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G.B.’s mild acidosis should be treated with a goal of normalizing the plasma

bicarbonate concentration or at least achieving bicarbonate levels of at least 22

mEq/L. Treatment includes use of preparations containing sodium bicarbonate or

sodium citrate. Each 650-mg tablet of sodium bicarbonate provides 8 mEq of sodium

and 8 mEq of bicarbonate. Shohl’s solution and Bicitra contain 1 mEq of sodium and

the amount of citrate or citric acid to provide 1 mEq of bicarbonate/mL. These latter

agents may be used in patients who experience excessive GI distress with sodium

bicarbonate because of production and elimination of carbon dioxide. If a patient

such as G.B. is sodium and fluid overloaded, it is important to consider that sodium

bicarbonate can exacerbate this problem. Polycitra, or potassium citrate, is a

possible alternative; however, the potassium content limits its use in patients with

more severe kidney disease. Citrate also promotes aluminum absorption and should

not be used in patients taking aluminum-containing agents. The amount of bicarbonate

supplementation to achieve a bicarbonate of 22 mEq/L can range from 0.3 to 1


89–91 Typical starting regimens can be two to four 650mg sodium

bicarbonate tablets/days (divided into two to three doses). Afterwards, doses should

be titrated to desired bicarbonate levels. Equations based on the serum bicarbonate

level are available if an immediate correction of the metabolic acidosis is



Once dialysis therapy is initiated in patients with kidney disease, IV and oral

supplementation with bicarbonate or citrate or citric acid preparations is generally

not required. At this point, dialysis therapy is used to chronically manage metabolic

acidosis through use of dialysate baths containing bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is added

to the dialysate solution and is delivered through the process of diffusion from the

dialysate bath into the plasma (see Chapter 30, Renal Dialysis). If dialysis therapy is

initiated in G.B., the continued need for oral bicarbonate supplementation should be


Other Electrolyte and Metabolic Disturbances of

Chronic Kidney Disease

CASE 28-1, QUESTION 9: What other electrolyte and metabolic disturbances are exhibited by G.B.?

G.B.’s hyperphosphatemia is a result of decreased phosphorus elimination by the

kidneys (see Case 28-3, Question 2, for a more detailed discussion of

hyperphosphatemia). The KDIGO guidelines for Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention,

and Treatment of CKD Mineral and Bone Disorder recommend reducing dietary

phosphorus to 800 to 1,000 mg/day while maintaining adequate nutritional needs.


Phosphorus-containing laxatives and enemas should also be avoided.

Hyperphosphatemia is associated with low serum calcium concentrations.

The mild degree of hypermagnesemia seen in G.B. is a common finding in patients

with CKD owing to decreased elimination of magnesium by the kidney. Magnesium

is eliminated by the kidney to the extent required to achieve normal serum magnesium

concentrations until eGFR is less than 30 mL/minute/1.73 m2

. Serum magnesium

concentrations less than 4 mEq/L rarely cause symptoms. Higher concentrations can

lead to nausea, vomiting, lethargy, confusion, and diminished tendon reflexes,

whereas severe hypermagnesemia may depress cardiac conduction. The risk of

hypermagnesemia can be reduced by avoiding magnesium-containing antacids and

laxatives and by use of a magnesium-free dialysate in patients with CKD 5D.

G.B. also has mild hyperuricemia. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia frequently

develops in patients with kidney disease owing to diminished urinary excretion of

uric acid. In the absence of a history of gout or urate nephropathy, asymptomatic

hyperuricemia does not require treatment.


CASE 28-1, QUESTION 10: What findings in G.B. are consistent with the diagnosis of anemia of CKD, and

what is the etiology of this disorder?

