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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. Pediatric Drug Development.

Accessed July 12, 2017.

Benjamin DK Jr et al. Peer-reviewed publication of clinical trials completed for pediatric exclusivity. JAMA.


MacLeod S. Therapeutic drug monitoring in pediatrics: how do children differ? Ther Drug Monit. 2010;32:253.

p. 2137

Fluid requirements and calories normalized to body weight are much

greater in very small children than in older children and adults. It is

important to understand how to calculate the normal fluid and caloric

needs of children, and how fluid and caloric needs change with changes

in clinicalstatus.

Case 103-1 (Question 1),

Case 103-2 (Questions 1–3),

Case 103-3 (Questions 1–3),

Tables 103-1–103-6

Human milk is the ideal food for a human infant. In addition to meeting

the infant’s nutritional requirements, human milk provides the infant with

protection against a wide variety of infectious diseases and

noninfectious disorders. Solid foods are generally introduced at 4 to 6

months of age, and pure cow’s milk is generally introduced after 1 year.

Case 103-4 (Questions 1, 2,

4, 5)

Infant formula is available in three different formulations: cow’s milk

based, soy based, and protein hydrolysate (elemental). Cow’s milkbased formulas are the standard for most infants. Soy-based and protein

hydrolysate formulas are primarily intended for infants who are

intolerant of cow’s milk-based formulas. Other therapeutic formulas are

available or can be made for infants with disease states that preclude

the use of one of these three main types of formula.

Case 103-4 (Question 3),

Case 103-5 (Question 1),

Case 103-6 (Questions 2, 3),

Table 103-5

Growth assessment is an important focus of pediatric health care,

especially during the first year of life. With the exception of the

intrauterine period, the most rapid growth occurs during the first year.

Case 103-6 (Question 1)

Parenteral nutrition in infants and children is usually initiated below

estimated caloric needs and advanced as tolerated over the course of 3

or more days until goal caloric needs are met.

Case 103-6 (Question 4)

Parenteral nutrition can be used to supply sufficient nutrients to promote

healing and a normal rate of growth in sick infants and children.

However, parenteral nutrition is associated with clinically significant

risks and complications.

Case 103-7 (Questions 1–5,

7–9), Table 103-6

Specialized pediatric amino acid solutions are available for infants

younger than 1 year of age. These products were designed to produce

plasma amino acid patterns closely matching those of human milk-fed


Case 103-7 (Question 6)

Irreversible liver damage can occur with long-term parenteral nutrition.

Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease usually presents as an

Case 103-7 (Questions 10,


elevated direct (conjugated) hyperbilirubinemia and can occur as early

as 2 weeks after beginning parenteral nutrition.

A number of modifications can be made to the patient’s parenteral

nutrition regimen to alleviate or slow the progression of cholestasis. The

initiation of enteral feeding, even if limited to low-volume trophic

feeding, appears to be the most effective method for preventing


Case 103-7 (Question 11)

p. 2138

p. 2139

Adequate nutrition is an essential component of the health maintenance of children

and, in part, has been responsible for the dramatic reduction of infant mortality seen

in the United States during the 20th century. Clinical experience has confirmed the

value of optimal nutrition in resisting the effects of disease and trauma and in

improving the response to medical and surgical therapy. The metabolic demands of

rapid growth and maturation, in addition to the low nutritional reserves present

during infancy, make the potential benefit of good nutrition to critically ill pediatric

patients even greater.

Breast-feeding is the ideal method of feeding an infant and should be continued for

at least the first year of life whenever possible. When this is not feasible, various

infant formulas are available that provide appropriate nutrients for infants using the

oral route. A pediatric patient who has a functioning intestinal tract, but is unable to

achieve adequate oral intake, can be fed enterally using a tube inserted into the

stomach or small intestine. Indications for providing specialized enteral nutrition

include malnutrition, malabsorption, hypermetabolism, failure to thrive, prematurity,

and disorders of absorption, digestion, excretion, or utilization of nutrients.

Despite the many formulas and feeding techniques available, several medical and

gastrointestinal (GI) dilemmas that limit the use of the GI tract for nutritional support

can occur in infants and children. Premature infants with severe respiratory disease,

congenital abnormalities of the GI tract, or necrotizing enterocolitis are typical

candidates for support with parenteral nutrition (PN). Older children with short

bowel syndrome, severe malnutrition, intractable diarrhea, or inflammatory bowel

disease have been treated successfully with PN therapy. Pediatric patients receiving

chemotherapy for the treatment of malignancies or bone marrow transplant and

children with severe cardiac failure also have been successfully rehabilitated with


Many disorders that adversely affect nutrient intake or absorption also have an

adverse impact on fluid and electrolyte status. Consequently, fluid, electrolyte, and

nutrient management should be approached in an integrated manner. This chapter

reviews selected aspects of fluid and electrolyte management and nutrition therapy

for the pediatric population.


Management of fluid and electrolyte disturbances involves providing normal daily

maintenance requirements and replacing deficits and ongoing losses. To design

rational fluid therapy, it is necessary to know the normal composition of body water

and to understand the routes through which water and solutes are lost from the body

and the effects of disease and medications on water and electrolytes. Sodiumcontaining fluids are often referred to as fractions of normal saline (NS) (0.9%

NaCl). Normal saline contains 154 mEq/L of sodium chloride.

Calculation of Maintenance Fluid and Electrolyte


CASE 103-1

QUESTION 1: P.J., a 2-day-old, 3.5-kg term female infant has developed abdominal distension, and her oral

feedings have been stopped. Calculate a maintenance fluid and electrolyte prescription for her. Her serum

electrolytes include the following:

Sodium, 137 mEq/L

Potassium, 4.2 mEq/L

Chloride, 105 mEq/L


, 23 mEq/L

While P.J. receives nothing by mouth (NPO), her fluid and electrolyte needs must be met intravenously.

Estimate her requirements.

General recommendations for calculating maintenance fluid have not changed

significantly since first outlined by Holliday and Segar in 1957.

1 Similarly,

electrolyte and nutrient replacement is still based on guidelines published in 1988 by

Greene et al.

2 Fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient requirements on the basis of weight are

provided in Table 103-1. Although a commercially available intravenous (IV)

solution will be used, each component of the solution can be calculated separately.

Using the guidelines in Table 103-1, P.J.’s maintenance requirements can be

estimated as follows:

Fluid and electrolyte requirements can be met by infusing a solution of 5%

dextrose with one-quarter NS (38 mEq/L) and 20 mEq/L of KCl at 15 mL/hour. This

provides 12 mEq (3.4 mEq/kg/day) of NaCl and 7 mEq (2 mEq/kg/day) of KCl in

360 mL (103 mL/kg/day) of fluid per day.

