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Although desensitization with an appropriate cephalosporin is a potential option

for J.A. (see Case 32-9, Question 1), her infection is not life-threatening, and the

organism is probably sensitive to another antimicrobial agents. In this case, it would

be prudent to treat J.A. with a non–β-lactam antibiotic. If J.A.’s skin tests to

cephalosporin were undertaken, and had been negative, she could receive a

cephalosporin despite her positive history beginning with a cautiously administered




small (i.e., “test”) initial dose.



Drug allergies can be grouped into three categories: generalized reactions, organspecific reactions, and pseudoallergic reactions. Generalized reactions involve

multiple organ systems and variable clinical manifestations. Anaphylactic reactions,

serum sickness reactions, drug-induced fever, hypersensitivity vasculitis, druginduced vasculitis, and autoimmune drug reactions are the generalized drug reactions

presented in this chapter.


CASE 32-2

QUESTION 1: L.P., an 85-kg, 29-year-old man, presents to the emergency department with a chief complaint

of a cat bite to the forearm 2 days prior. Physical examination reveals a man in moderate distress with multiple

puncture wounds on the volar aspect of the right arm. The area surrounding the wounds is swollen,

erythematous, and tender to the touch. L.P.’s history is notable for exercise-induced asthma, controlled with an

albuterol metered-dose inhaler as needed, and a history of a laparoscopic appendectomy 3 years prior. He has

no known allergies. The wound is cleansed with a germicidal soap and 3 g ampicillin/sulbactam is started

intravenously. Three minutes after starting the ampicillin/sulbactam, L.P. notes tingling and pruritus of both his

hands and feet, and appears flushed. One minute later he complains of light-headedness, difficulty breathing,

and a lump in his throat. His vital signs at this time are blood pressure (BP) 100/60 mm Hg (normal, 125/85),

heart rate 70 beats/minute (normal, 60), and respiratory rate 27 breaths/minute (normal, 12). Chest auscultation

reveals restricted airflow and stridor. Anaphylaxis is the diagnosis and emergency treatment is started. What

subjective and objective evidence support the diagnosis of anaphylaxis in L.P.?

Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that has a rapid onset and can cause


48 The diagnosis is considered probable if one of three clinical criteria are




an acute onset of a reaction (minutes to hours) with involvement of the skin,

mucosal tissue, or both, and at least one of the following:

respiratory compromise

reduced blood pressure or symptoms of end-organ dysfunction

two or more of the following that occur rapidly after exposure to a likely allergen

for that patient:

involvement of the skin/mucosal tissue

respiratory compromise

reduced blood pressure or associated symptoms

persistent gastrointestinal symptoms

reduced blood pressure, after exposure to a known allergen

Anaphylaxis results from the rapid release of immunologic mediators from tissue

mast cells and peripheral blood basophils.

The symptoms of anaphylaxis vary widely, depending on the route of exposure,

rate of exposure, and dose of allergen.

30 Symptoms often begin within minutes of

exposure, as in L.P., and most reactions occur within 1 hour. On rare occasions,

anaphylaxis can appear several hours after exposure, and late phase or biphasic

attacks have occurred 1 to 72 hours after the initial attack (most commonly within 8

hours). In general, the severity of the anaphylaxis is directly proportional to the speed

of onset. L.P. displays symptoms in many of the organs commonly involved in

anaphylaxis. Although almost any organ system can be affected, the cutaneous,

gastrointestinal (GI), respiratory, and cardiovascular systems are involved most

frequently, either singly or in combination.

30 These “shock organs” contain the largest

number of mast cells and are the most highly affected.

L.P. exhibits erythema (flushed appearance) and complains of pruritus of his hands

and feet, both common initial symptoms of anaphylaxis; the groin is also commonly

affected. These symptoms can progress to urticaria and angioedema, especially of the

palms, soles, periorbital tissue, and mucous membranes. L.P. describes the early

manifestations of angioedema (laryngeal edema) with complaints of a lump in his

throat (this may also be described as throat tightness or constriction by some


The upper and lower respiratory tracts can also be involved during an

anaphylactic event. L.P. exhibits stridor, indicating upper airway involvement.

Hoarseness is another sign of upper respiratory tract involvement. In addition, L.P. is

tachypneic with poor airflow, suggesting his lower airway also is affected. L.P. does

not display wheezing or acute emphysema, which are further clues of lower airway

involvement. Respiratory symptoms can lead to suffocation and death. In one autopsy

series, laryngeal edema accounted for 25% of the fatalities and acute emphysema for

another 25% of the deaths.