G.B.’s hemoglobin of 9.3 g/dL is substantially lower than the normal range for

premenopausal females, indicating that she has anemia. Her normal RBC indices

suggest her red cells are of normal size, but the absence of an elevated reticulocyte

count suggests an impaired bone marrow response for her degree of anemia. Her

recent history of peptic ulcer disease may also have contributed to the observed drop

in hemoglobin as a result of blood loss. Her complaint of general malaise is

consistent with the symptoms of anemia.

p. 611

p. 612

Characteristics and Etiology

Anemia, which affects most patients with CKD, is caused by a decreased production

of EPO, a glycoprotein that stimulates RBC production in the bone marrow and is

released in response to hypoxia. Approximately 90% of the total EPO is produced in

the peritubular cells of the kidney; the remainder is produced by the liver. EPO

concentrations in patients with kidney failure are lower than in individuals with

normal kidney function who have the same degree of anemia and the same stimulus

for EPO production and release.


Anemia appears as early as CKD 3 and is characterized by normochromic (normal

color) and normocytic (normal size) RBCs unless a concomitant iron, folate, or

vitamin B12 deficiency exists. A direct correlation between eGFR and hematocrit has

been demonstrated, with a 3.1% decrease in hematocrit for every 10 mL/minute/1.73

m2 decline in eGFR.

94 A higher prevalence of anemia occurs in the population with

an eGFR less than 60 mL/minute/1.73 m2


1 Pallor and fatigue are the earliest clinical

signs, with other manifestations developing as anemia progresses with declining

kidney function. A significant consequence of anemia is development of left

ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), further contributing to cardiovascular complications

and mortality in patients with CKD. LVH has been observed in approximately 30%

of patients with eGFR 50 to 75 mL/minute/1.73 m2

(CKD 2 and 3) and in up to 74%

of patients at the start of dialysis.

95 These findings support the need for early and

aggressive treatment of anemia of CKD before the development of CKD 5.

A complete workup for anemia of CKD is recommended for patients with an

eGFR of less than 60 mL/minute/1.73 m2


93 This workup includes a complete blood

count including hemoglobin, assessment of iron indices with correction if iron

deficiency is present, and evaluation for sources of blood loss, such as bleeding from

the GI tract. This workup should be done at least twice per year for the stage of CKD

because of the association between anemia and the progressive decline in eGFR.



Iron deficiency substantially contributes to anemia development and is the primary

cause of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA) hyporesponsiveness; thus, iron status

assessment is essential before considering or initiating erythropoietic therapy. The

two tests that best evaluate iron status are the transferrin saturation percent (TSAT)

and serum ferritin.

93 Transferrin is a carrier protein, and its concentration depends on

nutritional status. The TSAT indicates the saturation of the protein transferrin with

iron and is determined as follows (Eq. 28-6):

where TIBC is the total iron-binding capacity of the transferrin protein. The TSAT is

considered iron readily available for RBC production. Serum ferritin is a marker for

iron reserves, which are stored primarily in the reticuloendothelial system (e.g.,

liver, spleen). The goal of iron replacement therapy is to maintain the TSAT greater

than 30% and a serum ferritin greater than 500 ng/mL for CKD to provide sufficient

iron for erythrocyte production. Values below these targets are indicative of absolute

iron deficiency. A functional iron deficiency may exist when ferritin is greater than

500 ng/mL, TSAT is less than 20%, and anemia persists despite appropriate ESA

therapy. In these cases, iron supplementation may lead to improved erythropoiesis.

Other tests, including the percentage of hypochromic RBCs, reticulocyte hemoglobin

content, serum transferrin receptor, RBC ferritin, and zinc protoporphyrin, have been

proposed as indicators of iron status.

93 Although some of these markers have

demonstrated predictive value in assessing iron status, either alone or in conjunction

with other laboratory data, further investigation is warranted to determine their utility

and to make such testing procedures readily available.

The availability of recombinant human EPO to directly stimulate erythrocyte

production revolutionized the treatment of CKD-associated anemia. However, iron

deficiency is the leading cause of ESA hyporesponsiveness and must be corrected

before ESA therapy is initiated. Iron deficiency can develop as a result of increased

requirements for RBC production with ESA administration and from chronic blood

loss owing to bleeding or HD. Identification and management of iron deficiency

through regular follow-up testing and iron supplementation is essential for adequate

RBC production (see Case 28-1, Question 12, for Iron Therapy, and also Chapter 92,



Other factors that contribute to anemia include a shortened RBC life span

secondary to uremia, blood loss from frequent phlebotomy and HD, GI bleeding,

severe hyperparathyroidism, protein malnutrition, aluminum accumulation, severe

infections, and inflammatory conditions.