Additionally, fluid and electrolyte requirements can also be altered when fluid and

electrolyte losses are increase or when excretion is impaired. When abnormal fluid

losses are present, they must be given back to the patient daily. Replacement fluid is

generally 1 mL for every 1 mL lost, but can be more or less based on the patient’s

clinical status. In general, NS can be initially used for most replacement fluids.

The requirements for fluid and calories normalized to body weight are much

greater in very small children than in older children and adults as can be seen in

Table 103-1. This is because infants have a much larger body surface area relative to

weight, lose more fluid through evaporation, and dissipate more heat per kilogram

than their older counterparts. Furthermore, very low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants

cannot concentrate urine and are at increased risk for dehydration if inadequate fluids

are provided.


CASE 103-2

QUESTION 1: H.S. is a 2-year-old lethargic girl with a 2-day history of vomiting and minimal oral intake.

Yesterday, she required only three diaper changes instead of her usual eight and has needed only one change

today. Her vitalsigns are as follows:

Temperature, 39°C

Pulse, 140 beats/minute (normal, 80–130 beats/minute)

Respiratory rate, 30 breaths/minute (normal, 30–35 breaths/minute)

Blood pressure (BP), 80/45 mm Hg (normal, 80–115 mm Hg systolic and 50–80 mm Hg diastolic)

On physical examination, her eyes appear sunken, her mucous membranes are dry, and her skin is dry and

cool to touch. Although she is crying, there are no tears, and the skin over her sternum tents when pinched. Her

weight today is 11.4 kg; 3 weeks ago, it was 12.9 kg. What do these findings represent? What immediate

treatment should be provided?

p. 2139

p. 2140

Table 103-1

Daily Parenteral Nutrient Requirements in Children

Nutrient Weight/Age Requirement

Fluid <1.5 kg 150 mL/kg

1.5–2.5 kg 120 mL/kg

2.5–10 kg 100 mL/kg

10–20 kg 1,000 mL + 50 mL/kg for each kg >10 kg

>20 kg 1,500 mL + 20 mL/kg for each kg >20 kg

Calories Up to 10 kg 100 kcal/kg

20 kg 1,000 kcal + 50 kcal/kg for each kg >10 kg

>20 kg 1,500 kcal + 20 kcal/kg for each kg >20 kg


a Infants 2–3 g/kg

Older children 1.5–2.0 g/kg

Adolescents and older 1.0–1.5 g/kg


b Infants and children Initially 0.5–1 g/kg and then increase by

0.5–1 g/kg (maximum of 3 g/kg in preterm

neonates, 4 g/kg older infants and children)

(≥4% of calories as linoleic acid)

>50 kg One 500-mL bottle (100 g fat)

Electrolytes and Minerals


Sodium Infants and children 2–4 mEq/kg

Potassium Infants and children 2–3 mEq/kg

Chloride Infants and children 2–4 mEq/kg

Magnesium Preterm and term infants 0.25–0.5 mEq/kg

Children >1 year (or >12 kg) 4–12 mEq

Calcium Preterm and term infants 2–3 mEq/kg

Children >1 year (or >12 kg) 10–20 mEq

Phosphorus Preterm and term infants 1.0–1.5 mmol/kg

Children >1 year (or >12 kg) 10–20 mmol

Trace Elements

Zinc Preterm infants 400 mcg/kg

Term infants

<3 mos 250 mcg/kg

>3 mos 100 mcg/kg

Children 50 mcg/kg (up to 5 mg)

Copper Infants and children 20 mcg/kg (up to 300 mcg)

Manganese Infants and children 1 mcg/kg (up to 50 mcg)

Chromium Infants and children 0.2 mcg/kg (up to 5 mcg)

Selenium Infants and children 2 mcg/kg (up to 80 mcg)

a“Infant” amino acids contain histidine, taurine, tyrosine, and cysteine, which are essential in infants but not older


bBecause linoleic acid represents 54% of the fatty acid in soy bean oil and 77% in safflower oil, 7% to 10% of

calories must be provided as fat emulsion. This can be given daily over the course of 24 hours (preferred in

patients predisposed to sepsis and preterm infants) or 2 to 3 times weekly.

cThese doses are guidelines and all patients should be evaluated individually for appropriateness of dosing. For

example, patients with short bowel syndrome may require large doses of magnesium, and patients with renal

insufficiency may require none to low amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium.

Source: Holliday MA, Segar WE. The maintenance need for water in parenteral fluid therapy. Pediatrics.

1957;19(5):823–832; Greene HL, Hambidge KM, Schanler R, Tsang RC. Guidelines for the use of vitamins, trace

elements, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in infants and children receiving total parenteral nutrition: report of

the Subcommittee on Pediatric Parenteral Nutrient Requirements from the Committee on Clinical Practice Issues

of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition [published corrections appear in Am J Clin Nutr. 1989;49(6):1332;

Am J Clin Nutr. 1989;50(3):560]. Am J Clin Nutr. 1988;48(5):1324–1342.

H.S.’s lethargy, decreased urine output, tearless crying, dry mucous membranes,

dry skin with fever, sunken eyes, mild tachycardia with low normal blood pressure,

and poor skin turgor are all signs of dehydration. This is consistent with her 2-day

history of vomiting and poor intake. Her weight loss of 1.5 kg gives a further clue to

the extent of dehydration. Dehydration or fluid loss is determined most accurately by

weight loss. Because 1 g of body weight is approximately equal to 1 mL, her fluid

deficit is estimated to be 1,500 mL. The percentage dehydration is estimated using

the following formula:

p. 2140

p. 2141

Table 103-2

Clinical Signs of Dehydration



(%) Psyche Thirst


Membranes Tears


Fontanel Skin




Mild <5 Normal Slight Normal to


Present Flat Normal Slight


Moderate 6–10 Irritable Moderate Dry ± ± ± Increased

Severe 10–15 Hyperirritable

to lethargic

Intense Parched Absent Sunken Tenting Greatly


If recent weights are unavailable, the extent of dehydration can be approximated

from physical findings as described in Table 103-2. Tachycardia and marginal blood

pressure dictate the need for immediate IV rehydration. Normal serum sodium

concentration ranges from 135 to 145 mEq/L of sodium; thus, normal saline

approximates the sodium concentration of plasma and is often used as a volume

expander. In this patient, 10 to 20 mL/kg of normal saline (12.9 kg × 10–20 mL/kg =

129–258 mL) should be infused as rapidly as possible to establish normal blood

pressure. For symptomatic patients, including those with seizures, the serum sodium

concentration should be increased acutely only to the degree necessary to abate


CASE 103-2, QUESTION 2: Calculate H.S.’s fluid and electrolyte needs and provide recommendations for

her fluid orders to the team. Her serum electrolyte results were as follows:

Sodium, 128 mEq/L (normal, 135–145 mEq/L)

Potassium, 3.1 mEq/L (normal, 3.5–5 mEq/L)

Chloride, 88 mEq/L (normal, 102–109 mEq/L)


, 30 mEq/L (normal, 22–29 mEq/L)

In addition to normal maintenance fluids, H.S. must be provided with fluids and

electrolytes to replace her deficit secondary to dehydration and compensate for

increased insensible water loss because of fever. Each component of the fluid can be

calculated separately, using Equations 103-5 to 103-7.

where CD is the concentration of sodium desired (mEq/L), CO is the concentration

observed (mEq/L), Fd

is the apparent distribution factor as a fraction of body weight

(Table 103-3), and weight is the baseline weight before illness (kg). In consideration

of both maintenance needs and current deficits, fluid and electrolyte requirements for

H.S. would be estimated as follows.


