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American Society of Clinical Oncology guidelines state that the use of the

neurokinin receptor-1 antagonist, aprepitant, should be considered, although evidence

to support its use in HCT patients is lacking.

102 Because aprepitant is a moderate

inhibitor of cytochrome P-450 3A4, it may theoretically interact with the preparative

regimen, especially cyclophosphamide. Well-controlled studies evaluating its

efficacy, along with its potential for causing drug interactions, are needed.

102 Some

data suggest that the serotonin antagonist ondansetron may increase

cyclophosphamide clearance in patients undergoing a myeloablative HCT.


However, further work is needed to identify the clinical implications of this finding

because, to date, cyclophosphamide concentrations have not been consistently

associated with clinical outcomes in patients undergoing a myeloablative HCT.


Most patients receiving a myeloablative preparative regimen may also experience

mucositis due to its effects on rapidly dividing cells of the oral epithelium. The use

of methotrexate as GVHD prophylaxis also contributes to mucositis.

105 Oral

mucositis may also contribute to the development of nausea and anorexia.

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In severe cases, parenteral opioid analgesics for pain relief

106 and total parenteral

nutrition (TPN) may be needed. Because mucositis can be worsened by

superinfection, good oral hygiene should be practiced. Soft toothbrushes should be

used and replaced often.

107 Oral mucositis can be decreased with the use of

recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor palifermin. The Multinational

Association of Supportive Care in Cancer and International Society for Oral

Oncology Guidelines recommend palifermin to prevent mucositis for patients with

hematologic malignancies receiving myeloablative chemotherapy and TBI with

autologous HCT. Palifermin 60 mcg/kg/day is given for 3 days immediately prior to

administering the preparative regimen and for 3 days after infusion of the

hematopoietic stem cell graft (i.e., days 0, +1, +2).


In these patients, palifermin

lowered the incidence and average duration of clinically meaningful oral mucositis.

The incidence of blood-borne infections and the use of parenteral opioids were also

diminished in patients using palifermin.


Myelosuppression and Growth Factor Use

CASE 101-3, QUESTION 6: An order is written to begin filgrastim on day +5 and to continue administration

until the ANC has recovered to 500/μL for 2 consecutive days. Is this therapy appropriate for K.M.?

The use of hematopoietic growth factors after infusion of allogeneic PBPC is

controversial and is not recommended by ASCO Guidelines.

14 Administration of

hematopoietic growth factors after allogeneic graft infusion decreases the duration of

neutropenia, but has not been demonstrated to decrease cost, length of hospitalization,

or antibiotic use. Hematopoietic growth factor administration may increase the

incidence of severe GVHD and lower survival.

109 K.M. is receiving an allogeneic

PBPC graft and thus should not receive filgrastim.

Sinusoidal Obstructive Syndrome (SOS)/VenoOcclusive Disease of the Liver

CASE 101-3, QUESTION 7: K.M.’s pretransplantation admission laboratory values are within normal limits.

Her weight on admission is 80 kg. During the first 5 days after marrow infusion, K.M.’s weight begins to

increase by approximately 0.5 kg/day, her inputs exceed her outputs by about 500 to 1,000 mL/day, and she is

mildly febrile with an axillary temperature of 38°C. Blood and urine cultures are all negative. On day +6, her

weight is 85 kg. Laboratory values on day +7 are significant for the following:

Total bilirubin, 1.5 mg/dL

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 40 units/L

Alkaline phosphatase, 120 units/L

By day +10, K.M. is complaining of mid-epigastric, right upper quadrant pain, and a liver that is tender to

palpation. During the next few days, K.M. begins to look icteric. Her liver function tests continue to rise slowly,

until day +18 when they reach the following peak values:

Total bilirubin, 5 mg/dL

AST, 150 units/L

Alkaline phosphatase, 180 units/L

On day +18, K.M.’s weight is 90 kg. “Rule out SOS of the liver” is included on her problem list in the

medical record. What is SOS?

Sinusoidal obstructive syndrome (SOS), formerly known as VOD, is a syndrome

consisting of fluid retention, right upper quadrant pain, and hyperbilirubinemia. In

severe cases, it results in renal failure, encephalopathy, multiorgan failure, and

ultimately may result in death. The incidence of SOS/VOD varies depending on the

definition used to diagnose the syndrome; however, it is most commonly associated

with high-dose chemotherapy with HCT. It has been reported to occur in 5% to 55%

of patients undergoing myeloablative HCT.

110,111 The major risk factor for the

development of SOS/VOD is high-dose chemotherapy associated with myeloablative

transplants. Preparative regimens including busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and/or TBI

greater than 13.2 Gy have been associated with higher SOS/VOD rates.

19,112 Patientspecific factors such as older age, impaired performance status, and advanced

disease have also been reported to increase SOS/VOD risk.

Although the exact pathophysiology underlying the development of SOS/VOD is

not fully understood, it is known that damage to the sinusoidal endothelial cells in the

liver is the initial insult which initiates the process. Damage continues and leads to

sloughing of the endothelial lining of the sinusoids ultimately resulting in embolism

and obstruction of sinusoidal flow.

113 This obstruction of flow within the liver

contributes to postsinusoidal portal hypertension and worsening liver dysfunction,

usually manifested by increased bilirubin and ascites.


CASE 101-3, QUESTION 8: What signs and symptoms in K.M. are consistent with a diagnosis of


The initial signs and symptoms of SOS/VOD can occur anytime within the first 15

to 30 days post-transplant. Insidious weight gain exceeding 5% of baseline may be

one of the first manifestations of impending SOS/VOD, occurring in more than 90%

of patients within 3 to 6 days after marrow infusion.

