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Invasive mechanical ventilation is indicated when arterial oxygen

saturation cannot be maintained above 90% despite 100% oxygen per facemask.

Once the patient is intubated, sedation should be provided to alleviate anxiety and

discomfort while cautiously monitoring hemodynamic effects.

The arterial pressure must be increased to provide adequate coronary and systemic

perfusion to meet oxygen requirements. Some areas of ischemia in the infarct zone

may be depressed but viable, provided myocardial oxygen supply exceeds demand. If

the myocardial oxygen demands are not met, however, myocardial tissue necrosis

will expand into the area of ischemia. This results in further hemodynamic

impairment and initiates a vicious cycle that can lead to intractable pump failure and

irreversible shock. To be effective, treatment of cardiogenic shock should favorably

influence the balance between oxygen supply and demand in the ischemic zone.

Optimizing preload to improve CO and systemic perfusion is crucial, especially in

patients with RV infarction. In patients with severe LV impairment, increasing

intravascular volume can worsen pulmonary congestion. J.S. currently has signs of

pulmonary congestion and RV infarction is not evident; thus, a fluid challenge must

be administered cautiously or withheld until hemodynamic monitoring can be


Inotropic agents or vasopressors should be used to increase systemic BP and

reestablish coronary perfusion in patients with cardiogenic shock and hypotension.

However, vasoactive agents have risk because they can exacerbate ventricular

arrhythmias and increase O2

in ischemic myocardium. Therefore, the minimal dose

that will provide adequate perfusion pressure should be used. Achieving a MAP of

65 to 70 mm Hg is the immediate goal of therapy, but it should be adjusted based on

adequate perfusion (e.g., warm extremities, adequate urine output, improved mental


51 Elevation of the MAP to more than 80 mm Hg is unnecessary because

coronary blood flow is not significantly changed at this level, but energy expenditure

is high.

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Correction of metabolic acidosis is best accomplished by treating the underlying

cause. Improving tissue perfusion by optimizing oxygen content and increasing CO

can eventually restore aerobic metabolism and eliminate lactic acid production. The

use of sodium bicarbonate to correct lactic acidosis in cardiogenic shock and other

critically ill patients is controversial. Sodium bicarbonate can have numerous

adverse effects, such as hypernatremia, paradoxical intracellular acidosis, and

hypercapnia; conclusive data on its efficacy are lacking. Bicarbonate therapy is

recommended only, if at all, when severe acidemia (pH below 7.2 or HCO3


than 10–12 mEq/L) is present.

Inotropic agents and vasoconstrictors can increase myocardial O2 and potentially

extend the area of necrosis in patients with infarct-induced cardiogenic shock.

Careful selection and titration of agents that will best preserve myocardium while

sustaining systemic arterial pressure and tissue perfusion is essential. Although

correction of volume deficits and early pharmacologic support may prevent the

extension of myocardial damage, it must be emphasized that exclusive use of these

measures does not improve survival. Therefore, drug therapy must be considered

only an interim maneuver to preserve myocardial and systemic integrity while further

therapeutic interventions and definitive therapy are being considered.

Cardiogenic shock after AMI occurs in only a small percentage of patients, but it

carries a high mortality rate. Reperfusion of the occluded artery is of paramount

importance in these patients. Two options are available for restoring patency of the

artery: thrombolytic therapy and revascularization (PCI or coronary artery bypass

grafting [CABG]) (see Chapter 13, Acute Coronary Syndrome).

Thrombolytic therapy in AMI may reduce the incidence of subsequent cardiogenic

shock, but its value may be limited in patients who have already experienced shock.


The effectiveness of thrombolysis is reduced in this setting, possibly because of

reduced delivery of the agent to the coronary artery thrombus as a result of


54 The use of an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) to augment coronary

artery blood flow may improve the efficacy of thrombolytic agents but has not been

shown to improve mortality.


Early revascularization with PCI or CABG is preferred in patients with

cardiogenic shock complicating AMI, irrespective of time delay.


In the SHOCK

trial, emergency revascularization, compared to immediate medical stabilization

(fibrinolysis and IABP), resulted in significantly lower mortality at 1 and 6 years in

patients with ST-elevation MI and cardiogenic shock.