Table 103-3

Electrolytes and Apparent Distribution

Electrolyte Fd (L/kg)

Sodium 0.6–0.7

Bicarbonate 0.4–0.5

Chloride 0.2–0.3



H.S. has a mild metabolic alkalosis as evidenced by her serum chloride of 88 mEq/L

and her serum bicarbonate of 30 mEq/L. This is most likely because of the loss of

hydrogen and chloride in her vomitus. Thus, both the sodium and potassium

replacements should be administered as chloride salts.


Potassium is primarily an intracellular ion. It moves in and out of cells in exchange

for hydrogen ions to maintain a normal blood pH. Therefore, in metabolic alkalosis,

the intracellular shift of potassium will decrease the serum potassium concentration.

When the pH normalizes, as will occur with rehydration, the hydrogen ions will

move intracellularly and the potassium will move extracellularly, thus causing the

serum potassium concentration to increase. Additionally, potassium is also excreted

by the kidney in exchange for hydrogen ion conservation. These factors make the

serum potassium concentration difficult to interpret. Intravascular volume depletion

causes hypoperfusion of the kidney and can result in acute renal failure; therefore, the

prudent approach is to give no potassium until urine output is clearly established.

Then, only maintenance doses of potassium should be administered until a normal

acid–base and fluid status are established and the serum potassium can be assessed

more accurately. Hence, H.S. should receive approximately 26 to 39 mEq of

potassium (2–3 mEq/kg × 12.9 kg) once urine flow is established.

Administration of Fluid Requirements

CASE 103-2, QUESTION 3: J.H.’s nurse asks for details of how the fluid therapy should be administered.

How should these calculated needs be given?

p. 2141

p. 2142

Requirements for the first 24 hours of parenteral fluid therapy should provide

approximately 2,875 mL of fluid to account for maintenance fluid needs, fever

replacement, and deficit replacement. In addition to fluid, at least 93 mEq of sodium

(maintenance needs plus deficit replacement) should be provided in the first 24

hours. It is important to provide sufficient amounts of sodium and water.

Rehydration fluids are usually dispensed in volumes less than the 24-hour

requirement. This is to prevent wasting IV fluids caused by changes in electrolyte

needs during replacement therapy. Because this patient requires approximately 3 L of

fluid, only 1 L would be prepared initially, and this would likely consist of dextrose

5% and 0.2% NS (or greater). Approximately 15 mEq/L of potassium would be

added to the next liter of IV solution if the patient had a reasonable urine output.

The infusion rate should be calculated to provide one-third of the daily

maintenance fluid plus one-half of the deficit replacement during the first 8 hours.

The remainder of the maintenance fluid (adjusted for fever) and deficit replacement

should be administered during the next 16 hours. Usually, serum electrolytes are

monitored every 6 to 8 hours during rehydration therapy to ensure that appropriate

electrolytes are being provided. Usually, the concentration of serum electrolytes is

monitored frequently during fluid replacement therapy of deficits. In general, the

serum sodium concentration should not be increased by more than 10 to 12

mEq/L/day. After the initial fluid deficits are replaced, the infusion rate of the IV

fluid would be decreased to 48 mL/hour (1,152 mL or approximately maintenance

fluid rate).

Dehydration Associated with Diarrhea

CASE 103-3

QUESTION 1: S.B. is a 4-month-old, 5.9-kg boy presenting with a 4-day history of diarrhea (five to eight

large, liquid stools each day). On a well-child visit 4 weeks ago, his weight was 6 kg. Since the onset of

diarrhea, he has only been receiving oral rehydration fluids. Physical examination reveals the following:

Temperature, 38.8°C

Pulse, 110 beats/minute (normal, 80–160 beats/minute)

Respirations, 45 breaths/minute (normal, 20–40 breaths/minute)

BP, 100/58 mm Hg (normal, 75–105 mm Hg systolic and 40–65 mm Hg diastolic)

His skin is pale, warm, and dry. He is very irritable, and his mucous membranes are dry. S.B.’s laboratory

values are as follows:

Sodium, 159 mEq/L

Potassium, 3.3 mEq/L

Chloride, 114 mEq/L


, 12 mEq/L

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 22 mg/dL

Creatinine, 0.9 mg/dL

Correlate S.B.’s history and physical findings with the reported laboratory values.

Diarrheal fluid losses commonly contain high concentrations of bicarbonate,

accounting for S.B.’s metabolic acidosis. This, in turn, has resulted in a rapid

respiratory rate as the body attempts to compensate for the acidosis by eliminating

carbon dioxide. The increased insensible water losses of fever and tachypnea have

resulted in the loss of water in excess of sodium, producing hypernatremia.

CASE 103-3, QUESTION 2: How should S.B.’s dehydration be managed?

S.B. has relatively normal vital signs and will not require rapid fluid replacement

to correct hypotension. Hypernatremia in S.B. indicates fluid losses in excess of

sodium and this should be corrected. With hypernatremia, the central nervous system

(CNS) increases intracellular osmolarity load to prevent intracellular dehydration of

cells in the CNS. Rapid correction of hypernatremia can cause excessive movement

of water into the cells of the CNS and has been associated with seizures. Therefore,

S.B.’s fluid and electrolyte deficits should be corrected over the course of 2 to 3

days at a consistent rate, rather than rapidly. In general, serum sodium should not be

decreased more than 2 mEq/hour (maximum, 15 mEq/L/day).

S.B.’s requirements are estimated using the same methods described previously.

First, the approximate extent of dehydration must be estimated. S.B.’s weight of 6 kg

at the time of his well-child visit at 3 months of age was at the 50th percentile. If his

growth has continued at this rate, his current pre-illness weight should be

approximately 6.5 kg.

3 This weight should be used to calculate his maintenance

requirements. Thus, his water deficit is approximately 0.6 L, or 9%. Using this

approximation, his fluid and electrolyte requirements can be estimated as follows.




