signs of acidosis (pH 7.28, HCO3
− 15 mEq/L), and increased lactic acid production
by epinephrine could be detrimental to his organ function. Epinephrine should be
reserved for patients with a markedly depressed CO in conjunction with severe
In summary, very few comparable studies of inotropic agents in this setting have
been conducted; thus, the selection of agent is often based on the expected clinical
benefit as well as individual experience with the drugs.
without risk as they could adversely affect the myocardial oxygen supply to demand
ratio and could further extend the area of ischemia or necrosis. J.S. would benefit
from an increase in his CO, as well as in his MAP. The clinician elects to start J.S.
on dobutamine and dopamine infusions.
CASE 17-3, QUESTION 5: At what doses should you initiate a dobutamine and dopamine infusion in J.S.?
encountered with these infusions?
J.S. has a MAP of 58 mm Hg, CI of 1.7 L/minute/m2
of 105 beats/minute. Goals of therapy are to increase the CI to at least 2.5
, maintain a MAP of at least 70 mm Hg (preferably closer to 80 mm Hg,
depending on clinical signs of hypoperfusion), reduce the PCWP to 12 to 18 mm Hg,
and maintain an HR of less than 125 beats/minute. A urine output of at least 0.5
mL/kg/hour is desirable. Reasonable initial infusion rates would be dopamine 5
mcg/kg/minute and dobutamine 2 mcg/kg/minute. These doses should increase
cardiac contraction and CO, resulting in an increase in renal blood flow. The onset of
effect is rapid and the half-life short (approximately 2 minutes) for both agents, with
steady-state conditions generally achieved within 10 minutes of initiation of therapy.
This allows dose titration every 10 minutes based on patient tolerance.
Because the onsets of action are within minutes, J.S. can be reevaluated and the
infusion rates can be alternately titrated upward by 1 to 2 mcg/kg/minute every 10
minutes, depending on the hemodynamic data. The response to both agents is highly
variable among patients; thus, careful titration using the lowest effective infusion
Adverse effects encountered with both infusions include increased HR, angina,
arrhythmias, headache, tremors, nausea, and vomiting. The increases in contractility
and HR caused by dobutamine and dopamine pose additive risk of tachyarrhythmias
and can increase myocardial O2
, leading to ischemia in patients with coronary
Dobutamine could lower the MAP, adversely affecting coronary perfusion
pressure. Another limiting factor to dobutamine is tolerance to its hemodynamic
effects with long-term continuous use. A decline in CO and HR has been seen after
prolonged infusion and is most likely caused by down-regulation of β1
concern, evidence suggests that inotropic agents can be associated with an increased
risk of mortality in patients with HF despite the improvement of symptoms and
Dopamine might elevate the PCWP, thereby decreasing coronary perfusion
pressure. Extravasation of large amounts of dopamine during infusion can cause
ischemic necrosis and sloughing. At higher dosages, α1
prominent, causing peripheral arterial vasoconstriction and increases in afterload,
preload, and myocardial oxygen demand as well as ischemia.
CASE 17-3, QUESTION 6: Dobutamine and dopamine are titrated from 2 to 4 mcg/kg/minute and 5 to 6
BP (S/D/M), 105/60/75 mm Hg (86/44/58 mm Hg)
HR, 140 beats/minute (105 beats/minute)
Urine output, 0.4 mL/kg/hour (0.2 mL/kg/hour)
Dobutamine at 4 mcg/kg/minute and dopamine at 6 mcg/kg/minute have established
a trend in the desired direction for CI; however, the HR has increased significantly.
The SVR and PCWP have not changed appreciably, and the urine flow has increased.
The SV (CO/HR) has only increased from 28 to 38 mL/beat; thus, the increase in CO
has resulted from both the chronotropic and the inotropic effects of these agents. As a
net response, the dobutamine and dopamine have most likely adversely affected the
myocardial oxygen supply to demand ratio; however, this cannot be established
definitively. J.S. should be monitored closely for signs of myocardial ischemia.