53 Long-term mortality was

positively correlated with time to revascularization from 0 to 8 hours, confirming that

revascularization should be performed as soon as possible. However, a survival

benefit for revascularization remains even as long as 54 hours after MI and 18 hours

after shock onset.

53 Operator skill is also a consideration, and larger centers with

greater experience may have better outcomes than smaller centers. In settings in

which interventional cardiac procedures such as percutaneous transluminal coronary

angioplasty or stenting are not readily available, insertion of an IABP and

thrombolytic agents should not be delayed if indicated.

Postoperative Cardiac Failure


CASE 17-3, QUESTION 2: Cardiac catheterization reveals an acute occlusion of the proximal left

circumflex artery, but a percutaneous coronary intervention was unable to be performed for J.S. He undergoes

emergent CABG and arrives in the ICU sedated, intubated, and receiving mechanical ventilation with 50%

inspired oxygen. Several hours after admission to the ICU his BP and urine output have fallen and his skin is

mottled and cool. Urine output has fallen from 0.8 to 0.2 mL/kg/hour in the last hour. The chest tube output has

been stable at 50 mL/hour. His current hemodynamic profile is as follows:

BP (S/D/M), 86/44/58 mm Hg

HR, 105 beats/minute

CO, 3.0 L/minute

CI, 1.7 L/minute/m



, 48%

CVP, 14 mm Hg

PA pressure (S/D), 41/24 mm Hg

PCWP, 24 mm Hg

SVR, 1,570 dyne·s·cm


What is your assessment of J.S.’s clinicalstatus and hemodynamics?

Clinically, J.S. has signs of hypoperfusion manifested by low urine output; mottled,

cool skin; and metabolic acidosis. His decreased SvO2 shows that he has impaired

perfusion owing to his low ḊO2

. Evaluation of his hemodynamics will help

determine a potential cause for his hypoperfusion and assist with the decision about

appropriate therapeutic interventions to prevent his condition from worsening to

serious organ dysfunction and death.

Possible causes of shock in cardiac surgery patients include blood loss, excessive

vasodilation from medications or cardiopulmonary bypass-induced inflammation,

cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury, valvular dysfunction, tamponade, heart failure,

or perioperative MI. Another concern is “stunning” of the myocardium caused by

surgical trauma, which can take hours to days to resolve.

Hypovolemia should always be evaluated first when assessing hemodynamic

profiles. Using vasopressor or inotropic agents in the setting of hypovolemia is rarely

effective and could cause further hypotension or serious adverse effects (e.g., cardiac

arrhythmias). Also, correction of hypovolemia is relatively straightforward and can

be accomplished rapidly. Most patients require no more than 2 to 3 L of crystalloid

after cardiac surgery, especially once rewarming is complete. J.S.’s tachycardia, low

urine output, low BP, and low CO could indicate volume depletion. However, his

Hct is adequate, and he has an elevated CVP, PAP, and PCWP, suggesting that he is

not hypovolemic.

Excessive vasodilation is also unlikely in J.S., given that his calculated SVR

(afterload) is above normal range. Cardiac tamponade should always be considered

after cardiac surgery, and it is usually manifested by very high CVP, PCWP, and PA

pressures, with significant decreases in CO and BP. Diminished or muffled heart

sounds and an inappropriately fluctuating BP with respirations (pulsus paradoxus)

will usually accompany an equalization of diastolic pressures during cardiac

tamponade. J.S.’s CVP and PCWP are not as high as would be expected in

pericardial tamponade, and his chest tube output has remained consistent, suggesting

that blood is not accumulating.

Based on this hemodynamic profile, it appears that J.S. is in shock because of

acute HF, most likely from postoperative myocardial dysfunction, although he should

also be evaluated for myocardial ischemia or infarction and to rule out early cardiac

tamponade. This evaluation should not delay the initiation of therapy.