As discussed in Case 103-2, Question 2, the serum potassium value of 3.3 mEq/L

may not be indicative of S.B.’s total body potassium status. A metabolic acidosis in

S.B. should have facilitated the movement of hydrogen ions into the cells and the

movement of potassium from the intracellular to the extracellular space. Thus, the

serum potassium of 3.3 mEq/L probably indicates a total body deficit. Therefore, a

maintenance potassium dosage of 13 to 20 mEq/day (approximately 2 to 3 mEq/kg)

of potassium should be added to the intravenous fluid. Serum electrolytes should be

measured every 8 to 12 hours, and the intake of all electrolytes should be readjusted

based on the results.


With metabolic acidosis, bicarbonate should be administered as well. No

maintenance amount is customarily given, but deficit replacement is calculated in a

manner similar to that used for sodium (Table 103-3). The volume of distribution of

bicarbonate is 0.5 L/kg. For S.B., the bicarbonate deficit is as follows:

p. 2142

p. 2143

Initially, about half this amount should be added to the intravenous fluid and

replaced during the first 8 to 12 hours. His serum electrolytes then should be

reassessed, and the dosages adjusted accordingly. The entire bicarbonate deficit need

not be replaced at once because other compensatory mechanisms will contribute to

endogenous bicarbonate sparing.

CASE 103-3, QUESTION 3: Recommend an appropriate replacement fluid for S.B.’s therapy.

S.B.’s fluid and electrolyte maintenance requirements and deficits should be

corrected with dextrose 5% and approximately 0.2% NS with half as the chloride

salt and half as NaHCO3

. An infusion of this solution at 43 mL/hour should correct

approximately one-half the calculated fluid and bicarbonate deficits within 24 hours

in addition to his normal daily doses. After he urinates, 15 mEq/L KCl can be added

to the next liter of solution to provide approximately 2.6 mEq/kg/day to this patient.

The concentration of serum electrolytes should be measured often, and the

concentration of electrolytes in the replacement fluid should be adjusted every 8 to

12 hours based on laboratory results. The amount of fluid replacement should be

modified based on whether this patient’s diarrhea has resolved and fever has


Rehydration of the dehydrated patient may be achieved by either the oral or

intravenous route. In some patients, vomiting may preclude effective oral rehydration.

If the losses are diarrheal and no problem with vomiting exists, the oral route may be

a cost-effective alternative to the parenteral route. Various solutions have been used

to rehydrate children orally. In an asymptomatic dehydrated child, the sodium

concentration of an oral rehydration fluid should contain at least 70 mEq/L of



The composition of several products is shown in Table 103-4. A glucose

concentration of 2% optimizes water and electrolyte absorption from the GI tract



more concentrated glucose solutions can worsen rather than ameliorate diarrhea. Use

of the oral route and the more concentrated sodium solutions may allow safe

rehydration of hypernatremic dehydration in a shorter time frame than the 2 to 3 days

previously noted.



Caloric requirements of infants can be estimated using the formula provided in Table

103-1. The American Heart Association has suggested that infant feeding be divided

into three stages.


In the nursing period, only liquids are provided. During the

transitional period, solid foods are introduced, but human milk, or commercially

prepared infant formula, still provides the major source of the infant’s caloric and

nutrient supply. In the modified adult period, most nutrition is derived from the solid

foods consumed by other household members.

At birth, the human GI tract is adapted for the consumption of a human milk-based

diet. Intestinal lactase is present from 36 weeks’ gestation and exhibits its maximal

activity during infancy. Pancreatic amylase secretion is low, and the bile salt pool is

decreased relative to that of older persons, resulting in decreased fat absorption.


Human milk provides nutrients in their most usable form for the developing GI tract.

Human Milk Feeding

CASE 103-4

QUESTION 1: M.E. is a 1-day-old full-term infant. M.E.’s mother will breast-feed her infant. What are the

nutritional implications of this decision for M.E.?

Human milk is the ideal food for a human infant and should be encouraged to be

continued for the first year of life as long as mutually desired by both mother and


7 There are three phases to human milk production. During the first 5 days of

lactation, a viscous, yellow liquid known as colostrum is produced. Colostrum is

rich in protein, minerals, and other substances (e.g., immunoglobulins). During the

next 5 days, transitional milk is produced; in the last phase, mature human milk is

produced. The exact nutritional content of human milk varies from mother to mother;

however, mature human milk provides sufficient protein, minerals, and calories

regardless of the mother’s nutritional status. Mature human milk generally provides

70 kcal/100 mL, and fat accounts for more than 50% of the caloric content.

8 The fat in

human milk is highly digestible and absorbable.

8 An additional 40% of calories is

provided as carbohydrates, primarily in the form of lactose, and the remaining 10%

is provided as protein. Whey and casein are the two primary proteins in mature

human milk, with whey being the major protein component (whey-to-casein ratio of


9 Human milk is of such biologic quality and bioavailability that adequate

growth can be attained with a lower overall intake of protein than is provided by

commercially prepared infant formulas, which contain lower whey-to-casein ratios.


The iron content of human milk is inadequate for term infants; however,

supplementation generally is unnecessary in the breast-fed infant.

10 Regardless of

maternal status, the vitamin D content of human milk is inadequate. Thus, M.E. will

require 400 international units of vitamin D while she is exclusively breast-fed.


Additionally, human milk provides the infant with protection against a wide

variety of infectious diseases, including otitis media, diarrhea, pneumonia, and

bronchiolitis. Evidence further suggests that human milk provides protection against

noninfectious disorders, such as allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, insulindependent diabetes mellitus, and sudden infant death syndrome.

7,8 Human milk

contains immunologically active cellular components and antibodies. These include

secretory IgA, both T and B lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils.

7,8 The

lipases and amylase present in human milk may facilitate digestion of fat and

carbohydrates in the still developing GI tract. Proteins present in human milk serve

as carriers for trace minerals and facilitate their absorption.

9 Oligosaccharides and

glycopeptides may promote the colonization of the GI tract by Lactobacilli and

decrease colonization by Bacteroides, Clostridia, enterococci, and gram-negative

rods, all of which may be pathogenic.


Table 103-4

Composition of Oral Rehydration Products


Product Na+ (mEq/L) K+ (mEq/L) Cl− (mEq/L)






Enfalyte 50 25 45 34 citrate 3

Rehydralyte 75 20 65 30 citrate 2.5

Pedialyte 45 20 35 30 citrate 2.5

Gatorade 23.5 <1 17 — 4.6

WHO salts 75 20 65 10 bicarbonate 2

WHO, World Health Organization.

p. 2143

p. 2144

CASE 103-4, QUESTION 2: What potential complications are associated with breast-feeding? What

instructions should be given to M.E.’s mother?

Complications associated with breast-feeding are few; however, there are some

potential problems. “Breast milk jaundice” associated with an indirect

(unconjugated) hyperbilirubinemia can occur in the breast-fed infant during the first

week of life and generally resolves by the fourth week of life. Although the infant’s

skin, sclera, and palate become yellow, this is generally not a dangerous condition.

