In T.C.’s case, the dextrose concentration will begin and continue at 10% because
of the peripheral catheter limitations. This concentration will provide 7.3
mg/kg/minute. If a central catheter later becomes necessary, the concentration can be
increased by 5% each day until the caloric requirement is met. This increase should
be accompanied by blood and urine glucose monitoring. If the blood glucose is 150
mg/dL or greater, or if the urine glucose exceeds “trace” amounts, the PN infusion
rate should be decreased by at least 25% and a second IV solution should be added
to provide needed fluids and electrolytes. Alternatively, the dextrose concentration
can be decreased or insulin can be infused concomitantly and titrated to a desired
serum glucose concentration of 120 to 140 mg/dL.
Fat emulsion should be initiated at 1 g/kg/day and increased daily by 0.5 to 1
g/kg/day until the maximal dosage of 3 g/kg/day is reached. The daily fat dose should
be infused at a constant rate because fats are better tolerated when infused over the
27 Serum triglycerides should be monitored every other day while
the dose of fat is being increased. Patients with a fasting triglyceride concentration of
150 mg/dL or less may have their fat dose increased. In patients who are receiving
inadequate calories, triglycerides may be elevated because endogenous fats are being
mobilized. If the triglyceride concentration is greater than 150 mg/dL, the serum
sample must be examined visually. A clear sample with a mildly elevated
triglyceride concentration probably indicates the use of endogenous fat stores for
energy. Conversely, a turbid or lipemic sample indicates the patient’s inability to use
the amount of intravenous fat administered. In this case, further increases in the fat
dose should be delayed until triglyceride concentrations decrease.
Special Considerations and Complications
distended abdomen and his stools contain bright red blood. An abdominal radiograph shows pneumatosis
these findings represent? What are the implications for J.H.’s nutritional management?
Abdominal distension, bloody stools, and pneumatosis intestinalis are
characteristic of necrotizing enterocolitis historically.
28 The causes of this disorder
are unclear, but it occurs more often in premature than in term infants; it can occur in
clusters of cases, rarely is seen before enteral feeding is instituted, and can be
associated with rapid increases in enteral intake.
antibiotics for 10 to 14 days and remain NPO, he requires PN. The planned duration
of the regimen makes central venous access a necessity.
J.H. will be NPO for a prolonged time. Therefore, the goals of his PN must be to
promote normal growth as well as healing of his diseased gut and surgical wounds.
Because J.H. is a premature infant, it will be difficult to predict how well he will
tolerate PN. VLBW infants tolerate normal doses of pediatric amino acids without
difficulty; however, some clinicians initiate protein at a lower daily dose (e.g., 1.0
g/kg/day) and advance by 0.5 g/kg/day each day until a goal of 2 to 3 g/kg/day is
achieved. Fat should be started at 0.5 to 1 g/kg/day and increased by 0.5 g/kg/day up
to 3 g/kg/day. Glucose should be initiated at 5 to 10 g/kg/day and increased by 2 to 3
g/kg until the desired caloric intake is achieved. Appropriate doses of electrolytes
and minerals may be started immediately using the guidelines listed in Table 103-1.
CASE 103-7, QUESTION 3: What must be considered in making decisions regarding fat administration in
Although J.H. can receive adequate calories using only glucose and crystalline
amino acids, he will require fat to provide a more physiologic diet and to prevent
essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD), which develops quickly in low-birth-weight
infants who have little fat reserve. J.H. should receive a minimum of 5% of his total
caloric requirement as fat emulsion to minimize the risk of EFAD. Ideally, his
nutrition regimen will provide approximately 40% of calories from fat, which is
similar to what is provided by human milk.