Patients with cardiogenic shock from an acute event (such as an MI) are usually

more critical than patients who have an acute exacerbation of chronic HF. Patients

with HF have compensated with time for the increases in preload and reduced CO,

but patients such as J.S. have not had time to develop compensatory mechanisms. His

severely depressed CO should be treated immediately to prevent further


p. 361

p. 362


CASE 17-3, QUESTION 3: The chest radiograph shows moderate pulmonary edema, and rales were heard

on auscultation. His ABG measurements on mechanical ventilation with 50% inspired oxygen are pH 7.3,


38 mm Hg, PaO2

90 mm Hg, and HCO3

− 18 mEq/L. Tamponade is not evident on the radiograph. The

ECG shows ST-T-wave changes with some resolution of ST-elevation in leads I and AVL, but no indication is

seen of a new AMI. Cardiac biomarkers are pending. BP and CO need to be improved to increase perfusion to

vital organs. Three therapeutic interventions are available: fluid challenge, vasodilators, and inotropic agents.

How would these choices affect J.S.’s ventricular function?

Fluid Challenge (Increase Preload)

Augmentation of preload with a fluid challenge to improve CO is the first option.

However, J.S. has signs of pulmonary edema on chest radiograph, PCWP is 24 mm

Hg, and Pao2

is 90 mm Hg on 50% inspired oxygen. Increasing the PCWP above 18

mm Hg usually does not result in further benefit.

57,58 Therefore, giving volume might

increase the pulmonary vascular hydrostatic pressure and worsen his pulmonary

edema. If a fluid challenge is attempted to enhance preload, 250 to 500 mL of NS

solution should be given over 20 to 30 minutes while continuously monitoring the

hemodynamic profile and for volume overload. If the PCWP rises but the CO does

not improve, fluid challenges should be discontinued. Elevating the preload without

appreciably improving CO increases LV wall tension, which is a major determinant

of myocardial O2

; consequently, myocardial ischemia could develop. Although J.S.

has signs of pulmonary edema, diuretics to reduce his volume overload can be

detrimental to his CO and BP and should not be used until J.S.’s hemodynamics and

signs of hypoperfusion have improved.

Vasodilators (Preload and Afterload Reduction)

A peripheral venodilator will decrease pulmonary venous congestion by reducing

preload (CVP and PCWP) and pulmonary vascular hydrostatic pressure. With

myocardial ischemia, a reduction of the LV filling pressure may improve

subendocardial blood flow, reduce the myocardial wall tension, and reduce the LV

radius. The resultant decrease in myocardial O2 will help prevent further

depression of cardiac function.

In patients with LV failure, arterial resistance is also elevated because of a reflex

increase in sympathetic tone in response to a fall in systemic arterial pressure. In LV

failure, CO is inversely related to resistance to outflow from the LV. Lowering an

elevated SVR (afterload) will decrease resistance to ventricular ejection and shift

the ventricular function curve up and to the left, depending on whether an arterial,

venous, or mixed vasodilator is used, thereby improving cardiac performance at a

lower filling pressure (Fig. 17-4).

J.S. appears to have LV failure with elevations in PCWP and SVR. Vasodilator

therapy in this setting will likely improve his CO and, therefore, increase the ḊO2


the tissues and prevent organ dysfunction. The major risk of vasodilator therapy in

J.S., however, is further reduction of an already low MAP. Although the reduction in

BP may be offset by an increase in CO, a significant drop in arterial BP could occur,

which could decrease perfusion to vital organ systems and exacerbate myocardial

ischemia by reducing coronary perfusion pressure. Vasodilator therapy should be

reserved for situations of LV failure with elevations in PCWP and SVR and a SBP

greater than 90 mm Hg.

Inotropic Support

A rapid-acting inotropic agent also can be used to increase myocardial contractility

if the CO remains low or inadequate with signs of tissue hypoperfusion after

optimization of the volume status.

1 This intervention shifts the ventricular function

curve upward and slightly to the left (Fig. 17-4). The disadvantage of this

intervention is that improved CO is accompanied by increased myocardial oxygen

demand. Depending on the agent selected, three of the determinants of myocardial

O2 could be elevated: HR, contractility, and ventricular wall tension. Therefore,

inotropic support is directed at establishing or maintaining a reasonable arterial

pressure and ensuring adequate tissue perfusion by improving the CO.