Nevertheless, if the bilirubin level becomes too high, the infant could develop an

encephalopathy known as kernicterus. However, it is generally not necessary for the

mother to stop breast-feeding while the infant has jaundice. The American Academy

of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants nurse at least 8 to 12 times daily while


12 Some maternal infections have the potential to be transmitted to the

infant during breast-feeding. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and human Tlymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) can be transmitted via breast milk, and therefore,

maternal infections with these viruses are contraindications to breast-feeding.


Other viruses, such as herpes simplex virus, can be transmitted if contact with active

lesions occurs during breast-feeding. Similarly, some medications taken by the

mother are detectable in her breast milk. Only a few agents (e.g., antineoplastics,

radiopharmaceuticals, ergot alkaloids, iodides, atropine, lithium, cyclosporine,

chloramphenicol, bromocriptine), however, are absolute contraindications to breastfeeding.


CASE 103-4, QUESTION 3: M.E.’s mother suffers from migraine headaches, which have increased in

frequency since M.E.’s birth. M.E.’s mother takes an ergot alkaloid for the acute management of her

headaches and therefore has decided not to breast-feed M.E. She will be using infant formula instead. How are

these products prepared and how do they differ from human milk?

Because of the excretion of ergot alkaloids into breast milk and the risk for toxicity

to the infant, it is advisable to either select an alternative medication or discontinue

breast-feeding and use an infant formula. Examples of infant formulas are provided in

Table 103-5. According to AAP guidelines for commercially prepared infant formula

composition, formula should provide 20 kcal/ounce, osmolality should be between

300 and 400 mOsm/L, protein quantity should be a minimum of 1.8 g/100 kcal and

should not exceed 4.5 g/100 kcal, and fat quantity should be between 3.3 and 6 g/100

kcal, supplying between 30% and 54% of calories. Infant formulas generally begin

with a cow’s milk base; however, intolerance to pure cow’s milk has resulted in

several modifications. The predominant protein in cow’s milk is casein, which is

more difficult for infants to digest than the human milk protein, whey. Consequently,

infant formulas generally have less casein than cow’s milk, although not to the level

of human milk. The casein present in cow’s milk formulas also may be heatdenatured to improve its digestibility. In addition, the fat source in cow’s milk is

replaced by one of several vegetable oils, allowing for easier digestion. Last, the

carbohydrate source in cow’s milk-based formula is supplemented with lactose or

sucrose because the lactose content of cow’s milk is only 50% to 70% of that in

human milk. Soy-based and protein hydrolysate formulas are available for infants

who are intolerant of cow’s milk-based formulas.

Soy-based formulas use soybean as the protein source.

13 The soy is heat-treated to

enhance protein digestibility and improve the bioavailability of some nutrients.

Although nutrients, such as methionine, zinc, and carnitine, are still present, their

concentrations are relatively low. Therefore, the manufacturer routinely adds

methionine to all soy-based formulas. Zinc and carnitine may not be added, and

exogenous supplementation may be necessary. Soy-based formulas substitute sucrose,

corn syrup, or a combination of the two for lactose as the carbohydrate source.

Additionally, soy protein formulas are more expensive than cow’s milk-based

formulas. The AAP recommends that the use of soy-based formula be limited to

patients with primary lactase deficiency (galactosemia), patients with secondary

lactose intolerance from enteric infections or other causes, vegetarian families in

which animal protein formulas are not desired, and infants who are potentially cow’s

milk protein allergic, but who have not demonstrated clinical manifestations of

allergy. Long-term use of soy-based formulas in premature and low-birth-weight

infants should not be recommended. Soy-based formulas have aluminum

contamination and have been associated with the development of rickets. Soy-based

formulas are also not recommended for infants with documented allergic reactions to

cow’s milk protein because of the potential for cross-antigenicity between the two

proteins. Additionally, soy protein formulas are not recommended for the routine

management of colic.

Elemental formulas, made with hydrolysate formulas, are another option for infants

who are intolerant of cow’s milk-based formulas. The milk proteins (i.e., casein and

whey) are heat-treated and enzymatically hydrolyzed to enhance digestibility of

protein hydrolysate formulas, which are fortified with additional amino acids that are

lost during processing. As with soy protein formulas, protein hydrolysates substitute

sucrose, tapioca, or corn syrup for lactose as the carbohydrate source. Protein

hydrolysate formulas often include significant amounts of medium-chain triglycerides

because they are easily absorbed. Because the proteins are extensively hydrolyzed,

these formulas probably are the least allergenic of the infant formulas and, therefore,

may be appropriate for infants with true allergy to cow’s milk protein. Nevertheless,

prospective studies on the safety of such a substitution in human infants have not been

undertaken because it would be unethical to intentionally expose infants with

documented allergies to a potential allergen. Protein hydrolysate formulas are the

least palatable of the available pediatric formulas and are more costly than other



Table 103-5

Infant Formulas

Cow’s Milk-Based Formulas

Soy-Based, Lactose-free


Protein Hydrolysate, Elemental,

Premature Infant Formulas

Enfamil with iron Isomil Alimentum

Similac with iron Nursoy Nutramigen

Gerber Good Start ProSobee Pregestimil

Alsoy NeoCate

Gerber Soy Plus Neosure Advance

Similac Sensitive Enfamil Premature

Similac Special Care

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Infant formula is available from the manufacturers in three forms: ready-to-feed

formula, powder for reconstitution, and concentrated liquid. The ready-to-feed form

is the most convenient but also the most expensive. The powder and the concentrated

liquid are less expensive; however, both require that predetermined amounts of

boiled water be added before use. To save money, some parents will dilute infant

formula to a greater extent than is recommended to make the formula last longer. This

practice should be discouraged because excessive free water intake by infants

younger than 1 year of age may result in hyponatremia and, ultimately, seizures.

Similarly, supplementing an infant’s diet with free water, for whatever reason, may

also result in hyponatremia and seizures and should be discouraged. Periodically,

manufacturing problems can occur, resulting in the recall of a product from the


15 Therefore, it is important for the patient’s healthcare providers to stay

abreast of manufacturers’ recalls.

Introduction of Pure Cow’s Milk

CASE 103-4, QUESTION 4: At 2 months of age, M.E. is found to have a hematocrit (Hct) of 33% (normal,

35%–45%). After questioning her mother, you learn that M.E. was taken off infant formula 1 month ago and

changed to whole cow’s milk to decrease food costs. How are these two findings related, and how should M.E.

be managed?