Infusions of fat emulsion have been associated with impaired oxygen transport and
pulmonary ventilation–perfusion mismatch. This adverse effect occurs more often
when the dose of fat is 4 g/kg or greater and is infused for a relatively short (4 hours)
period. Current practice is to increase gradually the doses of fat from 0.5 to 1
g/kg/day up to a maximum of 4 g/kg/day and to infuse the fat emulsion over the course
of 24 hours to minimize the likelihood of pulmonary problems and to promote
It is unclear whether IV fat administration is detrimental to patients with sepsis.
Infusion of fat emulsion has resulted in lymphocyte and neutrophil death.
other hand, the linoleic acid in IV fat is the precursor to arachidonic acid,
prostaglandins, thromboxane, interleukins, and immune-mediating cells.
Theoretically, this may minimize bacteremia. Necrotizing enterocolitis, intestinal
perforation, and surgery predispose J.H. to sepsis. Therefore, he should have his IV
fat infused at an appropriate dose over the course of 24 hours. Because fat clearance
can be impaired during infection, it is also prudent to monitor his triglyceride
Free fatty acids can displace bilirubin from its albumin binding sites, thereby
placing the infant at risk for kernicterus.
31 Therefore, before advancing the fat dose,
the total bilirubin and direct bilirubin should be measured. Patients with an indirect
bilirubin (total bilirubin minus direct bilirubin) of 10 mg/dL or less whose albumin
levels are normal are at low risk for kernicterus. Indirect bilirubin usually peaks
before 1 week of age. After the risk for indirect hyperbilirubinemia has passed, the
fat dose can be increased as recommended in Table 103-1. The infusion of 1 g/kg
over the course of 24 hours is associated with minimal risk for decreased bilirubin
; however, rapid infusion of this same dose can displace bilirubin from
albumin binding sites. Given the low level of indirect bilirubin found on routine
monitoring and the planned fat infusion rate, J.H. should not be at risk for kernicterus.
Egg phospholipids are used to emulsify fats; therefore, patients with a known
allergy to eggs (e.g., fever, chills, urticaria, dyspnea, bronchospasm, chest pain)
should not receive fat emulsion.
CASE 103-7, QUESTION 4: Because J.H. is a premature infant, PN is initiated using 5% glucose, 2.5
mg/dL (normal, 120 mg/dL). Explain this new finding and the problems it may cause. How should
Maximal glucose oxidation rates in milligrams per kilograms per minute are
inversely related to age and decrease from 15 to 18 mg/kg/minute in neonates and
young infants to 4 to 5 mg/kg/minute in adults. In full-term neonates and infants
receiving maintenance fluids (100 mL/kg/day), glucose concentrations can be started
at 10 g/kg/day (equivalent to dextrose 10%) and advanced by 5 g/kg (equivalent to
dextrose 5%) every 24 hours up to approximately 25 g/kg/day (equivalent to dextrose
25%). In preterm neonates, such as J.H., dextrose is started at a lower dose and
advanced at smaller increments, usually 2 to 3 g/kg/day. Glucose tolerance varies
significantly, so each patient should be considered individually.
At J.H.’s prescribed fluid rate of 10 mL/hour, 20% glucose represents 16.7
mg/kg/minute of glucose. The hyperglycemia and glycosuria probably have occurred
because the increases in the infusion rate have exceeded J.H.’s ability to adapt to the
glucose dose. Patients who have been euglycemic on their glucose dose and then
become glucose intolerant should be evaluated, however, for other causes, such as
infection and addition of exogenous corticosteroids. Hyperglycemia and glycosuria
can result in serum hyperosmolarity, osmotic diuresis, and dehydration. Regardless
of the cause, the hyperglycemia should be treated by reducing the glucose
administration rate. The rate of the PN infusion can be decreased further if
hyperglycemia continues or increased if the hyperglycemia resolves.
When the PN order is written for the subsequent days, the glucose increases should
be made in smaller amounts up to the full daily maintenance calorie requirements.
Frequent blood and urine glucose monitoring must be continued. Severe glucose
intolerance in patients who require PN can be managed with insulin to normalize
serum glucose. Although insulin is compatible with PN solutions, it does adsorb to
glass, polyvinyl chloride, and filters, resulting in decreased delivery of insulin.