93 Substances present in the plasma of

patients with CKD, collectively termed uremic toxins, may inhibit the production of

EPO, the bone marrow response to EPO, and the synthesis of heme. The negative

effects of these substances on RBC production are supported by improvement in

erythropoiesis with dialysis, which removes these uremic toxins. This uremic

environment also causes a decrease in the RBC life span, from a normal life span of

120 days to approximately 60 days in patients with severe CKD. A shortened RBC

life span has been observed in uremic patients transfused with RBCs from

individuals with normal kidney function, whereas RBCs from uremic individuals

maintain a normal survival time when transfused into patients without kidney failure.

Blood loss also contributes to anemia of CKD, particularly in patients requiring

HD. With each HD session, generally performed 3 times a week, blood loss occurs.

In addition, these patients are usually administered heparin during dialysis or

antiplatelet drugs to prevent vascular access clotting, which further increases the risk

of bleeding. Although a stool guaiac test was not performed in G.B., many patients

with uremia and CKD will have a positive guaiac reaction because of the risk of

bleeding from uremia itself. G.B. also has a peptic ulcer, which increases her

potential for blood loss.

Other deficiencies can contribute to anemia of CKD. Deficiency of folic acid, as

evidenced by low serum folate concentrations and macrocytosis, is relatively

uncommon in patients with early kidney disease, but occurs most often in patients on

dialysis because folic acid is removed by dialysis. Therefore, the daily prophylactic

administration of the water-soluble vitamins, including 1 mg of folic acid, is

recommended. Routine use of fat-soluble vitamin A is discouraged, because

hypervitaminosis A may develop, contributing to anemia.

93 Several multivitamin

preparations devoid of vitamin A (e.g., Nephrocaps) are available for patients with

kidney failure. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6

) deficiency can also occur in both dialyzed

and nondialyzed patients with CKD. Significant similarities are seen between this

deficiency and the symptoms of uremia, which include skin hyperpigmentation and

peripheral neuropathy. Current multivitamin products for patients with CKD 5D

contain adequate amounts of pyridoxine to prevent deficiency.

Goals of Therapy

CASE 28-1, QUESTION 11: What are the goals of therapy for anemia of CKD in G.B.?

p. 612

p. 613


Normalization of hemoglobin (i.e., ≥13 g/dL) in CKD should be avoided. In early

2007, an FDA-mandated black box warning was added to the safety labeling for all

ESA products, which states that use of ESA therapy may increase the risk for death

and for serious cardiovascular events when administered to achieve a hemoglobin

greater than 12 g/dL. This came as a result of four completed cancer trials that

evaluated new dosing regimens, use of ESA in a new patient population, and use of

new unapproved ESA. Three trials have evaluated the efficacy and safety of

hemoglobin targets in patients with CKD not on HD. In each study, the higher target

hemoglobin groups (hemoglobin ≥13 g/dL) experienced increased cardiovascular

events, stroke, or mortality rates; thus, observing these black box warnings in CKD is


96–98 Partial correction of anemia to approximately 11 g/dL is considered

to offer improvements in quality of life, reduction in hospitalizations, and

improvement in LVH.


It is at these targets that benefits such as increased

survival, exercise capacity, quality of life, cardiac output, cognitive function, and

decreased risk of LVH were observed in the CKD population. The KDIGO Clinical

Practice Guideline for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease recommends a target

hemoglobin of up to 11.5 g/dL.

93 Furthermore, for non-dialysis CKD patients with a

hemoglobin <10.0 g/dL, the decision to start ESA therapy is based on the rate of fall

of the hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin, rather than hematocrit, should be used to evaluate anemia in this

population for several reasons. Hematocrit is dependent on volume status, which can

be problematic for patients with fluctuations in plasma water (e.g., dialysis, volume

overload). In addition, a number of variables can affect the hematocrit value

including temperature, hyperglycemia, the size of the RBC, and the counters used for

the test. These variables do not significantly affect hemoglobin, making it the

preferred test for anemia.