50 Cardiovascular symptoms also are ominous.

Cardiovascular collapse and hypotensive shock (anaphylactic shock) are caused by

peripheral vasodilation, enhanced vascular permeability, leakage of plasma, low

cardiac output, and intravascular volume depletion. Thus, hypotension, as seen with

L.P., is a common cardiac manifestation. Tachycardia also commonly occurs in

patients with cardiac complications of anaphylaxis. L.P. does not show a significant

increase in heart rate; however, he is taking the β-blocker atenolol. Other cardiac

manifestations of anaphylaxis include a direct cardiodepressant effect and various

electrocardiographic changes, including arrhythmias and ischemia.

Although not demonstrated by L.P., common GI manifestations such as abdominal

cramping, diarrhea (which can be bloody), nausea, and vomiting are also manifested

during an anaphylactic reaction.


In summary, L.P.’s rapid onset and progression of

symptoms involving multiple organ systems (i.e., cutaneous, respiratory, and

cardiovascular systems) are consistent with an anaphylactic reaction. L.P.’s

anaphylaxis is a severe reaction given its speed of onset, the number of organ systems

involved, and the degree of involvement. In particular, his respiratory and

cardiovascular symptoms indicate a potentially life-threatening reaction.

CASE 32-2, QUESTION 2: What is the mechanism behind anaphylaxis and what is the likely cause of L.P.’s

anaphylactic event?

Anaphylaxis occurs through one of three mechanisms.


In the first type of reaction,

exposure to a foreign protein, either in its native state or as a hapten conjugated to a

carrier protein, causes IgE-antibody formation. The IgE antibodies then bind to

receptors on mast cells and basophils. On reexposure, the antigen stimulates cellular

degranulation through both antigen-IgE antibody formation and cross-linking, which

result in massive

p. 686

p. 687

release of preformed immunologic mediators from the mast cells and basophils.

Histamine is the major mediator of anaphylaxis and the primary preformed cellular

constituent. Histamine has multiple effects and is likely responsible for vasodilation,

urticaria, angioedema, hypotension, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and changes in

coronary flow.

30 Leukotrienes (e.g., leukotrienes C4 and D, also known as slowreacting substance of anaphylaxis), platelet activating factor, and prostaglandins are

generated rapidly as a result of cellular degranulation, and other mediators of

anaphylaxis (e.g., tryptase, chymase, carboxypeptidase A, tumor necrosis factor, and

other cytokines and chemokines) are released as well.

30 Anaphylactic reactions to

Hymenoptera venom (e.g., bee stings), insulin, streptokinase, penicillins,

cephalosporins, local anesthetics, and sulfonamides occur through this IgE-mediated


Anaphylaxis also can occur via the formation of immune complexes that activate

the complement system and the subsequent formation of anaphylatoxins C3a, C4a, and

C5a. Such anaphylatoxins can directly stimulate mast cell and basophil degranulation

and mediator release. In 2008, cases resembling anaphylaxis in patients receiving

heparin, particularly those also undergoing dialysis, were reported with almost 100

deaths occurring internationally. The culprit was found to be a contaminant

(oversulfated chondroitin sulfate) that caused symptoms by this mechanism.


The third mechanism by which substances, such as radiocontrast media and other

hyperosmolar agents, can cause anaphylaxis is by the direct stimulation of mediator

release (primarily histamine). The pathway by which this occurs is as yet unknown,

but it is independent of IgE and complement.

Additionally, when no distinct mechanism can be associated with an anaphylactic

event, the term idiopathic anaphylaxis is applied.


Foods, insect stings, and drugs are the most common causes of anaphylaxis.


Antibiotics (particularly β-lactams and fluoroquinolones), nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), neuromuscular blocking agents, radiocontrast media,

chemotherapeutic agents, and monoclonal antibodies are the most common causes of

drug-induced anaphylaxis. L.P.’s anaphylactic episode most likely is related to the

first mechanism (i.e., IgE-antibody formation). L.P. is receiving a drug from a class

of antibiotics well known to cause anaphylaxis. Specifically, L.P. may have received

a prophylactic β-lactam antibiotic prior to his appendectomy, a standard of practice.