Frequently, pediatric patients have changing insulin requirements that prevent the
addition of insulin to PN solutions. A separate continuous infusion of regular insulin
(initial dose, 0.05–0.1 units/kg/hour) titrated to control serum glucose concentrations
offers a practical solution to minimize waste of the PN solution.
discontinue the insulin infusion if the PN solution is discontinued to avoid
CASE 103-7, QUESTION 5: J.H. remains dependent on a ventilator because of his immature lungs. How
could J.H.’s respiratory disease influence his nutritional regimen?
After 28 days of age, J.H.’s ventilator dependence defines him as having
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a chronic lung disease of infancy. Historically,
BPD is characterized by an increase in resting energy expenditure, increased work of
breathing, and growth failure.
34,35 Therefore, J.H.’s caloric requirement may be
higher than expected. Additionally, J.H.’s ventilator may also alter the approach to
his caloric supply. Very high carbohydrate loads have been associated with an
increase in carbon dioxide production.
36 This, in turn, may make it difficult to wean
J.H. from the mechanical ventilator. As discussed, rapid infusions of fat emulsion can
also have a detrimental effect on pulmonary function. Fat emulsion should not be
omitted from J.H.’s PN regimen; rather, a slower infusion rate, with gradual dose
increases, while monitoring pulmonary function is appropriate.
CASE 103-7, QUESTION 6: Why would a specialized pediatric amino acid solution be preferable to a
standard adult formulation for J.H.?
Patients 1 year of age or older tolerate standard adult amino acid preparations
(e.g., Aminosyn and Travasol) well. For infants, two specifically designed pediatric
amino acid formulations (PAAFs)—TrophAmine and Aminosyn PF—are available.
PAAFs were developed in response to the abnormal plasma amino acid patterns
noted in infants receiving adult amino acid formulations. The products were designed
with the goal of producing plasma amino acid patterns closely matching those of 2-
hour postprandial, human milk-fed infants. Theoretically, normal plasma amino acid
patterns will promote normal protein synthesis in growing infants.
Pediatric amino acid formulations differ from conventional amino acid
formulations in several ways. First, they contain a higher content of branched-chain
amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) and a lower content of glycine,
methionine, and phenylalanine. In addition, PAAFs have a higher percentage of
essential amino acids with a wider distribution of the nonessential amino acids.
Finally, PAAFs are unique in that they contain three essential amino acids for
have immature liver functions. This results in decreased levels of both hepatic
cystathionase and phenylalanine hydroxylase enzymes. Without these enzymes,
neonates cannot adequately convert methionine to cysteine or phenylalanine to
tyrosine or synthesize taurine from cysteine. Deficiencies in these amino acids can
have a significant impact on the health of the neonate. For example, taurine has a role
in retinal development, protection and stabilization of cell membranes,
neurotransmission, regulation of cell volume, and bile acid conjugation. Taurine also
may be important in decreasing or preventing cholestasis associated with long-term
Several investigators have studied the clinical, nutritional, and biochemical effects
of TrophAmine in term and preterm infants.
37,38 The use of TrophAmine was found to
result in nearly normal amino acid patterns. In addition, patients receiving
TrophAmine had greater weight gain and significantly better nitrogen utilization than
similar groups using the adult formulations. TrophAmine and Aminosyn-PF, given for
a 7-day period, produced comparable weight gain and nitrogen retention.
study, some of the VLBW infants experienced metabolic acidosis.
HCl salt, provides an additional 5.7 mEq of chloride/100 mg and may have
contributed to the acidosis. Whereas the manufacturer’s recommended dose of 40 mg
of L-cysteine per gram of amino acid may be too much for the VLBW infant, the most
appropriate dose of L-cysteine for the VLBW infant has not been determined.
