongue, and puffy eyes. Her

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p. 695

medical history includes hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and a new diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia (plasma

cholesterol, 290 mg/dL). Although her BP had been well controlled on hydrochlorothiazide, her diuretic was

discontinued about 3 weeks ago because of its effect on cholesterol, and enalapril 5 mg daily was started. K.J.

also takes a multivitamin (one tablet each day) and warfarin (5 mg daily). Her physical examination shows BP,

130/87 mm Hg; heart rate, 70 beats/minute; lungs clear to auscultation and percussion; respirations, 12

breaths/minute; and skin without rash or urticaria. Her condition is attributed to angioedema induced by

enalapril. What is angioedema, and what evidence supports this diagnosis? What is the mechanism behind


Angioedema refers to a localized, transient swelling of the deep skin layers or the

upper respiratory or gastrointestinal mucosa. Angioedema commonly manifests as

localized erythematous edema, involving the tongue, lips, eyelids, and mucous

membranes of the mouth, nose, and throat. However, in rare cases it can occur in the

lower gastrointestinal tract. Angioedema can be caused by a variety of mechanisms

involving complement, histamine, substance P, and bradykinin that can be hereditary,

immunologically acquired, or pharmacologic. ACE inhibitors are the most common

pharmacologic cause and have been associated with this adverse effect in about

0.1% to 0.7% of individuals treated with this drug class and account for up to 60% of

cases of angioedema that present to emergency departments.

101 The reaction is not

dose-related and occurs with all ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibition causes

accumulation of excess bradykinin leading to capillary leakage. Bradykinin receptor

B2 is a G-protein– coupled receptor found in blood vessels and encoded by the

BDKRB2 gene in humans.

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