Exposure to the antibiotic at that time stimulated IgE-antibody formation. After

exposure to the β-lactam ampicillin/sulbactam in the emergency department,

antibody–antigen complexes were formed, resulting in cellular degranulation and

anaphylaxis. The temporal relationship of L.P.’s anaphylactic reaction to the

administration of the antibiotic also strongly implicates ampicillin/sulbactam as the

precipitating agent. Furthermore, L.P. was not exposed to agents known to cause

anaphylaxis by one of the other known mechanisms. A review of L.P.’s surgical

records is necessary to confirm his prior exposure to a sensitizing antibiotic.

CASE 32-2, QUESTION 3: Given L.P.’s signs and symptoms and the presumed cause of his anaphylactic

reaction, how should he be treated?

Effective management of anaphylaxis requires quick recognition and aggressive

therapeutic intervention because of the immediate life-threatening nature of the

reaction, as illustrated by L.P. The severity of the anaphylactic reaction must be

assessed quickly, the probable causative agent determined, the administration of the

offending substance discontinued, and the absorption of the offending agent

minimized if possible. Recent guidelines on the management of anaphylaxis list the

following treatments in order of importance: epinephrine, patient position, oxygen,

intravenous fluids, nebulized therapy, vasopressors, antihistamines, corticosteroids,

and other agents.

49 All of these interventions must be undertaken promptly and the

clinical status of the patient closely monitored. Vital signs, cardiac and pulmonary

function, oxygenation, cardiac output, and tissue perfusion in particular must be

immediately and continuously assessed.


Although not definitively known to be the cause, the infusion of

ampicillin/sulbactam should be stopped to prevent further exposure to the presumed

precipitating agent. Additionally, the forearm wounds should be flushed with normal

saline to remove any residual cleansing agent in the event that this is the cause of the


Pharmacologic treatment of anaphylaxis has traditionally involved several drugs

and drug classes such as epinephrine, antihistamines, and corticosteroids aimed at

reversing the clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis and interrupting the biological

pathways involved. Recent literature reviews, however, failed to find well-designed

and well-conducted randomized controlled trials to support the use of these


54–56 Recommendations for use are based on tradition, case reports, case series,

and expert opinion.

L.P. is showing early signs of anaphylactic shock that must be managed

immediately. Epinephrine is the drug of choice for the pharmacologic management of

anaphylaxis and all national and international anaphylaxis guidelines recommend

epinephrine as first-line treatment.

30,49,57 Studies have shown that failure to use

epinephrine early in anaphylaxis is a risk factor for a poor outcome. Use of standard

order sets and auto-injectors by emergency departments have been shown to increase

epinephrine utilization for anaphylactic patients.


The α-adrenergic effects of epinephrine increase systemic vascular resistance and

increase blood pressure while decreasing mucosal edema and relieving upper airway

obstruction, angioedema, and hives. These actions counter the vasodilating and

hypotensive effects of histamine and the other mediators of anaphylaxis. In addition,

the β-adrenergic effects of epinephrine promote bronchodilation and increase cardiac

rate and contractility. Epinephrine also inhibits the release of mediators from

basophils and mast cells.

The route of epinephrine administration is important. Most guidelines recommend

IM epinephrine, 0.01 mg/kg of a 1 mg/mL (1:1,000) solution to a maximum dose of

0.5 mg in an adult or 0.3 mg in a child injected into the lateral aspect of the thigh

every 5 to 10 minutes as needed.

58,59 Epinephrine doses should be expressed in mass

concentration (e.g., 1 mg in 1 mL) instead of ratios such as 1:1,000, which have been

confused with epinephrine concentrations used in cardiac arrest (1:10,000) and

caused dosing errors.

57 Epinephrine is vasodilatory in skeletal muscle and because

skeletal muscle is highly vascular absorption is rapid. While some guidelines

propose the subcutaneous route for epinephrine administration, subcutaneous tissue is

less vascular than skeletal muscle, thus there is less rapid absorption of epinephrine.

Additionally, epinephrine causes vasoconstriction in subcutaneous tissue, therefore

slowing its own absorption. Studies have shown that IM epinephrine injections into

the thigh achieve higher blood concentrations more rapidly than do subcutaneous or

IM injections into the arm in healthy subjects.

49 The rate and extent of absorption

from IM and subcutaneous routes of epinephrine administration, however, have not

been studied in patients experiencing anaphylaxis, and there is no evidence that

epinephrine is ineffective when given IM or subcutaneously into the arm.