111 Weight gain is caused by

sodium and water retention, as evidenced by decreased renal sodium excretion. New

onset of transfusion refractory thrombocytopenia may also be an early sign of

impending SOS/VOD. Hyperbilirubinemia, which also occurs in virtually all

patients, follows the onset of weight gain and usually appears within 10 days after

hematopoietic stem cell infusion. Other liver function test abnormalities usually

occur after hyperbilirubinemia and include elevations in AST and alkaline

phosphatase. Ascites, right upper quadrant pain, and encephalopathy lag behind

changes in liver function tests and develop within 10 to 15 days after infusion of

hematopoietic stem cells.


Although liver biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis of SOS/VOD, its use is

limited due to the risk of bleeding during the procedure. Other noninvasive criteria

have been developed to help diagnosis SOS/VOD after HCT. Two sets of clinical

criteria call for an evaluation of hyperbilirubinemia, ascites/weight gain, and right

upper quadrant pain not attributable to other causes such as medications, acute

GVHD, or infection.

111,114 Along with these criteria, ultrasound may be useful in

determining whether there is reversed hepatic venous flow and to confirm ascites

and/or hepatomegaly.

CASE 101-3, QUESTION 9: What is the likelihood that K.M. will recover from her SOS/VOD? How should

she be treated?

There is no standard treatment for SOS/VOD although many patients with

SOS/VOD (70%–85%) spontaneously recover. Preventive measures look to control

patient risk factors, and pharmacologic prevention strategies have also been used.

Patient-specific risk factors are often not reversible; however, selection of


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preparative regimens such as nonmyeloablative regimens, avoidance of

concomitant hepatotoxic drugs, use of fractionated TBI, and the use of adaptive

busulfan dosing may reduce risk. Preventive medications have also been

investigated. The use of prophylactic heparin has shown varied results in clinical

trials; therefore, its use is still controversial.

115 The data for the use of

ursodeoxycholic acid are also inconclusive. However, some trials have shown a

benefit in reducing the incidence of SOS/VOD with its use. According to one trial,

patients who received ursodeoxycholic acid were shown to have decreased

hepatotoxicity, less acute GVHD, and better survival.


Other treatments consist of supportive-care measures such as management of

sodium and water balance, and paracentesis, in severe cases, for ascites that is

associated with pain and pulmonary compromise.

105 Volume expanders such as

albumin and colloids may be used to maintain intravascular volume, spironolactone

may be used to minimize extravascular fluid accumulation, and protein restriction and

lactulose may be used if encephalopathy develops. Unfortunately, improved

outcomes with these measures have not been confirmed. In patients with severe

SOS/VOD and multiorgan failure, available treatment options are limited.

Thrombolytic therapy with recombinant human tissue plasminogen activator and

heparin have had mixed results in terms of efficacy and can cause fatal intracerebral

or pulmonary bleeding.

105 Defibrotide, an investigational drug, has shown promising

results in the treatment of SOS/VOD.

117–119 Defibrotide, a ribonucleotide, has

antithrombotic, anti-ischemic, and thrombolytic activity without producing significant

systemic anticoagulation. In a compassionate use trial of 88 patients with severe

SOS/VOD and associated organ dysfunction, 36% of patients had complete

resolution of SOS/VOD and 35% survived past day 100 after HCT.


Although the use of defibrotide in treating SOS/VOD appears to be effective, little

is known about whether prophylactic defibrotide could be beneficial in high-risk

patients. Corbacioglu et al. explored this question in children with malignant infantile

osteopetrosis undergoing stem cell transplantation. Previously 7/11 or 63.6% (n =

20) of the children in their center between 1996 and 2001 experienced SOS/VOD.

Defibrotide prophylaxis was initiated in nine consecutive patients between 2001 and

2005 and in this group 1/9 (11.1%) was diagnosed with moderate SOS/VOD,

suggesting a significant benefit from prophylactic defibrotide. To further explore this

question, a US National Institutes of Health-sponsored prospective randomized trial

has been undertaken to answer the question as to whether prophylactic defibrotide is

superior to therapeutic defibrotide in children at high risk for experiencing

SOS/VOD during stem cell transplantation.


Because K.M. does not meet the criteria for severe SOS/VOD, she should be

managed conservatively with fluid restriction and spironolactone for fluid diuresis.

Her signs and symptoms should resolve during the next 2 weeks. Because she has

mild SOS/VOD, she is likely to recover completely without sequelae.

Graft Rejection

CASE 101-4

QUESTION 1: E.R. is a 65-year-old woman diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome. Past medical history

is significant for type I diabetes and renal dysfunction. After her initial diagnosis, a search for a completely

HLA-matched unrelated donor was conducted. A donor was found in the National Marrow Donor Registry and

E.R. will receive a nonmyeloablative allogeneic HCT using bone marrow from an unrelated male donor. E.R.’s

preparative regimen is as follows: fludarabine 30 mg/m


/day on days −4, −3 and −2 and 2 Gy TBI on the day of

marrow infusion with post-transplant cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil. It is now day +28 and E.R.’s

CBC shows the following:

WBC count, 500 cells/μL

Differential, no granulocytes or monocytes detected

Platelets, 100,000/μL

Hematocrit (Hct), 30%

Donor T-cell chimerism is <5%. What is E.R. experiencing and how should she be treated?

Reduced-intensity regimens typically consist of fludarabine in combination with an

alkylating agent or low-dose TBI (Fig. 101-3). With the nonmyeloablative

fludarabine/TBI regimen, there is minimal neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and other

nonhematologic toxicities.

2 Engraftment is usually evident within the first 30 days in

patients receiving a nonmyeloablative preparative regimen; however, rejection can

occur after initial engraftment.

121 Mixed chimerism, a state where both host and donor

cells coexist, generally develops after nonmyeloablative HCT. E.R. has low donor

T-cell chimerism on day +28, placing her at high risk of graft rejection.