Figure 17-4 Ventricular function curve for J.S. PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.

In summary, the most appropriate therapeutic intervention for J.S. at this time

would be inotropic support. The PCWP is elevated, suggesting that the preload has

been maximized; therefore, fluid may worsen J.S.’s pulmonary edema. Although

J.S.’s SVR is elevated (1,570 dyne·s·cm−5

), his BP is low; therefore, initial use of a

peripheral vasodilator could jeopardize perfusion. Thus, an acceptable initial

therapeutic intervention to improve CO and tissue perfusion is inotropic support.

After a reasonable BP has been established, addition of a peripheral vasodilator

could be considered to further enhance CO if needed, and diuretics added to reduce

his pulmonary edema.


CASE 17-3, QUESTION 4: Which inotropic agent is the best choice for J.S.?


Dopamine, a precursor of norepinephrine, has inotropic, chronotropic, and

vasoactive properties, all of which are dose dependent (Table 17-7). The distinct

ranges noted for dopamine activity are generalizations; responses noted in clinical

practice will be patient specific. At less than 5 mcg/kg/minute, dopamine stimulates

dopaminergic receptors primarily in the splanchnic, renal, and coronary vascular

beds. The effect on dopaminergic receptors is not blocked by β-blockers, but is

antagonized by dopaminergic-blocking agents such as the butyrophenones and

phenothiazines. Depending on the clinical state of the patient, low dosages of

dopamine may slightly increase myocardial contractility, but it usually will not alter

HR or SVR significantly.

At 5 to 10 mcg/kg/minute, the improved cardiac performance produced by

dopamine is through direct stimulation of β1

-adrenergic receptors and indirectly

through release of norepinephrine from nerve terminals. Increased β1


receptor stimulation increases SV (inotropic effect), HR (chronotropic effect), and

consequently CO. These cardiac effects can be blocked by β-blockers. As infusion

rates increase above 5 mcg/kg/minute, the α-adrenergic receptors are activated. At

this dosage, the vasoactive effects on peripheral blood vessels are unpredictable and

depend on the net effect of β1

-adrenergic stimulation, α-adrenergic stimulation, and

reflex mechanisms. MAP and PCWP usually will rise. The increased HR, along with

the elevated PCWP in J.S., could adversely affect the myocardial oxygen supply to

demand ratio. However, it is hoped the increase in coronary blood flow (caused by

the rise in arterial pressure) and the decrease in LV chamber size (associated with

the increase in contractility) would tend to offset the increase in myocardial oxygen


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Table 17-7

Inotropic Agents and Vasopressors

Drug Usual Dose

Receptor Sensitivity Pharmacologic Effect

α1 β1 β2 VD VC INT CHT

Dobutamine 2–10


+ ++++ ++ + + +++

a +

>10 mcg/kg/minute ++ ++++ +++ ++ + ++++

a ++

Dopamine <5 mcg/kg/minute

b 0 + 0 + 0 ++ +




0/+ ++++ ++ + + +++ ++




+++ ++++ + 0 +++ +++ +++


c <0.1 mcg/kg/minute + ++++ +++ + + ++++

a ++



+++ ++++ +++ 0 +++ +++

a +++

>2 mcg/kg/minute ++++ ++ + 0 ++++ ++

a +++

Isoproterenol 0.01–0.1


0 ++++ ++++ +++ 0 ++++ ++++

Milrinone Possible 50 mcg/kg

bolus, then 0.125–

0.75 mcg/kg/minute

0 0 0 +++

d 0 +++ 0


c 0.02–3



++++ +++ + 0 ++++ +

e ++

Phenylephrine 0.5–5



++++ 0 0 0 ++++ 0 0


g 0.03–0.04



0 0 0 0 ++++ 0 0

aDobutamine, milrinone, and epinephrine have more inotropic effect than dopamine.

bDopamine stimulates dopaminergic receptors at all doses, causing vasodilation in the splanchnic and renal


cEpinephrine has predominant inotropic effects; norepinephrine has predominant vasoconstrictive effect.

