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Shortness of breath (SOB), 211

Shrinking lung syndrome, 705

SHyper (see Subclinical hyperthyroidism (SHyper))

SI (see International System of Units (SI))

SIA (see Sunscreen Innovation Act (SIA))

SIADH (see Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH))

Sickle cell anemia

clinical course, 1938

infections, 1938–1939

laboratory evaluation, 1938

management, 1938

pathogenesis, 1938


for frequent vaso-occlusive crises, 1940

iron chelation therapy, 1940–1941

vaso-occlusive complications, 1939–1940

Sieving coefficient (SC) of drug, 649

Simple partial seizures, 1274

Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI), 886

Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 52, 52f

Sinus involvement, in cystic fibrosis, 454

Sinus rhythm

maintenance of, 315

with second-degree AV block, 322f

SIRS (see Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS))

SJS (see Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS))

Skeletal events, prevention of, 2055–2056

Skin, 807–823

aerosols for, 810

allergic contact dermatitis, 820–821, 822

anatomy of, 807–808, 808f

assessment of, factors for, 810–811

age, 812

history, 812

location, 811, 812t

morphology, 811, 811–812t

sex, 812–813

symptoms, 811

autografting, after burn excision, 862

baths for, 809

corticosteroids for, 813–820, 814–815t, 817t

creams for, 810

delivery system, selection of, 810, 810t

drug eruptions on, 821–823

drug hypersensitivity reactions in, 692–693

drug poisoning and, 75

emulsions for, 810

function of, 807

gels for, 810

lesions of, 811t

acute, 808

chronic, 808

subacute, 808

lotions for, 809–810

necrosis, from warfarin, 194

ointments for, 810

powders for, 809

rash, AEDs and, 1295–1296

reaction to sunlight, 849–850, 850t

solutions for, 808–809, 809t

testing, 684, 685t

before desensitization, 698

xerosis (dry skin), 813, 813t

Skin and soft tissue infections, 1546–1549

animal bite wounds, 1551–1552

in diabetic patients, 1549–1550

necrotizing soft tissue infections, 1550–1551

erysipelas, 1549

human bite wounds, 1552

Skin-prick testing, for allergic rhinitis, 444–445

Skip lesions, 520

SLCO1B1, genotype-based dosing recommendations for HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, 57t

SLE (see Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE))

Sleep, 1861

drug-induced effects on neurochemicals, 1764

and melatonin, 1768

ramelteon agonist for, 1768

nonrapid eye movement, 1763

normal, 1763f

rapid eye movement, 1763–1764

and time-zone shift, 1766–1768

wakefulness- and sleep-promoting neurochemicals, 1764

Sleep apnea, 1776–1777

Sleep disorders

benzodiazepines for, 1771–1773

circadian rhythm, 1763–1764

classification of, 1765t

hypnotics for, 1770–1771

use during pregnancy, 1776

insomnia, 1764–1776

narcolepsy, 1777–1779

neurochemistry of sleep–wake cycle, 1764

overview of, 1763

Parkinson’s disease and, 1268

pharmacologic treatment, 1765–1766

potential causes and contributing factors for, 1771–1772t

pregnancy and lactation, 1776

sleep apnea, 1776–1777

sleep cycles, 1763–1764, 1763f

Sleep–wake cycle, neurochemistry of, 1764

SLICC (see Systemic Lupus International Collaborative Clinics (SLICC))

SLIT (see Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT))

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC), 1971, 2066–2069

clinical presentation of, 2066, 2067

diagnosis of, 2066–2067

epidemiology of, 2066

pathophysiology of, 2066, 2067

treatment, 2066–2069

chemotherapy, 2068–2069

radiotherapy, 2067–2069

Small dense LDL, 106

SMBG (see Self-monitored blood glucose (SMBG))

Smoking (see also Tobacco use and dependence)

and COPD, 409, 415, 419

diabetes and, 1135

p. 2366

p. 2367

and IC pain, 163, 165–166, 166t

and lung cancer, 1905, 1918

multiple sclerosis, 1219t

and peripheral arterial disease, 163

and weight gain, 1910t, 1916–1917, 1920

Smoking cessation

CV disease and, 144

SNIIRAM (see Systeme National d’Information Inter-Regimes Assurance Maladie (SNIIRAM))

SNP (see Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP))

SNRI (see Serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI))

SO (see Superovulation (SO))

SOAP, 6 (see also Problem-oriented medical record (POMR))

SOB (see Shortness of breath (SOB))