Graft rejection occurs particularly after nonmyeloablative allogeneic HCT. A

delicate balance exists between host and donor effector cells. This is established

with myelosuppressive chemotherapy and immunosuppressants to decrease the risk

of excessive host-versus-graft effects that could lead to graft rejection. The incidence

of graft rejection is higher in patients with aplastic anemia and in patients undergoing

HCT with histoincompatible marrow or T-cell-depleted marrow. There are limited

therapeutic options for the treatment of graft rejection. A second HCT is the most

definitive therapy, assuming donor cells are available, although the toxicities are



In patients receiving myeloablative allogeneic HCT, graft rejection is

best managed with immunosuppressants such as ATG. In patients receiving a

reduced-intensity regimen, graft rejection may require a second HCT.

E.R. received nonmyeloablative conditioning, and thus, she should have mixed

chimerism post-transplant; however, she has fewer than 5% donor T cells. Current

research is focusing on quantitative chimerism monitoring, specifically evaluating the

percent donor chimerism, which may be used as a tool with which to base clinical


80 Donor chimerism is evaluated in different cell types (e.g., T cells,

NK cells, granulocytes) although the cell type most predictive of outcome is not

known. The changes in the percent donor chimerism over time post-transplant, termed

“engraftment kinetics,” are influenced by several factors such as type of HCT

conditioning, stem cell source, and intensity of postgrafting immunosuppression.


A balance between the recipient’s and donor’s cells is needed to maximize the GVT

effect, which lowers the risk of relapse while minimizing the risk of GVHD.


Based on E.R.’s state of chimerism, she will not benefit from the GVT effect due to

the lack of the donor’s cytotoxic T lymphocytes that suppress the recipient’s


E.R. is at high risk of graft rejection and therefore may not benefit from the

transplant. A trial of discontinuing cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil, in an

attempt to shift the balance toward donor graft growth and away from recipient T-cell

growth, is an option. E.R.’s T-cell chimerism should be monitored periodically and

hematopoietic function should be monitored with daily CBC and a bone marrow

biopsy as clinically indicated.


Graft-versus-host disease is caused by activation of donor lymphocytes, leading to

immune-mediated damage to the recipient. Histocompatibility differences between

donor and recipient necessitate post-transplantation immunosuppression after

allogeneic HCT because considerable morbidity and mortality are associated with

graft rejection and GVHD. Therefore, immunosuppression or GVHD prophylaxis is

used after allogeneic HCT. However, because allogeneic transplantation offers the

potential for a GVT effect in which immune effector cells from the donor recognize

and eliminate residual tumor in the recipient, research is focusing on immune

suppression manipulations that allow sufficient GVT effects while not increasing the

risk of graft rejection and GVHD.


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Figure 101-3 Partialspectrum of preparative regimens of various intensities, their impact on toxicity, and their

dependence on graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effects for success of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. AraC,

cytarabine; BU, busulfan; CD52, anti-CD52 antibody (alemtuzumab); CY, cyclophosphamide; FLU, fludarabine;

TBI, total body irradiation; THY, thymoglobulin. *TBI >1,200 cGy;

†200 cGy;

‡3.2 to 16 mg/kg; §90 to 250 mg/m



(Adapted from Deeg HJ et al. Optimization of allogeneic transplant conditioning: not the time for dogma.

Leukemia. 2006;20:1701, with permission.)

Graft-versus-host disease is the most important complication of allogeneic HCT

and limits the use of this lifesaving treatment in patients without histocompatible


2,125 GVHD can occur after allogeneic HCT, regardless of the preparative

regimen used. The pathophysiology of GVHD is not completely understood, but the

current view of its development is described by a three-step process, including (a)

the preparative regimen causing tissue damage and release of inflammatory cytokines

into the circulation; (b) recipient and donor antigen presenting cells and inflammatory

cytokines triggering activation of donor-derived T cells; and (c) activated donor T

cells mediating cytotoxicity through a variety of mechanisms, which leads to tissue

damage characteristic of acute GVHD (aGVHD).


Graft-versus-host disease has traditionally been divided into two forms (i.e., acute

or chronic) based on time points and clinical manifestations. Acute GVHD, defined

as occurring during the first 100 days post-transplant, damages the skin, GI tract, and



In contrast, chronic GVHD (cGVHD) may affect almost any organ system,

closely resembles several autoimmune diseases, and occurs after day 100. With the

introduction of nonmyeloablative HCT, the time course of GVHD has shifted and a

late-onset aGVHD occurring after day 100 is possible; however, in these individuals,

acute and chronic GVHD symptoms may both be present. As such, consensus criteria

developed by The National Institutes of Health have classified GVHD based on

clinical manifestations and not time after HCT.


The majority of the data regarding the prevention and treatment of GVHD have

been obtained after myeloablative preparative regimens. Therefore, the subsequent

section refers only to trials conducted in recipients of a myeloablative allogeneic


Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease


CASE 101-5

QUESTION 1: M.P., a 22-year-old, 70-kg man, undergoes a one-antigen mismatched allogeneic HCT from

his sister for the diagnosis of Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph


) AML. After a myeloablative preparative

regimen of CY/TBI, the following immunosuppressive regimen is ordered: cyclosporine 2.5 mg/kg every 12

hours from day –3 until tolerating oral medications, then switch to cyclosporine 4 mg/kg PO every 12 hours until

day +50. Methotrexate 15 mg/m


IV on day +1, then 10 mg/m

2 on days +3, +6, and +11. What factors are

associated with an increased risk of acute GVHD?

The single most important factor associated with the development of GVHD is the

degree of histocompatibility between donor and recipient.

2 Clinically relevant grade

II–IV acute GVHD occurs in 20% to 50% of HLA-matched sibling grafts and 50% to

80% of HLA-mismatched sibling or HLA-identical unrelated donors.