Pure cow’s milk, straight from the dairy counter in the grocery store, is not

recommended for infants younger than 1 year of age. Unlike human milk, the iron in

cow’s milk is present in inadequate concentrations and absorbed poorly from the

human GI tract. For this reason, most infant formulas are fortified with iron. Cow’s

milk has been associated with GI blood loss in infants younger than 140 days of


16 When the milk is heated to a higher temperature than the usual pasteurization

temperature, as it is in formula preparation, the association of cow’s milk with GI

bleeding is no longer present; therefore, the component responsible for the blood loss

appears to be a heat-labile protein. Furthermore, cow’s milk contains excessive

amounts of solute that cannot be eliminated by the immature kidney. Also, cow’s milk

does not contain taurine, an amino acid that is important in retinal development.

To treat M.E.’s anemia, iron should be added to her diet. This can be done by

changing back to an iron-fortified infant formula, feeding her an iron-fortified cereal,

or giving a therapeutic ferrous sulfate liquid medication. The appropriate iron

replacement dose for severe anemia is 4 to 6 mg/kg/day of elemental iron in divided

doses with follow-up of the infant’s hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Introduction of Solid Foods

CASE 103-4, QUESTION 5: At 4 months of age, M.E.’s mother asks about the introduction of “baby foods”

into M.E.’s diet. How should the clinician respond?

Human milk or commercially prepared infant formula provides adequate nutrition

for an infant for the first 12 months of life. Introduction of solid foods before the age

of 4 months, although common in the past, is discouraged because the younger infant

is unprepared to swallow foods other than liquids. Solids (first cereals, then fruits,

and vegetables) should be introduced when the child has good control of the head and

neck movements (i.e., usually at the age of 4–6 months).

5 Preferably, one new food

should be introduced at a time, at 1-week intervals, to allow assessment of food


Therapeutic Formulas

CASE 103-5

QUESTION 1: L.B. is a 2-week-old infant whose newborn screen is positive for phenylketonuria (PKU).

Discuss the concepts behind the production of therapeutic formulas and the dietary management of patients

with inborn errors of metabolism. How should L.B.’s diet be modified?

Inborn errors of metabolism are disorders in which an enzyme or its cofactor is

absent or insufficient to meet metabolic demands.

17 As a result, one or more

precursor compounds in a metabolic pathway can accumulate before the defective

step. Correspondingly, one or more metabolic products that normally would have

been generated after the defective step in the metabolic pathway are not sufficiently


The dietary management of metabolic errors is based on the following strategies:

Reduce the intake of a precursor compound that cannot be metabolized.

Supplement the deficient compounds that would have been produced if the normal

metabolic pathway had not been blocked.

Add a substrate that provides an alternative pathway for elimination of an

accumulated toxin.

Therapeutic formulas are designed to reduce the intake of precursor compounds or

to provide the deficient metabolic end product.

When hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine does not take place,

phenylalanine accumulates in the blood and results in mental retardation. Because

PKU has been diagnosed in L.B., his diet should be modified using a formula

containing little or no phenylalanine. The tyrosine deficiency of PKU also can be

managed by the addition of tyrosine to the phenylalanine-free therapeutic formulas

that are available for patients with PKU. When L.B. progresses to solid foods, it will

be important to limit or avoid foods that contain high levels of protein such as eggs

and soybeans.

Other metabolic errors present in infancy include galactosemia (galactose cannot

be metabolized to glucose), homocystinuria (methionine is not converted to cysteine),

urea cycle disorders (ammonia detoxification is impaired), and maple syrup urine

disease (metabolism of the branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and

valine is blocked).

These metabolic errors are managed by manipulating the diet.


In galactosemia,

the carbohydrate source should not contain galactose

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or lactose. In homocystinuria, methionine should be present only in quantities

sufficient to meet basic requirements, and cysteine should be supplemented. In the

urea cycle disorders, protein often is provided only as essential amino acids, and a

high-energy diet is provided to maximize the formation of nonessential amino acids

from nitrogen and to minimize ammonia production. In maple syrup urine disease,

natural protein is fed in small quantities to provide the minimal requirement of

branched-chain amino acids, and a branched-chain amino acid-free supplement is

added to provide adequate protein intake.

Route of Administration

Nutritional support using the GI tract is the preferred approach when possible.

Enteral nutrition provides several advantages. First, interposition of the GI mucosa

between the nutrient supply and the circulation allows absorptive function to provide

a homeostatic control. Second, the flow of nutrients from the GI tract to the liver via

the portal circulation before reaching the systemic circulation also assists

homeostatic control. Third, the lack of enteral nutrition allows normal GI tract flora

to overgrow and translocate into the blood, ultimately resulting in bacteremia.

Finally, the intestinal mucosa depends on intraluminal absorption for much of its

energy supply. Hence, provision of at least a small amount of enteral feeding,

referred to as trophic feeds, helps to ensure a healthy GI tract and may facilitate

advancement to full enteral feedings at the appropriate time.


Normal oral feeding is the most basic method for patients who are willing and

able to eat or drink. Patients whose GI motility, structure, and function are normal but

whose oral feeding is prevented by an altered state of consciousness, uncoordinated

sucking and swallowing, or other conditions that prevent adequate oral ingestion can

be fed by a GI tube in intermittent boluses or by continuous infusion.

Bolus tube feedings more closely mimic the normal state. They periodically

distend the stomach, which aids in gastric secretion and emptying. When bolus tube

feeding is undertaken, the volume of formula or expressed breast milk required to

provide sufficient calories for a 24-hour period is administered through the tube in

equal aliquots every 2, 3, 4, or 6 hours. The frequency of administration depends on

the patient’s age, gastric capacity, and the infant’s ability to maintain a normal serum

glucose concentration between feedings. In general, younger and more premature

infants require more frequent feedings. Intolerance to bolus tube feedings can be

manifested as diarrhea, gastroesophageal reflux with emesis, or poor motility. Poor

motility usually is apparent when large volumes of feeding, referred to as residuals,

remain in the stomach when the next feeding is due.

Continuous tube feedings can be given at a constant rate of infusion by pump into

the stomach or duodenum when bolus feedings have failed. This approach may be

better tolerated by premature infants and children with diarrhea.

Patients with intrinsic GI disease (Table 103-6) or malabsorption may require

total or supplemental PN. Concurrent administration of low-volume, trophic enteral

feedings may provide important nutrients to the gut mucosa even when the parenteral

route supplies all of the necessary systemic nutrients.

18 Administration of PN into a

peripheral vein is limited to those patients expected to require parenteral feeding

only for a short time (i.e., 2 weeks) because the amount of nutrients that can be safely

infused peripherally is limited. In patients who require long-term PN, the IV solution

is more concentrated and must be administered into a central vein.

Nutritional Assessment

CASE 103-6

QUESTION 1: T.C. is a 4-month-old, lethargic boy. On examination, he has a moderately distended abdomen

and dry mucous membranes. No other remarkable abnormalities are noted. His weight is 6.5 kg (50th–75th

percentile for age). Previously, when he was 2 months old, T.C. weighed 5.6 kg (75th percentile for age), and

his length was 57 cm (50th percentile for age). His mother reports that for the past 5 to 7 days, he has had five

to eight large, liquid stools per day. His infant formula has not changed. He is to be hospitalized for evaluation of

his diarrhea and weight loss and for fluid and nutritional management.