Social anxiety disorder (SAD)

and CBT, 1750

classification of, 1750

clinical presentation of, 1752

clinicalsignificance, 1751

comorbidity in, 1751

course of, 1751

diagnosis of, 1750

difference between specific phobias and, 1750

epidemiology of, 1751

etiology of, 1751

pathophysiology of, 1751

treatment, 1751–1752

Social history, 6

Socialization, 97

Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), 752, 800, 2203

Sodium (Na), 21–22

blood chemistry reference values for, 17t

and BP, 133–134

and children, 2140t

depletion of, 572–573

diabetes and, 1081

excess of, 573–574

loss due to diarrhea, 2142

in oral electrolyte solutions, 2161t

restriction in hypertension, 139

and water retention, 610

in WHO formula, 2160

Sodium bicarbonate (see Bicarbonate (Sodium bicarbonate))

Sodium-restricted diet, for HF patients, 269–270

Sodium restriction, 542

SOFA (see Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score)

Soft tissue infections, 1550–1551

Somatic pain, 1197

Somatization, defined, 534

Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI), 1723

Soybean/safflower oil emulsion, 793

SPAF (see Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (SPAF))

Spasticity, defined, 1224 (see also Multiple sclerosis (MS))

SPF (see Sun protection factor (SPF))

Spina bifida, 969


for asthma, 383, 383f

for COPD, 413–414, 414f

interpretation of outcomes of, 384f

Splinter hemorrhages, in nailbed, 1386, 1387f

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), 542, 545, 546 (see also Primary peritonitis)

Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage, 1315–1317

Sporothrix schenckii, 1625

Sporotrichosis, 1627–1628

SPRINT (see The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT))

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

UVR exposure and, 846, 848

SSc (see Systemic sclerosis (SSc))

Staphylococcal food poisoning, 1447t

Staphylococcus aureus, 368–369, 455, 658, 805, 819

endocarditis, 1393–1396

foodborne illnesses and, 1452

IE and, 1385

Staphylococcus epidermidis, 658

meningitis, 1379–1380

prosthetic valve endocarditis, 1391–1393, 1392–1393t

Staphylococcus epidermis, 805

Staphylococcus saprophyticus, 977

STARI (see Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI))

Status epilepticus, 1298–1300

definition of, 1298

pathophysiology of, 1298

refractory, 1300

treatment of, 1298–1300

STDs (see Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs))

Steal phenomenon, 169 (see also Peripheral arterial disease (PAD))

Steatosis, 539

STEC (see Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC))

STEMI (see ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI))

Stents, 225

Step-down therapy, 152

Stereotactic needle aspiration, 1382


avoidance or withdrawal, 730

sparing, 523–524

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), 822, 1603

St. John’s-wort, 44, 48

“Stocking-glove” neuropathy, 1986

STOP-BANG questionnaire, 1176, 1176t

Strategic Reperfusion Early after Myocardial Infarction (STREAM) trial, 253

Stratum corneum, 807

STREAM (see Strategic Reperfusion Early after Myocardial Infarction (STREAM) trial)

Streptococcus, 2161

Streptococcus agalactiae, 995

Streptococcus pneumoniae, 418

meningitis, 1376–1377

Streptococcus viridans endocarditis, 1386–1391

clinical presentation of, 1386–1387, 1387f

Stress-related mucosal bleeding, 513–516

epidemiology, 513

monitoring, 516

pathophysiology, 513–514

prevention, 515t

risk factors, 513–514, 514t

treatment, 514–515, 515t

Stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP)

in ICU, 1215–1216, 1216t


AF and, 200

dabigatran for, 317

diabetes and, 1132

HVAD and, 272

hypertensive emergencies and, 334t

IE and, 1386


antithrombotic therapy for, 317–318

dabigatran for, 317

warfarin for, 201

Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (SPAF), 317

Stroke volume (SV), 264

definition of, 264

normal values of, 350t

Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), 2104

Struvite stones, 646

ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), 232

algorithm for, 244f

drug and nondrug therapy of, 236–249

antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, 237, 244, 246

rinolytic drugs, 237, 245t, 246t

ECG changes to, 234f

morphine sulfate for, 248

treatment for

rinolytic therapy, 250–253

Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP), 606

Stye (Hordeolum), 1164

Subacute headaches, 1234–1235

Subclinical hyperthyroidism (SHyper), 1064

subcutaneous ICDs (s-ICDs), 325

Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT)

for allergic rhinitis, 434–435, 444, 445

Subcutaneous layer, 808

Subjective data, 8

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT)

for allergic rhinitis, 435, 444, 445

Suboccipital steroid injection, 1244

Substance use disorders

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