Epinephrine should be administered via the IV route in cases of anaphylaxis that have

not responded to repeated doses of IM epinephrine and/or are progressing to shock,

or in cases

p. 687

p. 688

where cardiorespiratory arrest appears imminent. Low cardiac output and

intravascular volume depletion from shock decrease tissue perfusion and possibly the

absorption of subcutaneous or IM injections. In animal studies, the benefits of

intermittent IV boluses of epinephrine are short lived and a continuous infusion of

epinephrine provides optimal results.


In L.P.’s case, an initial dose of 0.5 mg of 1

mg/1 mL epinephrine solution should be injected IM into his lateral thigh. This

should be repeated every 5 minutes until symptoms improve.

Some evidence suggests poor outcomes in patients who are in an upright position

during anaphylactic shock.

60 Placing L.P. in the Trendelenburg position (patient

supine, inclined approximately 45 degrees with head at the lower end and legs at the

upper end) might improve survival by enhancing perfusion to vital organs. After

repositioning, oxygen should be started and normal saline infused at a rate sufficient

to maintain perfusion to vital organs. Normal saline is the preferred crystalloid

because it stays in the intravascular space longer than does dextrose and does not

contain lactate (e.g., Lactated Ringer’s solution), which could worsen metabolic

acidosis. Circulating blood volume can decrease by as much as 35% in the first 10

minutes of anaphylactic shock because of vasodilation and fluid shifting from the

intravascular to the extravascular space.

49 Therefore, vigorous fluid resuscitation

might be necessary (e.g., 1–2 L of normal saline at a rate of 5–10 mL/kg in the first 5

minutes). Cerebral perfusion, as evidenced by adequate mentation, must always take

precedence over BP readings when managing shock.

The effect of L.P.’s atenolol must also be considered. Patients taking a β-blocker,

whether cardioselective or not cardioselective, could experience more severe

episodes and more refractory episodes of anaphylaxis than patients not taking a βblocker. This effect might be caused by a blunted response to epinephrine when given

to treat anaphylaxis, resulting in refractory hypotension, bradycardia, and



If L.P.’s BP and heart rate do not substantially improve shortly after

initiating epinephrine, IV glucagon, which can stimulate heart rate and cardiac

contractility independent of β-adrenergic blockade, should be given (Table 32-5).

Airway protection is important because glucagon may cause emesis and there is a

risk of aspiration, especially in drowsy or obtunded patients. Methylene blue, through

its ability to reduce nitric oxide production (a known potent vasodilator) has been

found to be effective in a small number of cases of anaphylaxis with refractory


53,60 Other vasopressors such as dopamine (2–20 mcg/kg/minute) may be

needed to maintain blood pressure if there is poor response to epinephrine and

glucagon. Second-line treatment for anaphylaxis includes inhaled β-agonists, H1 and

H2 antihistamines, and corticosteroids. In light of L.P.’s severe pulmonary reaction,

he should receive a nebulized β-agonist (e.g., albuterol). If L.P.’s respiratory status

fails to improve after pharmacologic intervention, intubation must be considered.

Atenolol would not be expected to diminish the effect of albuterol because atenolol

is a β1 cardioselective β-blocker and the dose is low. Because histamine is the

primary mediator of anaphylaxis, IV administration of an H1 antihistamine such as

diphenhydramine (50 mg every 6 hours until the reaction resolves) should be

considered. Similarly, giving an H2 antihistamine is a common practice. Both

therapies present little acute risk to the patient, but as already noted, there are few

data supporting their efficacy in treating anaphylaxis.


Lastly, given the severity of his reaction and his pulmonary involvement, L.P. is a

candidate for IV corticosteroids. Methylprednisolone, 125 mg every 6 hours for four

doses, might be beneficial and is associated with minimal risk. Although commonly

used, corticosteroids will not affect the acute course of the reaction because of their

delayed onset of action (typically 4–6 hours after administration). Corticosteroids

may impact a prolonged episode of anaphylaxis and could prevent or minimize the

occurrence of a biphasic reaction, although this has not been proven in wellcontrolled trials. The effect of methylprednisolone on L.P.’s diabetes is not a factor

because his condition is potentially life-threatening. Once stabilized, L.P. should be

transferred to a critical care setting and monitored for a minimum of 24 hours

because relapses of the anaphylactic reaction can occur.


Serum Sickness

Serum sickness is a type III hypersensitivity reaction that results from the production

of antibodies directed against heterologous protein or drug haptens with subsequent

tissue deposition. The typical presentation of serum sickness includes fever,

cutaneous eruptions (95%), lymphadenopathy, and joint symptoms (10%–50%).


