Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) Measure of impedance applied by
systemic vascular system to systolic
effort of left ventricle; determined by
condition of vessels. Determinant of
Systemic vascular resistance index
SVR adjusted for body surface area
aCVP is essentially synonymous with RAP.
b2–6 mm Hg = 3–6 cm H2O (conversion: 1 mm Hg = 1.34 cm H2O).
cMay optimally ↑ PCWP to 16–18 mm Hg in critically ill patients.
dBSA, body surface area = 1.7 m
The diagnosis of shock is based on the findings of impaired tissue perfusion on
1 These findings may include the following:
Systolic blood pressure (SBP) less than 90 mm Hg, mean arterial pressure
(MAP) less than 65 mm Hg, or at least a 40 mm Hg decrease from baseline
Tachycardia (heart rate [HR] greater than 90 beats/minute)
Tachypnea (respiratory rate [RR] greater than 20 breaths/minute)
Cutaneous vasoconstriction: cold, clammy, blue, mottled skin (although not typical
Abnormal mental status (agitation, confusion, stupor, or coma)
Oliguria: urine output less than 0.5 mL/kg/hour
Metabolic acidosis (usually because of an elevated blood lactate level)
Decreased venous oxygen saturation (mixed [SvO2
mismatch between oxygen supply [ḊO2
Not all these described findings are encountered in every patient with shock, and
considerable variability exists in both the rapidity and the sequence of onset. This
depends on the severity of the initiating event, the underlying mechanism, and the
baseline condition of the patient, including medications that may alter the clinical
presentation. It is important to consider the patient’s medical and pharmacologic
history, while monitoring for subtle clinical changes that may signal impending
deterioration and necessitate immediate intervention.
The treatment of patients in shock requires both treatment of the underlying cause of
shock, as well as early, aggressive measures to maintain adequate perfusion to vital
organs. The general measures used are the restoration of volume in hypovolemic
patients, the use of vasopressors or inotropic agents when volume resuscitation is
inadequate to maintain perfusion, and careful monitoring of the hemodynamic status
of the patient. In sepsis, specific hemodynamic goals have been determined.
types of shock, specific goals have not been established; however, the principles of
ensuring adequate tissue perfusion are the same.
Hemodynamic monitoring in critically ill patients is mandatory to properly assess
and manage various shock states. Both noninvasive and invasive monitoring
techniques can be used to measure cardiovascular performance and differentiate the
causes of various conditions that result in hypoperfusion and organ dysfunction. The
values obtained with hemodynamic monitoring should always be used in conjunction
Noninvasive measures are an important part of hemodynamic monitoring. Clinical
examination and vital signs (temperature, HR, blood pressure [BP], RR) provide
valuable information regarding the cardiovascular system and organ perfusion. Other
noninvasive techniques for monitoring the hemodynamic status of patients include
pulse oximetry (for measuring arterial oxygen saturation [SaO2
echocardiography, which can estimate the functional status of the heart and heart
valves. Cardiac telemetry and/or electrocardiogram may help identify a variety of
causes for shock (e.g., arrhythmia, ischemia, pericarditis). Although important,
noninvasive measures have limitations, and certain hemodynamic values important
for the diagnosis and assessment of illness, as well as the patient’s response to
therapy, must be measured invasively at the present time.
The arterial line is a common tool in the ICU. It consists of a small catheter placed
into an artery (usually the radial or femoral artery) under sterile conditions and
attached to a pressure transducer. This allows for continuous measurement of BP and
can be more accurate than a sphygmomanometer in patients with shock, cardiac
arrhythmias, calcified arteries, or high systemic vascular resistance (SVR). It also
provides for easy access for arterial blood gas (ABG) samples to be drawn and
analyzed. Arterial lines should never be used for medication administration.