After correction of his initial fluid and electrolyte deficits, an assessment of his nutritional status shows the


Weight, 6.5 kg (50th–75th percentile)

Length, 62 cm (50th percentile)

Albumin, 3.8 g/dL (normal, 4–5.3 g/dL)

Prealbumin, 7 mg/dL (normal, 20–50 mg/dL)

How would you assess T.C.’s nutritionalstatus?

Growth assessment is an important focus of pediatric health care, especially

during the first year of life. With the exception of the intrauterine period, the most

rapid growth occurs during the first year. On average, a normally growing infant

gains approximately 30 g/day. Typically, healthy infants weigh approximately 3 times

their birth weight by their first birthday.

The patient’s nutritional status should be assessed before beginning a nutritional

support regimen and reassessed at regular intervals during the course of treatment. If

the patient previously was well nourished, the goal is to maintain that status until a

normal diet can be resumed. In a child who was previously malnourished, an effort

should be made to promote “catch-up” growth and to normalize the biochemical

nutritional measures. One in five children admitted to the hospital experience acute

or chronic malnutrition.

19 Malnutrition in children is a risk factor for decreased

social skills and impaired intellectual development.


Factors used to determine nutritional status in children include dietary history,

weight, height, and visceral protein measurements (e.g., albumin, prealbumin). Other

measurements used in adults, such as 24-hour creatinine excretion, 24-hour nitrogen

excretion, and nitrogen balance, are reserved for older children because complete

collections of urine are difficult to obtain and because the percentage of non-urea

nitrogen present in urine is variable in infants.

Anthropometric measurements can also be used to assess T.C.’s nutritional status.

Height, weight, and head circumference are used to determine nutritional status in

infants and children. Standards for these measurements have been derived from

pediatric patients in the United States and compiled into graphs referred to as growth

curves (

3 An individual patient’s measurements

are compared with the graph of normal values for that specific age group. As

prematurely born infants age, a standard growth curve adjusted for prematurity can be

used. Using these measurements, comparisons with standards are possible: weight

for age, height for age, and weight for height.

3 A weight that is below the fifth

percentile for the patient’s height is considered an indication of acute malnutrition.

Similarly, a height and weight that are below the fifth percentile for the patient’s age

indicate chronic malnutrition. It is important to consider the height and weight of the

child’s parents because genetics are important determinants of the height and weight

that a child may ultimately achieve. Additionally, the revised growth charts include

the body mass index (BMI) for age for children older than 2 years. The BMI helps

identify children at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes, two problems that have

recently become concerns in children.


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Table 103-6

Common Indications for Parenteral Nutrition Support


Extreme prematurity

Respiratory distress

Congenital GI anomalies

Duodenal atresia

Jejunal atresia

Esophageal atresia

Tracheoesophageal fistula

Pyloric stenosis

Congenital webs

Hirschsprung disease



Abdominal wall defects

Omphalocele (herniation of viscera into the umbilical cord base)

Gastroschisis (defect of abdominal wall, any location except umbilical cord)

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Necrotizing enterocolitis

Chronic diarrhea

Inflammatory bowel disease



Megacystis microcolon

Abdominal trauma involving viscera

Adverse effects of treating neoplastic disease

Radiation enteritis

Nausea and vomiting

Stomatitis, glossitis, and esophagitis

Anorexia nervosa

Cystic fibrosis

Chronic renal failure

Hepatic failure

Metabolic errors

aOther indications for parenteral nutrition may exist.

GI, gastrointestinal.

Numerous biochemical indices are also used in the assessment of nutritional status.

Of these, the most readily available and widely used is the serum albumin

concentration. Although a low serum albumin can be a specific indicator of proteincalorie malnutrition, its long half-life (20 days)

19 makes it an insensitive indicator for

developing and resolving malnutrition.

Prealbumin can also function as a biochemical marker of nutritional status.


Because of its shorter half-life, prealbumin has the advantage of being more sensitive

than albumin to acute nutritional changes, and it is still useful when exogenous

albumin infusions are given.


CASE 103-6, QUESTION 2: After initial IV rehydration and receiving nothing by mouth (NPO) for 48 hours,

T.C.’s stool output has decreased dramatically. Is this characteristic of infants with chronic diarrhea? How

should T.C.’s enteral diet be initiated?

A prompt decrease in stool output when enteral intake is stopped is typical of

infants with chronic diarrhea. Nonetheless, evaluation of bowel function and

adaptation has shown that enteral nutrition is superior to PN with regard to histologic

recovery, improvement of D-xylose absorption, protein absorption, and

disaccharidase activity.


In fact, improvement in histology or absorptive function

might not occur until enteral nutrients are given.

18 Thus, for T.C., every effort should

be made to provide some nutrition enterally.

The enteral regimen should be initiated with a lactose-free formula, such as an

elemental formula or a soy-based formula. Although any soy-based formula would be

appropriate, Isomil DF is a soy-based formula with added fiber that is indicated for

infants with diarrhea. Infants with chronic diarrhea can have small bowel mucosal

damage and decreased disaccharidase activity.

4 Carbohydrate absorption depends on

digestion of disaccharides and polysaccharides to monosaccharides through

disaccharidase activity in the intestinal lumen. Substitution of free glucose orally may

overcome the problem of carbohydrate digestion and absorption. Administration of

large amounts of oral glucose should be limited, however, because of its osmotic

effect and potential to worsen diarrhea. Furthermore, incompletely absorbed

carbohydrate is available to colonic bacteria for fermentation, the end products of

which can produce diarrhea through colonic irritation.

Unlike carbohydrate, protein rarely causes diarrhea, but the mucosal damage

present in patients with chronic diarrhea, such as T.C., can reduce the absorptive

surface area so that protein malabsorption may occur. This can be minimized through

the administration of a formula containing protein in the form of dipeptides and

tripeptides, which are absorbed more efficiently than free amino acids.

Dilution of hypertonic formulas to half strength may improve formula tolerance.

The concentration is increased in a stepwise fashion to full strength if there is no

carbohydrate malabsorption and if stool output is not excessive. Tolerance may be

improved by continuous infusion of the enteral product. If enteral refeeding results in

the return of diarrhea, fluid and electrolytes must be replaced with an equal volume

of an IV solution of similar electrolyte composition to the stool loss.

CASE 103-6, QUESTION 3: How can T.C.’s tolerance to the formula and his recovery of intestinal function

be assessed?

Malabsorption or formula intolerance can be assessed by stool studies, which

would include assessing for the presence of reducing substances and stool pH.