CASE 17-3, QUESTION 7: The clinician decides that an HR of 140 beats/minute is unacceptable in J.S.,
advantages compared with dobutamine?
Milrinone increases intracellular AMP levels by inhibiting phosphodiesterase-3
within the sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac myocytes and vascular smooth muscle,
leading to increased contractility of the myocardium and vasodilation of vascular
smooth muscle. The increased CO and decreased SVR are accompanied by an
increased lusitropic effect. Milrinone produces fewer chronotropic and
arrhythmogenic effects than the catecholamines but, like dobutamine, can decrease
SVR and cause hypotension. Moreover, milrinone has a longer half-life than
dobutamine, making it difficult to use as monotherapy for cardiogenic shock. The
dopamine with milrinone would offset some of milrinone’s hypotensive effects.
Although milrinone has not been studied in patients who are post-AMI with
cardiogenic shock, it could be beneficial in patients with adequate BP, who have
down-regulated β receptors (chronic heart failure or beta agonist use), recently
received β-blockade, or with catecholamine dose-limiting arrhythmias.
Dobutamine has equivalent or greater inotropic action than dopamine and, as
mentioned above, dobutamine causes less tachycardia, so it may be better to remove
dopamine in this patient. A decrease of 20% of the current dopamine infusion rate (1
to 2 mcg/kg/minute) every 10 to 15 minutes is reasonable. Just as with upward
titration of therapy, steady state should be achieved within 10 minutes. When tapering
vasoactive agents, it is prudent, however, to let the patient stabilize hemodynamically
at new infusion rates for a period that exceeds the time to achieve a new steady-state
plasma concentration. After each reduction in the infusion rate, hemodynamic data
can be assessed. The major difference between the two agents is the effect of
-receptors. With dobutamine’s greater clinical effect on β2
-receptors, J.S. may experience a decrease in the SVR. A decreased
SVR should allow for an increased CI, but J.S. should be monitored carefully as his
MAP is relatively low and any major reduction in SVR could lead to further BP
CASE 17-3, QUESTION 8: Dopamine is tapered off and dobutamine is increased to 5 mcg/kg/minute for
was attempted previously with nitroglycerin; however, the BP reduction was intolerable. A repeat
hemodynamic profile shows the following values (previous values in parentheses):
BP (S/D/M), 86/40/55 mm Hg (105/60/75 mm Hg)
HR, 132 beats/minute (105 to 110 beats/minute)
CO, 3.2 L/minute (5.3 L/minute)
Urine output, 0.1 mL/kg/hour (0.4 mL/kg/hour)
alternatives can be considered at this time?
J.S. is still in severe cardiogenic shock, and his tissue perfusion continues to
deteriorate as evidenced by a further reduction in urine output, a loss of bowel
sounds, continuing acidosis, and obtundation. Because his systemic arterial pressure
and tissue perfusion have declined, additional support with a potent vasopressor and
the insertion of an IABP or other percutaneous ventricular assist device are
indicated. The combination of dopamine and dobutamine previously resulted in
intolerable tachycardia, so other therapies should be considered.
Norepinephrine is a potent α-adrenergic agonist that vasoconstricts arterioles at all
infusion rates, thereby increasing SVR. Thus, systemic arterial and coronary
perfusion pressures both rise. Norepinephrine also stimulates β1
receptors to a lesser extent, resulting in increased contractility and SV. However, HR
and CO usually remain constant or may decrease secondary to the increased
afterload, and baroreceptor-mediated reflex increases in vagal tone. Although
coronary perfusion pressure is enhanced as a result of the elevation in diastolic
pressure, myocardial O2 also is increased. Consequently, myocardial ischemia and
arrhythmias may be exacerbated and LV function further compromised.
Infusions of norepinephrine are begun at 0.01 to 0.05 mcg/kg/minute and titrated
upward to achieve a MAP of 65 to 70 mm Hg. Adverse effects of norepinephrine are
related mostly to excessive vasoconstriction and compromise of organ perfusion.