128 The onset of

aGVHD is earlier and severity is increased in mismatched grafts relative to matched

grafts, and also in MUDs relative to matched sibling donors.

41,129 Other factors that

increase the risk of experiencing aGVHD include increasing recipient (and possibly

donor) age, greater intensity of the preparative regimen, use of PBPC rather than

bone marrow, and donor/recipient sex mismatch.

126 Umbilical cord transplants have a

lower risk of aGVHD.


M.P. is receiving allogeneic bone marrow from a female sibling donor that is

mismatched at one HLA antigen. These two factors increase his risk of exhibiting

aGVHD. Therefore good immunosuppressive therapy is critical in preventing its



CASE 101-5, QUESTION 2: On day +14, the time at which engraftment has occurred, M.P. is noted to have

a diffuse maculopapular rash on his arms, hands, and front trunk. He does not have diarrhea, and his liver

function tests are within normal limits. At the onset of his rash, M.P.’s empiric antibiotics are changed from

cefepime to meropenem. Despite the change in antibiotics, M.P.’s rash persists. How is M.P.’s presentation

consistent with acute GVHD?

The primary targets of immune-mediated destruction of host tissue by donor

lymphocytes in aGVHD are the skin followed by the GI tract (diarrhea) and the


128,133 Acute GVHD of the skin, the most common site of aGVHD, usually

manifests as a diffuse maculopapular, pruritic rash that starts on the palms of the

hands, soles of the feet, or the face. In more severe cases, skin aGVHD can progress

to a generalized total body erythroderma, bullous formation, and skin desquamation.

The earliest symptoms of aGVHD of the GI tract are usually loss of appetite

followed by nausea and vomiting.

105 Abdominal pain and watery or bloody diarrhea

also occur, which can result in electrolyte abnormalities, dehydration, or ileus in

severe cases. Liver GVHD usually follows skin and/or GI GVHD. Clinical

symptoms of liver GVHD include a gradual rise in total bilirubin, alkaline

phosphatase, and hepatic transaminases.

105 Acute GVHD is usually not evident until

the time of engraftment, when donor lymphoid elements begin to proliferate. The skin

is usually the first organ to be involved. The onset of liver or GI GVHD usually lags

behind the onset of skin GVHD by approximately 1 week and infrequently occurs

without skin GVHD.

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Table 101-6

Modified Glucksberg Grading of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease

Organ Stage Skin

a Liver Intestinal Tract


1 Maculopapular rash <25% of

body surface

Bilirubin 2–2.9


500–1,000 mL/day diarrhea or biopsyproven upper GI involvement

2 Maculopapular rash 25%–50%

body surface

Bilirubin 3–6 mg/dL 1,000–1,500 mL/day diarrhea

3 Maculopapular rash >50% body


Bilirubin 6.1–15


1,500–2,000 mL/day diarrhea

4 Generalized erythroderma with


Bilirubin >15 mg/dL >2,000 mL/day diarrhea or severe

abdominal pain with or without ileus

aExtent of rash determined by “rule of nines.”

bDiarrhea volume applies to adults.

Source: Cutler C, Antin JH. Manifestations and treatment of acute graft-versus-host disease. In: Blume KG et al,

eds. Thomas’ Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. 4th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2009:1291.

Acute GVHD must be distinguished accurately from other causes of skin, liver, or

GI toxicity in the HCT patient. For example, a maculopapular rash, which may occur

as a manifestation of an allergic reaction to antibiotics, usually begins on the trunk or

upper extremities and is rarely present on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet.

Diarrhea can be caused by chemotherapy, radiation, infection, or antibiotic


105 However, diarrhea caused by the preparative regimen is rarely bloody

and usually resolves within 3 to 7 days after discontinuation of drugs and radiation.

Diarrhea caused by infectious agents such as Clostridium difficile or

cytomegalovirus (CMV) should be distinguished from GVHD. Liver GVHD must be

distinguished primarily from SOS/VOD and, to a lesser extent, hepatitis induced by

drugs, blood products, or parenteral nutrition. Although liver function test

abnormalities between these syndromes are similar, liver GVHD is rarely associated

with insidious weight gain or right upper quadrant pain.

105 A tissue biopsy of the

affected organ in conjunction with clinical evidence is the only way to definitively

diagnose aGVHD, though biopsy of the gut or liver is rarely done due to the

increased risks associated with thrombocytopenia early in the post-transplant phase.

Acute GVHD is associated with characteristic histologic changes to affected organs.

A staging system based on clinical criteria is used to grade aGVHD. The severity of

organ involvement is determined first (Table 101-6), and then an overall grade is

established based on number and extent of involved organs (Table 101-7).

Table 101-7

Modified Glucksberg versus International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry

Overall Grading of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease Severity

Organ Stage Skin Liver Gut

Glucksberg Grading

I—Mild Stage 1–2 None None

II—Moderate Stage 3 or Stage 1 or Stage 1

III—Severe Stage 2–3 or Stage 2–4

IV—Life-threatening Stage 4 or Stage 4 —

IBMTR Grading

A—Mild Stage 1 None None

B—Moderate Stage 2 Stage 1 or 2 Stage 1 or 2

C—Severe Stage 3 Stage 3 Stage 3

D—Life-threatening Stage 4 Stage 4 Stage 4

Source: Cutler C, Antin JH. Manifestations and treatment of acute graft-versus-host disease. In: Blume KG et al,

eds. Thomas’ Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. 4th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2009:1291.

IBMTR, International Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry.

M.P. developed a rash at the time of engraftment that could have been consistent

with either an antibiotic-induced rash or aGVHD. Although it was appropriate to

change antibiotics, the fact that M.P.’s rash did not improve is suggestive of aGVHD.