To date, PAAFs have been effective in producing a positive weight gain and
positive nitrogen balance, and normalizing amino acid patterns in preterm neonates.
They also allow for the provision of larger doses of calcium and phosphorus because
PAAFs lower the pH of the final PN solution. Providing greater amounts of calcium
and phosphorus, in appropriate ratios, should minimize metabolic bone disease.
Further evaluation of these products is needed to determine the magnitude of the
proposed benefits (i.e., improved nitrogen retention, better weight gain, enhanced
bone growth, and decreased cholestasis) and the most appropriate L-cysteine dose to
use in VLBW infants. In any event, these potential benefits, and clinical experience
with these products, have resulted in the use of PAAFs as the standard of care in
CASE 103-7, QUESTION 7: Why would carnitine supplementation be warranted in J.H.?
Carnitine has many functions within the body, but it primarily serves to transport
long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) across the mitochondrial membrane where they
undergo β-oxidation to produce energy. Deficiency in carnitine lessens LCFA
availability for oxidation, resulting in the accumulation of LCFA and a decrease in
ketone and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. This can adversely affect the
CNS and skeletal and cardiac muscles. Carnitine deficiency in premature infants also
has been linked to disorders such as GI reflux, apnea, and bradycardia.
Whereas carnitine is a nonessential nutrient in adults and is readily available from
a diet that includes meat and dairy products, it appears to be an essential nutrient in
neonates and infants. This population has low body stores of carnitine and a
decreased ability to synthesize it on their own. The premature infant has even lower
stores because carnitine accumulation occurs during the third trimester. Human milk
and most cow’s milk-based infant formulas contain carnitine. Some soy-based
formulas have additional carnitine added during manufacturing. PN, however, is not
routinely supplemented with carnitine. Therefore, infants who are exclusively fed by
PN are at risk for developing complications associated with carnitine deficiency.
Because J.H. has two risk factors for the development of carnitine deficiency
(prematurity and exclusive use of PN), and because carnitine has little or no adverse
effects associated with its use, it is appropriate to provide J.H. with a carnitine
supplement. Carnitine is available as both an oral and IV formulation. The
recommended dose in J.H. is 10 to 20 mg/kg/day. The addition of carnitine directly
to PN improves carnitine plasma concentrations and nutritional status.
During the last trimester of pregnancy, bone accretion is accelerated, reaching its
peak at about 36 weeks. Premature infants, therefore, require larger calcium and
phosphorous doses. Limitations to venous access, however, may preclude the
infusion of concentrated calcium solutions peripherally, and the patient’s end organs
may be resistant to vitamin D. Thus, metabolic bone disease is not unexpected in a
Aluminum, a contaminant in some parenteral salt products (particularly calcium),
also may play a role in impaired bone mineraliziation.
high alkaline phosphatase, undermineralized bones, and fractures resulting from
routine handling are consistent with a diagnosis of rickets.
Parenteral nutrition solutions provide calcium and phosphorus in much smaller
amounts than the infant would accumulate in utero.
calcium salt, and final calcium and phosphorus concentrations influence their
solubility in PN solutions. An acidic PN solution favors the solubility of these salts.
The pH of commercially available amino acid preparations ranges from 5.4 in
PAAFs to 7 in adult amino acid formulations. The addition of L-cysteine, with a pH
of 1.5, also makes the solution more acidic. Because dextrose also is acidic,
solutions with higher dextrose concentrations are more acidic. Of note, colder
storage temperatures promote calcium and phosphorus solubility. Therefore,
refrigerated PN solutions may appear to be free of precipitate on visual inspection.