Common in the ICU, the central venous catheter consists of a large-bore catheter
usually inserted into either a subclavian or a jugular vein. It can be used for infusion
of fluid and medications or frequent laboratory studies. When attached to a pressure
transducer, it can be used to measure the central venous pressure (CVP), a reflection
of right atrial pressure and volume status. In patients with sepsis, however,
guidelines call for dynamic rather than static variables (e.g., CVP) to guide fluid
4 Central venous catheters are preferred to peripheral venous access for
administration of large fluid volumes, blood products, or vasopressors in patients
with shock, but resuscitative efforts should not be delayed if peripheral access is
available. Central venous catheters that can continuously measure the central venous
) have been developed and are becoming more common.
These catheters allow for the assessment and monitoring of tissue perfusion and the
response to interventions. Low ScvO2 has been associated with worse outcomes.
The introduction of flow-directed, balloon flotation pulmonary artery (PA) catheters
(Swan–Ganz catheter) in the 1970s represented a major
advance in invasive bedside hemodynamic monitoring. The PA catheter is inserted
via a central venous access and positioned into the PA; this enables clinicians to
assess both right and left intracardiac pressures, determine CO, and obtain mixed
venous blood samples. These capabilities allow one to evaluate volume status and
ventricular performance, derive hemodynamic indices, and determine systemic ḊO2
. There are several versions of the PA catheter. Some provide additional
lumens for intravenous (IV) infusions, temporary transvenous pacing, and continuous
9 Catheters are available that can measure CO on a continuous
basis. The essential components for hemodynamic monitoring are incorporated in the
standard quadruple-lumen catheter pictured in Figure 17-2. This catheter is
composed of multiple lumens, each terminating at different points along the catheter.
When properly positioned, the proximal port (C) terminates in the right atrium and is
used to measure right atrial pressure, to inject fluid for CO determination, and to
administer IV fluids. The distal port (B), which terminates at the tip of the catheter
(E), is positioned in the PA beyond the pulmonary valve and is used to measure PA
and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP; described in the following) and to
obtain mixed venous blood samples. Intermittent inflation of the balloon is
accomplished by inserting 1.5 mL of air into the balloon inflation valve (D). The
thermistor (A) contains a temperature probe and electrical leads that connect to a
computer, which calculates CO by the thermodilution technique.
Figure 17-2 Pulmonary artery catheter. See text for definitions of A, B, C, D, and E.
Although the PA catheter is confined to the pulmonary vasculature, left ventricular
(LV) pressure can be ascertained from the PCWP. When the balloon is inflated, the
PA catheter becomes lodged or “wedged.” Because forward flow from the right
ventricle ceases beyond the wedged PA segment, a static fluid column exists between
the LV and the PA catheter tip during diastole when the mitral valve is open. If no
pressure gradients are present in the pulmonary vasculature beyond the balloon and if
mitral valve function is normal, the PCWP then equilibrates with all distal pressures
and thus indirectly reflects left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP). Based
on the relationship between pressure and volume, the LVEDP is equivalent to the left
ventricular end-diastolic volume, or the left-sided preload. Because PCWP
measurements are not always available, the diastolic pulmonary artery pressure
(DPAP) may provide an estimate of left-sided preload in the absence of pulmonary
hypertension or cardiac tamponade.
The use of PA catheters has potential complications. Arrhythmias, thrombotic
events, infections, and, very rarely, PA rupture have been reported.
have questioned the routine use of PA catheters. A meta-analysis of 13 randomized,
controlled trials found that use of a PA catheter did not have a significant effect on
mortality, number of days in the ICU or hospital, or cost.
conference recommends against the routine placement of the PA catheter in patients
1 Despite this, the PA catheter can provide essential diagnostic and
hemodynamic information for specialists to utilize in certain patient populations.
More studies are needed to determine the value of PA catheter data–driven treatment
protocols. Because hypotension alone is not required to define shock, the presence of
inadequate tissue perfusion on physical examination is more important than the
numbers obtained by invasive monitoring.