M.P.’s rash is present on 36% of his body, but because there are no signs of GI or

liver involvement at this time, M.P. is likely to have grade I aGVHD (Tables 101-6

and Table 101-7).


CASE 101-5, QUESTION 3: Why did M.P. receive prophylactic immunosuppressive therapy with

cyclosporine and methotrexate?

Graft-versus-host disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality after

allogeneic HCT. Without immunosuppression, serious aGVHD would occur in

almost every allogeneic HCT recipient.

2 The most common method used to minimize

GVHD risk is to administer prophylactic immunosuppressive therapies and most

patients receive multi-drug GVHD prophylaxis.

Historically, aGVHD was prevented with single-drug therapy using ATG,

cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, or cyclosporine.

134–136 ATG binds nonspecifically

to mononuclear cells and depletes hematopoietic progenitor cells in addition to

lymphocytes. Consequently, ATG is generally avoided as a prophylactic agent due to

the risk of graft failure.

134 The risk of GVHD is greatly reduced by two-drug

combination immunosuppression (Table 101-8). Although the most widely published

regimen is short-course methotrexate plus cyclosporine,


there is no consensus with

regard to the most effective regimen. Several randomized clinical trials have

compared tacrolimus and short-course methotrexate with cyclosporine plus shortcourse methotrexate in patients undergoing allogeneic HCT using HLA-matched


137,138 and unrelated donors.

86 Recipients of matched sibling grafts treated

with tacrolimus had a lower incidence of grade II to IV aGVHD but a similar

incidence of cGVHD.

137 Overall survival was lower in the tacrolimus group as a

result of more toxic deaths in patients with advanced stage disease; however, a

higher number of advanced stage disease patients in the tacrolimus/methotrexate

group make the results of this trial somewhat difficult to interpret.


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Table 101-8

Combination Immunosuppression Regimens for Prophylaxis of Acute Graftversus-Host Disease in Myeloablative Transplant


Drug Dosing Examples

Cyclosporine/short-term methotrexate 1.5 mg/kg IV or 4 mg/kg (Neoral) PO every 12 hours, days −1 to +50,

then taper 5% per week and discontinue by day +180

Methotrexate 10 mg/m


IV, days +3, +6, +11

Tacrolimus/short term Tacrolimus 0.03 mg/kg/d continuous IV infusion or 0.12 mg/kg/d PO



136 Methotrexate 15 mg/m


IV day +1; 10 mg/m


IV, days +3, +6, +11

Cyclosporine/methotrexate/prednisone Cyclosporine 5 mg/kg/d IV continuous infusion, days –2 to +3, then 3–

3.75 mg/kg IV until day +35; then 7 mg/kg/d (Neoral) PO, dose adjusted

to cyclosporine concentrations (via radioimmunoassay) of 200–400

ng/mL. Taper by 20% every 2 weeks; then discontinue by day +180

Methotrexate 15 mg/m


IV day +1; 10 mg/m


IV days +3, +6

Methylprednisolone 0.5 mg/kg/day IV day +7 until day +14; then 1

mg/kg/d IV until day +28; then prednisone 0.8 mg/kg/day PO until day

+42; then taper slowly and discontinue by day +180

BID, twice a day; IV, intravenous; PO, orally.

Subsequently, the International Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry conducted

a matched control study, which suggested that the survival difference between the

two arms of tacrolimus plus short-course methotrexate and cyclosporine plus shortcourse methotrexate was in fact due to the imbalance in the underlying risk factors.


In patients receiving HLA-matched or slightly mismatched unrelated grafts, those

given tacrolimus had a lower incidence of grade II to IV aGVHD, a similar incidence

of cGVHD, and similar disease-free and overall survival rates.

86 Both regimens are

currently used in allogeneic HCT after myeloablative preparative regimens.

More recently, the use of mycophenolate mofetil has been studied in allogeneic

transplants with myeloablative conditioning used in combination with cyclosporine.

It appears to have a similar incidence of aGVHD and 100-day survival as

methotrexate/cyclosporine, yet significantly less severe mucositis and more rapid

neutrophil engraftment than the methotrexate/cyclosporine arm.

139,140 Mycophenolate

mofetil is now commonly used in clinical practice in combination with cyclosporine

or tacrolimus.

M.P. received acute GVHD prophylaxis with a two-drug regimen of short-course

methotrexate and cyclosporine, the most common regimen for myeloablative

allogeneic conditioning regimens. Using two drugs with different mechanisms of

immunosuppression, one blocking the activation of T cells (cyclosporine) and the

other (methotrexate) blocking the division and clonal expansion of activated T cells,

is more effective in decreasing the likelihood of GVHD than one of these agents


CASE 101-5, QUESTION 4: What principles are used in dosing medications used for acute GVHD


Although the various combination immunosuppressive regimens vary slightly by

drug, dose, and combination, several guidelines are consistent throughout all

regimens. First, methotrexate used for prophylaxis of aGVHD is withheld or given in

reduced doses if mucositis is severe or the patient experiences excessive fluid


136,141 Fluid retention sites act as a depot for methotrexate accumulation,

increasing duration of exposure. Methotrexate for GVHD prophylaxis can delay

engraftment, increase the incidence and severity of mucositis, and cause liver

function test elevations. The methotrexate dose is reduced in the setting of renal or

liver impairment.


The calcineurin inhibitors (i.e., cyclosporine, tacrolimus) should be initiated

before or immediately after donor cell infusion (day −3 to 0) when used for GVHD

prophylaxis. This schedule is recommended because of the known mechanism of

action of these agents, which entails blocking the proliferation of cytotoxic T cells by

inhibiting production of helper T-cell-derived interleukin-2 (IL-2). Administering

cyclosporine before the donor cell infusion allows inhibition of IL-2 secretion to

occur before a rejection response has been initiated.