Symptoms usually occur 1 to 2 weeks after exposure, but accelerated reactions can

occur within 2 to 4 days in previously sensitized persons. Laboratory data are

relatively nonspecific and are of little diagnostic value. For example, the erythrocyte

sedimentation rate (ESR) and the serum concentration of circulating immune

complexes usually are increased. Complements C3 and C4 are often low, whereas

activation products C3a and C3a desarginine are elevated. Urinalysis might reveal

proteinuria, hematuria, or an occasional cast.


In most cases, serum sickness reactions are mild and self-limiting and resolve

within a few days to weeks after withdrawal of the inciting agent. Antihistamines and

aspirin can be used to relieve pruritus and arthralgias. In severe cases,

corticosteroids might be used and can be tapered during 10 to 14 days.

61–64 At one

time, heterologous serum (e.g., anti-thymocyte globulin made from rabbit or equine

serum) was a leading cause of serum sickness. With the decline in use of these

products, however, the most common causes of serum sickness today are penicillins

and cephalosporins, although biological agents such as rituximab, infliximab, and

natalizumab are increasingly associated with serum sickness.


Drug Fever

CASE 32-3

QUESTION 1: M.M., a 57-year-old ill-appearing woman, is hospitalized with a 3-day history of difficulty

breathing, left-sided chest pain on inspiration, fever, chills, and a productive cough. Her medical history is

significant only for hypertension, well controlled on hydrochlorothiazide; she has no known drug allergies.

M.M.’s physical findings on admission are temperature, 38°C; respirations, 20 breaths/minute; left-sided

crackles heard on auscultation; oxygen saturation 85% on room air; and heart rate, 85 beats/minute. A chest

radiograph reveals an infiltrate in her left lower lobe. Her white blood cell (WBC) count is 17,500 cells/μL with

the following differential:

Polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes (PMN), 83% (normal, 45%–79%)

Bands, 12% (normal, 0%–5%)

Lymphocytes, 10% (normal, 16%–47%)

Basophils, 0% (normal, 0%–1%)

Eosinophils, 1% (normal, 1%–2%)

Community-acquired pneumonia is the diagnosis, and M.M. is empirically started on ceftriaxone 1 g IV daily,

azithromycin 500 mg IV daily, and oxygen at 2 L/minute. Other medications include oral acetaminophen 325 mg

every 4 to 6 hours as needed for temperature greater than 38°C, oral famotidine 20 mg BID, and oral

hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg daily. Seventy-two hours later, M.M. is breathing without pain at a respiratory rate

of 12 breaths/minute, her lungs are clear to auscultation, and her oxygen saturation is 98% on room air. She

appears much better and offers no new complaints. Her temperature during the previous 48 hours has ranged

from 38.6°C to 40°C, her pulse has ranged from 90 to 100 beats/minute, and her WBC count is 22,000 with the

following differential: PMN, 89%; bands, 5%; lymphocytes, 12%; basophils, 0%; and eosinophils, 7%. Druginduced fever is considered. What evidence supports this diagnosis? What is the mechanism for drug fever?

p. 688

p. 689

Table 32-5

Drug Therapy of Anaphylaxis

Drug Indication Adult Dosage Complications

First-line Therapy

Epinephrine Hypotension,


laryngeal edema,



001 mg/kg to a maximum of 0.5 mg of a 1

mg/1 mL solution IM every 5 minutes PRN;

if progressing to cardiorespiratory arrest 1–

3 mL of 1:10,000 (0.1–0.3 mg) IV for 3




nervousness, tremor

1 mL of 1 mg/mL (1:1,000) in 250 mL of

normalsaline IV at a rate of 4–10


3–5 mL of 0.1 mg/mL (1:10,000)

intratracheally every 10–20 minutes PRN

Oxygen Hypoxemia 40%–100% None

Albuterol 0.5 mL of 0.5% solution in 2.5 mL of saline

via nebulizer (i.e., 2.5 mg)



nervousness, tremor

IV fluids Hypotension 1 L of normalsaline every 20–30 minutes

PRN (rates as high as 1–2 mL/kg/minute

may be necessary)

Pulmonary edema,


Second-line Therapy

Antihistamines Hypotension,






Diphenhydramine 25–50 mg IV over 10–15


Oral H1

antagonists may be used in less

severe cases.