1 The use of PA catheters has been
decreasing in the ICU as newer and less invasive technologies become available. In
most situations, the PA catheter is reserved for those patients who specifically
require the monitoring of PA pressures and oxygenation parameters, such as patients
with pulmonary hypertension, refractory shock, right ventricular (RV) dysfunction, or
designed to improve ḊO2 and O2
. New devices that can measure CO and tissue
perfusion noninvasively (or minimally invasively), such as gastric tonometry,
esophageal Doppler monitoring, thoracic bioimpedance, and others, have been
10–12 Devices (e.g., PulseCO, PiCCO, LiDCO) that can measure CO by
pulse wave analysis are being increasingly used in ICUs as an alternative to the PA
10–12 An international consensus conference does not currently recommend the
newer, less invasive technologies because of lack of validation in patients with
The effective interpretation and management of hemodynamic parameters requires
a thorough understanding of the physiologic determinants of CO and arterial pressure.
Assuming oxygen content of blood is adequate, CO and SVR are the ultimate
, adequate arterial pressure, and tissue perfusion. As outlined in
Figure 17-1, CO may be quantified as the product of stroke volume (SV) and HR. SV
pressure (LVEDP) and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP). Right
ventricular preload is reflected by central venous pressure (CVP) or right atrial
pressure (RAP). Afterload is defined as ventricular wall tension developed during
contraction. It is determined by the resistance or impedance the ventricle must
overcome to eject end-diastolic volume. Left and right ventricular afterload are
determined primarily by systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and pulmonary vasular
resistance (PVR), respectively. Contractility describes the inotropic state of the
myocardium and affects the stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output
(CO)independently of preload and afterload. The effects of these factors on
hemodynamic parameters are interrelated and complex and must be assessed
carefully when selecting therapeutic interventions that will produce the desired
response. A review of the determinants of cardiac performance is found in Chapter
14, Heart Failure. Table 17-2 provides definitions of terms and normal hemodynamic
The most common clinical conditions associated with the major forms of shock are
reviewed in the subsequent sections and detailed in Table 17-1. Table 17-3
describes the common hemodynamic findings for the various forms of shock.
Shock secondary to reduced intravascular volume is referred to as hypovolemic
shock. Whether the primary insult is the external loss of fluid (e.g., blood, plasma, or
free water) or the internal sequestration of these fluids into body cavities (third
spacing), the overall result is reduced venous return or preload (decreased CVP and
PCWP) and decreased CO (Table 17-3). The severity of hypovolemic shock depends
on the amount and rate of intravascular volume loss and each person’s capacity for
compensation. Although responses vary, a healthy person may tolerate an acute loss
of as much as 30% of his or her intravascular volume.
such as increased HR, myocardial contractility, and SVR are sufficiently effective for
this loss in volume and measurable falls in SBP are not detected. Losses in excess of
40% generally overwhelm compensatory mechanisms, venous return decreases and
the patient’s condition can deteriorate to overt shock with hypotension and signs of
hypoperfusion. If restorative measures are not taken immediately, irreversible shock
and death may result. The most common and dramatic cause of hypovolemic shock is
hemorrhagic shock in which intravascular volume depletion occurs as a result of
bleeding. Trauma is responsible for most cases of acute hemorrhagic shock; other
significant causes are listed in Table 17-1.
Hemodynamic Findings in Various Shock States
Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Distributive (Septic)
bCardiac output is increased early in sepsis but can be decreased in late or severe sepsis.
PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.
QUESTION 1: N.G. is a 64-year-old woman with a history of peptic ulcer disease, who arrives to the
past two days. She is confused and oriented only to person. Her skin is pale and cool, with HR 120
N.G. has lost a significant amount of intravascular fluid directly from her GI tract.
She is hypotensive with a compensatory increase in both HR and RR. Her pale, cool
skin indicates shunting of blood from the periphery to maintain perfusion of vital
organs. Based on her clinical presentation, N.G. is in decompensated shock.
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