Cyclosporine is usually administered intravenously until the GI toxicity from a

myeloablative preparative regimen has resolved (e.g., for 7–21 days).

136 This is

because GI effects of the preparative regimen (e.g., chemotherapy-induced nausea

and vomiting, diarrhea) and GVHD affect the oral absorption of microemulsion

cyclosporine and may result in inconsistent blood concentrations.

143 Most centers use

the microemulsion oral formulation (Neoral) or other new generic microemulsion

formulations that have improved bioavailability. With the microemulsion oral

formulation, an IV to PO dosing ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 is appropriate. The most common

ratio used when converting tacrolimus from IV to oral is 1:4. Empiric dose

adjustments may be required when patients are receiving concomitant medications

(e.g., voriconazole) that affect cytochrome CYP3A4 or P-glycoprotein, which are

involved in the metabolism and transport of the calcineurin inhibitors. Thus, careful

monitoring for drug interactions with the calcineurin inhibitors is warranted.


The dose of cyclosporine or tacrolimus is adjusted based on serum drug levels and

the serum creatinine (SCr) concentration. Although the calcineurin inhibitors do not

contribute to myelosuppression, common adverse effects to these agents include

electrolyte abnormalities, neurotoxicity, hypertension, and/or nephrotoxicity.


Tapering schedules for GVHD prophylaxis vary widely among institutions. The

general goal is to keep calcineurin inhibitor

p. 2117

p. 2118

doses stable until day +50 and then slowly taper with the intent of discontinuing all

immunosuppressive agents by 6 months after HCT. By this time, immunologic

tolerance has developed, and patients no longer require immunosuppressive therapy.

This can only be accomplished if the patient is not experiencing GVHD.


CASE 101-5, QUESTION 5: On day +18, a cyclosporine concentration is measured right before the morning

dose (trough) and is reported as 392 ng/mL. Why are cyclosporine concentrations being obtained for M.P.?

The role of pharmacokinetic monitoring of the calcineurin inhibitors in HCT

patients is not well defined but is commonly performed because of the established

pharmacodynamic associations within solid organ transplant recipients. It is standard

practice for HCT centers to adjust cyclosporine or tacrolimus doses based on trough

blood concentrations.

145 An association between cyclosporine concentrations and

aGVHD was not found in early studies; however, other studies have suggested that

cyclosporine trough concentrations for 12-hour dosing of 200 to 400 ng/mL in adult

patients minimize the risk of aGVHD and the risk of cyclosporine-induced


146–148 For continuously infused cyclosporine, higher target blood

concentrations of 300 to 500 ng/mL have been required to prevent GVHD in order to

provide an equivalent AUC of exposure to intermittent dosing.


It is important to

note that cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity may occur despite low or normal

concentrations of cyclosporine and may be a consequence of other drug- or diseaserelated factors known to influence the development of nephrotoxicity. Additionally,

recent studies suggest that trough concentrations do not correlate well with exposure

to cyclosporine and that a peak level is better correlated to the AUC(0–12). A peak

concentration of greater than 800 ng/mL may be required to prevent GVHD. Despite

this, the data are limited and the routine use of peaks for therapeutic drug monitoring

is not recommended.

151 Desired tacrolimus trough concentrations are 5 to 15 ng/mL.

Tacrolimus concentrations greater than 20 ng/mL have been associated with

increased risk of toxicity, primarily nephrotoxicity.

145,152 Adjustments in tacrolimus

dosing for increased SCr should be made in a manner similar to that described for


It is reasonable to adjust M.P.’s doses to maintain cyclosporine trough

concentrations between 200 and 400 ng/mL, as in all patients undergoing allogeneic

HCT with a myeloablative preparative regimen. Recommendations for dose

adjustments should be based on cyclosporine concentrations and SCr level. No

standard dosage adjustment schedule exists, but most centers adopt their own

standardized approach. M.P. has a normal SCr, and his cyclosporine trough is 392

ng/mL. Therefore, his cyclosporine dose should be maintained and the trough

repeated in a few days. It may be repeated sooner if an interacting drug is added or

discontinued, or if there are toxicity concerns.



CASE 101-5, QUESTION 6: In the third week post-transplant, M.P. experiences a pruritic rash on his

shoulders and neck which spreads to the palms of his hands and looks like a sunburn. On day +19, the suspicion

of acute skin GVHD is confirmed by biopsy. On the same day, M.P. develops diarrhea (1,000 mL over 24

hours) and is noted to have a bilirubin of 2.8 mg/dL. He is started on methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg IV every 12

hours. What is the rationale for methylprednisolone therapy in M.P.?

Preventing the development of aGVHD is the most effective way to treat this HCT

complication. In patients who develop aGVHD, first-line treatment is a

corticosteroid added to their current immune suppression regimen.

126 For this reason,

aGVHD and its treatment cause profound immunodeficiency.

2,153 The combination of

aGVHD and infectious complications is the leading cause of mortality for allogeneic

HCT patients.

The route of corticosteroid administration is determined by the severity of the

aGVHD. Those patients with only skin involvement of less than 50% of their body

surface area may be treated with topical steroid creams, whereas involvement of

other organs, or stage 3 or 4 skin disease, requires systemic corticosteroids. A

complete response occurs in up to 25% to 40% of patients, with a lower likelihood

of response in more severe cases of aGVHD.

126,153 Patients with mild-to-moderate

(grades I–III) aGVHD who respond to initial therapy have a significantly better

survival advantage than patients with severe aGVHD who do not respond to initial

therapy. Patients who do not respond to corticosteroid therapy or have ongoing

severe GVHD usually die from a combination of GVHD and infectious



Corticosteroids used in the treatment of aGVHD are generally tapered based on

response. There is no consensus on the optimal method for tapering the


153 and the tapering rate depends on the patient. Patients who

experience aGVHD or who experience flares of existing GVHD during a tapering

trial will have their dosages increased or tapered more slowly as tolerated.