Calcium and phosphate can precipitate, however, when warmed to room temperature,
or when infused into patients with fever or in incubators. Calcium salt selection is
another important consideration because the chloride salt dissociates rapidly and
favors precipitation, whereas the gluconate and gluceptate salts dissociate less
Serum phosphorus concentrations should be monitored several times per week and
phosphorus intake adjusted to prevent symptomatic hypophosphatemia. Serum
calcium is not useful as an indicator of disease activity because it will remain normal
at the expense of bone mineralization. This is demonstrated by J.H.’s serum calcium
Parenteral Nutrition-associated Liver Disease
laboratory tests reveals the following:
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (units/L) (normal,
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (units/L) (normal,
Alkaline phosphatase (international units/L) (normal,
Indirect (normal, <1 mg/dL) 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9
Direct (normal, <0.2 mg/dL) 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.6 3
Could this be related to his PN?
Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD) is severe liver disease due
to extended parenteral feeding, which can cause permanent damage and even liver
failure. In past decades, hepatic damage has been reported in up to one-half of infants
43 with a higher prevalence (up to 50%) in VLBW infants such as J.H.
Although it is still a concern today, PNALD is less prevalent because of a better
understanding of how to treat infants requiring long-term PN. The laboratory
abnormalities reported in J.H. are typical of this complication. The first change
observed is usually an elevated direct (conjugated) bilirubin, which can occur as
early as 2 weeks after beginning PN. Increases in the
serum concentrations of the hepatic enzymes, AST and ALT, lag 2 weeks or more
behind the rise in direct bilirubin. Alkaline phosphatase also can rise, but it is a
nonspecific indicator of liver disease. Alkaline phosphatase is produced by the liver,
GI tract, and bones. Although the laboratory results observed in J.H. are consistent
with the pattern associated with PNALD, and many components of PN solutions have
been associated with the development of cholestasis, other potential causes also
43 PNALD is a diagnosis of exclusion; therefore, other causes, such as viral
J.H. has several other risk factors for developing cholestasis, and prolonged
enteral fasting may be the most significant.
43 Stimulation of bile flow and gallbladder
contraction depend on GI hormones, which depend on enteral feeding for their
43 Absence of these hormones, therefore, can promote cholestasis.
hepatic function secondary to prematurity also places J.H. at risk, as does the
duration of PN therapy. As the duration of PN use increases, so does the prevalence
of hepatic disease in premature infants; 25% of infants nourished in this manner for
30 days or more show evidence of cholestasis.
43 Surgical patients have a greater
likelihood of developing hyperbilirubinemia than medical patients, especially those
43 Many surgical procedures are associated with a higher risk of
43 Finally, J.H.’s infection increases his risk for cholestasis.
The use of adult amino acid preparations in infants increases the risk of
cholestasis. In one study, the incidence of cholestasis in VLBW infants receiving
TrophAmine was reduced to 23% relative to historical controls of 30% to 50%.
another study comparing the two PAAFs mentioned above, 33% of infants receiving
Aminosyn PF developed cholestasis as compared with 13% of infants who received
45 An additional risk factor for cholestasis not present in J.H. is the
administration of large amounts of protein or dextrose. Because amino acids are
actively transported in hepatocytes, it is important to provide appropriate types and
amounts of amino acids to minimize the development of cholestasis. In one study, a
high-protein regimen (3.6 g/kg/day) was associated with an earlier onset and greater
degree of cholestasis than a low-protein regimen (2.3 g/kg/day).
overload is also a known cause of hepatic steatosis. Therefore, overly aggressive
feeding of J.H. with PN should be avoided.
In addition to the hepatic damage, gallstones have been reported in infants and
43 The ileal resection performed during the acute phase of his
necrotizing enterocolitis may put J.H. at increased risk for this hepatobiliary
CASE 103-7, QUESTION 10: What modifications to J.H.’s PN regimen should be made in the presence of
First, the institution of enteral feeding must be considered. Even low-volume
trophic feeding may help alleviate the condition and should be attempted in
cholestatic patients. Next, the protein and glucose dose provided by the PN should be
evaluated. During cholestasis, calories should be provided using an appropriate mix
of protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
Although the effect of cycling a patient off PN has not been evaluated in clinical
trials, this should be considered. Cycling PN, in which the infusion rate is gradually
decreased to off for a period and then restarted and gradually increased to the
desired rate, will decrease the length of time the liver is exposed to PN. VLBW
infants, however, may become hypoglycemic even with very gradual decreases in
infusion rate, so this option should be used with care. In any event, a short time off
PN (e.g., 2 hours) should be attempted.