Administration should be through a central IV line because local subcutaneous
necrosis and sloughing can result from peripheral IV extravasation. Prolonged
infusion of larger doses will transiently exert a beneficial effect by diverting blood
flow from the peripheral and splanchnic vasculature to the heart and brain; however,
this ultimately can compromise capillary perfusion to the extent that end-organ
failure, particularly renal failure, ensues.
Again, it must be emphasized that pharmacologic support for J.S., particularly the
use of norepinephrine, is only an interim maneuver to temporarily maintain
hemodynamic function. J.S. should continue to be monitored for signs of myocardial
ischemia and the need for further revascularization procedures. Patients who cannot
be stabilized with pharmacologic intervention, and in whom systemic or myocardial
perfusion is becoming compromised, may require further support through insertion of
a mechanical circulatory assist device.
Mechanical Circulatory Support
When drug therapy is ineffective at stabilizing patients in cardiogenic shock,
mechanical intervention should be considered. Mechanical interventions can rapidly
stabilize patients with cardiogenic shock, especially those with global myocardial
ischemia or infarction complicated by mechanical defects, such as papillary muscle
rupture or ventricular septal rupture. Sometimes combined inotropic support and
intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation are required to maintain an acceptable BP
(MAP above 65 mm Hg) and CI (greater than 2.2 L/minute/m2
The IABP has been in use for more than 40 years and remains the most commonly
used mechanical assist device. It is designed to improve coronary arterial perfusion
pressure and reduce afterload, providing short-term reperfusion of the ischemic
68 A 20- to 50-mL balloon catheter is inserted into an artery (usually
femoral) and advanced to the proximal descending aorta. Balloon inflation and
deflation are synchronized with the ECG to inflate during diastole and deflate at the
onset of systole. The inflated balloon in diastole increases coronary perfusion by
elevating the mean aortic pressure. The rapid deflation of the balloon at the onset of
systole decreases afterload and modestly improving CO.
perfusion provided by IABP may reduce vasopressor requirements, thereby further
. Occasionally, IABP augmentation is sufficient to allow
the institution of vasodilators (e.g., nitroprusside) or inodilators (e.g., milrinone).
IABP support should be discontinued as soon as the patient stabilizes or
complications develop. Complications associated with the IABP increase with
longer duration of use and include vascular injury, thrombocytopenia from the
mechanical destruction of platelets, and limb ischemia because of reduced blood
flow in the artery into which the IABP catheter is inserted. Heparin anticoagulation is
usually given with IABP because the device has a large, thrombogenic surface area.
Infectious complications are uncommon when the use is limited to less than 7 days.
Reviews of clinical studies investigating the use of the IABP in cardiogenic shock
have found no differences in 30-day mortality and an increase in the risk of bleeding
of evidence, this device is recommended as reasonable to consider for patients
after ST-elevation MI and is commonly used to support patients with cardiogenic
Newer devices have been developed (TandemHeart, Impella) that augment CO
directly and decrease the load on the LV.
68 These small pumps are placed
percutaneously in the cardiac catheterization laboratory, avoiding major cardiac
surgery. They are best used for temporary circulatory support until more definitive
therapy is available. Systemic anticoagulation is required with these devices.
