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Note: Page number followed by f and t indicates figures and tables respectively


AA (see Amino acid (AA))

AAA (see Aromatic amino acids (AAA))

AAAs (see Aromatic amino acids (AAAs))

AAN (see American Academy of Neurology (AAN))

AAO (see American Academy of Opthalmology (AAO))

AAOS (see American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery (AAOS))

AAP (see American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP))

AAPCC (see American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC))

AASK (see African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK))

AASLD (see American Association for Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD))

AB (see Acute bronchitis (AB))

ABCs (see Airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs))

Abdominal pain, clinical relevance of, 1194–1195, 1195t

Abdominal radiograph, in iron toxicity, 71–72

ABG (see Arterial blood gas (ABG))

ABI (see Ankle-to-brachial index (ABI))

Abnormal impulse conduction, 308–309

Abnormal impulse formation, 308

Abortion, 968

ABPM (see Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM))

Abscesses, 1477

in brain, 1380–1383, 1381t

hepatic, with amebiasis, 1702

intra-abdominal, 1477

Absence seizures, 1274, 1290–1291, 1291t

and tonic-clonic seizures, 1291–1294

Absolute neutrophil count (ANC), 33, 1554, 1565, 2068–2069

hematologic laboratory values for, 21t

Absorption spectrum, 851

ABW (see Actual body weight (ABW))

Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics, 781–782

ACAT (see Acetyl CoA acetyl transferase (ACAT))

ACC (see American College of Cardiology (ACC))

Accelerated rejection, 727

ACCORD (see Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD))

ACCP (see American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP))

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), 96

ACE (see Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE))

ACEI (see Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs))

Acetaminophen toxicity, stages of, 79–80

Acetylcholine, 482

Acetyl CoA acetyl transferase (ACAT), 101

ACG (see American College of Gastroenterology (ACG))

Acid–base disorders, 556–567

acid–base physiology, 556–558, 557f, 558t

evaluation of, 558–559, 559t

metabolic alkalosis, 563–564, 563t

mixed, 566–567

respiratory acidosis, 564–565, 564t

respiratory alkalosis, 565–566, 566t

Acid–base physiology, 556–558, 557f, 558t

Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stain, 1325

Acidification, 43


in ALF, 1671

in CHD, 2209

in infants, 2148

lactic, 2206

metabolic, 1672, 2133, 2142, 2148

in infants, 2150

in NEC, 2181, 2182

and pediatric shock, 2201

in RDS, 2170

in VLBW infants, 2184

in PDA, 2179

renal tubular, 2011

respiratory, in BPD, 2174

from salicylate toxicity, 69

sepsis-induced, 2205

Acid suppression empiric test, 506–507

ACIP (see Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP))

ACLS (see Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS))

Acne, 816, 825–831

with androgens, 1964t

clinical presentation of, 826

comedonal, 827–828, 827t

definition of, 826

diagnosis of, 826

epidemiology of, 826

with lithium, 1841t

maculopapular, 827t, 828–830

nodular, 827t, 830–831

pathophysiology of, 826

and PCOS, 1007–1008

scarring, 827

treatment of, 826–827, 827t

nonpharmacologic therapy, 826–827

pharmacotherapy, 827

Acneiform eruptions, 821

ACOS (see Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS))

ACPE (see Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE))

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 1596, 1613

CD4+ lymphocytes and, 1597

depression in, 1828

diagnosis of, 1574

fatal hypocalcemia in, 1612

fungal infections and, 1622

incidence and mortality rate, 1572

and infections, 1342, 1572

opportunistic infections with

in asymptomatic HIV-infected patients, 1597

incidence rate, 1597

PCP and, 1601

PPD skin test and, 1440–1441

retinitis and, 1607

Toxoplasma encephalitis and, 1605

ACR (see American College of Rheumatology (ACR))

Acropachy, 1042

ACS (see Acute coronary syndrome (ACS))

ACT (see Activated clotting time (ACT))

Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease a Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE), 1079

p. 2320

p. 2321

Action potential duration (APD), 307

Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD), 608–609, 1079

-Blood Pressure (ACCORD-BP) trial, 136–137

Activated charcoal, use of, 66–67, 77

Activated clotting time (ACT), 655–656

Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), 35, 177, 181, 647, 1322

ratio, 657

Active disease, TB and, 1424

treatment of, 1428–1434, 1428t

Activities of daily living (ADLs), 867

Actual body weight (ABW), 184

ACUITY trial (see Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy (ACUITY) trial)