The trace elements provided by the formulation should be examined. Both copper
and manganese are enterohepatically recycled and may accumulate in liver disease.
Manganese can also contribute to hepatotoxicity and should be removed from J.H.’s
PN solutions. Studies have not established when removal of copper and manganese is
warranted. The inappropriate removal of copper could lead to anemia, osteopenia,
and neutropenia. Therefore, decreasing the copper dose and monitoring serum
concentrations of both copper and manganese should guide therapy.
Current studies have demonstrated that using omega-3 long-chain fatty acids,
derived from fish oil, can reverse the liver damage caused by PNALD. Fish oil is
high in eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, which do not impair bile flow
and may actually diminish fat accumulation in the liver. Omegaven, the parenteral
fish oil-based intravenous fat emulsion, is being used under the compassionate use
protocol and not currently approved by the FDA.
47 Other research is being done using
an oral formulation of fish oil in infants as a supplement to reverse PNALD.
Pharmacologic interventions have had limited success in the management of
PNALD. Phenobarbital has not been shown to be effective in reducing or reversing
49 Ursodiol 10 to 20 mg/kg/day has been used successfully in the treatment of other
cholestatic liver diseases, and preliminary reports indicate that it may also improve
50 Ursodiol, a naturally occurring nontoxic bile acid, presumably
works by displacing and replacing the endogenously produced, potentially toxic bile
salts that accumulate with cholestasis.
The antibiotic metronidazole also appears promising in the prevention of PNALD
in adults. Metronidazole inhibits the bacterial overgrowth in the GI tract that occurs
with intestinal stasis. The bacteria are responsible for increased formation of
hepatotoxic bile acids such as lithocholate; 25 mg/kg/day of metronidazole has been
feedings are instituted within 2 weeks. What may occur if enteral feedings cannot be instituted?
It is difficult to predict a successful wean from PN. Historically, success has been
associated with longer length of intact small intestine. Additionally, studies in
children with short bowel syndrome have shown that serum citrulline levels may
predict the ability to successfully wean a patient from PN. Citrulline is a free amino
acid that is produced by the small bowel enterocytes. Therefore, it may be warranted
to measure J.H.’s serum citrulline level before weaning from PN.
If PN can be discontinued soon after the onset of cholestasis, the prospects for J.H.
to recover normal hepatic function are good. Jaundice usually resolves within 2
weeks after PN is discontinued, and the biochemical abnormalities normalize soon
43 The pathologic changes observed on biopsy resolve even more slowly.
Biopsy evidence of cholestasis has been observed for up to 40 weeks after resolution
of clinical and serologic evidence of hepatic disease.
If enteral feedings cannot be instituted successfully, the prognosis for J.H.’s liver
function is not as good. Studies have demonstrated that infants receiving PN for 90
days or more had biopsy evidence of irreversible liver damage.
advantageous to convert J.H.’s nutrition to the enteral route as soon as he tolerates
A full list of references for this chapter can be found at Below are the key references and websites for this
chapter, with the corresponding reference number in this chapter found in parentheses
using parenteral fish oil: implications for future management. Pediatrics. 2006;118(1):e197. (47)
Hay WW Jr et al. Workshop summary: nutrition of the extremely low birth weight infant. Pediatrics.
Heird WC et al. Intravenous alimentation in pediatric patients. J Pediatr. 1972;80(3):351. (22)
parenteral nutrition. J Pediatr. 1987;110(3):466. (38)
rehydration, maintenance, and nutritional therapy. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2003;52(RR-16):1. (4)
short-bowelsyndrome. Pharmacotherapy. 2011;31(5):503–509. (48)
Spring, MD: American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; 2010:120. (8)
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Clinical guidelines Accessed July 16, 2017.
pediatric patients. Accessed September 15, 2015.