Lactose is a reducing sugar and its presence in stool is an assessment of carbohydrate

absorption. The bacterial fermentation products of malabsorbed carbohydrates can

result in a decreased stool pH, which suggests malabsorption. To further evaluate

carbohydrate absorption, D-xylose may be given orally; a blood sample is drawn 4 to

5 hours later to determine the amount absorbed. This test may be of initial prognostic

value in predicting which patients will require prolonged courses of treatment.


More than 5% of ingested fat in a stool collection (typically obtained for 3 days) is

indicative of fat malabsorption. All these tests can be evaluated during outpatient

visits to guide the refeeding process.

Once the diarrhea has resolved, standard infant formula feedings should be

established using an enteral elemental or soy-based formula. Regardless of the time

chosen, a gradual stepwise conversion is suggested. A small volume of standard

formula is

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substituted for an equal volume of elemental or soy-based formula, and the

substitution volume is increased daily until the elemental or soy-based formula is

eliminated completely from the regimen. If a specific nutrient intolerance has been

identified, a standard formula that does not contain that nutrient must be selected. For

example, a patient with cow’s milk protein intolerance may require a soy protein

formula or an elemental formula.

Pediatric Parenteral Nutrition

The basic requirements for a parenteral nutrient regimen are listed in Table 103-1.

These guidelines for the initiation of a nutrient regimen should be individualized to

specific patient needs. The correct regimen for any specific patient is that which

supplies sufficient nutrients to promote a normal rate of growth without toxicity. In

particular, patients with ongoing, abnormal nutrient losses may require much larger

doses of certain nutrients. Individualization of the nutrient prescription cannot be

overemphasized. Many of the requirements listed in Table 103-1 apply to nutrients

administered by the enteral route as well. In some instances, the absorption of a

particular nutrient from the GI mucosa is incomplete, and enteral requirements are

substantially higher. This is particularly true of the major minerals (calcium,

magnesium, and iron) and trace elements.


Parenteral nutrition is indicated for any infant or child unable to take in sufficient

nourishment to maintain normal growth. Some specific indications are listed in Table



Extremely premature or VLBW infants require specialized nutritional support for two

distinct reasons. First, the third trimester in utero is a time of rapid growth and

accumulation of protein, glycogen, fat, and minerals.

22 The infant born in the very

early stages of the third trimester does not accumulate these stores and, therefore,

must receive nutrients earlier than a more mature infant. Second, extreme prematurity

is associated with poor coordination of the suck and swallow reflex, poor GI

motility, and incomplete absorption. Therefore, enteral nutrients may need to be

administered via an orogastric or nasogastric tube, and PN supplementation probably

will be needed. PN, especially of amino acids, should be initiated soon after birth to

duplicate intrauterine growth and prevent a catabolic state in the first few days of

life. The fetus has a continuous supply of amino acids that is immediately stopped

after preterm birth.

23 A standardized solution containing amino acids and dextrose

can be used for infants weighing less than 1 kg in the first 24 hours of life. There has

been some reluctance to administer amino acids this soon after birth because of

increased risk of hyperammonemia, uremia, and metabolic acidosis. Several studies,

however, have shown early introduction of amino acids is safe, provides a positive

nitrogen balance, and promotes better health outcomes.



Respiratory distress may preclude the ability to consume sufficient nutrients enterally

because high respiratory rates prevent coordinated breathing and swallowing. In

infants who are hypoxic, or at high risk for hypoxia, aggressive enteral feedings

during the acute phase of their illness can increase the likelihood of bowel ischemia.

Often, these situations are resolved in 3 to 5 days, but this can rarely be predicted at

the outset. Trophic feedings (1–5 mL/hour) are often implemented to maintain GI

tract integrity. Nutritional support in such cases is initiated by giving parenteral

fluids, which provide dextrose as a caloric source. This allows the infant to conserve

endogenous energy substrates, an important consideration for the VLBW infant whose

entire body composition may contain as little as a 3- to 4-day energy supply.

22 PN

should be initiated as soon as it becomes clear the enteral feeding will not be

possible for at least 3 to 5 days, or when several days have elapsed and no clear time

frame can be determined for the establishment of enteral feeding. Although a short

course (5 days or less) of PN may be used, the quantity of nutrients supplied during

the process of initiation and gradual increase to full requirements is so low that

extremely short courses may be difficult to justify. Peripheral PN using fat emulsion

as a significant source of calories, however, can provide up to 70 kcal/kg and, with

appropriate types and amounts of protein, result in modest weight gain and nitrogen



Infants with GI anomalies often require PN because the implementation of enteral

feedings may be delayed. For example, GI tract atresia or stenosis can obstruct, or

partially obstruct, the lumen of the GI tract. This prevents or slows the passage of

fluids and nutrients and can result in vomiting, depending on the location of the

obstruction. Similarly, infants with necrotizing enterocolitis have zones of ischemic

bowel and are at risk for bowel perforation if fed enterally.


Infants with these

disorders need PN until the viability of the entire GI tract can be assured.


Chronic renal or hepatic disease requires modification of a normal diet to account for

the impaired elimination of nitrogenous waste or impaired protein metabolism.

Careful caloric supplementation with a reduced amount of protein may permit normal

growth while minimizing excess urea production in an infant with renal failure.

CASE 103-6, QUESTION 4: Approximately 48 hours after discharge from the hospital, T.C. returns to the

emergency department with abdominal distension and bloody diarrhea. He is diagnosed with postgastroenteritis

syndrome. T.C. cannot receive nutrients enterally, and PN is to be initiated because he is nutritionally depleted.

Describe for the members of the medical team how a regimen of PN should be instituted in T.C. What aspects

of his disease may alter specific nutrient needs?

When initiating PN, the protein (amino acids), glucose (dextrose), fat (lipids or fat

emulsion), fluid, and electrolyte, mineral, and vitamin components of the regimen are

managed as separate entities. In addition, the route of PN delivery is important to

consider because the amount of glucose, potassium, and calcium must be limited if

the infusion is given peripherally. In general, 12.5% dextrose, 40 mEq/L potassium,

and 10 mEq/L calcium are the maximal amounts that should be provided by infusion

into a peripheral vein. These nutrients can be increased if a central venous catheter is

placed. The fluids, electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins are initiated at full daily

maintenance doses after correction of any preexisting abnormalities. Protein should

be initiated at full daily doses in term infants and children with normal renal and

hepatic function. Glucose and fat are started at lower doses and increased daily until

requirements are reached.

Protein should be started in T.C. at full daily requirements of 2 to 3 g/kg/day.

Azotemia and acidosis have occurred in infants receiving more than 4 g/kg/day of

protein; however, these complications are rare at the recommended dosage.

Parenteral glucose administration is initiated at 5 to 8 mg/kg/minute (7.2–11.5

g/kg/day). At normal maintenance fluid rates, 10% dextrose represents a generally

well-tolerated starting solution for patients of virtually any age or size, except the

VLBW infant.

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