Acupuncture, 443

Acute asthma, 385–394


-adrenergic agonist therapy, 388–393

assessment of, 385–388

corticosteroid therapy, 394

respiratory failure and, 393

short-acting inhaled β2

-agonists for, 394

Acute bleeding, treatment, 548t

Acute bronchitis (AB), 1405–1407

causative organism, 1406t

clinical diagnosis of, 1406–1407

clinical presentation of, 1405–1406

definition of, 1405

drug therapy for, 1405

epidemiology of, 1405

incidence of, 1405

microbiology of, 1406

pathophysiology of, 1405

patient education, 1407

treatment of, 1406–1407

Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy (ACUITY) trial, 254–255

Acute CF exacerbations, 464

Acute cholangitis, 1471–1473

Acute cholecystitis, 1471–1473

clinical presentation/diagnosis of, 1471–1472

definition of, 1471

etiology of, 1472

treatment of, 1472

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS), 147, 211, 232

algorithm for, 234f

cardiac biomarker elevation in, 235f

clinical presentation of, 232–233, 249–250

anterior vs. inferior infarction, 250

laboratory abnormalities, 249

risk stratification, 250


therapeutic objectives, 250

complications of, 235–236

diagnosis of, 233

epidemiology of, 232

glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in, 256t

hallmark symptoms for, 232

laboratory changes in, 233, 235

lifestyle modifications, 239

pathophysiology of, 232

pharmacotherapies for, 238–243t

risk stratification of, 235, 236t

thrombus formation and, 233f

Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), 267

Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative, 631

Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD), 1407–1409

clinical presentation of, 1407–1408

definition of, 1407

diagnosis of, 1407–1408

epidemiology of, 1407

pathophysiology of, 1407

severity of, 1408

treatment for, 1408–1409

Acute glomerulopathies, 640–641

NSAID-induced, 641

poststreptococcal, 640

rapidly progressive, 640–641

Acute gut inflammation, 1209

Acute headaches, 1234

Acute heart failure, hemodynamic profile of, 296f

Acute hemorrhagic shock

causes of, 353

hypertonic saline for, 355

treatment of, 353–357

Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN), 636–637

Acute kidney injury (AKI), 630–649

biomarkers, 635

BUN assessment in, 636

causes of, 633t

clinical course, 632

crystal-induced, 646, 646t

definition of, 631, 632t

epidemiology of, 631

functional, 634

history and physical examination in, 635

intrinsic, 634–635, 639–641

laboratory evaluation in, 635–637, 636t

pathogenesis of, 632–635, 633t, 634f

phases of

diuretic phase, 632

oliguric phase, 632

recovery phase, 632

postrenal, 635, 645–646, 646t

prerenal and functional AKI, 637–639

prognosis for, 632

supportive management of, 646–649, 648f, 649t

tubulointerstitial diseases and, 641–645, 642f, 643–644t

urinalysis and, 636–637, 636t

urinary sediments and, 636t

Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN), 631

Acute liver failure (ALF)

and HBV, 1671–1672

primary therapy for, 1672

Acute lung injury (ALI), 779, 780

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 2011–2019

age factor, 2012

B-cell lineage, 2012

and bone marrow blasts, 2013

clinical presentation of, 2011–2012

clinical variables, 2012

cytogenetic subtypes of, 2011

cytogenetic variables, 2013

diagnosis of, 2012

early response, 2013

epidemiology of, 2011

etiology of, 2011

immunologic variables, 2012–2013

incidence rate, 2011

minimal residual disease (MRD) in bone marrow samples, 2013–2014

pathophysiology of, 2011

Philadelphia chromosome, 2013

prognostic factors, 2012–2014

racial and ethnic differences, 2012

relapsed, 2018–2019

SEER registries, 2012

signs and symptoms, 2011–2012

T-cell lineage, 2012


CNS preventive therapy, 2015

intrathecal methotrexate dose, 2016

IT chemotherapy, 2015–2016

maintenance, 2017–2018

postinduction chemotherapy, 2016, 2017t

remission induction therapy, 2014–2015, 2014t

with vincristine, 2016

WBC count, 2012

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

chromosomal abnormalities, 2026

classification of, 2026

clinical presentation of, 2025

diagnosis of, 2025

definitive diagnosis, 2026

in elderly, 2029

epidemiology of, 2024

pathophysiology of, 2024–2025, 2025t

refractory or resistant, 2029

signs and symptoms, 2025–2026

translocations in, 2026

treatment, 2025

chemotherapy, 2029

induction chemotherapy, 2026–2028

postremission therapy, 2028–2029

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 232, 359

complications of, 235–236

goals of therapy, 360–361

Acute otitis media (AOM), 2164–2165

Acute pain, 1173

Acute pancreatitis, 800

Acute pharyngitis, 2165–2166, 2165–2166t

Acute pulmonary exacerbation, 454, 460–464

antibiotic dosing, 460–462

antibiotic drug selection, 460

chronic maintenance therapy, 463

Acute pyelonephritis, 1495

Acute rejection, 727

liver, 737–738

treatment, 728

p. 2321

p. 2322

Acute repetitive (cluster) seizures, 1294

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 326, 370, 779, 780

sepsis and, 1322

Acute rhinitis, 427

Acute salicylism, signs and symptoms, 68

Acute Study of Clinical Effectiveness of Nesiritide in Decompensated Heart Failure (ASCEND-HF)