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2000 CDC growth charts: United States. Accessed October 1, 2010.
rehydration, maintenance, and nutritional therapy. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2003;52(RR-16):1.
practitioners. Pediatrics. 2006;117(2):544.
gastroenterology. World J Gastroenterol. 2010;16(7):787.
human milk. Pediatrics. 2005;115(2):496.
Spring, MD: American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; 2010:120.
Oski FA. Iron deficiency—facts and fallacies. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1985;32(2):493.
Wagner C, Greer FR; American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Breastfeeding; American Academy of
adolescents. Pediatrics. 2008;122(5):1142.
newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation. Pediatrics. 2004;114(1):297.
in infant feeding. Pediatrics. 2008;121(5):1062.
Greer F et al. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition; American Academy of Pediatrics
complementary foods, and hydrolyzed formulas. Pediatrics. 2008;121(1):183.
powdered infant formula—Tennessee 2001. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2002;51(14):298.
McClure RJ. Trophic feeding of the preterm infant. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 2001;90(436):19.
disease. J Pediatr. 1981;99(2):245.
Heird WC et al. Intravenous alimentation in pediatric patients. J Pediatr. 1972;80(3):351.
Hay WW Jr et al. Workshop summary: nutrition of the extremely low birth weight infant. Pediatrics.
te Braake FW et al. Amino acid administration to premature infants directly after birth. J Pediatr.
Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2006;30(2):115.
metabolic expenditure. Pediatrics. 1988;81(3):379.
parenteral nutrition. J Pediatr. 1987;110(3):466.
multicenter study. J Perinatol. 1991;11(4):375.
Gastroenterol Nutr. 2010;50(2):208.
Ziegler EE et al. Body composition of the reference fetus. Growth. 1976;40(4):329.
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1991;15(1, Suppl):25S.
trophamine. J Perinatol. 2003;23(6):444.
protein intake. J Pediatr. 1980;96(5):893.
using parenteral fish oil: implications for future management. Pediatrics. 2006;118(1):e197.
short-bowelsyndrome. Pharmacotherapy. 2011;31(5):503–509.
neonates. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1986;10(3):282.
parenteral nutrition-associated hepatic dysfunction: an experimental study. Hepatogastroenterology.
independence in children with short bowelsyndrome. J Pediatr Surg. 2009;44(5):928.
Medication administration to children can be challenging. For oral
administration, dosing syringes or droppers should be used rather than
household spoons or cups. The administration of medications by any
route may require special techniques in an uncooperative child.
Diaper dermatitis presents as a mild red rash that often progresses to
increased redness and lesions outside the diaper area. Barrier creams
are recommended for initial treatment with the addition of a topical
antifungal for dermatitis lasting longer than 3 days and spreading outside
Fever in children may be the result of a common viral infection, but could
also be an indicator of a more serious bacterial infection or lead to
complications such as febrile seizures. Proper management depends in
large part on accurate assessment.
The treatment of cough and cold symptoms in children younger than 6
years of age is generally supportive with nasalsaline, hydration, and
humidification. Over-the-counter agents have little proven effectiveness
and have been associated with severe adverse effects owing to
inadvertent overdoses during parental administration.
Constipation can be defined by a delay or difficulty in stooling for at least
2 weeks duration. Constipation is most commonly functional, and may
be managed with behavioral modification or drug therapy.
Gastroenteritis, although usually self-limiting, may result in clinically
significant dehydration in infants and children. Assessment of the
degree of dehydration is important in determining whether oral
rehydration is appropriate or hospital admission with intravenous
Gastroesophageal reflux is a common disorder in young infants. Most
will require no intervention. Some, however, will require feeding
modifications and possibly drug therapy, including acid-suppressing or
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