Because M.P. had objective evidence of established aGVHD, he was given

systemic IV corticosteroids. This was appropriate because single-agent

corticosteroids are considered the therapy of choice for established aGVHD.


Corticosteroids indirectly halt the progression of immune-mediated destruction of

host tissues by blocking macrophage-derived interleukin-1 secretion. Interleukin-1 is

a primary stimulus for helper T-cell-induced secretion of IL-2, which in turn is

responsible for stimulating proliferation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The

recommended dosage of methylprednisolone for the treatment of established aGVHD

is 1 to 2 mg/kg/day, given intravenously or orally in divided doses, followed by a

tapering schedule that is determined by response.

154,155 Trials that compared higher

doses of corticosteroids (i.e., 10 mg/kg/day) to 2 mg/kg/day as initial treatment of

aGVHD showed no advantage.

156 Monitoring for rash, diarrhea, and bilirubin levels

to asses aGVHD response should occur daily.

126 M.P. was receiving cyclosporine for

GVHD prophylaxis at the time the aGVHD developed. Although the cyclosporine

was not effective in preventing the aGVHD, it is typical for patients to remain on

their prophylactic immune suppressants.

A significant portion of patients do not respond to corticosteroids, and they are

said to have steroid-refractory GVHD.


If aGVHD symptoms worsen during 3 days

of treatment and if the skin does not improve by 5 days, it is unlikely that a response

will be achieved in a timely manner, and secondary therapy should be considered.


Patients with steroid-refractory aGVHD have a poorer prognosis. A variety of

medications are being studied for “salvage” or secondary therapy. The salvage

therapy depends on the organs affected. For example, phototherapy is used as salvage

therapy for skin GVHD, and nonabsorbable corticosteroids are used for GI GVHD.

Other options for salvage therapy include ATG, denileukin diftitox, and TNF-α

blockers (e.g., infliximab, etanercept).

126,157 The most effective dose, timing, or

combination of these salvage therapies is still unknown.

M.P. should be evaluated for response to methylprednisolone after 4 to 7 days. If

his aGVHD has improved or stabilized, he should be continued on therapy at this

dose for a total of 14 days. If M.P. responds to therapy, his methylprednisolone dose

should be tapered slowly over a minimum of 1 month, and he should be monitored for

any evidence of recurrent GVHD. If the GVHD

p. 2118

p. 2119

flares during his steroid taper as evidenced by worsening skin reactions, increased

bilirubin, or increased diarrhea volume, the dose should be increased again until his

disease is stable; the subsequent taper should be initiated at a slower rate. If M.P.

fails to respond to first-line therapy with methylprednisolone, he should receive

salvage therapy.

Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease


CASE 101-5, QUESTION 7: M.P. was successfully treated for his aGVHD, is no longer taking

corticosteroids, and is currently tapering off his cyclosporine. On day +200, M.P. comes to clinic for follow-up

after a 2-week vacation in Florida. On examination, M.P. is found to have a mild skin rash on his arms and legs,

hyperpigmentation of the tissue surrounding the eyes, and white plaque-like lesions in his mouth. He is also

complaining of dry eyes. Laboratory tests reveal an increased alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin

concentration. What is the most likely cause of M.P.’s findings?

Chronic GVHD (cGVHD), the most common late complication of allogeneic HCT,

occurs in 20% to 70% of patients surviving more than 100 days.

158 Chronic GVHD is

a major cause of nonrelapse morbidity and mortality.

2 Risk factors for cGVHD

include recipient, donor, and transplant factors. Nonmodifiable recipient risk factors

include older age, certain diagnoses (e.g., CML), and lack of an HLA-matched donor.

Modifiable factors that may lower the risk of cGVHD include selecting a younger

donor, avoiding a multiparous female donor, using umbilical cord blood or a bone

marrow graft rather than PBPC, and limiting the CD34

+ and T-cell dose infused.


Development of aGVHD is a major predictor of cGVHD; 70% to 80% of those with

grade II to IV aGVHD go on to develop cGVHD.


Chronic GVHD is not a continuation of aGVHD. Traditionally, the boundary

between the two was based on time, but now they are classified based on different

clinical symptoms.

158 Signs and symptoms of cGVHD in various organ systems are

listed in Table 101-9.

A consensus guideline for the diagnosis and scoring of cGVHD has been


127 The diagnosis of cGVHD requires (a) being distinct from aGVHD, (b)

having at least one diagnostic clinical sign of cGVHD or at least one distinctive

manifestation confirmed by pertinent biopsy or other relevant tests, and (c) exclusion

of other possible diagnoses. The clinical scoring system uses a numerical value of 0

to 3, with more severe symptoms having a higher number. A global score is

calculated by including the number of organs involved and the severity within each

affected organ. The global score reflects the expected effect of cGVHD on the

patient’s performance status and can be used to evaluate whether treatment with

systemic immunosuppression is required. The grading and prognosis of cGVHD can

define and predict high-risk patient groups.


Table 101-9

Selected Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease

Affected Organ Diagnostic Distinctive Other Features


Seen With Both

Acute and

Chronic GVHD

Eyes New-onset dry,

gritty, or painful











Confluent areas of


keratopathy, tear

formation, dry eyes,

burning, photophobia

Erythema of the

eyelids with edema

Gastrointestinal tract Esophageal web Pancreatic



Stricture or stenosis

in the upper- to midNausea


third of the




Weight loss Failure to thrive

(infants and


Liver Total bilirubin,

alkaline phosphatase

>2 × upper limit of



Lung Bronchiolitis

obliterans diagnosed

with lung biopsy


obliterans diagnosed

with pulmonary

function tests and




obliterans organizing


Skin Poikiloderma Depigmentation Seat impairment



Lichen planus-like


Keratosis pilaris Maculopapular rash


Sclerotic features Hypopigmentation




Lichen sclerosus-like


Signs and symptoms for hematopoietic and immune differences, as well as for nails; scalp and body hair; mouth;

genitalia; muscles, fascia, and joints; and other organs, are also described by Filipovich et al.


aPart of chronic GVHD symptomatology if the diagnosis is confirmed.

bDiagnosis of chronic GVHD requires biopsy or radiology confirmation (or Schirmer test for eyes).