trial, 298

Acute thrombocytopenia, 237

Acute tubular necrosis (ATN), 641, 642f

aminoglycoside-induced, 644–645, 644t

drug-induced, 645

radiocontrast media-induced, 642–644, 643t

schematic of, 642f

treatment with diuretics and dopamine, 641

Acute urethral syndrome, 1501

Acyclovir-resistant herpes, 1646–1647, 1651

AD (see Alzheimer’s disease (AD))

ADA (see American Diabetes Association (ADA))

Adenosine 5

-diphosphate (ADP), 168

Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), 1112

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 47

ADH (see Antidiuretic hormone (ADH))

ADHD (see Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD))

ADHF (see Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF))

Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, 661

ADIAGO (see Attenuation of Disease Progression with Azilect Given Oncedaily (ADIAGO))

Adjunctive therapy, 1259

Adjuvant hormonal therapy, 2054t

ADLs (see Activities of daily living (ADLs))

Administration/absorption of drugs, 41–42

ADNase B (see Antideoxyribonuclease B (ADNase B))

Adolescents, varicella infection in, 1651

Adrenal axis suppression and risk of infection, 816–817, 817t

Adrenal corticotropin hormone (ACTH) stimulation test, 372

Adrenergic nervous system, 265

ADT (see Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT))

Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 354

ADVANCE (see Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease a Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE))

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), 329

Advanced glycosylation end (AGE) products, 608

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE), 96

Adverse drug reactions (see Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs))

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP), 1355

AECOPD (see Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD))

AEDs (see Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs))

AF (see Atrial fibrillation (AF))

AFB stain (see Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stain)

AFFIRM (Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of Rhythm Management) study, 314

African American Heart Failure Trial (AHeFT), 295

African Americans

diabetes in, 1072

glaucoma in, 1153, 1158

HF in, 265

hypertensive emergencies in, 334

African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK), 604

Afterload, definition of, 264, 352

AG (see Anion gap (AG))

AGE products (see Advanced glycosylation end (AGE) products)

Aggressive insulin therapy, 453


and adverse drug reactions, 2220t, 2221–2222

associated changes, 2218

asthma and, 2226–2227

carcinogenesis and, 1948

and cerebral blood flow, 2220

and chronic medical conditions, 2222

COPD and, 2226–2227

CVD and, 2224

and depressive symptoms, 1831, 2225–2226

diabetes and, 2224–2225

HF and, 2223

hyperglycemia and, 2224

hypertension and, 2224

osteoarthritis and, 2228

and oxygen consumption, 2220

pharmacodynamic changes

absorption, 2218

concentration-response relationships, 2219–2220

creatinine clearance, 2223

distribution, 2218

homeostasis, 2219

phenytoin metabolism, 2219

protein binding, 2218–2219

renal function, 2219

pneumonia and, 2227

and UTI, 2227–2228

Agitation, in ICU, 1210–1215

Agoraphobia, 1749

Agranulocytosis, 1062–1063

AHA (see American Heart Association (AHA))

AHase (see Antihyaluronidase (AHase))

AHeFT (see African American Heart Failure Trial (AHeFT))

AHI (see Apnea/hypopnea index (AHI))

AIDS (see Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS))

AIN (see Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN))

AIPT (see Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity (AIPT))

Airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs), 65

Airway disease, treatment of, 458–459

Airway surface layer (ASL), 455

Akathisia, 1799–1801

AKI (see Acute kidney injury (AKI))

AKIN (see Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN))

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 29, 76, 79, 81, 540, 893–894, 1321

blood chemistry reference values for, 19t

Albumin, 27, 544–545, 750

blood chemistry reference values for, 18t

Albuminuria, 598, 608, 639

categories of, 598t

definition of, 1143

screening for, 1143

Alcohol (see also Drug index)

AF and, 312t

diabetes and, 1081

HF and, 275

hypertension and, 139

MI and, 210t

muscle cramps and, 172t

pulmonary embolism and, 196–197

toxicity, 1893

use disorders, 1890–1892

variant angina and, 228

withdrawal, 1893–1896

Aldosterone, 543

ALF (see Acute liver failure (ALF))

ALI (see Acute lung injury (ALI))

ALK (see Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK))

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), 19t, 29–30


metabolic, 563–564, 563t, 2142

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