Complications of the TandemHeart include vascular injury, limb ischemia, cardiac
tamponade, thrombo- or air-embolism, and hemolysis. The most common adverse
effects of the Impella include vascular injury, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia,
Advanced circulatory assist devices are evolving rapidly and are available in
centers with access to cardiac surgical procedures. Most patients currently receive
second- or third-generation, continuous flow devices (HeartMate II, Jarvik 2000,
HeartWare) because of their superior survival rates and lower incidence of adverse
70 Mechanical assistance with these devices is used for patients with
cardiogenic shock who need support while awaiting definitive, corrective therapy or
as a bridging mechanism before cardiac transplantation. An improvement in survival
rates with newer generation devices has allowed their long-term use as destination
therapies in patients with severe cardiac failure despite optimal pharmacotherapy
that are not transplant candidates. The high cost of these devices and need for
experienced physicians will undoubtedly limit their use to only the most severely ill
In summary, J.S.’s condition has continued to deteriorate since his admission to the
ICU. Attempts at stabilizing his hemodynamic parameters with dopamine and
dobutamine have failed. This is evidenced by inadequate tissue perfusion, which is
reflected clinically by his continued lactic acidosis, decreased urine output, reduced
bowel sounds, and central nervous system obtundation. Norepinephrine and
epinephrine should be considered at this point to restore intra-arterial pressure and
tissue perfusion. Intra-aortic counterpulsation can provide synergistic temporary
Distributive shock is characterized by an overt loss of vascular tone, causing acute
tissue hypoperfusion. Although numerous events such as anaphylaxis or neurogenic
causes can initiate distributive shock, most cases are readily reversed by supportive
measures and treatment or elimination of the underlying cause.
Distributive shock secondary to sepsis, or septic shock, is associated with a high
mortality rate, reflecting the limited therapeutic options available at this time. Over
1,500,000 cases of sepsis syndrome are seen annually in the United States. Mortality
71 The combination of degree of organ dysfunction and
number of failing organs is the strongest predictor of death. Epidemiologic studies
show that approximately 25% of cases of sepsis syndrome eventually result in septic
shock. It has been projected that the incidence of sepsis will increase 1.5% per year
mainly because of the disproportionate growth of the elderly in the US population,
increasing burden of chronic health conditions, rising numbers of
immunocompromised patients, and multidrug-resistant infections.
The guidelines committee of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign—an international
consortium of professional societies involved in critical care, infectious diseases,
and emergency medicine—defines sepsis syndrome as life-threatening organ
dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection (see Table 17-8 for
4 Organ dysfunction is identified as an acute change in total Sequential
Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score by at least 2 points consequent to the
infection (see Table 17-9 for SOFA calculation). In patients without preexisting
organ dysfunction, the baseline SOFA score is assumed to be zero. Persons with an
overall SOFA score of at least 2 may have a 25-times higher risk of mortality
compared to those with a score less than 2. A new bedside clinical score termed
quickSOFA (qSOFA) can easily identify persons that are more likely to have poor
outcomes. Adults with suspected infection are expected to fare worse if they have at
least two of three clinical criteria: RR of 22 breaths/minute or greater, altered
mentation (Glasgow Coma Scale score <15), or SBP of 100 mm Hg or less. When
hypotension persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation and requires vasopressor
support to maintain a MAP of at least 65 mm Hg while also having a serum lactate
level above 2 mmol/L, it is termed septic shock. Septic shock is associated with a
higher risk of mortality. Persons most at risk for septic shock are those who are
immunocompromised or have underlying conditions that render them susceptible to
bloodstream invasion. Groups at risk include neonates, the elderly, patients with
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, alcoholics, childbearing women, and those
undergoing surgery or who have experienced trauma. Other predisposing factors
include coexisting diseases such as diabetes mellitus, malignancies, chronic hepatic
or renal failure, and hyposplenism; exposure to immunosuppressant drugs and cancer
chemotherapy; and procedures such as insertion of urinary catheters, endotracheal
International Sepsis Definitions Task Force Definitions
Infection Pathologic process caused by the invasion of normally
sterile tissue or fluid or body cavity by pathogenic or
potentially pathogenic microorganisms. (Noted
exception: Clostridium difficile colitis does not occur in
Bacteremia The presence of viable bacteria in the blood.
Sepsis Life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a
dysregulated host response to infection.
Organ dysfunction Identified as an acute change in total SOFA score ≥2
points consequent to the infection.
Septic shock A subset of sepsis in which underlying circulatory and
cellular/metabolic abnormalities are profound enough to
MAP ≥65 mm Hg and having a serum lactate level >2
mmol/L despite adequate fluid resuscitation. Patients
who are on inotropic or vasopressor agents may not be
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