Drowsiness, dry

mouth, urinary

retention; may

obscure symptoms

of continuing






Ranitidine 50 mg IV over 10–15 minutes or

Famotidine 20 mg IV over 10–15 minutes


a Bronchospasm;

patients undergoing


resuscitation or

severe reaction

Hydrocortisone sodium succinate 100 mg

IV every 3–6 hours for two to four doses


Methylprednisolone sodium succinate 40–

125 mg IV every 6 hours for two to four


Hyperglycemia, fluid


Dopamine Hypotension

refractory to


400 mg in 500 mL dextrose 5% at 2–20






Norepinephrine Hypotension

refractory to


4 mg in 1 L dextrose 5% IV at a rate of 2–

12 mcg/minute



nervousness, tremor


b Refractory


1 mg IV for 5 minutes, followed by 5–15

mcg/minute in fusion

Nausea, vomiting

aAgents in these classes may be used as adjuncts to epinephrine. Controlled studies demonstrating a clear benefit

in anaphylaxis are lacking. Do not delay the administration of epinephrine, supplemental oxygen, or IV fluid

resuscitation by taking time to draw up and administer a second-line medication.

bGlucagon may be particularly useful in patients taking β-adrenergic blockers, because it can increase both cardiac

rate and contractility regardless of β-adrenergic blockade. Choice of agent and starting doses should be patientspecific, weighing safety and efficacy.

IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; PRN, as needed.

Drug fever is described as a febrile reaction to a drug without cutaneous symptoms

and is estimated to occur in 3% to 5% of inpatients.

67 Drug fever can be challenging

to identify and can be misinterpreted as a new infectious process or failure of an

existing infection to respond to treatment. Such failure to recognize a drug fever can

lead to prolonged hospitalization and unnecessary tests or medications.

68 Table 32-6

lists the characteristics of hypersensitivity drug-induced fever. The most important

finding in the case of M.M. is her clinical improvement with respect to her

pulmonary status despite a high-grade fever and persistent leukocytosis; she also

appears healthier than expected if she had an untreated infection. Whereas a drop in

her WBC count would be anticipated given her improving respiratory function, her

WBC count remains elevated, consistent with hypersensitivity drug fever. Notably,

her eosinophil count is increased, a frequent sign of hypersensitivity reactions.

Despite her high-grade fever, she has a relative bradycardia; that is, her heart rate is

not as elevated as expected if an infectious process were ongoing. Further, the timing

of the symptoms favors a drug-induced fever (i.e., within days of starting a new

medication). A definitive diagnosis can be made only by stopping the suspected

offending agent, however, because fever generally resolves within 48 to 72 hours if a

rash is not present. When a rash is present, on the other hand, the fever may persist

for several days after stopping the implicated drug.

p. 689

p. 690

Table 32-6

Hypersensitivity Reactions to Drugs: Drug-Induced Fever

Frequency True frequency is unknown because fever is a common manifestation and

almost any drug can cause fever. Estimate is that 3%–5% of hospitalized

patients experiencing adverse drug reaction suffer from drug fever alone or as

part of multiple symptoms.

Clinical manifestations Temperatures may be 38°C or higher and do not follow a consistent pattern.

Although patients may have high fevers with shaking chills, patients generally

have few symptoms or serious systemic illness. Skin rash (18%), eosinophilia

(22%), chills (53%), headache (16%), myalgias (25%), and bradycardia (11%)

can occur in patients with drug fever. Onset of fever after exposure to the

offending agent is highly variable, ranging from an average of 6 days for

antineoplastics to 45 days for cardiovascular agents. Occurrence of fever is

independent of the dose of the offending agent.

Treatment Although drug fever can be treated symptomatically (e.g., with antipyretics,

cooling blankets), stopping the offending agent is the only therapy that will

eliminate fevers. Patients generally defervesce within 48–72 hours of stopping

the suspect drug.

Prognosis Drug fever is usually benign, although one review


found a mean increased

length of hospitalization of 9 days per episode of drug fever. Rechallenge with

the offending drug usually results in rapid return of the fever. Although

reexposure to the suspect drug was previously thought to be potentially

hazardous, there is little risk of serious sequelae.

Source: Patel RA, Gallagher JC. Drug fever. Pharmacotherapy. 2010;30:57; Mackowiak PA, LeMaistre CF. Drug

fever: a critical appraisal of conventional concepts. An analysis of 51 episodes in two Dallas hospitals and 97

episodes reported in the English literature. Ann Intern Med. 1987;106:728; Cunha BA, Shea KW. Fever in the

intensive care unit. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 1996;10:185.

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