Infection, drug effects, malignancy, or other causes must be excluded.

GVHD, graft-versus-host disease.

p. 2119

p. 2120

The signs and symptoms of cGVHD in M.P. include a rash in sun-exposed areas of

the skin, hyperpigmentation of tissues surrounding his eyes, white plaque-like lesions

in the mouth, dry mucous membranes, and increased alkaline phosphatase and total

bilirubin levels. These symptoms appeared after a period of complete resolution of

aGVHD and during a taper of the cyclosporine. Thus, M.P. has moderateinvolvement, quiescent cGVHD.



CASE 101-5, QUESTION 8: M.P. is started on prednisone 1 mg/kg PO daily for the treatment of his chronic

GVHD. His cyclosporine taper is stopped, and the dosage is raised to therapeutic concentrations. Is this therapy

rational? What other agents are available to treat cGVHD?

There is no specific prophylactic therapy for cGVHD, and the optimal treatment

remains controversial. The mainstay of therapy for cGVHD is long-term

immunosuppressive therapy. Survival for patients with cGVHD is improved by

extended corticosteroid therapy, although there are multiple long-term adverse effects

associated with the corticosteroids.

158,160 A typical regimen is prednisone 1

mg/kg/day, administered orally in divided doses for 14 days and then converted

slowly to alternate-day therapy by increasing the “on-day” and decreasing the “offday” dose until a total of 1 mg/kg/day on alternate days is administered.

160 Alternateday therapy is preferred to minimize adrenocortical suppression. Once therapy is

initiated, 1 to 2 months may pass before an improvement in clinical symptoms is

noted. Therapy is usually continued for 9 to 12 months and then slowly tapered after

signs and symptoms of cGVHD have resolved. The median duration of treatment has

been reported to be 23 months.


If cGVHD worsens during the tapering or after

discontinuation of prednisone, immunosuppressive therapy is restarted. Other

potential approaches for patients with refractory cGVHD include mycophenolate

mofetil, daclizumab, sirolimus, pentostatin, and extracorporeal photophoresis.


When immunosuppressive therapy is administered for long periods, the patient

must be monitored closely for chronic toxicity. Cushingoid effects, aseptic necrosis

of the joints, and diabetes can develop with long-term corticosteroid use. Other

severe complications include a high incidence of infection with encapsulated

organisms and atypical pathogens such as Pneumocystis jiroveci (P. jiroveci)

pneumonia, CMV, and herpes zoster.

It is reasonable to start M.P. on single-agent prednisone for cGVHD treatment at 1

mg/kg daily for 2 weeks and then convert to every other day as described.


CASE 101-5, QUESTION 9: Suggest some adjuvant therapies that should be instituted in a patient like M.P.

with chronic GVHD.

Patients who are being treated for cGVHD should receive trimethoprim–

sulfamethoxazole for prophylaxis of P. jiroveci and encapsulated organisms, such as

Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. Ensuring optimal

prophylactic antibiotics in cGVHD patients is critical because infection is the

primary cause of death during treatment.

161 Artificial tears and saliva may improve

lubrication and decrease the occurrence of cracking and fissures in mucous

membranes. Newer therapies such as cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion and

autologous serum tears have provided relief for chronic ocular GVHD.



nutritional intake is poor, consultation with a clinical nutritionist and use of oral

nutritional supplementation may be advisable. Patients should be instructed to apply

sunscreens to exposed areas whenever prolonged sun exposure is anticipated. Liver

function abnormalities have been improved by up to 30% with the use of ursodiol as

bile acid displacement therapy.

163–165 Calcium supplements, estrogen replacement, or

other anti-osteoporosis agents should be considered in women or other patients at

risk for fracture or bone loss while receiving prolonged regimens with

immunosuppressant therapy.

166 Patient education regarding the gradual resolution of

symptoms such as skin sclerosis, fatigue and muscle weakness, anticipated duration

of therapy, and importance of compliance with oral immunosuppressive therapy is



Opportunistic infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality after

myeloablative and nonmyeloablative HCT. There are three general periods of

infectious risk (Fig. 101-2). During the early period pre-engraftment, particularly for

patients undergoing myeloablative HCT, the primary pathogens are aerobic bacteria,

Candida spp., and herpes simplex virus (HSV). Chemotherapy-induced mucosal

damage creates a portal of entry into the bloodstream for many organisms, such as

viridans group Streptococcus, Candida, and aerobic gram-negative bacteria.

Catheter-associated infections have become the leading cause of bacteremia, most

notably in the early post-transplant period.

159,161 The routine use of antiviral

prophylaxis has decreased the incidence of HSV. Respiratory viruses such as

respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza, adenovirus, and parainfluenza are

increasingly recognized as pathogens causing pneumonia, particularly during

community outbreaks of infection.

167 To reduce potential exposure of HCT recipients

to these pathogens, visitors and staff members with signs and symptoms of a viral

respiratory illness may not be allowed direct contact with patients.

A potential advantage of reduced-intensity or nonmyeloablative preparative

regimens is reduced toxicity of the preparative regimen compared to myeloablative

HCT. Reduced-intensity or nonmyeloablative preparative regimens frequently do not

result in true neutropenia,

5 and the incidence of mucositis during the early period is


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