G.B.’s iron status should be evaluated first, and corrected if necessary. If

achieving an adequate iron status does not improve anemia management, ESA therapy

may be started (see Treatment section, and also Chapter 92, Anemias).


CASE 28-1, QUESTION 12: Describe the options available to treat anemia of CKD and achieve the goals of

ASE 28-1, QUESTION 12: Describe the options available to treat anemia of CKD and achieve the goals of

therapy in G.B.


Before initiating ESA therapy, G.B.’s iron indices should be determined. If G.B. is

iron deficient, as indicated by the TSAT and serum ferritin and other supporting

laboratory data (see Chapter 92, Anemias), supplemental iron therapy should be

administered. If iron deficiency is the cause of anemia, G.B. may benefit from iron

supplementation alone (i.e., without erythropoietic therapy) to increase hemoglobin.

Peptic ulcer disease will need to be evaluated as a source of blood loss. Given the

poor bioavailability of oral iron and patient noncompliance, oral iron is usually

inadequate for repletion of iron in patients receiving HD who experience chronic

blood loss.

102 For the population with early CKD and for patients receiving PD, an

initial trial of oral iron may correct the deficiency because these patients do not have

the same degree of blood loss. However, IV therapy will be required to replenish

iron and meet the increased demands once erythropoiesis is stimulated with ESA

therapy. Administration of IV iron requires IV access and frequent outpatient visits,

which are drawbacks to therapy with IV iron in CKD 3 and 4. A trial examined an

accelerated dosing regimen (500 mg given on two consecutive days) of IV iron

sucrose to address these issues. This regimen was adequate to restore iron stores

with only two patients experiencing hypotension related to iron therapy.

103 However,

IV iron sucrose given 200 mg every 2 weeks for a total 1 g repletion in CKD 3 and 4

was associated with increased risk of cardiovascular causes and infectious diseases

compared to oral ferrous sulfate.


Common infusion-related effects associated with IV iron include hypotension,

myalgias, and arthralgias. Despite the controversy about the best strategy for iron

supplementation in patients with early CKD, current recommendations support

reserving IV iron for patients in whom oral iron has failed.

93 Therefore, a trial of oral

iron is reasonable for G.B. Oral iron supplementation with 200 mg/day of elemental

iron should be started to address iron deficiency, if present, and this regimen should

be continued to maintain sufficient iron status while receiving ESA therapy. Many

oral iron preparations are available, and their iron content varies as will the number

of tablets or capsules that must be taken per day to provide the required elemental

iron (Table 28-8). Some oral formulations include ascorbic acid to enhance iron

absorption. A heme iron product, Proferrin-ES, has recently been approved. Heme

iron is more readily absorbed; however, a large number of tablets are required to

supply the required 200 mg of elemental iron (Table 28-8). G.B. should be advised

to take oral iron on an empty stomach to maximize absorption, unless side effects

prevent this strategy. She also should be counseled on potential drug interactions

with oral iron (e.g., antacids, quinolones) and GI side effects (e.g., nausea,

abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dark stools). Noncompliance with therapy as

a result of side effects is a common cause of therapeutic failure with oral iron. An

acidic environment is needed for adequate iron absorption, and acid-suppression

therapies (e.g., proton-pump inhibitors) may limit the absorption of oral iron. Oral

iron is a mucosal toxin, and her previous history of peptic ulcer disease requires

caution with the use of oral iron.

Table 28-8

Oral Iron Preparations

Preparation Common Brand Names

Commonly Prescribed

Unit Size (Amount

Elemental Iron in mg)


Number of Units/Day to

Yield 200 mg

Elemental Iron

Ferrous sulfate Slow FE, Fer-In-Sol 325 (65) 3 tablets

Ferrous gluconate Feratab 325 (36) 5 tablets

Ferrous fumarate Femiron, Feostat 200 (66) 3 capsules

Iron polysaccharide Niferex, Nu-Iron 150 (150) 2 capsules

Heme iron polypeptide Proferrin-ES 12 (12) 17 tablets

Carbonyl Iron Fesol 45 (45) 4 tablets

aUnit size reflects common tablet or capsule sizes prescribed and not necessarily that of the brand names listed.

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