Epinephrine may vasodilate at low dosages, vasoconstrict at high dosages.

dMilrinone inhibits phosphodiesterase-3, leading to increased contractility of the myocardium and vasodilation of

vascular smooth muscle.

eCardiac output unchanged or may decline because of vagal reflex responses that slow the heart.

fHighly variable, titrate to desired MAP

gVasopressin stimulates V1a

receptors to cause vasoconstriction in the periphery.

hDosing for sepsis; in other vasodilatory conditions, it may be titrated from 0.01 to 0.1 units/minute.

CHT, chronotropic; INT, inotropic; MAP, mean arterial pressure; VC, peripheral vascular vasoconstriction; VD,

peripheral vascular vasodilation.

At doses greater than 10 mcg/kg/minute, dopamine primarily stimulates peripheral

α-adrenergic receptors. SVR increases, splanchnic and renal blood flow decreases,

and LV filling pressure is raised. Cardiac irritability is a potential complication, and

the overall myocardial O2

is increased. The increase in SVR limits CO; thus,

infusion rates should be limited to less than 15 mcg/kg/minute in patients with

cardiac failure.


In a recent trial of 1,679 patients with shock, who were randomized to dopamine

or norepinephrine for blood pressure support, there was no significant difference in

the primary outcome of 28-day mortality.

60 However, patients receiving dopamine

had more arrhythmic events and a prespecified subgroup analysis showed an

increased mortality rate in 280 patients with cardiogenic shock. Although these

findings may have been because of chance and randomization was not stratified, these

findings warrant consideration before selecting dopamine for J.S. and highlight the

need for more studies comparing catecholamines in cardiogenic shock.


Dobutamine, a synthetic catecholamine, is a potent positive inotropic agent with

dose-dependent but predominant direct β1

-agonist effects and weak β2

- and α1


adrenergic effects. With greater β2

-vasodilatory than α1

-vasoconstrictive actions,

dobutamine reduces systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance. The reduction in

SVR may be caused by a reflex decrease in vasoconstriction secondary to enhanced

CO. Unlike dopamine, dobutamine does not release endogenous norepinephrine or

stimulate renal dopaminergic receptors.


Studies assessing dobutamine in cardiac failure demonstrate consistent increases

in CO and SV, with reductions in PCWP and SVR. The reduction in filling pressures,

as indicated by a lowered PCWP, results in a decrease in LV wall tension and

myocardial O2

. Consequently, coronary perfusion pressure and myocardial oxygen

supply is improved.

Compared with dopamine, dobutamine has equal or greater inotropic action.

Dobutamine lowers PCWP and SVR with increasing doses, whereas dopamine may

increase PCWP and SVR with increasing doses.

62 The effect on HR is variable;

however, evidence suggests that dobutamine is less chronotropic than dopamine at

lower infusion rates. In the clinical setting, dobutamine may be preferred in patients

with depressed CO, elevated PCWP, and increased SVR with mild hypotension

(SBP above 70 mm Hg) and no signs or symptoms of shock. The increase in CO may

not be sufficient to raise the BP in a patient who initially is moderately to severely

hypotensive (SBP below 70 mm Hg) or with signs or symptoms of shock. Dopamine

may be recommended in patients with mild hypotension and symptoms of shock,


p. 363

p. 364

norepinephrine is reserved for patients with a SBP below 70 mm Hg.

63,64 Given the

recent concerns of increased mortality with dopamine monotherapy in patients with

cardiogenic shock, the combination of dopamine or norepinephrine with dobutamine

may be preferred in patients with depressed CO, normal or moderately elevated

PCWP, and moderate or severe hypotension.



Similar to dopamine and dobutamine, epinephrine has dose-dependent hemodynamic

effects (Table 17-7). At lower infusion ranges (less than 0.1 mcg/kg/minute)

epinephrine stimulates β1

-adrenergic receptors, causing increases in HR and

contractility. As the dose increases, more α1

-receptor stimulation occurs, resulting in

vasoconstriction and corresponding increases in SVR.

The favorable hemodynamic effects (increased CO and BP) make low-dose

epinephrine an attractive option for J.S.; however, epinephrine can induce

hyperglycemia through gluconeogenesis and has been shown to increase lactate

levels compared with other vasopressors and inotropic agents.

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